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Can a dedicated grass make a full summary of inside jokes and memes only NCTzen can understand?
First off… damn this was hard to make it took so long—I’ll do most of them based on who said them, and the members are ordered randomly so there’s no logic behind that.When making this I realized some members have so many iconic lines (like Ten, Johnny and Mark for example. Everything that comes out of their mouths is iconic. It’s always the foreign swaggers), while some don’t have as many. That’s not to say the ones that don’t have as many aren’t funny, however, because all the members are hilarious. One of the best things about the members is that they all have different styles of humor. I’ve noticed Jeno, for example, as one of the members with less iconic lines, has more of an in-the-moment type out of context humor.I also highly doubt I found all of them, so please let me know which ones I forgot (especially for the members who I only have a few written for)!!Hendery*riding a suitcase*DonkeyH a l l o ich bin Hendrrrrrrery!Let me show you what is big bubble! *blows world’s tiniest bubble*Actually, it is a cupI CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLDHenpunzelYour name is tidaboomHendery the chameleonWhen Hendery pretended to be Lucas’ girlfriendA caterpillar giving birthTHEN WHERE DO I PUT MY MOUTH?!?!His iconic facial expressionsYou guys know Naruto? *intense ninja hand signs* still learning.JohnnyMy dad- my dad knew I liked beans, so like, he was just playing with beans, and then he, he dropped it, and then he dropped a rock, and then it ~slid~, and then hot water started falling, and then ᑕ O ᖴ ᖴ ᗴ ᗴAnd I’m Johnny :DNo no no, what?? We’re at the luxury hotel :)Tu as de beux yeux✨glam sexy✨Johnny’s fashion evaluationI’m the chill kidoH dAdDyThey said your head’s flat afJohnny almost ditching Mark and Doyoung in the middle of ChicagoAma-JohnCHITTAPHRRRRRJohnny’s parrot impressionHahahaha. Very funnyWakey wakey hairW o a h, greasy!What the flute?!PEACE OUT M— JOHFAMLanguageI’m from ChicagoNot my problem(“What’s the best part of growing up in Chicago?”) gRoWiNg uP iN cHIcAgO :)SungchanSungchan’s puppy impressionDaddy long legsWhen Jeno was scared of him that one time in soccer on NCT WORLD 2.0MarkNCTzens are really pretty like grassWe’re just tOuCHiN, y’know? It’s all about i n t e r a c t i o n, we gotta be social!You gotta seize the opportunity🤌Sincerely happy birthdayParty in the city where the heat is onMy name is Mark, you can mark me in your heartIs your wifi ok??Privacy jigeummmThis ain’t a rap, this is- this is factNCT clowning Mark’s fartsOreo milkshakes, five guys, bye guysMark and the squirrelCzennie this is for you! *throws ball* *misses hoop*It’s so high it’s like my gradesBLUE pants BLUE pants. They’re not just blue they’re like, dark blue.Oh dude, he’s flirting!Alright guys, we’re the uh- foreign swaggersOiiiiMark is absolutely fully capableA lot of our pants p o p p e d. You feel air coming in through that partWe are at the tram stop, are you the tram that stops?Wow, this is SWEETLong ass rideNan I feel like the possibility of all these possibilities being possible is just another possibility that can possibly happen.Oh mah jeezusRed flavorMark’s eggsOh you think ya big boi throwin three stacks, imma show you how to ball you a mismatch, opinionated but I’m always spitting straight facts, throwback I might throw this on an eight trackGordan Ramsey roasting Mark’s eggsDude he just gave us The WinkSkrrt pull up in the coupe beep beepFlowering the flowers… oh fu— did I just say f l o w e r i n g the f l o w e r s ??Mark playing the flute*inhale* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOishiiiiWho is my oppa? Dude… it’s obviously Yuta.aYO LiSTeN uP, nO mAtTEr wHAt tHeY SAy, nO mATteR wHaT tHey DO, wE gON’ rEsOnAtE, ReSoNaTeSkrrt pull up in the coupe beep beepWinWinI can speak five languages but I struggle with all of themWinWin’s a sushi master, and he rides bikesSnow boiHallowmanWinderella*insert the WinWin Lovers fighting over him*Santa keeps horsesYutaPhoenix is one of my favorite cities, the ocean is so beautifulYuta’s 2 hour secret timeObahaji-MarkShe c r ynAmSAnG gOcHUjANGYeokshi Chicago!We! Are! Need! Coffee!Yuta is Mark’s oppaSawadee crapThe Yuta sitting meme. You know the one.Ppaeppaero game with MarkJungwooB-B-S my diamonds I don’t need no light to shineI like cheese. I’m cheese boiAh, potato?My JungwooSkareutBless me achooing gum!My sister, to these people??A-S-A-P! As soon as possible.Member with the best hairJ a c k !Hi hello annyeongIt was so easyNetflix and chillXiaojunCumi cumi ko ko bop, I think I like it~“Voldemort, you don’t kill student anymore”Xiao scissor feetjUsT sEnd mE tHe LyRIcSBella peeing on the floor during Xiaojun’s liveWhen YangYang threw a pillow at him when he was playing guitar so Xiaojun did what he had to do and beat that kid up with another pillowXiaomineNo butt on the SCREEEEEENHe’s just… can WayV NOT clown him for two seconds please 💀TaeyongTaeyong zip tying Taeil’s hands togethercLoSEd dAncEYou’re so cute like a baby. Memiimemiii“Say hi MTV Israel” “Hi Africa”Mark is going through puberty, so… sorryWhat is b u b uI thought of my sister when I was writing thisC’mon c’monNC il i chilTaeyong malfunctioningBooming system up up, TY track, TY trackYou only got cheese pizzerOing oing“have you ever been… fired from a job?? … Yeah!”T to the A to the E to the yong*vibing to animal crossing music*When he broke his lightstick while dancing to ReplayTenI like soft and sticky things in my mouth… like our baby don’t stop ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Ten being afraid of fruitsI dOnT LiE!Can we turn off the lights? The mood is… :)*to Johnny* do you have any prom date? Will I be your prom date?I’m tryna seduce you with my nunbitSuch a gloomy day… I need something sweet. oH, wHaT’s tHIs? Oh, Thai chips! Let’s try~…. So sweet, caramel salt~! …. I wanna hit myself~!AHH F- oh effin’ fishy fish, uh fishy, fishy fishy fishy, oh my god mister fish!!This is not ice cream this is butterEw fruit, oh cookie :DJust go, p o w. I love you, you like me? No no? Okay bye byeTen with no finger nineI want to drink soy milk, can you go buy it for me?John’s bananaIced coffee needs ice. It’s not cold coffeeI think it’s delicious, this b a l l of c h o c o l a t e. Let me try some, mmmmmm~ (Hendery: y u m m y y u m m y) how soft, soft, rawr. Very soft and gentle, a little p e a n u t inside, very cronchey cronchey, I like chocolate~Like I’m eating some fruit… did I just say I’m eating some fruit??Ten’s honey skin and “you have to tAsTe it”As an educated Thai student, he’s wearing the wrong dress codeWhere’s my hair?!I had a first love, but it wasn’t a person it was my dogTen’s birthday note to Johnny: “I want to have XXXX with u, fatass! Love you forever darling”After some time he’s remind me of Gingerbread Man. Y’know from Shrek?If it’s time to strip, I just strip. It’s freestyleTenalisa and TenaliceIn school, you need to break the rulesV e r y hotCanadian swagN O it’s put your hands in the air, not put your hands in the ground. You can’t put your hands in the groundTen getting his feet stuck in an Insta live with YangYangUmmm… like… a little wet?Hyung what is animal crossingIs it because you listen to your teacher that’s why you like button up?“I study Korean watching webtoons” “What webtoons?” “That’s a secret :)”Oh my god what happened to my ThaiJisungYou wash this cabbage with running water, right? Not with kitchen detergent or something…?Oh reolliJisung PWARKubb!Lucas*to Jaemin* aAH YOUU ARE NANA??When WayV got stuck in an elevator and Lucas decided to film itfAt bOIFat Kun (what’s with Lucas and calling people fat lmao)Ten hyung… Taeyong hyung… gachi.. BOOM!! The world goes BAMNeomu lonely, geunde jigeum, neomu happy! Yayyy :DWE GOT A DRᵉᵃᵐ MANsHaKe yOUr bOdy mANS e x y l i p sMy ladyyyyyEverybody was KUNG FU FIGHTING *Dream plan gets removed from YouTube*iT’s oKaY mAn, I dONt cAre, mAN. S a r a n g h a e. nAi eOBsEUbnidA, nAI eObSEo. I’m a foreigner. hAh!FIGHTING HAEYADWAEYeorobunI want to be a part of dream!GeokjeonghajimaEverybody do you know mickey house?ElcasJeno*distant train horn* wHATJenojam(Fan: I’m in the library so my volume’s low) Jeno: AAAAH!!Yeorobun— oiueoeiueyoi, calm down, relax okay okay calm down relax okayTaeilTaeil VS the huge blue beach ballit’s Taeil time~When he said one time he was choking on an ice cube and Johnny and Yuta laughed at him because they thought he was joking.Apado gwaenchanha“No matter how I look at it, you are gays!!”TIDDIES LESGEDDITShotaroShotaro wildin’ on TikTok before his debutOtter boiHe can whistle through his teethDoyoungNegative DoyoungVroom vroom talk showAigo kkamjjagiyaSasaengs being afraid of him (as they should be 😤😤)Doyoung’s poses and the members clowning him for itWae geuraeeee *insert the members clowning him*You’re so~ *CLAPCLAPCLAP* precious~ when you~ smile~Now I know~ now I know~Master of disgustHaechanHaechan cam with a viewer rating of 37.5%Oh CanadaHere is Korea man, don’t forgot ok?You can take off your clothes but you can’t take off your hairYou can translate languages but you can’t translate instruments / you can take off your clothes but you can’t take off your hairMichael JacksonIf I was your boyfriend I would never let you go, I could take you places you ain’t never been before, baby take a chance or you’ll never ever knowit’s a bopHappy Birthday song Haechan versionJaehyunI lived in America for four years, that’s why I’m here manJASONWash your h a n d sI just want sum milkStay selfHi I’m Jaehyun from NCT and we are back as NCT 127. We just released a new album with seven different songs with different colors. I hope you guys enjoy it, and hope to see you soon byeeeJeffreyDon’t eat my bread, don’t look down on meWoah that’s a big chickenKevin will you come to my birthday partyBe quiet don’t cryHello Ed SheeranR o s e ! Where are you?c a n a d a g o o s eDon’t, the camera’s are rolling“Can you speak English?” *dead silence*TUNA TUNAWalkin’ with the cheese, that’s the quesoRenjunI feel like dying! Ahh wae geuraeeeeI see ᵗʰᵉ ᵛⁱˢⁱᵒⁿYou spy… you pastaI gOT a cAviTy oN My fOoTRenjeonGeurae naegen neoppunyAaShoulder gangster Renjun*Renjun being very smol and very angry. Not a quote it’s just him*Jaemin*pretending to be Santa* because I enter through a chimney, I have a respiratory illnessJISUNGIEEEEEE mwoya mwoyaaaBecause it’s made by cutting edge technology, it’s not hot at all….. AH IT’S HOTI’m JenoNuuuununaanaananuunanunahhh… ephfwehpwpfhWOWWWJaemin’s black coffeeSweet tooth I eat all of the skittlesTarot master Jaemin*aggressively explaining something during the mafia game*sEXsAyJigeum yeogin eodi?? Naneun nugu??I’m not a baby. tWEnTy oNe iMNiDa.NOOOOOJaemin VS strawberry jamWhen he went bike riding with Jeno that one timeF A C E*pushes Haechan out of the frame*YangYangWhen he has a son he’s gonna name him Eleven cuz he’s gonna dance better than TenDo we cook this sh— this thing first??I dunno anything could happenYour hair turned all grey :DYangYang not letting Ten go to his house for free even though he’s his best broDo you know walrusIch bin SchnappiAnnoying orangeThat’s some w—Voldemort became ChineseI’m not picking my nose!I wanna put a slice of bread on the North Pole and another on the South Pole so I can make a world sandwichWait you’re making this instagram live like 18+As the maknae, I can choose the foodBaby YangYangYangriel“I’m not your baby. I’m 20 now”It tastes like StarbucksI thought you were confessing to me, you scared me to death—I smell a forest, forest and forestKunDo you want some ice cream? ToO bAD, I aTe iT aLL*being bullied by his children*ShoooCan I marry you? NO, you can’t marry you. **marry meKun’s magic tricksKun white/ Snow KunChenleDolphin laughCnehleChenle chilling on the roofKimchi IREOHGE?!??When he farted on vliveBig headWhat’s rent?You see it?! You see it??? It’s LEGEND!!General (either involving multiple members or I’m not sure where else to put it)aPpLe jUiCEE“Wassup guys my name is Mark” “I’m Johnny” “A we’re havi— hEeEEhehhEeheEhHee” “hEEheEhHeHeHHeeeEe”WayV breaking into the bathroom while Ten was taking a crap to wish him a happy birthdayrEgUlAr hUh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Please the second hand embarrassment I got from this is too much“Kun and Haechan are such good cooks” *not even two seconds later Haechan lights something on fire and Kun has to punch it out*“Aing~” “Oing~”“You were the guy with the really short pants!” “Yeah yeah!”Be there or be squareWayV on lysnIt looks simple, but it’s actually not that simpleNCT hates their lightstickWayV princessesNational Childbirth TrustOpen your rice, eat jin and open your riceCherry bomb 2x speedYoooo dream, jjeoro juja fighting, 𝐲𝐎𝗼ᵒᵒⓄⓄ 𝙙ℜꫀ𝐀𝐀ᗩᗩMᵐ, ᴊ𝓙𝓔𝓞𝙳𝙺𝙴𝙹UJ𝙵𝑭𝑲𝑺𝑱𝑭𝘴𝘬ᦔꀤꈤꁅ!!!Orange lemon crossWayV don’t speak one specific language they speak WayV language“She’s from Canada like me” “Congrats”Dreamies rooftop fightThe 10th floorBella going to the bathroom during WayV livesThe whole “then I’m ____ oiiiiiioeieooi” game the dreamies playNCT 2018 HalloweenNCT and their mafia gamesWhen LuHenXiao told fans on a live that their manager is single and ready to mingle WHILE he was driving them somewhereLouis then vs. Louis nowSo sweeeetKorean/Chinese versions of somgsvs. their English version remakes (I don’t think I need to name songs here)
What are your favorite k-pop songs from A to Z?
Lmao I hope I’m doing this right.A - All Night ( Astro)B - Breaking Dawn ( The Boyz)C - Crush ( MCND)D - Don’t Call Me ( SHINee)E - Energetic ( Wanna One)F - Feel Special ( Twice)G - Ghost ( Monsta X )H - Hero ( Monsta X)I - Ice Age ( MCND)J - Jopping ( SuperM)K - Ko Ko Bop ( EXO)L - Look ( Got7)M - My Everything ( NCT )N - Nectar ( WayV)O - Obsession ( EXO)P - Psycho ( Red Velvet )Q - Quasimodo ( SHINee)R - Replay ( SHINee)S - Sorry I’m Not Sorry ( Monsta X)T - TT ( Twice)U - Universe ( EXO )V - Volcano ( NCT U)W - Why Why Why ( Ikon)X - N/AY - You Are ( Got7)Z - Zimzalabim ( Red Velvet )-Rebecca<3
What do we know about the function of viruses in the microbiome?
Human ViromeThe human virome (representing human viral communities) presents greater technical challenges (1) for identification and enumeration compared to the microbiome.Technical difficulties with characterizing the human viromeWe identify bacteria in the human microbiome using conserved genomic sequences (16S rRNA). Lacking such conserved genomic regions, viral genomic sequences from human samples are compared to known virus reference sequence databases. Drawback is such databases don't include sequences from novel viruses (2) while the human virome likely harbors as-yet-undiscovered viruses and viral relics.Viruses have small genomes, and are proportionally fewer compared to bacteria. Thus, viral nucleic acids are proportionally minuscule in the total derived from human microbial communities. To detect them, we need to enrich viral nucleic acids before sequence analysis. In turn, enrichment methods could be unwittingly selective, bias against certain viruses, and lead to loss of low-abundance viruses (3).From 4The human virome constitutes viral communities all over the human body. They run the gamut from viral relics such as HERVs (Human Endogenous Retroviruses), retroviral genes internalized millions of years ago during evolution, to tissue-resident viruses such as CMV (Cytomegalovirus) in the respiratory tract. Contribution of these viral communities also runs the gamut from most essential such as HERV-W genes, necessary for placental development, to HERV-K, the most recent integrant, implicated in neurological diseases such as schizophrenia, cancers such as breast and prostate, and autoimmune diseases such as MS (multiple sclerosis), RA (rheumatoid arthritis) and SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus).Figure 1 from 5HERVs (Human Endogenous Retroviruses)Viral genetic material is either DNA or RNA. Retroviruses have RNA but use it to produce DNA, the reverse, 'retro', of the norm. When inserted into host DNA, this viral DNA replicates every time host DNA replicates. When retroviruses infect germline (eggs and sperm) cells, they acquire a vastly greater capacity to replicate. Now endogenous retroviruses (ERV), they are present not just in each and every cell of that host but also get passed on to each and every cell of the host's descendants.ERVs represent 8% of the human genome (6).How do we know we harbor such retroviral relics? By their striking structural genomic similarity consisting of gag, pro, pol and env genes flanked by two identical-at-integration non-coding long terminal repeats (LTRs), which contain the signal for transcription initiation and regulation.Over evolutionary time (~35 million years), ERVs accumulated mutations (insertions, deletions, substitutions) and/or epigenetic modifications (for e.g., DNA methylation) at the same rate as the host genome (7, 8, 9, 10), rendering them non-functional, i.e. unable to produce infectious viral particles.Recombinations between the two flanking LTRs removed the internal coding region leaving a single LTR and inactivating ERVs, which are 10–100 times more numerous than their full length counterparts (11), and many of these insertions are fixed in the host population.To date, no active ERVs have been discovered in humans. The human genome has ~100,000 ERV loci resulting from proliferations of ~50 independent invasions of the genome from free-living (exogenous) retroviruses (12, 13).Figure 2 from 14HERV classification is still a work-in-progress. Magiorkinis et al (15) classify HERV families as the typical, HERV-T; the old, HERV-L; the abundant, HERV-H; the indispensable, HERV-W; the last but not the least, HERV-K.HERV-K(HML2) or HK2, the most recent, is the only ERV lineage to still replicate in the human population within the last few million years.~1,000 HK2 loci in the human reference genome, apparently integrated over the last ~35 million years. Continuously replicating over this long period, most full-length integrated ERV loci (proviruses) converted to relics by recombination. Remainder acquired premature stop codons and/or frameshifts. All reference genome HK2 loci are therefore replication defective, and only 24 loci retain full-length open reading frames (ORFs) in at least one of their genes (16).RNA transcription and protein expression of HK2 and other ERVs are elevated in many cancers, some autoimmune/inflammatory diseases, and HIV infection, leading to a long and unresolved search for a causal role in disease (17, 18, 19). More recently, disease-associated elevation of HERV protein expression has driven research into their potential as immunotherapy targets for cancer and HIV treatment (20).HERV-W, the indispensable HERVs in the Placenta: Genes Syncytins 1 and 2The emergence of placentation during evolution is fundamental to human evolution.Indispensable for human fetus growth, the placenta is composed of multiple unique cell types called extravillous and villous trophoblasts. The latter differentiate into multinucleated cells called syncytiotrophoblasts, which secrete human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and human placental lactogen (hPL), products that help optimize mother-fetus nutrient and hormone exchange.Viral relics in the form of specific HERVs are essential for placental development (14, 21, 22).Viruses were long suspected present in placenta with virus-like particles observed in human placenta (23, 24, 25, 26). These observations faded from memory until the discovery of the Syncytin genes in the late 1990s.Two Env proteins, Syncytin-1 and Syncytin-2 proteins, encoded by two different ERV loci, i.e., ERVW-1 and ERVFRD-1, located on chromosome 7 and 6, respectively, are expressed in the placenta. Independently co-opted numerous times among placental mammals and expressed in the placenta, these genes play a crucial role in the formation of the syncytiotrophoblast, a key function that sustains the highly dynamic and metabolically demanding placenta (27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35).Figure 1 from 36.- Viral genes like these may actually have been central in the emergence of placental mammals from egg-laying animals (29, 37, 38, 39, 40).Box from 36.In vitro studies (41) and reduced expression in pre-eclampsia (42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49) suggest these retroviral-origin genes are important in human placentation. Pre-eclampsia, 'toxemia of pregnancy', includes hypertension, liver and kidney toxicity, and if untreated, can lead to eclampsia, i.e. seizures, threatening the life of mother and child. These multiple, independent studies thus suggest that human placental syncytin expression is crucial for normal placental function and ensuing normal pregnancy.Mouse syncytin gene knockouts provide more definitive proof. Syncytin-1 knockout mouse: growth retardation, altered placental strcuture, death in utero (50). Syncytin-2 knockout mouse: impaired syncytiotrophoblasts (51).Serving a similar purpose in placentation of eutherian mammals, syncytin genes are thus a most extreme and powerful example of convergent evolution, having evolved independently multiple times through co-option of HERV genes.HERVs in the brain: No definitive proof of disease causation. Lot of correlative data for neurological diseases,Table 1 from 52.especially for schizophrenia.Tables 1 and 2 from 53HERVs and cancerHow to be sure something causes cancer? Likely causes are so numerous ranging from genetic predisposition to numerous environmental factors that pinning one or few down as causative agents is akin to the proverbial needle in a haystack. In 1965 Austin Bradford Hill proposed the famous Hill's criteria (54), essential in helping ascribe causality, as in the link between smoking and lung cancer. How does that pan out with HERVs (55, 56, 57)?Consistency of association: HERVs consistently expressed in many tumors (breast, ovarian, lymphoma, melanoma, sarcoma, bladder, prostate).Strength of association: HERVs rarely expressed in normal tissues.Temporal association: Environmental factors as in exogenous such as chemicals, UV radiation, smoking, viruses, and endogenous as in hormones and cytokines help drive HERV expression.Biological plausibility: no clear evidence yet.Experimental evidence: no clear evidence yet in humans (some mouse model data exists).Clearly work-in-progress.HERV-Breast Cancer link: 58, 59; HERV-Melanoma link: 60; HERV-prostate cancer link: 61.HERVs and autoimmunity (62, 63): MS (multiple sclerosis; 64, 65), RA (rheumatoid arthritis: 66, 67), SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus: 68), Sjogren's syndrome, Graves Disease.Association data; no causal data yet.Certain HERVs and herpes viruses associated with MS.Circulating anti-HERV antibodies present in >50% of SLE in some studies.Those with anti-HERV antibodies more likely to have active clinical SLE.Location-wise identity of Viruses in Human bodyHuman StoolStable over time (69), unsurprisingly healthy gut virome is influenced by diet (70).Abundance of food-related (plant) viruses (71).Eneteropathogenic viruses (72) found in both healthy and in those with GI tract illnesses (73).Novel bacteriophages encode genes for antibiotic resistance and bacterial metabolic pathways (69, 70, 74). More diverse in adults, much less so in a 1-week old infant stool sample (75). Clearly, we dynamically acquire a gut bacteriophage community over time.Novel viruses. Viruses from the new genus Gyrovirus in the Circoviridae family (76) are found in both chicken meat and human samples. Open questions: Do they replicate in humans, i.e. capable of cross-species transmission, or are they harmless?Diarrhea was associated with novel viruses such as astrovirus (77), cosavirus and bocavirus (78).Human SkinPersistent colonization by papillloma, polyoma, and circoviruses(79, 80). Innocuous for the most part. Exception is Merkel cell polyomavirus associated with severe skin carcinoma (81).Human circulatory systemAnelloviridae are ubiquitous in human populations (82, 83).An intriguing heart and lung transplant study (84) tracked circulating plasma virome months post-transplant, and found circulating virome changed with post-transplant treatment. Low dose of anti-viral (valganciclovir) and immunosuppressant (tacrolimus): Herpesvirales and Caudovirales dominate; high dose, Anelloviridae dominate.Graphical Abstract from 84.LiverFlavivirus GBVC (or Hepatitis virus G), a surprising partner in human health, delays HIV disease progression (85).LungInfluenza (flu), Corona and other less well-characterized viruses (86).Bocavirus found in both healthy and in those with respiratory tract illnesses (87).Bacteriophages: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients have bacteriophages similar to each other while those in healthy adults are unique to each individual (88). In this study, spouse of one CF patient and an asthmatic control shared some viral genomes found in CF patients. This suggests environment strongly influences human viral genome since shared environment was associated with shared viruses between spouses, and chronic pathologies that are very different, as CF and asthma are, could still lead to establishment of similar viral communities, perhaps because they both cause impaired airway clearance of microbes.CMV (Cytomegalovirus)CMV, a herpes virus, infects majority of the world’s population.In the US, ~60% prevalence in >6 years of age and ~>90% in >80 years of age in the years 1988-1994 (89).It's usually, but not always, benign (90).Associated with immunosenescence (immune aging) in the elderly (91).CMV-schizophrenia link: In a study of >1000 subjects, 15% carried a particular benign variant of a gene involved in the stabilization of neuronal connections and in synaptic plasticity, essential to learning and memory. Carriers of this gene variant had fivefold increased probability of developing schizophrenia following maternal CMV infection (92).CMV-Flu link: CMV could help body fight off flu: CMV-seropositive young adults make stronger anti-flu antibody responses (93). Seropositive means they were likely exposed to CMV and generated an anti-CMV immune response, as revealed by presence of circulating anti-CMV antibodies. Relevance of this type of finding? The well-adjusted human super-organism is one where their mammalian and microbial components work in harmony to keep pathogens at bay.FluFlu-HERV link: The influenza virus may re-activate HERVs that are associated with neuroinflammation, and white matter and myelin degeneration (94).Such HERVs have been implicated in Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia (95, 96).Virome BibliographyCanuti, M. "About Viruses, the Importance of Being Earnest." 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