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macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. With the Help of CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac directly.

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How to Edit PDF Application For Sign Permit-2015 via G Suite

G Suite is a widely-used Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your work faster and increase collaboration across departments. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF editing tool with G Suite can help to accomplish work easily.

Here are the instructions to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Search for CocoDoc PDF Editor and install the add-on.
  • Select the form that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by choosing "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your file using the toolbar.
  • Save the completed PDF file on your computer.

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How much would it cost for a Pakistani citizen residing in KSA to apply for a Canadian student visa?

The study permit itself costs only $150 CDN. But that is not the only expense.You will need photographs, copies of transcripts from your previous schools and other little things as well. Each will have a cost.In addition to the Canadian government forms (below), your college will require proof of English or French ability. That is usually the IELTS exam. You would take the test in Pakistan at your own expense. I think most students get coaching for that as well.Here is the document checklist from Immigration CanadaThis application package is for applicants in Pakistan:Document checklist [IMM 5483] (PDF, 297.34 KB) May 2014Visa office instructions – Study [IMM 5814] (PDF, 308.85 KB) May 2016Application for a Study Permit Made Outside of Canada [IMM 1294] (PDF, 427.00 KB) April 2015Family Information [IMM 5645] (PDF, 67.10 KB) September 2010(probably not applicable for you) Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union [IMM 5409] (PDF, 636.51 KB) April 2015(probably not applicable for you) Custodian Declaration [IMM 5646] (PDF, 1.02 MB) January 2015Visa application photograph specifications(required if you use a Visa Consultant; optional otherwise) Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] (PDF, 648.31 KB) June 2015Everyone must fill out and sign their own form, including those travelling as a family. If you are under the age of 18, your parent or guardian must sign your form. see Application to Study in Canada, Study Permits

Do Europeans feel like Angela Merkel has done a disservice to Europe by letting in countless migrants?

There’s this thing called The Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, also known as the 1951 Refugee Convention. In total, there are four different international treaties that establish the standards of international law for humanitarian treatment in war (Geneva Conventions).The idea is that when you are persecuted in your country, you can apply for asylum in other countries. Most countries also grant a residence permit for those who apply for asylum based on a war in their country; in Finland the legal term for that is subsidiary protection.According to the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, a refugee is defined as"A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it."Now, the European countries have signed this Convention. It means that they are commited to grant asylum to those applicants who are in need of it and who come to apply for it in Europe.The countries that have signed the Convention marked with green (yellow stands for signing the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees):(Source: Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees - Wikipedia)As long as Europe doesn’t withdraw from that Convention, it’s legally binding. Once people arrive in Europe they have the right to apply for asylum.Jens Böttiger is right, what Angela Merkel did has nothing to do with opening the borders of Europe. It was an act of loyalty above all.I don’t always agree with Angela Merkel, but I think she truly showed leadership in autumn 2015.Not so long ago about 430 000 Finnish people were forced to leave their homes because of war. You never know what life brings.We can afford to not let people die.(EDITED to clarify the international treaties concerning people who are fleeing a war.)

Is it possible to take away guns from Americans as was done in Australia after that mass shooting?

When the sun rises in the West…In thirty five years of living in Australia, I never once needed a firearm for any reason nor felt a need to get one. I’ve now been a permanent resident of the USA for over a decade and have two concealed carry permits that cover most of the country, own a brace of pistols, train regularly and wouldn’t be without them.America and Australia are like non-identical twins - they look a lot alike but the more you watch the more you realize how different they are, and no more so than when it comes to firearms. Comparing them with a view to making one more like the other is rather like comparing a fish to a bicycle with the same goal.Defense Against Animals. Despite her international reputation for cornering the world market on deadly snakes and venomous creepy crawlies, as long as you stay out of the water nothing in Australia will try and eat you while you’re still alive. In the water, I’ll back a Great White or a saltwater crocodile against your Glock 19 any day. There are very rare and isolated incidents of dingoes attacking humans, but they’re primarily solitary hunters and don’t generally pack unless in the vicinity of garbage bins. They’re also not much bigger than a beagle. No bears, cougar, elk, wolverines, lynxes, wolves, bobcats, herds of wild buffalo, no moose - nothing you need a gun to defend yourself against except the odd snake out on a farm, and they’re best moved away from than trying to chase and shoot, even with the once ubiquitous .410 shotgun - ‘Mum’s gun for hanging out the washing’Hunting (1). Native Animals. It is against the law to kill native fauna in Australia and most wild Australian fauna tastes absolutely diabolical no matter how you cook it. Therefore, there’s little to no hunting culture as there is in America. It is a Federal offense to shoot a kangaroo unless you’re a licensed and heavily regulated professional kangaroo shooter. It’s a lovely idea in principle and makes Australia look very conservation minded, but has a predictable backlash because agriculture brings more food to an area, and the population of native animals that eat and/or trample that food explodes. On the ground that’s largely unworkable for primary producers and they have certain exemptions from the law, certain restrictions, tags and permits, bag limits, etc. Among many other crops Australia grows a serious amount of wheat, and a big mob of kangaroos or emus can destroy months of work and a years income if they aren’t regularly culled. But the meat generally goes to the dogs. In many remote desert areas of Australia you can often buy properly slaughtered, butchered and packaged kangaroo meat for human consumption, primarily for the benefit of local aborigines. It tastes a lot like deer, and I always considered it a rare treat to have kangaroo steaks or a curry when I was in those places, although telling that to Australian city dwellers had them look at me like I said I’d eaten dog.Hunting (2). What Australians Can Do With Long Guns. You can kill feral animals to your little Australian heart’s content, you can bathe in blood and swagger home covered in pieces of twitching flesh for all anyone cares. Legislative details can vary from State to State, but it’s pretty much open season on all feral wildlife as long as you have the right permissions from the land owner and for the guns. Hardly anyone does though, hunting game is a niche activity and in 35 years I only ever once visited an Aussie’s home who had stuffed animals he’d killed decorating the room. And, in the interests of full disclosure he didn’t own a gun, he was a bowhunter. Australia has a lot of feral animals, rabbits, foxes, brumbies, feral cats, water buffalo, goats, wild pigs and camels. Having said that, I never once met a single Australian who had ever hunted camel or buffalo or expressed a wish to try it. There are no doubt hundreds, probably thousands, of avid feral pest killers in Australia especially in and around country towns but they’re hard to spot in the cities where 90% of Aussies live.Here’s the catch. You need a reason. Licensing processes can vary from State to State but, last I checked, any application to license a firearm had to be accompanied by a letter from a rural property owner with a vermin problem, giving the applicant permission to cull vermin on their property. Applications for ‘high powered’ firearms generally need a cattle station, essentially the place you hunt must be beyond the range of the firearm from the property boundary. And if you don’t have a friend who has a farm, and your firearms license comes due for that 12g and .22 at the back of the closet that you shot rabbits and road signs with 10 years ago before you were married, it’s not hard to convince people to get rid of them. Again, last I heard you are required to have an approved safe fitted in your house which needs to be inspected and approved by the police before you get the license to get the gun to put in it. The guns are licensed to the owner - if you don’t have a gun, you don’t have a shooters license. If you want to use a friend’s gun, you have to go through the entire application process, complete with farmer’s letter, to get his gun registered to you as an approved shooter of that specific gun. If you’re found to have fired a single round through a friend’s gun you don’t have the authority for, you’ll get at least a fine. Do it again, and you might have your guns confiscated and be banned from ever having one again.Handguns. You can apply to own a handgun in Australia if you’re a member in good standing of a registered pistol club and compete in a certain minimum number of club shooting events each year. You can keep it at home if you have an approved and inspected gun safe, although many (probably most) just leave theirs at the club. With a home safe your pistol license allows you to drive directly from home to the host range, compete, and back home, that’s it. As in, don’t stop for groceries on the way home or divert to the next suburb to visit your sister, you risk having your guns confiscated.Concealed Carry In Australia. Just no. Plain clothes detectives on duty, spies and foreign diplomats. That’s about it. There are plenty of armed security guards for payroll trucks and the like, but a plainclothes concealed carry permit in Australia? Rare as rocking horse poo. Notable refusals include high-end jewelers who take work home, bank managers, bar owners carrying six figure cash sums to the bank several times a week, bar owners who’ve received death threats, stripper managers, rock star’s bodyguards. The police in each State are armed, as are several regulatory Federal agencies. Between 2000 and 2013, 51 people were shot by police across Australia, less than four a year. Almost half were mentally ill. In 2015, the most recent year I can find stats for, no police were killed in Australia.Personal protection, home defense. In America, when the wagon trains rolled west they had much greater need of firearms than Aussies ever did. Besides hunting for food, they needed protection from huge predatory animals the like of which hadn’t been seen in most of Europe for centuries, and an entrenched, very hostile, motivated and well organized indigenous population who had centuries of practice in that environment, notably including knowing how to kill really big predators with a sharp stick. Then, once you’d built your homestead or town in the middle of nowhere and days from help, you still had to be prepared to defend yourself and your family against all sorts of blackguards and ne’er-do-wells moving through and drifting past that might do you harm. They don’t like strangers around here mister for a reason. To a large extent Australians didn’t have those problems, for decades the country was primarily settled by fleet. Entire cities arrived in boats en masse, complete with convict slave labor, livestock and armed soldiers to keep the peace. For all intents and purposes, within a few hundred miles of the coast and often much closer lies a desert that covers the great majority of the whole country, a desert in which even Aborigines can perish. Australia also has no native herding animals (like buffalo or deer) or cultivatable plants, and therefore you need to either breed your own imported livestock or follow the game around, and grow your own edible plants like wheat and it’s grainy cousins, same with fruit trees. Australian Aborigines generally followed ancient traditional ‘songline’ routes across vast territories following seasonal food. They had routine scuffles, wife raids and occasional fights to the death over waterholes during a drought, but there’s not a lot of record of waging war as such on each other. Being nomadic they never developed written language nor reached the wheel, and to the best of my knowledge were far less warlike, often to their great cost. There were many individual exceptions of course, but overall the original inhabitants of Australia created significantly fewer problems for settlers there than those in America. Overland travel was also close to impossible in much of the country until well into the twentieth century. In the 1800s, if you wanted to go from Sydney to Melbourne you were generally going by boat, no bandits, no bears, no bows and arrows, no need for an arsenal.Nanny State. The isolation of Australian colonies created a unique experience for the settlers. Colonizing Third World countries for their natural resources generally required administrators and overseers more than large numbers of emigrants, but Australia is literally as far away from England as you can get. Gentry, tradesmen and convicts, men, women and children - they were all in it together and if you needed to send for more of anything, help was six months away. The collective good was generally more valued than individual liberties, and it remains much the same to this day - which makes it far easier to convince people they really don’t need to have a gun simply as a symbol of their freedom to have one. Whether they liked each other or not, the isolation of the early Australian settlers fostered a very egalitarian society that now features national subsidized healthcare that (for the most part) works brilliantly, mandated 4 weeks paid annual leave a year, a living minimum wage, paid maternity leave, the list goes on. It is a nanny state and if it weren’t for all the personal wealth you’d think they were communists. And, the great majority of the middle of the country is largely uninhabited by much except rocks, dirt and saltbush. Discovering America was like rediscovering a pristine 15,000 BC Europe overflowing with virgin forest, abundant food and clean water, and enough space to start your own country forty eight times over. All you can eat, take all you can carry, just don’t fall through the cracks. Australia has far fewer people living in cars and under bridges, but there’s a reason they say you needn’t put a lid on a bucket of Australian crabs - if one tries to climb out, the rest pull him back down.Slickers. With both countries very similar in size, Oz has 24 million people in the same space America has packed in 326 million (2017). Despite that, the 2016 census showed that 37% of Australia’s population live in Sydney and Melbourne, nearly 4.5 million people apiece. New York City and Los Angeles are the only two American cities with a larger population than either Sydney or Melbourne. Take into account Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide and you have a total of 14.5 million rugged bronzed Aussies, 60% of the entire population, live in the Big Smoke and most wouldn’t know one end of a gun from the other. There is a very good reason why there are, for most intents and purposes, barely 9 million Australians living in the same sized area as 326 million Americans - you can’t live in the middle, and those that do cost a ridiculous amount of money to keep alive while they either dig for shiny rocks or lead a nomadic tribal existence. Which is another reason why most Aussies couldn’t care less about hunting and never have, meat is something you buy in the supermarket. Regarding the danger of armed offenders mugging you, I’ll wager that just about every one of those twenty four million people is very happy and satisfied that Australia, pardon the pun, dodged that bullet by never having widespread urban ownership of firearms in the first place. With the advent of electronic banking, major armed robberies are pretty much a thing of the past. From all accounts there are really very few crooks in Australia arming themselves, and when they do it’s primarily for protection against (or coercion of) each other. So I’ve been told.That Time The Aussie Government Took Away Everyone’s Guns. The Port Arthur massacre was a watershed in Australian history, one of those disconnect events that everyone thought ‘would never happen here’. When the government released a long price list of every gun they’d buy back from gun owners who didn’t want them anymore, many Aussies couldn’t get rid of them quick enough. The agricultural green belt that separates the desert from the coast is easily accessible and many Australians have family or friends who live in rural areas, more so in 1996, but even then due to myxomatosis and calicivirus the lure of rabbit shooting was long past its peak. The overall attitude was of relief at finally having an excuse to get rid of them and save continually worrying that one day the kids might find them. And, in the great majority of cases, it was a relief to not only get the guns out of the house, but to be reasonably compensated for them without the headaches of selling them through the local classifieds to who knows who. There have been several further amnesties since then, and they generally reap hundreds if not thousands of redundant, unwanted guns voluntarily brought in and surrendered, many of which had never been on the radar.Gun Culture. A lot of Americans can’t stand guns and wish everyone would stop thinking that they are all armed to the teeth 24/7. I feel much the same way when Americans assume I’ll find it endearing when they try and impersonate my accent. When I first arrived, I used to tell curious Aussie relatives that when you gave your order at a McDonald’s drive-thru, they asked “Would you like a firearm with that?” and since Michael Moore convinced the world that you get a gun when you open a bank account in America, it’s easy to see how some seemed uncertain I was joking. The rest of the world has no idea what guns mean to an awful lot of Americans. I don’t think it’s stretching it too far to say that in many instances it borders on the spiritual. Before I lived in the USA I had no idea of the ritual significance to many American families of teaching their kids and grandkids how to use and care for firearms, first hunts, fathers going out into the wilderness in Fall every year to hunt a year’s worth of meat for his family - there’s something moving and primal in that which no other western culture seems to know or understand anymore. At my age I’ve no interest in learning how to hunt my own meat, even less interested in learning how to dress and haul out 100lb+ slabs of raw deer over my shoulder. In the rain. Uphill. I don’t imagine every family father who hunts deer necessarily carries concealed or vice versa, but I do believe that Americans are far more serious and responsible about the use and carriage of firearms than other nations know or would be prepared to give them credit for.An armed society is a polite society If you ever wanted support for the assertion that an armed society is a polite society, look no further than Australia and America. The most basic, striking difference is that in America you are much more likely to get shot, even though the death rate from firearms overall is smaller than many believe, whereas in Australia you are far more likely to get punched in the mouth. Australian culture is slowly changing, but is still far more heavily based around alcohol and intoxication than the US, and drunken violence in the streets of every major Australian city every weekend has resulted in a raft of legislation (restricted opening hours, lockout laws - no entry to licensed premises after midnight etc, surveillance cameras, licensing and closer monitoring of doormen/security, etc) to try and make their cities safe after dark for folks who just want to go out for dinner. What does this have to do with guns? I feel a lot safer taking my wife out for dinner in America than I ever felt in Australia, with less fear of being harassed by drunks. I’ve strolled back to my hotel from bars and shows through the French Quarter in New Orleans, Las Vegas, Chicago and Fifth Avenue in the early hours of the morning and felt safer than I ever have in Kings Cross or Fremantle on a Saturday night, when the roads and footpaths are often strewn with broken glass the morning after and pump trucks wash down the sidewalks because your feet stick to them if they don’t. I know, I’ve lived and worked in Fremantle and in King’s Cross. Old town style architecture, art galleries and hip al fresco coffee shops by day, zoo by night.I feel safer in America than I do in Australia. Not because I can (and often do) carry a concealed firearm, but because in my experience most Americans are significantly more polite and considerate than most Australians, and from all that I’ve seen in the decade I’ve lived here and the numerous times I passed through as a tourist before that, they generally hold themselves to a higher code of conduct.For all practical considerations, when it comes to mass confiscation or firearms in America, that boat sailed a long time ago, the horse has well and truly bolted, and thousands of guns and years worth of ammunition have been buried in backyards, caves and hidey holes across America in reaction to previous confiscation scare rumors. American gun culture and the local topography - particularly long rows of big mountains - pretty much ensure that America is close to impossible to invade and harder still to dominate and rule. There is a security in that. If the balloon ever really went up globally, I can’t help believing that America would fare a lot better than either Australia or Europe.Firearms are as integral and vital to American culture as gasoline, and from where I’m sitting any strategy that involves in someway trying to implement The Australian Solution on America is doomed to ridicule and failure.

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