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In a post apocalyptic scenario similar to that of the movie Waterworld, how would you equip a sailboat in order to survive indefinitely?

I’d select a roomy steel monohull sailboat with an aluminum dinghy. It must be leak free and have a diesel heater installed for warmth in cold weather.For the boat I’d require backup sails, lines, cleats,charts, etc.I’d stow all the tools necessary to make repairs to the engine, lines, sails, hull, and other equipment. I’d also pack books on making those repairs as well as books on medical procedures, star navigation, Sailing in various conditions, fishing, marine life, and fishing gear for both food and fuel as fish oil can be converted to bio diesel.I’d need multiple non-inflatable floatation devices, including a life raft. As well as diver’s mask, fins, wetsuit, drysuit, snorkel, and some sort of diesel operated dive compressor.I’d keep several food items that if preserved well could last multiple decadesmultiple ways to make light and fire. Candles, matches, compression fire tools, flint steel, etc.I’d also need a watermaker to desalinate the ocean water for drinking as well as backup materials and instructions on repairing it and low-tech desalination methods such as a bucket and tarp and/or rain water collection system.I’d bring seeds and soil and attempt to grow salt water tolerant crops aboard the boatI’d stock up on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs for use and for trade.I would keep several guns with lots of ammunition for a lifetime of self defense.And I’d bring lots of fictional reading material for entertainment.

What is your dream organization?

First of all their lets talk about the pre requisites of a dream organization1. Vision - An Organization should have clear vision as to why they are putting their heart and soul and if that vision is worth their time all that effort.2. Conviction - All the team members should have conviction in the cause they have taken to and they should not have doubts in their vision because doubts are like termites which disintegrates the team and hollows the whole structure.3. Excellence - We should thrive for excellence in all aspect / activities / job assigned to us from making design of a brochure to giving presentation in front of huge crowd to sell our product .Everything matters /everything counts/ everything makes an impact so we should try to take care of all the aspects.In this competitive/ cynical environment customers have so many options so we should not give them any reason to reject us by trying our best.Even if we give them 99 reasons to choose us they will look for our 1 weakness and use it against us.4. Top 5 members of the organization should be such that they can do something of everything which will reduce/remove dependence on one individual for a particular task/activity/work (be it coding , sales , marketing, promotion ) instead of everything of one thing (highly specialized skill set ) though it is difficult to incorporate5. Competitiveness within the organization - This will bring out the best of all the members and keeps them on edge to give their best which should be taken into account and should be compensated at the appropriate time in terms of bonus /incentive /perks.Now after broad level listing of the traits of dream organization lets look at some subtle factors which makes an organization crowd puller which like a magnet attracts the best crowd1. Sustainable Growth not affecting the environment - though this issue is being ignored for past 25 years now many companies have given ample thought into reducing their emissions , recycling/ retreating their waste and not dumping that into already scarce water resources2. Renewable energy - We should try to use our resources for renewable energy like the rooftop of factories which can we used for solar panelsNow as we all know many of these traits exist only in ideal environment ,circumstances conditions because of a bitch (sorry if i offend anyone ) called Capitalism but in today's we can't ignore this monster which makes an organization less of a nation building instrument /serving its people and more of a profit making machine for private players which many times in the past created an unrest in the society because of the disparity between different sections of people .Now what i am about to say can be controversial and many would not agree to that but exercising my freedom of speech and my personal experience with a particular organization on this platform i want to promote a non profit organization whose main motive is serving the Lord (krishna) i.e ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness)The problem in today's society is more deep then we all think as Gandhiji said "world is enough for everyone's need not everyone's greed" what we need to effectively do is remove the basic enemies which in our mind which is Lust , greed , anger , envy , attachment which in Sikhism is also known as five thieves also known as panch vikaras which will make us think more about others and less about our material gains which will keep us grounded and create a noble society where people live at peaceWhen Srila Prabhupada first incorporated ISKCON in 1966, he gave it seven purposes:To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all people in the techniques of spiritual life in order to check the imbalance of values in life and to achieve real unity and peace in the world.To propagate a consciousness of Krishna, as it is revealed in the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The principle of reincarnation is accepted.To bring the members of the Society together with each other and nearer to Krishna, the prime entity, thus to develop the idea within the members, and humanity at large, that each soul is part and parcel of the quality of Godhead (Krishna).To teach and encourage the sankirtana movement, congregational chanting of the holy names of God as revealed in the teachings of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.To erect for the members, and for society at large, a holy place of transcendental pastimes, dedicated to the personality of Krishna.To bring the members closer together for the purpose of teaching a simpler and more natural way of life.With a view towards achieving the aforementioned purposes, to publish and distribute periodicals, magazines, books and other writings.Bhaktivedanta Swami prescribed four regulative principles, in relation to the four legs of dharma, as the basis of the spiritual life:No eating of meat (including fish) or eggs.No illicit sex: only between married couples and only for the procreation of children;No gambling.No intoxicants (including alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and other recreational drugs)The four legs of Dharma are :Daya: MercyTapas: Self-Control or AusteritySatyam: Truthfulness (playing any games keeping/for money and/or things)Śaucam: Cleanliness of body and mindNow coming to the part how it functions ?All the temples , vedic educational centers works with the soul purpose of pleasing the Almighty(real employer) . The attitude of the devotees (employees ) is that of serving to the best of their abilities with no inner motives. Their are different range of people involved in Iskcon right from a 5 year old child to 70 year old .You can find persons from different background (working, non working, students).All centers has two primary jobs1. To fluently run the proceedings of the temple ( which involves a lot of activities right from 3:am in the morning though the temple opens from 4:30 for general public till 9pm )2. To Promote their message to general public about the importance of this mission for which they distribute books, organize sessions in colleges congregation programs for the householdSo in order to summarize i want share my vision statementVision - vasudhaiva kutumbakam (the world is one family )Mission - try to be a servant of lord than of your sensesDisclaimer - These are my personal thoughts i have been part of this organization for past 8 years or so and trying to follow their principles set of instructions and which has immensely changed my personality for good and my perspective for the world and people around me.I have written this With all due respect to all people of different religions and atheists too.

What is the difference between harm reduction and abstinence?

Abstinence and harm reduction are two ways of attempting to mitigate societal problems. The two terms are most often heard in connection with issues like unwanted pregnancy and drug addiction, but really can be (and are) applied to any behavior. Harm reduction unfairly gets a bad rap in both examples above, but that usually is an indication that someone is injecting their own subjective morality into an issue where it does not belong.So what is abstinence? Abstinence is Nancy Reagan’s infamous “Just Say No!” campaign to fight drug abuse. Abstinence is telling people (especially people with ovaries and a uterus) that if they just keep their legs crossed and their clothes on, they won’t have to worry about getting pregnant, or sexually transmitted diseases. Abstinence “education” is Orwellian doublespeak - it’s the withholding of information on a given behavior, in an attempt to scare, shame, and control, usually based on supposed morality.Abstinence, when used in the context of sex education , almost seems like a reasonable idea on the surface. If someone doesn’t have sex, then they don’t have to worry about pregnancy or disease, right? Where’s the problem? The problem is that sex is a normal, natural human behavior that virtually everyone will engage in at some point in their lifetime, so it makes the most sense to teach people how to protect themselves, and their partners, about how to prevent possible unwanted events such as unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, HIV, rape, and heart break. Hmm, that sounds reasonable too, you say? Well that approach is called harm reduction. When we teach people, when they are young, that sex is part of being human, but there can be risks, we are teaching them harm reduction. In the tool box of harm reduction education, abstinence is still there, but it is merely one way of reducing risk, one that virtually all people eventually outgrow.Abstinence and harm reduction are present in the discussion about drug addiction too. “Well if people just don’t use drugs, they won’t get addicted!”, is often heard from those who decry harm reduction. Again, yes, but mostly no. There are many drugs that have common accepted uses. Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs have long had widely accepted use as part of our social, celebratory, and spiritual lives, and well as medicinal use. Teaching people to “just say no”, ignores the fact that many will use one or more of these substances in their lifetime, while harm reduction teaches us how to use them safely, if we choose to use them. Harm reduction includes teaching about safe limits for consumption, and about how a substance will affect us, so we can make safer decisions, like not driving drunk. Abstinence “education” would leave someone who may have waited until they were of legal age to drink unaware of the fact that they should drive home, or shame them from asking for a ride.These seem reasonable enough examples, so why is harm reduction still getting a bad rap? Let’s dig deeper. Let’s talk about needle exchanges for those who inject drugs. *GASP!* Those people should just say no!! But if we give them access to clean needles, and a safe place to use, we can reduce their risks, and maybe even help them kick their habit. Why would anyone be against that? “You are encouraging drug use/teen sex if you give them clean needles/condoms!” No, we really aren’t. People aren’t sitting around thinking, hmm, if I only had a clean needle, I’d start shooting heroin. Clearly, lack of access to clean needles does do anything to help prevent injection drug use either. Similarly, condoms are widely available everywhere, but even at age 17, only about 50% of teens have had sexual intercourse. Withholding information or things that make sex/drugs safer doesn’t prevent people from having sex/using drugs, it just increases the potential for harmful outcomes.*TL:DR*People who are against harm reduction with regards to sex and drugs are selfish, judgmental, stingy, heartless people who only care about their own self interests! Addiction is not a moral failing, its a dangerous way of coping with trauma, or an unplanned descent into chemical dependency, brought on by an inadequate attempt to fix physical or emotional pain, but it doesn’t make someone a bad person. Unplanned pregnancy, or having acquired HIV or a sexually transmitted disease is not a sign that someone is immoral, or lazy, it’s an indication that they were not given the tools and agency to protect their health, or that they tried, but one of their tools failed.We practice harm reduction with virtually every other behavior known to man, without batting and eye or feeling faint. We don’t tell people not to drive cars, we give them rules and safety information. We don’t tell people never to cross the street, we teach them to look both ways, make eye contact with drivers, and respect traffic signals. We don’t ban caustic cleaning materials, we put warning labels on them, provide emergency care instructions, and give instructions for safe use.People only object to harm reduction when they think their morals are being hurt. People need to keep their religiosity and their subjective moral codes to themselves. Give people information on how to protect themselves. Be good humans! Don’t inflict harm on others! Be kind!

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