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How's life in Turkey?

Thanks for the A2A.One important thing about Turkey: It is impossible to answer a question about “Turkey”. Because Turkey is one of the most diversified countries in the world in terms of world views, political views, religion, socioeconomical differences and even physical features of people. So we have to narrow down the question to a specific group of people and locations.I’ve been around the world, worked in and visited a lot of countries. The thing that caught my eye is that, in the Western media (movies, news channels etc…) without exception Turkey is shown as a very underdeveloped country with illiterate, rude and ugly looking population. People ride camels, they eat with their hands, there is not a single tree anywhere, everywhere is desert, and mosques are the only buildings in the country. I don’t have the knowledge to comment on the political reasons why it is shown as so, however, from personal experience of 32 years of being Turkish, I know and see that it is not the case. There are some parts of Turkey more developed than many Western countries. There are millions of people in Turkey living a better life than the average European-American citizen.If you are at least in the middle-upper socioeconomical class and live in any other big city than Istanbul, then life in Turkey is generally better compared to living under the same conditions in a Western-European country or the USA (more on this later).If you are in the underprivileged group living on minimum wage or less in an underdeveloped and extremely conservative city, or worse, trying to live in Istanbul with minimum wage then life in Turkey is extremely hard and depressing. Your European-American equivalent is living a much, much better life than you do.If you are an expat in Turkey, earning your salary in USD/EUR/GBP, then no matter what your job is, you will be very relaxed in terms of economical power.Now, let’s elaborate on our answer.Which city?The first thought that comes to our minds is Istanbul, right? It is the most developed city in Turkey (and one of the most developed in the world) with lots of job opportunities and leisure activities.Although it is an amazingly beautiful city with an extremely important geopolitical position, historical importance and lots of places to visit, it is just too crowded. No matter how rich or educated you are life in Istanbul is hard. It is just chaos. Traffic congestion, crime rate, stupidly expensive housing prices are just few of the problems in Istanbul. “Traffic congestion” for example, might be seen as a minor problem for many, but imagine that you spend 4 hours everyday in order to commute from home-workplace-home. How would that feel? Well, that’s how many people live in Istanbul, apart from the lucky few who live in places very close to their workplaces.If you come to Istanbul as a tourist or on a short term project basis, it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. However if you decide to live in Istanbul, good luck. So, quite short answer is: Life is hard in Turkey if you live in Istanbul.There are lots of beautiful cities in Turkey. Of course they have their shortcomings compared to Istanbul (less job opportunities, lower salaries, less places to visit, worse infrastructure etc.) however life is much more relaxed in cities like Antalya, Izmir, Muğla, Gaziantep.So, first rule: If you live in Turkey, live in any city but Istanbul.EducationState schools are free in Turkey. State universities’ annual fee is not going to hurt your budget if you are from middle class (most of them are in the $500-$1000 range excluding medicine faculties). So if you would like to study in Turkey, you can go as far as getting a PhD for a very small cost (compared to American universities).Education quality has significantly decreased in the last 15 years (guess why:) ) for most of the high scools, yet there are still many high-quality schools maintaining their education quality. Many people still manage to get admitted to top universities in the UK and the USA after studying at these high schools.Many new universities have been opened in the last 10 years. Almost all of them are useless places without the ability to educate students. So, education at many universities, regardless of their status (state-private) is terrible.However, if you manage to get into one of the better ones (Koc University, Bogazici University, Bilkent University, METU etc…) then you will get a world class education.For example, I obtained both of my undergrad degrees from a private university in Izmir. It is one of the good universities in Turkey. Then I received one of my masters degrees from one of the best universities in the world (it’s in the UK) and the other from the best university of Netherlands. The education quality both at the UK and Netherlands was amazing, and I learned a lot during my studies there. However, my point is, I noticed that I was able to get my masters degrees quite comfortably, without pushing myself too much thanks to the very good education I got during my undergraduate studies. The education quality I got during my undergraduate studies was not worse than the education quality of my time abroad. The reason why Turkish universities are generally ranked lower than well known European, Chinese, Japanese and American universities is Turkey does not provide enough funding for research. So professors tend to do their research abroad (how sad for Turkey) and earn their salary in Turkey just by teaching classes as if they were teaching at high school, thus the low ranking of Turkish universities. However, as I said, even though the domestically conducted research at the academician level is limited, education is world class at better universities. I’ve got lots of friends who went on to pursue their masters and doctorate studies at the very best universities in the world (Harvard, Oxbridge, LSE, Stanford, Yale, MIT, UC Berkeley…. etc) after studying in Turkey.Cultural ValuesThis is one of the harder things to get used to for a non-Turkish person. If you are born in Turkey, and lived at least 15 years in here, Turkish culture is going to be something you miss when you live abroad (at least I did).Again, this depends on the city you live in. Culturewise, Turkey is divided in two with a very sharp line. 50% of the population live entirely different lives than the other 50%. It is really hard to believe that the culture and lifestyle of people may differ this much in a single country.If you live in extremely conservative cities like Yozgat, Konya, Sivas -basically any city in the Anatolian or Eastern region- then it is really very, very hard to be happy for younger people (older people tend to stick to traditions and it is impossible to change or even question their beliefs about how things should be done). Because your family will decide what you will do with your life including what your job is going to be, who your partner in marriage is going to be, how many children you are going to have, what you are going to wear (especially if you are a woman), what your religion is going to be (it is very likely that you will be physically attacked if you do not fast during Ramadan, or if you declare that you are not Muslim), basically everything.If you live in cities with a more liberal, open-minded and modern view, and if you have an educated family, then you are going to be fine. You will have total freedom in your life. People don’t care about what you do, what you wear, who you marry, what your religion is unless your freedom crosses theirs.Well, let’s visualise the situation of women from different regions of Turkey so that it is easier to understand:Turkish women shown in Western media (and true for Anatolian cities):Typical Turkish women in Western cities. Notice that the more Westernised women are getting along well with the woman who wears traditional headscarf. This is normally how it should be.Young people enjoying the sunset in Bostanli, Izmir:The video below was recorded last week in Cesme (one of the vacation places near Izmir). The women dancing (and unsuccessfully trying to twerk) over the car were detained for improper behavior in public, then released without charges. It is impossible to do this in the Eastern part of Turkey without facing the consequence of being lynched. This is how different Western-Eastern Turkey is.Turkish culture is collectivistic. This has its downsides and upsides.You are never alone (Good). This is both good and bad. When you feel down, or something bad happens, or you want to share something, somebody is always there.You know that if anything bad happens to you, your family and your close friends will do everything they can (even if it puts them into an inconvenient situation) in order to help you, even if you don’t want it. And in short or long term, they will not expect anything in return. They’ll do it just because you are their friend/family. One for all, all for one. This is how it works in Turkey.There are many people in Turkey who become happy by making other people happy or solving their problems.You are never alone (bad). Imagine you have your PhD in Economics, but you decided that you don’t want to do anything with it. So you tell your friends that you are going to open a pub. Many of them will judge you and tell you that you should not do it, because you spent many years to get that degree, so you should use it. If you do not listen to them and open a pub they will tell everybody their disapproval of your decision and you will be the subject of the following discussions for the next year. Your decisions are not only your decisions, people will talk about it. People will judge you.You can evaluate the culture and happiness level of people in Turkish cities by looking at how they behave to animals. There are lots of stray dogs and cats in the streets and people behave them differently according to their region’s culture. In some cities, they are beaten, tortured, and unfortunately even raped. However, in other cities, you will see in addition to a high percentage of people having pets at their home they also take care of stray dogs and cats. Shop owners leave a bowl of food and water in front of their shops, elderly ladies and gentlemen feed them in the mornings when they go out for a walk, random people just take a moment to pet the dog they see on the street etc.If, in the city you live in, a stray dog/cat approaches you for no reason with a friendly look on its eyes and offers its paws letting you hold them then you should know that you will get along well with the people in that city.This one is a little bit hard to explain to non-Turkish people, but there is a “legal rulelessness” in Turkey and everybody is cool with it. People sometimes don’t behave according to the rules or even law, yet nothing happens unless somebody else is harmed by their actions. For example, alcohol consumption in public is illegal in Turkey. However, you will frequently see friend groups sitting in parks and drinking beer. If a police sees them, depending on the city, he either warns them to stop drinking in public or he just keeps on walking. I have never seen somebody being detained for drinking in public, which should be the case according to law.This is just one example, but you get the point. There are tons of other examples where people do anything they want even if it contradicts the law. Nobody cares unless somebody is disturbed or harmed by their actions. And people are generally very respectful towards other people and try not to disturb anybody while engaging in “legal rulelessness”.Family ties are generally very strong in Turkey. This is generally an advantage as you always have someone to give you a hand when you fall. However sometimes it is not. I’ve got several single friends who still live with their family. All of them are over 30 years old. It’s not because they cannot afford to live alone. All of them are decent earning white collar people with good education. The reason why they still live with their family is that they are too comfortable with their moms looking after them, and they just don’t want to undertake the responsibilities of living alone or getting married. So life in Turkey is good when your mom and dad are still alive and you live with them :) It doesn’t matter how old you are, you are still their baby boy/girl.Is this much collectivism really good? This is my subjective view but I think that these people will struggle later in life when at some point they will have to part from their families.People are easy to make friends with. You will be friends with your neighbours, and local shops in your neighbourhood. If, let’s say, a person tries to scratch your car when he thinks nobody is around, the local pub owner who knows you, will intervene and fight in order to protect your car (well, a similar version actually happened to me). Your barber will charge you less because you’re from the neighbourhood, your neighbour will take care of your baby for as long as (days, weeks….) you ask him/her to if you have an important thing to do etc. Neighbourhoods in Turkey are small communities where everybody takes care of each other.If you visit somebody at their home, you will be treated like royalty. In addition you will never be allowed to pay when you go to a restaurant or any other place with your host. And most probably, when you decide to end your stay you will be given gifts by your host.This is one of the few common traits of all Turkish people: hospitality.In brief, if you live in a developed Western city of Turkey, you can keep your individuality to a high degree while having many advantages of a collectivistic culture. It’s a win-win. That’s why I decided to come back to Turkey for good when I was living abroad.HealthcareState covers all your medical bills in case of an emergency. Also, a changing percentage (up to 100%, generally around %80) of your medical bills are covered by SGK (Social Security Institution) depending on what your medical condition is. All citizens of Turkey are covered by SGK.There are “family doctors” assigned to every family, and for basic health issues (fever, diarrhea etc) you can walk into their office without appointment and get a treatment for free. Even many Turkish people don’t know this but you can also have blood tests and analyses, smear tests and various other tests for free when you go to your family doctor.Ministry of Health has a website ( Seyahat Sağlığı - Anasayfa ) for Turkish people planning to travel abroad. All countries in the world are listed there with their potential health risks. Ministry of Health offers free preventive vaccinations to people traveling to countries with potential health/virus risks.Many hospitals have high quality equipments and Turkish doctors are very good in their profession. If you have to undergo a serious operation (heart surgery, brain surgery) you don’t need to worry that you’ll go bankrupt. Even if you have a surgery which SGK does not cover, your medical bill is not going to be extremely high (Compared to the USA).Only if you have a very rare health issue (one in a million type) you may have financial difficulties as the treatment may get very expensive, because SGK generally does not cover these types of health issues.CurrencyThis is the worst part. Turkish Lira’s value decreased by more than 50% in the last 2 years and it is likely that this trend will continue in the following years. So if you earn your living in Turkish Liras in Turkey, it is very hard to make a long term financial plan.For example, today, compared to 5 years ago I have more savings in TL, earn significantly more in Turkish Liras, have more job experience and a better CV. However looking at the dollar and euro exchange rate, I can say that I’m no richer than 5 years ago. God knows what my situation will be 5 years from now. If I had done what I’m currently doing in Turkey in any of the developed Western countries, my financial situation would have definitely improved over time.Economy is in free fall. I work hard but I earn less when converted to dollars. Since Turkey imports virtually everything from food to electronics, earning in TL is meaningless as TL continues to lose its value this quick against dollar and euro. TL got devalued by 30% since the beginning of this year. I am 30% poorer compared to January 2018. Just in 6 months.I was talking to a friend on the phone a couple of days ago. He has been working for the last 10 years in one of the major banks in Turkey, and he became a manager couple of years ago. He told me, without disclosing his actual salary, that his current salary was 5 times more than what he started with 10 years ago, but it is only $300 more when converted to dollars. So basically, he worked for 10 years in a bank in order to more or less maintain the same lifestyle he had 10 years ago. This is just ridiculous.10 years ago Turkish people used to live very comfortably. Even middle class people were able to enjoy an affluent lifestyle. Traveling to expensive countries was not considered a financial burden for many. Today, as I said numerous times in my answer, you have to be at least middle-upper class to have the same lifestyle.I and many of my friends with good education work hard, and we are experts in our professions. We could work anywhere in the world and be successful. However, everyday we continue to work in Turkey, paradoxically we get poorer even when we earn more.This is the main reason why many educated people in Turkey are finding jobs abroad and leaving the country. Turkey is losing its educated population. Many high net worth and ultra high net worth individuals are liquifying their assets and leaving the country for good because they are afraid that what they managed to save over decades is going to be eroded due to the failing economy and TL if they keep their savings in Turkey and in TL.This is scary for the future of Turkey as the people who contribute most to the economical well-being of the country are fleeing to other developed countries. What is going to happen when the majority of people who create value, development and money for their country are no longer there? I guess we all know the answer.And this is the main reason (apart from the politics which I intentionally do not talk about as it is an endless discussion) why you should consider twice before you move to Turkey and establish your life here.I stated somewhere in the first paragraphs that life in Turkey for underprivileged people was hard. This is also the main reason why. With today’s exchange rate, minimum salary in Turkey is around $300 per month (and there are many people earning less than minimum salary). An average 2+1 flat in Istanbul costs at least $400 per month.So, again, if you earn in USD/EUR/GBP, Turkey might be heaven for you.Having said all of these, life in Turkey is still cheap compared to many developed countries. Food, services (haircut, car maintenance, electrician, cleaning services etc.), medical bills, gym membership, hotel prices etc. anything other than electronics (all imported) and cars (all imported) are still affordable, and lets the middle-class live comfortably. Typical middle class people are still able to buy a house and an additional summer house before retirement. They can afford taking regular vacations each year, spare money for their hobbies, eat whatever they want, whenever they want, go out with their friends regularly, and save some money for rainy days after all of these.CuisinePeople from other countries know kebab and baklava (“kebap” in Turkey). They are just a small part of Turkish cuisine. Kebab and baklava are originated in Eastern Turkish cuisine.Turkish cuisine offers much more than kebab and baklava. Every region of Turkey has its specialty. As Ottoman Empire interacted with many different cultures and races, Turkish cuisine got various dishes from all around Europe-Asia-Africa. So it’s a mixture of everything. Eastern Turkey cuisine is based on meat and poultry whereas Western Turkish cuisine is generally based on vegetables, olive oil, herbs and fish. Northern and Southern cuisines are also different. And all of them are delicious. I still have not tasted a single Turkish dish the taste of which I did not like.As for the alcoholic beverages, there are several high quality Turkish wine brands, but the most popular drink that has come out of Turkey is of course Raki (a.k.a Lion’s Milk).Aegean region examples:Eastern region examples:Black Sea:And of course let’s not forget “Full Turkish Breakfast”ActivitiesWhatever you would like to do, you can find in Turkey. Again, you need to be in one of the big and modern cities. Theater plays, any kind of sports, hiking, fishing, horseback riding, nightlife, museums, festivals, free seminars, free continuous education programmes…. You name it.There are also lots of parks and green areas in developed cities where people take a walk, cycling lanes are being built in the last years for cyclists and people who commute to work with bicycles.The best part is geographical location of Turkey. If you live in coastal cities such as Izmir, Muğla, Antalya etc. you can have a vacation every weekend from spring to autumn. Because it is generally around 30-min to 1 hour drive to beaches. And beaches in Turkey are some of the most beautiful in the world.There are tons of historical places to visit all around the country. I still have many places to visit in Turkey on my bucket list.In brief, you will not get bored.Beach example:ClimateDifferent regions of Turkey have different climates. In the northern part, it’s generally rainy most part of the year. Temperature difference is not too much between seasons (22–24C during summer). And there are breathtakingly beautiful and endless forests in the Black Sea region:In the Mediterranean and Aegean regions it gets very hot during summer (average 30C, can go over 40C regularly) and there is almost no rain. Winters are generally warm-ish (8–10C average, rarely below 0C) and with lots of rain. Spring and autumn are generally amazingly beautiful in Mediterranean climate.In the Anatolian region, temperature during summers is generally between 20–23C, during winters it gets under 0C regularly. It rains less than the other regions.The southeastern part and the Eastern part have the hottest summers in the country. In Şırnak, a record temperature of 49C was recorded in 1961. Almost every year, people make omelettes literally “on the road” in Adana to demonstrate how hot it gets.Basically, a climate for every preference is present in Turkey. If you like skiing, it’s fine, you can go to Uludag or Erzurum:If you have a beach body and like to show off, no problem, just pick a coastal city in the Aegean or Mediterranean region:LanguageTurkish is a very rich language, but learning it is hard. So if you are a foreigner living in Turkey, life might be a little harder for you for the first couple of years. Many Turkish people in developed cities know English, some of them also know other languages (generally German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian) but don’t expect your local shop owner to know more than a few basic words. As a tourist, it’s no problem because somehow Turkish people know how to get along with foreigners. However if you decide to live in Turkey for a long time, it might be good to start learning Turkish today because you’ll need it at some point.BureaucracyThis used to be a real pain in the … 10 years ago. However, thanks to the developing technology, you can get various official documents and official appointments quite fast now. There is a website called “e-devlet” (e-state) - e-Devlet Kapısı Devletin Kısayolu | www.tü . Using your national ID you can reach any information about yourself. You can pay your taxes, look at your social security details, ask a question to the President, follow the current situation of any legal claims you made, look at your entire medical record, apply for driving licence, apply for grants etc… There are more than 3000 different links like these (according to e-devlet website). You can also print most of the documents in your e-state account. Examples include criminal record, social security details, your ancestral tree (some people’s date back to 300 years ago), the details of real estates you own etc. The best part is these documents have a QR code and they are legally verified for their authenticity. So you can use them anywhere you like (visa applications for instance).Only when there is need for human interaction you need to go to an office. For example in order to get your passport, when there is a problem with your tax payments, when you need to be present yourself for getting a new ID, when you need to notarise buying/selling a car, when you need to make a change in your social security status etc.General EvaluationIf you pick the right city, have a good job which puts you in middle class or higher -or have savings enough to last your lifetime- , have a good education , can live in a mainly collectivistic culture, and know Turkish, then you will love Turkey (apart from politics, that is a whole other subject).Otherwise, live in any other developed country and you will be much happier compared to Turkey.

What are some mind-blowing facts about the Ottoman Empire?

1-How large was empire ?192 war 155 won 26 lost 11 no result…- 45+- countries soils ruled by ottoman empire. and they speak their own language and culture because of the ottoman systems.Europe and Asia-Turkey -Azerbaijani - Albania -Bulgaria -northern Macedonia -Greece -Serbia -Montenegro -Bosnia And Herzegovina -Croatia -Kosovo (de facto) -Romania -Moldova -Poland -Ukraine -Hungary -Slovakia -Vojvodina (autonomy) - Georgia -ArmeniaMiddle east-Iraq -Syria -Jordan -Israel -Lebanon -Palestine -Kuwait -Saudi Arabia -Qatar -Bahrain -Oman -Western Iran -northernCyprus (de facto) -The Republic Of CyprusAfrica-Egypt -Libya -Algeria -Tunisia -Eritrea -Djibouti -Somalia -Eastern Morocco -Eastern Ethiopia -Niger - CAD -Kenya -Uganda2- Hussar idols (Deliler)Mad heads , Crazies meaning "daring, brave, fearless, audacious, intrepid, valiant , plural: deliler) was an Ottoman irregular light cavalry unit. Unlike the bashibozuks their main role was to act as shock troops on the front lines by using guerrilla tactics, and to put opposing army in a state of confusion and shock. Also acting as personal guard of high level Ottoman officials in the Rumeli during peace time. they wear animal furs , deform their faces to making look scary for strike fear to his enemies. this tactic used from many Turkic dynasties ..for example : De HUNS deform their faces for rituels also for striking fear to their opponents. In de end fear is a good wapon and spreads very fast. most of the mad heads(deliler) are single tall male Turkish origin.On house flag of deliler writes “Kaderde ne varsa o gelir başa" “what fate has written, is going to happens “they made many wapons and accessoires to strike fear. Such as wings animal heads ,wolf masks, deer horns etc.BONUS INFOthe famous hussars are influenced by this (mad head- deliler) unit. The Hussars and armored cavalry competed with each others on copying both the Turkish and Tatar Turkic clothes.3- Zildjian Company in USAfamous Zildjian Company, (zil is Turkish for "cymbal," ci means "maker", and ian is the Armenian suffix meaning "son of"), is founded in ottoman Istanbul 1621. mainly for Ottoman military bands cymbal and 1623 granted him permission to leave the palace to start his own business in a suburb of Constantinople named Psamatia. Till 19 Century zildjiyan was in Istanbul and al those cymbal were made during that time written Made in Turkey.4- Munir ErtegunEmine Hayrünnisa Rüstem in 1917 and the couple had three children, two of whom were Nesuhi and Ahmet Ertegun, the brothers who founded Atlantic Records and became iconic figures in the American music industry.Ahmet ErtegunCo-founder and president of Atlantic Records and for discovering and championing many leading rhythm and blues and rock musicians. He also wrote classic blues and pop songs. In addition he served as the chairman of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and museum, located in Cleveland, Ohio his father was Munir Ertegun. He was a legal counsel for the Ottoman Ministry of Foreign Affairs5-Sadaka tashi (charity)Islam base on sharing like RUMI said : “what you give (share) is yours”. One of the areas Ottoman seljuk culture excelled was security against poverty. What I am about to tell you may sound like a fairy tale today, yet it is the truth, and provides a graphic example of Benedict’s “syphon system”. The Ottomans had stone pillars, approximately the size of a human, which I am informed are still to be found in certain parts of Istanbul. (They are said to exist all the way from Central Asia to the Balkans.)The purpose these stones served was not as mysterious as that of the monoliths at Stonehenge, but it may turn out to be more exciting by far in social terms. They were called “Charity Stones” (sadaka tashi) . A rich person who wanted to make a donation would reach up to a niche at the top of the stone, where he would deposit his gift. Later on, a needy person would come along,reach up, take what was enough for his needs, and leave the rest of the money where it was so that another one in need may find solace. The purpose of this device was to preserve the anonymity of the poor, thereby saving them from shame and loss of face. No one was reduced to begging.6-Zimem NotesMost grocery stores had debt notebook. called “Zimem defter” debt of local people. every RAMADAN months an Anoniem persons(who wants to donate) came by and take all the pages of a debt book then says: “may Allah accept” (paid debt of people as charity) goes away. that way sharing is caring lived on ottoman times.Kuşakçızade Ali's Appointment to the Administration of the Jafar Bey Foundation in Zağra-i Atik (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), November 16, 1617The Ottomans placed carved cobblestones on streets to collect water, so thirsty birds and street animals could drink water from it7-Foundationsfrom 15 century Ottoman empire had many foundations. Free meals to visitors, or visitor service fondation to sleeping place for caravans many diffrent foundation was available, they were the backbone of Ottoman Empire. And it's very dedicated also very well documenten by ottoman empire. Even a Foundations for animals exist. Some of them are.Street dog feeding foundation : giving food for to stray dogs or other city animals.wild animal feeding foundation : in the harsh winter or dry seasons officials leave fresh meat , hay , salt, bird feeds, even large quantities waters. to wild animals. It is forbidden to kill game animals during reproduction and pregnancy, and to hunt their offspring and migratory migratory birds.many of the high buildings, mosque , hospitals, university etc have bird places. Also there were lokal rules those who wants to build a house or monument had to provide a bird houses.Stork Foundation (Mürselli İbrahim Ağa): 1189 in izmir on new mosque to take care of stork and their habitats. also in bursa “Gurabâhâne-i Lâklâkan”stroke hospital.Stork foundation…Gurabâhâne-i Lâklâkanstreet wall cleaning foundation : cleaning school. main street walls, hospitals, mosques etc to maintain their cleanliness. Was provide by lokal foundationsfree fruit to everyone foundation : lokals give free fruit from their selected area to poor people or other needy ones.Tree planting & fruit tree foundation : sort of tree, or fruit planting foundation was active in many cities to ottoman empire.cold drink water foundation& ice giving foundation: many cities had some sort ice storage which foundation to use to give people cold water in hot times or free ice .Famouse german drinking fountain istanbul. Given by Empreror Wilheim II in 1898.Drinking Fountains one of the largest charity foundations on Ottoman Empire which you can found everywhere in ottoman area.Bosnia herzigova sarejevo drinking fountain foundations by ishak bey in 15. century. Gazi Hüsrev Bey further sponsored later Vali Hacı Mehmet Pasha 1753 renowned the sebil (small drinking kiosk)Those were either foundation made goverments or private made … always writen “Hayrat : fondation" by person or foundations.Horse foundations : there were many horse foundation across the empire some of the are for pensioned horses to taking cared till there deaths some of the breed free for soldier to given. hospitals and free horse service foundation was available at the timefree marriage service foundation : purpose for support those who can’t marry . which they take most of the bride and groom needy cloth service for students : many of the foundation give free cloths to students or needy one. 2. Selim wife Nurbalu valide sultan had her own foundation which give every year 2 dresses in area of uskudar school students.Horse rights vs court1521 ottoman archive (85a-9, Safer 927, Ocak-Şubat 1521) : horse without owner have sponsored by government 62 akce money for his days in a special environment.example of ottoman rules of animal rightsAnimal rights 1502–1507 by Sultan II. Bayezid written by Mevlana Yaraluca Muhyiddin (Istanbul and Edirne Rules)Rule 58: Ayağı yaramaz beygiri işletmeyeler. At, eşek ve katır ayağını gözeteler ve semerin göreler. Ağır yük vurmayalar. Çünkü dilsiz canavardırlar. Hamallar ağır yük vurmayalar, makul olalar.”horse that is weak of feet shall not be uses as worker , horses, donkey ,mules have to be treated fairly , never loaded. because they are souls without mounts. never put heavy loads.Bonus info Ottoman turkish coffee cultureIt known that coffee is from arabia but intruduced by western from ottoman empire. even some time was forbidden by pope or king to drink coffee because of the islamic origin. But what i am going to tell you today is diffrent.When visitor came coffee served with 3 things. 1 cup of water. Coffee , and turkish delight or something sweet. Reason is.When visitor drink the first coffee, it means he/she is not hungry and can eat turkish delight or sweet thing ( means lets talk sweet things & drink eat sweet )things after that he/she drinks the water to clear the throat. But if he/she drink water first means he/she is hungry and homeowner prepare food after the coffee.7- Mentally ill treatmentsDar al Shifa , as it is used in the Ottoman, can be described in the simplest term as the place that offers health service to public. “Darussifa” is also named “Shifakhane,” “Mâristan,” “Bîmaristan,” “Dârüssıhha,” “Dârülâfiya,” “Me’menülistirahe” and “Dârüttıb” in Anatolia.bimarhane (mentally ill) Amasya1488 in edirne builde by Beyazid II Dar al Shifa had (Mentally ill) unit. This home of remedy, which gave healing to the patients for long years, turned into a centre where only mentally ill and psychopathic patients were treated.A group of ten singers and musicians gave concerts three days of the week to patients and the mentally ill to cure them. They sang and played differently according to the types of illnesses. For instance, Rast for convulsion and paralysis, Irak for angry patients, Rahawi for headache, Zangula for heart diseases, Isfahan for intelligence. The medicine books studied in this madrasa, many of which were donated by Sultan Bayezid II, reached the present day. 37 books that tell about the medicine of the time are today in the Selimiye Manuscripts Library.8- Tozkoparan İskender famous archerTozkoparan İskender famous archer Ottoman who shot over 846 meter. today record is 500 meter so very impressive shot. for his record ottoman put a stone dedicated to him…stone text(Sene 957 (Milâdî 1550)Sâhib-ül menzil fî-l meydânEllezî ismuhu Tozkoparansahib-ül menzil fî-l meydân: Alandaki bu menzilin sahibi. Ellezî ismuhu: Ki onun adı.)translation year 1550owner of this range in this locationhis name Tozkoparanhis is the owner of this broken recorded range…9- Automated ink productionSinan Agha the Grand Architect had very cleaver ideas of many of his architects. of that is RED mosque ink production chamber.RED mosque wholes are natural air vents that catches candle in mosques and with water damping they produced very quality Ink for writing.BONUS INFOthere is no ottoman language… only TurkishBiggest misconception of Ottoman empire that people think they spoke different language than Turkish which is not correct. Ottoman like most of the European at the time had developed a higher Turkish language which consist more Arabic and Persian words .. that is used in literature and governmental works. but rest of the population used similar Turkish language what Turkish people speaks today. If today Turkish person lived in ottoman era they can easily communicated with local Turkish people. but another main problem is that today Turkish simplification which average Turkish person uses 400 - 3000 word in their daily life.fine example ORUÇ BEY, TEVÂRÎH-İ ÂL-İ OSMÂN around 1503latin alfabet translation :Ve bu tarafdan Rûm tâ’ifesi tekûrı oğlını bir nice bin kâfir ile ehl-i İslâm üzerine gönderdi. Sultân Alâeddîn’e haber oldı, her tarafa nâmeler perâkende kıldı. Hükmi irdüği yerlere tâ Sivas kapusına değin çeriler cem‘ itmeğe âdemler gönderdi. Bunda çeri cem‘ itmekde [iken] bu tarafdan Osmân Gāzî bin mikdâr er ile gazâ-yı ekberdür deyüp bu gelen kâfir leşkerinün üzerine bin kişi üç bölük eyledi. Bir gice üç yerden şebîhûn idüp Rûm çerisine girdiler. Kâfir gāfil serhoş yaturken kılıç koydılar. Sabâha değin kılıcdan geçürüp târümâr itdiler. Nice mâl-ı ganâyimle dönüp mekânlarına geldiler. Mâlın öşrin çıkarup Sultân Alâeddîn’e gönderdiler. Sultân Alâeddîn dahı bu ganîmet mâlı görüp Osmân Gāzî’nün bahadurlığına sevinüp şâd oldı. Tiz buyurdı, hazî[ne]sinden cebe vü cevşen çıkarup elli katâr deve ve elli katâr katır esbâbla yükledüp gönderdi. Ve Mısr’dan gelmiş hazret-i Risâlet’ün –salla’llahü aleyhi ve sellem- ak alemin çıkarup Osmân Gāzî’ye gönderdi. Vezîr Abdülazîz bile gönderdi. Tuğ ve sancak çözilüp Osmân Gāzî’ye getürdiler. Bu tarafdan Osmân Gāzî’ye haber oldı ki, Sultân Alâeddîn’den sana bunca in‘âmlar geleyor.Osmân Gāzî dahı karşu çıkdı, Abdülazîz’le görüşdi. Getürüp kondırdı. Çünki irte oldı,Abdülazîz pâdişâh gönderdüği in‘âmları virdi ve dahı Abdülazîz eytdi: “Ey oğul! Atan Ertuğrul gördüği vâkı‘a buydı ki Şeyh Edebâlî ta‘bîr itmişdi. Meger Osmân Gāzî dahı dünyâya gelmedin Ertuğrul bir gice aceb vâkı‘a gördi, uyandı. Durup sabâh namâzın kılup atına süvâr olup Konya’yaToday turkishBu taraftan, Rumların tekfuru, oğlunu birkaç bin kâfir ile Müslümanların üzerine gönderdi. Sultân Alâeddin haber alınca, her tarafa fermânlar yolladı. Tâ Sivas kapısına kadar hükmettiği yerlerden asker toplamaya adamlar gönderdi. Burada asker toplanırken, diğer taraftan, Osman Gazi bin kadar askerle büyük gazadır diyerek bu gelen kâfir askerinin üzerine bin kişiyi üç bölük yaptı. Bir gece üç yerden baskın yaparak Rum askerine girdiler. Kâfir sarhoş bir hâlde yatarken kılıç koydular, sabaha kadar kılıçtan geçirip darmadağın ettiler. Nice ganimet mallarıyla dönüp makamlarına geldiler. Malın onda birini çıkarıp Sultan Alâeddin’e gönderdiler. Sultân Alâeddin de bu ganimet malını görüp Osman Gazi’ninyiğitliğine sevinerek mutlu oldu. Hemen emretti, hazinesinden zırhlar çıkardı, elli katar deve ve elli katır mal ile yükletip gönderdi. Mısır’dan gelmiş, hazret-i Peygamber’in -salât ve selâm üzerine olsun- ak bayrağını çıkarıp Osman Gazî’ye gönderdi. Vezir Abdülaziz’i de birlikte gönderdi. Tuğ ve sancak çözülüp Osman Gazi’ye getirdiler. Bu taraftan, Osman Gazi’ye: “Sana Sultan Alâeddîn’den bu kadar hediyeler geliyor” diye haber verdiler. Osman Gazi karşılayıp Abdülaziz ile görüştü. Getirip yerleştirdi. Ertesi gün Abdülaziz, padişahın gönderdiği hediyeleri verdi ve dedi ki: “Ey oğul! Baban Ertuğrul’un göndüğü ve Şeyh Edebali’nin yorumladığı rüya şöyledir: Osman Gazi dünyaya gelmeden Ertuğrul bir gece tuhaf rüya görüp uyandı. Bekleyip sabah namazını kılıp atına binerek Konya’yaEnglishOn the other hand, the Greek Cypriots sent their son with few thousand infidels to Muslims. When Sultan Alâeddin received news, he sent Fermans (edict)everywhere. He sent men to gather soldiers from the places until the door of Sivas. While the soldiers gathered here, on the other hand, Osman Gazi said that it is a great jihad and split his 3000 soldiers in 3 unite. One night, they raided three places and entered camps of the RUMS (greek)soldiers. When the infidel lay lying drunk, they put a sword in it, and sliced ​​it up till morning. Nice returned with their booty goods and came to their office. They took out one tenth of the property and sent it to Sultan Alaeddin. Sultan Alaeddin was happy to see this trophy and glad of Osman Gazi's bravery. He immediately ordered, took out armor from his treasure, sent fifty qatar camels and fifty mule goods. He came from Egypt and took the flag of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and sent it to Osman Ghazi. He sent the Grand Vizier Abdulaziz together. Tuğ(banner) and the Flag(sancak) were prepered and brought to Osman Gazi. On this side, they told Osman Gazi: “You receive so many gifts from Sultan Alaeddin.“ Osman Gazi met with Abdulaziz. He brought it in. The next day Abdulaziz gave the sultan's gifts and said: “O son! The dream that your father Ertuğrul sent and interpreted by Sheikh Edebali is as follows: Before Osman Gazi was born, Ertuğrul woke up one night and had a strange dream. Waiting for the morning prayer and riding on the horse to Konya10-American Heavyweight Championship & European undefeated championYusuf Ismail was the original wrestler to be known as "the Terrible Turk" 6 ft 2 (1.88 m) weight 305 lb (138 kg) Known for his massive size and brute strength, he was recognized as one of the top three strongmen in the world by Alan Calvert, a pioneer of American weight training, and photographer Edmond Desbonnet during the turn of the centuryhis house in bulgaria Cerna/ karalar is renowned by turkish goverment and made a monument along his training stone which weight over 400 kg. according to sources that stone was very light against 130 kg wrestler.June 20, 1898 Chicago, Illinois American Heavyweight ChampionIsmail defeated Evan "Strangler" Lewis for the American Heavyweight Championship in Chicago, Illinois. Lewis was neither able to overcome Ismail's massive size and strength nor manage to use his sleeper hold during the match. Ismail had the $5,000 prize money converted to gold and carried it in a money belt along with the title.11-Peyk (Imperial running messenger )Transferring a news to the target quickly and safely has always been an important issue from the past to the present. The intermediaries used for this were initially animals,such as horses, birds and camels were of great importance in communication. However, these methods did not meet the need soon and a new branch of profession emerged. During the Ottoman period, the Peykers were able to run 150 kilometers a day, feed while running and quickly bring the news to their places…they were small build for long distance you may called it Marathon runners .12-visual poemsThe Art of Drawing Poems' in the Ottoman Empire. a poem written in artistic way to show visual art.13- slavery …in ottoman time slaves could buy their freedom or be released from slave status . if they treated badly by their owner they can ask relocation or they can be freed by court for work time compensations.A Record of the Rumelia Shari'a Court Regarding Ahmed and Mehmed's Decision to Grant Freedom to Their Russian Female Slave for the Sake of God in the Presence of Four Witnesses, 159414-tombstone : Turkish tombstone art goes back to longer than 3000 years which they were called at the time balban or balbal.that legacy can be seen in ottoman empire in whole different way. basically you can write encyclopedia about it. because each tombstone is unique it’s own way .this tombstone represents a young women who was died at young age … rose represent “young age of a girl never had chance to married ”high ranked government position in finance 16. century15 - Aida is an opera in four acts by Giuseppe Verdi to an Italian libretto by Antonio Ghislanzoni. Set in the Old Kingdom of Egypt, it was commissioned by Cairo's after request of Ottoman Khedive (hidiv)İsmail Paşa, and had its premiere there on 24 December 187116- horse-chesnuts from istanbulmost of Paris horse chesnuts are from Ottoman istanbul 1615The first written report on the horse chestnut is found in a letter that Willem Quackelbeen 1527-1561} wrote from Istanbul in 1557 to Pietro Andrea Mattioli 1501—15 78}, a physician then living in Prague. which later France introduce chestnut to France.17- Tulip from istanbulNetherland owes its tulip heritage to the Ottoman Empire. The Tulip was originally a wild flower, growing in Central Asia. It was first cultivated by the Turks as early as 1000 AD. In the Ottoman Empire, tulips played such an important role that the reign of Sultan Ahmed III (1703-1730) has been labeled the "Tulip Era".At the end of the 16th century the tulip arrived in the Netherlands and immediately became very popular among the upper classes. The word Tulip is derived from the Turkish word for turban "tulbent". It is difficult to establish the exact date of the first cultivations of tulips in the Netherlands, but it is generally admitted that around 1550 the bulbs reached the country on ships arriving from Istanbul.ottoman art does have many tulip art and craft which you can see every ottoman design and art, tiles, buildings, gravestones. etc.The first documented flowering of tulips was in 1594, in the Hortus Botanicus (Botanical garden) of the University of Leiden. The bulbs were brought to the university garden from Vienna by Carolus Clusius, previously responsible for the Imperial Garden in Vienna.Bonus info 2 : DC comic heroin Janissary sword Ottoman sultan magnificent SuleimanThe Janissary is an accomplished medical doctor. She keeps herself very fit. She was noble and brave enough to draw Suleiman’s scimitar from the sand.All her superhuman abilities come from her two magical artifacts. Suleiman’s sword The scimitar (or, technically, a kilij), which was Suleiman’s sword, is a very sharp and tough weapon. It reputedly gives her superhuman strength and durability. This later aspect was not clearly demonstrated during her actual appearance – our game stats for it are also seemed to give her a greater combat ability and speed than she likely possesses on her own. She could slash through endless hordes of zombies with just her right hand, her left hand being busy holding her book. The scimitar allows the Janissary to fly quickly. She can swiftly cross Turkey to intervene where needed.18- Ottoman like to helps peoplethere is a saying : “ Even if it’s your enemy, when those needed, help just help ”ottoman even his desperate times helped many nation to their struggle. one of the greatest examples .Haven for Jewish Refugees from Spain and PortugalWhen, in the wake of the expulsion from Spain (1492) and the forced conversion in Portugal (1497), tens of thousands of Iberian Jews arrived in Ottoman territories. As all that was required of them was the payment of a poll‑tax and acknowledgement of’ the superiority of Islam, the empire became a haven for these refugees.From early in the 16th century, the Jewish community in the Ottoman Empire became the largest in the world. Constantinople and Salonika each had a community of approximately 20,000 people. Immigration from the Iberian peninsula, arriving in several waves throughout the 16th century, also transformed the character of Ottoman Jewry. Far more numerous than the local Jews, the Spaniards and the Portuguese soon submerged the Romaniots, and the indigenous population was assimilated into the culture and community of the new immigrants.Irish famineofficial letter from Ireland at the time from ottoman archive( Ireland national archive was 1922 along with records. of this matter.)At a time when Ireland was enduring the terrible loss of a million dead and the mass exodus of a million more during the Great Hunger, the story goes that the Ottoman Sultan, Khaleefah Abdul-Majid I, declared his intention to send £10,000 to aid Ireland's farmers. However, Queen Victoria intervened and requested that the Sultan send only £1,000 because she had sent only £2,000 herself.So the Sultan sent only the £1,000, but he also secretly sent five ships full of food. The English courts attempted to block the ships, but the food arrived inharbor and was left there by Ottoman sailors. That £10,000 that the Sultan pledged to the Irish would be worth approximately £800,000 ($1.7m) today.plaque of gratitude on the wall of the municipal building (today's Westcourt Hotel)Drogheda United FC : Irish club with Turkish flag a welcoming response to the help of Ottomans during famine.Color: maroon/purple/blue ottoman sailers had maroon or also Gray purple textile (koyu güvemi) and blue throusers jackets . Purple Gray color long exposer of sun can change to light blue ')19- Ulu camii bursa (grand mosque bursa ) solar sistem carved since 1399The minbar made with walnut wood and by kundekari technique. There are twohandrails of the minbar constructed with lattice work technique and they are adorned withdifferent patterns. At the top of the minbar door there is a gilded, pierced and carved crown ina shape of a palmet. Unfortunately, one cannot see the original carving because the surfacewas painted over several times A solar system composition wasapplied to east side surface of the minbar panel . This is the most valuable artifactamong old minbars which extant from XIVcentury. Recently, in order to protect the minbar, itis arounded with glass panels20- official documents , almost 700 years of reignThere lots of documents i mean lots some of them wre

What are some good habits that help you stay young, healthy, and beautiful?

What’s the single most life-transforming wellness habit - not only for looking and feeling younger - but for actually living a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life?It’s actually a powerful rapid habit-formation mindset driven by - a simple, 7-word piece of positive self-talk:“Measure, Motivate, and Celebrate What Really Matters.”Start by setting 1–3 high-value health, wellness, and longevity goals.Studies show that having more than 3 goals at a time can be counter-productive due to task-overwhelm.For example, you might want to start:Eating a clean-green-anti-inflammatory diet;Building a regular neuroregenerative sleep habitBuilding a 30-minute-per-day anywhere-fitness routine.The synergy generated by combining these 3 wellness best-practices is incredible.Let’s start with a quick look at each starting with:1- The Green Keto Diet: one where you start eating lots of healthy fats, reduce your carbs slowly, control your healthy protein intake at first - and go full Keto for a number of weeks -even months - Family Dr. permitting.You then slowly shift up to eating a higher daily intake of low-glycemic Micro-nutrient dense plant-based carbs and continued healthy fats consumption. This is a prime example of a powerful, health transformation diet with strong science-backed benefits that can take you way beyond just looking and feeling younger and more energized - including:Focusing the brain (increased memory, cognition, clarity, and seizure control; fewer migraines) [Did you know the brain can also metabolize ketones as an energy source - not just toxic and toxin-generating sugars?]Fighting some types of cancerPreventing Heart Disease (lower blood pressure, lower triglycerides, better cholesterol profiles)Decreasing inflammation (which improves acne, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, IBS, pain, etc…)Improving energy levels and sleepKeeping uric acid levels in check (helping kidney function and preventing gout)Assisting gastrointestinal and gallbladder health (less heartburn and acid reflux, less risk for gallstones, improved digestion, less gas and bloating)Battling a wide variety of neurologic and metabolic diseasesAssisting Women’s Health (increased fertility, stabilizing hormones)Helping the eyes (more stable vision; less risk for cataracts)Gaining muscle and improving enduranceCurbing diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome while sparing muscle lossSource to learn more: Eating some meat and eggs during the week is also important for getting critical nutrients like collagen and choline. But you want grass-fed and finished meats and organic, free-range chickens if you can get them. Boiling or slow and low cooking both meat and eggs, while avoiding frying in oil - is a great way to reduce toxic oxidation.2- Build Neuroregenerative Sleep Habit:If you read some of my sleep tips answer here on Quora… you know that getting 7-9 hours of high-quality sleep most nights is critical for your mental and physical health:Why?Because:“Regular poor sleep puts you at risk of serious medical conditions, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes – and it shortens your life expectancy.“It’s now clear that a solid night’s sleep is essential for a long and healthy life.”Source: A 'catastrophic sleep-loss epidemic' is killing us, warns leading scientistIn fact, one of the most important sleep science studies of the last few years discovered:“People who go to bed late and struggle to wake in the morning are more likely to die prematurely than early risers...” more specifically:“Night owls were also more likely to have diabetes, neurological disorders, psychological disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and respiratory disorders, according to Kristen Knutson, associate professor of neurology at Northwestern's Feinberg School of Medicine and a leading author of the study.­”Source to learn more: Night owls have 10% higher mortality risk, study saysIf fact, having just one night of poor sleep was shown to disrupt two-thirds of the genome in a solid animal research model.In other words just one night of sleep-deprivation or getting less than the minimum 7 hours of high quality, uninterrupted sleep is actually a genetic-disruptor.Link to learn more: A systems genetics resource and analysis of sleep regulation in the mouse3- Building a 30-minute-per-day anywhere personal fitness routine.There’s been an explosion of research over the last decade touting the mind-body health and longevity enhancing benefits of exercise.For Instance:Exercise elevates your mood.Control your weight with exerciseWant toned muscles? Regular exercise helps with that goalSleepless nights? Adding daily exercise to your routine can promote restful sleepExercise helps in preventing health conditions including cardiovascular diseaseYou’ll get an energy boostPut a spark in your sex lifeAlleviate stress and help improve memoryExercise – especially aerobic exercises – helps prevent or delay agingSource to learn more: when it comes to mindset and mental health:Studies show that low levels of two…neurotransmitters in particular, glutamateand gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), can lead to mood disorders such as depression. The good news: moderate exercise can increase these levels, according to a recent study in The Journal of Neuroscience. The result, whether you suffer from depression or not, is an increased resilience and capacity to respond to mental challenges, a concept known as "mental fitness," explains study author Richard Maddock, MD, a research professor at UC Davis Medical Center.Source to learn more: as it turns out - the incredible benefits of exercise are likely gained and maintained through moderate daily activity – 30 minutes per day is a great realistic target to slowly build up to.And you don’t need an expensive gym membership or expensive home exercise equipment.The more intense and fanatical your initial approach to exercise – the more likely you are to fail at building a life long physical activity habit that you really enjoy.Going for 3 10-minute power walks most days, with 3 days of resistance training using resistance bands and a balance ball – is so much more realistic for most folks.And that greatly increases the likelihood of building a high-value life long fitness habit.Ok, so you probably know that the healthy diet, sleep, and exercise habit-trio can drastically improve just about every aspect of your life.There’s a powerful synergy that emerges when you combine them.In fact:Many millions of people around the world..know the importance of eating a clean-green diet…know the importance of building a regular healthy sleep habit…and they…know the importance of getting regular moderate exercise…But they still fail dismally when it comes to building those very atomic-health habits into their daily routines.So what can you do to drastically increase your chances of success - building high-value mind-body wellness habits that last.It’s simple actually…again you just need to…Measure,Motivate, andCelebrate what really matters.Goal Behaviorization – whether your goals include building a great sleep habit or completely transforming how you eat – you need to clearly define and frame your goals in terms of the high leverage behaviors and smaller action steps that get you from where you are now to the goal state.If it doesn’t get measured and motivated, it’s much less likely to lead to a solid habit.You want to get inspired by the process of daily doing and tracking - not the final big hairy audacious goal - until you reach it.The key to rapid, lasting, healthy-habit formation is to focus on the smaller behavioral choices that lead to a larger goal.One of the best predictors of realizing diet and fitness goals is daily tracking around a very clear and behaviorally descriptive breakdown of the sub-goals that you build into your action plan.A practical case in point:When it comes to effective weight loss for example – one of the most critical tiny habits you want to measure, motivate first is “slow eating”.This is because:Digestion involves a complex series of hormonal signals between the gut and the nervous system, and it seems to take about 20 minutes for the brain to register satiety (fullness). If someone eats too quickly, satiety may occur after overeating instead of putting a stop to it.There's also reason to believe that eating while we're distracted by activities like driving or typing may slow down or stop digestion similar to how the "fight or flight" response does.Source to learn more: a more concrete behavior breakdown of your slow-eating goal would include very specific and measurable action-steps like:I will take 15 minutes to fully enjoy and experience each of my meals and use a timer to do so.Before each meal, I’ll do a 60-second body scan to monitor and release any muscle tension or stress I’m feeling.If I eat too fast at first - I’ll eat with my none-dominate hand (i.e. my right hand if I’m left-handed) or use a very small spoon or even chopsticks to slow things down.I’ll chew each small bite 30 times slowly and really focus my attention on the smell, taste, and texture of my food.I’ll spend 2 minutes, minimum each meal cultivating a positive-food-gratitude practice. For example, just think about the millions of miracles of creation per second - that food you're eating a reality.How a seed planted in the ground has within it all the wisdom to grow and bare the life-nurturing gift of energy and nutrition – it almost seems natural!3- Now when it comes to building a great healthy sleep habit– there are actually 3 critical behaviors goals you want to target:First, you want to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time each day.Second, you want to gradually reduce your exposure to artificial light from electronics around 90 minutes before bed - right down to complete darkness when it’s time to sleep.Third, you want to significantly reduce the amount of sensory stimulation you get in the hour or so before bed.These 3 core sleep habit goals break down into specific behavioral sub-goals including:Turning off the TV by 7 PM to avoid the flood of positive and negative stress (chemicals) and unhealthy food cravings that prime time TV and ads are expertly designed to elicit.Turning off all your electronics at least 1 hour before bed.Turning off all but the most necessary lights for safety and for reading.Building a pre-bedtime reading habit. No suspense or action novels. At first, focus on books that increase your knowledge of how to build great sleep, nutrition, and exercise habits. Studies show that becoming an armchair expert on the specific habit your building can drastically increase your chances of real success.Implementing a complete caffeine ban after 2 PM.Practicing relaxing breathing and progressive muscle relaxation 1 hour before bed and during the day whenever you find yourself getting stressed or frustrated.Once you get really good at quickly switching on your body’s deep relaxation response - you can actually do a quick body scan and release muscle tension in as little as 60 seconds - right before bed to fall asleep faster, deeper, and longer.Keep the temperature in your sleep sanctuary comfortably cool by turning your thermostat down to between 60 and 67 degrees depending on what you find the most comfortable.Keeping a really simple sleep-habits journal. Write down your ideal sleep and wake up times and compare them to your actual sleep and wake up times the next morning at a set time each day.Make a short, clear, and behaviorally descriptive note of any obstacle that gets in the way of your falling asleep within about 5–20 minutes of your target fall-asleep-time.Scale what matters - things like your pre-bedtime stress levels, sleep-interfering thoughts or feelings, hunger, and hydration levels. Use a simple 1–10 scale - with 10 being high or good and 1 being low or bad.Come up with a behaviorally clear action-plan for addressing any barriers to building your healthy sleep habit based on the simple data you record.For example, let’s say you self-score low on hydration (a little known but critical key to a great night’s sleep). What can you do to make sure you drink more healthy fluids throughout the day, drastically tapering off your fluid intake in the 4 hours before bed to increase your bedtime hydration score while at the same time minimizing sleep-interrupting bathroom visits?If sleep problems persist for more than a day or two, and/or if you feel chronically tired after a seemingly long enough sleep -it’s really, really important that you get to your family Doctor fast to rule out a sleep-disorder and to get help managing any medical reasons that stand between you and a truly restful and restorative regular sleep habit.Finally, if you really want to build iron-clad life-transforming health-habits, make sure to always be motivating and celebrating what matters most. Consistently measuring and motivating easy to manage micro-behaviors is the key to lasting habit formation.And what’s the single most effective strategy for motivating what matters?It’s actually really, really simple...The single most powerful strategy in all of human psychology is the effective use of:“Positive Reinforcement.”It's not a "trick," but like good performance magic, most people don't understand how it works.Yet it continuously affects and shapes almost every aspect of your life and the lives of those around you - whether you know it or not.Positive reinforcement has been proven more effective than drugs or cognitive therapy for treating clinical depression.It's the centerpiece of Applied Behavior Analysis - the most effective, brain-changing autism treatment.It's arguably the most critical part (behavioral activation) of just about every clinical application of Cognitive Behavior Therapy that gets positive results.It’s what makes the most successful social media and knowledge sharing sites so addictive.And we still don't know how the "deep state" uses positive reinforcement in its advanced behavioral influence projects - lol.So what makes positive reinforcement such an incredible behavior change tool?Well for one thing, by its very definition, positive reinforcement (PR) can’t fail to get great results.It’s defined as:" …any observable event that follows a behavior, and, that increases the occurrence/strength of that behavior next time in a similar or identical situation.”Source: Positive Reinforcement Can Help Favorable BehaviorsPositive reinforcement is the single most powerful strategy for accelerating the neuroplastic-learning of healthy habit formation.That increase in the occurrence of your desired or target behavior, also known as “habit strength” actually gets wired into your brain.And by the way - one of the most rapid and lasting ways to unlearn a bad habit - is to systematically reinforce a good habit directly in its place.To understand this better - think of the last time you procrastinated.One of the most effective ways to overcome procrastination is to harness all the positive reinforcement that gets sucked into your most gratifying distractions.You then plug all that motivational rocket-fuel directly into your most important work tasks.The typical Procrastinator can waste hours surfing social media, playing video games, watching Netflix, or chatting with friends.Next time you find yourself procrastinating - set up a chunked work-break schedule for the day.Work in 45-minute work chunks based on a prioritized MIT most important task) list.Follow most of your 45-minute work chunk with a 15-minute reward-break - with a fun, relaxing, and healthy activity from the top of your prioritized MIR (most important reward) list (i.e., time on social media or chatting with good friends).What you're doing here is what I call "motivational-transference" from your reward activity to your work-task. And you can do this process to quickly build and strengthen your exercise and eating micro-habits, like practicing “slow eating” and going for 10 minutes power-walk.Not only are you harnessing and transferring motivation for increased and sustained flow and focus - but you're also accelerating the rate by which your brain wires in the new high-performance productivity habit you’re building.Once a high level of brain-based habit-strength is established, less frequent reinforcement is typically needed to maintain the new behavior. You can then start building your next high-value target behavior - a healthy regular sleep habit for example.Each new positive micro behavior, adds to a chain of behaviors, - for example, a daily routine. Often, effectively reinforcing different parts of that chain can actually serve to powerfully reinforce the other behaviors you’ve already self-shaped and linked it to.Important Tip: In most cases, positive reinforcement becomes less and less effective the longer you wait to deliver it.Your optimal window for most positive reinforcement: is within 1–3 seconds of the behavior and usually starts fading quickly after that!Hope that helps!David Haldorsen B.A.(Psy.) M.A. (OD) MHWC, CSSC

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Justin Miller