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Instead of calling other people privileged, which many feel is an attack, why don't minorities who experience discrimination refer to themselves as disadvantaged? It seems more like asking for help that way, and less like an accusation.
It depends on the context.Privilege and disadvantage are two sides of the same coin, but they have different implications.If a Black person is in the process of suffering a racist injustice at the hands of law enforcement, then they are going to be focused on their disadvantage.But, let’s say that the same Black person, who has lived that discrimination, whose family members and friends have been through similar experiences, is now discussing the Ferguson Report with a White person.Now, this report uncovered the kind of systematic imposition of tyranny by governmental means that conservatives should have been up in arms about. Black citizens routinely saw their Fourth Amendment rights violated. Basically, the entire law enforcement apparatus in this city was a racketeering operation, designed to extract funds from the population rather than to promote safety.Let me give you a few excerpts:As with its pattern of unconstitutional stops, FPD routinely makes arrests without probable cause. Frequently, officers arrest people for conduct that plainly does not meet the elements of the cited offense. For example, in November 2013, an officer approached five African-American young people listening to music in a car. Claiming to have smelled marijuana, the officer placed them under arrest for disorderly conduct based on their “gathering in a group for the purposes of committing illegal activity.” The young people were detained and charged—some taken to jail, others delivered to their parents—despite the officer finding no marijuana, even after conducting an inventory search of the car. Similarly, in February 2012, an officer wrote an arrest notification ticket for Peace Disturbance for “loud music” coming from a car. The arrest ticket appears unlawful as the officer did not assert, and there is no other indication, that a third party was disturbed by the music—an element of the offense. See Ferguson Mun. Code § 29-82 (prohibiting certain conduct that “unreasonably and knowingly disturbs or alarms another person or persons”). Nonetheless, a supervisor approved it. These warrantless arrests violated the Fourth Amendment because they were not based on probable cause. See Virginia v. Moore, 553 U.S. 164, 173 (2008).Here’s another:…in the summer of 2012, an officer detained a 32-year-old African-American man who 19 was sitting in his car cooling off after playing basketball. The officer arguably had grounds to stop and question the man, since his windows appeared more deeply tinted than permitted under Ferguson’s code. Without cause, the officer went on to accuse the man of being a pedophile, prohibit the man from using his cell phone, order the man out of his car for a pat-down despite having no reason to believe he was armed, and ask to search his car. When the man refused, citing his constitutional rights, the officer reportedly pointed a gun at his head, and arrested him. The officer charged the man with eight different counts, including making a false declaration for initially providing the short form of his first name (e.g., “Mike” instead of “Michael”) and an address that, although legitimate, differed from the one on his license. The officer also charged the man both with having an expired operator’s license, and with having no operator’s license in possession. The man told us he lost his job as a contractor with the federal government as a result of the charges.Let’s keep going:We spoke, for example, with an African-American woman who has a still-pending case stemming from 2007, when, on a single occasion, she parked her car illegally. She received two citations and a $151 fine, plus fees. The woman, who experienced financial difficulties and periods of homelessness over several years, was charged with seven Failure to Appear offenses for missing court dates or fine payments on her parking tickets between 2007 and 2010. For each Failure to Appear, the court issued an arrest warrant and imposed new fines and fees. From 2007 to 2014, the woman was arrested twice, spent six days in jail, and paid $550 to the court for the events stemming from this single instance of illegal parking. Court records show that she twice attempted to make partial payments of $25 and $50, but the court returned those payments, refusing to accept anything less than payment in full. One of those payments was later accepted, but only after the court’s letter rejecting payment by money order was returned as undeliverable. This woman is now making regular payments on the fine. As of December 2014, over seven years later, despite initially owing a $151 fine and having already paid $550, she still owed $541.This is racketeering, pure and simple. And I haven’t even started talking about the systemic racial bias:…African Americans account for 85% of vehicle stops, 90% of citations, and 93% of arrests made by FPD officers, despite only 67% of Ferguson’s population. African Americans are more than twice as likely as white drivers to be searched during vehicle stops even after controlling for non-race based variables such as the reason the vehicle stop was initiated, but are found in possession of contraband 26% less often than white drivers, suggesting officers are impermissibly considering race as a factor when determining whether to search. African Americans are more likely to be cited and arrested following a stop regardless of why the stop was initiated and are more likely to receive multiple citations during a single incident. From 2012 to 2014, FPD issued four or more citations to African Americans on 73 occasions, but issued four or more citations to non-African Americans only twice. FPD appears to bring certain offenses almost exclusively against African Americans. For example, from 2011 to 2013, African Americans accounted for 95% of Manner of Walking in Roadway charges, and 94% of all Failure to Comply charges.There’s more:Notably, with respect to speeding charges brought by FPD, the evidence shows not only that African Americans are represented at disproportionately high rates overall, but also that the disparate impact of FPD’s enforcement practices on African Americans is 48% larger when citations are issued not on the basis of radar or laser, but by some other method, such as the officer’s own visual assessment.This is incontrovertible evidence of bias. Using objective data greatly reduces the disparity in citations.These disparities are also present in FPD’s use of force. Nearly 90% of documented force used by FPD officers was used against African Americans. In every canine bite incident for which racial information is available, the person bitten was African American. Municipal court practices likewise cause disproportionate harm to African Americans. African Americans are 68% less likely than others to have their cases dismissed by the court, and are more likely to have their cases last longer and result in more required court encounters. African Americans are at least 50% more likely to have their cases lead to an arrest warrant, and accounted for 92% of cases in which an arrest warrant was issued by the Ferguson Municipal Court in 2013. Available data show that, of those actually arrested by FPD only because of an outstanding municipal warrant, 96% are African American.One last one, which might be the most damning passage:Our investigation indicates that this disproportionate burden on African Americans cannot be explained by any difference in the rate at which people of different races violate the law. Rather, our investigation has revealed that these disparities occur, at least in part, because of unlawful bias against and stereotypes about African Americans. We have found substantial evidence of racial bias among police and court staff in Ferguson. For example, we discovered emails circulated by police supervisors and court staff that stereotype racial minorities as criminals, including one email that joked about an abortion by an African-American woman being a means of crime control. City officials have frequently asserted that the harsh and disparate results of Ferguson’s law enforcement system do not indicate problems with police or court practices, but instead reflect a pervasive lack of “personal responsibility” among “certain segments” of the community.Our investigation has found that the practices about which area residents have complained are in fact unconstitutional and unduly harsh. But the City’s personal-responsibility refrain is telling: it reflects many of the same racial stereotypes found in the emails between police and court supervisors. This evidence of bias and stereotyping, together with evidence that Ferguson has long recognized but failed to correct the consistent racial disparities caused by its police and court practices, demonstrates that the discriminatory effects of Ferguson’s conduct are driven at least in part by discriminatory intent in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.Now, when you talk to a lot of White people, especially conservatives, the great lesson of Ferguson is that Michael Brown was a criminal and deserved to die. Nowhere is there the sense that even if Michael Brown himself was a criminal, the complaints voiced by the Black community in Ferguson were reflective of real, pervasive, and persistent injustices within all levels of the justice system throughout the country. Nowhere is there the sense that this was the reason his story resonated so much with so many people around the country. Nowhere is there the sentiment that this might be about something much bigger than Brown himself.When it comes to this report issued by the Justice Department after its investigation, either they have never heard of it, or they are immediately skeptical. Within seconds of hearing any data about this report, one gets the the feeling that their brain switches from listening and gathering evidence to immediately and desperately trying to find reasons why it’s not about race. That is, they come across as more interested in preserving for themselves the racism-free version of America they have in their head than they are in making sure we actually get there.So, this report cannot be true. Or, if it is true, it must be exaggerated. Or, if it is true in Ferguson, Ferguson must be an outlier, and this pattern cannot possibly represent what policing looks like elsewhere.Let’s return to the hypothetical scenario I mentioned above, that of a discussion between a Black and a White person about the Ferguson Report. What will that Black person feel when they are met with the usual skepticism from their White interlocutor?What will come to mind in this very moment is not that they are disadvantaged. What will come to mind will be something like this:Boy, it sure must be fucking nice to be White, huh?What will come to mind is that, insulated by their complexion from these persisting inequities, the White person has the privilege to be dismissive and skeptical.Now, I agree that this is not a very effective way of asking for help and sympathy. But by the time a Black person resorts to framing it this way, they have given up on getting either help or sympathy. They have concluded that the White person in front of them is a racism denier, and that further constructive discussion is therefore futile. What is there to be gained from talking to a person who is wedded to the idea that racism doesn’t happen?The next emotional step is that, since this person doesn’t want to be part of the solution, they are part of the problem. There is a logic to this:The anger and frustration of Black citizens is clearly not enough to effect change.Change will only occur when large numbers of White citizens demand it.Since some White citizens refuse to believe that racism is occurring, they will not be demanding change.Insofar as they are not demanding a change to these practices, they are giving de facto approval and cover to systemic racism.Insofar as this tacit approval of theirs is a pillar of systemic racism, they themselves are a fair target for the cathartic release of verbal anger.This, it must be stated, is different from what I advocate. I think such displays of frustration and anger, however sympathetic I am to them, are more likely to push the White moderate into defensiveness and conservatism than they are to help the cause of justice system reform. But I definitely understand where it stems from.
Have any American citizens ever been personally denied healthcare in the USA?
Yes, as an active duty military member during the period of this answer, I was covered by single-payer healthcare almost identical to the UK’s NHS system. The only real differences are that in the UK everyone is enrolled, but can opt out by paying private doctors, while in the active duty military system, only the active duty, retirees, and military dependents are enrolled. Also, active duty can't opt out: we're prohibited from procuring outside care due to military readiness concerns.In 2013, I had a tumor in my foot removed. When the fat pad didn’t grow back, I requested a fat graft to replace it, which is something done very frequently in plastic surgery centers (but usually so rich women can wear high heels more easily). Tricare denied me, so I appealed. The appeal took 1.5 years to maneuver the bureaucracy before I transferred across the country with it unapproved.Once I arrived on the other side of the country, I had to start all over. It took me 2 months to get an appointment at Langley with a podiatrist; he concurred with the request for a fat graft. The military medical system recaptured the request and made me see another podiatrist in Portsmouth, which took another month to get an appointment. He didn’t understand why I was sent there because Portsmouth isn’t experienced with fat grafts, and concurs that fat graft is the most conservative option. He requests a fat graft out in town, but Portsmouth Naval Hospital exercises their right of first refusal and makes me schedule an appointment with their Plastic Surgery clinic, which takes another month to get an appointment.When I see Portsmouth Naval Hospital Plastic Plastic Surgery, he also can't understand why I was sent there because Portsmouth Naval Hospital has zero experience with weight bearing fat grafts, but concurs that fat grafting is the most conservative option. He puts in a referral for a specific doctor who is experienced in weight bearing fat grafts. Tricare tries to refer me to Portsmouth Naval Hospital Podiatry again, but I fight back for a month and was able to make an evaluation appointment with the doctor (ironically, his only availability was on Veteran's Day, which is two months away from this time frame).Two months later I see the surgeon, who declares I’m a prime candidate for fat grafting, although the 2 years I’ve now had to wait has increased the risk of failure significantly.1 month later, Tricare marks the surgery request as received. Tricare refers me to Portsmouth Naval Hospital Podiatry for the surgery, and even to the specific doctor who told me he can’t do the surgery. Three days later, the surgery is denied as “not a covered procedure.”An O-5 in Portsmouth Plastic Surgery states via email that she "was told to instruct [me] to contact [my] congressman to help get this resolved. Please let us know if there is anything else you might need assistance with. Have a Happy Holiday Season." I call the supervisor of Patient Advocacy; he tells me that Tricare only approves procedures that have a large number of finished studies for that specific procedure addressing my specific condition, and that the DoD has given HealthNet sole authority to determine what is and is not covered. He wouldn't address my questions regarding what responsibility (if any?) Tricare bears in getting me healthy. He told me that filing for the Defense Health Agency waiver referred to in the letter was "worthless," as "in three years of being here, I've only seen it succeed once, and it was almost too late for the person who needed the lifesaving cancer treatment." He also told me that my only real recourse was to call my Congressional Representative(s).2 weeks later I’m able to get my PCM to write a referral to Walter Reed. Referral sits in limbo for 2 weeks. I also officially request a waiver for the fat graft procedure.At this point, it’s probably easier just to copy my journal notes into the answer so you can see what life is like for a someone in the military medical system:25Jan13 - Removed neuroma.22Mar13 - "mild erythema with continued fibrosis" - hydrocortisone injection.03May13 - "mild edema with acute tenderness to palpitation of the fibular sesamoid. We discussed possible capsulitis. Treatment today included a TPI with 5mg of Kenalog instilled into the symptomatic joint space." Dr. <redacted> discussed removal of the sesamoid bone; I requested a second opinion. Did not receive any response from Tricare on approving the request (even w/ significant followup from me) until 05Sep13.Sep13 - Went to see Dr. <redacted>, DPM, Oxnard, CA for second opinion. He recommended fat grafting into the area. I asked him to put in the referral request. Due to the poor communication skills of himself (limited English) and his staff (other reasons), I did not understand until 15Dec13 that he already knew that Tricare will not cover this treatment, and even if they did, there isn't a single plastic surgeon in Los Angeles or Ventura Counties that accepts Tricare.25Sep13 - MRI Right foot, Oxnard, CA: "ball of foot subcutaneous edema, consider changes related to altered weightbearing. A previously noted fluid signal structure about the first metatarsal is no longer evident."06Nov13 - I saw Mr. <redacted>, patient advocate at Port Hueneme Clinic. He was markedly unhelpful, essentially telling me to call Dr. <redacted> in Oxnard back.03Jan14 - Dr. <redacted>, PCM at Port Hueneme, CA specifically requests Tricare to "please authorize for surgical procedure to correct the loss of natural cushioning essential to prevent foot pain with walking or running."No action from Tricare, in spite of regular follow up, January through June of 2014.15Jun14 through 11Jul14 - Permanant Change of Station from California to VirginiaAug14 - I see Dr. <redacted> at in Hampton Roads who sends me to Langley Podiatry for consult.11Aug14 - I see Dr. <redacted> at Langley Podiatry. He takes an XRay and MRI. Xray information: Impression: 1. Bilateral pes planus. 2. Degenerative changes at the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint bilaterally. 3. Mild right hallux pelvis." MRI Information: "Findings: There is soft tissue distortion and blooming artifact at the base of the 1st MTP joint adjacent to the medial plantar sesamoid. This is most likely post surgical. The sesamoids themselves appear grossly unremarkable. Impressions: Postsurgical change at the plantar surface of the 1st MTP joint. Artifact is present here which limits visibility. No definite acute fracture or dislocation was seen. Edema in the 3rd interdigital space may be postsurgical. No soft tissue mass was identified." He tells me that there are two options - amputate sesamoid bone(s?) and hope for the best, or take the more conservative option and do a fat graft. He puts in a request for a fat graft out in town, but Portsmouth Naval Hospital exercises their right of first refusal and makes me schedule an appointment with their Podiatry clinic.03Sep14 - I see Portsmouth Naval Hospital Podiatry Dr. <redacted>, who can't understand why I was sent there at all, and concurs with Dr. <redacted from Langley> that fat graft is the most conservative option. He requests a fat graft out in town, but Portsmouth Naval Hospital exercises their right of first refusal and makes me schedule an appointment with their Plastic Surgery clinic. He does an Xray, which results in the following statements: "1. Mild hallux valgus deformity, 2. Small enthesophyte at the Achilles tendon insertion, 3. Flatfoot."25Sep14 - I see Portsmouth Naval Hospital Plastic Plastic Surgery Dr. <redacted>, who concurs with Dr. <redacted> and Dr. <redacted> from Langley and Portsmouth that a fat graft is the most conservative option, but can't understand why I was sent there at all since Portsmouth Naval Hospital has zero experience with weight bearing fat graft. He asks me what research I have done on my own. I tell him about Dr. <redacted> at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, who specializes in this treatment for foot injuries. He recognized the stature of both the Medical Center and Dr. <redacted> in this field once I mentioned the names and immediately requested a fat graft through UPMC. After fighting with Tricare over Portsmouth Naval Hospital exercising their right of first refusal again, I was able to make an appointment with Dr. <redacted> during his first available appointment - Veteran's Day 2014.11Nov14 - I fly to Pittsburgh and see Dr. <redacted> (a plastic surgeon) and his wife (a podiatrist). They tell me I am a perfect candidate for this procedure and put in a request for the fat grafting surgery.16Dec14 - After not hearing from Tricare I spend hours on the phone trying to get an update. They tell me they ignored the request (their words) because one number was missing in my identifier data from Pittsburgh. I provide the number and Tricare marks the surgery request as received. Portsmouth Naval Hospital exercises their right of first refusal again and an referral is automatically input for Portsmouth Podiatry. I call Tricare and after an hour on the phone got them to assess it internally.19Dec14 - Surgery denied by Tricare / Health Net. Reason given is "not a covered procedure." CDR <redacted> of Portsmouth Plastic Surgery stated that she "was told to instruct [me] to contact [my] congressman to help get this resolved. Please let us know if there is anything else you might need assistance with. Have a Happy Holiday Season." I call Mr. <redacted>, the supervisor of Patient Advocacy; he tells me that Tricare only approves procedures that have a large number of finished studies for that specific procedure addressing my specific condition, and that the DoD has given HealthNet sole authority to determine what is and is not covered. He wouldn't address my questions regarding what responsibility, if any, Tricare bears in getting me healthy. He was very forthcoming in advising me on filing for the Defense Health Agency waiver referred to in the letter: he said it was "worthless," since "in three years of being here, I've only seen it succeed once, and it was almost too late for the person who needed the lifesaving cancer treatment." Mr. <redacted>also told me that in his opinion, my only recourse is to call my Congressional Representative(s).22Dec14 - CDR <redacted>, Portsmouth Hospital Plastic Surgery: " I apologize for this inconvenience that you are going through. I called around and I was told that there should have been "appeal" instructions on the letter that you received. If not, I was told to instruct you to contact your congressman to help get this resolved. Please let us know if there is anything else you might need assistance with. Have a Happy Holiday Season."29Dec14 - My primary care manager, LT <redacted> writes referral to Walter Reed. Referral sits in limbo for 2 weeks. I also officially request a waiver through LT <redacted> for the fat graft procedure.15Jan15 - Portsmouth attempts to take the referral away from Walter Reed per right of first refusal. I spend an hour on the phone to get it reconsidered.22Jan15 - Podiatry clinic at Portsmouth approves transfer of referral to Walter Reed.26Jan15 - Walter Reed appointment line tells me that all National Capitol Region clinics are full until April and to call back on 30Jan15.30Jan15 - Walter Reed appointment offers appointment 37 days away . I ask about the 28 day Tricare standard of care for specialty appointments; the appointment desk tells me that if I want to inquire about the procedure for when the clinic cannot meet standards of care, I should leave a message with referral management and someone will call me back. I leave a message asking for a nurse to call me back so we can discuss a way forward to get my foot treated.04Feb15 - Nurse <redacted> at Walter Reed cancels my appointment without contacting me. The reason given in the notes was “Service member refuses available appointments.”06Feb15 - I call Walter Reed to check on the referral and am told the referral is canceled.09Feb15 - I speak to <redacted> in Patient Advocacy at Walter Reed who doesn't help until I tell her that I want to file an official complaint against Nurse <redacted>. She tells me that active duty never get appointments that meet the 28-day requirement and that I need to stop insisting on being seen within 28 days or I'll never be seen.11Feb15 - <redacted> calls me back and says my referral is reinstated, but I will have to wait until 13Feb15 to make an appointment.13Feb15 - First available appointment is 20Apr15. I make the appointment, and specifically ask whether they had the ability to perform fat grafts and/or Restylane injections, and the appointment line said someone would get back to me.02Mar15 - Mr. <redacted> at Portsmouth takes first official action on my waiver request of 29Dec14. He forwards it to the grievance coordinator, Ms. <redacted> and promises a phone call from her on 03Mar15.09Mar15 - No contact from Portsmouth. I call Mr. <redacted>, who promises Ms. <redacted> will call on 10Mar15.11Mar15 - Ms. <redacted> via email: "I wanted to follow-up with you regarding your request for the fat pad graft procedure and/or treatment. I have emailed both Dr <redacted> and Dr <redacted> requesting that they both chime in with my leadership so we can try and formulate a decision. I am waiting still and as soon as I have something to pass on, I will contact you."16Mar15 - Ms. <redacted> via email: "Your request is being discussed among leadership. Im waiting for confirmation on who will draft the request for waiver for DHA. As soon as I have a definitive decision to forward, rest assured I will."18Mar15 - Ms. <redacted> via email: "It is my understanding that the DHA waiver is being drafted by the Plastics clinic folks. Im standing by waiting further details."20Apr15 - Dr. <redacted> at Walter Reed walks in to my appointment and immediately states "I'm not sure why you're here. We don't do the kind of thing you're requesting here at Walter Reed." He couldn't answer me as to why Walter Reed accepted a referral for something they don't do and/or didn't call me to inform me that the appointment would be a waste of time. I mention to him that I requested information as to their ability to do the procedure and no one got back to me. He prescribed insole and recommended that I see a pain management specialist as well as a rheumatologist for my hip and knee pain <as of 2017 this still hasn’t been approved either>. I made an appointment with the PCM for Monday, 27Apr15 to get these referrals and discuss the way forward.I forwarded my concern to the Officer in Charge at <redacted> Clinic, LCDR <redacted>, about how I was referred to a clinic who can't do the procedure requested. His response was "My only suggestion is that you contact the Patient Relations Department for Walter Reed at (301) 295-0156 and voice your concerns."22Apr15 - Ms. <redacted> via email: "I am touching basis this morning with my Chain of Command as well as Health Benefits regarding the current referral concerns you are experiencing. Please allow me a little time this morning to reach out to a few of the folks here at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth regarding what is best needed at this juncture to better assist you."24Apr15 - Commanding Officer Portsmouth returns Waiver for more information. <redacted> at Patient Advocacy tells me he will keep me informed.29Apr15 - I discuss my situation with Maj. <redacted> at Walter Reed Podiatry, who states she will not authorize Walter Reed to assist me beyond providing orthotics.May15 - Dr. <redacted> at Walter Reed Podiatry convinces his chain of command to allow Ossatron and Stem Cell Therapy. I make the appointment for surgery.10Jun15 - Ossatron and Stem Cell Therapy surgery is conducted at Walter Reed. As of 15Jul16, this has not improved the situation.17Jul15 - I request an update on my Waiver Request from Mr. <redacted> at Portsmouth Patient Advocacy via email. No response. I request Physical Therapy through my doctor to address the continuing degeneration of my Hips and Knees due to the lack of treatment for my foot.31Jul15 - I request an update on my Waiver Request from Mr. <redacted> at Portsmouth Patient Advocacy via email. No response.17Jul15 - I request an update on my Waiver Request from Mr. <redacted> at Portsmouth Patient Advocacy via email. No response.03Aug15 - I request an update on my Waiver Request from Ms. <redacted> at Portsmouth Patient Advocacy via email. No response.17Aug15 - I request an update on my Waiver Request from Mr. <redacted> at Portsmouth Patient Advocacy via email. No response.19Aug15 - I request an update on my Waiver Request from Mr. <redacted> at Portsmouth Patient Advocacy via email. He emails me back and states, "this has gone up the chain to Navy Medicine East. Mr. <redacted> and Mrs. <redacted> are aware of you contacting me regarding this matter and Mr <redacted> is following up with NAVMEDEAST on the status. I will contact him again today and advise to contact you regarding this matter." No one contacts me.I never hear from Ms. <redacted> or Portsmouth Hospital Patient Advocacy again, even after repeated phone calls and leaving messages asking them to assist.25Aug15 - 14Sep15: Pool Physical Therapy at Fort Eustis. They have me "run" and jump in the water 2-3 times a week. It takes me up to 30 minutes to recover from the pain enough to drive after the therapy. I call it off after 6 weeks because I can't take the pain any more.11Sep15 - I request an update on my Waiver Request from Mr. <redacted> at Portsmouth Patient Advocacy via email. No response.24Sep15 - I call the Patient Advocacy desk and don't take "no" for an answer. I never am able to talk to anyone, but the front desk refers to CAPT <redacted> at Navy Medicine East. He tells me that the waiver has been sent back a few times for format errors and still has not left Portsmouth since I requested it in Dec14 and/or when it was drafted in Mar15.30Sep15 - I call Dr. <redacted> at Walter Reed and ask if there is anything to do since the stem cell treatment failed. He recommends another round of treatment.27Oct15 - CAPT <redacted> forwards waiver to BUMED. No response through the rest of 2015.15Jan16 - I contact Dr. <redacted> for another round of shockwave/stem cell therapy while I wait for fat grafting. He forwards the request to a Ms. <redacted> to set up the surgery.29Jan16 - No response from Ms. <redacted>. I call her and leave a message requesting for her to call me back to set up surgery.10Feb16 - I email CAPT <redacted> to request an update and find out he has retired. I spend most of the day trying to find out who has action. A LT <redacted> is able to find hard copy information and request an update the same day. No response.15Feb16 - No response from Ms. <redacted> on my stem cell surgery. I call her and leave another message requesting for her to call me back to set up surgery.15Mar16 - No response from Ms. <redacted> on my stem cell surgery. I call her and leave another message requesting for her to call me back to set up surgery.16Mar16 - Receive a response from BUMED contractor <redacted> who states that the waiver (initiated in 2014) was submitted to Defense Health in early March 2016. I inform her that I will be changing assignments in July and that I need surgery before then. I also identify a target date of the last week in June for surgery due to my PCS. She promised to update me by close of business on 17Mar16. The update never occurs.12Apr16 - I have not heard from <redacted> since 16Mar16. I request a response and update, and remind her of the target date of the last week in June for surgery due to my PCS. She says she is "still working on my case" and will update me on 15Apr16 by COB. The update never occurs.14Apr16 - LT <redacted> at Portsmouth transfers, turning over my case to LCDR <redacted>.13May16 - No updates from <redacted> or LCDR <redacted>. I email both. <redacted> leaves a message on my voicemail telling me she wants to talk to me, even though my voice message says I’m on leave.26May16 - I hear the email and respond to <redacted> via email asking if I can provide any information, and remind her of the target date of the last week in June for surgery due to my PCS. She says she doesn't need anything and is still working on my waiver, but provides no actual information.06Jun16 - I request an update from <redacted> via email, and remind her of the target date of the last week in June for surgery due to my PCS. No response.20Jun16 - I request an update from <redacted> via email, copying my boss, and remind her of the target date of the last week in June for surgery due to my PCS. Her response is "As discussed I have submitted all of your paperwork to the DHA for consideration of your waiver request. I will send you a status update this Friday (and every week on Friday as previously stated) via email."It is important to note that at this point, not only have I not received "every Friday" updates, but I have received no response at all to many emails, and no information beyond "still waiting" since March 2016.24Jun16 - At 4pm I ask <redacted> if I will get an update and ask when I should schedule travel and surgery. Her answer: "I inquired this week on the status of your case. As of today I have not received an approval/disapproval decision from the DHA. I have a meeting scheduled on Monday of next week to specifically discuss your waiver request. I hope to have an additional update for you on Monday following my meeting."Tuesday, 28Jun16 - <redacted> asks me for my Primary Care Manager's name with no explanation. I provide this information along with all of the Podiatrists and other doctors who have referred me for fat grafting. I also ask when I should schedule surgery, and remind her that I start MBA classes 08Jul16. I also tell her that due to the compressed MBA schedule, I have a single open week starting 08Aug16 that I'm available for surgery.****At this point I have now transferred again, away from a friendly unit who knows my community and my job and into a bureaucratic student unit****11Jul16 - No updates since June. Requested an update from <redacted> via email. No response.14Jul16 - Request update again from Ms. <redacted>.15Jul16 - Email from Ms. <redacted>: "Your PCM will need to request a referral for an evaluation and treatment (to Dr. <redacted> who does the surgery) and submit that to Health Net for approval/disapproval. Once we receive an approval/disapproval from Health Net we can move forward to:(1.) get the surgery scheduled and paid via Health Net or (2) resubmitting the SHCP waiver request to DHA (with the updated information from Health Net) to get the surgery scheduled and paid via the DHAAs discussed during our phone call, I will contact your PCM (Yorktown Clinic) and assist with the request for a referral. I will contact you on Monday if there are any additional updates. Please contact me if you have any questions."It is important to note that I received disapproval from Health Net on 19 December *2014*, and it is only due to the lack of action by Tricare that it has taken this long.18Jul16 - I go to Clinic <redacted> and can't find anyone who knows anything about my issue. They insist I make an appointment, which is backed up until early August. I ask Ms. <redacted> who she spoke to and she emails back that she can't remember but that she would get back to me by COB. LPN <redacted> at the clinic takes my information and promises to discuss with LCDR <redacted> (my PCM) and get back to me by COB. Neither update happens.19Jul16 - Ms. <redacted> emails that she remembers who she spoke to on 15Jul16: Ms. <redacted>, the health benefits coordinator, who evidently did not speak to my PCM team. Ms. <redacted> says that she will coordinate with my PCM team.20Jul16 - A different nurse from the PCM team at Yorktown calls and says that LCDR <redacted> is unwilling to put in the referral (see 15Jul16 above) without an appointment. She sets up an appointment for 22Jul16.22Jul16 - I arrive and LCDR <redacted> doesn't know very much about my case. I ask him what he needs to write a referral, and he tells me I will need to go to Portsmouth Podiatry for an assessment. I relay this information to Ms. <redacted>, who responds "Please allow me to do my job and work through the TRICARE Health Plan program requirements. I will follow up with you and provide you with an update by close of business today regarding referral."She later emails to me: "I spoke with Dr. <redacted> this morning after your visit and he is generating a referral for Dr. <redacted> for an evaluation and treatment. You cannot schedule an appointment until the referral has been approved and an authorization number has been issued. Once the referral authorization number has been issued the appointment with Dr. <redacted> can be scheduled. I will contact you today when I have a status update on the referral request. Please do not make any Podiatry appointments at this time."26Jul16 - I ask whether my unit will need to fund the travel and when I will know what my surgery date is, and Ms. <redacted> response is:"I did not state that any appointments or medical services would be funded due to the fact that an authorization had not been issued. I will be contacting Health Net Federal Services, TRICARE Regional Contractor for the North Region) to confirm if an authorization has been issued. If a referral authorization is issued then funding can be coordinated.**Once again please do not schedule any appointments or initiate any requests for funding at this time. I will provide you with an update no later than 1700 today."Ms. <redacted> then spends a lot of time trying to coordinate a phone conversation with her supervisor without responding to my requests for an actual date of surgery. At the end of the day, she tells me that she will try to coordinate a surgery consult in Pittsburgh for 06Aug16, and will be contacting me with an update by COB Wednesday, 27Jul16. No response until I email her on Friday.29Jul16 - I ask Ms. <redacted> what the status is since I didn't get an update on Wednesday as she had promised, and I need to know what's going on so that I can schedule travel. She emails me back the Tuesday email, implies that I'm being impatient, and says that she will update me by COB Monday, 01Aug16.—————————————————Cue 5 or more additional pages of similar non-effective medical treatment and you’ll understand why I cringe inside anytime I hear anyone say they want to “give the whole country access to the level of care the active duty have.”Edit in response to some questions:1) AHCA doesn’t apply to military Tricare, as it was not only exempted but Tricare is considered full coverage.2) One of the biggest misunderstandings about health insurance, not just in the US but worldwide, is that insurance = care. Charlie Gard’s parents are finding out that there isn’t an unlimited checkbook when it comes to medical care - even government care has limits.3) For military healthcare, only those treatments specifically listed in the care handbook are covered. These treatments have billing codes and rates assigned. Tricare isn’t really a medical treatment plan, it’s a reimbursement plan for those items in the book. If you have a problem that requires a treatment not in the book, there is no burden on Tricare to find a way to treat you, they simply shrug and say “it’s not in the book.” It’s on you to prove that the treatment you want has been studied and the studies must have been published in multiple medical journals. If that’s the case, and you can find them, you might be ok, but otherwise you’re SOL.4) Tricare only allows military doctors to address one problem at a time. Thus, when I go to the doctor to address my back, hips, and knees that have degenerated due to the way I walk after the foot tumor, they tell me I need to make separate appointments for each knee, each hip, and my back - there is no concept of holistic medicine in the military medical system, or at least not since I joined in the mid-90’s.5) I personally know at least 10 people who have been or are currently being medically discharged due to preventable permanent injuries sustained due to the many month wait times in the military. Many have ACL, MCL, Hip, Shoulder, and other injuries which could have been easily fixed but healed improperly while they waited. All of these people will be at least partially supported by the taxpayer for the rest of their life, but there is zero ability to hold anyone in the military accountable to improve the system.
How do I organise a successful event?
I have some experience of organizing some college events (Tedx, Antaragni). I’ll insert some experience and planning (as Head, Show Management) I did for Antaragni, but I’ll try to generalize this answer for every type of events.You can read about Antaragni here : Antaragni ,Antaragni (look at the photos and you will know the scale of this event :) )This is going to be a long answer as event planning and management contains various aspects and i'll try to include as much as i can.Have patience to read through.First divide the preparation in four time frames: 1. Planning Months Ahead 2. Organizing 2 Weeks Beforehand 3. Working 24 Hours before the Event 4. Managing the Day of the EventLet’s go through each part one by one:Part 1: Planning Months Aheada. Define the event's purpose: Having a sentence or two in your head will help you lead the event in the right direction. Are you planning it to educate your community? Persuade potential donors for funds? To celebrate a specific individual or group of individuals? Get as narrow as possible. Whatever you're doing (be it educating, persuading, celebrating, etc.), why are you doing it?- Think of it as your mission statement. Your framework for success. When you know exactly what you want to do, it's a lot easier to do it!In my case, it was already pre-defined, so I didn’t had to do brain-storming for it.b. Set goals: What exactly do you want to accomplish? Not how many people do you want to show up, not the actual fact that the event is even happening -- what do you want to come out of this? 5 people to walk away a new part of your organization? $1,000 raised? Minds changed? People excited?- Think of the top three things you wish would happen as a result of this event and concentrate on them becoming a reality. Maybe one goal is financial, one is social, and one is personal. It's up to you!In Antaragni, our main aim was to make it a four day celebration for youth along with some social messages and lots of fun. In setting goals, we included what was not done in previous Antaragni along with some of things from our dream Antaragni, but eventually main aim was to give people a platform to perform and showcase their talent and skills and to give them unimaginable enjoyments during the festival.c. Gather a good team & volunteers:Good team members with different skills are a necessity. They can help with everything from preparing schedules and budgets, to making invites and posters, to welcoming in guests and doing the dirty work of cleaning up afterward. In other words, they can help you get things done. And if you can, get volunteers who you trust!- Make sure to keep team members and supervisors "up to speed" with your plans. Collaboration can make your job easier. When you ask them to help, be as complete as possible from the get-go about the expectations for them and their level of involvement.- If you aren't in a situation where finding volunteers is feasible, hire a crew! It all depends on the type of event you're organizing. The venue may be able to provide you with one or you can go through a third-party staffing agency.In our case, we were a bunch of enthusiast guys with experience of organizing Antaragni, selected as Antaragni Core Team, so we knew inside out about organizing it, but we did learned lots of new things during the process. We also had an overwhelming support and dedication of more than 500 students working to make it successful. Success of Antaragni very much goes to junior executives and volunteers, who works at lower levels but makes a great contribution.Our team structure was:Core Team -> Senior Executives -> Junior Executives -> Volunteersd. Prepare a budget: All possible expenses, incomes, sponsors, and contingent expenses should be included. If you don't budget, you'll end up with a wad of receipts, an empty pocketbook, and no idea what the heck just happened. Be realistic from day one so no surprises are seen the day of!- Find ways to keep costs low. Can you get volunteers to work for free? Do cost cutting for redundant and not necessary activities. Remember: a small, simple gathering that goes well is always more impressive than a party thrown to the nines that's a flop.- Always keep around 10 % of your total budget as buffer in case of emergency.In Antaragni’13, we were little low on money till the end, so I had to do lot of cost cutting, and irrespective of inflation, we were able to reduce some costs by 20 %, and some sponsors came in the end, and we were able to put up a great show.e. Decide on a time and place: This is the most important thing when it comes to your event. What time and what place will make people say, "Yeah, I'll go to that!"? You want a time when everyone will be free and a place that's a convenient location. And something you can afford to book!- Of course, certain venues need booking. Contact the place you're thinking about using as soon as possible. They may be busier than you are!- Get your all booking done well in advance and again confirm it a week before. This is very important because it will be the last thing you would want to deal just before your event.f. Think about logistics: Logistics for everything. What will parking be like? What about handicap accessibility? What can you do with the size of your space? What equipment will you need? What extra items (drinking water for speakers, badges, brochures) will you need that will be extra expenses? How many people are needed to truly make it run smoothly?- It's important to sit down for a minute with yourself (and with your team) and consider all sides of the story. Is there any obstacle that can be foreseen and prevented? Any special guests that need to be accommodated? Any exceptions that need to be made?In Previous Antaragni’s, parking, main stage and drainage at some places were a concern, and I did took it seriously and made sure that PWD department of our institute competed all the necessary repairment and construction in time.g. Think about marketing and advertising: While you're on the roll that you are, prepare a draft poster. It should include the tentative date, time, venue, and chief guest, name of the event, and a theme or tag-line for the event. Since it's so early, you can take your time on this -- but it's best to whip up a preliminary version now to see how it's all coming together!- Think about other ways to get the word out, too. E-mail blasts? Snail mail? Facebook, Twitter, the other two dozen event websites out there (more on that in a bit)? What do you need before the event to get people there and what do you need at the event to keep them?We had dedicated teams for marketing and promotional activities and they were responsible for handling sponsors, media houses and other advertising agencies and they started their work around 7-8 months before the festival to get everything done in time.h. Organize yourself: It's very possible you feel like a ferret with its head cut off right about now. Take a breath and open up Excel. Prepare a draft schedule of the activities in the event. Make a few spreadsheets to organize your thoughts. It may seem like needless paperwork now, but in two months you'll be profusely thanking your past self for looking out for you.- Prepare a time line (with deadlines) for each activity. Write down everyone's names and where they're needed when. That way you can organize yourself and field any future questions from othersPart 2: Organizing 2 Weeks Beforehanda. Make sure everything is a go: Fix the date, venue, (chief guest), staff, name of the event and tag-line. Is there anything that could go wrong? Any last minute switch-ups that could present themselves? At this juncture, everything should be written in permanent ink.b. Meet with your team: Get approval for your budget, schedule, etc., from team members as well as supervisors. Right now is a good time to get all the questions and doubt cleared out. Does everyone know their obligations? Are they comfortable with any and all issues?- Once again, meet with team members and volunteers to brainstorm any problems that might arise. This is also the perfect time to create an action plan.- Make sure the team does not have any internal problems. Stay in touch with all team leaders as well as team members and volunteers.In our case, we used to meet daily to update each other about the developments and problems and discuss about next course of plan and ways to ratify problems.c. Delegate work to different people and let an experienced person coordinate all activities: If the event is a mega-event, let different people coordinate different activities, under the supervision of one person. The team leader should be trusted by the team members.- It's a good idea to have one or two people dedicating their time to meeting and greeting and talking up the event as people filter in and the event gets started. Basically they're a reception committee, boosting morale and letting people know they're in good hands.d. Collect sponsors and other sources of money from delegates: There will be a lot of expenses being incurred in the upcoming weeks and you don't want them all to come out of your own pocket! Collect at least some of the money to cover the initial fees -- the venue, equipment, caterers, perhaps? Some of these people/places/things may require payment before the event even starts crawling.- Make sure to have a system for receipts, confirmations, invoices, and general paperwork. You'll need to keep everything and refer to it later, so the more organized you are from the beginning the better. Especially if a company you're working with gives you guff.Most of the money used in Antaragni comes from sponsors, and they usually gives money before the festivals and some of them after the festival, so it’s very necessary to be in touch with them all the time.e. Market the event: Prepare brochures, release advertisements, inform the media, send mailings, make phone calls, send messages to e-groups, and visit potential participants or sponsors. How else will people know to come? Make sure the information you're putting out there is fully complete, leaving them with only a few questions -- they need some to be intrigued, after all!- Think about your target audience. If you're trying to reach senior citizens, you're not gonna be spending your time sending out well-timed Snapchats. Go to the places and use the tools your audience uses. Make it as accessible and, well, normal as possible.Apart from this, social media is a very powerful tool to market and promote your event. Antaragni is a more of youth festival, so use of Facebook, twitter and other blogs/websites played a very crucial roles in promotion and communication to our target audience. We also used Facebook to conduct various online competitions.f. Gather items needed for the event: These items might include medals, games, mementos, prizes, or certificates. There are a lot of small bits and doodads that might go unnoticed to the untrained eye, but you know every nook, cranny, and whatever fills it. And don't forget tables, chairs, sound equipment, signs, tablecloths, and all that important, big stuff!- This is another thing you should sit down and think about. Don't stop thinking about it until you've found 5 things you've forgotten about -- everything down to pens, a first-aid kit, batteries, ice, and extension cords. You want to know that whatever happens, you've got it covered.Every time you’ll start to think that you have it all covered, some will tell you items that needs to get attention. Problems keeps coming no matter how much you plan beforehand, so also keep some backup plans.g. Make arrangements for everything: Make arrangements for photos and videos. Make arrangements for guests' transportation. Make arrangements for food for the clean-up crew. The list could go on and on, but then you'll never get to organizing your event!- Make arrangements for food and refreshments. This is also a good time to prepare for special accommodation such as for those who have disabilities etc. Check for participants who are vegetarian or have other specific dietary needs.- Make arrangements for chairs, tables, backdrops, microphones, speakers, computers, LCD projectors, podiums -- anything that needs to be set up at the venue.Also confirm your all venue bookings, talk to your vendors to remind them about event. Visit the venue to see if everything is in shape. If anything bothers you, correct it immediately. Also prepare a contact list, which will contain every single person that you may need during event. Don’t trust your mobile phones for it because you won’t be able to charge it regularly, so keep a hard copy of contacts and distribute it among your teammates.Part 3: Working 24 Hours Before the Eventa. Stay calm: You got this. It's incredibly important to keep a level head and not get caught up in a mental sweat. You've been preparing for months! Everything will be fine. The calmer you are, the calmer your team will be, and the more smoothly the event will go. Besides, it'll all be over shortly!- Seriously. You got this. You've covered all your bases, you've thought of all the possible problems- If anything goes wrong, you know how to handle it. And remember: Some people are going to blame you. A rowdy guest, bad food – but people also know that you don't have control over anything. So relax. You'll be okay.b. Do one last check-in with your team:Make sure you communicate with everyone on how to reach the venue and the time. The last thing you want is your entire team calling you at once the day of the event wondering where the heck the back door is.- Even if no one is coming out and asking you questions, do your best to gauge their behavior. Does everyone seem okay with their job description? Are people getting along? If not, talk to them and see if you can work out the kinks. Maybe someone would be better suited to a different department or working with other people.Also do a run through of complete event and see if you are missing out something and discuss with your team-mates if you find something.c. Check all invitations and responses: Create a list of invitees in a spreadsheet and get a tally for heads. For most events, the number of people who RSVP'd will not represent the number of people who actually show. You could have 50 people who said they'll be there, but end up with 5 or 500. So while you should know this number, also be ready to handle either end of the spectrum!- Remind VIPs about the events while you're at it. You'd be surprised how many people will say, "Oh, that's riiiiiiight. That's tomorrow, isn't it?" With a simple phone call or text, that can be avoided.d. Check list: Make a check list of everything comes to your mind. Then visit the venue and keep checking things that you wrote in your check list.- See if your all vendors arrived and doing their work on time.- Your guest and hospitality team is ready to receive guest and participants with all items.- Your transportation arrangements are working on schedule.Part 4: Day of EventSo finally the day has come that you are waiting for months. All you planning and hard work will be tested today, so be prepared and confidant.a. Arrive early to the venue with your team members and volunteers: Check that everyone is there and all electronic equipment is in working order. Any last minute questions? If there's time, pass out the Mountain Dew, give a pep talk, and break! You got this. You're so prepared.- Make sure the organizers are wearing a distinct badge or some other noticeable implement so that participants can find help if needed. Sometimes khakis just aren't enough.b. Set everything up. Inside and outside: Do you need balloons on the mailbox? A poster board on the corner? What about on the doors and through the hallway? If your guests have to wander through a veritable labyrinth, the more signs, the better.- Welcome banners and other info in front of the building will be especially useful. You want people to be able to see from the street that that's the place they should be. No questions about it!- Make a reception and registration counter. When guests walk in the door, they should see exactly what they need to do. Otherwise they'll be floating around unsure and ill at ease. And remember that reception committee we talked about? Have someone at the door to welcome them in and answer their questions.- Put on some music! It can kill any awkwardness that otherwise might be flitting about.c. Let the show begin: confirm from all your team members for starting events, if everything is okay, let the show begin. During the show keep checking arrangements for nest event or competitions.Antaragni go on for 4 night and 3 days, and it include 8 major events and more than 50 competitions, they all happen in continuations. So we had to arrange for all day events in the morning itself so that no event get delayed. Always keep in touch with your team members, as our campus is very wide and vast, we had to synchronize regularly.d. Take care of all the post-event duties: Depending on your event, this could range from absolutely nothing to a long-list of thank yous and receipts. Here are some ideas to get you started:- Thank the all team members, especially sponsors and volunteers. You couldn't have done it without them!- Finalize and settle the accounts. This should be done as quickly as possible. The fewer loose strings, the better.- Have a thank you party for those who helped. You want your crew to feel appreciated and donors to feel like they made a difference to a good cause.- Distribute any souvenirs or other publications to relevant people.- Deliver the receipts to sponsors and others.- Post the photos in your event website.You have done a great job in organizing your event. You can take a long sound sleep now."This is a great blog about organizing an event. I have taken contents from here as i am not good with words. How to Organise an Event"
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