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Is it possible to recover from visual snow?
Still no reliable data on effective recovery treatments.Yet:This guy offers some tips for relief:Also you could try some things:1- In the hypothesis of Persistent Perceptual Disorder from hallucinogens abuse.(Wikipedia) Hallucinogen persisting perception (TPPA or HPPD) disorder in some cases treated only as flashback - is a disorder characterized by the continuous presence of visual disturbances that recall those generated by the ingestion of narcotic and hallucinogenic substances [1]. Previous use of hallucinogens by the person is necessary, but not sufficient to diagnose someone with this disorder. For an individual diagnosed with PPHD, the symptoms can not be due to another medical condition, it is distinct from psychological setbacks because of their relative permanence; However the setbacks are flashbacks, since the HPPD is persistent. HPPD is diagnosed as DSM-IV code 292.89 [2]. There are several perceptions that can accompany HPPD. Typical symptoms of this disorder include: Distorted or golden visions surrounding objects, geometric hallucinations, traces after movement, difficulty in distinguishing colors, apparent changes in the shades of an object, the illusion of motion in a static set, the air that assumes a Granular form (visual snow) or static, as it is popularly described, and which should not be confused with the blue field entoptic phenomenon, distortions in the dimensions of objects, macropsia, micropsy and palinopsia. The visual modifications experienced by those with HPPD are not homogeneous.It is a rare condition and its causes are still unknown, it was theorized that HPPD is an anomaly in the executive function provoked by the dis-inhibition of the COMT enzyme in the breakdown of catecholamines in the brain after the use of narcotic and hallucinogenic [1], resulting in the interruption propagation sensory. There is research indicating that it is possible that there is a genetic predisposition for the occurrence of the disease but nothing has been confirmed.In TPPA, clonazepam was recommended as medication for patients seeking medical help [16]. In addition, drug abstinence is considered of great therapeutic importance in TPPA.2-In the hypothesis of Temporomandibular tension dysfunctionhttp://Http:// Dr. M Amir BDS MSc (U. London) on: 0208 780 3433 (secretary); [email protected] (mailto: [email protected])"We started treatment with little resolution of the symptoms in the early stages but IBS started resolving. Gradually her neck started improving and the visual snow symptoms started abating a little.""Correcting the TMJ improves the neck muscles." The deepest layers of muscles (the sub occipital 'star') are crucial and have the highest number Of stretch receptors. Their connection, from eye movements to coordination of the rest of the back musculature, is remarkable. "The suboccipital nerve (also called C1 is the first cervical dorsal branch that emerges superior to the posterior arch of the atlas ( and Inferior to the vertebral artery (Artéria vertebral – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre) and has a few sensitive fibers.)Patient:"I've had visual snow for as long as I can remember ............ I only occasionally get tinnitus; I'm a mile away from the rock show. Sometimes I still look around wondering "Where is that music coming from ?!" I was studying massage therapy and was getting a head / neck massage from one of the 2nd year students. She worked on the muscles in my neck then did a sub-occipital release. Your sub-occipital muscles are literally the muscles that move your eyes, and 'releasing' them is just literally stretching them out causing them to relax. I do not know if it worked right away. However, I do remember going outside to catch the bus home. It was night ... and I just looked around, totally amazed. No snow in the darkness! The headlights of the cars and the street lights did not have monstrous halos! " In the hipothesys of Lyme disease(wikipedia) A condition that sometimes produces visual snow is optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve). Moreover, a variety of illnesses (e.g., Lyme disease, auto-immune disease) or noxious events (dehydration) have been blamed by sufferers in self-help internet forums as causes of persisting visual snow, but none of these claims have been confirmed by scientific study. However, Lyme Disease has been shown to cause optic neuritis.Antibiotics are the primary treatment. The specific approach to their use is dependent on the individual affected and the stage of the disease.For most people with early localized infection, oral administration of doxycycline is widely recommended as the first choice, as it is effective against not only Borrelia bacteria but also a variety of other illnesses carried by ticks. Doxycycline is contraindicated in children younger than eight years of age and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding; alternatives to doxycycline are amoxicillin, cefuroxime axetil, and azithromycin.Individuals with early disseminated or late infection may have symptomatic cardiac disease, refractory Lyme arthritis, or neurologic symptoms like meningitis or encephalitis. Intravenous administration of ceftriaxone is recommended as the first choice in these cases; cefotaxime and doxycycline are available as alternatives.4- In the hipothesys of Optic Neuritic(wikipedia) In the vast majority of MS associated optic neuritis, visual function spontaneously improves over the first 2–3 months, and there is evidence that corticosteroid treatment does not affect the long term outcome. However, for optic neuritis that is not MS associated (or atypical optic neuritis) the evidence is less clear and therefore the threshold for treatment with intravenous corticosteroids is lower. Intravenous corticosteroids have also been found to reduce the risk of developing MS in the following two years in those patients who have MRI lesions; but this effect disappears by the third year of follow up. Paradoxically it has been demonstrated that oral administration of corticosteroids in this situation may lead to more recurrent attacks than in non-treated patients (though oral steroids are generally prescribed after the intravenous course, to wean the patient off the medication). This effect of corticosteroids seems to be limited to optic neuritis and has not been observed in other diseases treated with corticosteroids. A Cochrane Systematic Review studied the effect of corticosteroids for treating participants suffering from optic neuritis.[11][needs update] Treatments reviewed included intravenous methylprednisone, oral methylprednisone, and oral prednisone. All treatments reviewed did not show any benefit in terms of recovery to visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, or visual field. The only case of Optic Neuritis being a vessel for another virus was in South Africa. Patient Master L Naicker had Optic Neuritis in 1998 and recovered quickly but he was later diagnosed with an extremely rare case of Viral Encephalitis. The virus was Herpes Simplex Type 1. The virus was cloaked by Optic Neuritis and soon entered the brain. Fortunately the above patient Master L Naicker recovered and is still the only case in history to have survived.5- In the hypothesis of Copper ToxicityTheory:Treatment: Balancing Copper LevelsAnd other Self-Help tips from afflicted people over the internet:1- “ Hey Guys, I was suffering from heavy visual snow for more than 5 years. After a acute hearing loss back in 2009, I developed a massive grainy vision, especially in the dark. In the past, I tried many things to get rid of it. Magnesium and multivitamin supplements didn't to anything. I tried to ignore the visual snow as far as i could, but at some points, it almost drove me insane and i developed depression.So here is what helped me: Since 6 months, I work out at the gym for at least 2 times in the week. I felt that sport reduced the visual snow. A cold shower afterwards made it almost gone, but the next day it was there again. At the sime time, I started to take a daily dose of St. Johns Herb (0.02 ounzes/500mg) to treat my depression. For two months now, I also take a micronutrient supplement called "Vitrocap" to treat the floaters I have in my vision (I think it's only available in germany). It contains high doses of vitamin c and amino acid lysine. I also try to relax more and don't overthink everything. Plus, I drink chamomile and valerian tea before I go to sleep. I don't know what exactly did the trick, but finally, I can say that my visual snow is almost gone now. It has declined to about 10% of what it used to be. It only increases when im under stress or very tired. But it don't affect me like it did in the past years.”2-“Ok i'm not sure how it worked but it definitely did clear up VS almost entirely for me... briefly. Makes no sense whatsoever, but I could literally feel the change in my point of view when I stepped away from the screen. I know it might feel silly but trust me and watch it, get up real close. See for yourself if it works?”3- Ok, so “I've been suffering from visual snow since the beginning of 2012 after having contracted Mono, but I found the solution mainly by accident!!! As of this posting reality well out weighs my VS and every time I do this my visual snow is WAY better the next morning. The solution is speed work. No, not cocaine, actually running, jumproping, sparring, gymnastics (tumbling, & the 3 men's aparratus are the speed ones) anything that involves repetitive acceleration with minimal loading. I actually tried so much, VIT C megadoses, accupressure on my "liver meridian", milk thistle, liver support pills, vegan diet, fruitarian, paleo, fasting but I had basically given up and started exercising more for unrelated reasons and when I started doing pure speed work outs I would wake up the next morning with WAY clearer vision. It won't clear everything in one night but it will carve a big fat chunk out every time you do it. The positive of this type of training too is that you can do a lot with just a few minutes. And it doesn't hurt that it's the most effective way to burn fat without losing muscle so you'll wake up a little more cut too. I have seen it written that visual snow is a neurological condition, not physiological so my theory is that this aspect of the nervous system goes untrained in people (when was the last time you did something physical with exceptional quickness?) in modern society, which left us vulnerable in the first place and then we contracted one thing or another which triggered the consequences of this weakness. I really hope that this spreads and that people can benefit from my experience!!!!!”4- “I´m not a doctor, I´m not selling anything nor claiming this will work for you, but IT DID FOR ME. I used to have really bad tinnitus + snow vision + visual migraines (scintilating scotomas) + benign fasciulation syndrome (BFS) all over my body. It was HELLLLLLL. It took me 2 years of feeling like crap to get rid of it and find a lasting solution. Sounds really simplistic but turns out it was a combination of post-viral effects from both an Epstein Barr Virus and Cytomegalovirus and allergies to corn, wheat (gluten) and all legumes. These viruses can hide in your body for a loooong time. Decades even after the initial onset of symptoms. Of course, no viral count showed up in regular tests (in which I spent thousands of dollars in) and everyone thought it was hypochondria or some sort of somatization disorder. It was after I tried everything that I met a doctor who very patiently introduced me to bio-resonance and I had nothing to lose so I tried it. 2 weeks after the initial series I started feeling terrible and one night I felt the most horrid pain in my chest. That night I coughed up/vomited a gnarly thick ball of a green clay-like substance. After that I gradually started feeling better until the snow vision disappeared and so did the bfs and tinnitus. The migraines with auras and the headaches did not. That´s when I started doing an elimitation diet and after getting rid of corn, wheat and legumes I can say I´m back to perfect health again. Sometimes, once or twice a year I will get some weird neurological episode like derealization echo- vision or seeing weird colors but I can almost always pinpoint consumption of the offending allergen within 3 days of the episode. Hope this helps!! “5- “I have had VS for 3.5 years. I was diagnosed with Persistent positive visual phenomenom of migraine. I was given a prescription for topamax which, among other uses, is used for migraine prevention. This did not work at all. After perusing forums and articles I found clonazepam (rivotril) has helped some people so I asked my doctor if I could try that. It works!!!!It is a benzodiazepine which is in the same drug class as Xanax and Valium, although I did try Valium but it didn't help.This has helped me immensely, and (unfortunately) I cannot go a day without it.Please look into this medication if you are still needing help. I think I would go crazy without it. Good luck!”6- “I have been browsing this forum for 3 years ever since my visual snow started. This is my first post where I wanted to share my story and road to recovery. My visual snow started when I was in 2nd year University. At this time, I launched two internet companies in the past and was very very passionate about entrepreneurship. I worked crazy hours for years prior, pretty much all day everyday on the computer writing code and thinking of the next big idea. I was absolutely obsessed with it. Now on my 19th birthday, I went out to a bar and got super drunk (legal drinking age where I am is 19). That morning, I woke up with extreme brain fog that I never experienced before in my life. At the time I thought it was a bad hangover but this turned into a hangover that never went away and became permanent. After that night, I started experiencing extreme nausea and fatigue after eating as well as permanent brain fog and anxiety. After 3 months, my visual snow started to come into play and I literally started to think I was going crazy. I started to see doctors, been through all of the tests and everything came back as normal. They kept telling me everything was in my head. I lived like this for 3 years, became very antisocial and went from an A student to a C student. Still persuade entrepreneurship but had a huge burden from the brain fog and visual snow. It has been 3 years and my visual snow and brain fog are pretty much gone. I hit extreme burnout which took me 3 years to recover from. So originally, I cut back on all of the crazy hours I used to work, started excersizing, started eating healthy, surrounded myself with positive people, did as many things that I was drawn to but this improved my condition by 50%. My brain fog would occur 3 days a week but I still had visual snow 24/7. I also suffered from ED(erectile disfunction) and came across a concept called porn induced ED. I followed a reboot plan, sustained from porn and masturbation for 3 months, and boom my brain fog and visual snow were completely gone. ( Wilson, the guru of “Your Brain on Porn,” suggests that dopamine receptors will regenerate and dopamine levels increase after a withdrawal period of “flatlining”—total uninterest in sex. ) I started to become extremely addicted to porn in University since I had my own private room where as before I could only do it one or twice a week. I am not trying to claim that this will help everyone but this is my story and how I have recovered from it. Thanks to everyone in this community, I just want to say that for me, it was a chemical burnout in the brain that resulted from over working and porn/masturbation addiction.”7- “One patient noted some incomplete relief from propranolol (80 mg), another from lamotrigine (150 mg/day).”Good luck !
Can cow urine reduce cancer?
The only time I’ve heard of drinking cow urine was to take fly agaric via cowYour own urine cures cancer and Dr Burzynski MD cures cancer with a urine extract"What made Dr Burzynski a threat to the cancer industry from the beginning was the prospect that antineoplaston therapy represented a successful alternative to toxic and dangerous chemotherapy drugs, upon which most of the cancer industry’s profits depend. Did the NCI pick up the tab for completing his research? Did the ACS help with favourable publicity? Of course not. The minute NCI saw evidence of antineoplastons working they distorted the data by withdrawing the 2 successful patients and thus the evidence. NCI’s conduct towards him is a striking example of how an agency presumed to be objective can set up a study that will either prove or disprove anything it wants. In this case, there is clear evidence that NCI wanted to prove antineoplastons didn’t work."—John Diamond, M.D. & Lee Cowden, M.D."Typical of Burzynski's extraordinary results were the outcomes for early groups of advanced cancer patients treated with antineoplastons: 60 percent enjoyed objective remission, 47 percent experienced complete remission, and 20 percent survived for over five years without cancer. These and other results are far superior to anything reported then or now for standard cancer treatments. (For example, in 1985 interleukin-2 was heavily promoted by orthodoxy, supposedly as a highly promising new treatment after a single study showed it to have been associated with a complete remission from cancer in only one patient out of twenty-four treated -- a positive response rate of only fourpercent!)."--Barry"Without exception, all the oncologists I talked to about Dr Burzynski were scornful and hostile. Twenty- five years of practicing unconventional medicine did not prepare me for what I discovered. Delving into attitudes, actions, and beliefs of modern oncologists was like opening a box of cereal and finding it full of worms. They just don’t care….The question I kept asking was why, and the answer to that question gradually began to creep out: Dr Burzynski’s discovery threatens one of the largest and most lucrative industries in the history of mankind, the cancer treatment industry.All those radiation machines and doctors who run themAll those chemotherapy drugs and the doctors who prescribe themAll those so called studies that just juggle the doses of chemo & radiation, andAll those surgeons who have been flailing at cancer for over a 100 yearsIf it (antineoplastons) is allowed to flourish, it renders obsolete the entire cancer treatment industry. He has discovered a non-toxic treatment that is about as close to cure as we have ever seen. If you think the lumber jacks in the Pacific Northwest were scornful of the spotted owl, you haven’t seen anything yet….Also it is not just about money, it is about strongly held beliefs, beliefs that have meshed with the personality of virtually everyone in the cancer treatment industry, especially the physicians. In short, these beliefs are that cancer can only be treated with therapies that mutilate, poison, or burn the patient, in the hope that they "kill" the cancer…..Therefore, each patient who is miraculously cured by Burzynski’s nontoxic therapy is not viewed as a breakthrough, or even as something good, but rather as a dangerous messenger of heresy, a terrible threat to their beliefs."—Dr Whitaker M.D.It’s a wee bit cheaper to drink your own and must work better as MDs need the patent to make the money"Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic insufficiency, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis, adrenal failure, allergies and so many other ailments have been relieved through use of this therapy. After you overcome your initial gag response (I know I had one), you will realize that something big is going on, and if you are searching for health, this is an area to investigate. There are numerous reports and double blind studies which go back to the turn of the century supporting the efficacy of using urine for health."CANCEREliass Quispe { La Paz, Bolivia } Friday, November 24, 2000"I am initiating in this field by necessity since my mother is diagnosed with cancer. By a photocopy of a book that treats this subject I moved myself to apply this therapy with her and I now give to faith and testimony that this is effective. My mother was very weak and after ten days she feels fortified in her physical. I see her with future life. I believe THAT THIS GIVING RESULT IS GOOD."Worldwide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward CANCER“Shri Pukhraj Kucheria informs from Daman (Dist. Bulsar) that he applied urine treatment on two patient of cancer and T.B. and he could achieve success in both the cases.”Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel CANCERThe following is a reaction from Stanislaw R. Burzynski, scientific researcher and discoverer of the anticancer substance Antineoplast, to the Urine Therapy Centre in Ahmedabad, India. He discusses the possible link between Antineoplast and the positive results of urine therapy as it is applied in India.The main interest of our research are the compounds which we have named Antineoplast. They have very potent anticancer activity without causing any harm to the normal human tissues. In the last year we were able to treat successfully 14 different types of human cancers in including bladder, colon, tongue, breast, lung, ovarian and uterine cancer all of them with metastases to distant organs, even to the brain. The result of these studies are in press now. Antineoplastons, which chemically are medium sized peptides, are produced by healthy human tissues and are present in blood and urine. At the present time we are isolating them from normal human urine. The concentration of Antineoplastons in urine is very small and usually it is necessary to process 29 gallons of urine to obtain a daily dose for one patient. This amount of the medication is dissolved in a very small volume and given the same way as Insulin injections.We were able to have complete remission in four to six weeks in medium advanced cases. At the present time we do not see any adverse reaction. It is my great pleasure to know that in India you have good results with autourotherapy, because it may support our theory. Western medicine took a lot from Indian folk medicine. We are glad to know that our therapy may have the links with natural treatment done for centuries.(From: Manav Mootra, Raojibhai Patel, Ahmedabad 1991) CANCER OF BREAST“ A young patient was in an advanced stage of breast cancer. It presented a horrible sight, and the stench was indescribable. It was thus the patient came for advice. The doctor suggested that she should apply a two ply lint compress saturated with her own urine to the deep wound, to be left on until dry and then removed, the last one to be applied just before retiring for the night.The ultimate result was indeed very remarkable in that the dreadful, revolting smell vanished in a few days, much to the astonishment of her cancer specialist in London, as well as to the patient herself.”Urine Therapy by Dr. John F. O'QuinnCANCER OF BREAST“I will now give the case history of Mrs. R. She was in her early forties at the time. Condition anaemic, under average height, below normal weight, lump about the size of a hen's egg in one of her breasts. Diagnosed as cancer by the late Dr. Rabagliati, an immediate operation was urged, but firmly refused. She fasted on urine and drank 2 1/2 pints of cold tapwater daily. Her husband massaged her from head to foot with his own urine for two hours a day, and packs wrung out in urine were placed over both breasts day and night.She was cured in ten days. She returned to Dr. Rabagliati on the twelfth day after the last visit to him, and he could find no trace of abnormality in the breast. Anaemia had vanished also, and the patient had been restored to perfect health.”Urine Therapy by Dr. John F. O’Quinn CANCER OF BREASTMartha Cecilia H. Sanchez. Mexico."I had cancer of uterus in third degree and a lump in the right side of my breast. I had disastrous results. They said that it was malignant and they were goingto amputate the breast.To the Glory of God, here I am writing. Blessed and praised be it forever. I drank my urine for three months and I felt like a new woman. My symptoms and lump totally disappeared, thanks to God."Testimonials of Patients Cured by Urine Therapy - paraisodelasalud Resources and Information.CANCER OF BREAST“A young woman had developed a growth in her breast. She was put on a diet of her own urine plus tap water and used urine compresses. In a short time, four days, the growth had entirely disappeared.”Drink Your Own Water by Tony ScazzeroCANCER OF BOWEL“A lady of sixtytwo was diagnosed to have cancer of the bowel. A colostomy was advised by the professionals, but was refused. Her weight was under eightyfour pounds and rapidly wasting away. She was cured in three weeks, and at the date of this writing is eightyfour years old.”Urine Therapy by Dr. John F. O'QuinnCANCER OF BOWELMs. T.A., Australia"In 1988 I myself had cancer in the bowel, liver and lymph system. For the cancer in the bowel I had three operations within three months, after which I was only skin and bone. For the liver and lymph glands I was offered chemotherapy, which I declined. All the anaesthetics, antibiotics and postoperative drugs had weakened the immune system to rock bottom, and because of this I had already started to lose great bunches of hair.I had asked God, in prayer, to bring me anything I needed to get well again, and the very next morning I was given by a friend a "Water of Life" book, which in medical terms is uropathy or urine therapy, written by J.W Armstrong. Such is God's immediate response!I thanked the Father within me, and I knew that what I had read would totally heal me, if I now applied it to my own situation and condition. I decided not to tell my doctor or anyone until I felt totally healed. I did not want any discouragement or negative influence. I kept up with meditation and relaxation, my usual wheatgrass juice, mixed with lettuce juice to make it more palatable, and other veggie juices. Plenty of salads and greens, no meat, no cooked foods, no dairy products, oils or fats for three months, to heal the liver. Daily rubbings of my whole body, including hair and scalp, with urine. As J.W Armstrong wrote, and as the Bible says, "Anoint thy body!" The skin is an absorbing organ for the lymph glands. I would do this in the afternoon, and shower the next morning. I also drank my own "Water of Life" in between meals, early morning and during the night, up to seven glasses per day.Nine months later I went to the doctor, looking and feeling well, which was a great surprise to him. He thought I had already died. A blood test showed no remaining trace of cancer any more."The Golden Fountain by Coen van der Kroon CANCER IN BLOOD (LEUKEMIA)Edelmira Maniquez { Michoacan Mexico }"My name is Edelmira Manriquez. I live Santoyo and in the street Cuautla, Juarez Colony in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. My telephone is. I want to make public my testimony. My Celestial Father again gave the opportunity for me to live. I am a Leucemia patient (Cancer in the Blood). In March of 1999 the last of the my three children" Lucia" I gave her birth. I noticed that a muscle grew of considerable form in my abdomen. I returned to the doctor. He began to examine and between analysis, ultrasounds, xrays, studies of bone marrow and others; they finished diagnosing " LEUKEMIA" to me . According to the doctor, my problem took but of a year. As it is logical, the tears came and other thousand questions.I initiated fasting and I dealt to face my disease with vengeance. That disease was mineand it would be with me all the way that I had left of life. One night I woke up contents. I deduced that during my dream my Celestial Father close remembered that he was part of me. I put myself in his hands and I entrusted much to my family above. That night I found half of my strength and other half I obtained it when I finished reading the book of Urine Chemistry by Sonia Rodriguez. Two friends of mine also read her book.After reading the book, the 19 of September of 1999, at 9 in the morning, I did the first taking of my Urine promising to my Celestial Father that I will take it by everything what I had left of life. I also chose to leave all medicines. I did not doubt at any moment, what I had to do. I mean to them that my hemoglobin was very low (6 mg/ml) and that the number of 270.000 leukocytes was above of pox milliliter (normal level: 5.000 to 10.000 leukocytes by milliliter.) In addition I received very high doses of oral chemotherapy and other medicines like the interferon and many others. At the moment my leukocytes are normal and I am alive happy with my family. Everything was a slow process relatively (5 months), during which little by little I was feeling better. Every time with force my appetite and desires to live grew.Urine is the first wonder of the world. Like medicine for the health it is a gift that God the Father donated to us because he does not want disease with us. He wants always to be happy. With Edelmira affection."Edelmira Manriquez Santoyo Morelia, Michoacan Mexico Thursday, February 01, 2001Worldwide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward CANCER OF BREAST“A lady of fortytwo years old was diagnosed to have cancer of the breast. Excision was advised, to be followed by a strict regime, but only a faint hope of a cure was offered by the profession. The patient refused the operation. A complete cure was facilitated by the fastingurine method.”The Water of Life by John ArmstrongCANCER OF BREASTMrs. Graciela P. Solis {Mexico}"In August of 1995, they detected a tumor in my left breast, they operated on me and it was cancerous of which 13 ganglia were malignant and 7 benign. They applied chemotherapy and radiation later. In January of 1996 new cancer extended to the bones of pelvis. I began to take Urine and at the moment I am better. Thanks to God and Mrs. Sonia who put it in my path."Worldwide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward CANCER OF CHEST (Adenocarcinoma)"I was officially diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma (cancer) of the chest with possible infiltration of the left lung two years ago. Soon after I was diagnosed, I was hospitalized because my lung had filled with fluid and collapsed. I was in a desperate struggle to stop the production of the fluid, in addition to which I was terribly constipated and uncomfortable.Then I came across information on this particular natural therapy. As soon as I had ingested the [fluid] it was miraculous. My bowels immediately began to moveagain. The relief was incredible and the fluid production in my lung also subsequently soon died down to the doctors' amazement. They had no recourse but to remove my chest tube. They wanted me to consider chemotherapy, radiation or surgery but I refused and signed myself out of the hospital.Needless to say I am still here after two years even though my parents were informed I had only four months to live after the diagnosis. I had used a number of holistic approaches (colonies, herbs, etc.) but to be perfectly honest I know it wasthe internal and external use of [this fluid] which has saved my life."— Mr. R., New York, Your Own Perfect Medicine by Martha M. ChristyCANCER OF GALLBLADDER"52yearold woman with jaundice (serum bilirubin 11 mg.%). Melonsized tumor in the right epi and mesogastrium; exploratory laparotomy revealed advanced cancer of the gallbladder with metastases to the liver, cecum and transverse colon.After 5 injections of the urine extract, there was shrinkage of the tumor, reduction in size of the liver, bilirubin dropped to 1.6 mg%. Within 10 months of followup examinations, the patient exhibited no symptoms; on rare occasions, stomach upset occurred after dietary irregularities."Therapeutic Results of the Use of an AutoUrine Extract on Malignant Tumors, 1961, by Dr. NovakCANCER IN KIDNEYSMr. Gustavo L. { Mexico }"Always I have been very ill. I have taken many medicines and never have I felt so good as now. They said me that my problem did not have remedy. I went to the hospital in Guadalajara and they said to me that my kidneys and urethras are not seen in the xray. I had only a few days of life left because the problem of Cancer was very advanced. I felt very sad, depressed and then somebody gave me a book from Dr. of Chemistry Sonia Rodriguez and I started with the therapy.Thanks to God I did start and for two years of taking the therapy every month and for surprise of the doctors that took care of to me. I am very ready for work and I made my life normal and productive."Worldwide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary WardCANCER OF LIVER“Mrs. Champa Devi is a widow of Jeera. She is 57. She came to me on 1151974, suffering from tumour of the liver, diabetes and blood pressure. A thorough checkuprevealed that her liver was assailed by cancer. She had undergone treatment at the Rajendra Hospital, Patiala for five months. She was discharged by the doctors as a case beyond medical cure.She was relieved of all her complaints after a couple of months of regular autourine treatment. Her eyes that were yellowish and swollen due to the disease came to their normal state by washing with urine. She is now completely cured.”from Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel CANCER OF LIVER"Friends. Had I not stumbled upon U. T. eleven years before, my family members and friends would have been mourning my 11th death anniversary!In the year 1984 when I was 42 years old the doctors of the prestigious Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay diagnosed that I was suffering from liver cancer of last stage. Prior to getting admitted in Tata Hospital I was treated by several well known Allopaths, Homeopaths and even Ayurvedic physicians for several months, but my health went on deteriorating day by day as I couldn't eat any thing; as a result of which my body was reduced to a mere skeleton weighing 40 kg. against my original weight of 62 kg. Doctorsof Tata Hospital had advised me to go for Chemotherapy and thereafter Radiation therapy as a last resort. I shuddered at the very thought of those dangerous treatments as I had seen with my own eyes the miserable and painful conditions of my few relatives and friends who had undergone those horrible treatments. I prayed God to save∙m.e from this dangerous predicament.And, as if God heard my prayer and sent his messenger in the form of one Mr. Nanubhai Chitalia whose incredible recovery story of terminal liver cancer had been published by numerous newspapers and magazines. He had miraculously recovered from liver cancer by U. T. and had healthily survived for more than ten years against the physicians' prognosis of few days!He came to meet me in Tata Hospital to inspire and guide me to do U. T. instead of opting for harmful dangerous treatments. I gathered courage and: took voluntary discharge from Tata Hospital against medical advice and doctors' warning that I won't survive for more than ten days if I didn't undergo. the proposed treatment.Being a bookseller by profession I had read few books on U. T. but I had never thought of practising it. I made up my mind to follow U. T. as a last resort. I started drinking 1 1/2 to 2 glasses of Shivambu in the morning and within few days my mouth ulcers were cured and the blood that was coming out from my tongue and gums also stopped! This was not a small achievement for me. I felt great relief as I had suffered these afflictions for several months in spite of spending thousands of Rupees on its treatment. This gave me added confidence and inspiration to do U. T. treatment more systematically and intensively.I started drinking whole day's urine around seven glasses and in between I drank ample water, herbal tea of Tulsi Pudina, Carrot juice, Cabbage juice, Vegetables soups, fruit juices at an interval of an hour. After one month of treatment there was considerable improvement in my general health, and at the end of three months a strange incident occurred. Along with the stools I passed few tumor like substances which I collected and sent for pathological examination. In the report it was mentioned that those were the malignant tumors that might have got separated from the liver ! Thereafter there was fast improvement in my health After six months I went for checkup to the Tata Hospital and to the amazement of my physicians I was declared totally normal and healthy!Today after eleven years of my recovery from deadly disease I am having extraordinary health and stamina which I had 20 years before! I have become a∙ legendary personality amongst my friends, relatives and wellwishers!From my own experience I confidently declare that cancer can be certainly cured by Urine Therapy if done systematically.I am attending Shivambu Seminars without fail and narrate my incredible story to inspire the audience to follow U. T. before it is too late. Anybody can approach me for guidance. Jai Shivambu!from Shivambu Geeta by Dr. G. K. Thakkar CANCER OF LIVER“Diagnosed with metastatic cancer of the liver, complicated by hepatitis, she was sent home to die. She drank only her first morning urine and used it externally, no fasting. After ten days, she went back to the doctor feeling much better. The doctor could not believe she was alive. Within a few weeks she was working again.”Drink Your Own Water by Tony Scazzero, p. 80 CANCER OF LIVER"A 60 yearold woman with metastatic malignant tumors in the epigastrium and liver was treated with the urine extract. After 4 injections, both subjective and objective improvement was noted, as corroborated by radiological xrays showing marked tumor reduction.After six weeks, there were no obstructions noted in the upper abdomen and the liver was normal. Two years have passed since the treatments and there has been no further incidence of the cancer."Therapeutic Results of the Use of an AutoUrine Extract on Malignant Tumors, 1961, by Dr. NovakCANCER OF NECK“A Jain monk, 45, was suffering from cancer. He had a tumor on his neck. In Bombay, he had been treated electrically, as a result of which the tumor disappeared but reappeared on the other side. Intense coughing was also present. The doctor treating the monk had named cancer to be the cause. The doctor also advised him to go to Tata Hospital in Bombay. Before he was to leave, he was informed about Urine Therapy. The next day, he started drinking all the urine passed during the day and also fasted. With the drinking of urine, his body became light and soft. The cough disappeared in three days. As a result, his faith in Urine Therapy had increased. He continued drinking urine. Some days later, the monk had clear motions and sound sleep. The urine maintained his strength during the period of fast. The monk was fully relieved of his trouble with this treatment, without the rubbings. The monk still lives and travels in Gujarat and has no trouble whatsoever.”Urine Therapy by Dr. John F. O'QuinnCANCER OF OVARY“A woman with metastasized ovarian cancer claims that she cured herself using the universal remedy, ingesting a few ounces of urine every day and using the rectalimplantsyringe to cleanout the bowel regularly. Though six months passed before her doctors confirmed that she no longer needed surgery and chemotherapy, she was very happy to discover a free, safe, and simple holistic procedure. These options helped her avoid allopathic medicine’s way of dealing with her condition which only offered a 50/50 chance to live another 5 years or more.”Uropathy by Martin J. Lara CANCER OF PROSTATEConsuelo MS. Mexico."An uncle of mine who lives in Hermosillo, Sonora, is a cardiologist. At the age of 65 years was cured of prostate cancer.He had lost all hope in chemotherapy treatments. We gave him the book "Water of Life". He did urine fasting for two weeks and felt much better. This happened in 1992. He continued taking it, and he is in good health and fully cured."Testimonials of Patients Cured by Urine - paraisodelasalud Resources and Information.CANCER OF PROSTATE"Howard Cohen, a computer consultant from Palo Alto, said that his twice-weekly "smoothies" made with breast milk and fruit had helped put his prostate cancer into remission and allowed him to avoid more invasive treatment, such as surgery.Mr Cohen first took breast milk after he was diagnosed in 1999. His wife read an article about Swedish research on breast milk and cancer cells. A friend who was breast-feeding at the time gave him some of her milk, and Mr Cohen found that his levels of prostate-specific antigen, a warning sign for prostate cancer, dropped back to normal.His urologist was sceptical but not opposed to Mr Cohen's self-treatment so long as it had no adverse effects.Mr Cohen has undergone regular blood tests and screenings in the past two-and-a-half years and there have been no signs of cancer" sofchemotherapy.htmlCANCER OF STOMACH“Shri Dinubhai R. Joshi (Advocate, Bombay High court) made a statment in MaladSeminar on urine therapy that on his advice a friend was cured of his stomach cancer, another of his throat cancer and some friends of their small or big ailments by urine therapy. He emphasized the fact that there were many a people who take advantage of this therapy but do not dare to declare its benefits openly.”Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel CANCER OF STOMACH“The first patient of cancer of stomach was treated by urine application directly under my guidance. Shri Mafatlal Chandulal Shah is the member of the municipality, Palanpur. His three years old son Subhash fell a victim to cancer. Shri Chandulal Shah adopted urine treatment and was able to avoid the untimely death of his dear son. ln his letter, dated 2241961, he writes to me :Last year my younger son Subhash fell ill. He had a tumorous cancer in his stomach and pus in his testicles. The testicles had to be operated to remove put. But the wound of the operation would not heal. At last I had him examined in Tata Hospital at Bombay. Mr. Borji, a doctor of this hospital, examined him and after giving Xrays diagnosed that there was tumour of cancer in his stomach. The doctor further opined that the patient would have to be subjected to deep Xrays on his stomach and testicles.ln the newspapers, I had read about urine therapy. I decided to try the same. Following the kind advice of Shri Popatla Zaveri and the instructions given in the book ManavMutra, I kept Subhash on fast for two days only. during the fast, he was given to drink boiled water and all the urine he passed. His entire body was rubbed with his own urine every morning and evening. After four days, boils appeared on his head and the rest of the body. Pus oozed out of the body. Pieces of cloth soaked in urine were applied. After seven days' treatment, the wounds were healed up. He was given very light and easily digestible diet. Drinking and rubbing of urine continued daily. Consequently, the wound on his testicles was healed too. The urine treatment continued for one month and he was completely cured.Now there was no trace of tumour in his stomach. He was then examined by the doctors who reported that the boy had no disease. The experiment however continued. After one week our doctor accompanied me and Subhash was examined in the general hospital at Nagpur. His blood and urine were tested. They declared that Subhash had no cancer at all. He now hale and hearty.”Manav Mootra by R. M. PatelCANCER OF THROAT“ S.C. Champaneria is a resident of Bulsar and is sixtytwo years old. He developed throat cancer in 1962 when he was in Africa. His throat was quite sore. He knew the uselessness of allopathic treatment in cancer, so he began Urine Therapy on September 22, 1962. He used to drink urine three times each day and apply urine packs on the throat tumor and place urine drops in the ears. In one month he completely cured himself of cancer.”Urine Therapy by Dr. John F. O'QuinnCANCER OF THROAT“Sant Kalasinhji, age seventyfive, suffered from asthma. Thereafter, he expectorated blood with his cough. Doctors believed that it was due to cancer of the throat. There was a small wound in the throat and it emitted a very bad smell. Urinesoaked cotton was placed on the wound and was changed every three hours. He got some relief. He was given urine acid to drink under a pretext. After two months, the bleeding stopped. The doctors diagnosed that he was fully cured.”Urine Therapy by Dr. John F. O'QuinnCANCER OF THROAT“ A Harijan woman was emitting blood through the mouth even in ordinary coughing. She was hospitalized more than once but with no improvement. Doctors believed that she had developed cancer of the throat. She was given Urine Treatment under pretext for three days. The bleeding stopped at once. After coming to realize the remedy, she drank urine willingly and rubbed it on her chest for forty days and cured herself completely. She is now quite healthy.”Urine Therapy by Dr. John F. O'QuinnCANCER OF THROATDr. V.P. Mehta, Mumbai"I am a qualified and experienced medical doctor with the highest degrees both in medicine and surgery. On March 12, 1986, I was diagnosed with cancer of the aryepiglottic area (throat) with enlarged cervical lymph nodes. After receiving chemotherapy and a course of cobalt therapy I was to be operated on.Between August and October I tried Urine Therapy. By October 5, 1986, my disease was under control and the proposed surgery was canceled. I have not only recovered in a medical sense, but I am also leading a fully active professional life. In other words, even the quality of my life has improved. I feel the same zeal which I felt 30 years ago."Worldwide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary WardCANCER OF TONGUEHashmukh G. Panwala (1676, Sevkani wadi, Khadia, Ahmedabad1} provides an excellent case of cancercure by urine therapy:"About a couple of months ago, I had to consult eminent doctors and specialists for the treatment of my father. He was said so suffer from malignant tongue cancer. Being in the employment in airlines, I had a mind to take him to Switzerland, but it was considered to be of no avail. However in my overenthusiasm, I did manage to give my father some deep Xrays, numbering about four courses, but despite this the shooting pain did not subside even for a while.As I had an occasion to try urine therapy for my own chronic cold trouble in 1957, I suggested to my proposal. He started the treatment, commencing with ten days' fast. Soon after, amazing relief was noticeable, even though the pace of progress was very slow. I thought it was advisable to consult Shri Raojikaka. He suggested to begin the treatment again commencing with four days' fast and atter the fast, to continue the treatment of urine therapy while taking special care about food. Salt, sugar, milk and other things were totally forbidden. My father followed the regime religiously. I was also carefully watching the progress.When I consulted the doctors and surgeons again, I was told that something miraculous had happened to my father inasmuch as his cancer was cured 75% in one and a half month.I was over jubilant to hear this and was anxiously waiting for 100 percent cure. Lastly some ten days ago, I went to an eminent doctor with my father for checkup. According to his opinion, the cure was almost complete and the patient might be feeling that he was completely cured."Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel CANCER OF TONGUE“C.H. Patel, age fiftyone, had developed cancer on his tongue. A coworker had asked Patel to try Urine Treatment for his cancer. In due course, he met with success and got rid of his trouble.”Urine Therapy by Dr. John F. O'QuinnCANCER OF TONSILS AND THROATBill's Journey using Human Milk Therapy for Throat Cancer The Milk of Human Kindness: Human Milk TherapyWritten by Cheryl Scott RN, PhD, IBCLCRudolph Ballentine, MD, in his book Diet and Nutrition, states: “In many cultures, milk is, in fact, a symbol of the willingness to give, to sacrifice, and to put the welfare of another above that of oneself. Expressions such as “the milk of human kindness” are to be found in many languages.[1]As a lactation consultant for the past 15 years, I find myself in continual awe at the special qualities a mother’s milk provides to her baby. Much is known about the nutritional and protective qualities of human milk. Human milk provides antibodies and other protective substances for both a mother’s child as well as adult recipients. Recently, I have discovered a new dimension, a deeper look at the unique sacrifice and gift of life breastfeeding women provide for humans, big and small.Personal Benefits Bill Experienced from Donated Human Milk: Protected and supported his immune system Natural Tranquilizer: Assisted him to sleep soundly after his doses Healed his bed sore (secondary to severe malnutrition) within 4 hours Destroyed his cancer cells Minimized mucositis (sores in throat and oral region from radiation) Supported his T cell count and leukocyte count during chemo & radiation safeguarding Bill during his hospitalizations from nosicomial infections As of April 2013: He is cancer free for over 2.5 years! His doctors are amazed and happy at how strong and lively he is!This story began in July of 2009, when my Sweetheart, Bill, was diagnosed with Stage 4Tonsil cancer, which had metastasized throughout his throat. Initially Bill sought surgical treatment from the Mayo Clinic using a robot to remove 7 tumors in his throat. Despite the reputation of an 80% success rate with the Mayo Clinic’s transoral robotic surgery, 1 year later, we received a new diagnosis of 4 more aggressive tumors in his throat and base of his tongue. The most troublesome tumor was very large and was encasing his carotid artery. This explained Bill’s frequent episodes of passing out. A second surgery was not an option for Bill since his blood flow to his brain was strangulated by this very aggressive tumor. Bill’s only hope from his new doctors was aggressive radiation and chemotherapy. Bill had already been utilizing about 10 holistic anticancer protocols, which strengthened him, however these holistic methods did not stop the postsurgical metastasis of his tumors.Bill’s physicians mapped out a very aggressive radiation and chemotherapy course as his last hope to destroy the cancer and restore proper blood flow to his brain. Sadly, the toxicity from radiation and chemo made Bill very, very sick. Thankfully, the doctors had placed a feeding tube called a peg tube into his stomach since his throat would be too swollen to eat for months. However, he threw up the formula that was fed through his feeding tube as well. We tried every type of antinausea medication under the sun without any relief. He soon dropped his weight from 175 to 115. It was so sad to see this vibrant, strong man reduced down to skin and bones. I feared the treatments might kill him before the cancer. And then a miracle happened.I received an email from a colleague of mine, a nurse who works at the same hospital where I work. She wrote: “Just thought I would offer some breastmilk for Bill and his n/v. I could donate and I think I would be able to get some other donors as well. Obviously I'm not sure about what the total volume would be but we could try. Let me know and I will start a milk collection campaign.” Blessings, JackieMy friend and colleague, Jackie was breastfeeding her 8monthold baby and was blessed with the ability to make more milk than her baby actually needed. She told me she was just about ready to stop pumping at work since her baby had more milk than he needed at home. However, when she heard of Bill’s trouble with keeping any food down, she wanted to offer her milk, knowing the immense healing properties of Mother’s Milk. She said she would be more than happy to continue to pump when she was at work and she could split her milk supply between her baby and Bill. What a blessing!I asked Bill if he would like to add Human Milk Therapy to his treatment plan and he broke down crying when he heard of Jackie’s kind offer. The very next day, I was able to pick up Jackie’s first donation of the Milk of Human Kindness. When we returned home, we infused 1 ounce into Bill’s GT tube. He didn’t throw it up! It was the first time in over 2 weeks that he did not vomit what we placed into his stomach. We added another ounce and then another ounce to reach the therapeutic dosage range of 3 ounces of Human Milk which is the suggested dosage as an anticancer treatment. Bill was able to keep the 3 ounces in his stomach. A lot of rejoicing was going on in our household that day!When Bill woke up the next morning, he had a small bedsore developing on the tip of his tailbone secondary to his severe state of malnutrition from his radiation and chemotherapy toxicity. I placed some drops of Mother’s Milk onto the small bedsore and I was amazed to see the bedsore disappeared within 4 hours. That is unheard of! (When my late husband developed a bedsore in his frail state with his paralysis from his brain tumor, we were never, ever able to heal the bedsore despite a myriad of medications and concoctions from his doctors and hospice nurses. Once skin breakdown from malnutrition occurs, it is very hard if not impossible to stop the process.) I was ecstatic to see the healing power of mothers’ milk at work once again!God works in amazing ways! The day after I received Jackie’s initial email offering her gift of breast milk for Bill’s healing, I received another email from a lactation consultant who is in charge of Sacramento’s WIC Breastfeeding programs. Amelia had an employee who was making an abundant amount of milk for her baby and had large amounts of excess breastmilk stored in her freezer. She asked if we would be interested in using some of her donated milk to help heal Bill! Again, there were tears of joy streaming down Bill’s face from his grateful heart for these dear mothers who wanted to share their healing milk.As a lactation consultant I had heard about donor breast milk used to treat cancer patients when I attended lactation conferences. It is known as Human Milk Therapy. The use of Mother’s Milk to treat conditions such as immune deficiency and cancer is commonly known as Human Milk Therapy. However, I had never personally known anyone who used breast milk to treat cancer.Bill received donations of human milk from three other donors, including his niece, Aleia. Through the generous donations of human milk, we were able to provide Bill with the recommended therapeutic dosage throughout his acute phase of aggressive radiation and chemotherapy. It was amazing to see the many health benefits for Bill's recovery from cancer.I truly wonder if Bill would have survived the severity of the aggressiveness of his radiation and chemo if he had not had the life supporting properties of mother’s milk. I remember one day, Bill was just released from the hospital for his severe nausea, vomiting, malnutrition and dehydration. His oncologist told us to get Bill immediately to the emergency room if he spiked a fever greater than 100. Well, his first day home from the hospital, he became really red, hot, feverish, felt really lousy and his temperature was rising to over 100. We had just began using human milk therapy a few days before, so I doubled his dose to 6 ounces via his GT tube and his fever came down within the hour and we did not need to take him to the emergency department. This was so wonderful!Bill was in immense pain from the aggressive radiation to his entire throat region. He was on large doses of pain relievers toWe did not tell his doctors initially about using human milk therapy until Bill’s third hospitalization for hydration and pain control. For a few weeks, the only nutrition he received was his IV fluids and human milk in his GT tube. He would throw up everything else up. At the end of his third hospitalization, the doctors began Bill back on a special formula to boost his calories. This is when we told his nutritionist about the doses of human milk therapy we were giving to Bill. She was fine with human milk therapy as long as we were not relying on this for his caloric needs. We assured her we were primarily using human milk therapy for it’s anticancer therapy. The doctors and nutritionists appeared just fine with this.Another great benefit we noticed human milk provided for Bill was the protective benefits to the sensitive mucous lining of his mouth and throat that were receiving enormous amounts of daily radiation. Bill’s oncologist kept expecting large holes and burns in the back of his mouth and throat. He couldn’t understand why his tissues weren’t full of sores. We just smiled REALLY big at each of our visits with his radiologist who was so happy with Bill’s progress.The best news came at Bill’s 3 month PET scan revealing Bill to be cancer free! This journey through tonsilar and throat cancer has been a very long, hard and painful journey for Bill, however the gifts of mothers’ milk from each of these loving mothers blessed Bill and I beyond words. Our hearts are very grateful for the wonderful care Bill received from his health care team and the loving donations of life giving milk from these wonderful mothers.PS Bill is now 3 years cancer free![1] Ballentine, Rudolph, Diet and Nutrition: A Holistic Approach, 1978. Pgs. 124124.[2] ADULTS TURN TO BREAST MILK TO EASE EFFECTS OF CHEMOTHERAPY by Michael Day, Health Correspondent, TelegraphWritten by Cheryl Scott RN, PhD, IBCLCCANCEROUS TUMORMrs. Maria R. Sanchez { Mexico }"I was healed of a cancerous tumor that I had. In three months THANKS TO GOD, I am cured and I feel very well. I ask everyone who believes in God to know that diseases are a disguised blessing, as Jesus said."Worldwide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary WardCANCER OF UTERUS“Mrs. Surjit Kaur of Longodeva (Jeera, Dist. Ferozpur, Punjab), 33 years of age, was given up as a hopeless case of cancer by the ludhiana physicians. Then she, accompanying her father, came to me on 331974. After examining her thoroughly, I told her, “If you undergo the treatment with faith and patience you will be all right.”I put her on fruitjuice, prescribed autourine drinking daily thrice and urine massage for an hour every day. She was restored to full health within three months’ treatment.”from Manav Mootra by R. M. PatelCANCER OF VAGINA“Mayadevi was having pain in the abdomen. Doctors ascribed it to complications in her menstruation. Treatment by them only aggravated her condition. On taking an Xray print it was found that her vagina was infected. When she was operated upon at the Mission Hospital at Ludhiana it was found that she had cancer of the vagina and her life was in danger. She was therefore brought back to her own hospital.I examined the patient and knowing the case history started autourine therapy. The wound of operation was covered with urine bandage. Within a few days she was cured. Now she freely moves about and even travels.”from Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel CANCER OF WOMB“Shri Hans relates a case of the cancer of womb. A wife of small factoryowner had a small child and to avoid another pregnancy she had inserted a loop. She had leucorrhoea and so the aftereffect of loop was very serious. She had now the cancer of the womb. There was no benefit from doctor’s treatment. So she undertook urine treatment. She drank autourine as well as massaged her back and abdomen and a douche of nimleavesboiled urine was given in the vagina. It was given twice a day. In 40 days she was completely cured.”Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel
Why does Japan have such a low spread of the corona virus compared to other countries?
Coronavirus: How Japan keeps COVID-19 under control | DW | 25.03.2020ASIACoronavirus: How Japan keeps COVID-19 under controlDespite its proximity to China, Japan hasn't seen the massive outbreak of the coronavirus that has shut down much of Europe and North America. What are the Japanese doing differently to help slow the spread?Coronavirus concerns weren't on the mind of the many people enjoying Japan's famed cherry blossoms this past weekend. Thousands of people sat under the pink splendor in parks and along avenues, eating their packed lunches, drinking beer and snapping selfies with the budding blossoms."Hanami, the flower show, is the most important event of the year for us Japanese," said an employee at Ueno Park in Tokyo.The contrast to Europe could hardly be greater. Japan so far has 10 outbreak clusters, with close to 1,200 confirmed cases and 43 deaths to the coronavirus as of March 24. Only a few dozen new infections are reported every day. These figures should have exploded — after all, Japan is very densely populated, with the world's highest density of senior citizens. And it's in close contact with nearby China, where the disease originated: in January, some 925,000 Chinese people traveled t to Japan, while another 89,000 made the trip in February.Responding to the coronavirus pandemic, the Japanese government closed all schools two weeks before the spring holidays at the end of March and canceled all public events. But shops and restaurants could remain open, and few Japanese employees decided to work from home.The 2020 Olympic Games were postponed for one yearContaining the spreadThe low numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Japan initially aroused suspicion that the government was covering up the truth."After the Fukushima nuclear disaster [in 2011], the government initially refused to admit the reactor meltdowns," said Barbara Holthus, a sociologist with the German Institute for Japanese Studies in Tokyo. "Today, there remains a great distrust of official statements."Despite having the capacity to make 6,000 diagnostic tests per day, Japan has only tested around 14,000 swabs to date — 20 times fewer than neighboring South Korea, which has been hit hard by the pandemic. Only patients with the most severe symptoms are tested, said Masahiro Kami, a virologist at the Medical Governance Research Institute. That, he added, means the number of unreported cases is very high.Political scientist Koichi Nakano said Prime Minister Shinzo Abe likely wanted to present Japan as a safe country in order not to lose the Summer Olympics — though the International Olympic Committee ended up postponing the event anyway.Watch video01:51Tokyo Olympics postponed over coronavirusExperts at the Health Ministry have repeatedly rejected such criticism, saying they were looking for spikes in COVID-19 cases in order to contain the virus, rather than conducting widespread tests. When the epidemic broke out in a primary school on the northern island of Hokkaido, for example, authorities closed all schools in the prefecture and declared a state of emergency. After three weeks the spread of the virus had been stopped."The low number of tests was intended to ensure that health care resources remained available for serious cases of infection," Sebastian Maslow, a German political scientist at the University of Tokyo, told DW.Masks 'a part of our everyday lives'Japanese greeting etiquette — a bow instead of a handshake or a kiss on the cheek — has also played a part in slowing the outbreak, as has basic hygiene education taught from an early age."Washing our hands, gargling with a disinfectant solution and wearing masks are part of our everyday lives. We don't need coronavirus to teach us that," said a Japanese mother of two. As a result, it was easy for society to switch to anti-infection mode in February when the virus first began to spread. Shops and businesses set up hand sanitizers at the entrance, and it became a civic duty to wear a face mask.Japanese children learn about and practice good hygiene from an early ageThe country typically goes through 5.5 billion face masks every year — 43 per person. Sales of face masks skyrocketed as the virus took hold. Masks have been rationed, and people stand patiently in line waiting for shops to open. Other shops sell strips of fabric and coffee filters, along with instructions for DIY versions.The Japanese appear to have understood that a person can be infected without showing symptoms, said Michael Paumen, a German business manager who has lived in Japan for many years: "You put the mask on to protect others, so you yourself don't transmit viruses."The widespread use of face masks appears to have slowed down the spread of not just COVID-19, as indicated by the sharp drop in the number of flu patients in the seven weeks since the outbreak of the coronavirus. A recent study by five Western physicians, including Fabian Svara from the Caesar research group in Bonn and Matthias Samwald from the Medical University in Vienna, found that masks "decrease the transmission of droplets or aerosols containing viral particles by mask wearers."Apart from social distancing and hand-washing, the experts concluded that face masks could play an important role in slowing down the spread of the virus, pointing out the low infection rates in Japan.Slow return to normalIn view of this success, Abe last week refrained from declaring a national state of emergency. Since then, the Japanese have slowly been returning to their everyday lives. Tutoring schools are back in operation, with the children sitting apart from each other in well-ventilated rooms. Amusement parks have reopened, but people running a fever are asked to stay away.Watch video02:38Coronavirus: Japanese juggle their jobs and child careFearing a second wave of infections, the government has said that, for the time being, only schools in areas without COVID-19 patients will be allowed to open at the beginning of the new school semester in April. A ban remains prohibiting large public events.Foreign visitors, however, remain a threat according to health authorities, with South Koreans and EU citizens barred from entering the country. Foreigners who live in Japan are allowed to return but must remain in quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. According to unofficial information, the measures will remain in place until at least the end of April.Japan’s winning its quiet fight against Covid-19Japan’s winning its quiet fight against Covid-19A different approach has worked wonders in the Land of the Rising Calm with a minimum disruption to daily lifeBy JAKE ADELSTEINMARCH 25, 2020Defying the global novel coronavirus pandemic, revelers on boats enjoy the cherry blossoms on a lake in Tokyo. Photo: AFPFrance, Italy and parts of the United States are in lockdown. Streets are silent, shops are shut, fear reigns. It’s a grim Covid-19 spring.But not so in Japan. As the weather warms up, people are gathering in droves to get drunk under the blossoming cherry trees, some restaurants are offering 30% “Beat The Coronavirus” discounts, public transport is full and even amusement parks are reopening.So why aren’t more people dying? Japan has recorded a mere 49 deaths from Covid-19.The answer is not simple: multiple factors are at work.However, a Japanese official who gave an off-the-record briefing to Asia Times suggested that a “don’t ask, don’t tell” strategy, based on minimal testing and buttressed by information massage, has been quietly emplaced.That may sound opaque – even inhuman. But it has ensured national calm and continued economic activity. It has kept the medical system from being overwhelmed and rests on a strong foundation: world-class treatment of the disease’s main symptomatic killer, pneumonia.Land of the Rising CalmGovernment guidance on avoiding the coronavirus is hazy at best, confusing at worst.The government has ordered schools closed and all major events postponed. Most museums, amusement parks and event spaces were closed, but some are now reopening.A poster put out by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare warned people to avoid “the three densities” – poorly ventilated areas, crowds and close contact. It added that any situation in which you find all three factors combined must be avoided.Yet the poster’s illustration is not of a jam-packed commuter train. On these poorly ventilated, over-crowded vectors on wheels, avoiding close contact in rush hours is impossible. However, asking people to avoid the trains would hammer Japan Inc, and in this country, the economy always seems to trump public health concerns.What, then, of cultural factors?Japan is known for its remarkable addiction to cleanliness, and wearing masks for health and sometimes cosmetic reasons has been part of the culture for at least 100 years.Japan is not a touchy-feely nation like France or Italy. Social distancing is part of the culture. Barbara Holthus, Deputy Director at the German Institute for Japanese Studies, noted the greeting is the bow, not the kiss on the cheek or handshake.“Kissing in public only started after the Second World War,” Holthus said. “Hugging among family members is significantly less [than in the West], and often non-existent with older children.”But Holthus does not believe that social customs alone explain Japan’s apparent lack of an outbreak.Few would disagree, but there is little objective data to show how widespread infections have truly become.‘No needless tests’Even the Japan Medical Association announced there were 290 cases of doctors deciding that a patient needed to be tested for the novel coronavirus – but healthcare centers refused to administer tests.Though the scale of the epidemic cannot be gauged without tests, the Japanese government is holding back data, keeping test numbers low and doing its best to make sure that everything looks “under control.”The fatality rate for coronavirus is estimated to be between 1% and 3% of those infected, though some have argued that it may be much less in certain conditions. Thousands of deaths in Italy, a country with a major outbreak, make the disease look particularly lethal.On the other hand, South Korea, which also suffered a major outbreak, suggests otherwise. A recent study from the very extensive testing done in South Korea, where nearly 4,000 tests per million people were carried out, shows the mortality among those infected was only 0.6%.Many who get the virus will not show symptoms or get ill, and most of those who get ill recover. But it can kill – especially the aged – and Japan has the oldest population in the world. Embattled Italy is in second place. It does so by pneumonia, viral damage and sepsis.The Japanese Society for Infection Prevention and Control (JSIPC) updated their coronavirus manual on March 10.The tone is calm. “Japan is moving from containment measures to a period of spreading infection and we must adjust accordingly,” it says. Since March 6, Covid-19 testing won coverage under national health insurance – ergo, “as public money is being used for the coronavirus testing, it is necessary to carefully screen who gets tested.”It gently chides anyone who seeks “needless” testing and urges medical professionals to prevent overcrowding at hospitals by instructing patients with light symptoms to stay home and avoid others.Critically, it points out that since there is no specific treatment for Covid-19, the priority must be treating the illness via its pathogen causes.“The foundation of treatment is symptomatic therapy,” the manual reads. When signs of pneumonia are found, it suggests using all possible methods of treatment, such as giving oxygen and vasopressors as necessary. Above all, it reminds medical staff of the top priority: “Protect the lives of seriously-ill patients, especially in cases of pneumonia.”Fortunately, if you get pneumonia in Japan, you are in luck.A1 pneumonia treatmentJapan has an excellent public health care system. Care is affordable, so most people see a physician when they are beginning to feel ill, rather than when conditions have worsened.Pneumonia has been a leading cause of death in Japan, notably because aspiration pneumonia is increasingly common in elderly people. As of 2014, the over-65s have been eligible for free, but non-mandatory vaccination against one form of pneumonia. Since 2017, mortality numbers have dramatically declined.In 2018, pneumonia went from the third most common cause of death for Japanese of all ages to number five. The decline may be due to the way the Ministry of Health tabulates the data, but the use of new medicines and widespread use of CT (computed tomography) scans to catch pneumonia early have certainly contributed to cutting fatalities.When it comes to CT scanners, Japan may have the most diagnostic imaging devices in the world – the number per 100,000 people is 101. Australia, with 44, is a distant second. In addition, according to the Center for Disease Control, CT scanners are wonderfully adept at finding “ground glass opacities” – a technical term for hazy patches that indicate viral pneumonia, such as Covid-19.Japanese doctors may also be finding novel treatments.For example, there has been success using hydroxychloroquine, a malaria medication, to treat patients with advanced states of the illness. An asthma medicine sold here has also seemingly worked wonders. Reportedly, a woman in her 70s not only had her fever go down, but her severe pneumonia alleviated. Two other elderly patients were taken off respirators after receiving a regular dosage and recovered.The current “treat the symptoms approach” seems to be working. If you go to the doctor in Japan with symptoms of pneumonia or breathing difficulties, they are very unlikely to give you a test for the novel coronavirus, but are likely to give you a CT scan or X-ray.If medical pros find you have pneumonia, they will begin treating you. There is a very good chance you will be cured. And if you are cured, they probably will not test you for coronavirus. So a case of Covid-19 vanishes – literally and statistically.What if you aren’t cured?Hiding unpleasant truthsAfter the Tokyo Electric Power nuclear disaster at Fukushima in 2011, it took the government months to acknowledge that a meltdown had actually taken place. Tokyo has lied in the past and bureaucrats do cover up scandals. Unsurprisingly, at one time roughly 90% of the Japanese population did not believe their government’s statistics, according to an opinion poll taken in the Nikkei Shimbun.Recently, the Ministry of Health initially refused to test employees who undertook quarantine duty on the virus-infested Diamond Princess cruise ship. All were sent back to work and 10 later turned out to be infected.Japan appears to be severely and deliberately under-testing for the coronavirus, although it has stepped it up in recent weeks. On March 2, the number of tests per million people in neighboring South Korea averaged 4,099. In Japan, that figure was a mere 72.Stats are murkier for the dead. Japan only does autopsies in 10% of suspicious deaths. If someone dies of pneumonia in a hospital, the odds of an autopsy are low. Japan has not released data on the number of autopsies performed to verify whether coronavirus was the cause of death. There is occasionally a post-mortem analysis of tissue samples – but rarely.Possibly, coronavirus deaths are being hidden among pneumonia fatalities. South Korea has had 120 deaths from Covid-19, but Japan only 49. So, it is possible that the more populous Japan is sweeping Covid-19 fatalities under the rug?South Korea also had a mass outbreak in the southeastern city of Daegu among a religious sect. Japan has had no such calamity.So what are the latest figures for pneumonia deaths?The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare told Asia Times: “We only issue those numbers [in a comprehensive survey] every three years.” And the ministry’s latest nationwide hospital admissions data date back to November, before the pandemic struck.Unspoken strategyStill, there are no reports of mass, secret burials. And an official at the ministry – speaking on condition of anonymity – offered Asia Times an unauthorized explanation of Japan’s approach.“We are in a period where containment is probably not realistic,” the official said. “We need to focus on treating the serious cases and most experts would quietly agree. If everyone is urged to get testing, then medical institutions will overflow with people who do not need to be there. This not only detracts from taking care of more critical cases, it could indirectly result in a greater health crisis.”While South Korea and other countries have established off-site, drive-thru test stations, that is not the case in Japan. But the official also made clear that hospitals can be dangerous places.“Please consider that people and patients would also be exposed to higher risks of infection in crowded hospitals and clinics – and secondary infections as well. How does this sound? ‘Come in for a coronavirus test and leave with the flu!’ Unnecessary spending on tests is a waste of government resources, time and fiscals reserves. There is no specific treatment for Covid-19 yet.”At a time when other countries are in a panicked lockdown, with virtually all economic activity suspended indefinitely, the official went to the crux of what may be Japan’s unspoken strategy.“Ask yourself, ‘What is the value of wisdom when it brings no benefit to those who are the wiser?’ Most of the infected will recover on their own, thanks to their own immune systems. We need to first take care of those whose immune systems are failing them, or the health care system itself will fail.”That appears to have kept the medical sector from being overwhelmed.However, one tantalizing possibility – that the vaccination program for pneumonia which Japan has been enacting for the elderly since 2014 may be acting as a shield against Covid-19 – has not yet been scrutinized.“Frankly, I have not considered it,” said the official.
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