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Steps in Editing Time In Time Out Location Authorized Signature Of Location on Windows

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What cheeky ingenuity have military personnel shown to get around the rules?

We had a guy…. a draftee…. who, after Basic Training went home on leave on a delay en-route to his next school. This was not at all uncommon, as various schools were of differing lengths, so traveling between schools usually involved some down time as you waited for the next class you were to attend to start. You could either take leave during that down time, or report to your duty station and essentially sit in a transit barracks pulling KP or meaningless details until your class was ready to start. Most people, if they had any leave accrued, would choose to take at least a few days off and go home.Now… any personnel actions you do in the military, from being transferred to being assigned to a class, to being promoted… it doesn’t matter what, are accompanied by orders. The orders tell you when to depart, where to go, when to report back in, what your travel allowances are to be, and…. key here…. when you report back in. If you fail to report back in by your reporting date where you are supposed to report-to, you are considered Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL), and are subject to prosecution under military law.The guy I’m referring-to picked up his orders, took his leave, then got home and noticed the clerk typing the orders (this was well before computers… this was all done on a typewriter) had failed to put an EDCSA date in the orders. EDCSA stands for Estimated Date for Change of Strength Accountability, and means the date the unit you are reporting to is officially increased in strength by the addition of your body to the unit roster. In other words… the reporting-in date. The Commander who signed the orders probably didn;t even see them, as it was common for personnel offices (especially in schools with a lot of personnel passing through them) to be authorized to use a signature block stamp for the Commander for commonly issued orders, such as travel orders.Without an EDCSA date….. the soldier had a location to report into….. but no date to report. And since this was well before computers, there was no record of him at the new post until he physically handed a copy of his orders to the new unit’s orderly room, took a copy over to finance, etc. So it turned out…. he sort of fell through the cracks Remember… this was at the height of the Vietnam War and hundreds of thousands of draftees were being processed into the Army and sent to training at various duty stations every years. Nobody was looking for him.Finally, a week or so before he was due to ETS (Estimated Time of Separation), he reported in to the duty station his orders told him to. They, of course, took him into custody and tried to courts martial him, but the JAG office told them that the way the orders had been published, there was no way they could criminally charge him. He had violated no rules. In fact, they had to give him all his accrued back pay, and that included giving him his ‘time-in-service’ promotions. A couple of weeks after he reported in, they promoted him to Spec-4, gave him his two years accrued back pay, and sent him back home with an honorable discharge. They talked about keeping him in for another two years (all male Americans have an eight year total commitment), but couldn’t legally justify it given that his time sitting at home had been legally classified as ‘good time’.. in service.. by the JAG (Judge Advocate General).

Why didn't Darth Vader force choke the rebels in Star Wars?

Vader used his signature Force Choke in order to make a statement. He would variously use it as a threat to people who displeased him, hurting them but not killing them, or he would use it to make sure everybody could see their former commanding officer dying. He probably derived a certain sense of self-satisfaction and reinforced his superiority complex in doing so, employing it mainly as a measure of his authority over others.In combat it was much more expedient for him to use his lightsaber to slay opponents instantly, or to use force throw in order to shatter their bones or get them out of his way. Vader took combat seriously and did not leave to chance the need to concentrate for many seconds at a time in the middle of battle.All that aside, if what you’re asking is why he didn’t just telekinetically choke out Mon Mothma from across the galaxy, it is likely that he either needed to know their location or be within a certain proximity. The most long-distance use of his Force Choke is displayed when he chokes Admiral Ozzel in The Empire Strikes Back.Admiral Ozzel is displayed on a viewscreen onboard the same ship. Vader is in his personal meditation chamber while Ozzel is on the bridge, but both are onboard the Executor. This scenario is a very far cry from being able to blindly choke out Mon Mothma from another planet, let alone one he doesn’t know about. If he didn’t know she was a Rebel leader, so much the better. Apart from lucky shots by teenagers with mystical powers, secrecy was the Rebel Alliance’s most potent weapon.

Is Russia (especially Saint Petersburg) a good place to live in?

Short answer:Yes. But go for Moscow, not St Petersburg. Those who know better, do so.Longer answer:According to our billionaires and millionaires—the people who really can afford to pick a country to their heart’s content—Russia is a good place to live. We have more than 100 billionaires and about 250,000 millionaires.However, it’s not St. Petersburg but Moscow that’s their place of predilection. About 3/4 of our billionaires and 2/3 of millionaires live here in the capital.It’s also highly indicative that the entire Putin’s “St Pete’s clan” who followed him after his ascent to the Kremlin two decades ago, relocated from their native city, including his former wife and daughters. That must tell you something.Working in sales, I spent much time in St Petersburg. Here’s my Top Seven Reasons To Flee St Petersburg For Moscow If You Can:Climate. The location uniquely combines the worst of the coldness around the northern rim of the Great Russian Plains and the humidity that the Atlantic sends in spades our way.Location. This is the far bottom of the Gulf of Finland. The city straddles a shallow estuary of the wide, slow, dull Neva River. People here have got to put up with the discomfort of living beside a large expanse of a grey, stale body of water without really seeing the Baltic Sea. You have to move to Finland or Estonia to really enjoy the salty sea breezes, if that’s your thing.Landscape. Even I, a bred and born Moscovite, was struck how flat the place was when I first came here in the 1980s. This flatness, together with sparse northern vegetation and vast watery surfaces, creates the unique blend of humidity and cold that stays long enough above the freezing point to make you crave the famous Russian frosts as salvation.History. The city never really managed to recover after the devastation brought to Russia by Communist rule. The million people who perished here from cold and hunger during WW2 is just the tip of an iceberg of human suffering. Among the ethnic Russian territories of the USSR, this is probably the place that felt the brunt of the Communist modernization and purges the most.Prophecies. Ever since the creation of St. Petersburg by Peter the Great, a lot of heart-felt prophecies came from people who insisted they knew what they talked about. The most famous was “This place is going to turn empty.” The towering might of the Russian State has prevented it from happening so far. But how long will this hold?Bad rap from the Russian classics. Our best and brightest greatly enjoyed the high concentration of talents and ambitions in our imperial capital. But otherwise, Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoyevsky and a lot of other authors expressed bad feeling about the place. Our last Nobel Prize winner in literature and a St Pete native Joseph Brodsky described it as a Mediterranean city without the warmth and sunlight. After our rulers exiled him, he never felt much desire to return here.Follow the stream. Everyone who’s someone in our politics, entertainment and business, moves to Moscow. That’s where all the fun is. Introverts, sociopaths and misanthropes stay. You sure you want to have them for company?Additional reading:Why was St. Petersburg not restored as the capital city of Russia?Is Saint Petersburg considered a part of the Western civilization?Is Russia a nice country to live in?Why does Saint Petersburg not have its Russian name, Petrograd?What are some of the saddest pictures of war?Unfortunately, the greatest authors of Imperial Russia were active before we learned about zombies and apocalypses of the undead. Otherwise, I’m sure they would have immortalized St Petersburg as the greatest venue of zombie stories in the known universe.St. Pete uniquely combines the urban sprawl, scenic industrial facilities, and the ambient sadness of a place that God seems to have abandoned due to budget constraints. If you come to visit, be sure to find a vantage point with a view on the perfect grid of its streets and avenues. In the northern twilight, it’s easy to imagine thousands of zombies waiting on the pavement for fresh brains as far as the eye can see.In order to dispel occasional grimness in this posting, check out the video of my favorite band Otava Yo touring the St Pete channels on a river boat. They sing the signature piece of Soviet revolutionary navy troops, “Little Apple”. My favorite line from the song is, “Come closer, you Bourgeois, I’ll poke your eye out / I’ll poke out one, leave you the other one / So that you know before who you must grovel”

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I love that I can easily create an envelope and send it to my clients for them to click through and make the binding process much easier. In insurance there are so many signatures required, this feature makes it convenient for my clients and easier to bind business. I love that I can CocoDoc anything I need to with ease. The program is super user friendly and have never experienced any issues with it. I also love that you can track the status of your requests for others to sign. And get email notifications that someone has viewed or signed. Very helpful!

Justin Miller