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What is the proper way to deal with a repressed memory?

Repressed memory has been found to be unlikely at best, and this phenomenon is associated with the human propensity to form false memories. For example, the mere conceptualization of having been abused as a child can create false memories, and the more one thinks those thoughts the more those neural connections are strengthened and other neural connections established (Eagleman, 2011; Ehrenfeld, 2015).While it is possible that something happened that created a negative association at a time of rapid neural connections in the brain, it is possible that this incident could have been inconsequential under normal circumstances and was perceived improperly due to undeveloped cognitive ability. Hebb’s Law indicates that any age, neurons that fire together wire together, meaning that a negative stimulus like getting an inoculation from a doctor in a white coat creates a negative reaction toward anyone wearing a white coat.Memory researchers long have speculated that certain tactics may lead people to recall crimes that never occurred, and thus could potentially lead to false confessions. This is the first study to provide evidence suggesting that full episodic false memories of committing crime can be generated in a controlled experimental setting. With suggestive memory-retrieval techniques, participants were induced to generate criminal and noncriminal emotional false memories, and we compared these false memories with true memories of emotional events. After three interviews, 70% of participants were classified as having false memories of committing a crime (theft, assault, or assault with a weapon) that led to police contact in early adolescence and volunteered a detailed false account (Shaw & Porter, 2015).Hypnosis has been effectively used in the recollection of details by witnesses. However, there are problems inherent to hypnosis, and problems associated with poorly conducted hypnosis are applicable to interview, interrogation, and external suggestion:Four potentially negative outcomes from hypnosis have been identified (Webert, 2003; Howell, 2013). First, there is an increased susceptibility to suggestion while hypnotized. Second, there may be a loss of critical judgment and/or desire to please the hypnotist, or the perception that the hypnosis process will provide the proper answer. This can be intentional or unintentional on the part of the hypnotist; and is the result of the common human cognitive error involving conformity and compliance proclivities originating from the pressures exerted by the authority figures in influencing memory (Sauer, Brewer, & Weber, 2008)The third is confabulation, the filling of memory gaps, a concept somewhat analogous to the first outcome, except that confabulation occurs subconsciously within the subject. Our perceptions are often wrong due to the manner of operation of the central and peripheral nervous systems, in that substance is subject to loss or gain of detail during transition and disambiguation in all sensory perceptions. This process is labeled amodal perception, the inference of the presence of an object or fact situation based on partial sensory perception of some fraction of the whole, including faulty recall of information (Eagleman, 2011; Nanay, 2009).The fourth potentially negative outcome is memory hardening, wherein confidence of the hypnotically recalled information is enhanced, possibly in error (Webert; Howell). These improper outcomes detract from accurate testimony and accurate evaluation of testimony by a jury.These four considerations are consistent with social psychological conceptualizations of common cognitive errors:• Mood influences judgment;• Memories and perception are incomplete and are subject to being fleshed out in the subconscious mind (confabulation);• Before-the-fact judgments bias perceptions and interpretations;• After-the-fact judgments bias recall;• Belief perseverance, clinging to reasons a faulty belief may be true, even if discredited;• Counterfactual thinking, imagining false scenarios and outcomes;• Confirmation bias, confirming information is over-weighted and disconfirming information under-weighted or ignored; and,• Illusory thinking, consisting of perception of a relationship where none exists, or perceiving a stronger relationship than is true (Myers, 2012). (Robb, 2015)“The question raises a fundamental issue of consciousness: how much of what we perceive exists outside of us and how much is a product of our minds?” (Eagleman cited in Bilger, 2011). Consciousness is partially an illusion, subconscious mental machinations being the other constituent. “Internally generated activity is modulated by sensory input (perception). … What we call normal perception does not really differ from hallucinations, except that the latter are not anchored by external input” (Eagleman, pp. 44-46).“The psychological unity we experience emerges out of the specialized system called ‘the interpreter’ that generates explanations about our perceptions, memories, and actions and the relationships among them. … The interpreter module appears to be uniquely human and specialized to the left hemisphere (the creative hemisphere). Its drive to generate hypotheses is the trigger for human beliefs, which in turn, constrain our brain” (Gazzaniga, 2011), p. 102).References:Bilger, B. (2011, April 25). The Possibilian: What a brush with death taught David Eagleman about the mysteries of time and the brain. The New Yorker. Retrieved from: The PossibilianEagleman, D., (2011). Incognito: The secret lives of the brain. New York: Pantheon Books.Dr. David Eagleman, directed the Laboratory for Perception and Action and the Initiative on Neuroscience and Law, Baylor College of Medicine, is a Guggenheim fellow, and directed the non-profit Center for Science and Law.Ehrenfeld, T. (2015, April 22). We Don't Repress Painful Childhood Memories: Bits of hallucinations when we wake up during sleep paralysis can seem true. Psychology Today. Retrieved from: We Don't Repress Painful Childhood MemoriesGazzaniga, M. S. (2011). Who’s in charge: Free will and the science of the brain. New York: HarperCollins.Dr. Michael Gazzaniga is a professor of psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, he heads the SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind, and is the Director of the Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, and President of the Cognitive Neuroscience Institute. His career has included beginning and developing Centers for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of California-Davis and Dartmouth, and founding the Neuroscience Institute and the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, of which he is the Editor-in-Chief.Myers, D. G. (2012). Social psychology (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.Nanay, B. (2009). Four theories of amodal perception. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2007) (pp. 1331-1336).Robb, D. L. (2015, December). Investigative Hypnosis in Texas. Journal of Cold Case Review, 1(2), 87-92. Retrieved from: Investigative Hypnosis in TexasShaw, J., & Porter, S. (2015, March 1). Constructing Rich False Memories of Committing Crime. Psychological Science (26) 3: 291-301.

What’s the most controversial Supreme Court case in the last 50 years?

I’m not sure you could narrow it down to just one. But 50 years?Okay, so you want to start with Roe v Wade and Gates v Collier, both 1974. The former is obvious. My 6 year old grand daughter knows what Roe v Wade is. And the latter prohibited the trust system inside prisons such as Mississippi that turned almost entirely black prisoners into slaves for the Wardens.Mississippi University for Women v Hogan, 1982. That decision made gender limited universities of gender consideration a thing of the past.Romer v Evans in 1996 and Lawrence v Texas in 2003, made gay sex between consenting adults legal and overturned laws first in Colorado and later on Texas. Being from Texas and a gay man, you can imagine my thoughts.The Texas case came about because a couple of idiot cops (Harris County Deputies) working warrants busted in the wrong apartment having heard screaming through the door. Little did they know that Lawrence and another gentleman were in the throws of passion on the living room floor and were clearly seen in the act siding. They were arrested and the dominoes began to fall.The conservative community severely chastised them because they knew the sodomy laws would not withstand Supreme Court scrutiny but by not arresting anyone on the charge it allowed the law to remain since in order to challenge it someone had to have standing. In order to have standing, someone had to be injured by the law.But by having the law on the books they could keep out gay teachers or pretty much any positions for the state. Private business and Ben corporations could refuse to hire gay employees because that was technically illegal. It forced anyone who was gay, especially if they lived in a same sex relationship from living in very many places outside the gay ghetto.Goodridge v Department of Public Health also 2003 was the first state case allowing gay couples to marry in Massachusetts.

Can you pinpoint the moment in United States history where things took a turn for the worse?

Things took a turn for the worse in the U.S. on the moment John F. Kennedy died. It’s not that he was a great president; he didn’t even have a full term to prove himself. It was more a blow to the nation’s psyche. The assassin(s) didn’t just kill a man, it killed what we thought we were. It wasn’t about Democrats or Republicans but, the nation has been going downhill ever since.It’s really hard to describe that day. It was one of those days when you remember exactly where you were; exactly what you were doing. I have a vivid memory of those 30 minutes from when he was shot to the moment he was pronounced dead. It was a day like Pearl Harbor except instead of everyone outraged at once, everyone cried at once.People cried not because they loved Kennedy; well, sure some did. Mostly people cried for their country. We were the all powerful. The Allies won WWII and the US built atomic bombs. The United States could do anything. My father was a Marine. We were going to the moon. We loved everything about our country. This couldn’t be happening. The most powerful man in the world, the President of the United States had been cut down right in Middle America; he had his brains blown out right in front of our eyes.We were innocent up until that moment when the innocence died. To this day, more than 60% of Americans do not believe the official government story of how Kennedy died. It doesn’t matter whether conspiracy theories are true or not, 60% of Americans don’t have the same confidence in their country, the same trust that they had before 12:30 PM November 22, 1963. I suspect the percentage is actually much higher. No one could be unaffected by those moments. Maybe it isn’t fair but, it doesn’t matter because innocence, once lost is gone forever. No one has felt the same about a president and our political institutions since. It’s like someone took a big hammer and cracked America just like the Liberty Bell.Consider the next thing that happened just after Kennedy’s death was Vietnam. Instead of Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson would make the decision to escalate, to take the United States down a path with disastrous consequences for everyone involved. There is good reason to believe that Kennedy might have made a different decision.The U.S. told its people that the war was being prosecuted in order to stop communism. We know now that secretly, the U.S. government wasn’t really sure how they got into this mess. Later, Secretary of Defense McNamara commissioned a study by Rand that would investigate how the U.S. got itself into the Vietnam War. These were the Pentagon Papers which documented the chain of decisions or mistakes as McNamara called them that got America into such an untenable mess, “the quagmire”. One would think that if the government is going to lie, at least it has a good reason to lie about the purpose of the war but, in the case of the Vietnam War, the Pentagon itself didn’t even know the reason for the war. Hundreds of thousands of people died, perhaps more than a million and no one person knew the reason. How fucked up can it get? A country cannot afford to make mistakes like this but at least one has to learn from their mistakes and admit that they were wrong. The U.S. could do neither.This photo pretty much sums it up for 1968.1968 came with the TET offensive. We had been told we had won. We were told over and over again that the North Vietnamese and the so called Viet Cong were on their last legs; evidently not. The war came in full horror on TV. Then, we lost Martin Luther King in April and in June, Bobby Kennedy was dead; both men the hope of a generation, murdered. America was completely divided. There were riots at universities and in the streets of the cities. The Detroit Riots had taken place the year before.The biggest thing though about 1968 was that it was the year when the prosperous era of the 1950’s and 1960’s ended. The big news was inflation. The United States was unable to pay the cost of the war. It was having to import too much and too many dollars backed by Gold were going overseas. The same bag of groceries that cost $5 cost $10 a month later, then a month later $15 and then $20.Richard Nixon was elected. The United States was desperately trying to declare victory in Vietnam and get out without looking like we had lost. Inflation was an implacable foe. The U.S. financial system was completely broken. Nixon, in desperation and in the single most important decision of the 20th century unilaterally abrogated the Bretton Woods agreement. Only WWII in its entirety had more impact than this decision. This is the agreement that had set up the world’s financial system that helped end the Great Depression. The Gold backed dollar was no more. The dollar became a fiat currency. Wealth was no longer measured by what a nation produced. Money could now be created out of nothing and debt became the world’s new currency.We became hippies and in some ways checked out of the world. What had been a generation full of hope was a generation that became disengaged. People stopped paying attention. The United States was ripe for the picking. Ronald Reagan became governor of California The Pigs were waiting to feed at the trough.Kent State happened. We watched our own soldiers shoot our own people. Inflation was so bad by 1970, that Nixon put a 90 day freeze on all prices and all wages. Imagine that happening now. Imagine Donald Trump declaring that no one can get an increase in salary. No one can raise prices in their store. Think of what a desperate move that is. It didn’t work and created horrendous consequence and a shock with negative impact on the economy. After 90 days, once the price controls were removed, prices shot up faster than ever.1970 was the year the 4th estate vanished. There is one business enterprise singled out in the Constitution, journalism. However, the media corporations simply decided that their participation in the American Democracy was not worth the cost. The news media underwent a revolution in 1970. After 1970 the 6:00 PM news on television was no longer a loss leader. The evening news was expected to compete for ratings just like Gilligan’s Island or Laugh-in. It was the moment when the news anchors stopped being journalists and started being entertainers. There was no one to call the politicians on their bullshit and corruption. Overtime the news entertainers became reality show hosts. This is part of our downfall. We saw Donald Trump get a billion dollars worth of free television time during the primaries and the presidential election because he increased network news ratings and the other candidates did not. The news media has let America down.By 1970, where Americans had been prosperous with a single earner now it took two people working full time just to keep up. Women joined the work force and that was great but American family life was forever changed for the worse. This has had all kinds of ramifications including especially the decline in K-12 education because now teachers were relegated to day-care providers. Parents did not have time to participate in the child’s education. The schools were now in charge of raising children of parents who both worked just to tread financial water.In 1972, U.S. domestic petroleum production peaked exactly as predicted in 1956. The great Permian Oil Fields of Texas went into decline. The endless supply of oil ended and the U.S. had to start importing oil. And so the stage was set for what would become an America that could not grow its economy in real terms. Where services became more important to the economy than manufacturing. And real wages for working class and middle class Americans would never rise again. It was beginning of the long suck where prosperity was something your parents had.For corporations this meant that manufacturing would have to be done offshore so that the energy costs would be paid for through another country’s imports. The age of globalization began.In 1980 President Reagan was elected. The pigs had won and feeding frenzy began in earnest. The policies that had resulted in the prosperity of America during the 1950’s and 1960’s were rolled back. I read a book once on the decline of the Venetian Empire. It so reminded me of what has happened since Reagan. Reagan’s presidency was the moment where the U.S. stopped being the country that made things happen and became the country where one group of Americans take from another. Ronald Reagan had no interest in leading the United States. Reagan thumbed its nose at one half of Americans and secretly despised the other half. He cared only about a few super wealthy people. Ronald Reagan would murder 200,000 Americans because he and Nancy despised gay men and he held back the CDC from intervening in the AIDS epidemic. A lot of Americans actually think this guy was a great president.There would be scandal after scandal in the Reagan administration but it was the pigs unleashed that caused the Savings and Loan crisis costing tax payers just under a trillion dollars. The pigs were only getting started. You would think that rich people would be wary about going too far. Putting themselves in danger. History is full of heads being lopped off but no the pigs don’t seem to care. Too busy at the trough to think about their peril.Historians will write that the American experiment of July 4th, 1776 finally ended on May 1, 2003; the day the U.S. invaded Iraq. The nation of laws not men was no more. Congress would fail to pass budgets because doing so would reveal the trillions of dollars being spent on wars. Congress started down the long road of sabotaging the institutions of the 1776 republic to be replaced with the Oligarchy. Both of the political parties that had dominated American politics since before the Civil War died in 2016. How many more presidents will be elected? One or two maybe or is Trump the last? The pigs are running things now, maybe they know.Update: 02/13/201880 percent of U.S. adults face near-poverty, unemployment, survey findsThe richest country in the world and 80% of its adults face poverty. Trump just proposed to cut the safety net for them. What does it take to rouse Americans to take back their country? Evidently a lot.People think how would it be possible for the US to fail or collapse. What does the failure mode look like. Take a look at Puerto Rico. Think of vast parts of 50 states in that kind of condition. The mighty United States has failed to to aid its own citizens in our own territory to recover from a devastating hurricane. You think this is bad? You think what happened in Houston is bad? You think Katrina was bad? Climate change is just getting warmed up. It will serve up bigger badder disasters in the coming decade and the US failed miserably already.

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