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In the traditional British public school system, why is (or was) it believed that knowledge of "the classics" was necessary?

There’s really two different stories here, because this changed pretty radically over time.Before the middle of the 19th century learning Latin, at least, was eminently practical. If you planned on being a lawyer, a doctor, a scholar or a clergyman — in short, doing any of the respectable professions of a gentleman except perhaps a career in the military — you’d almost certainly have to deal with Latin material as a practical matter. Latin was the international language of scholarship and law — not knowing it in 18th century Europe was at least as much of a handicap as not knowing English in modern Europe. You could certainly get by — but you’d look like a bit of a bumpkin if you had no exposure. A“Introduction to the flowers of New Holland and Van Dieman’s Land, showing the characteristics of the plants collected and described by Robert Brown in the years 1802–1805” — An example of scientific publishing in Latin, which faded out only in the 19th century.Greek was less widespread. It was a prestige language, but only practical if you wanted to be a scholar or a clergyman. In the 17th century (particularly during the intense theological debates surrounding the Reformation) Greek was topical; but in the 18th century it returned to being primarily a specialist’s concern. It did feature relatively prominently in the education of the English gentry, however, since such a large proportion of them were destined for the clergy where at least a little Greek was regarded as proof of seriousness (and of good Protestant credentials — no hiding behind a translation, even the King James).By the middle of the 19th century, though, the practical need for Latin studies had declined.As Europe got richer and also more democratic, there was enough scholarship and enough instruction in various national languages that Latin was no longer vital. The 19th century saw a rapid professionalization of higher education, with subjects like engineering, statistics, and modern languages gaining prominence for their practical utility. There was definitely a class connotation to that: going to Oxford to read Tacitus marked you as a gentleman; going to Manchester to study Chemistry suggested you were a ‘tradesman’. But it also established the foundations of the modern connection between higher education and social mobility: there would be good, well-paid work for a trained engineer even if he wasn’t going to be admitted to the finest clubs in London.The older educational establishment (staffed, of course, by people whose professional credentials included being good at Latin and Greek) still believed that the study of ancient languages and literature was still “good for you” — that it taught critical reading, logic parsing, and the rhetorical skills you needed to be an effective leader. It exposed you to ‘high ideals’ and put you in the shoes of great statesmen where you’d learn how to move a crowd and to debate the future of your nation.By the 1840’s there was a market for books like The Comic Latin Grammar trying to render the obligatory classical knowledge a bit less burdensome for schoolboys. The jokes however did not age very well.In some ways, they were right: engaging in a tough subject which requires both serious detective skills, a lot of perseverance, and exposure to a very different set of ideas than you’d find at home are all good for you.On the other hand so is learning how to play the piano. And, more importantly in 1800, so is learning calculus or chemistry.So, over the course of the 19th century professional education — the training of scientists, engineers, and professional scholars — leaped ahead to match the rapid growth of the European economy. At the same time the modern university — with its specialized departments and professional focus — came into being alongside the remnants of the older traditions. The ‘gentleman’s education’ didn’t disappear, but it evolved more and more into a mark of social status and less a matter of practical importance.At the same time social changes were also challenging the pre-eminence of Classics in the liberal arts as well. Modern languages (particularly German, in that century of explosive growth in Germany) and literature competed for the attention of literary-minded students; modern philosophies jostled for position as well. Romantic art and literature gained ground at the expense of the faux-classical styles of the 18th century. While the aura of prestige around the Classics remained high, the kind of halo that they had accumulated in the 17th and 18th centuries did rather dim as Europe became more conscious of having surpassed the ancients in all sorts of ways.In short the situation in the 19th and early 20th centuries was actually very much like it is today: the “liberal arts” (literally, the arts appropriate to a liberalis, a gentleman) were a mark of social distinction rather than an investment in one’s economic future. The main difference is that we now lump many of the “new” disciplines which competed with the Classics back then into the same basket of expensive ornaments (think of the connotations of the phrase “art history major”). Also, I suppose, the social cachet of both ancient and modern humanities is rather lower today than it was then: you don’t need to be a gentleman if you’ve got a Wharton MBA or a Stanford CS degree. Still, then and now people who love the subject matter believe that it’s valuable for its own sake and also for forming character; then as now skeptics see it as dilettantism.It’ll be interesting to see how 21st century de-democratization of society will interact with this old divide: will the expensive liberal arts degree of 2050 be regarded as a huge waste of time and money, or as one of those invisible markers that distinguish the global elite from the proles? It’s a question which would have made sense to Juvenal, a grouchy, down-market member of the gentry who hated the way that wealthy parvenus without the graces were undermining the “classical” airs of AD 150:All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.andIt is not easy for men to rise whose qualities are thwarted by poverty.

How can I get TISS HRMLR PIT-PI experiences?

Essay topics1. Privatization of higher education in india 2. Impact of CEO's on company performance ,inside and outside perspective..(something like that)..Privatization of Higher EducationCSR as a strategy of Organization and the second one was something related to Leadership developmentCSR has become a organization strategy. The second topic was related to Leadership mentoring.1)PRIVATIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION 2) CEO'S FROM WITHIN AND OUTSIDE THE ORGANIZATION: IMPACT ON THE FIRMCorporate Social Responsiblity is an organization's strategy.1) Privatization in higher education 2) Insider vs outsider as CEO (not the exact wording)Resistance to Change : Reasons and your recommendations & 2.) Retaining talent at the top"1.Future of higher education in India2. Thinking beyond the the boundaries to excel in business.(something like this)"PRIVATIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA....CEOS FROM INISDE AND OUTSIDE THE ORGANIZATION:EFFECTSA) Diversity at workplace. B) role of HR in mergers and acquisitions1) corporate social responsibility is part of the organizational strategy and development of change management is essential or something like that dont remember exactly.1) diversity at work place and 2) role of hr in mergers and acquisition1) Diversity at workplace : Baby-boomers, Generation X and Generation Y,(2) Role of HR in mergers and acquisitionsDiversity at workplace(smthng abt babyboomers,gen x, gen y)2-Role of HR Manager during M & A1.CSR 2.FDI in indian retail1.Diversity in workplaces:babyboomers,gen x and gen y2.Role of hr in mergers and acquisitions1- Entrepreneurship and competition(sth. like that) 2- Affirmative processes and organisational developmentMaking money is not enough:Role of Indian corporate in CSR;FDI in retail sectorCSRIndian Politics:Role of caste and religion, Learning from mistakes(something like this don't remember the entire topic)Indian Politics: Role of Caste and Religion1) Learning from mistakes: Managerial and Organizational approach (Don't remember properly)2) Indian Politics : Role of Caste and Religion1. Privatization of higher education2. CEOs Within and outside the organization: Impact and effects on organizationCricket and India's relation with other countries.NACompetition and success of start-up enterprises in india1)diversity in organizations aids innovation2) lessons to learn for organizations from financial crisisDiversity in Org to promote innovation1.Cricket and India's relation with other countries2. Work life balance and human retentionIndian Politics: Role of Caste and Religioncricket match and relation between countries and work life balance with talent retentionCompetition and success of start up enterprises in India, Affirmative processes and Organizational developmentPrivatization in higher education, CEO from outside of companyQuality of Higher Education In India(something like that), Is out-of-the-box thinking necessary for a successful business?7th March 2013 Privatization of higher education in INDIA. Emotions in HR:A Competency to have in HR managers 8th March 2013 Role of media in society. Use of out of box thinking in entrepreneurship. 9th March 2013 Patriarchal outlook in Indian society How does hr influence the organizational outcomes? 11th March 2013 Role of IT in organisational learning Role of caste and religion in politics 12th March 2013 Relation between economic growth and employment growth Work Family challenges for women and effect on their career advancement 13th March 2013 Globalization and Employment : India vs other developing countries The future belongs to those who predict possibilities before they become obvious 14th March 2013 Role of Business Schools in creating global Leaders Wage differentials across different sectors & locations 15th March 2013 Your biggest enemies are unknowns and assumptions Leveraging Online Social Networking for Talent ManagementInterview Questions Askedspelling mistakes to be ignored please.......:)reached campus at 8 amDaf were collected outside the academic block at around 8.30just daf were to be submitted not application abstract with itthen were told to sit in wadia hall,and PIT started at 9.05 till 9.40PIT was to write an essay on any one topic of two,no word limit,35 minutes,6 pages answer sheet was provided..then a small presentation was given by seniors.now the interviewthere were three panels of three member each,today around 81 students were called so distribution was 28 28 28,i was 59th in total list and 3rd in my panel that was panel 3interview started at 11.55 and got over at 12.15as i entered,i greeted them all and was told to sit down.1. introduce urself2.what are u doing these days3. now comes the important question why hr??,long discussion on that.4. mention about energy audit in my daf,was asked a lot about that,whole process5.was asked about arvind kejriwal and delhi discoms stand off,and my stand on it.6. as i answer convincingly then again asked why supporting field like hr,u should go for research.7.then what do u like more tiss or hr,u want tiss or tiss hr........8.then lady in the panel remebered that i was the same guy who was in her panel last year also asked me that how u have prepared this year.9. was asked to answer all the questions that i was unable to answer last year.10.then i was asked about the quality that a hr should posses.11.the biggest problems india is facing and ur solutions to them.missed out a few small question but that was it..overall a very healthy discussion,no stress,laughs all round,very cool chilled panel...hope it helps........:)**********************************************************Essay: Privatization of Higher EducationInterview:Panel consisted of one lady and two gentlemen. They were cool and composed.Panel: Introduce yourself.Me.. On it. told about my work exp, hobbies like reviewing and analyzing pop cultures refernces in movies, bloggingPnel. Interesting. Do you grade the movies?Me.. Yes.. On a scale of 5 depending on acting, story, visual appeal editing and dialouges.Panel: Tell me about HR processes of your company.Me.. Told.Panel. Are you happy with themMe.. Yea but there can be improvements.Panel.. What are they?me.. Employee engagement must be increased. They should be asked to understand the HR processes through smallwebinars n stuff..Panel..(Seemed cool with it)Panel.. Why HRMe. (Finally!)Told one fourth of what i decided to say.Panel.. ok.. Thank you shrinidhi.Me.. Thank you!Interview was chillaxed. No need to take stress. And Seniors awesome job in organising the process.Just a tip though, keep a stapler handy. I needed one and I had to go around asking for one :)Other than that. Nice hours spent in TISS!*********************************************************************8General questions were asked like "Tell me about yourself.Questions based on your graduation were asked. They check whether you know the concepts properly.Questions like "Why HR?", and related stuff were asked.I have work experience of 2.5 years. I was asked about my job profile and questions related to my job profile were asked.My opinion: The interview is like a discussion. All the panel members carefully observe you as well as listen to you. If you don't know the answer of any question and you honestly reply then they will not grill you. I was very comfortable in having a discussion with them.Note: The panel members are expert in understanding whether you mean what you say. So do not fake anything. Be honest and yourself.************************************************************Questions were intro urself, why hr, why not finance or marketing or systems,political scenario from my state,tell me about the person with whom you shared your name,gave a case study on designing incentive framework for trainers in IT service************************************************************************TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELFHR POLICIES IN YOUR ORGANIZATIONWHAT SKILLS U BELIEVE WILL HELP U BE A GOOD HRDIFF. BETWEEN HR POLICIES BETWEEN A BANK AND A HOSPITALHOW CAN AN HR HELP IT'S PEOPLEOVERALL IT WAS GOOD...BEST THING, THE PANEL WILL LISTEN TO U WITH ALL THE INTEREST!!**********************************************************************************Interview Panel; consisted of two gentlemen and a very sweet lady.First Question: Introduce yourself.Asked various questions about my work ex; regarding aviationWhy many of the organisations have failed and the reasons for the same (in the aviation sector)Places I have travelled too..The comparisons of their culture..They asked me about the difference between HR and IR..with an exampleRoles/functions of HRMy rights(entitlements) as a cabin crewWhy did I quit my job?Few more questions that i can't recall.All in all it was not stressful at all..Great experience!Seniors were super helpful and kind..and willing to answer any question.Best of luck to all of you!!Tiss is all about warmth********************************************************************1) Tell me about yourself??2) Why TISS?3) 3 qualities from work -ex why we should we take you4) how to convert an AC to DC5) About my work profile6) How to transform rural economy based on my btech education?7) what other calls?All the best !!*************************************************************************1. Introduce yourself..(Ans : I ended this on the job I am doing currently doing, which is Inspector, Customs & Central Excise and I was comfortable to answer questions from my work ex.)2. Why do you want leave a good job like that ? ( Ans : I said because of very slow growth prospects n explained them and said that I am looking for more roles n responsibilties..)3. What kind of roles n responsibilities u r lookin for ? ( Ans : Then I told them about my ultimate aim, which is to become a politician and explained how the course will going to help me in achieving necessary skills and knowledge )4. What other exams u have given? (Ans. CAT, IIFT)5. So is the TISS like any other college for you ? ( I categorically said NO and mixed the advantage@TISS with my ultimate aim and said that I can only get that in TISS..I think they were satisfied with my ans.)6. What are socio-eco problems in Rajasthan ? ( I am from Raj. thats why they asked and I answered.)7. Then the second member (lady) asked various questions on politics, mainly analytical and opinion based, which I answered upto the satisfaction.8. The third member didnt ask any question.Conclusion : Overall it was a great experience in facing the TISS interview. Members were cooperative and the volunteers were also highly helpful. Generally, the successive questions in the interview were based on the answers to the previous questions, so it would be better to take the interview in the way u want it. All the best to all.************************************************************************A three member panel....one elderly gentleman(EG), a middle aged gentleman(MG) and a lady..(L)...I enter the room after asking permission to do so....I was greeted by smiling faces and was asked to sit...MG : So tell us something about yourself.....Me : Told....also mentioned my age and said that i ll be turning a year older tomorrow....MG wished me for the same...others smiledMG : so u r working ryte now?Me : No and told why not...MG : ok...so when u were working were you a part of a team? So tell me what qualities should team posses...gimme three points...Me : told the first two points...there was a discussion on the second point amongst the panel.....this made me forget the third point...i told them that i need some time to recollect the third point...i was given some time to do so.....MG: why do you think there are conflicts in teams..?Me : told with an exampleEG : what are the HR challenges that the hospitality industry is facing currently?Me : Told.MG : What are the differences in people of different cultures in a hotel?Me: Told..MG : What is the attitude of guests in a hotel towards women working in a hotel?Me : Told..MG : Is the job of a chef in a hotel challenging? How much is a chef paid?Me : Told....I had done a Human Process Lab last year, the Lady asked me about that lab and why did I do it..I had mentioned that I want to get into academics, the EG asked me as to which areas appealed to me in terms of doing research.....Overall it was a very good experience... the panel is very attentive and responsive to your answers...not at all stressful...in fact I think that I spoke too much! Also, a small tip to the next set of candidates : I think I spoke a little fast...please dont do that...be calm and compose...dont fall prey to anxiety....it will be a very comfortable process...!**********************************************************************PI Experience at Mumbai on 12th March '14PIT was concluded by 10 am and then there was gruelling wait for interview turn. (i think TISS should make the process more refined by calling people in different slots)Entered the room without file or folder to find two ladies and a gentleman, all probably in their early fifties.one of them Immediately asked u didn't bring any file ??? i said if u need it i will bring, he said,no no but generally people bring some or other thing with them when they come (was smiling as if i have done some grave mistake)Q : tell us what u have done in life so far.interrupted and asked abt my graduation college.Q : is there anyone you know in tiss from your collegei said no.the panel started discussing among themselves about some students and then told me that there was one guy from SPCE Mumbai. i said ok (???)then asked me to continue…again interruptedQ: how was HR dept in your companyQ: how often you meet themQ : Have you ever complained about ur hrQ : what was job profile, major products handledQ : are u still working there ?i said no i left the job.Q : after training so much u have left the job, isn't it a loss for your company ?Q : how u would have tackle such situation (young engineer leaving job after 2 to 3 years of work ex) , had you been the HR head of your company ?gave some funde…Q : have u applied for any other college.yes, iimsQ : have u got any callsyes,Q : so looking at your profile and your cat score , u should go for general management, what u will do here in tiss.again funde..Q : then suddenly one of the ladies asked, what is more imp. success or values ?here i made blunder, took different meaning of value than was intended by her, but i immediately realized and re-framed my answer.Q but what u will i do with all the values but no successReiterated my original answer with more convictionQ : what u expect from tissgave some answer about practical learningQ : we don't have practical learning in tiss ???i said there are always case studies and internship in every program etc..then these last two strange questionsQ : where is your hometown? where are staying now ?Q : where u will stay we don’t have hostel ?then with mutual consentthanked me.All this lasted for 20 to 25 mins.Advice: be calm and be ready to answer “why?” for your every decision u have taken so far or will be taking in future.**************************************************************************There were three panelists : a middle aged professor(P1), an old professor(P2) and a middle aged lady(P3)I entered the room they greeted me with a smile then asked me to sitP1: Tell me about yourself?Me: toldP1: How did you prepared for the interview?Me: toldP1: What is the difference between HR and IR ? Then he asked me about the role of HR in my company?Me: told about HR and said that I am not fully aware of IR. Then gave the second anwer with all the roles that HR played during my tenure.P1: Then he gave me a case study and asked me how will I proceed on this?Me: told about how wil I proceed and then he interrupted me saying be a bit clear then said again about my course of actions in this case....he seems satisfied.Then he asked P2 to carry onP2: what is your educational back ground?Me: ToldP2: What was your specialization in engineering?Me : ToldP2: Then he asked me some technical questions related to my background...!! then he asked me to draw the circuit diagram on the board with a chalk...Me: told one theoretical question but on the circuit diagram I was blank and said I dont remember.P2: Then he asked me about the nature of my work ? when I was explaining about that he interrupted me saying IT guy..!! Then he asked me to explain him the workflow of an application in any of the HR related work and how will it help the organization?Me: told about my work and responsibilities then explained in detail about the Software application its workflow and how will it help the organisation..Then P3 took overP3: As I am working with accenture she asked me that should the policies of an organisation be different for departments like BPO, IDC and Consulting if yes then why and if no then why?Me : ToldP3: Then she asked me how much work ex do you have?Me : toldTime duration was around 20-22 minsThen all of them said we are done..!! all the best..!!overall a very good experience....they were listening to your answers.....and please be prepared for the explaination for each answer you give...!!!***********************************************************************Here is my PI expDate: 12.03.2014there were 3 panelist two male 1 femaleP1: so amar tell me what are u doing presently !Me: told.P1: so what exactly is ur role and contribution in unicef project.Me: told.. lookd convinced.P2: so ur bracnh is mechanical right.... turned the page in which marks n main subjects were entered in DAF... askd some technical bouncersMe: dukced those 1s.. srry sir after working for 3 years i can't recall too much of technical.P2: thts ok... tell me what is 1 unique thing u will do in ur company as a HR.Me: told and explained.. lookd convincedLady: so tell me wat is the main diff. between today's HR and HR of 10 years ago\Me: told... looked somewht cnvncd ..Lady : what profile do u want a HRMe: Hr consultant of some mncthts all.. they offered me tea n biscuit... it was sort of cool,,, except the technical part...... fingers crossed fr now .. total duration 12-15 min.**************************************************************There were three panelists : a middle aged professor(P1), an old professor(P2) and a middle aged lady(P3)I entered the room they greeted me with a smile then asked me to sitP1: Tell me about yourself?Me: toldP1: How did you prepared for the interview?Me: toldP1: What is the difference between HR and IR ? Then he asked me about the role of HR in my company?Me: told about HR and said that I am not fully aware of IR. Then gave the second anwer with all the roles that HR played during my tenure.P1: Then he gave me a case study and asked me how will I proceed on this?Me: told about how wil I proceed and then he interrupted me saying be a bit clear then said again about my course of actions in this case....he seems satisfied.Then he asked P2 to carry onP2: what is your educational back ground?Me: ToldP2: What was your specialization in engineering?Me : ToldP2: Then he asked me some technical questions related to my background...!! then he asked me to draw the circuit diagram on the board with a chalk...Me: told one theoretical question but on the circuit diagram I was blank and said I dont remember.P2: Then he asked me about the nature of my work ? when I was explaining about that he interrupted me saying IT guy..!! Then he asked me to explain him the workflow of an application in any of the HR related work and how will it help the organization?Me: told about my work and responsibilities then explained in detail about the Software application its workflow and how will it help the organisation..Then P3 took overP3: As I am working with accenture she asked me that should the policies of an organisation be different for departments like BPO, IDC and Consulting if yes then why and if no then why?Me : ToldP3: Then she asked me how much work ex do you have?Me : toldTime duration was around 20-22 minsThen all of them said we are done..!! all the best..!!overall a very good experience....they were listening to your answers.....and please be prepared for the explaination for each answer you give...!!!***********************************************************hr policies of my previous companyAny improvement i wanted in the HR policyHow to reduce attrition rate in itQuestions asked about labour laws in IndiaQuestions asked about ethics which should be followed while working in corporate sectorQuestions about various social schemes implemented in my home state of Bihar by the state Government***********************************************************First question was am I prepared for the interview( with answers to conventional questions) I said - not as such. So they told me tht means you are open to any question :D and they asked me to choose between yes and yes.Q1) pick your favorute subject from all the subjects of engineering. Once I picked it they asked me to implement a function of HR through this subject. Hold this chalk and board is yours. All yours.Q2) if you are HR of a company what would be your statergy to retain a chap who is leaving your company. And please Don't beg and don't threat him too.Q3) what is statement of purposal.That's it. A piece of advice. Please don't spend too much time to prepare - ' introduce yourself ' question beyond three lines. Because nobody gets chance to go beyond that :)***********************************************************1.Introduce yourself.2.Project team size.Page on Page on 3.is friendship between team mates a need while working in team?4.Some one before me was given to write a code on even and odd. It had some logical errors. I was asked to tell them the question that was asked to him.5.What is 6 sigma?6.How to apply 6 sigma in HR functions.***********************************************************1) Tell me about yourself.2) Gave me a hypothetical case study where i have to choose suitable hr managers from a random set of data using data analysis. since i work in datawarehouse testing and business intelligence.3) Functions and roles of HR.4) Another hypothetical scenario where if i were made the HRD minister and had the responsibility to stop the attrition of IT Professionals and there movement into other fields apart from IT. What would i do and what would be my policy.***********************************************************what are ur preparatna for this intevwdefine hraskd me to write a code abt some alien stuffsalgorithm to.find prime noswht r my responsibilities at workhw cn i have an added advantage being an engineer***********************************************************There were 3 panelists, two gentlemen and one ladyP1 : tell me about yourself. which other exams have you appeared for and the selection status.P2 : asked about my favorite subjects. asked me many technical questions. they were basically checking how well i can apply my Computer Engineering knowledge after 4 yrs of graduation and one yr of experience in IT.P3 : what was the recent merger/ acquisition of your company and role of HR in the same.The interview lasted for near about 15 minutes. My panelists were more into technical questions..***********************************************************tell me abt urself?asked smthng from my work of Managing events(in college) tht wat i learned from it?drawing a circuit which contains both triode and diode(i m from ECE background tho i have 2.5 yrs wrkEx) output for a given input :/How electronics can be used in india give some innovative idea?how will u retain all the electronics engineers in electronics only?job profile (wat i do in my job)?How did u prepare for intrview?it was approx 15 mins..***********************************************************1. Trade Unions and the parties they are affiliated with.2. Labour Laws.3. Long discussion on the qualities of a HR manager. By long, i mean long, really long.***********************************************************Interview experience of TISSWhat is your name?Tell me something about yourselfWhat are you trained in TCS ?Apart from technical knowledge,are you trained in anything else?What was your favorite subjects in engineering?Where are microwaves used?Draw circuit diagram of microwave generatorHow to reduce noise levels in a communication channel?Can you think of any innovation related to a telecom device?Do you write poems?What did you learn in creative writing?TCS delayed your Page on Page on joining.is it justified according to you?***********************************************************Two gentlemen and a lady were in my panel.1- Intro2-Name a few HR processes in TCS (as I am from TCS)3-Tell some improvements that could be brought in the HR processes4-Why low pay for bottom level employees in tcs5- Something regarding innovation6- How the culture of innovation is assisted by HR in TCS7- Difference between the workforce in an IT company and any other company8 - Talent retention in IT company***********************************************************1) Tell us about the current political scenario in the country?2) Why HR?3) Why TISS?4) what books have you read on HR?5) should there be any reservation in private sector6) was given a case study on IR......had to analyze it7) One question was asked on an article from Kaustubham-TISS HR magazine (i mentioned i read the magazine)8) What is Section 377?9) what did Baba Ramdev say about the Supreme Court judgement?10) What are your views on thisThe panel was quite chilled out.....gave me ample time to express my views....All the best:-)***********************************************************HRM interview:3 of them were there: a scary looking middle age guy with curly hair(P1), a handsome young man (P2), and a sweet middle age lady wearing glasses. (P3)P(2): Please introduce yourself.Me: just a short intro; 5 lines max.P(2): What is your fav grad subject?Me: No particular fav...P(2): What did you study in economics?Me: Micro, Macro, International trade, Indian economy, development economics,etcP(2): Please tell me a few theories of international trade.Me: Comparative cost advantage theory, Absolute cost advantage theory, etcP(2): Why are you interested in HR?Me: Explained in detail; Mentioned about my interest in HR after reading Mayo's experiments from the 1920s.They were very happy when I mentioned this. Even P1 who was silent till then said,"Good! Good!"P(3): Please explain Mayo's experiment in detail again.Me: explained.P(3) asked me about situational problem Qs like - 'If you were a HR manager and two of your employees have a disagreement over bla bla bla... what would do?'. I was asked around 4-5 questions of this kind. The key is to listen to all the conditions carefully and answer accordingly.P(3): You are from Manipur? Were you born there? Your address is Bangalore.Me: I was born and raised in Manipur.P(3): tell me a about ethnic clashes in Manipur. What are the major tribes or communities.Me: Explained in detail.P(3): Your name is Samuel. Please tell me something about prophet Samuel.Me: Told...and how and why i was given this name.P(1): I had many questions to ask but they've asked everything (*laughs*)All of them: thank you Samuel,..Me: Is it over? No more questions? (jokingly)It lasted for about 25 mins I guess..i didn't keep the time. It was a great experience. anyway, Thank you all for this group!***********************************************************I was the first one to b interviewed yesterday... Was called in around 11... Panel had 3 members... One was a lady...Wished them as i entered... Toldme to take the seat...P1 asked me to intro... Gave the script... Next question was why HR... Told him abt my interest in IR... Then he askd abt the labour laws... WhileI was naming them,he askd abt the minimum wages act and hw is it followed in kerala,my place... Then the discussion went on to the state of domicile workers in kerala... Aftr that P2 asked about a question from electrical circuits and components... He asked abt job profile too... Then P3 asked abt the diffrnt career prospects in HR field... Aftr that the discussion somehow turned to ambitions and all... There was some lazy talks abt what i hv been dng for past 3 months aftr i had resigned and also abt my political background...P1 asked whether i had applied to any other course coz of my background in politics...In short,i felt like dey didnt want to know me personally much... Much of the discussion went around IR and the state of other domicile workers and their wages...Jz b honest n prove them ur interest in HR... Thanks to all seniors for the interaction program...All the best guyzz...***********************************************************Very friendly panel.P1,P2 MALE PROFESSORS.P3 female-Wasn't interested much.Questions-Introduce yourself.Talked about my hobby-reading.have u read any book on Hr?I said no,i picked up reading late,mostly I've read about contemporary issues of India.P3 Asked me 2 economic terms,I wasn't a Eco student so didn't know.One was Million development goal,other was Demographic dividend.P2 asked me about 3 social problems rajasthan is facing.Detail discussion about caste,literacy etc.Then back to P1 who askes a HR case study question..Then discussion jumped to labor problems in India.He said there are no such problems.I gave him an example of Manesar plant of Maruti,and recent Toyota plant shutdown.Told him it was failure of Industrial relations Page on Page on there.no consensus and communication gap or say mismanagement between trade unions/workers and the company management.***********************************************************Interview panel: 2 gentleman and a ladyI was second in my panel.Questions:1. Introduce yourself2. Questions based on various activities that I had mentioned in DAF3. Since I am a fresher from comp engg, asked about my placement status4. What do companies emphasize in their Pre-placement talks?5. Why do you feel you are suitable for HRM?6. What interests you in the field of HRM?and more discussion followed on the above 2 questions7. Tell us something about current socio-economic problems that Mumbai is facing? (I am from Mumbai)8. Any other exams that you gave? interview calls?All-in-all, one should be able to justify the decision of choosing HRM as the field of specialization and also everything mentioned in the DAF. All the best!***********************************************************Panel No. 3 (Was the 3rd one to be interviewed)Time taken: 20 mins1. Introduce yourself2. Why are you interested in this course?3. What were you taught in your HRM course in graduation?4. Do you recall any theories taught in the course?5. Do you have work-ex? What did you do for 1 year after graduation?6. What are the qualities needed to be a good HR?7. You said you stay in Assam. Did you travel from there?6. What were the interviews you attended?7. What do you know about the HRM & LR course of TISS?8. What is the relation between HRM and society?9. You have travelled to various places and met diverse people. What did u learn from that and how will you apply it in an organisation?10. What are the social, economic and political problems faced by Assam?11. Do you know the names of tribes in Assam?12. Doesn't Govt. of Assam do anything to solve the problems?P.S.: The Panel was very warm and friendly. Loved the experience. :)***********************************************************Three members in the panel One gentleman(P1), One young professor (P2) and one lady(P3)...I entered the room. Greetings exchanged on both the sides. I asked for permission to sit.1. (P1):Are you nervous ?Me: Yes, I am . Butterflies in my stomach . Bit nervous.2.(P1): What do you want us to do so that you can feel comfortable?Me: Please be friendly . I kept smiling.P1: We are very friendly . Drink some water.I had a sip from the glass.P1: Are you settled now. Butterflies have died.Me: Yes sir. Feeling a bit comfortable.P2: Deloitte has a very high attrition rate . How are you going to resolve this issueMe: Answered them . They looked convinced.P1: What were your moments of glory and pride in Deloitte?Me: Told them three moments of glory .P1: What did Deloitte get out of your moment of glory?Me: I explained them how i was instrumental in creating three clubs in Deloitte. That helps people to enjoy their life . Stress buster. Allows people across service line to know each other and befriend each other.On funny side Deloitte got a fantastic show host for hosting shows.P2: Asked about various firm initiatives in Deloitte . How i was involved in those activities.Me: Answered them . They looked convinced.P2: Have you come prepared for the Interview?Me: Yes sir. It will be foolish if i had not come prepared for the interview.P3 interrupts: You have come a bit too much prepared.It was my fault . I was trying to be funny and witty through out the interview. One of the panel member was not amused.P2: Do you know anyone from TISS?Me: Yes Medha Patekar.P2: No like do you have any friend studying in TISS . Have you taken any help from him regarding PI?Me: I do know someone but i have not spoken to him.P3: Why have you changed your job ? Deloitte is a great organization.Me: The other organization was offering me a much higher salary. I do need to save a lot of money for my MBA and future.P3: Dont you think it is unethical ?Me: No madam . explained her the reasons. she looked a bit perplexed. but other two members looked convinced.P3:What ,according to you, is ethics?Me: Answered gave a long answer. she did not look convinced.P3: You have mentioned in the DAF that you have good leadership skills. What is your best leadership quality?Me: I explained her that i am very flexible. I sit down with my other team members and help them finish their work. I am not rigid. Flexibility in any organization brings out the best in the employee.P2: what is difference between the work culture of Fujitsu and Deloitte?Me: I explained that one is an American firm . they are very flexible and other one is Japanese firm . Japanese people are very meticulous about their work . you cant take your work easy.P3: But you like flexibility . How are you going to adjust in different work cultures?Me: You have to mould yourself accordingly. You have to mould yourself according to the organization.P2: Mention few subjects of HRM.Me: Gave them name of 10 subjects.P3: You have come fully prepared. Tell me about TISS placements .Me: I told them . I gave them the exact numbers. they were laughing.P2:Mention few social policies implemented in your home state of Bihar.me: I gave them the name of two plans. They looked convinced.P2:Do you know about these social plans. gave me the name of few social plans.I absolutely had no clue about them . I politely , with a smile, said that i dont know about these plans.P2: D o you read news paper?Me: Yes. told them about the main issues printed in newspaper that particular day. looked convinced.P1:What does LR stand for in HRM and LR?Me: Told them.P1: Tell us something about labour laws in IndiaMe: told them .They were very friendly. Never interrupted me . always let me finish whatever i wanted to say . It was a lot of fun. They were laughing through out the interview. I had a great time as well. All the best Guys. Rock on.***********************************************************PI panle 3.. I was the first one to be interviewd in my panel3 panelist - P1 in 50s, P2 bit young and happy looking guy and P3 very nice lady in around 40s.. all 3 were very nice and had smile on their face throughtP1- so tell me somthing about yourself, make it interesting (smiled)me - spoke a lot for abt 5mins.P2 - why this course?me - told.. no gyans at all.. jo sach tha bol dala he looked satisfied.P2 - what do you see in this particular course provided by us that you want to join? have you gone through the curriculum ?me - shocked for 2-3 secs.. then thought of telling the truth.. told him - sorry sir, I havent gone through it in much details ( maintained my smile )P2 - some questions about what all i mentioned about myself.. geeneral conversation like how my qualities to get into good talking terms will help me in my profession..me - told..P3 - some more ques on how will i use my skills in my profession.me - toldP1 - tell me about some current social issues in bengal.me - didnt tell much.. except one or two.. and finally i said - sorry sir, i cant recollect anymore right now.P1 - its okay (simled)P3 - so you said that your moving to differet places and changing schools has helped you to meet people of different cultures.. how do you think will you use this as hr professional ?me - told.. then some general conversation on whatever i was sayingP1 - okay .. thans a lot.. have a great day ahead (smiled)P2 - smiledP3 - smiledoverall.. good experience and the view outside the window behind the panel was awesome.. i was also enjoying that too even if i dont clear tiss this was.. i wont regret it at all.. i enjoyed the interview a lot.. just be yourself..and be truthfuland seniors.. thanx a lot.. you guys were amazing.. hope to get into tiss and interact with you guys more***********************************************************I was the last person who was interviewed by that panelThere were three people...one P1(male 45+) P2(male 50+) P3(female-40+)P1:So it was a long wait isn' it?Me:Yes,It wasP3:What did you do for so long?Me:drank tea and had bananasP3:dint you get food..Me:I had but I dint like itP2:So you have an interesting graduate degree..What is about?Me:Explained about manufacturing;industrial and stuffP3:How would you increase the employment scenario in ur state and what kind of mfg firm would you open apart from the existing ones?Me:Explained about some semiconductor and robotic firm..Explained about the state and its richness in mineral;iron ore and other thingsP1:Suppose you have to market a robot?How would you market it ?what would be the criteria?ME:Cost centric and customor centric...Gave examplesP2:Why HR?Ans:Gave relation to it with manufacturing....and told what I wanted to doP3:Asked about the training and stuff I had carried about in my firmAns:Gave some explaining....(people were yawning...writing in pads but I continued )P2:Aksed me my favourite subject and it was to do with manufacturing and design .He asked me how would I design a table for a person who is continuously sitting on an IT job...Ans:Gave some serious funde...and explaining...P3:Whats ur plan for future?Ans:Industrial exp then Phd...explained whyOverall:I felt they were pretty tired and they were not that interested in technical stuff as such....I mean they were dosing and yawning..Two people before me were from ECO background so they had to work hard and prove theorems on the board...For me mostly around my wrk ex..They even dint ask me anything about my extracurricular and interests...no intro...no HR questions specifically..interview went for about 20 odd minutes...then bye bye...***********************************************************1.Tell me about yourself2.Why HRPage on Page on 3.hr Policies in my organization4.Something related to innovation in my organization5.Some questions on Teamwork6.Social issues in my state***********************************************************my WAT dint go as expected as neither of the two topics were straightforward !i was the first in my panel...it comprised of 3 panel members..2 male 1 femaleQ. introduce yourselfQ.why H.R.Q. which books you have read on H.R.Q. why u dint apply for other courses of TISSQ. what will facebook gain by acquiring whatsappQ. why is gujarat a dry state and do you think it is right ?Q. are you a vegetarian or a non-veggie ?Q. do you celebrate your birthday ?Q. why whatsapp has been named whatsapp ?Q. do you think the 18 yrs voting age is appropriate ?the panel asked weird questions at times...luckily wasnt asked a single technical question...they dint seem too convinced with my answers though..dint smile at all...neways...fingers crossed !***********************************************************Three Panel members one guy , one aged guy and one Lady.Members were so polite and understands you.Greeted the members.P1.Tell me something about urselfMe:told..P1:how did you prepare for the interviewMe: Told the gyan...if u have read Ashwahappa then say yes else no...I read Kasthubam very nicely so told.P1:Phase HR in three Words?Me:I think he was testing whther i really read the Kasthubam,as in the mgzine it was mentioned abt HR in few words acc to tday scenario...So told him..P2:you are from IT?Me:yes sir I did my Btech in Info tech.P2:Draw TT Truth Table for P->qMe: I drew first time..but he says its for And..I asked him May i try one more time.He said sure no prob.I again drew but still some flaw..he said no issues dont worry have a seat.I told him it has been 3+ years so....he said its okP2:role of IT in HR how can i use IT for HR process any example?Me:Told abt Cloud computing and Big Data..and how can they help Hr in Predictive analytics of Emp/personnel data.i explained how can it be done .i think he was convinced.P2:Did u khnow what is Data mining?Me:told..P2:tell me the subjects u studied in IT?Me:told some sub..P2:any fav?Me:Told DBMS and Cryptography are my fav subjects.P3:What is competitive adv and how Hr is benefitted by it?Me:told and supported witha n example of sales personnel.P3:how HR influence sales people?Me:told something the qualities hr shd look in selecting right candidate for Sales..P3:difference between HR and IR?Me:Told but didnt get many points at that time...i knew Industrial laws by name only so was careful...Then they said thank you pallav ..they didnt offered me nimbu paani.... :(..dunno***********************************************************Three Panelists. P1 mid aged man ,P2 oldman and P3 a mid aged ladyP1: Tell me about urselfP1: Interupted ,how the HR manages so many diverse businesses in E&YP2: what work do u do?P2: give the algorithm to identify a prime numberp2:given a simple case studyP2: how will u retain talent in ur company and make sure they work in the same domain?p3: how can u bring more of development work in IT in india as mostly it is service based?All in all a gr8 xperience....***********************************************************HRM interview:3 of them were there: a scary looking middle age guy with curly hair(P1), a handsome young man (P2), and a sweet middle age lady wearing glasses. (P3)P(2): Please introduce yourself.Me: just a short intro; 5 lines max.P(2): What is your fav grad subject?Me: No particular fav...P(2): What did you study in economics?Me: Micro, Macro, International trade, Indian economy, development economics,etcP(2): Please tell me a few theories of international trade.Me: Comparative cost advantage theory, Absolute cost advantage theory, etcP(2): Why are you interested in HR?Me: Explained in detail; Mentioned about my interest in HR after reading Mayo's experiments from the 1920s.They were very happy when I mentioned this. Even P1 who was silent till then said,"Good! Good!"P(3): Please explain Mayo's experiment in detail again.Me: explained.P(3) asked me about situational problem Qs like - 'If you were a HR manager and two of your employees have a disagreement over bla bla bla... what would do?'. I was asked around 4-5 questions of this kind. The key is to listen to all the conditions carefully and answer accordingly.P(3): You are from Manipur? Were you born there? Your address is Bangalore.Me: I was born and raised in Manipur.P(3): tell me a about ethnic clashes in Manipur. What are the major tribes or communities.Me: Explained in detail.P(3): Your name is Samuel. Please tell me something about prophet Samuel.Me: Told...and how and why i was given this name.P(1): I had many questions to ask but they've asked everything (*laughs*)All of them: thank you Samuel,..it was nice talking to you.Me: Is it over? No more questions? (jokingly)***********************************************************1. Introduce yourself.Answered and then whole interview revolved around my work ex, company.2. What is customer satisfaction according to you?answered3. given one hypothesis and asked me to comment on it.answered negative impacts of it.4.Asked me three cases where it will have positive impacts for the same hypothesis.answered satisfactorily (i guess :P :P)5. Since i have worked in IT, next panel member asked, "Why India is manly in service why don't we have product oriented business and its expansion?"Answered.6. what is more important to you client or cusotmer?quite tricky but could answered with satisfaction.Panel was extremely calm, it actually made me calm when i was bit nervous at the starting.they were with smiling faces and it was really pleasent experience.***********************************************************After a long wait, entered into the interview room. One middle aged man(P1), one young handsome man (P2) and one middle aged lady (P3)P1: Please briefly introduce yourself.Me: Told about background, myself, hobbies etc.P1: Why have you involved yourself in event management and social work? What do you want to show us by saying that you have done these activities in your past?Me: explained and related somehow to HRP3: Tell us how team work has helped you gain any qualities ?Me: toldP1: Why is HR important? Why is it required ? Is it really required?Me: answered in affirmation and explained a bit my viewpoint.P2(looking at my DAF): So you have worked in finance in your firm?Me: ToldP2: how have you prepared for this interview ?Me: toldP3: Can you tell about any labour laws? Explain Industrial Dispute act .Me: ExplainedP3: What are the other labour laws in India ?Me: named a fewP2: How will a company re-employ an ex-employee?Me: Stuck for a bit. Wasn't totally satisfied with my answer.P1: So you have been living in Mumbai for a while, can you tell us some of the social problems here and also about your native place?Me: Told.P1: What are the best and the worst HR policies in your company according to you?Me: told both.P1: Have you applied anywhere else?Me: told.P1: okay thanks a lot.I smiled and said thanks and left the room.Good experience. !!******************************************************************************Introduce yourselfWhy HR?Why TISS?About previous JOB Experience ( I worked in a start up).How many ports are there in ur state? (kerala)What is binnale? (Related to Kochi Muzriz bennale)******************************************************************1)Why this course?2)Why are students from villages underprivileged when it comes to higher education?3)How would you chose the captain of your football team?What qualities would you look for?4)How is a manager with a degree in HR different from a regular manager?5)If you had two employees of the same skill, knowledge,pedigree and qualifications working under you,how would you chose one for appreciation?6)What are your thoughts on Labour policies in India and the dignity of labour?7)Which is more important for good higher education in India, command of English or Money to afford the education?*******************************************************************************Acads: Xth= 94%, XII= 86%, B.Tech (Chemical, 2013 batch)=75%Work-Ex: NoTISS-NET 2013 score: 86 (Gen)Other Calls: FORE,IMT-GPIT topic: 1)Globalisation and Employment-Ind vs other countries2) The future belongs to those who imagine possibilities before they become obvious (attempted)PI:I was assigned to Panel 1, there were 3 people, 2 gentlemen (P1, P2) and a lady (L). All three were very friendly and attentive. My turn came at around 3.30 so I was glad I'd brought a book along with me :)P1: So, introduce yourself.Me: Blah..P1: (Interrupts within a few seconds) So you haven't worked, right?Me: No, Sir.L: Okay so how did you prepare for this interview?Me: The World Wide Web, Ma'am :)Everyone: hahahaha....P1: So, who invented your World Wide Web?Me: Tim Berners Lee.P1: (Smiles) Okay, which sites did you go through?Me: Gave some sites like Indian NGO,NGO in India,NGO in Kishanganj Bihar,Rural Development,Rural Girl Child Welfare Reform,Indian Child welfare,Social welfare,Health Welfare India,NGO for Social Services,Child Welfare Services,Welfare for the Rural Woman,Child Welfare system,Child welfare Agency,Azad India Foundation,India child welfare, the Hindu site etc.P1: What would you want to do after studying HR?Me: Told them about the high rates of attrition in the chemical process design industry, which I'd seen in my summer internship, and my desire to find out why from an HR perspective.P2: Why do they leave? Aren't they paid well?Me: Yes they are, but I guess it's because of the lack of experienced chemical professionals that bigger companies like XY and AB are always on the lookout, and when they find an appropriate candidate, they offer even greater perks and benefits which make them leave.L: (Smiling) And will TISS help you in solving this mystery?Me: Lots of TISS-related gyaan...all nod and smile.P1: Okay, thank you Sushmit, you may leave :)That's it... 5-7 mins max************************************************************************************************Date of PIT/PI: 15 marchProfile: 12 months in oil and gas and then 24 months in Education sectorAcads: DecentTISS-NET 2013 score: 93Other Calls: IRMA , Scmhrd , GIM , NMIMSExtra Curriculars: Decent have Won two All india level CompetitionAny other noteworthy points in your form/CV/profile: nonePIT & PI Experience:PIT topic:Your Biggest enemies are the fear of unknown nd your Assumptions (dont remember exactly but more or less this is the one)PI: My panel was panel No1 bino paulo sir premlatha mam and G saini sirNow My interview went in a completely different plane from what i had expected and prepared for to give a little brief this is the second time i went to TISS i was an aspirant last year when there was the system of Gd /PI my Gd was Fantastic in which G saini sir was a panel member but i foundered completely in Pi again out of the three panel members G saini sir was in the PI too end result not selected P1 was bino paulo sir, P2 was premlatha mam and P3 was Saini sir before entering wen i saw G saini sir again i dint give much thot to it but...my interview went like thisP3: Oh Soumya sarkar you were there last year too?me: yes sirP3: I was there in your Gd as well as PI panel do you remember me ?Me: yes sir of course (the above questioned completely bowled me over as i had the least expectation from a prof who has interviewed more than 1000 candidate since last year to remember any one specific candidate who was not selected)P3: okay tell me what is the difference or contrast between you last year and this year ?Me: I am much more confident in the interviews this year than last year was tongue tied due to immense stress last year but now i am much better in interviewsP2 & P1: Why were you so nervous last year? both of them were interested to know?Me: I told the truth that last year TISS was the only Call i had So was nervousP3: what other calls do you have this year told them the calls written aboveP1: we are running short of time so i would ask you to just tell Me 3 points which you think an Hr proffesional should have? just 3 points you can take 1 minute to thinkMe: took 30 seconds to think then told 3 pointsP1: he asked me to briefly elaborate on one pointMe: repliedP2: Tell me what is smart class how is it used do u use it in your field?Me: replied gave an example and tried to explain itP2: How would you make a class interesting?Me: repliedP2: Give me three attributes of how student would learnMe: i tried but she was not satisfied so i told dont know then she explained the answer to meP3:Why Hr?Me: RepliedP3: Tell me names of some subjects taught in TISS?Me: Said the name of 5 subjects which were correct since i had read the names of the subjects, they were expecting some more but said i dont rememberP3: Did you prepare for TISS?Me: Yes sir i have , told them about maslow and P2 cut me short said its okayP3: (saini sir) What are the written scores of your other exams are the results out?Me: yes sir told that had 98+ percentile in IRMA 97 In snap told I have converted IRMa and scmhrd but i would like to join TISSP3: said thank you it was nice meeting you againPS:I don't know what to make the head or tail of the interview since i concluded that may be they might think me to be too arrogant to boast about the other calls since my interview went in that direction and i just couldnt steer clear of it they dint even asked me if i converted tiss will i join or not************************************************************************************Date of PIT/PI: 14 marchProfile: Fresher, Bachelor of Engineering (University of Delhi)Acads;Class 10- 93Class 12- 90BE- 66TISS-NET 2013 score: 91Other Calls: XLRI-HR, MBE-DU, IRMAExtra Curricular Activities: None worth mentioning.Any other noteworthy points in your form/CV/profile: NonePIT & PI Experience:PIT topic: Role of B-schools in producing truly global leaders.PI: My panel had a lady (Lright) and two gentlemen (Gleft, Gmiddle)(I entered the room, blurted out 'Good Morning' at 3 in the afternoon. Apologized and wished 'Good Afternoon')Gmiddle: No issues, Aditya. You may sit.(I sit)Gmiddle: So Aditya tel me something about yourself.(Blurted out all that I had mentioned in my DAF)Gmiddle; Okay, so why are you here? (Why HR?)(mentioned all that I had written in the DAF+ my interest in psychology)(Gleft looks up, seems interested)(Gmiddle smiles)(I could not notice Lright)Gmiddle: So what have you read in psychology?I: Sir, I have been interesetd in ppsychology for quite some time. Due to the lack of written material I had to scourge up the web and read as much as I could. Recently I tried to read Freud. I picked up 'Interpretation of Dreams', but I dropped it after reading 200 pages as it was beginning to go above my head. So I am onto more popular and simpler works now.Gmiddle: Like what?(mentioned a book I have been reading)Gmiddle: Anything more that you've read in psychology?I: Sir I have been interested in behavioral experiments.Gmiddle: Like?I: Stanford prison experiment.....Gmiddle: Could you explain it?(did the honors)Gmiddle: So what do we learn from this experiment?(I told my interpretation)Gmiddle: Any other things?(I mentioned how Benjamin Franklin's clever use of cognitive dissonance to win the faith of a staunch opponent)Gmiddle: Where did you read this?(I mentioned that I had been hooked onto a web app called StumbleUpon where I browse material on the web related to whatever I am interested in)Lright: How can you relate psychology to HR?(I told whatever I could think of)Lright: Can you think of any legislation as far as HR is concerned?(I:.....I had read a few.....but i am pretty bad at remembering stuff so I blurred out minimum wage act and maternity leave for womenfolk)(Lright seemed offended by my usage of the word 'womenfolk')Lright: What would be your policy to promote an employee in you company?(I replied to the best of my understanding but I was fumbling all along)Gleft: Do you think the Foundation course that we have is actually beneficial?(I told that since an HR manager needs to have an all round perspective, a course imparting the basics of sociology economics, psychology is definitely important)(I was asked a couple more questions related to the technicalities in HR to which I fumbled as I did not know much)Verdict: Most probably a reject as all my preparation was focused on my interest in the filed and I had completely ignored the technical aspects of this field i.e. the laws, the legislation, HR policies etc. I may have sounded a bit too immature. That's strictly my assessment of myself, but it still is disappointing enough.PS- Does the word 'womenfolk' have any derogatory connotation?***********************************************************************Date of PIT/PI: 14 marchProfile: 24 months experience with PSBAcads;Class 10- 84 (icse)Class 12- 73 (bihar inter council)B. Com- 64 (patna university)TISS-NET 2013 score: 87 (Gen)Other Calls: NoneExtra Curricular Activities: Played cricket at District level in BiharAny other noteworthy points in your form/CV/profile: NonePIT & PI Experience:PIT topic: Role of B-schools in producing truly global leaders.PI: My panel had a lady (Lright) and two gentlemen (Gleft, Gmiddle)Gmid: So ur name is Kumar... Saurabh... what is ur first name ??Me: told that saurabh is my surnameLright: Yes ppl in Bihar & UP do have such names.Gmid: Plz Introduce urselfMe: Talked about my place of birth, job, brief stint at IIFT, interest, strengths, weakness etc. Was not interrupted :-)Gmid: Why don't u go for a General MBA. He tried to pursuade me by citing Chanda Kochhar et al.Me: I talked about how after joining my bank I had witnessed Hr policy play the crucial role in motiviating/demotivating employees.Gmid: The possibilities of becoming a ceo in these companies would be high if u do Gen MBA.Me: Persisted with my stand and defended it to the coreGleft: All the while he is looking amusingly at me. Lright takes on from here..Lright: Who is ur current CMD ( never expected this question)Me: toldLright: the one previous to himMe: ToldLright: I heard that he brought about a lot of changes in ur Bank. is that right? How did he make the changesMe: talked about various change-initiatives taken during his time.Lright: Can u talk about a few HR policies that u would like to change in ur org.Me: talked about Transfer/posting policy, transparency in job/assignment allocation, performance evaluation...Gmid: U can leave ur bank in that case and join some other pvt bank.Me: Different banks have different work culture and different hr issues. I told him that his ex of icici bank was not a good option. Told him about the primacy of my bank and the opportunities of growth offered here.Lright: Any suggestion on performance evaluation in ur orgMe : 360 degree feedbackLright: See. that u know would be extremely difficult in implementing. Any alternativeMe: took some time and then told that we can have a system in which at the time of drawing our KRA we can mention the way in which we were assisted by our senior and send a copy to circle HR head. He would on the basis of the remarks award points.All three in unison: Thank u saurabhMe: Thank u ma'm thank u sir :-) (bit surprised at the abrupt end to my interview)Wished them a nice day aheadHad not read too extensively on Performance Management aspect of HR.Given the extremely short batch size, its very difficult to understand what will happen.Keeping my fingers crossed VAny comment on the interview would b appreciated***********************************************************************Date of PIT/PI: 14th MarchAcads: Decent. Graduation from Symbiosis Center for Management StudiesWork-Ex: 17 months in a Travel Start-upTISS-NET 2013 score: 87Extra Curriculars: Debating, MUNs, MusicAny other noteworthy points in your form/CV/profile: Worked on a research paper on HR in the tourism industryPIT & PI Experience:PIT topic: Wage differentials across different sectors and locationsPI: The three memeber panel consisted of the legendary ZRM Sir (P1), one very sweet lady (P2) and another old South Indian gentleman (P3)Here I'm just writing what the panelists asked my as my answers were very "gyaan-ish/global" in nature and would lead to very insipid reading.P3: Tell us about yourself in brief and why you want to come to TISSP3: Tell us about this research paper you publishedP2: What kinds of statistical tools did you use here?P3: What were the findings of your research study?P2: Can you do a SWOT analysis of the sector and tell me?P3: What can be done to preserve and promote our heritage through tourism?P3: You didn't understand me, what can be done at the grassroot level?P3: Do you think local communities need to be involved in the process? What can be done to better the situation?P3: Okay, Thank you very much.Any other observation that you want to share with usI came out confused because of two things. One was that it ended pretty quickly, which I came to know was the case for most candidates that day, so I hope that won't be a problem. The second problem was that ZRM Sir asked me absolutely nothing, I read his research paper on Transformational Leadership and Karma Yoga the night before and was gearing up to have a rich debate on it with him. But it just didn't come up :(The seniors ran the show with warmth and patience. The campus overwhelmed me, going to the canteen and seeing that its actually kind of a co-operative run by Marathi women, seeing the notice boards... its the smallest things that make TISS a very very special place. The 59 seniors are blessed to have the oppotunity to call such a place home,May the best 61 make it! See you on the other side of April 12th :)Final Verdict: Not Selected 169/225 (87+34+48)***********************************************************************TISSNET Score: 87Essay topic: Two topics1. related to pioneering in finding opportunities before they become obvious2. Globalisation and Employment : India Vs Developing countriesWrote 2nd topic. But still not satisfied with the essay i wrote.Interview experience:Panel1: 1 Middle Aged Man, 1 Young Lady, 1 Young ManMe: Can i come in?MAM: YesMe: Wished everybodyMAM: Introduce yourselfMe: I started about my schooling, graduation and said TCS. (30 sec over)MAM: How many years in TCS?Me: 3yrsMAM: You might have interacted with the HR executives in these years. Tell me 3 things what you see in them. Tell me in bullet pointsMe: GyaaaanMAM: Now, Tell me what values you imbibed from them?Me: GyaaaanYM: You wrote in DAF about HR being staff function and its not now. Comment on it.Me: Gyaaaaaaaaan :P seemed satisfiedYM: What sort of preparation did you do for the interview?Me: Read news papers, social issues, was a HR SPOC for my prooject...so told about HR things i do daily.YM: Any articles, magazines, or books about recent trends in HR and stuff like that?Me Sorry, I didn't go through such things. But i did read on Pavlov's conditioning experiment and related it to TCS.YL: Pavlov's conditioning...Tell me how you related it to TCS.Me: GyaanMAM: Thank youMe: Thank you all.7 mins interview. Went smooth. Results @ 12 April as said by seniors there***********************************************************************PROFILE:Acads:X % -- 87.33, Board -- ICSE, year -- 2004XII% -- 73.11, Board -- CHSE,Odisha year -- 2006Undergrad Stream & Specialization(CS, mech etc), Percentage, Year, Institute.Electrical and Electronics Engineering, CGPA 8.17, 2011,ITER,BhubaneswarWork-Ex: YesSectors, Company - Number of monthsIT (TCS) -- ~18 monthsTISS-NET 2013 score:87Other Calls:XIMB-RMExtra Curriculars:Nothing significant.Any other noteworthy points in your form/CV/profile::nono:PIT & PI ExperiencePIT Topic: 1. Patriarchal Outlook in Indian society (Attempted this).2. Importance of HR in influencing the outcome of an organization (Don't remember the name of the topic completely).PI:I was the first person to be interviewed, right after the PIT, by the legendary panel consisting of Mulla Sir(P2), a prof with Odisha connection(he had his glasses on his forehead) (P1) and a lady prof(She was going through my CV)(P3).P1: Introduce yourself briefly.-- Ramcharitra Manas—(I spoke too softly, drank water, fed them my cup of woes and continued).P2: Why do you think research is important? (I emphasized on research).-- Gyaan--P2: Why is HR important?--Gyaan saagar mein dive --P1: You have read TISS brochure?--YesP1: What subjects will help you in your research?--Paused, thought, and could not recall two simple words “Organization Behaviour”. I finally blurted out “Sorry”.P1: Ok, tell me, have you heard the name of Gopinath Mohanty? (Odia connections you see!)-- I knew 2 lines, said that, and gave a little more Gyaan.P3: You work with TCS.Tell me about 2 practices that will enhance productivity of women employees.--Aadhaa Gyaan. I muddled the 2nd point. --P2: If you have a friend who eats lunch with you but never pays. What will you do?-- Mann ki bhadaas nikaal li—Interview khatam.Any other observation that you want to share with us:The panel wants to know you genuinely. They give you a chance to be yourself.Whatever maybe the results, TISS PI panels deserve a standing ovation.P.S.: Thanks to current TISS students for organizing the ppt and presentation. But it would be better if you do it before the PIT.P.P.S.: I was free for Mumbai darshan by 10:50 am.P.P.P.S : I heard a loud, boisterous laughter from the room as I closed the door.P.P.P.P.S : Met our @Akshaya1005 . All the best girl ! I have a gut feeling that you have nailed it.Verdict : Straight rejectScored : 87 + 35 + 38 = 160Full marks : 100 + 50 + 75 = 225***********************************************************************PROFILE:Acads:X % -- 89.60 ,Board -- SSC, year -- 2005XII% -- 86.50 , Board -- HSC, year -- 2007Undergrad Stream & Specialization(CS, mech etc), Percentage, Year, Institute.Computer Engineering, 75%, 2011, D. J. Sanghvi College of Engg., MumbaiWork-Ex: YesSectors, Company - Number of monthsIT (TCS) -- ~19 monthsTISS-NET 2013 score:87Other Calls:IMT-GExtra Curriculars:Nothing significant.Any other noteworthy points in your form/CV/profile:Lead Role in TCS within 1 year, good academic record.PIT & PI ExperiencePIT Topic: 1. Patriarchal Outlook in Indian society (Wrote this).2. Something related to HR (sorry, don't remember the name of the topic completely)PI:My interview was so short that I almost panicked after coming out of the room. I was just the second person to be interviewed, right after the PIT, i.e. before lunch. No questions on 'Why HR', 'Why TISS'!!!P1: A south Indian catholic guy (always smiling)P2: Another south Indian woman (very calm and friendly)P3: I did not see his name. He was only checking my form and essay.P1: Introdue yourself.-- Starts. When I am not done, *interrupts.*P1: During your training period, what was the role of the HR.-- Start explaining. When I say Tata Code of Conduct, again interrupts.P1: What is this TCOC?-- Explained. Seemed convinced.P1: Ok Devika, tell me, what are the 3 qualities that an HR must possess. For each of these, how do you rate yourself? Give me one instance where you have displayed this quality.-- 1. Interpersonal skills 2. Analytical Ability 3. PatienceP1: Repeats the qualities. Smiles. Now rate yourself.-- 1. Interpersonal skills - 4.5/5P1: Oh! that's 90% (smiles).-- Yes. Sir; then explained an instance where I've displayed this.P1: Next. Analytical ability. Rate yourself.-- 4/5.P1: Ok. So 80%. Explain an instance.-- Go on to explain. *interrupts*P1: Do you think Communication skills and Analytical ability are correlated or are they watertight compartments?-- No Sir. They are not watertight compartments. But at the same time, they do not flow into each other. Explained how each of the two are essential. (Analytical ability is cognitive thinking, etc.).P1: Ok. Now third quality. Patience. Rate yourself.-- *I kinda missed it when he said Rate yourself and went on to explain where I have displayed it.P1: Rate yourself.-- (with a smile) Sorry Sir, didn't hear you properly.P1: No problem. Go on.-- 4/5.P1: Ok. So 80%. Explain an instance.-- Go on to explain. (Every human being is different -- has different emotions, aspirations, has to be dealt with differently. So the HR must be even-tempered...etc.)P1: Seemed convinced. Ok. I give you a case. Tell me how you will deal with it.While giving a presentation, a guy who is really jealous of you interrupts you when you are almost 60% done and says "What you are saying is non-sense!". How would you deal with it.--*start thinking*P1: Do you need one minute time to think?-- Yes Sir. *thinks for 10 seconds and starts*. Explained him what I would do. Seemed convinced. Both P1 and P2 nodded their heads.P1 looks at P2. You want to ask?P2: Asks a question on the bell curve and presents a case. Asks me how I think the HR plays a role?Explained. She seemed convinced.P2 turns to P3. He had no questions. All 3 smile and say we are done.Any other observation that you want to share with us:I am myself not sure what the short interview meant.Just be calm and keep smiling. They are very supportive. Be yourself. Don't expect any particular question. In my case, I was so sure that he would ask me 'Why HR' that I was preparing the answer to my question till I entered. Luckily, it did not affect my performance (or so I feel.)***********************************************************************PROFILE:Acads:X 86.5%,Rajasthan Board, 2003XII 73.8%, CBSE, 2005B.Tech CSE, 78.78%, 2010, SASTRA University.Work-Ex:IT, TCS- 31 monthsTISS-NET 2013 score:87Extra Curriculars: Sports, Plays ,quizzes etc.Any other noteworthy points in your form/CV/profile: Mentioned some of the achievements at workplace and in school life. No proofs were asked but I guess they might verify at a later stage.PIT Topics1.Negotiating with emotions: A core competency of Human resource professional.2.Privatization of higher education.Wrote essay on topic 1 connecting emotions with human behavior and how HR can develop this competency to tackle wide variety of emotions among a workforce.PI ExperiencePanel :3 members,1 lady and 2 gentlemen.Asked me to answer About yourself in brief,why HR and Why TISS in a single go.They Skimmed my explanation and asked me about 1 role-play situation based on a jargon used by me.another panel member asked to give examples of successful and failed applications of another jargon used by me.Asked about role of HR in IT sector and how they are affected by changes in its business models.Interview was mostly fluent and was cross questioned only once or twice but thoroughly.Rest will be revealed by results.Prepare Why HR,Why TISS thoroughly and you might see the interview drifting upon your answers.Any other observation that you want to share with us:Duration of interviews before lunch was long (~30-45 mins) and afterword’s it came down to ~20-30 mins.***********************************************************************This was probably my best - but didnt get me da result expected :(.Date and time: April 16th - 9:30 amPlace: Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) MumbaiReached at around 2 pm on Sunday the 15th and spent that evening at TISS - met many new PG friends - Vachan, Rajiv and of course later Saki and Ram (whom I already knew)... the stay overnite was nice - doesnt feel as if u are in Mumbai when inside the campus at TISS :) - small in size but really nice to have a walk in da evenings etc - and extremely conducive atmosphere and surroundings for study - and well - the latest news is that TISS has become wi-fi :) - all da info was poured in from Babu who met us on Sun evening and answered a lot of questions from our side...Woke up early in da morning - got ready and went to the main lounge where there was a smal crowd - not as much as expected - we had a small presentation on the know-how of TISS by a second-year'ite of the HRM/LR program... later we came up and were grouped into different batches (as put on da notice board) - and were led to da different classes for the GD/PI - Mine was in class XI - 8 of us (2 absent) - 4 boys 4 gals... so even ratio :)GD: Globalisation is a mixed blessing for the youth of today (it was the same topic for all the batches in my main group) - the other group had got Gandhian values etc etc... ( though the topics are being changed evryday - so dont go by them :| )Very decent GD - chipped in a lot of times... was surprised by da female junta as some spoke real well, and real fluently. By da way we ourselves decided that we wud use paper, and recollect our thoughts for sometime - the 2 supervisors didnt have a prob with it - though when we decided on the topic as globalisation and started writing, one of them said 'Isnt this a GD ?? ' - and well - one of the ladies started rite away. Two of the females seemed to be dominating the show - though all guys spoke well too - and well - chipped in a lott of good points - though the youth aspect was kinda fading away with all the industrial and economic aspect takin toll of da topic :mg: - all of us spoke without majorly cutting others - as we had been reminded that domination of the GD wud lead to getting -ve points.Rating: 8/10After this - we were led into a room, and were told that there is still some time for the PI. Hence we moved off - grabbed a vada-paav for a quick bite and then came back - to our disbelief the PI's had already begun - apparently the people were being called RANDOMLY. Was surprised at this - but there was nothin we cud do. We just gave our names, and sat there hopin for a quick call. I was called in just before the lunch call - though they dedided later that I too shud be pushed in after lunch :|. So i went ahead, ate somethin and returned. The wait before the PI was long. The PI finally happened at around 3 to 3:15 pm. I was all jittery before as I had heard my panel had been stressing the people in da morning and blasting on GK... finally I was in...PI: The panel - Oldish smiling lady - L (did almost all questioning)Elderly man in between - EDifferent lookin elderly person with long tied hair - DBakra moi ;) - BB (enters and wishes all - sits)E: Whats these documents? (pointing to my change of name docs)B: (Explains what were they)E: But why did you change your name ?B: blah blahAll 3 of them: Ok okL (smiling eternally :mg: ) - So u are working in XXX - how long?B: blah blahL: Oh - thats a lot of time - wat are u working in?B: blah blah (cool workex questions :mg:)L: Ohk so such a nice field - why do u want to come into HR?B: Blah blah blah blah -( some kind of an answer which I had thought of... explained properly - wat do I get -- EXPRESSIONLESS faces from all except from L - she is smiling in an understanding manner - E is checkin my papers/docs/certificates)...E: So what do you know about HR as a field?B: blah blah - tell them the basics(all shaking head except D of course ;) )L: Ok - so Ashish tell me bout what you think of women in this present day corporate world? And what are the issues faced by them ?B: blah blah - sexual harrasment, ego problems from men, etc etcL: Ohkie - so wat are the things companies have been doin to prevent such things like sexual harrasment?B: blah blah(trying to maintain eye contact with all - but E is busy with file - doesnt look at me AT ALL - and D is well - blank - stone-faced - no expressions! )L: Ohkie - so tell me about the reservations issue now -wat do u think bout the reservations issue in the private sector?B: Blah blah blah blahL: Ohk cool - (looks at others for their turn)D (all of a sudden): What are the different central trade unions in India?B: (says somethin which goes kinda unheard)D: wattt???B: blah blah (explains)E: Ohkay yes yesD: (shaking head)D: Can you name some trade union in the unorganized sector?B: umm - dont think I know any - but i guess BMS can be one of themD: (smilingly looks at L)Moi understands that my answer is wrong :(D: So which are the new states in India??B: blah blah(all quiet for sometime)L: (asks E if he wants to ask any questions)E: No nothin actually - so bout ur hostel accomodation at TISS -- blah blah ( they were askin this to all at their interviews)B: blah blahL: Ohkay thats it then - thanx AshishE: yes thanksD: expressionless :|B: (wishes and exits)Approx 15 min - Dont know wat to say - questions were ok and I answered without any gaps etc -managed it well- but hardly any reaction from the panel - except for the lady at times... the people before me and those after me had a similar kinda interview - though not entirely on GK questions - theirs were even shorter - some 8 to 9 min...Looks like they were lookin for more than just mere answers... :|Rating: 8.5 to 9/10 (from my side)Travelled in da evening to Churchgate to meet a friend and stayed overnite with him - had kinda fun - and then travelled back to airport da next morning to catch flite back to Blore - Saki (chaosunlimited) and another girl accompanied me in it - so that was good fun too :)General opinion: Diverse interviews being conducted - entirely on luck which panel u get, and also how ur interview goes. Heard later that my panel conducted stress interviews in the latter half of the day... was again surprised at that... The panel with the dean was stressing most of da guys (like every year) - so guess people had to watch out there...***********************************************************************Interview Experience 1Q1- Case studies based on cost-benefit analysis (related to my job description)Q2- Question to check my views on social issues***********************************************************************Personal Interview Repository (2013-15)Interview Experience 1Q1- Case studies based on cost-benefit analysis (related to my job description)Q2- Question to check my views on social issuesInterview Experience 2Q1- Questions from my work experience.Q2- I had data warehouse exp, so how data warehousing can have non-conventional applications etc.Q3- Questions on DAFQ4- Family back groundQ5- Questions related to CSR of the company (IT company)Q6- What are your Strengths?Q7- Why HR and why TISS?Interview Experience 3Q1- Questions about my subjects in under graduation (Graduation inMicrobiology).Q2- Why HR?Q3 -Why TISS?Q4- A question on compensation- choose between monetary benefits and non-monetary benefits to be given to an employee in a particular situation of shiftingfrom one city to another, and why (justify).Q5- Why transition from microbiology to HR?.Interview Experience 4Q1- Tell about yourself.Q2- Why TISS, Why HR?Q3- What would you bring in as an individual to the quality of TISS HRQ4- Tell us about company’s HR policies. Are they good?Q5- Where they should improve?Q6- Practical applications of HR in industry?Q7- You were a line manager - did you come across HR as an essential body inorganizations.Why?Q9- Relate your hobbies to you as an individual - what change have it brought inyou?Q10- Why not other B-schools - Your factory experience would be of better usethere.Q11- What if you don't get a salary as they pay in a PSU when you finish thecourse? Are you ready to face that scenario?Q12- Finally, what do you know about the HR course.Q13- Can you tell us about a few application of laws which you have encounteredin an industry - like a few HR related laws.Interview Experience 5Q1- Tell me about yourself,Q2- Politics - a lot of questions on Indian politics. My whole interview revolvedaround Politics.Interview Experience 6Q1- Mostly related to my company’s HR policies (3 years of work ex in ITcompany)Q2- Analyze company's HR policies. Asked me to comment on one of the policyof the company.Q3- There was one scenario based question-You are the HR at your companywhich allots people to different streams without taking their preferences intoconsideration. Suppose a guy comes up to you and asks you for a transfer fromTesting to Development what will you do?Q4- Why HR (after IT and ECE in Engineering)?Q5- Tell me something about yourself?Interview Experience 7Q1- Why TISS?Q2- Why HR?Q3- Define policies?Q4- Relate your father work experience with HR?Q5- Why should we select you?Interview Experience 8Q1- Application of HR in EconomicsQ2- Main headlines of that day's newspaperQ3- My Extracurricular activities and its application in HRQ4- Challenges faced by me in my roles of responsibility, key learning and thesolutionsInterview Experience 9Q1- What are the important qualities you think that a HR professional shouldpossess?Q2- Who do you think make better managers? Men or Women?Q3- Have you heard of the iRaise program at Infosys?Q4- Should line managers do HR or should there be a separate HR department inthe organization?Justify your answerInterview Experience 10Q1- Tell us about yourself?Q2- Why TISS and HRM & LR?Q3- Why Chemical Engineering?Q4- Job responsibilities?Q5- Your Ares of Interests?Q6- Your Hobbies (My 3-4 questions were on hobby only)Q7- Any books read related to HR?Q8- Simple case problem on women working conditions in manufacturing plant?Interview Experience 11Q1- How would you deal with the problem of fewer women at the topmanagement?Q2- A case study on maternity policies of two companies.Interview Experience 12Q1- Why HR?Q2- Apart from TISSNET which other exams you have written?Q3- Being a Civil Engineer, why HR (management) now?Q4- Being a Civil Engineer, what solution you give to the overpopulation problemin India? How will you Take care of their shelter?Q5- How Earth Quake resistant buildings are made?Q6- You are not from Arts background, you don’t have a base of sociology andpsychology, how will you understand things here?Q7-What have gained from your hobbies (Theatre and Lawn Tennis)?Interview Experience 13Q1- Since I am B.Pharma so why not research?Q2- Case study based on Pharma, ethics and people.Q3- Situation based on talent retention and engagement.Q4- Favorite subject in HR you would like to specialize in?Q5- How would you add diversity to the batch?Q6- Tell me something about yourselfQ7- Why should we select you?Interview Experience 14Q1- Introduce yourselfQ2- Why HR?Q3- Why TISS?Q4- Given two case studies to analyze.(Compensation based)Q5- Are you aware of the subjects being taught here?Q7- Basics of Labor Law.Interview Experience 15Q1- Details about Infosys Leadership Institute (star certification)Q2- HR policies of Infosys-Merits and demerits of iRaceInterview Experience 16Q1- Tell me about yourself?Q2- Why HR?Q3- Why TISS?Q4- Questions related to Biotechnology (my UG specialization)Q5- Social movements in Tamil Nadu(my Home state)Q6- Questions related to Village Administration based on my native placeQ7- Socio economic status of VillageInterview Experience 17Q1- Why HR?Q2- Why TISS?Q3- Why Masters degree after 30 months of work experience?Q4- Importance of HR in IT industry?Q5- Subjects related to HR studied in under graduation.Interview Experience 18Q1- Introduce yourself.Q2- During your training period (in TCS), what was the role of the HR?Q3- What is this TCOC? (Tata Code of Conduct)Q4- What are the 3 qualities that an HR must possess? For each of these, how doyou rate yourself?Give me one instance where you have displayed this quality.Q5- One on-the-spot case based question. (How will I react/respond?)Q6- A question on the bell curve and another case-based question.Interview Experience 19Q1- Why Indian IT industry is limited to Service only, why not manufacturing (Iam from IT background)Q2- What's your view on reservation system?Q3- What was your job in your organization?Q4- No question on 'Why HR and Why TISS'.Interview Experience 20Q1- Why do you want to join HR?Q2- What do you think is your priority sequence from these: University,Placements, Course Type, and Brand Name?Q3- Do you think HR practices at your place (Current employer) are fair?Q4- Comment on sexual harassment in your workplace. Did you notice anycomplain regarding same andHow was it tackled?Interview Experience 21Q1- Politics in Uttar Pradesh, questions on Mayawati.Q2- Given a free choice which political party would you join and why?Q3- Questions on reservations, (difference between a SC and a OBC)Q4- Questions on religion (whether I follow Buddhism , my last name being"Siddharth" )Q5- Why HRQ6- Why do you want to quit a PSU job that pays you well and join TISS whereyou would hardly get ajob of around 20-25 [ yes I was told this :)]Q7- Questions on my Long term goals.Q8- Questions about the best HR practices of my companyQ9- Some basic questions about my company.Interview Experience 22Q1- Where you from? What you do (my job profile).Q2- They said you look so tailor made for tech stuff then why you want to join us?Q3- There were few questions about FDI, Nuclear Technology (I have nobackground in this but they wanted to check how will I fare in unseen situations)Q4- Use of IT in governanceQ5- What so special about TISS (Please go through the brochure seriously)Q6- What you want to unlearn in life?Q7- Few more like how can add value to this batch?Interview Experience 23Q1- WHY do you want to move from Social work to HRMQ2- What are the principles of community organization explain any one.Q3- Do you smokeQ4- Give a brief intro about yourselfQ5- Do you think Social work and HRM contradict each other?Q6- Few related to Social Rural Development which is what I studied in UG.Interview Experience 24Q1- Why HRM?Q2- Was asked couple of labor laws.Q3- Was given a situation based case to solve(What would a manager do tominimize internal tussle between different departments?)Interview Experience 25Q1- Three things I learned while playing basketball which I can implement in anorganization? (My whole interview was around this only).Q2- Why HR?Q3- Why TISS?Interview Experience 26Q1- Why TISS?Q2- Why is there high attrition rate in the software Industry?Q3- Which was the most recent movie you watched and the learning from it (As Ihad mentioned watchingmovies as my hobby)Q4- What is the root cause of the problems in society?Q5- What day is today (My interview was on women`s day)Q6- Who is the HRD minister?Q7- What are some of the HR changes which you would like to bring in yourcompany?Interview Experience 27Q1- Tell me something about yourself.Q2- Questions directed to my family business (builders and developers)Q3- what are the current issues that the construction labor is currently facing ?Q4- Do you propose to do anything about it?Q5- So how can this program help you with that?Q6- Random questions about the Telangana turmoil (just facts. did not force me totake a stand and argue my point.)Interview Experience 28Background : Senior Software Engineer with 1.5 years experience(iGATE)Q1- Rapid fire questions of quick mathematical calculations (Psychology Prof ,For rest of interview he was just an observant)Q2- Why HR , What is HR ( HRM professor)Q3- What is a Data center in an IT based setup(HRM professor)Q4- Which area are you coming from and what are the pressing social issuesthere(School of Education)Q5- As a HR what intervention you think should be made in iGATE? (HRMprofessor)Q6- What is the Outcome based pricing model at iGATE?Q7- Do you have anything to say?Overall the Interview went on for 30 minutes. The Interviewers were looking fordetailed answers to the questions and there were interruptions then and there.Interview Experience 29Q1- About Myself. Why HR, Why TISSQ2- Current Affairs and opinions on the same (Controversy in Wharton overinviting Narendra Modi as one of the keynote speakers)Q3- HR Related: Comparing motivational aspects of a DRDO scientist with anemployee working in Tobacco/Liquor Industry, Building a Collaborative Culturein organizationsInterview Experience 30Q1- Panel wanted to know my thoughts / opinion on cast based reservation inIndia. This went for 25 minutes.Q2- Little about my work experienceQ3- Lot about my upbringing, schoolingQ4- Panel tried to understand how well I understand social issues in my home-townQ5- Management questions: Strategy for rural housing scheme for whole of IndiaInterview Experience 311. Introduce yourself2. Why are you shifting from Law to HR?Said I see it as a logical progression and also told them I studied Law and nowwant to study HR so that I can become a professionally competent and sociallyuseful Civil Servant in the future.3. What do you mean by Jurisprudence?Had mentioned in the DAF that am interested in Jurisprudence. Explained.4. What is analytical Jurisprudence?Explained in detail going to the root of analytical-continental divide in Philosophy.5. What is the difference between Natural Law Theory (NLT) and Legal Positivism(LP)?Explained.6. Which school you agree with, NLT OR LP?Neither. Told them I agree with Ronald Dworkin and Interpretative Jurisprudence.Explained.7. What is the process of amending the constitution of India? How should it be?Explained with the help of line of cases leading to the landmark decision of theSupreme Court on the Basic Structure Doctrine.8. You want to do something useful for the society, why don't you do it in yourfield i.e. Law?Explained.9. So you think others like us are not doing anything socially useful?Said every one has their role in the society and within the relationship ofproduction and this is what I think I would able to do.10. So then it becomes a question of your convenience and not merely being usefulto the society?Said both are not mutually exclusive. Also if I don't go to the bed satisfied, I mightnot be able to serve and satisfy the people.11. Was told that there are many public Universities who don't implement thereservation quotas, then why no legal action are being taken against them?Said I wasn't aware of this but I shall research on this especially in my state(Odisha) and if this is true; will file a PIL. (The panel smiles)12. What is doctrine of notional extension? (related to labour law)I don' know.13. But you should know?Yes sir.14. What is the difference between horizontal reservation and vertical reservation?Explained but he disagreed and himself explained (I think he was wrong here)15. What are the various vertical reservations in India?Said we mainly have caste based reservation in India.16. What are they?SC : 15%, ST : 7.5%, OBC : 27%17. Why 15% for SCTold them it was the proportion of their population to the total population at thetime when reservations were introduced.18. Is there a law that protects women in the workplace?Yes.19. Are you sure, they are bringing in a new law?Yes I am. The new law is a comprehensive criminal law amendment which dealswith various aspects of crime against women.20. Tell me which is one law you would want to amend?Laws dealing with age of consent, child marriage, marital rape, sexual offencesagainst children etc overlap and gives conflicting positions which is creating a lotof trouble; so I would want to bring in a comprehensive legislation which clearsthese problems.21. What is the difference between Law, Legislation, Bill and Act.Explained.22. You have talked a lot about intending to work for the society; if you make it toTISS and get a good placement salary won't you change your mind?Said I was really glad to be asked this question. Told them that NLSIU (Igraduated from this place) has 100% placement and the average package is 15Lakhs p.a. and that I was a decent student, in fact a Gold Medalist, but I opted outof the placement process. (The interviewer said he was glad to know this)Any other comment : I couldn't answer a couple of questions. Also at times Ithink I was a bit fast. The interview panel is not interested in one's achievementsbut wants to know who we really are and most importantly why we are interestedin studying HR. All the best to all of you.

What are some unique BA dissertation topics?

This article aims to help students select their education dissertation topic so they can get started without any delays. Education dissertations cover a wide array of topics including public school education, holistic education, role of ethnicity, gender and class on academic achievements, adult education, pre-school and primary school education, college and university education, child development, distance learning, politics and policy in education, teacher education, and curriculum.It should be noted that the primary objective of a dissertation is to add to existing research in the chosen field of study. Although there are many areas of research for students of education, it is important for the author to be focused rather than wide ranging. This approach can help students to seek and achieve the desired outcome. A specific topic can further help to complete dissertationresearch in a timely manner and within the allocated budget. Setting clear and concise research questions, aims and objectives at an early stage can keep your research focused. In order to help you with the education dissertation topic selection process, we have listed topics in all areas of education.Education Research Topics for 2018A comparison of Wonderlic tests and standardized tests as means to assess academic performance.Purpose: Although there are many techniques and methods of assessing and evaluating academic performance, this research will be specifically focusing on the comparative analysis of Wonderlic tests and standardized. In the end, the research will conclude which approach is better in different situations of academic life.The theory and practice of educational games as a means to promote better learning.Purpose: Now days, many researches have been focusing on identifying different learning approaches in order to provide quality education. The purpose of this research is to analyze the concept of educational games for young children in order to promote and improvise learning mechanism.How the use of smart technology can impact the learning ability of a child: case study of Kindergarten studentsPurpose: With the emergence of new technological advancement, many organizations including the education institutes have started embracing high technological environment. The main purpose is to improvise business efficiency in the form service or product improvement. This research will be focusing on how the use of smart technology has improvised the learning ability of kindergarten students.Comparing and analyzing the teaching approach and mechanism of privately owned schools and public school: case of developing countriesPurpose: Due to the rise of capitalist economies, many institutions have developed unique mechanism to improve the business operations and sale. Same is the case of educational institutes. However, the teaching mechanism and approach for private schools have been more effective as compared with public schools. Therefore this research focuses on having a critical analysis of the teaching approach and mechanism of private owned schools and public schools.Analyzing the current curricular development of K12 students and how it can be linked with current economic issuesPurpose: It has been found out that curriculum development of majority of the educational institutes have become obsolete and monotonous. In other words, students are not being taught with the worldly matters of today’s times. Therefore, the main aim of this research will to analyze the current curricular development of K12 students and how it can be molded to reflect the true economic conditions and issues of the society.“Our expert dissertation writers can help you with all stages of the dissertation writing process including topic research and selection, dissertation plan, dissertation proposal, methodology, statistical analysis, primary and secondary research, findings and analysis and complete dissertation writing. Learn more about Research Prospect dissertation writing services. “Early Childhood Education Dissertation TopicsEarly childhood education in the UK and many other countries refers to any form of education that children between the ages of 2 years and 6 years obtain. Some early childhood education dissertation topics are listed below:Investing in pre-school education and care: The impact of quality on inequalityThe effectiveness and implementation of early childhood education curriculum interventionsLinking theory to practice and back again: The use of collaborative enquiry and video documentation to facilitate critical thinking in preservice teacher educationHow integrated technology can be used in an early literacy healthy eating kindergarten programmeImproving early childhood literacy development and English education through the use of multiple media toolsSupporting emergent literacy at pre-school level through the use of technologyMerging multimodality, technology and literacy in era of kindergarten digital storytellingComputer-based reading program with at-risk pre-kindergarten studentsPre-school educational settings and the nature of children’s leadershipHow urban students’ academic accomplishments can be influenced by a school district’s pre-school education policiesInvestigating the relationship between kindergarten achievement and classroom qualityCreating efficient learning environments to facilitate the process of early childhood educationElementary Education Dissertation TopicsIn the United Kingdom and other developed regions of the world, elementary education is the first level of compulsory education that children between the ages of 6 and 13 years obtain to achieve basic numeracy and literacy. Primary or elementary education further helps to establish foundations in history, geography, mathematics, science and other social sciences. In some countries, pupils attending elementary school are also required to receive basic sexual education. Some important primary education issues to explore are listed below:Establishing the factors inhibiting and enhancing elementary school children’s creativityDeveloping life skills in elementary school pupils in the United Kingdom (or any other country of your choice)Monitoring and evaluating instruction in private elementary schools in China from the perspective of head teachers and teachers.Including children with special educational needs in a mainstream elementary educational institute – A Case study of any elementary schoolImplementing inclusive education in elementary/primary schools in Australia – The challenges and opportunitiesEmotional coherence in educational leadership: the importance of the personal in interpreting and sustaining primary school headshipShould learning be more self-guided in conventional primary schools?Classroom evaluation in England – Teachers’ practices and perceptions in MathsIntegrating outdoor learning activities with elementary curriculum in the United KingdomInvestigating the use of technology in elementary school physical educationInvestigating the impact of the age of information on current courses taught in primary schoolShould primary schools allow their students to study more independently to achieve improved performance?“Complete this short online form and provide as much information as possible to receive instant quotes from our writers specialising in your area of research.”Secondary Education Dissertation TopicsSecondary school education primarily covers the formal education obtained by pupils between the ages of 13 years to 18 years. It may be followed by higher education or vocational training. Secondary education is considered to be as compulsory in most countries including the United Kingdom, and it may be taught in the form of Ordinary Levels, Advanced Levels, and SSC and HSC exams. There is a wide array of research areas to be explored under this field of study, and any of the following research topics could be selected for your education dissertation.Investigating the impact of teacher education on secondary education in European UnionInvestigating the impact of secondary school dual enrolment course participation on pupils’ academic accomplishmentsThe role of sustainability in learning and teaching in secondary schools to transform the soul of educationInvestigating secondary school teachers’ thinking in a professional development projectTo examine the influence of family on first generation college students’ academic ambitionsBetraying the college dream: How student aspirations are undermined by the disconnected postsecondary and K-12 education systemsAnalysing supply & demand in light of rising cost of secondary educationTo study the use of instructional and information technologies in teacher training in secondary schools and colleges in the United KingdomShould secondary school teachers emphasize more on today’s demanding issues such as energy conservation, sustainability and environment protection?How religious and racial tolerance can be increased among pupils by reintroducing religious education in secondary schooling system?To investigate the benefits of teaching business management and entrepreneurship related courses to secondary school students over social science courses?Higher Education Dissertation TopicsHigher education or college/university education covers the formal education available to college, undergraduate and post graduate students. Some interesting higher education dissertation topics are listed below.International mobility of graduate and undergraduate students of mathematics, engineering, technology and science; Push and Pull FactorsInternational graduate students and their decisions to stay or leave the US; The decisive factorsThe role of religious background on spiritual engagement of students entering higher education institutesAligning higher education to labour market requirements in the UKInternationalisation drivers, obstacles and rationales: A case study of any higher education institute in the UKAn investigation into the governance systems of academic planning in both private and public sector higher education institutesTurning higher education green from the inside out: A qualitative analysis of universities and colleges that “Made Green Happen”Evaluating teaching quality in higher education schools from students’ perspectiveIdentify the factors affecting student mobility in Europe – The quality aspectInvestigating the need to abolish mandatory retirement rule for professors in higher education systemDo university graduates perform better than those who do obtain formal education but have practical work experience?Teaching Method Dissertation TopicsThe role of primary, secondary or higher education teachers is highly important, particularly considering the ever increasing need to provide growth-oriented academic environment to students. Some interesting teaching methods dissertation research topics are listed below.The influence of teaching methods on students’ academic success and achievementsA transactional method to learning and teaching in an English language arts methodologies conferenceHow algebraic understanding of primary and secondary school students can be largely influenced by the effect of constructivist teaching methodsStudent learning of DNA and the effect of teaching methodsTeaching English through conventional and direct approaches – A qualitative studyInvestigating the relationships of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs, knowledge and efficiency: A multimethod approachExploring the benefits of employing the Socratic methodology as an approach to learningThe benefits of introducing a mathematics software such to higher education mathematics teachersTeaching towards equity in MathematicsThe increasing importance of teachers training taking into consideration various threats to students such as weapons and drugsAre the teachers more prone to violence at the hands of their students as compared to the past: How the profession of teaching has evolved over the last twenty yearsEducation Leadership and Policy Studies Dissertation TopicsThe role of leadership, politics and policies cannot be overlooked. Education leadership and policy studies has two main roots including the organisational theory and political science. This may be an interesting area of research for your educational dissertation.Implementing educational change in failing middle schools through examination of one’s fundamental leadership procedures and processesThe internationalisation in students affairs of higher education institutes in the United Kingdom from 1990-2015Historical background and development of co-curricular transcriptsEvaluating the self-efficiency of high performing first generation university studentsThe influence of spiritual growth on leadership development of college and university studentsExamining Chinese students’ perception of academic success in UK universitiesThe peril and power of globalisation: The Higher education, the World Bank, and the Global Knowledge EconomyThe self-reported impact of instructional coaching on middle school teachers’ practicesAn investigation into the policies designed to address bullying in schools of the UK: The beliefs, opinions and perceptions of teachers and principalsInvestigating the causes to under-representation of black students in advancement placement courses in the USALecture note taking skills of adolescents with and without learning disabilitiesA qualitative study to evaluate the 14-19 educational policies in the UKAn empirical investigation on “Decentralisation and Education”Not Sure Which Dissertation Topic to Choose?Use Our Topic Planning ServiceGET A FREE QUOTE NOWAdult Education Dissertation TopicsVocation-based or professional, adult education has gained tremendously popularity in the academia world over the last couple of decades. There is a wide range of research topics within this field of study to base your dissertation on. Some interesting topics are listed below.Investing social and personal benefits and costs of basic adult education from students’ perspectiveExploring rural students’ experiences at the Open University of the United KingdomThe perception of adult learners regarding their satisfaction of their educational experiencesUse of bounded agency approach to promote participation in adult education programmesA psychoanalytic investigation to explore adult teaching and learning theoryComparing perception of adult learners in face to face and online coursesUse of Hatcher-Assagioli Synthesis to analyse practices, principles and gaols for community based adult educationA review of the UK government spending on adult education over the last two decadesDo specialist job related courses actually help students to secure jobs in their preferred fields?The relationship between unemployment and government funding for adult education – A quantitative analysisEnhancing existing skills and developing news ones to improve employment prospectsThe impact of entrepreneurship, wealth building and personal finance related courses in adult educationFrequent career changes over working life and increasing importance of adult education in today’s worldPrivate School Education Dissertation TopicsPrivate schools have become a large profit making industry in both the developed and developing world. More and more parents want to send their children to private schools even though the expenses associated with private education are constantly on the rise. Following are some suggestions for your education dissertation research:Evaluating the effectiveness of management in private schools in the UAEInvestigating parents’ perspectives of private schools in LebanonTo study the level of cooperation between home schools, public schools and private schools in the United KingdomA qualitative analysis to determine the causes to why parents choose to send their children to private schools in south Asian countriesInvestigating the policies concerning the fee structure of private schools in ShanghaiAn empirical analysis of the impacts of the universal primary education policies on educational performances in South AsiaUse of information technology and teaching tools in private schools in the UKSchooling for money – The impact of profit motive on Swiss educational reformChallenges and experiences of children with disabilities in private schools of IndiaWhy do private school students are considered to have an edge over public schools – A qualitative studyEmphasis on personality formation and character in private schools – Are private school students more competitive than public school students?Public School Education Dissertation TopicsMost schools in the developed worlds are publicly funded schools offering elementary, secondary and higher education. There is a wide array of topics of research under this field of study. Some interesting topics for your public school education dissertation are suggested below:To study the level of cooperation between home schools, public schools and private schools in the United KingdomInvestigating the impact of teacher leadership in public schools in the UKIs it true that public schools are better able to prepare their students to face the challenges of the real world as compared to the private schoolsCan publicly funded religious schools help to counter radicalisation and terrorism?Encouraging values and morals in the younger generation by reintroducing religious education in public schools in the UKHealthy eating habits and the role of public schools offering courses such as meal choice, cooking and home economicsHow public school students can be encouraged to participate in sporting activities?The perception of special education administrators on the use of paraprofessionals in the education of students with disabilitiesEducating students with disabilities and the beliefs of public school principalsUsing advanced teaching tools in public school classroomsHome Schooling Dissertation TopicsHome schooling is a highly growing educational phenomenon in the developed countries. Any form of education that children obtain within their home setting under their supervision of their parents/adults can be classified as home schooling. Some interesting home school dissertation topics are suggested below:A qualitative study to understand the significance of the role of information technology in home schoolingThe advantages and disadvantages of home schooling – Doe home children perform with the top private and public school students?A qualitative analysis on socialisation and academic accomplishments among home schooled university studentsFactors motivating students to choose home schooling over conventional schooling systemsA qualitative study to understand parental motivation to home schoolingAre partnerships available in home schooling?A qualitative analysis to understand the educational beliefs of home schooled pupils and their parentsA qualitative analysis on the relationship between financial literacy and home schoolingThe duties and responsibilities of parents concerning the home schooling of their childrenIs it true that home school children perform superior to those who attend conventional schools?More Education Dissertation TopicsSome more education dissertation topics are listed below:Role of ethnicity, gender and class on academic achievementsA qualitative study to investigate the extent to which self-fulfilling prophecy of gender differentiation influence classroom interactions in elementary schools in the UKShould religious education be made compulsory in primary schools in the UK to provide central support services to children from religious minorities?The intersection of race, class, and gender in higher education: Implications for discrimination and policyInvestigating the educational experiences of Caribbean and African boys in the USAShould importance placed on math and language studies be lowered in order to help student keep up with the curriculum?Should secondary school teachers emphasize more on today’s demanding issues such as energy conservation, sustainability and environment protection?Use of information technology for teaching science and maths: A qualitative studyCurriculumShould importance placed on math and language studies be lowered in order to help student keep up with the curriculum?Should secondary school teachers emphasize more on today’s demanding issues such as energy conservation, sustainability and environment protection?Use of information technology for teaching science and maths: A qualitative studyStructuring Your Education DissertationYour dissertation must consist of an Executive Summary/ Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Research Design and Methodology, Findings and Discussions, References, and/or AppendicesThe Abstract/Executive Summary section of the dissertation provides a summary of the research rationale, aims and objectives, research design and methodology, and findings.Literature Review chapter provides a thorough review of the relevant and up to date literature including academic articles, journals and text books as well the review of potential importance of the findings.Introduction chapter of the paper typically presents the research rationale, research background, key aims and objectives, and the dissertation structureMethodology chapter consists of the research design, primary and secondary data collection and analysis methods, research limitations, ethics and philosophy.All major findings of your research are presented and discussed in detail under the Findings and Discussions chapter of the dissertationList of all academic sources used are provided in alphabetical order in the References section.

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