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Why is the Republican Party often portrayed as being against public school teachers?
I grew up 30 miles from the birthplace of the Republican Party. And I was a public school teacher in that state, the son of two public school teachers in that state.Let me tell you what the Republican Party did to my first career as a public school teacher.First, a little background, because this is actually relevant.Teaching in Wisconsin up to 2010When I was young in the 90’s, the economy was doing pretty well, and the teachers’ union was hauling districts to arbitration over pay raises.See, the private sector was doing great. Folks were getting thousand-dollar bonuses just because the companies were doing awesome. Raises were common, often 4–5% a year.Districts didn’t want to pay that, so the unions took them to arbitration, and arbitrators consistently came back with awards consistent with the prevailing wage increases of the private sector.So Republicans passed a law called the Qualified Economic Offer, or QEO. Basically, as long as the districts and state offered a certain percentage increase, the unions were banned from taking it to arbitration. It was about 2.5–3%. At the time, all my folks’ private sector friends were laughing at my parents.After the dot-com bubble burst and took a sizable piece of the economy with it in the early 2000’s, that laughing turned to resentment after a couple of years when the teachers were still getting raises slightly over the cost of living while the private sector had seen serious contraction.Bush deregulated the health care industry, and premiums and deductibles started skyrocketing. When I was a child, a thousand dollar deductible was considered outrageous and only for catastrophic insurance at the fringes of the market. My uncle recalls that family health insurance when I was a child, whole family insurance with dental and vision, was $40 a month through his employer. By the time I was a teenager, that had more than tripled for the average family.So, suddenly, this QEO was looking no longer like a way to stick it to the teachers and keep them from these massive arbitration awards and resentment grew at the “sweet deal” giving teachers a raise above the private sector every year. So, it was repealed by those same Republicans.I graduated from college right about the Great Recession. I was student teaching while it happened. I watched the markets crash every day when I checked the Dow at the end of school.My mentor teacher had been on a wage freeze for five years. (To pre-empt the peanut gallery, yes, Democrats were in charge of the state during that period. The question asked about what Republicans have done, and it’s not a binary white-hat-black-hat situation.) What she was forced to pay into health insurance had gone up by 10% in that span; literally every year she was making less than the year before in take-home pay.It was pretty grim for teachers at that time in 2008–2009. We all thought it was the bottom.Then the Tea Party took over.Scott Walker and Act 10In 2010, Scott Walker got elected. The very first thing that he did upon taking office in 2011 was to gin up a financial “crisis” for the state by using some accounting tricks to come up with a three-billion-dollar budget shortfall and claiming the state was flat broke.[1][1][1][1] He used this justification to ram through, with as little public debate as possible, breaking multiple open meetings laws and open records laws, a bill called Act 10.[2][2][2][2]Act 10 was aimed at gutting public sector unions, particularly targeting teachers and municipal workers. The police and fire unions, in a naked display of political favoritism, were exempted because they supported Walker’s election bid.The Act kept unions alive in name, but puts draconian restrictions on them. The only thing that the unions can bargain collectively for now is over base wages, capped at inflation and based on the lowest rung of any pay scale used. A 30 year veteran teacher with a master’s degree would only see a raise capped at inflation and based on a first-year teacher’s salary, if any raise were issued at all.Unions now have to recertify every single year, not by a majority of votes cast, but a majority of possible votes. Anyone choosing not to vote is considered a no vote, in other words. Failure to recertify means that the union was dissolved and barred from re-forming for five years.Public sector unions are barred under Act 10 from collecting “fair share” payments. Under Federal laws, unions must represent all workers in a place of employment, whether they are part of the union or not. Fair share laws were designed to fix the “freeloader” problem; they provided a reduced payment collected from non-union employees to offset the cost of the fact that the union had to negotiate their contracts as well.Since the unions now had to cover the entire state’s public employment, but could essentially no longer collect any dues or fair share payments from anyone who didn’t want to pay up, and because they were relegated to essentially powerlessness over any working conditions, union enrollment dropped by more than half virtually overnight.Oh, it gets better.See, Walker made the assumption that teachers paid nothing towards their health care insurance and pensions.Some districts, as a fringe benefit to make up for low salaries, had been paying the employee’s share of the required pension payments. Additionally, unions had made the choice to push for continued benefits like health insurance rather than salary increases over the years. Other districts, especially rural districts with declining enrollment, had been already requiring their teachers to pay more significant costs towards health care for several years already.Walker’s assumption was that every school district had been giving their employees everything for free, and that’s how he sold it to the people of Wisconsin.So, that justified a $1.6 billion dollar cut to public education, which would be “made up” by forcing all teachers to pay more for health insurance and pension costs. It barred districts from making up any of that cut by increasing property taxes. The average district cut was in the millions of dollars.In the first district I taught in, this resulted in every teacher taking between a ten to twenty percent pay cut.Act 10 gutted tenure protections and civil service protections, to “give districts tools” to manage these draconian cuts. It was supposed to make it easier to fire bad teachers. In the hands of honest administrators, it did.In the hands of dishonest administrators, we ended up with what Hustisford School District chose to do: fire every single teacher in the district and offer them their jobs back… at first-year salary. A 30-year veteran teacher with a master’s degree would have to return to work with an effective 50% pay cut, and be paid the same as a teacher fresh out of college with a bachelor’s degree.The UW SystemMore cuts were leveled at the University of Wisconsin System, one of the oldest completely public higher education systems in the nation, and the most extensive system of technical colleges, 2-year colleges, and 4-year institutions in the country. My alma mater was saddled with enough cuts that it is now facing a five-million-dollar-per-year structural deficit. As with the public school districts, those cuts came with specific bars against raising tuition to make up any difference.Walker’s justification was that all of these cushy professors were only teaching one or two classes and worked less than ten hours a week. This was rated “pants on fire,” but that didn’t stop Republicans from reciting the party line.Wisconsin is now absolutely desperate for public teachersAfter eight years of this, Wisconsin’s enrollment in teacher training programs is at record lows. Ten percent of the profession quit within the first year after Act 10 passed.[3][3][3][3] The attrition rate still remains above the national average.Rural districts with low tax bases are especially hard hit. High-tax-base communities like Mequon can afford to pay substantially higher salaries and benefits, and so they poach more qualified or highly-respected teachers from rural or lower-base areas.My brother-in-law, an orchestra teacher, was offered a five-figure signing bonus and a 10% salary increase to switch districts across the state to a wealthier community. Great for him; can’t blame him for taking it. The more rural community he left is now considering cutting the orchestra program because they can’t find a teacher willing to take the job. They’ve been making do with a band director who doesn’t really know strings for two years.It’s gotten so bad that legislators have considered multiple proposals to offer provisional licensure to people who have literally no educational or pedagogy training whatsoever if they have any experience tangentially related to the field they want to teach in.Technology education has been especially hard-hit, because those teachers realized five years ago that they could make twice as much in the private sector as engineers and welders.Morale is at an all time lowMy friends who are sticking it out in education right now are reporting that morale has never picked up even a little bit in the last six years.Communities in general continue to believe that teachers are getting a sweet ride at the public trough, even though more and more of them are needing to take up second jobs to make ends meet. One of my best friends works at Olive Garden three nights a week and on weekends to pay her bills. Another works the security gate for Fleet Farm so he can grade papers while at his second job.In my last year of teaching, I was called a glorified babysitter by a parent at a conference. I did the math on the board right in front of them, just for their kid, for the amount of time I spent with that kid, at $5/hour. It was more than their property taxes. (That parent got pissy and left my room in a huff when I figured the final numbers.)Why did I leave?I was doing nothing but fighting battles for my students. I was putting in, on average, a 75–80 hour work week, and 90 hours a week was not uncommon. I’d get to school at 6:30 am to beat the copier rush, and typically stayed until 5–6 pm working with students, to go home and down a bite of whatever I had in my constantly-running crock pot, and grade and lesson plan until 10 PM to midnight. Lather, rinse, repeat. 12–14 hours on Saturday, often another 6–10 on Sunday; more if the end of a quarter approached.And I made $35,500 for that.The school board came out with a new wage schedule for us that it expected would cover the next thirty years.If I got every raise, every pay scale step increase, got a master’s degree and National Board certification, never got married, had a child, or incurred any serious debts, and assuming the long-term average in the stock markets and that Walker didn’t screw up the pension system (something he’d been considering,) I calculated that I’d likely be able to retire at 76.Seventy-six.If I lived frugally and saved wisely and was very, very lucky.I asked some of my friends what they thought. They all pointed out that I’d considered law school in the past, and that I had a passion for much of what I could do there.I made the decision to apply to law schools, resigned my teaching position, and never looked back. And I have never regretted that decision for a moment.The attitude towards education in the Republican Party has gotten worse, not betterI’ve attended various Republican Party meetings, trying to change things from the inside. I despair that nothing will change their minds, and if anything, anti-intellectualism has gotten more entrenched.From fears over Common Core standards to the pervasive belief that public education is simply a waste of money and we should all go back to private schools and homeschooling, it is clear to me that the beliefs in the Republican Party right now are decidedly against public education.I’ve heard nothing but praise for Betsy DeVos as she attempts to dismantle the Department of Education. (If only it weren’t for that “deep state” that stymies her! Actual thing heard at one of these meetings with knowing nods all around.)A significant majority of the people at these meetings either homeschool their kids or send them to private religious schools. Those who do not are mysteriously quiet and will not meet my eye when I try to get their views on the topic.When I ask about the local schools, most reply that their local public school is pretty good. However, they will invariably tell me that they are absolutely certain that public education itself is failing and that schools elsewhere are terrible because something something PARCC and international tests. Do they know how standardized tests work? No. Would they like me to explain it to them? Eyes glaze over.I’m one of them, you see. Those edumacated folks. Those people who think they know more because they got a piece of paper hanging in their office. (I’ve been told this to my face and heard it plenty of times behind my back.)The Republican Party doesn’t want to see public education. They want to see publicly funded education, and that as limited as possible. They want their children to go to schools that teach an ideology that they want, and to keep their kids away from certain other kids.And so public schools will simply continue to become a dumping ground for high-poverty students and kids with special needs.Elsewhere around the countryRepublican stronghold Kansas has been forced to go to a four-day week amidst teacher shortages because they can’t even fund schools enough to keep the lights on that long. Teachers have to have the four-day week to get second or third jobs to afford to make it work.[4][4][4][4]Teachers are fleeing South Carolina[5][5][5][5] and other typically red states to work in states that are adequately funding education and fostering public respect towards teachers.Why is the Republican Party often portrayed as being against public school teachers?Because my experience, the experience of my colleagues, and the evidence all suggest that they are.Footnotes[1] Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says Wisconsin is broke[1] Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says Wisconsin is broke[1] Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says Wisconsin is broke[1] Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says Wisconsin is broke[2] Wis. Assembly Cuts Union Rights[2] Wis. Assembly Cuts Union Rights[2] Wis. Assembly Cuts Union Rights[2] Wis. Assembly Cuts Union Rights[3] Here's what happened to teachers after Wisconsin gutted its unions[3] Here's what happened to teachers after Wisconsin gutted its unions[3] Here's what happened to teachers after Wisconsin gutted its unions[3] Here's what happened to teachers after Wisconsin gutted its unions[4] Amid teacher shortage, four-day school districts can't afford to go back, superintendents say[4] Amid teacher shortage, four-day school districts can't afford to go back, superintendents say[4] Amid teacher shortage, four-day school districts can't afford to go back, superintendents say[4] Amid teacher shortage, four-day school districts can't afford to go back, superintendents say[5] Classrooms in Crisis: Why SC teachers are quitting in record numbers[5] Classrooms in Crisis: Why SC teachers are quitting in record numbers[5] Classrooms in Crisis: Why SC teachers are quitting in record numbers[5] Classrooms in Crisis: Why SC teachers are quitting in record numbers
How could universities better serve their communities?
By engaging with the communities and finding out what they need.Universities have created collaboration in many areas including:Providing a place for gifted students to take classes when there is none left at their high school.Providing health clinics at under-served communities so that they have access to good healthcare.Providing dental clinics to under-served communities so that they have access to good dental care.Providing attorney clinics for people who can’t afford attorneys so that they have access to good legal advice.Provide online classes for high school courses for rural households to access easily.Provide College courses online so school’s that do not have access to AP courses can earn college credits.Collaborate with local community colleges so that kids who transfer from community colleges to the University can see their course transfer easily and comfortably.Provide micro-degrees, certificates and other forms of distinctions so that individuals working in jobs can distinguish themselves and earn promotions, salary increases or other jobs.Offer volunteer opportunities for their students to use their expertise to help non-profit organizations. For example, have your computer science department arrange to build computers for non-profit organizations. Or to simply tutor at a local high school or elementary school.Develop collaborations with local news papers and media outlets in order for them to easily access experts in various fields. For example, if the university have researchers in virus control, then it would be good to offer their expertise to the media to provide comfort and good information to their local public. If there is a new immigrant population coming to town, connect them with experts on the religion, language, and customs of the new Americans so that the transition is done easily and comfortably for both the immigrants and the local people.A University that wants to contribute to their community will because there is so many ways to do it. But the key is that they are not committed to money, but contribution to their local community.
What should one do in their 20s to avoid regrets in their 30s and 40s?
All that insanely boring shit everyone is always telling you to do that will save wear and tear on your body and soul and make you fabulously healthy when everyone else looks like five miles of bad road. Top of the list: develop discipline.All of these are not “one and done.” Make a lifelong habit of healthy living practices.Also: at age 48, some of these I did not do well at and I regret it now, so that's why I list them because if I had it to do over again I would know better. Maybe you can benefit from my mistakes. Some I did do well at, so I am sharing the things I am glad I did do.Nothing matters more than choosing to be kind to other people: nothing matters more than the health, care, and well-being of other people. Not your beliefs, ideas, morals, ethics, religion, politics, money, fame, possessions, ambition. Nothing.You are a human being and therefore worthy of love, respect, compassion and consideration. Same goes for everyone else.Never, never, never, never smoke. Just DON'T. Lungs are precious. So is your heart.Minimize alcohol use as much as possible. It saves loads of wear and tear on your body, your possessions, your wallet, your personal relationships, professional concerns, insurance premiums, legal fees...Don't do drugs. The physical, social, professional, and legal stakes are much too high.Limit nights at the club. It is a low return-on-investment ratio.Moisturize, and wear sunscreen and sunglasses. Don't go tanning.Learn good personal hygiene and grooming. Read up on it if necessary. There are books about that.Learn table manners for the 21st century. Shut off your phone and put it away when you are socializing with people. Be where you are.Play a sport. Doesn't matter what, but play at least one for the long term. Your health is your wealth.Eat good food.Take vitamins.Get enough sleep.If you are feeling iffy, drink a glass of water.Sleep on it. Also, if the brilliant idea you have at 3am is really a good one, it will hold up under daylight, so wait til morning.Floss every day and get your teeth cleaned twice a year.Be nice to your feet and knees. When they go, they really go.Never show up empty-handed. Volunteer. “How can I help?” should be your stock phrase.Networking 1: It is not about how people can get you ahead. It's about how you can connect people with each other. Instead of asking “what can this person I just met do for me?” ask, “What can I do for this person I've just met?” If you listen deeply, they will tell you. If you do that enough times, you will start to be able to connect people with each other based on what you know about their commonalities. Get good at introducing people to each other.Networking 2: Get your hands dirty. You will meet the most interesting people before and after the party. You will be amazed at the company and conversation you find if you offer to set up chairs ahead of time or wash a mountain of dishes with others afterwards. Ask them how they got involved with the event and you will have a nice starter conversation already.Networking 3: If you feel you are not a good talker, then be a good listener. People love to talk about themselves. If you can manage to ask a few polite questions to get them talking, listen closely, and you will start building connections between yourself and others. You may find conversation gets easier after that ice is broken.Networking 4: It does not happen instantly that people will know and remember you. Building relationships is a gradual process, not a single event. Be patient, be present, and get to know your surroundings.Mind your manners. Courtesy, patience and respect help every situation.Avoid drama magnets, users, and emotional vampires like the bloody plague.Get good at saying yes to things.Get good at saying no to things.Always tell the truth.Learn to keep your temper.Learn how to apologize properly.Avoid debt like the bloody plague.Establish a means to support yourself.Get as much education as you can as well as you can. Do not believe the people who say college is not useful. It most certainly is. You will hit the limit of your potential very quickly without credentials and certifications of some sort. It can be college, grad school, trade school, ROTC, or individual certification, but keep expanding and adding to your tool box. I got my first degree at 23, my second at 34, my third at 41, and my ESL certification also at 41. It is never too late to start. Play to your strengths.Get a passport and travel. Those experiences will inform your whole life.Choose your top three priorities to accomplish in life. Drop one. The two that remain deserve all your time, resources, and attention.Drop bad influences. Move away from the crab pot if necessary, even if you can only afford to move across town. Anyone who makes you feel bad about wanting to better yourself is no friend to you.Spend at least two years on your own living in a town other than the place you grew up in. This will form your adult character away from the baggage and expectations of who knew you since childhood. You will learn a huge amount of information about yourself and who you are, and you can always move back later.You are going to experience career changes in life. That is not a good reason to avoid choosing a career path now. Decide what you really want to do and suit up for it.Start saving now for retirement. Compounding interest is a thing. Become financially literate.Forget status symbols. Fancy cars, apartments, watches, shoes, clothes, etc are money down the drain. Save the money now and you can afford much better luxuries later.Get cozy with your local library. The benefits are too many to ignore.Build a strong community so you can rely on each other. Be gentle with people.Learn a musical instrument.Learn a foreign language, or two, or three. Fluency in Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, Russian and Chinese are highly marketable skills and will boost your earning potential.If there is a colleague who is doing better than you, try to find the mentorship potential instead of treating them like competition.Read. Read the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Be reading two good books at any given time. Ask people for recommendations. Two books I wish I had been given at age 18: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, and The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli.Stop the negative talk, about yourself most especially, but also about others. Avoid gossip.Learn the art of social reciprocity.Learn the art of minding your own business.It's no longer cute that you “like to go with the flow” and “are not a big planner.” In the adult world, such people are known as unreliable flakes. No matter how uncool it makes you look, make a habit of making plans and sticking to them. You will become more effective in your life and you will meet dynamic people.Develop courage, both moral and practical. You are no longer a kid. You don't get to tap out any more because you are afraid of conflict, relationships, authority, hospitals, new experiences, needles, doctors, bullies, unfamiliar foods, commitment, tests, failure, or being made fun of. Own the fear and then get on with it.Failure, mistakes, and rejections are your teachers. They will tell you things you need to know about yourself, as well as how to do better next time. What matters is whether we retain the lesson. Do not be afraid of failure and setbacks, as much as it sucks to live through them - it's better to try and fail than to never try. We all have been there, so you are not alone. And you aren't done making mistakes until you are dead. The most successful ones are the ones who have spent the most time falling down … and getting up again. That part is important.DO NOT DIAGNOSE YOURSELF OR ANYONE ELSE. Let a professional tell you what disorders you do and don't have. Don't decide for yourself or anyone else who is or is not anxious, depressed, narcissistic, bipolar, etc. That is not your call. You don't have the expertise, nor are you your own health care provider or anyone else's. People go around for years claiming they have this or that illness without ever having been to see a doctor or a therapist. Do not do this.Take your medication. It is difficult to come to terms with the idea that your life now includes certain medicines you must take every day, but find a way to get okay with it if that is your situation.It's not patriotic to accuse others of being unpatriotic. It's not unpatriotic to question authority. The personal is political. Be involved in politics, because they affect you and your life, especially at the local level.Don't watch too much porn and don't use it for pointers. That's not really sex. Read books on sexual technique.Live life in the world and not through a screen.Protect the planet. Your job.Learn to talk to people. Learn to take emotional and professional risks. Learn the realities of intimacy, emotional and physical, and practice it. It's scary, but it's not okay to be “socially awkward" when you are 30.Whether it was your reality growing up or not, abuse is unacceptable, whether verbal, emotional, or physical. Never tolerate it even a little and never dispense it, even a little.Understand that your experience is not the whole truth. Learn to hear another person's experience with an open mind.Your time is precious. Don't waste it on excessive hours of hobbies, movies, television, games, or social media.Cultivate self-esteem. Learn to be proud of who you are.Cultivate generosity. Take care of your friends. Let them take care of you.Keep your word. Be where you say you will be and do what you say you will do. Honor your promises, and don't say you can or you will when you can't or you won't.If you fall mutually in love, don't pull back just because it might compromise your career or “something better" might come along. Sometimes you meet a life mate early. There's nothing wrong with that. Plenty of folks in their forties regret walking away from that lover they met in their 20s.Learn the art of growing old together.Learn to meditate or to pray, or find the thing that centers you.Don't shape your life to please others. You are the only one that has to wake up with your choices every day.Laugh all you can.Be particular. If the answer isn't yes, it's no.People generally don't change. Learn to accept that so you can decide if they should be in your life or not.Take responsibility for your words and deeds.Make peace with the bad things that happened in your life before. Hire a therapist if need be. There's no shame in having emotional baggage, but if you don't deal with it yourself, it will limit you and it will make problems for you until you have unpacked it.Develop goals. It's okay if in pursuit of those goals, they shift or change. But do have a direction in life.Learn the difference between wanting and needing. You need less than you think you do.Learn to trust your gut. It will absolutely save you trouble. It is better to look or feel silly than be in danger, and it can happen just like that. Everything is okay until it isn't.Learn to cook at least three dishes besides spaghetti.Learn how to keep a clean house. Not just tidy: really clean. Google “methods of professional house cleaners.” Don't expect someone else to pick up your slack, and don't expect your girlfriend or wife to do it for you. If you are married, you are a team and that includes housework.Learn the art of compromise. It is not weak to meet others halfway sometimes. You each give up something, you each get something. However. Compromises that impinge an your integrity or well-being are not worth the price.Make passion, interest and curiosity your watch-words. Interested people are interesting. Curious people make other people curious and they have a broader life earlier. Passionate people inspire passion.Compassion. It doesn't cost a thing. Sprinkle that shit around like confetti.
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