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What things can you do in Japan that you cannot in the USA?
The following is a list of things you can generally do in Japan that you generally cannot in the USA:Buy a tiny little condo in Tokyo for less than US$20,000.Yes, for real, this place, located in Ōme (western Tokyo Metropolis) is only ¥1.98 million (US$18,337.92). CHEAP. Why so cheap? Because it’s only 19.11 m². That’s about 205 square feet. In my hometown in the USA, you’d never find find a place this cheap OR small. :-) In Japan, foreigners can buy both land and buildings, so all you need is the money and it’s yours…See and/or meet a gyaru (ギャル).Get a free house. There are 8 million empty homes (usually in the countryside or suburban areas, usually old) and the population is decreasing. You can have one for just the transaction costs, in some cases. These are called akiya (空き家)—warning, many of these are in rural locations and are going to need a lot of refurbishments/DIY to be livable.Buy Cuban and Iranian productsIn America, we have usually, in recent history, had embargoes on Cuban products. Now I know that this has gone back and forth recently. I’m not sure whether the embargo is still in place or not. However, my whole time in Japan, it has been possible to buy Havana Cuba Rum, Cuban cigars, etc. I can go to Roppongi to the ¥100 shop and buy Iranian figs, and for a little bit more money, Iranian pomegranate juice or Iranian dates, that say “Made in Iran” on the box.Get a mortgage loan for a home for a 1–1.5% interest rateIn America, good luck on finding any mortgage for less than 3.75%. The difference over the course of 30 years is HUGE.Be immersed in Japanese language and cultureHere, you can practice your Japanese with just about anyone. They won’t get all annoyed and be like “Dude, what’s your problem? I’m from L.A.” Usually, they’ll happily comply. Of course, on the other hand, people might automatically try to practice their English with you even though your Japanese is just fine, and then you’ll have to be like (in Japanese, of course) “Dude, what’s your problem? I’ve lived in Japan for more than 1/4 of my life. I can speak Japanese.”Buy an inflatable three-person rowboat at 3:00 in the morning at Don QuijoteDon Quijote is a hypermart like Wal-Mart or Target, but it’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They have practically everything. Inflatable rowboats. Costumes of giant turds. And boob hats. Groceries and furniture, too.Become vested in the Japanese National Pension systemOkay, so you’ve worked in the USA for a gazillion years and are now vested in Social Security. Great. Now what’re you gonna do? That’s right! Move to Japan, get a blue National Pension (国民年金) book and start paying into their system for at least ten years! Then when you’re ~65, you can get payments from both countries! Who’s laughing now?!Note: Due to changes over the past few years, it seems that now, Japan and the US have a “Totalization Agreement.” This means that you probably can’t “double dip” anymore. As I understand it (thanks to Frederick Gundlach), from now on (technically from a few years ago), it now works so that rather than getting two independent pensions that don’t “see” each other, and rather than picking whichever one is more “lucrative” at retirement time, you simply receive a pension from America according to what you paid in there, and a pension from Japan according to what you paid in in Japan. The American Windfall Elimination Act prevents the two from adding up to an unfairly high sum. Therefore, you can no longer say “I will get $10,000 from Country A and $10,000 from Country B for 20 years’ work (10 in A, 10 in B), which will add up to $20,000, which is more than I would get from 20 years’ payments into just one of either Country A or B.” You also cannot “surf” the best pension. Confusing, I know.I can still see some theoretical benefits, though. I think it’s better to have your eggs in two baskets than one. If you’re a young person reading this, you could easily be alive for another 50 years. Lots can happen in that time. If something horrible ever happens to one of those two countries (complete collapse of the government→failed state, invasion, hyperinflation rendering the currency practically worthless, etc.), at least you will still get *SOMETHING* from a government somewhere.Buy nattō and tofu for really, really cheap pricesAt Don Quijote, I get tofu for less than US$0.30. Nattō (fermented soybeans in their brown, congealed glory) is less than $0.50 for three Styrofoam packs.↑NattōConsume alcohol wherever you wantThere are no open container laws. This is great for your drinking freedom. Instead of going to an expensive bar, you and your friends can go drink in the park, along the river, or in the park along the river! Of course, this is a double-edged sword because sometimes you have to deal with people who are publicly drunk.Engage in certain “night trades,” either as a customer or a worker, that I will not get into in this postDrive a vehicle with loudspeakers attached to it and blare loud music or announcements, possibly waking up everyone in the whole neighborhood, and not get in troubleWalk into a regular neighborhood thrift shop or bookstore (not a specialty shop) and buy Famicom (=original Nintendo) or original Game Boy games for ¥100 per cartridgeI’ve lived in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, in addition to Japan. Never, anywhere else in East Asia, have I ever seen such nostalgia for old video games. Which is great if you’re into that kind of thing.Eat raw eggsIn Japan, they treat the shells specially to prevent salmonella. In the USA, they don’t. Raw eggs are much safer in Japan. At first, I thought this was gross, but now, I frequently eat a raw egg on rice with my nattō.Eat whale sushi or horse meatWhale meat is illegal in most countries. Horse meat was illegal in the USA until 2011, and is still illegal in some states. In any event, it is not common. In Japan, though, you can buy horse meat in a can in almost any supermarket!Find ancient Japanese artifacts on the groundA co-worker of mine once found a Jōmon Period (>2,000-year-old) arrowhead on the ground at a baseball field. Japan has been inhabited for thousands of years. Who knows what you might find? Some people go metal detecting at the beach and find old ryō gold coins.Get as many cardboard boxes as you want for free from the supermarket.This way, they get rid of their cardboard boxes. You can save ¥2 on a plastic bag, and get a free box. Box fort, anyone?Get away with various things that would be considered “not good manners” in the USA: not making eye contact (it is rude in most of East Asia to make eye contact with a superior), not holding doors for people, slurping your food (considered polite here), etc.Get half price on lunchboxes after 7:00 PM or so, or other types of food when they are about to hit their expiration datesGo fishing in the ocean without a license, and it’s completely legal as long as it isn’t commercialGo to the hospital—to have your ears pierced!Learn karate or whatever Japanese martial art where it was actually invented, or other unique cultural things such as tea ceremonyMail a large package for just $10 or $20 at the post officeThis is so useful when you’re moving from one part of Japan to another. Just pack your whole household’s worth of stuff into ten or twenty boxes and mail them. Much cheaper than renting a U-Haul.Meet North Korean citizensThere are hundreds of thousands of North Korean citizens living in Japan. They go to special Korean schools with portraits of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, and Kim Jong-un. Their families have been here for generations, perhaps, and maybe their Korean speaking skills aren’t even all that good, but they still have North Korean passports.Raise a pet chickenA chicken is considered a completely normal pet in Japan and it is not treated as a farm animal for legal purposes. Many people raise them, even in urban areas.Ride your bicycle on the sidewalk without a helmet or lights without getting in troubleOf course this is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s more freedom for you. On the other hand, you’re more likely to get hit by a maniac when you’re out walking.Return library books late and not pay a fineIf you return library books late, you won’t be able to check out books for a certain amount of time. However, you won’t be fined.Become a permanent resident of Japan or even a naturalized Japanese citizenYou can’t get any sort of long-term immigrant status in Japan if you’re sitting in the USA. You generally have to be physically present in Japan for many, many years to become a permanent resident or citizen. In my case, permanent residency will take me at least ten years. Citizenship is actually shorter—I could apply to become a Japanese national after only five years (though I wouldn’t want to—I like my American passport and feel more loyalty to America).See a North Korean ghost shipEvery year, numerous North Korean fishing boats wash up on the shores of central and northeastern Japan. The fishermen were out fishing illegally in Japan’s EEZ, and got lost. Many times, there are corpses or skeletons on board…See a tanuki (Japanese raccoon dog) or numerous other forms of wildlife such as the Japanese giant salamanderAwww… It’s a tanooki.Simply stop buying tissues or toilet paperThere are so many people standing on street corners passing out packets of tissues as advertising, I literally haven’t bought toilet paper or tissues since 2017 when I moved to Tokyo.Stay overnight at an Internet caféMany Internet cafés give you a little cubicle with four walls that may or may not reach the ceiling. You have a little door. You can ask for a pillow and a blanket and get a “Night Pack” for about US$20. This is much cheaper than staying at a hotel and more private and convenient than staying at a youth hostel. I get a pretty good night’s sleep at these places. They also have Internet cafés in the USA, South Korea, Taiwan, etc. but not with the cubicles where you can stretch out and sleep easily.Take a three-hour hot showerIn my parents’ house in America, if the shower goes too long, you run out of hot water. The same thing was true of my grandmother’s house in Ohio. The boilers are limited-capacity and don’t heat the water quickly enough to replenish it. Not so in Japan. Japanese are obsessive bathers. You can keep showering for three hours, and the superior boilers won’t run out of hot water! Whenever I’m Stateside, I have to carefully coordinate showers with other family members so we don’t run out of hot water in January.Teach English even if your English is worse than that of a typical American 12-year-old’s EnglishI won’t point fingers or name names about which country, but there’s one in particular that’s an egregious offender, sending hundreds of thousands of people here with a very tenuous grasp of English, yet who claim to be “native speakers” and are readily believed to be such by the Japanese. Anyone who teaches English here knows who I’m talking about... People from that country drive down wages for those of us who are degree-holding, certified, native-English-speaking teachers, and they also teach incorrect English vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation to the Japanese students.Use a rotary telephoneGo to any community center or culture center (many government buildings). You will likely see rotary telephones in use, even in 2019.
How many examples can you give where American and British English have different words for the same item?
Warning: Long post. 3700 words. Read later if busy. You may like to bookmark this for future reference:Disclaimer: This is not my original work. I found it on the net and had kept a copy. I don’t know the original source. I am sharing it for the benefit of those interested. I have put the entire thing in block quotes to make sure that no one thinks I prepared this.(A compilation of the differences between British English and American English)There are various English language styles in the United States---the most characteristic ones being Southern, New England, New York, and Midwest. While each style is distinctive and individualistic, all these styles have been delineated under a common heading, American English, in this document since the purpose of this document is to familiarize the reader with the basic differences between British English and American English.The differences between British English and American English are considerable. They span areas such as spelling, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, usage and idioms.Some of the key differences between the two styles are mentioned in this document.Sentence StructureAmerican English has simpler sentence structures than British English. At its best, American English is more direct and vivid than its British counterpart. For example, lay off is a preferable American expression to make redundant.British English: As well as going shopping, we went to the park.American English: We went to the park and also went shopping.British English: Britons go to school.American English: Americans go to the school.British English chooses between one or other thing.American English chooses between one thing or the otherBritish English takes a decision.American English makes a decision.Please could British English have the menu? (Please may introduce or end a request in British English)Can American English have the menu, please? (Please always ends a request in American English)British English appeals against a legal decision or sentence.American English appeals a legal decision or sentence.British English has got a new car.American English has a new car.British English has a bath. (Have, have got and has are more common in British English.)American English takes a bath. (Take and took are more common in American English.)British English went for a swim.American English took a swim.British English looks forward to future.American English looks forward to the future.British English: Have you got her address?American English: Do you have her address?British English is rich enough to retire.American English is rich enough that it can retire.British English: Go and see what you have done.American English: Go see what you did.British English is in jubilant mood.American English is in a jubilant mood.SpellingAmerican English is more phonetic than British English. The main spelling differences are listed below:⦁ -eable/-ableThe silent e in some adjectives is often omitted in American English. For example, likable is used instead of likeable and unshakeable becomes unshakable.⦁ -ae/-oeIn American English, the composite vowel is replaced by a single e. For example, medieval instead of mediaeval; anesthetic instead of anaesthetic; gynecology instead of gynaecology; diarrhoea instead of diarrhea.⦁ -se/-zeSome words that are spelled with s in British English end with z in American English. For example, organise and organize; civilise and civilize; analyse and analyze; paralyse and paralyze.⦁ -ce/-seIn British English, the verb that relates to a noun ending in –ce is sometimes given the ending –se. For example, advice (noun) and advise (verb); device (noun) and devise (verb); practice (noun) and practise (verb). American spelling follows the same distinction between advice/advise and device/devise because the spelling change is accompanied by a slight change in the sound of the word. When the noun and the verb are pronounced in the same way such as practice/practise, American English spelling reflects only the –ce form, that is practice. However, American English extends the use of –se to other nouns that are spelt with –ce in British English. For example, defense instead of defence; offense instead of offence; pretense instead of pretence.⦁ -e/-ueThe final silent e or ue of several words is omitted in American English but retained in British English. For example, analog instead of analogue; catalog instead of catalogue; dialog instead of dialogue.⦁ -our/-orWords such as candour, colour, demeanour, favour, valour, and behaviour lose the u in American English. For example, candor, color, demeanor, favor, valor, and behavior.⦁ -re/-erSome words ending in re in British English end in er in American English. For example, centre, fibre, sombre, and metre become center, fiber, somber, and meter in American English. However, there are exceptions such as cadre, lucre, massacre, ogre, etc.⦁ -t/-edBritish English uses -t in words such as spelt, learnt, dreamt, burnt. American English uses -ed. For example, spelled, learned, dreamed, and burned.⦁ -oul/-olSome words spelled with oul in British English are spelled with ol in American English.For example, mould and smoulder become mold and smolder in American English.⦁ Some items are written as two words in British English and as one word in American English.For example, any more, de luxe and per cent become anymore, deluxe, and percent in American English.Grammar⦁ Shall/willShall (including its variants such as shan’t) is more common in British English. For example, Shall you be at the embassy? No, I am afraid I shan’t.Will is more common in American English. It is also used as a rough equivalent of must. For example, That will be my brother at the door.⦁ Should/wouldShould is mostly used in British English, particularly in advice-giving formulas, in polite first-person statements and in its putative use. It is rarely used in American English.British EnglishWe should be happy to comply with your request.I should dress warmly if I were you.It is astonishing that they should leave without informing me.I demanded that he should leave.That would be the postman at the door.American EnglishI demanded that he leave.It is astonishing that they left without informing me.Would in American English is used as an equivalent for used to.When I was young, I would get up early.⦁ Can/mayBoth are used freely on both sides of the Atlantic for ability as well as permission.⦁ Can’t/mustn’tCan’t is generally used in British English rather than in American English. For example, You can’t go out in the rain.Mustn’t is popular in American English. For example, You mustn’t go out in the rain.⦁ Must/have (got) toHave (got) is more common in British English.For example,This must have been the best novel this year.Have you eaten yet?They have already leftMust is more common in American English.For example,This must be the best novel this year.Did you eat yet?They left already⦁ Had got/hadHad got is typically used in British English. For example, She left because she’d got a lot to do would be written as She left because she had a lot to do in American English.HyphenationIn American English, most nouns with prefixes such as anti, pre, sub, re, and co are spelled as a single word. For example, antisocial, cooperation, preempt, and subcommittee.In British English, these words are hyphenated. For example, anti-social, co-operation, pre-empt, sub-committee.Punctuation⦁ Full StopIn British English, the punctuation mark used at the end of a sentence is called a full stop. In American English, it is called a period.⦁ Exclamation markIn British English, the punctuation mark (!) used at the end of an exclamation is called an exclamation mark. In American English, it is called an exclamation point.⦁ Quotation marksSingle quotation marks or inverted commas are generally used in British English.For example, ‘Why did they do that?’Double quotation marks are used in American English. Single quotation marks are used for quotes within quotes. All periods and commas precede the closing quotation marks.For example“You are eating too much,” she said.“I liked her ‘sense and sensibility’ comment regarding Generation X,” he said.MeasurementsIn Britain, two systems of measurement are used, the metric system (that is, use of decimal numbers---e.g. 4.8 kilograms) and the imperial system (that is, use of fractions---e.g. one and a half tons of wheat). The metric system is now commonly used for most purposes.In America, the metric system is not commonly used, except for military, medical, and scientific purposes. Some common measurement values are inches, miles, feet, gallons, and pounds.British AmericanKilometres, Metres (meter in Am.) Mileslitres (liter in Am.) GallonsKilograms PoundsAmerican English and British English also differ in the measurement units of distance, speed, and weight. In addition, U.S. pints, quarts, and gallons are different from British ones.Example1 UK gallon = 4 1/2 liters1 US gallon = 3 1/2 litersDatesThe date format followed in American English is the MM-DD-YY format. The DD-MM-YY format is used in British English. However, the former style is becoming popular in British English too.In addition, in British English, April 20 will be stated as ‘April the twentieth.” Britons use “the” in front of the number.In American English, it is stated as “April twentieth.”Time⦁ In British English, "past" or "to" is used to refer to time.For example,The time is twenty past seven.He returned at quarter to eight.In American English, 'after" is used instead of "past," and "of" instead of "to".For example,It was twenty after eight.At a quarter of eight, he called her.⦁ In British English, a full stop is used after the hour when time is stated in numerals.For example,The train leaves at 7.30.In American English, a colon is used instead of a full stop after the hour.The train leaves at 7:30.Prepositions⦁ Sentences can end with a preposition in British English.For example: It was appropriate for the situation it was used in.However, it is American English prefers not to end a sentence with a preposition unless necessary.For example: It was appropriate for the situation in which it was used.⦁ Other Examples regarding the use of prepositions:British English lives in a street.American English lives on a street.British English works in a company.American English works for a companyBritish English schedules for a meeting.American English schedules a meeting.British English does something at the weekend.American English does something on the weekend.British English is in two minds about something.American English is of two minds about something.The British girl was named after her mother.The American girl was named for her mother.British English can leave on Monday.American English can leave Monday.The Britons on the course had a distinct advantage.The Americans in the course had a distinct advantage.It provided British English with an excuse.It provided American English an excuse.British English: That approximates to the truth.American English: That approximates the truth.British English: Monday to Friday inclusiveAmerican English: Monday through FridayBritish English: Can you come on Tuesday?American English: Can you come Tuesday?British English consults its doctor.American English consults with its doctor.British English is different to (or different from) American English. Different than is not used in British English.American English is different from or different than British English.CurrencyIsolated references to amounts of money in United States currency are spelled out or expressed in numerals. Large round numbers that are cumbersome to express in numbers can be spelled out in units of millions or billions, accompanied by numerals and a dollar sigh.For exampleHe paid five dollars to attend the event.The committee raised a total of $350. (No space between the dollar sign and the number)Both firms agreed upon a price of $3 million.In British usage, a billion is equal to a million million. In American English, a billion is equal to a thousand million.TitlesIn British English, titles such as Mr and Mrs do not end with a period. In American English, these titles end with a period.IdiomsBritish English and American English have slightly different idioms.British English⦁ A home from home⦁ Leave well enough⦁ A storm in a teacup⦁ Sweep under the carpet⦁ Blow one’s own trumpetAmerican English⦁ A home away from home⦁ Leave well enough alone⦁ A tempest in a teacup/teapot⦁ Sweep under the rug⦁ Blow one’s own hornGeneral Usage⦁ JustBritish English uses the present perfect tense with just. For example, I have just arrived. American English uses the simple past tense. For example, I just arrived.⦁ TermAt a British school and college or university, each year is divided into three terms. It is divided into four terms at an American school.At an American college or university, each year is divided into two semesters or three trimesters.⦁ LawyerIn British English, a barrister is a lawyer who speaks in the higher courts of law on behalf of either the prosecution or the defence. A solicitor is a lawyer who gives legal advice to clients, prepares legal documents, and may also, in certain circumstances, represent a client in court.In American English, an attorney is a lawyer who acts for someone in a legal matter and is qualified to represent clients in court.⦁ Ground floorIn British English, the floor of a building that is in level with the ground is called the ground floor. The floor above it is called the first floor, the floor above that is the second floor, and so on.In American English, the floor that is in level with the ground is called the first floor, the floor above it is called the second floor, and so on.⦁ BillIn British English, a bill is a piece of paper showing how much money you owe for a meal in a restaurant. For example, Two women at the next table paid their bill and walked out.In American English, a piece of paper like this is called a check. A bill in American English is a piece of paper money.⦁ BanknoteIn British English, paper money is referred to as banknotes or simply notes.For example, some of the banknotes were unbelievably dirty.He handed me a ten-pound note.In American English, a banknote is referred to as a bill.For example, He took a five-dollar bill.⦁ ChemistIn British English, a chemist is a person who is qualified to prepare and sell drugs and medicines.For example, He took the pills that the chemist had given him.In American English, such a person is called a pharmacist.For example, He was training to become a pharmacist.However, in both British and American English, a chemist is also a person who conducts chemical research. For example, He was a research chemist.⦁ Chemist'sIn Britain, a chemist's is a shop where you can buy medicine, cosmetics, and some household items.In American English, a shop where you can buy medicines and cosmetics is called a drugstore. You can also buy simple meals and snacks in a drugstore.⦁ ShopIn British English, a building or part of a building where goods are sold is usually called a shop.In American English, it is called a store, unless it is very small and has just one type of goods, in which case it is called a shop.In British English, very large shops are sometimes called stores.In both British and American English, a large shop that has separate departments selling different types of goods is called a department store.⦁ SchoolIn British English, a school refers to only schools, not universities.For example, The children are at school.She is at university.In American English, school (without "a" or "the") is used to refer to both schools and universities. For example, The children were in school.She is doing well in school.⦁ HomeworkIn British English, a piece of academic work given to students to do at home is called homework.In American English, it is called an assignment.⦁ Shopping centerThe obsolescent British usage "shopping arcade" means a group of shops fronting on to a covered pedestrian way. "Shopping centre" usually implies covered access in British usage whereas American usage uses "mall" to imply covered access and "center" to imply non-covered access. A "parade of shops" in British usage refers to a row of shops fronting on to a road, this usage is largely confined to Southern England. "Mall" can also mean a large public park-like area such as Independence Mall in Philadelphia.⦁ ClassIn Many British schools and in some American private schools, form is used instead of class. Form is used especially with a number to refer to a particular class or age group.For example, she is the fifth form.He is in Form 3.In American schools, grade is used to refer to a form.For example He is in the second grade.⦁ HolidayIn British English, you refer to a period of time you are allowed to spend away from work or school as the holiday or holidays.For example, We went away during the Christmas holidays.I went to Paris for a holiday.Remember to turn off the gas when you go on holiday.In American English, a holiday is a single day when people do not work. It is often to commemorate an important event.In British English, such a day is called a bank holiday.The usual American word for a longer period of time spent away from work or school, or for a period of time spent away from home enjoying yourself is vacation.For example, She used to take a vacation at that time.In British English, a vacation is one of the periods of several weeks when the university or college is officially closed for teaching.For example, I did a lot of reading over the vacation.⦁ HomelyIn American English, if you say that a person is homely, you mean that they are not attractive to look at.For example, A broad grin spread across his homely features.In British English, an unattractive person is called plain. Homely in British English refers to a simple, kind, and unsophisticated attitude.⦁ CinemaFilms in Britain are referred to as cinema or pictures. A building where films are shown is called a cinema theatre or cinema hall.For example,Everyone has gone to the cinema.She went twice a week to the pictures.In America, films are often called movies. A building where films are shown is called a movie theater.For example,I was driving home from the movies.⦁ Sorry?In British English, Sorry?, I'm sorry, and Pardon? are expressions of apologies or comments made when you did not hear or understand what somebody said and want them to repeat it. For example, ‘Pardon, could you say that again?’In American English, you say "Pardon me (or Excuse me), I didn’t see you there" as apologies."Pardon me?" and "Excuse me?" are used when you did not hear or understand what somebody said and want them to repeat it.⦁ ProfessorIn a British university, a professor is the most senior teacher in a department.In an American or Canadian university, a professor is a senior teacher. He or she is not necessarily the most senior teacher in a department.⦁ Shop AssistantIn British English, a person selling goods to customers in a shop is called a shop assistant. In American English, such a person is called a sales clerk.⦁ PubIn British English, a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic drinks is called a pub. Such a place is called a bar in American English.⦁ ParcelThere is very little difference between parcel and package in British English. A packet is a small container in which a quantity of something is solid. For example, a cigarette packet.Package is more common in American English than parcel. Packets are called packs or packages in American English.For example, I am taking this package to the post office.⦁ FortnightIn British English, the common term for two weeks is fortnight.For exampleHe borrowed it for a fortnight.American speakers do not usually use this word. They use “two weeks” instead.⦁ FairIn British English, a fair is an amusement event held in a park or field. In American English, an event like this is called a carnival.In British English, a carnival is an outdoor public festival, which is held every year in a particular place.⦁ MatchIn Britain, two teams play a match. In America, they play a game.⦁ RoundThe American English equivalent for round is around.⦁ EnquireThe American English term for enquire is inquire.⦁ LonelyIn British English, someone who is lonely is unhappy because they are alone.For exampleSince he left India, he had been lonely and homesick.American speakers usually say lonesome instead of lonely.For exampleI bet you told her how lonesome you were.National Holidays of the United StatesNew Year's Day January 1Martin Luther King's Day^ ** January 15Abraham Lincoln's Birthday^ February 12George Washington's Birthday** February 22Memorial Day^ ** May 30Fourth of July (Independence Day) July 4Labor Day First Monday in SeptemberColumbus Day^ ** October 12Veterans Day** November 11Thanksgiving Day Third Tuesday in NovemberChristmas Day December 25^ These are legal holidays only in some of the states.** These are holidays for all federal employees. In some states, these are celebrated on Mondays, regardless of their actual dates.Indian EnglishThe following represents a typical usage of English in India.⦁ Interrogative construction without subject/object inversion.For example, What you would like to buy?⦁ Missing definite articleFor example, Office is closed today.⦁ One used instead of an indefinite articleHe gave me one book.⦁ Use of the gerund form with the verbFor example,Geetha is having two brothers.You must be knowing my cousin.⦁ Repetition for emphasisI bought some small small things.⦁ Use of Yes and No as question tagsShe was helping you, no?He is coming, yes?⦁ Use of Isn’t it as a generalized tagThey are coming tomorrow, isn’t it?You are liking it here, isn’t it?⦁ Only used for emphasisThey live like that only (instead of That’s how they live)⦁ Use of present perfect instead of simple pastI have bought the book yesterday.
What are the differences between British English and US English?
Disclaimer: This is not original. I had come across all this information, somewhere on the internet and had copied it for my own reference. I am sharing it. I don’t know the original sources.This is a super long answer. (5700 words). It is best if those interested copy it and save it for reference.In alphabetical order here are some British words and expressions followed by what the Americans say.AA year back , A year agoBritish: lamps (in the context of cars)American:⦁ Headlights⦁ Tail lights⦁ Brake lights⦁ Parking lightsAfters, DessertAll-in InclusiveAlsatian German shepherdAluminium AluminumAnorak ParkaAntenatal PrenatalAnticlockwise CounterclockwiseBritish: appointed, People are appointed for each actionAmerican: assigned , People are assigned to each job functionArchaeology ArcheologyAssure , ensureAt a single shot, In one stepattache, briefcaseBritish: automobileAmerican: Do not use automobile when referring to any motorized vehicle. In America, “automobile” refers only to a two- or four-door car. Use “vehicle” when referring to motorized vehicles in general.Autumn, FallAvail of, UseBBack of beyond Middle of nowhereBank holiday National holidaybatch classBill (at a restaurant) CheckBills InvoicesBin , Garbage canBiscuit Cookie, CrackerBlinds (of window), ShadesBlock of flats, Apartment houseBloke GuyBobby Policeman/CopBonnet, HoodBook ReserveBoot (car), TrunkBootlace, shoelace ShoestringBrooch, PinCCabinet maker Skilled carpenterCafe DinerCar components Car partsCar park Parking lotCaravan Motor home, TrailerCarrier bag Shopping bagBritish: Cashier ,American: Teller, (Tellers work in banks. Cashiers work in supermarkets or grocery stores.)Catalogue CatalogCentre CenterChat show Talk showChat up Chat flirtatiouslycheap inexpensiveChemist PharmacistCheque CheckChest of drawers bureauchief editor , editor-in-chiefChristian name first name, given nameCinema MovieCinema hall Movie theaterCloakroom, checkroomClothes peg Clothes pinclubbed, joinedColour, ColorConscription (Enforced membership of military forces), DraftCooker OvenCopse ThicketCotton wool CottonCounterfoil , StubIn British usage, a "stub" is a shortened end of something, often implying that the rest of the object has been broken off, the usage "stub one's foot" means to bring the foot into sudden, often accidental, contact with some obstacle.Creche, Day care centerCrisps Potato chipsCrossroads IntersectionCul de sac Dead endCurb kerbCurrent account Checking accountBritish: Curriculum vitae (CV) In British usage, a résumé is used to mean a summary or summing up in any context.American: Résumé ("curriculum vitae" is sometimes used by American academics)Cutting , Clipping (eg from a newspaper)DDaft StupidDear ExpensiveDeduce, figuredDefence DefenseDepartmental store Department storeDependent dependantDialling code Area codeDialogue DialogDiary Appointment bookDin into Hammer (an idea) into someone's headDistension, distentionDiversion, DetourDo the needful , Do what is necessaryDownmarket, SeedyDownwards , downwardDraughts CheckersDressing gown bathrobeDummy PacifierDustbin Garbage canDuvet ComforterEearthing groundingEiderdown, quilt ComforterElastoplast, Bandaid (both brand names for bandages)Electric fire Heater (electric)else otherwiseBritish: Employment agencyAmerican: In the United States, Employment agency refers to a temporary placement agency that specializes in short-term work. To refer to an agency that places people in professional work, use “recruitment agency.”enterprise companyEstate Agent Realtorexpiry expirationFFA Cup, Superbowl of SoccerBritish: facultyAmerican: Only used as a plural noun in American usage. You can refer to the “faculty” of a school, but use “professor,” “teacher,” or “instructor” to refer to one person.Fancy (verb) Likefavourite favoritefetch retrieveFill a form, Fill out a formFilm MovieFirst Floor Second floorFishmongers' Fish Storefixed scheduledFlat ApartmentFlyover , OverpassBritish: folio (Each share is assigned a folio.)American: stock certificate number( Each share is assigned a stock certificate number.)Football SoccerForm GradeFortnight Two weeksFringe BangsFull stop Period (the punctuation mark)Furore, furorGgadgets , Instruments, devicesGadgets is slang.Gaffer BossGammon HamGaol JailGarden, YardGas fire , Gas heaterGear lever, gear shift, gear stickGents, Men's roomGlycerine, glycerinGoose pimples, Goose bumpsGuard ConductorHHair pin Bobby pinHandbag PurseHas the facility to, Has the ability to or has the capacity toA facility in American English refers to a building or a center –e.g. a childcare facility.Have a look at, Look at, read, reviewHedgerow, HedgeHence, Thereforehereunder, Use “the following” or “listed below”High street , Main streetHire purchase, CreditHoliday Vacationhonour honorHood, Vinyl Top (of convertible)housewife, homemakerHousing estate, Tenementhumour humorIIce lolly, PopsicleIdentity parade, Lineupincrease, hikeIn good nick, In good conditionInterval, IntermissionIronmongers', Hardware storeJJacket potato, Baked potatoJam, JellyJelly, Gelatin, Jell-o (US term is proprietary)jeweller jewelerJewellery jewelryJob vacancy Job openingJoining date Hiring dateJoint. RoastJumble sale, Yard saleJumper, SweaterKKeeper, CuratorKerb, CurbLlabour, laborLad BoyLadies', Lady's roomLadybird , LadybugBritish: Lead (Flexible electrical cable joining an electrical appliance or telephone to a socket.)British practice uses the same colours as are used in Europe: brown for live, blue for neutral and green with yellow stripe for earth. Older British practice still used for permanent cables is red for live, black for neutral and green (or bare copper) for earth.American: CordAmerican practice is black for live, white for neutral and green for earth.Leader page , Editorial pagelicence (license for the verb and licence for the noun), licenseLift ElevatorBritish: LimitedBritish firms often have titles ending in "Ltd" meaning limited liability or "Plc" meaning public liability company. "Public" implies that the company's shares are publically traded. There are also private companies.American: IncorporatedLoo Bathroom/ JohnLorry TruckLounge Living RoomMMac See mackintoshMackintosh RaincoatBritish: Majored inAmerican high school students do not select a major course of study. It is only at the university level that students select a “major.”Mange tout Snow peasManoeuvre ManeuverMatch GameMean StingyMerry-go-around carouselBritish: Metre ("meter" for a measuring device and "metre" for the unit of length)American: MeterMince Ground beefMinder BabysitterMinder BodyguardMotorway Highway, FreewayNNail varnish Nail polishNappy DiaperNatter (noun or verb) ChatNaturist NudistNaughts and crosses Tic-Tac-ToeNick Steal (verb), prison (noun)No mean task No easy taskNote BillNought naughtNumber plate License PlateNursery KindergartenOOff license Liquor storeOld age pensioner Senior citizenOn holiday On vacationOnce, AfterAmerican: (Do not use once as a synonym for after. Use once only to mean one time.)Over the moon, ElatedOver the top , Carried awayPPack of playing cards Deck of playing cardsPanda car Police carParaffin KeroseneParting PartPavement SidewalkPay slip paycheckPer cent PercentPetrol Gaspetrol pumps gas stationPickle RelishPilchards SardinesPinch StealPitch Playing fieldPlait BraidPlimsolls SneakersPlough plowPorridge OatmealPost (noun or verb) MailPostal code Zip codePostman Mail man/mail carrierPower point Electrical outletPower up Turn onPram/ perambulator Baby carriagePresenter NewscasterPress up Push upProgramme programproperty Real estatePub BarPublic school Private schoolPudding DessertPulses BeansPumps SneakersPut paid to, Put an end toPvt. Ltd. Inc., Co., Corp.QQuery Question, askAmerican: Query is used only in a technical context.Queue, Line, Wait in line or stand in lineRRaise bills Prepare invoicesRedundant UnemployedReel SpoolRemoval MovingRemoval man MoverRemoval van Moving truck, moving vanReturn, Round-tripReverse charge call Collect callRing CallRoundabout Traffic circleRow QuarrelRubber , EraserRubbish garbage (waste food) and other things that are thrown away are called trash.Rucksack BackpackSSack (verb), FireSaloon car, SedanSavory biscuit, CrackerScatty Scatter-brainedSceptic , skepticscheme , Plan, welfare policy (Scheme has a negative connotation in American English.)Serviette Napkinshare broker stock brokerShop assistant Sales clerkShopping centre, MallShort dress, Jumper(in British usage, "jumper" means a sweater )Silencer MufflerSingle One-waySnooker BilliardsSocket OutletSod , Unpleasant personBritish: Solicitor, lawyer, barristerAmerican: Lawyer, advocate, attorney (there are subtle differences)Sort code Routing number (in banking)Spanner WrenchSpeciality specialtySpot PimpleSpot on , PerfectSquash, Juice concentratestate Explain, describeState school Public schoolstipulation Rule, lawStock inventoryStone Fourteen poundsStream, brook(in British usage, a "creek" is a small inlet of the sea) CreekSubway Pedestrian crossingSurgery Doctor's examination roomSweets CandySwimming costume Bathing suitTTap FaucetTarmac , AsphaltTelly TVTerrace, Bleacherstheatre, theaterTimber LumberAmerican usage seems to distinguish "standing timber" (i.e. trees that haven't been chopped down) from lumber (which is what they become after they've been chopped down and the logs cut to shape and size). British usage is "timber" in both contexts.Timetable, ScheduleIn British usage, "schedule" is used to refer to forward planning of, usually personal, activities with a very similar meaning to the word "plan".Tin, CanTissues Kleenex (American term is proprietary)Torch Flashlighttout brokerTower block High-risetownship towntraffic signals traffic lightsTrainers SneakersTram Streetcartransport transportationTransport cafe Truck stopTreacle , MolassesTrunk-call Long-distance callTuition, InstructionTyre TireUUnderground Subwayupdation updateUpmarket ClassyUpwards upwardVVan Delivery truckBritish: Vicar, minister, rector. American: PastorWWardrobe ClosetWater closet BathroomWellingtons Gumboots (rubber)Wholefood HealthfoodWindscreen WindshieldWish WantWonky UnstableWay out ExitZZebra Crossing , Pedestrian CrossingZed, Zee (the letter)Zip, Zipper(A compilation of the differences between British English and American English)There are various English language styles in the United States---the most characteristic ones being Southern, New England, New York, and Midwest. While each style is distinctive and individualistic, all these styles have been delineated under a common heading, American English, in this document since the purpose of this document is to familiarize the reader with the basic differences between British English and American English.The differences between British English and American English are considerable. They span areas such as spelling, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, usage and idioms.Some of the key differences between the two styles are mentioned in this document.Sentence StructureAmerican English has simpler sentence structures than British English. At its best, American English is more direct and vivid than its British counterpart. For example, lay off is a preferable American expression to make redundant.British English: As well as going shopping, we went to the park.American English: We went to the park and also went shopping.British English: Britons go to school.American English: Americans go to the school.British English chooses between one or other thing.American English chooses between one thing or the otherBritish English takes a decision.American English makes a decision.Please could British English have the menu? (Please may introduce or end a request in British English)Can American English have the menu, please? (Please always ends a request in American English)British English appeals against a legal decision or sentence.American English appeals a legal decision or sentence.British English has got a new car.American English has a new car.British English has a bath. (Have, have got and has are more common in British English.)American English takes a bath. (Take and took are more common in American English.)British English went for a swim.American English took a swim.British English looks forward to future.American English looks forward to the future.British English: Have you got her address?American English: Do you have her address?British English is rich enough to retire.American English is rich enough that it can retire.British English: Go and see what you have done.American English: Go see what you did.British English is in jubilant mood.American English is in a jubilant mood.SpellingAmerican English is more phonetic than British English. The main spelling differences are listed below:⦁ -eable/-ableThe silent e in some adjectives is often omitted in American English. For example, likable is used instead of likeable and unshakeable becomes unshakable.⦁ -ae/-oeIn American English, the composite vowel is replaced by a single e. For example, medieval instead of mediaeval; anesthetic instead of anaesthetic; gynecology instead of gynaecology; diarrhoea instead of diarrhea.⦁ -se/-zeSome words that are spelled with s in British English end with z in American English. For example, organise and organize; civilise and civilize; analyse and analyze; paralyse and paralyze.⦁ -ce/-seIn British English, the verb that relates to a noun ending in –ce is sometimes given the ending –se. For example, advice (noun) and advise (verb); device (noun) and devise (verb); practice (noun) and practise (verb). American spelling follows the same distinction between advice/advise and device/devise because the spelling change is accompanied by a slight change in the sound of the word. When the noun and the verb are pronounced in the same way such as practice/practise, American English spelling reflects only the –ce form, that is practice. However, American English extends the use of –se to other nouns that are spelt with –ce in British English. For example, defense instead of defence; offense instead of offence; pretense instead of pretence.⦁ -e/-ueThe final silent e or ue of several words is omitted in American English but retained in British English. For example, analog instead of analogue; catalog instead of catalogue; dialog instead of dialogue.⦁ -our/-orWords such as candour, colour, demeanour, favour, valour, and behaviour lose the u in American English. For example, candor, color, demeanor, favor, valor, and behavior.⦁ -re/-erSome words ending in re in British English end in er in American English. For example, centre, fibre, sombre, and metre become center, fiber, somber, and meter in American English. However, there are exceptions such as cadre, lucre, massacre, ogre, etc.⦁ -t/-edBritish English uses -t in words such as spelt, learnt, dreamt, burnt. American English uses -ed. For example, spelled, learned, dreamed, and burned.⦁ -oul/-olSome words spelled with oul in British English are spelled with ol in American English.For example, mould and smoulder become mold and smolder in American English.⦁ Some items are written as two words in British English and as one word in American English.For example, any more, de luxe and per cent become anymore, deluxe, and percent in American English.Grammar⦁ Shall/willShall (including its variants such as shan’t) is more common in British English. For example, Shall you be at the embassy? No, I am afraid I shan’t.Will is more common in American English. It is also used as a rough equivalent of must. For example, That will be my brother at the door.⦁ Should/wouldShould is mostly used in British English, particularly in advice-giving formulas, in polite first-person statements and in its putative use. It is rarely used in American English.British EnglishWe should be happy to comply with your request.I should dress warmly if I were you.It is astonishing that they should leave without informing me.I demanded that he should leave.That would be the postman at the door.American EnglishI demanded that he leave.It is astonishing that they left without informing me.Would in American English is used as an equivalent for used to.When I was young, I would get up early.⦁ Can/mayBoth are used freely on both sides of the Atlantic for ability as well as permission.⦁ Can’t/mustn’tCan’t is generally used in British English rather than in American English. For example, You can’t go out in the rain.Mustn’t is popular in American English. For example, You mustn’t go out in the rain.⦁ Must/have (got) toHave (got) is more common in British English.For example,This must have been the best novel this year.Have you eaten yet?They have already leftMust is more common in American English.For example,This must be the best novel this year.Did you eat yet?They left already⦁ Had got/hadHad got is typically used in British English. For example, She left because she’d got a lot to do would be written as She left because she had a lot to do in American English.HyphenationIn American English, most nouns with prefixes such as anti, pre, sub, re, and co are spelled as a single word. For example, antisocial, cooperation, preempt, and subcommittee.In British English, these words are hyphenated. For example, anti-social, co-operation, pre-empt, sub-committee.Punctuation⦁ Full StopIn British English, the punctuation mark used at the end of a sentence is called a full stop. In American English, it is called a period.⦁ Exclamation markIn British English, the punctuation mark (!) used at the end of an exclamation is called an exclamation mark. In American English, it is called an exclamation point.⦁ Quotation marksSingle quotation marks or inverted commas are generally used in British English.For example, ‘Why did they do that?’Double quotation marks are used in American English. Single quotation marks are used for quotes within quotes. All periods and commas precede the closing quotation marks.For example“You are eating too much,” she said.“I liked her ‘sense and sensibility’ comment regarding Generation X,” he said.MeasurementsIn Britain, two systems of measurement are used, the metric system (that is, use of decimal numbers---e.g. 4.8 kilograms) and the imperial system (that is, use of fractions---e.g. one and a half tons of wheat). The metric system is now commonly used for most purposes.In America, the metric system is not commonly used, except for military, medical, and scientific purposes. Some common measurement values are inches, miles, feet, gallons, and pounds.British AmericanKilometres, Metres (meter in Am.) Mileslitres (liter in Am.) GallonsKilograms PoundsAmerican English and British English also differ in the measurement units of distance, speed, and weight. In addition, U.S. pints, quarts, and gallons are different from British ones.Example1 UK gallon = 4 1/2 liters1 US gallon = 3 1/2 litersDatesThe date format followed in American English is the MM-DD-YY format. The DD-MM-YY format is used in British English. However, the former style is becoming popular in British English too.In addition, in British English, April 20 will be stated as ‘April the twentieth.” Britons use “the” in front of the number.In American English, it is stated as “April twentieth.”Time⦁ In British English, "past" or "to" is used to refer to time.For example,The time is twenty past seven.He returned at quarter to eight.In American English, 'after" is used instead of "past," and "of" instead of "to".For example,It was twenty after eight.At a quarter of eight, he called her.⦁ In British English, a full stop is used after the hour when time is stated in numerals.For example,The train leaves at 7.30.In American English, a colon is used instead of a full stop after the hour.The train leaves at 7:30.Prepositions⦁ Sentences can end with a preposition in British English.For example: It was appropriate for the situation it was used in.However, it is American English prefers not to end a sentence with a preposition unless necessary.For example: It was appropriate for the situation in which it was used.⦁ Other Examples regarding the use of prepositions:British English lives in a street.American English lives on a street.British English works in a company.American English works for a companyBritish English schedules for a meeting.American English schedules a meeting.British English does something at the weekend.American English does something on the weekend.British English is in two minds about something.American English is of two minds about something.The British girl was named after her mother.The American girl was named for her mother.British English can leave on Monday.American English can leave Monday.The Britons on the course had a distinct advantage.The Americans in the course had a distinct advantage.It provided British English with an excuse.It provided American English an excuse.British English: That approximates to the truth.American English: That approximates the truth.British English: Monday to Friday inclusiveAmerican English: Monday through FridayBritish English: Can you come on Tuesday?American English: Can you come Tuesday?British English consults its doctor.American English consults with its doctor.British English is different to (or different from) American English. Different than is not used in British English.American English is different from or different than British English.CurrencyIsolated references to amounts of money in United States currency are spelled out or expressed in numerals. Large round numbers that are cumbersome to express in numbers can be spelled out in units of millions or billions, accompanied by numerals and a dollar sigh.For exampleHe paid five dollars to attend the event.The committee raised a total of $350. (No space between the dollar sign and the number)Both firms agreed upon a price of $3 million.In British usage, a billion is equal to a million million. In American English, a billion is equal to a thousand million.TitlesIn British English, titles such as Mr and Mrs do not end with a period. In American English, these titles end with a period.IdiomsBritish English and American English have slightly different idioms.British English⦁ A home from home⦁ Leave well enough⦁ A storm in a teacup⦁ Sweep under the carpet⦁ Blow one’s own trumpetAmerican English⦁ A home away from home⦁ Leave well enough alone⦁ A tempest in a teacup/teapot⦁ Sweep under the rug⦁ Blow one’s own hornGeneral Usage⦁ JustBritish English uses the present perfect tense with just. For example, I have just arrived. American English uses the simple past tense. For example, I just arrived.⦁ TermAt a British school and college or university, each year is divided into three terms. It is divided into four terms at an American school.At an American college or university, each year is divided into two semesters or three trimesters.⦁ LawyerIn British English, a barrister is a lawyer who speaks in the higher courts of law on behalf of either the prosecution or the defence. A solicitor is a lawyer who gives legal advice to clients, prepares legal documents, and may also, in certain circumstances, represent a client in court.In American English, an attorney is a lawyer who acts for someone in a legal matter and is qualified to represent clients in court.⦁ Ground floorIn British English, the floor of a building that is in level with the ground is called the ground floor. The floor above it is called the first floor, the floor above that is the second floor, and so on.In American English, the floor that is in level with the ground is called the first floor, the floor above it is called the second floor, and so on.⦁ BillIn British English, a bill is a piece of paper showing how much money you owe for a meal in a restaurant. For example, Two women at the next table paid their bill and walked out.In American English, a piece of paper like this is called a check. A bill in American English is a piece of paper money.⦁ BanknoteIn British English, paper money is referred to as banknotes or simply notes.For example, some of the banknotes were unbelievably dirty.He handed me a ten-pound note.In American English, a banknote is referred to as a bill.For example, He took a five-dollar bill.⦁ ChemistIn British English, a chemist is a person who is qualified to prepare and sell drugs and medicines.For example, He took the pills that the chemist had given him.In American English, such a person is called a pharmacist.For example, He was training to become a pharmacist.However, in both British and American English, a chemist is also a person who conducts chemical research. For example, He was a research chemist.⦁ Chemist'sIn Britain, a chemist's is a shop where you can buy medicine, cosmetics, and some household items.In American English, a shop where you can buy medicines and cosmetics is called a drugstore. You can also buy simple meals and snacks in a drugstore.⦁ ShopIn British English, a building or part of a building where goods are sold is usually called a shop.In American English, it is called a store, unless it is very small and has just one type of goods, in which case it is called a shop.In British English, very large shops are sometimes called stores.In both British and American English, a large shop that has separate departments selling different types of goods is called a department store.⦁ SchoolIn British English, a school refers to only schools, not universities.For example, The children are at school.She is at university.In American English, school (without "a" or "the") is used to refer to both schools and universities. For example, The children were in school.She is doing well in school.⦁ HomeworkIn British English, a piece of academic work given to students to do at home is called homework.In American English, it is called an assignment.⦁ Shopping centerThe obsolescent British usage "shopping arcade" means a group of shops fronting on to a covered pedestrian way. "Shopping centre" usually implies covered access in British usage whereas American usage uses "mall" to imply covered access and "center" to imply non-covered access. A "parade of shops" in British usage refers to a row of shops fronting on to a road, this usage is largely confined to Southern England. "Mall" can also mean a large public park-like area such as Independence Mall in Philadelphia.⦁ ClassIn Many British schools and in some American private schools, form is used instead of class. Form is used especially with a number to refer to a particular class or age group.For example, she is the fifth form.He is in Form 3.In American schools, grade is used to refer to a form.For example He is in the second grade.⦁ HolidayIn British English, you refer to a period of time you are allowed to spend away from work or school as the holiday or holidays.For example, We went away during the Christmas holidays.I went to Paris for a holiday.Remember to turn off the gas when you go on holiday.In American English, a holiday is a single day when people do not work. It is often to commemorate an important event.In British English, such a day is called a bank holiday.The usual American word for a longer period of time spent away from work or school, or for a period of time spent away from home enjoying yourself is vacation.For example, She used to take a vacation at that time.In British English, a vacation is one of the periods of several weeks when the university or college is officially closed for teaching.For example, I did a lot of reading over the vacation.⦁ HomelyIn American English, if you say that a person is homely, you mean that they are not attractive to look at.For example, A broad grin spread across his homely features.In British English, an unattractive person is called plain. Homely in British English refers to a simple, kind, and unsophisticated attitude.⦁ CinemaFilms in Britain are referred to as cinema or pictures. A building where films are shown is called a cinema theatre or cinema hall.For example,Everyone has gone to the cinema.She went twice a week to the pictures.In America, films are often called movies. A building where films are shown is called a movie theater.For example,I was driving home from the movies.⦁ Sorry?In British English, Sorry?, I'm sorry, and Pardon? are expressions of apologies or comments made when you did not hear or understand what somebody said and want them to repeat it. For example, ‘Pardon, could you say that again?’In American English, you say "Pardon me (or Excuse me), I didn’t see you there" as apologies."Pardon me?" and "Excuse me?" are used when you did not hear or understand what somebody said and want them to repeat it.⦁ ProfessorIn a British university, a professor is the most senior teacher in a department.In an American or Canadian university, a professor is a senior teacher. He or she is not necessarily the most senior teacher in a department.⦁ Shop AssistantIn British English, a person selling goods to customers in a shop is called a shop assistant. In American English, such a person is called a sales clerk.⦁ PubIn British English, a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic drinks is called a pub. Such a place is called a bar in American English.⦁ ParcelThere is very little difference between parcel and package in British English. A packet is a small container in which a quantity of something is solid. For example, a cigarette packet.Package is more common in American English than parcel. Packets are called packs or packages in American English.For example, I am taking this package to the post office.⦁ FortnightIn British English, the common term for two weeks is fortnight.For exampleHe borrowed it for a fortnight.American speakers do not usually use this word. They use “two weeks” instead.⦁ FairIn British English, a fair is an amusement event held in a park or field. In American English, an event like this is called a carnival.In British English, a carnival is an outdoor public festival, which is held every year in a particular place.⦁ MatchIn Britain, two teams play a match. In America, they play a game.⦁ RoundThe American English equivalent for round is around.⦁ EnquireThe American English term for enquire is inquire.⦁ LonelyIn British English, someone who is lonely is unhappy because they are alone.For exampleSince he left India, he had been lonely and homesick.American speakers usually say lonesome instead of lonely.For exampleI bet you told her how lonesome you were.National Holidays of the United StatesNew Year's Day January 1Martin Luther King's Day^ ** January 15Abraham Lincoln's Birthday^ February 12George Washington's Birthday** February 22Memorial Day^ ** May 30Fourth of July (Independence Day) July 4Labor Day First Monday in SeptemberColumbus Day^ ** October 12Veterans Day** November 11Thanksgiving Day Third Tuesday in NovemberChristmas Day December 25^ These are legal holidays only in some of the states.** These are holidays for all federal employees. In some states, these are celebrated on Mondays, regardless of their actual dates.Indian EnglishThe following represents a typical usage of English in India.⦁ Interrogative construction without subject/object inversion.For example, What you would like to buy?⦁ Missing definite articleFor example, Office is closed today.⦁ One used instead of an indefinite articleHe gave me one book.⦁ Use of the gerund form with the verbFor example,Geetha is having two brothers.You must be knowing my cousin.⦁ Repetition for emphasisI bought some small small things.⦁ Use of Yes and No as question tagsShe was helping you, no?He is coming, yes?⦁ Use of Isn’t it as a generalized tagThey are coming tomorrow, isn’t it?You are liking it here, isn’t it?⦁ Only used for emphasisThey live like that only (instead of That’s how they live)⦁ Use of present perfect instead of simple pastI have bought the book yesterday.AMERICANIZATION of English.============================You don't open a telephone conversation with a HELLO but with a "Hi"The telephone is never "engaged", it's always "busy".You don't "disconnect" a phone, you simply "hang-up".You never "mess-up" things, you only "screw them up".You never have a "residence" tel. no., you have a "home" no.You don't stop at the "signals", but halt at the "lights".You don't "accelerate", you "step on the gas".Your tire never "punctures", you may have a "flat".The trains have "coaches" or "boggies' no more but "carriages" or"boxes".There R no "petrol pumps", but "gas stations"."I don't know nothing", 2 negatives don't make a positive here.You no longer meet a "wonderful" person, you meet a "cool" guyYou don't pull the switch down to light a bulb,rather flick it up.No one stays "a stone's throw away", but "a few blocks away".There's no "Town Side", it's "Down Town".In hotel you no longer ask for "bill" and pay by "cheque", rather askfor "check" and pay with (Dollar) "bill"s.There are no "soft drinks", only "sodas".Life's no longer "miserable" it "stinks".Never "post" a letter, always "mail" it and "glue" the stamps,don't "stick" them.You no longer live in "flats" or "blocks", find an "apartment".You don't stand in a "queue", you are in a "line".You no longer "like" something, you "appreciate" it."#" is not "hash", it's "pound".You can't get "surprised" you get "zapped".You never "joke", you just "kid".You never "increase" the pressure, you always "crank" it up.You never ask for a pencil "rubber" you ask for an eraser. a rubber isa condomYou don't try to find a lift, you find an elevator.You don't ask somebody "How are you ?", you say "What's up dude?"You never go to see a match, you go to watch a game.There's no FULL STOP after a statement, there's a PERIOD.If someone gets angry at U, you get "flamed".You don't say "How do you do", you say "How you doin"In short you don't speak English, you speak American.Well you don't say life is boring you say LIFE SUCKS !!!!!
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- Name: Date: Period: Vocabulary Packet: Book A, #16 (Key) Definitions: Note Carefully