How to Edit and fill out Form 5 Application For Civil Legal Aid Ministry Of Justice, New Online
Read the following instructions to use CocoDoc to start editing and filling in your Form 5 Application For Civil Legal Aid Ministry Of Justice, New:
- First of all, seek the “Get Form” button and press it.
- Wait until Form 5 Application For Civil Legal Aid Ministry Of Justice, New is loaded.
- Customize your document by using the toolbar on the top.
- Download your completed form and share it as you needed.
An Easy-to-Use Editing Tool for Modifying Form 5 Application For Civil Legal Aid Ministry Of Justice, New on Your Way

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Get FormHow to Edit Your PDF Form 5 Application For Civil Legal Aid Ministry Of Justice, New Online
Editing your form online is quite effortless. It is not necessary to download any software through your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy software to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.
Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:
- Search CocoDoc official website from any web browser of the device where you have your file.
- Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ option and press it.
- Then you will browse this online tool page. Just drag and drop the form, or attach the file through the ‘Choose File’ option.
- Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
- When the modification is finished, press the ‘Download’ option to save the file.
How to Edit Form 5 Application For Civil Legal Aid Ministry Of Justice, New on Windows
Windows is the most widely-used operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit file. In this case, you can download CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents quickly.
All you have to do is follow the instructions below:
- Download CocoDoc software from your Windows Store.
- Open the software and then attach your PDF document.
- You can also attach the PDF file from Google Drive.
- After that, edit the document as you needed by using the different tools on the top.
- Once done, you can now save the completed file to your device. You can also check more details about how to alter a PDF.
How to Edit Form 5 Application For Civil Legal Aid Ministry Of Justice, New on Mac
macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. Using CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac without hassle.
Follow the effortless instructions below to start editing:
- To get started, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
- Then, attach your PDF file through the app.
- You can select the file from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
- Edit, fill and sign your file by utilizing several tools.
- Lastly, download the file to save it on your device.
How to Edit PDF Form 5 Application For Civil Legal Aid Ministry Of Justice, New with G Suite
G Suite is a widely-used Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your job easier and increase collaboration within teams. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF file editor with G Suite can help to accomplish work easily.
Here are the instructions to do it:
- Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
- Search for CocoDoc PDF Editor and download the add-on.
- Select the file that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by selecting "Open with" in Drive.
- Edit and sign your file using the toolbar.
- Save the completed PDF file on your cloud storage.
PDF Editor FAQ
What would you do if you were the president of Nigeria?
WARNING: This is probably going to be an evergreen answer because I keep seeing new stuff to add every time I look at it.Who I’d recruit:Vice: Political operator. Preferably someone charismatic to play the carrot to my big stick, the good cop to my bad cop. Skilled enough and with a good enough network to handle the National assembly e.g an Amaechi.Finance: International finance professional with prior experience in IFC, AFC or other multinational finance organisation.Central bank: promote from within. Must have clear economics/econometrics experience.Energy/Petroleum: Ex/Serving CEO/MD of any of the multinational oil and gas firms.IT/Communications: Comms professional or IT Professional. Prior telecoms experience in a CTO role is mandatory.Justice: Most reputable Litigations expert we can convince. Does not have to be a former judge but definitely a SAN.Immigration: Career diplomat with at least 15 years service.Internal Security: Promote from the DSS.The rest: Political appointments but with clear prior experience in role either civil or political.Constitutional Amendments:Push for constitutional amendment of the rule that requires recruitment of ministers from all 36 states to read “appointment from all 6 geopolitical zones”. That way I can get away with having 6 ministers.Eliminate the Federal Character Act or severely restrict its coverage.Remove literal statement of number of local governments in Nigeria and give states power to re-district themselves as they deem fit.Alter the Executive List: I’d be the President that gave all the power away…after a suitable period of stabilization of course…by transferring a lot of items off the executive list or sharing those items with the states. Specifically, Roads, Ports among others.Repeal land use act and provide a more reasonable alternative.Reform revenue allocation and ensure lg chairmen get the funds direct from abj not through the governor.Reform the constitution and remove the house of repsScrap office of the vice president. Senate President to be considered as de-facto Vice President.Make entry in constitution allowing creation and management of a sovereign wealth fund to house extra oil windfall above budgeted oil price.Minister of State posts to be restricted to serving Federal Civil servants or current State Permanent Secretaries within the Specified Ministry.NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS & SOCIAL WELFARE:Stop direct government administration of sports, culture and other soft activities and move government into more of a regulatory and supportive role.No funding of the Hajj or Jerusalem Pilgrimages.Repeal decree 101 and set nigerian football free.Stop spending government money on programs by first ladies.All NGOs in nigeria to be registered either asvolunteer movements who can never be eligible for a jot of government money orprivate social welfare organizations who must have a state prescribed minimum capital. (No more rent seeking charity orgs please).State foster institutions especially in the north to take in all kids deemed to be without adequate care.Police/Internal Security:Expand the Police act to enable states run their own police ( locally recruited , centrally trained and centrally supervised but totally answerable to and funded by the states).Mandatory bi-annual qualifying physical tests for the Nigerian police. You fail, you are out.Build more fire stations and also alter National Fire Service act to enable the setup of Privately owned/ State owned Fire services licensed to provide fire services on behalf of the government. Ultimate target is to have one fire station within 10 minutes of every home.Drop all other ID numbers and use BVN for everything.Establish Nigerian sex offenders database.Make car registration details searchable on the net.Corruption proceeds act to enable seizing of properties if detailed tax records and evidence of legitimate money sources cannot be established.Rebuild our prisons to enable a lower prisoner to room ratio.Build one forensic lab in in each of the top 10 cities by population.Nigerians who have been deported once should require exit visas from immigration before they can make international visa applications or before booking any international tickets.airlines to enforce this.50 thousand dollar fines if they are caught not enforcing it.Merge FRSC with Nigerian Police. (This has already happened)NYSC: I have a few suggestions on this.[Controversial] Make it possible to opt out of NYSC by paying a sizable sum e.g 250 thousand naira or equivalent of nine months NYSC pay. Paid exemptions would make the scheme near-independent of government.[Controversial] Also make it possible to shorten it by participating in 6 months full military training and being enrolled into a National Reserve Force which can be called up in times of crisis.[Controversial] Exclude Lagos and FCT from list of posting areas. All people from those areas MUST be posted elsewhere. You can be posted to any of the other states.[Controversial] Voluntary NYSC Exemption granted to registered student entrepreneurs with at least 10 employees and/or minimum annual turnover of 10m as at time of graduation.[Controversial] Setup mandatory national apprenticeship scheme to replace nysc. Expand to include non graduates. Age based.Justice/Prisons:Commence the building of more prisons for the sole purpose of increasing cell-to-prisoner ratios and to make it easier to administer the prison service.Push for Nigerian laws to become future-proof as far as fines are concerned (especially financial crimes) by tying them to a percentage multiple of the minimum-wage of the day or a percentage/multiple of assessed damage. This is to avoid people escaping jail terms using frivolous fines.[Controversial] Put together a task force to review legal cases for all un-sentenced inmates and announce blanket amnesty for all those charged but not sentenced in the following categories:Not presented in court for 2 or more years (except cases involving fatalities).Legal term of the crimes concerned is less than 2 years (even if the person has not been incarcerated for up to 2 years).No evidence of accurate legal documentation or no evidence available.Civil Service:Convert as many government parastatals as possible into government programs with a clearly identified end date and measurable. Extension of such programs would be dependent on parliamentary assessment of at least 75% outcomes till date.Deploy Open Internal Resourcing platform within the civil service to enable movements between ministries and also enforce a freeze on recruitments for first 6 months to two years of admin. All resourcing for any new agencies created by Senate/Reps should be done internally unless it can be demonstrated that no resources can be pulled from other teams in the civil service.Require federal civil servants be paid through special civil servant accounts. CBN to enforce compulsory biometric procedure for opening such accounts. No payment outside such accounts.Require GMAT or other accepted international graduate testing standard for entry into Nigerian Civil Service.Transform all government research institutions (except military) into private-public partnerships or fully private subsidiaries of tertiary institutions or scrap them totally.Mandate full cashless operation in all government agencies.Extend renewal periods for all official documents including Driver’s licences, passports and all other government to ten years.Implement renewal by mail for government documents excluding those that require sighting (both locally and in diaspora).Taxation:Increase percentage of VAT retained by states (This would be in the closing stages after I have delivered all my promised projects though).Transport:Designate certain roads as National Economic Highways in each geopolitical zone, make them six lane and hand them over to private orgs to toll and maintain for 25 years. Restrict to end point tolls (only two toll points per highway at each end) e.g Lagos-Ibadan with one toll in Ibadan and another near Berger/Mowe in Lagos. If you don’t want to pay toll, you can take alternate routes.Alter the Nigerian Railways Act to enable private construction and operation of railways subject to government licensing (similar to the GSM model).Prioritise rail projects to connect top 3 cities in each geopolitical zone by rail.Fully concession all airports to private management companies.Seek funding for and building more ports to reduce stress on the Lagos ports.Hand over the ports to private management companies too.Mandate all cars or buses used for inter city transport to run on natural gas and build natural gas stations nationwide or issue licenses for such.Mandate all state capitals to implement some form of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) within the next decade.Immigration, Customs & Border Control:Implement full reciprocal visa arrangements with all other African countries even down to vetting procedures. Visa-on-arrival where possible for investors & vetted tourists.Tie size of and total expenditure on consulate offices around the world to a five-year trend of trade with the host country. No point maintaining huge mansions in a country we rarely trade with.Where possible, hand over visa services (including passport renewals for diaspora countries) to trusted immigration service companies similar to the way UK visas are handled by a private company here in Nigeria.Merge Immigration and Customs into one body.SECURITY & DEFENCE:Civil defense should be retained as a crisis response force onlySlim down nigerian army and create nigerian defense reserve who will be mobilized at intervals or during emergencies.Massive physical fences at certain points on our border.Expand Nigerian Ranger Service and expand scope of operation beyond just the Federal Forest Reserves but also to cover the woodlands between cities (which harbour kidnappers and other miscreants).Evacuate many of the cities currently subject to regular attack by Boko Haram and build new and functional towns/cities closer to the south of the Borno state and resettle people there.Communications:Float the NTA and FRCN on the Nigerian stock exchange but retain major ownership on a 51% Govt, 49% private basis.Draft and Implement a National Broadband Masterplan with the aim of ensuring Nigerian broadband is the cheapest on the continent. Feasible target is to be at least 5th cheapest in terms of broadband cost.Build a National Fibre Backbone. Expectation is that Telecoms companies can ride on this and also potentially reduce the cost of internet access.create legislation preventing any state government owning more than thirty percent of any media bodies.Release the ISM frequency band from government control.Government grant for companies running international internet fibre optic links for new projects.HEALTH:Free detoxification care for drug addicted individualsFree retroviral drugsFree mental healthcare to all indigent citizens especially the many mad men walking our streets.Alter PAYE Tax policies to include a mandatory NHIS tax for people who do not have a HMO policy registered. Issue NHIS ID after one year of paying NHIS Tax.Energy:Seek funding for and commence the building of a National Gas grid to enable natural gas be piped to many parts of the country ( this is to aid the siting of power projects in many parts of the country).Prioritise big industrial cities and grant them permission to run a closed power grid (and IPPs) separate from the national grid. (Requires altering the Power Act and negotiating with DISCOs).Increase the limit for captive power generation from 1 MW to a higher limit (personally, in my non-expert opinion I’d say 5MW).Drop all tariffs on alternative energy import products e.g wind turbines, solar cells etc.Pass Petroleum Industry Bill.Electoral reform:Alter the INEC act to enable INEC top boss be selected independent of the federal governmentAlter INEC act to include independent candidacy for all positions.Education:Provide government support including laws for student education loans at a sensible interest rate (single digit).Set universities fee to raise fees moderated slightly by government but give student loans through banks at single digit interest.UTME:Convert fully into computer based test andIncrease frequency of tests annually( 4 times a year).Scrap NECO.Private Sector & Economy:Reform nigerian insurance industry to allow micro insurance forms to operate or niche insurance firms.Handover the YOUWIN program to a private consortium.Tax breaks for cinema businesses in second tier cities.Take nigeria cashless at official levels and as much as possible in normal life.Make CAC registration in nigeria paperless and abolish many of their fees.FOREIGN AFFAIRS:Scrap Nigerian membership of organisations that promote sectional/religious interests e.g OIC(Organisation of Islamic States).Apologies:Formally acknowledge and apologize for all internal massacres that the Nigerian Govt has been party to since independence.