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Is it wrong to dislike all Trump supporters?

9/23/2020. Since writing this (below), I have watched, I have read, I have thought and I have a new understanding of Trump supporters.There was a time not too long ago when we all watched the same news programs and watched the same tv shows. We operated from the same set of facts and our national values were affirmed. Fake news was relegated to the tabloids and everyone knew these sensationalized rags were specious. With the rise of social media and artificial intelligence which tracks our every click, entities such as Facebook and Twitter have been able to create networks for us which create a “news feed” individualized for each of us. They tell us what we already believe.Basically an entity such as Facebook sells the content we create and our profiles to advertisers who are able to target us and bombard us with information, advertising and “news” which suits our profile. They are rewarded handsomely with billions of dollars in profits. We are affirmed, flattered, titillated, entertained, validated, stroked by them. But mostly, we are exploited. They create demand for their products, sway public opinion, motivate us and delude us. A climate activist will get news about our dying planet, a climate denier will get news about the climate hoax. We each feel indignant at the other’s ignorance.Bad actors, both foreign and domestic have caught on to this method of spreading lies, formenting unrest, distrust, suspicion, doubt, divisiveness and even violence. Those who wish us harm along with legitimate news outlets use the same platform to inform us or disinform us. This is a low budget form of warfare. The president of the US uses these platforms and the considerable weight of his office to spew contradictory information which plays to his captive audience. He sows discord, unrest and confusion. He connects with a deep vein of distrust and paranoia to confuse, obfuscate, elevate, and promote harmful, misleading, mean, harebrained, sensationalized lies while at the same time stroking egos and legitimizing stupidity and mistrust in all their various forms. He speaks in the simple vernacular of the common man with confidence, and he showers his devotees, formerly starved of societal esteem, with the superiority they so crave. They have been elevated, just as banality and vulgarity have been legitimized. Their loyalty to their benefactor is nothing more than the only way they can hold on to their undeserved but gratifying esteem for themselves. Without him, they go back to being ordinary. Without him, they lack gravitas, authority, acclaim and they command little attention.To be sure disdain for the establishment is often deserved and skepticism of the news is prudent. For too many years, our lawmakers and their ilk have prospered greatly by misuse of power and a skewed playing field and they have blanketed us with untruths which harms the very people they were elected to serve. As with any fraud, there is some truth, some basic justification for the groundswell of contempt Trump’s supporters feel in their viscera for the established order. One only need look back 20 years to recall the war under false pretenses and a few years later Greenspan’s endorsement of the Dow just before people lost their shirts and Obama’s claims regarding the ACA, which in some instances did not turn out to be affordable.In this context, again consider the question of whether it is okay to hate Trump supporters.There are only two types of Trump supporter.Those who are deluded and actually believe they have found truth, fairness, justice, and goodness in Trump and that he will lead the way to a better future.Those who willingly go along with his lies to profit themselves. Into this group, are the GOP faithful lawmakers and the sycophants and news outlets and pundits and racists and misogynists. It is not only possible to hate them or at least hold them in the disdain they deserve, it is mandatory to defeat them.As to the first, come the categories below. Many of them are unschooled and unsophisticated. They would not know how to read a statistical study, probably failed at math, and in fact, don’t read at all except for the snippets and slogans they get on social media. They do not respect education. They resent esteemed institutions. They are suspicious of anyone who attempts to tell them what to do even if it is to save their lives. They are resentful. They may suffer from personality disorders such as narcissism, schizoidal, paranoid, sociopathy. They want a simple life where everything is black and white. They follow Trump and it is a blanket endorsement of everything he does, even if he cozies up with a dictator who dismembered a journalist, or another who hacks our elections and poisons people, and who installs unqualified, incompetent cronies to eviscerate our post office. Some even revel in the conflict he creates. They enjoy their hate. It makes them superior. Trump elevates them.Make no mistake, this not a trifling problem. In the next few months we will learn how wide spread, how pernicious this problem is and whether we will continue as a democracy. All of our military, our grand weapons, tanks and nukes, are no match for this type of internal attack. A handful of tech giants, advertisers, malign foreign operatives, news outlets and a reality TV star, may bring this country down while we sit by and check Twitter and Facebook.The solution rests in regulation and education, voting laws, and accountability, but that is an answer for another day.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Prior AnswerYes, it’s wrong to hate a group and assume they are all alike so let’s take them one by one.Those who see Trump as a way to pass regressive policies and enrich themselves. I truly hate them.Those who were the dumb kids who never did their homework who suddenly find a leader who seems to elevate them. Now it’s “in” to be stupid and educated people with credentials are the underdogs. They get to gloat. Haha. He’s your president (and now I’m better than you). Ugh!Seething, angry, entitled white men who feel their place is at the front of the line but who have had to let women, gays, blacks, Hispanics cut in front of them. Suddenly it’s ok to be a jerk. Cool. No, thanks.Hillary haters. Most are actually misogynists in disguise. They will believe any evil thing about Hillary even though the GOP spent $100M in 11 investigations and came up with nothing. They don’t want no woman telling them what to do. Yuck.White supremisists. Sick and tired of having to treat people of color as equals and terrified of having to learn a foreign language, they believe their skin color entitles them to rule the world. Lots of confederates here who never got over losing the civil war. Disgusting.Those clueless people who just wanted to shake things up a little. They don’t know much about history, pay little attention to politics, find it boring. They have a vague sense all politicians are evil and corrupt. Trump is different somehow. They are not sure if he’s good-different or not, but they like the excitement and the possibility of daily calamity. It’s like TV. Pitiful.The Sanders people who can’t get over losing. They won’t come out and admit they voted for Trump but they are gleeful that HRC and the establishment democrats have lost. They think,” serves them right. Maybe they will learn a lesson.” Every time Trump does something reprehensible (multiple weekly occasions) they feel glee because they are all about punishment. Really disgusting people. Treacherous.The self righteous. They are often Evangelicals who believe that people who are broke, afflicted, needy deserve their impoverishment and those (like themselves) who experience a decent standard of living have God’s approval. They feel blessed (and that would be a wonderful thing), if they didn’t feel others were damned. They seek to impose their morals on everyone. They usually live by a strict moral code and make a lot of pronouncements about what is good and what is evil, but their most repulsive trait is they want to impose their values on everyone in the country and give others mandates instead of choices. Reprehensible and frightening.There are some Trump lovers who grew up in a family where this is what they are taught, and the TV station is always on Fox News and they have incorporated this way of thinking because it persists all through their contacts with parents, school, church. Often they are young, or they have not had exposure to other points of view, or they have adopted their label as a matter of style, rather than substance. Sometimes, their support thinly veils an underlying hostility toward the establishment and also towards Mommy, and they revel in chaos and defiance and obstructionism. They are pitiful but the thought that they might be an expanding class is truly horrifying.Perhaps you can think of other types?Added /19/2020— If you disagree, the way to responds is by saying “I disagree and here is why:1.2.3. Etc. calling me self righteous, judgmental, deluded, does not refute what I have said. I may be all those things, but I may also be correct in my response. Try to stick to the subject.Also, for those who think you can “like” someone you disagree with, I totally agree. I don’t know anyone I do not disagree with on occasion. When the disagreement goes so far as to include values and morals which are abhorrent to me, Then It is beyond mere “dislike”. It is more like appalling. For instance, those who believe Trump has created employment and who do not recognize that Obama's record far surpasses his which they can easily look up—should I bother to. argue with those who do not possess enough scholarship to look up numbers and compare them?Secomd, those who got a bigger tax refund and base their vote on how well they are doing— can you be bought? How much will it cost to buy your silence. Say if you were profiting under Hitler, would you look the other way?Third, explain to me why HRC who was investigated 11 times by her enemies and no charges were brought is guilty of a crime and provide me with the evidence and the statute she violated.Fourth — for those who say there was no Russian collusion, explain to me why you would expect that an investigation of Trump, run undef the Trump administration, where the investigator was forbidden to investigate or bring charges against Trump is fair and balanced. Did you read the Mueller Report? Do you think it is wrong for a foreign enemy nation to influence our elections?Fifth, if there is a “deep state” out to get Trump, why hasn’t Trump done something about it. As chief executive, is he not responsible for this? Why did Trump allow the Mueller investigation if he thought it was a hoax? The country we are living in is run by Trump. Thus he is the responsible party.if you are going to make these arguments, then please address the relevant issues above and I will consider your answer. Who knows, you might change my mind.

Although I despise the man, did not Trump or the Republicans do anything good over the past two years? Doesn't the constant barrage of negative news and pictures reflect more badly on the media than Trump? Has nothing good come from him?

“Although I despise the man, did not Trump or the Republicans do anything good over the past two years? Doesn't the constant barrage of negative news and pictures reflect more badly on the media than Trump? Has nothing good come from him?”- The Man Who Would Be President…Emperor -Are you still of like mind, support Trump, now that the facts are rolling in?Will Rice's answer to Why would people turn the House over to the Democrats when the U.S. economy added 250,000 jobs in October and the biggest wage rise in nine-plus years under President Trump’s leadership?Trump didn’t win because he was the lesser of two evils, he’s not. He was only made to appear so by incredibly effective fake propaganda, sent viral with the aid of Russian trolls. They even convinced many Democrats to repudiate Clinton. That said, persons will be likely to believe lies that support their personal beliefs-biases. Draw your own conclusions.Also…his 4000+ lies and counting…Also…his tweets in which he doubles down and contradicts himself. While insulting every other country & head of government previously friendly to the U.S. And while praising North Korea/Kim Jong-un, Russia/Putin, & Saudi Arabia/Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.Also…while complaining that the military failed to find Osama bin Laden fast enough…from the draft dodger who dislikes captured military heroes, “losers” for getting captured.Also…“During the 2016 presidential campaign, Republican candidate Donald Trump promised he would eliminate the nation’s debt in eight years. Instead, his budgets would add $8.3 trillion in four years. It would increase the U.S. debt to $25 trillion.”Remember, this is only over 4 years in a “booming” economy, compared to Obama’s 8 years during a recession. And this is just the icing on the Titanic.Also…“Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. It cuts the corporate rate from 35 percent to 21 percent beginning in 2018. The top individual income tax rate drops to 37 percent. The corporate cuts are permanent, while the individual changes expire at the end of 2025.”Only the richest 9.9% mostly, benefit ($1+++ Million), though temporarily. But the ultra-rich 0.1% ($>25+++ Million) make out hugely, and permanently, never expires!The average person may see a few hundred dollars decrease, which will expire in a few years, and is totally wiped out by increases in healthcare costs, inflation, etc.Also…has come to light that he and his father broke many laws relating to tax evasion, inheritance taxes (sold properties seriously undervalued within family to avoid inheritance taxes, lied on income taxes about value of properties), illegal price inflation on rent controlled apartments, etc.Also…instead of a $1 million inheritance from his father…“Between the ages of 3 and 58, president Donald Trump inherited at least $413 million from his father’s business empire using some potentially fraudulent tax-dodging methods, a blockbuster New York Times investigation shows.” Decades of Trump’s inheritance fail to explain how he’s funding mysterious cash purchasesStarting from tax dodging transfers of underpriced goods as a child, to multiple illegal loans to bail out Trump’s business failures. And this doesn’t include $200 Million in real estate at the death of his father! “He inherited control and eventually one-quarter ownership of a family organization worth about $200 million in 1974, and invested heavily in Manhattan. Back in 1974, $200 million was worth something: close to $800 million in today’s money.” How Donald Trump got richAlso…Trump is an ineffectual low-information con-artist, chronic liar, failed businessman, who won’t even bother to read the dumbed down summary brief prepared for him daily by his advisors.*“During Trump’s briefing, a veteran intelligence official typically describes intelligence highlights contained in a shortened, written version of the PDB. Trump has rarely, if ever, requested that the document be left behind for him to read…Soon after Trump took office, analysts sought to tailor their intelligence sessions for a president with a famously short attention span, who is known for taking in much of his information from conservative Fox News Channel hosts. The oral briefings were augmented with photos, videos and graphics.The Washington Post reported last year that intelligence officials in some cases have included Russia-related intelligence only in the president’s daily written assessment, steering clear of it in the oral briefing in order not to upset Trump.The meetings were often dominated by whatever topic most interested the president that day. Trump would discuss the news of the day or a tweet he sent…On such days, there would only be a few minutes left — and the briefers would have barely broached the topics they came to discuss, one senior U.S. official said.Mark Lowenthal, a career intelligence officer…warned, however, that a short briefing on a few select items would leave the president ill-equipped for major decisions over the long term.You can have the smartest people around you — in the end it still comes down to his decision,” he added.”Also…Trump is obviously suffering from senility, as opposed to 10+ years ago, when he was still corrupt but coherent, as witness by numerous public interviews, etc.Trump sounds incoherent & has the vocabulary of a 5th grader, when not scripted/reading from speech prepared by others. Even his writing is execrable, as witness his letter to Kim Jong-un, where it is very clear that he overrode any attempt at correction by staff writers.Believe Trump has suffered some form of stroke/dementia, which would also explain his balance issues.JUST SCARY! Combined with the exodus or firing of any competent advisors & officials. As if we didn’t have enough things to worry about in the world.Also…Trump’s history of business cons (suing contractors to avoid paying them), profiting from his position ($ 83 Million! and counting of tax payer money going to his golf trips/golf course/hotels**), thousands of evasions-omissions-outright lies…how did anyone believe that a man of no morals would care about doing the right thing or the average person?Also…Trump is Amoral, he only cares for people-things that will benefit him. He doesn’t care if one is Black, White, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, Russian, etc., as long as they’re $ wealthy $. Unless they idolize Trump, poor people of any race need not apply, by definition they’re losers or they wouldn’t be poor.Also…a crook doesn’t change overnight to a crusader for the public good. Still, can’t understand how any person could believe that.Also…electing a crocodile to drain the swamp, genius (stable). Not only is he not draining the swamp, he’s selling shares, with the Trump logo.Trump is working for only one person, Trump.———The Republican Party is his enabler and the true source of the corruption of power that has made a mockery of our democracy.As they proudly proclaim, America is not a democracy but a representative republic. Because their policies no longer benefit the majority, they use venal methods to desperately hold onto their minority rule.Witness gerrymandering, Winner-Take-All Electoral College (not in Constitution), fake voter suppression, and changing laws once elected, to favor party so cannot be unseated.Our government has been totally corrupted from the originally envisioned democracy for the people by the people.The death knell for democracy was the misnomer, 2010 Citizens United case, brought by a conservative political advocacy group and 8enacted by the conservative-leaning Supreme Court.It allows $$$-unlimited spending-$$$ for political advertisements by any person or corporation.***”…the worst Supreme Court decision since the Dred Scott case…A lobbyist can now tell any elected official: if you vote wrong, my company, labor union or interest group will spend unlimited sums explicitly advertising against your re-election.…open[ed] the floodgates for special interests – including foreign corporations [governments] – to spend without limit in [U.S.] elections.” “What’s more, the legal protections for corporations mean much of this spending, known as “dark money,” never has to be publicly disclosed.”The Democrats have many flaws (share in corporate cronyism) and also bad apples, but a larger portion are still trying to work for the good of all Americans. The Republicans own the orchard.The Republican party is clearly corrupt to the core. The lie is when they claim that the other side is just as corrupt, so you might as well keep your votes where they are.False equivalency between Republicans and Democrats. One side is Not equally as bad as the other.The only silver lining to Trump’s presidency is that the Republican Party no longer hides its only agenda, making the rich richer.The Republicans have abandoned all pretense and work solely for the benefit of their corporate sponsor-bribes, as well as themselves (being part of the 10%), while lying to the rest of their less well off partisans.All reasonable conservatives have left the Republican Party. Actually been driven out, with insults, “Rhino/Republican in Name Only,” leaving the remainder who cannot be reasoned with.The Republican Party now consists of the ultra-right: corrupt portion of rich (0.1%, >$25+++ Million) & hangers-on (9.9%, $1-25 Million), climate denying pollutionists, die-hard evangelicals, 2nd Amendment to the death supporters, Pro-choicers ignoring all other choices, anti-LGTB, anti-immigration (legal or otherwise), anti-global world, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, anti-non-Caucasian, anti-minority, white supremacists/ neo-Nazis/ KKK, and, last but not least, the Trump supporters dazzled by his lies.All controlled by the corrupt portion of the 0.1% big money interests. “Free Trade” is just a byword for unchecked greed. They want No curbs/Laws on capitalism, arguing that making a profit will eliminate any negative behavior because it is bad for business (haha).Unfortunately, graft & corruption are quite profitable for far less effort!The corrupt portion of the rich support Trump, because he is fulfilling their agenda perfectly. The rest because they won’t budge on their stances, due to either support for solely one issue, or belief in fake facts.The Left is splintered into varying degrees of progressive, which confuses the Right, but all agree that government should serve all persons and control the detrimental greed of the few.To achieve this, the Left support enabling a basic ability to live. Included in that premise is education, health care, retirement benefits, infrastructure, police/military, etc. The crucial debate is the amount of support needed to achieve this, and how to implement and pay for it.If programs are not working as intended, they need to be improved, not thrown out wholesale. I don’t see anyone arguing to eliminate our military, lol.One side wants to reserve resources only for their small portion of America. The other side believes there is enough for all if managed properly. The rest of the developed world aligns with the latter view, with the major exception of authoritarian/anti-democratic governments such as China & Russia.The latest, highly effective tactic [due to fake news outlets like Fox & Breibart], of the Republican Party is to blame the Democrats for Republican policies!Like trying to privatize Social Security and Medicare. No thank you, Republicans.98% of the MSM is owned by corporate interests/right leaning and has been since the start, and it wouldn’t be to their advantage to support true democracy.They just appear left-leaning because Fox, Breibart, etc. have gone right off the deep end.The most neutral information is found on nonprofit stations like NPR, and online Wikipedia.Until the recent hard-core administration, the Left attempted to work on bipartisan compromises, but were adamantly rebuffed. Throughout Obama’s tenure, he tried to appease the Republican-controlled Congress and was vilified for his efforts.Witness ACA, which was a shoddy compromise, since the Republicans refused to consider a public single payer system (opposed by healthcare insurance corporations that donate megabucks to politicians to keep their profitable monopoly). Of course, politicians in Congress have their own free healthcare plan that is far superior to any other.ACA was republican Romneycare repackaged. And yet the Republicans attacked it after it was put forward by Democrats!Republicans also openly and gleefully opposed every single thing proposed by Obama. They even blatantly refused to allow Obama to appoint a judge for the Supreme Court opening. So again, not equivalent.Scalia’s Supreme Court Seat Has Been Vacant For More Than 400 Days“The Supreme Court seat left vacant by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia has been unfilled for more than 400 days, the longest opening on the court since the 1860s. This is largely because President Barack Obama’s nominee, Merrick B. Garland, was blocked by Senate Republicans, who argued that a justice should not be seated during an election year.Since 1900, however, the Senate voted on eight Supreme Court nominees during an election year. Six were confirmed. On average, a nominee has been confirmed, rejected or withdrawn within 25 days.”Once Trump took office, he also blatantly tried to reverse anything Obama did, just because it was done by Obama, without regard to whether it was an effective policy or not.Republicans are the party of 100% obstruction and non-partisanship. Still not equivalent.The two sides have diverged so widely that unless the Right is willing to work in bipartisanship with the Left, both sides will continue to be unable to govern effectively.Trump supporters are the ones who have divided America by divorcing themselves from facts-truths.Now they cannot tell the difference, so they claim there is none. Which allows them to pick the “truths” that they choose to believe. Then claim the rest of America believes in lies and won’t accept their “truths.”I’d love for America to not be divided, but that cannot occur if both sides can’t agree on what are facts-truth. There is no way communication can occur if we can't even agree on a common “language.”Can’t hold a discussion, exercise in futility, try it sometime.Also, compromise cannot be reached if one side completely refuses to engage.Hint, it’s not the left.Must wince knowing the whole world, except dictators and Putin, hate the Potus & will go down in history as the worst president Ever. His only hope is to become the [last] Emperor of America, so he can rewrite the history books.25% of America is ok with this; Trump Loyalists who STILL believe he is next to Christ incarnate.I don't hate or blame them for it, have 2 friends who believe Trump can do no wrong and will go down in history as the greatest President the United States will EVER have.But if they staunchly refuse to accept any part of the truth, whilst believing everything-everyone else is to blame, I can no longer include them in the process. There is no possibility of dialogue with ideologues.As I learned in a previous job, far too late to do me any good, it's not possible to work with someone who is unwilling in the slightest to work with you.As the “rational, mature professional” (adult) in the situation, I was pretty much told that it was my responsibility to make it work, and my fault if it didn't!Instead of management taking proper responsibility to fix the situation or let the employee go if they were not willing to cooperate.This is the situation with the 25% Trump loyalists.We're not divided, we're permanently divorced.And the only persons that can change that situation is themselves.—————*“Trump’s admirers say he has a unique ability to cut through conventional foreign policy wisdom and ask questions that others have long taken for granted. “Why are we even in Somalia?” or “Why can’t I just pull out of Afghanistan?”Or one can call it by its real name, Ignorance..** Trump Golf Count.*** Citizens United v. FEC, from Wikipedia:“On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court overturned the provision of McCain-Feingold barring corporations and unions from paying for political ads made independently of candidate campaigns.Citizens United’s stated mission is to restore the United States government to “citizens’ control,” seeking to “reassert the traditional American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security.” Citizens United is a conservative political advocacy group organized under Section 501©4 of the federal tax code, meaning that donations are not tax deductible. To fulfill this mission, Citizens United produces television commercials, web advertisements, and documentary films.Rebuttal: “Money isn’t speech and corporations aren’t people.”==============ADDENDUMS: [References on request]Capitalism no longer allows for economic mobility, now that it has been coopted by the 0.1%.While the American dream is still possible for the very capable and lucky (no major accident, disease, crime or mass shooting victim, etc.). It is almost out of reach today for the average American.Those who want more and are working 1-3+ jobs are being shafted by the system. More Americans are sinking into poverty every minute, rather than rising on their hard work.To be able to live comfortably (not extravagantly), pay for higher education of children, own a house, take a vacation every 1-3 years, and still be able to retire at the defined retirement age without a dramatic decrease in income, is not feasible to extremely difficult to achieve for most Americans.The equivalent in 2019 terms, would need income of $90,000 - 200,000+ minimum (single person - family), the “new middle class”.Which means, that far fewer people, now fit this definition.===============Also, disagree that the super rich 0.1% ($25+++ Millions) are paying more than their fair share of taxes, because of their super-use of resources and unfair to illegal tax dodging.In addition to the use of government sponsored infrastructure, utilities, police, firemen, etc., they’re also benefiting from education and healthcare for their employees, without contributing their fair share, especially for part-time employees denied benefits.Their businesses are also consuming natural resources, many irreplaceable, and causing pollution. The list is endless.The “pay for use” taxes, like gas tax are obviously not covering the cost of roads, etc, or our infrastructure wouldn’t be in such bad shape. And the tax on goods, services, food, etc. isn’t able to make up the shortfall.The major use of the U.S. military is to prop up American business interests overseas, so they also own most of that cost.In addition, big money has lobbied and benefitted from unfair tax advantages/loopholes, kickbacks, obscenely overcharged government contracts, and hiding their money in offshore banks to avoid taxes. Which means that a significant portion of the “profit” is not “earned,” but embezzled. The only reason it’s not technically illegal, is that they’re bought all the politicians to look the other way and not pass the needed laws to make it illegal.And don’t even start with “trickle down” theory of failed un-economics.That is why there needs to be graduated taxes.===============If it’s glaringly, outrageously, unfairly, inhumanely wrong, then the law needs to change.Just like we had to fight, kicking and screaming, to eliminate slavery, get the vote for women, civil rights for minorities, etc. It didn’t happen by persons saying, “oh well, that’s the law and must be obeyed”…that’s what led to Hitler.America is better than this.I just want everyone to have a chance at a fair and decent life.If not for the random chance of genetics, family (altho mine had serious emotional issues, never starved), and luck of the draw, any of us could have been born in a country trampled by warlords who torture and rape people to death.And for those who say, Americans first before the rest of the world, America owns a big portion of the world's ills whilst taking a big chunk of its resources.America “created-empowered” Sadam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, ISIS, Ayatolla Khomeini, drug cartels in Asia-South America to fund “dark money” CIA covert operations all over the world, etc. Leading to instability, toppling of national governments, insurgent-guerilla fighting, war, famine, poverty, refugees escaping their war-devastated countries.We, the American government, own this. We, the American people, owe our standard of living to the rest of the world.===========BTW, food for thought. Are you aware that the birthrate in the U.S. is below “replacement rate” (has been declining since 2008)?The historically low birthrate, explained in 3 charts“The “replacement” fertility rate of 2.1 — enough to renew the population — is typically viewed as the optimal level for stability. But in 2017, the total fertility rate, or number of births each woman is expected to have in her childbearing years, dropped to 1.76 in the US..Meaning that without immigration, our population is decreasing, especially younger/working age. While this may be good for the environment, it’s going to suck for those on Social Security/Medicare, as there will not be enough money from tax on wages to support elders (especially since Republican government already “borrowed-spent-appropriated’ the money that should’ve funded the current recipients).If we put in more oversight to get rid of the bloat/corruption in the military (likely may cut budget at least by 1/3+ without downsizing in the slightest), that would easily pay for all the asylum seekers and immigrants that we need to keep our working population at a level to be able to support Social Security retirees in the near future.Of course, we shall be screening all incomers for criminal activity (automatic fail) and ability to contribute to society (not absolute determinant, but a factor).In summary, if the ultra-rich paid their fair share and we cut the bloat-corruption in our government without cutting essential services, and “fixed” other portions like welfare (to encourage those able to work, whole other post), then we would have the money to pay for healthcare, infrastructure, raise the minimum wage, or subsidize more affordable housing for everyone not able to afford buying property.Similar to other modern nations currently. It’s not impossible. It just becomes almost so, if we let the ultra-rich ride roughshod over the rest of us. As has been the case throughout our entire human history. And unfortunately, the same is happening also in England and Germany, where the ultra-rich are breaking free of democratic control.The balance has swung too much again the other way, they have bought their way into power instead of conquering by force. If they ignore history, there will be another war-revolution coming in the future.

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