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How much damage are anti-vaxxers causing?

They are not causing damage they are attempting to correct it.Vaccines don't just have upsides they have real problems too. Although vaccines can save lives, is that all that matters?Everyone assesses risks differently, we are all unique and a one size fits all approach is unsound. So is not comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children or doing randomized double blind inert placebo controlled SAFETY testing.We can't do this for efficacy because its unethical to expose people to a disease or a virus. But we can do and should be doing randomized double blind inert placebo controlled safety studies on every individual vaccine, on each and every component, on vaccines in combination, as well as on the entire CDC schedule. Safety trumps efficacy every time.Pro vaccine advocates tend to only lament on the potential for efficacy of vaccines, like skydivers that only speak of the thrill of the jump, as if danger is non existent.Vaccine safety proponents focus on the downsides of vaccines and do not pretend they are not real.They both assess the risks differently.People think vaccines have no dangers because that's what the mainstream narrative is. They are owned by big pharma, big pharma pays for like 70% of ad revenues, big pharma executives are on the board of directors for all but CBS. Big pharma lies, cheats, bribes, creates fake medical journals, creates hit lists of doctors and people to destroy and have killed more people than the Vietnam war. Just look at vioxx, 30,000 at minimum upwards of 500,000 people by the higher estimates.It took that much death for them to admit guilt and this is for a product they are liable for. Vaccines manufacturers can not be sued, the American people are left to pay for their failures. In effect vaccine manufacturers have the only business model where you can profit from failure.How people can discount this and presume for a product line they have zero liability for they are going to be honest, forthright and full of integrity is a very special form of cognitive dissonance that is astonishing.The PRECAUTIONARY principle is a real legal principle that should always be paramount in the face of uncertainty. Big pharma defiles this principle and would have people believe the benefits outweigh the risks in all possible cases.That's not true for all people, and a one size fits all approach is folly.Should we give up on vaccines? No. We should work to make them safe as well as efficacious. But safety is more important I would argue, more important by a long shot. The science is not settled not by a long shot, the very concept of settled science isn't even scientific its dogmatic.Peer reviewed evidence is important to all sides. If you are not familiar with the evidence on both sides of this issue you can't really know what you're talking about.There is evidence both for and against and if all you know about is one side or the other you are biased.I am partly biased because I have 4 sons, and I believed whole heartedly vaccines posed no threats and were only possibly good. I vaccinated my sons and the first 3 all developed autism directly after vaccination.I was suspicious and vaccinated at different ages and the results were the same. The first 3 developed autism all at different ages, but directly after vaccination.The 3rd suffered anaphylactic shock, 3 hours after vaccination. His skin got blotchy before we even got home from the doctors office, we went directly back and were given a cream. When we got home he started to turn blue, we called the ambulance and he was rushed to the Emergency Room.His brain had swelling and cut off oxygen and he suffered encephalopathy. He lost all speech, counting abilities, toilet training and much more. He is now 12. Our 4th son is the only 1 with no autism yet. He only had vitamin k and the first round of Dtap. He is the only one without an IEP. His intelligence is well beyond his brothers, eye contact, coordination and speech are stellar.Vaccines have a number of problems and people need to be aware of them as much if not more then the potential benefits. We can't pretend risks don't exist or try to downplay them.Look at the only peer reviewed evidence comparing the vaccinated to the unvaccinated In the United States.MawsonStudyHealthOutcomes5.8.2017.pdfMawsonStudyPretermBirth5.8.2017.pdfThese studies are published in a scientific journal and have never been retracted.The author is conducting a larger study comparing the vaccinated to the unvaccinated via the Medicaid database.Outside the US, the DTP vaccine recipients have been shown to have a 5 to 10 times higher mortality rates. They get coverage for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis but wind up dying from other causes at a much higher rate than the unvaccinated.That is called unintended consequences, and is also a downside to vaccines. So should we end the vaccine program? No. But we should certainly want to address its failures and be real about it.People think antivaxx people put people at risk, and even if that's true vaccines also put people at risk.Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO Risk to Anyone: Harvard Immunologist to LegislatorsIt can be said the vaccinated pose significant risks too and far greater ones too. Take vaccine shedding, more cases of polio from vaccine derived polio strains. Measles MMR vaccine also sheds. 39% of the Disney outbreak were from the vaccine derived strain.Then there is asymptomatic carriers, this is the biggest threat of all! A bigger threat then the unvaccinated by far. Asymptomatic carriers threaten the unvaccinated, the vaccinated, babies and immunocompromised.Take pertussis vaccine, it does not prevent transmission. It merely masks symptoms. Meaning you can totally have whooping cough and not even know it, if you have been vaccinated. You can fully infect innocent people without even being aware.Look at the California outbreak. All the kids that got it were vaccinated and none of the unvaccinated kids did. Unvaccinated children that get whooping cough show symptoms and its obvious to stay away, not so with asymptomatic carriers. This is a far greater threat. It's a real downside to vaccines. Should this be ignored and swept under the rug? Or addressed and admitted to?People with actual whooping cough get life long immunity, not so of those who get vaccinated. Same with measles.2 to 4 years after MMR your immunity can wane. You can catch and infect others and show no symptoms. Not only that but you are also 14 times more likely to contract measles then the unvaccinated. The rate of contraction is far greater, and the number of vaccinated are far greater, thus the rate at which the vaccinated can infect others is substantially greater than the potential from the unvaccinated. So who is the greater threat? See the WHO study showing this here: Pro-Vaccine vs Anti-Vaccine? WHERE'S THE SCIENCE? WHERE'S THE PLAGUE? - HERD IMMUNITYThose with real measles get life long immunity not some limited immunity.Consider the peer reviewed evidence put forward by Bella May. The peer reviewed evidence paints the unseen picture. Vaccines dont just have an upside. We must therefore recognize these risks and address them, not mandate something uncertain for all.By Bella May:Many vaccine products do lose effectiveness over time. This attribute of vaccine products to wane, negatively impacts disease prevention at a population level. For instance, wild measles virus infection provides lifelong immunity against measles disease. [1,2,3,4,5] The CDC states that Measles vaccine provides lifelong protection in ~93% of individuals after one dose, and an additional 2–4% gain this protection after two doses of measles vaccine, [6] in this way the measles vaccine is reportedly 97% effective in providing lifelong protection in fully vaccinated cohorts.However, recent data shows that measles vaccine wanes within ~ 7.5 years on average following the second dose in approximately 10% of children and their peers soon follow. Measles vaccine does not provide lifelong protection against measles virus like wild measles infection does. [7,8] Because the US schedule primarily only vaccinates young children against measles virus, a significant portion of vaccinated female children will no longer have protective antibodies against measles by adulthood, when these women become mothers they can not transfer the protective antibodies against measles virus needed to protect their infants, leaving many of today’s very young infants vulnerable to measles disease. [9]We are told by health authorities that measles disease prevention requires 95% of the population to have sufficient antibodies against measles virus, a 10% + vaccine failure rate in adults demonstrates that protection at the population level can not be achieved under the current US recommendations and with the current measles vaccine products even if 100% of the population received measles vaccine. Modern measles outbreaks are now often comprised of a significant number of adolescents, infants,and adults. [10,11,12,13,14,15] Additional measles vaccine doses appear to have little boosting effect in fully vaccinated persons…[16,17,18]According to the science, this dynamic of measles vaccine to wane [19,20,21,22,23] has resulted in fewer measles immunoglobulin donors that ‘those who cannot be vaccinated’ rely upon for protection during measles outbreaks. Although, giving additional measles vaccine doses to these donors with waned vaccine derived measles antibodies does result in a doubling of measles antibody titers, the titers are still insufficient to meet FDA requirements for immunoglobulin products and the titers return to baseline within a few months. [24,25] This indicates that measles vaccine has diminishing returns with subsequent doses. We find ourselves in the uncomfortable circumstance that mass vaccination with the current vaccine has left many infants, adolescents, adults and immunocompromised persons vulnerable to measles disease - perhaps indefinitely.Outbreaks of measles occur amongst individuals with partially waned measles titers, these individuals run a course of atypical measles disease and are contagious. The CDC reported an outbreak in an adult population where the primary patient had documentation of receipt of 3 doses of measles-containing vaccine, displayed modified measles disease symptoms and subsequently transmitted wild measles to 9 vaccinated contacts whom the majority had received 2 doses of measles vaccine. - “Measles Outbreak in a Highly Vaccinated Population” https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes...This defect in the measles vaccine product to allow replication of measles virus inside vaccinated hosts with partial protection may promote viral mutations that result in selection of vaccine resistant measles strains of increased virulence. [26] Mutated strains of measles virus with novel disease symptoms of increased virulence have been found circulating in India. [27,28] In addition, mutated measles virus that is vaccine resistant has also been circulating in African countries [29,30], France and Great Britain [30].Many vaccines do not contribute to herd immunity, such as acellular Pertussis, [31,32] Inactivated Polio, [33,34] and rotavirus. [35,36,37] Recipients of these vaccines may garner temporary individual protection against disease symptoms, but are able to become infected, colonize and transmit wild disease to others regardless of vaccination status or antibody titers. In order for herd immunity to be achievable through vaccination, it is a requirement of these products to prevent colonization, infection, and transmission to others….if this is not achieved then herd immunity can not exist through vaccination.Reference;[1] “These studies confirm the observation that one attack of measles is followed by lifelong immunity.”—“Studies on immunity to measles” https://www.jpeds.com/article/S0...[2] “The relevant components are durable for a lifetime”. - “Measles active and passive immunity in a worldwide perspective.[3] “most patients develop lifelong immunity after recovery or vaccination from this infection” - Persistent measles virus infection enhances major histocompatibility complex class I expression and immunogenicity of murine neuroblastoma cells[4] ”hosts that survive the infection normally develop lifelong immunity.” - Morbillivirus Infections: An Introduction[5] “Similar to immunity after natural measles infection, live measles vaccine-induced immunity has been thought to be lifelong.“ - Duration of live measles vaccine-induced immunity.[6] “The second dose of measles-containing vaccine primarily was intended to induce immunity in the small percentage of persons who did not seroconvert after vaccination with the first dose of vaccine (primary vaccine failure).” - CDC 2013 https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/rr/...[7] “even with two documented doses of measles vaccine, our laboratory demonstrated that 8.9% of 763 healthy children immunized a mean of 7.4 years earlier lacked protective levels of circulating measles-specific neutralizing antibodies, suggesting that even two doses of the current vaccine may be insufficient at the population level." - “The re-emergence of measles in developed countries: Time to develop the next-generation measles vaccines?” http://www.edwardjennersociety.o...[8] “A serologic study has shown that up to 15% of persons lose detectable measles specific antibody, measured with standard techniques, within the 16 years following vaccination.” - “Measles Outbreak among Vaccinated High School Students -- Illinois” https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr//previe...[9] “In recent years, the new vaccination regime, too, has been failing, with widespread outbreaks again occurring, including among those who have received the recommended dose and especially among infants too young to be vaccinated, and thus unprotected because their mothers had been vaccinated. Now health experts, scrambling to find solutions, are suggesting numerous reforms, including earlier child vaccinations and second doses for adults. Clearly, the science is not settled.” (Financial Post, 2014) http://business.financialpost.co...[10]“with increase in overall coverage of vaccination, there is a rise in incidence of measles in vaccinated individuals. The age profile also shifts to higher age groups.” - “Measles outbreak in adults: A changing epidemiological pattern.” http://www.mjdrdypu.org/article....[11] “The epidemiology of measles in Cape Town has thus changed as evinced in this epidemic, with an increase in the number of cases occurring in older, previously vaccinated children. The possible reasons for this include both primary and secondary vaccine failure.” - “The 1992 measles epidemic in Cape Town--a changing epidemiological pattern.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub...[12] “Measles outbreaks can occur among highly vaccinated college populations." - “A measles outbreak at a college with a prematriculation immunization requirement.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub...[13] In a measles outbreak from March 1991 to April 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, “76.4% of those suspected to be infected had received measles vaccine before their first birthday. The results of this work show changes in age distribution of measles leading to sizeable outbreaks among teenagers and young adults.” - “Clinical and epidemiological findings during a measles outbreak occurring in a population with a high vaccination coverage.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub...[14] “Notified cases were mainly seen in pre-vaccination age children and adults aged from 20 to 39 years.” - “Assessing the transmission dynamics of measles in Japan, 2016”. https://www.sciencedirect.com/sc...[15] “The results of this work show changes in age distribution of measles leading to sizeable outbreaks among teenagers and young adults.” - “Clinical and epidemiological findings during a measles outbreak occurring in a population with a high vaccination coverage.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub...[16] “Approximately 1½ years after the initial vaccination, 46% of the uninfected children maintained very low levels of neutralizing antibody, but did not have a measurable haemagglutination-inhibition titre. Revaccination did not elicit an IgM response in most children, but stimulated anti-measles IgG production in all of them. In 36% of the children, the IgG titres fell again within three months to levels that may permit reinfection.” - “Inadequate immunity to measles in children vaccinated at an early age: effect of revaccination”. Home - PMC - NCBI...[17] “Most subjects were seropositive before MMR3 receipt, and very few had a secondary immune response after MMR3 receipt. Similarly, CMI and avidity analyses showed minimal qualitative improvements in immune response after MMR3 receipt. We did not find compelling data to support a routine third dose of MMR vaccine.” - “Measles Virus Neutralizing Antibody Response, Cell-Mediated Immunity, and Immunoglobulin G Antibody Avidity Before and After Receipt of a Third Dose of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine in Young Adults.” https://academic.oup.com/jid/art...[18] “Early measles vaccination provides immediate protection in the majority of infants, but long-term neutralizing antibody responses are reduced compared to infants vaccinated at a later age. Additional vaccination at 14 months of age does not improve this. Long-term, this may result in an increasing number of children susceptible to measles.” - Early measles vaccination during an outbreak in The Netherlands: reduced short and long-term antibody responses in children vaccinated before 12 months of age. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub...[19] “Progressive decline in antibody levels and seropositivity were observed over time after vaccination in infants, adolescents, and young adults. Waning levels of measles antibodies with increasing time post-vaccination suggests that measles susceptibility is potentially increasing in Korea. This trend may be related to limitations of vaccine-induced immunity in the absence of natural boosting by the wild virus, compared to naturally acquired immunity triggered by measles infection.” - “An increasing, potentially measles-susceptible population over time after vaccination in Korea”. https://www.sciencedirect.com/sc...[20] “There was a significant declining trend of seropositivity with age in vaccinees. The overall seroprevalence of measles was not sufficient for herd immunity. Waning vaccine-induced immunity weakened the population immunity to measles.” - “Waning population immunity to measles in Taiwan”. https://www.sciencedirect.com/sc...[21] Waning vaccine effectiveness shifts susceptibility to an age where severity of complications is greater. “Our calculations show that negative outcomes are 4·5 times worse for measles, 2·2 times worse for chickenpox, and 5·8 times worse for rubella than would be expected in a pre-vaccine era in which the average age at infection would have been lower. As vaccination makes preventable illness rarer, for some diseases, it also increases the expected severity of each case.” - “Dangers of vaccine refusal near the herd immunity threshold: A modeling study”.https://www.researchgate.net/pub...[22] “Our results show that MMR vaccine-induced antibodies wane significantly after the second dose. According to epidemiological data, the protection induced by MMR vaccination in Finland seems to persist at least until early adulthood.” - “Persistence of measles, mumps, and rubella antibodies in an MMR-vaccinated cohort: A 20-year follow-up.” https://www.scopus.com/record/di...[23] “Results show that the cohort model is identifiable and qualitatively captures the decline in seropositivity observed in older children.” - “Estimating vaccine coverage from serial trivariate serologic data in the presence of waning immunity.” - https://www.scopus.com/record/di...[24] “measles virus-neutralizing antibodies in intravenous immunoglobulins” - 2006. https://academic.oup.com/jid/art...[25] “Measles virus neutralizing antibodies in intravenous immunoglobulins: is increase in revaccination in plasma donors possible?”-2017. Oregon Legislative Information System...[26] “Since there are still fitness benefits of virulence, more aggressive strains will spread in vaccinated populations because they are now less likely to kill the host. Even if vaccination reduces pathogen titers and transmission rates, virulent strains will still produce more transmission stages than less virulent strains. In fact, in an immunized host, they may produce disproportionately more transmission stages if immunity is more effective against less aggressive strains. Consequently, vaccinated individuals create the conditions that favor the spread of intrinsically more virulent parasites” - “Pathogen evolution in a vaccinated world.” http://thereadgroup.net/wp-conte...[27] Scientists investigating an outbreak of encephalitis among adults in the town of Siliguri, in West Bengal, told the health ministry this week that the disease was caused by a mutant measles virus that affects the brain, lungs, or kidneys. This is India's third outbreak since 1998 of a highly fatal illness involving the brain or the kidneys and attributed to the measles virus.” - “Indian scientists warn of mutant measles virus” Home - PMC - NCBI...[28] “The patients from whom the samples were collected had been suffering from acute renal failure, neurological disorders and encephalopathy, These are new symptoms for measles, the new measles strain has not been causing the typical rash.” - “Mutant measles strains hit nation” https://timesofindia.indiatimes....[29] “Mutant variants of the [measles] virus are now circulating in Africa. They are resistant to half of the antibodies that humans produce when vaccinated.” - “Super-measles warning”. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/healt...[30] “gene sequences of these 2 groups confirmed that they represent clearly definable, sequence-divergent D4 subgenotypes, which we named subgenotypes D4.1 and D4.2. The subgenotype D4.1 MeVs were isolated predominantly in Kenya and Ethiopia, whereas the MAb-resistant subgenotype D4.2 MeVs were isolated predominantly in France and Great Britain, countries with higher vaccine coverage rates. Interestingly, D4.2 subgenotype viruses showed a trend toward diminished susceptibility to neutralization by human sera pooled from approximately 60 to 80 North American donors. Escape from MAb neutralization may be a powerful epidemiological surveillance tool to monitor the evolution of new MeV subgenotypes.” - “Antigenic Drift Defines a New D4 Subgenotype of Measles Virus”. https://www.researchgate.net/pub...[31] The BU School of Public Health estimates that 50% of the population is colonized with pertussis. “Resurgence of Whooping Cough May Owe to Vaccine’s Inability to Prevent Infections”. https://www.bu.edu/sph/2017/09/2...[32] According to an FDA press release and cited study, acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine does not prevent infection or spread of pertussis; “Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model”. Home - PMC - NCBI...https://web.archive.org/web/20131130004447/https://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm376937.[33] “IPV, an inactivated polio vaccine, which induces only very low levels of immunity to poliovirus inside the gut, and as a result provides individual protection against polio, but unlike OPV, IPV cannot prevent the spread of wild poliovirus.” - World Health Organization http://www.who.int/immunization_...[34] “91% of children receiving no IPV (control group B) were colonized with live attenuated poliovirus upon deliberate experimental inoculation. Children who were vaccinated with IPV (groups A and C) were similarly colonized at the rate of 94-97%. High counts of live virus were recovered from the stool of children in all groups. These results make it clear that IPV cannot be relied upon for the control of polioviruses.” - “Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of inactivated poliovirus vaccine in Cuba.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubm...[35] “We document here the occurrence of vaccine-derived rotavirus (RotaTeq [Merck and Co, Whitehouse Station, NJ]) transmission from a vaccinated infant to an older, unvaccinated sibling, resulting in symptomatic rotavirus gastroenteritis that required emergency department care. Results of our investigation suggest that reassortment between vaccine component strains of genotypes P7[5]G1 and P1A[8]G6 occurred during replication either in the vaccinated infant or in the older sibling, raising the possibility that this reassortment may have increased the virulence of the vaccine-derived virus.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub...[36] “In fact, transmission of these two rotavirus vaccines or vaccine-reassortment strains to unvaccinated contacts has been detected, even in the absence of symptoms.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub...[37] “15 transmission cases were reported in 80 evaluable twins who received placebo and the transmission rate was 18.8%” - “Horizontal transmission of a human rotavirus vaccine strain--a randomized, placebo-controlled study in twins.” Horizontal transmission of a human rotavirus vaccine strain--a randomized, placebo-controlled study in twins.

What is something that you read recently and is worth sharing?

CANCER IS SERIOUS BUSINESS (Read it, it may save your life)A quote worth sharing“The system is rigged. They want us to believe that it'll protect us, but that's a lie. We protect us. We do. Nobody else. Not the companies, not the scientists, not the government”. 'Us'. - Rob Bilott (Dark Waters)The Man who cured CancerForgotten Genius: “Royal Raymond Rife”The inventor and his invaluable contributions to imaging and medical microscopyScience has known for quite some time that all things vibrate at their own personal frequency. Certain emotions sustained over time can change our vibrational frequencies and manifest in illness. Recently I read an article that explained how current research is using resonant frequency to destroy cancer cells. As exciting as that prospect is, it’s not a new approach. Royal Raymond Rife made an invaluable contribution to medical microscopes.As a scientist, inventor, and engineer, particularly in imaging and medical microscopy, Royal Raymond Rife was a genius. He was to medical optics what Nikola Tesla was to physics. In 1913, industrial tycoon Henry Timken of the Timken Roller Bearing Company in Canton, Ohio, sought Rife’s help to solve a manufacturing problem. The solution was a scanning machine that could evaluate the quality of the steel used in the company’s roller bearings before going into production. The scanner improved the quality of the company’s products and streamlined production to such a degree that Timken was overjoyed. When he learned that Rife’s passion was medical imaging, Timken gave him his full financial support and set him up at the family’s estate in San Diego to create his personal lab. No expense was too great and nothing was held back.Rife’s previous work had led him to believe that microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, and parasites) were at the root of all disease. To prove his theory, he had to see these pathogens in their live state during his experiments, some of which were so small, particularly viruses, that no imaging equipment existed that could come close to viewing them. That wasn’t a stumbling block to Rife. As a mechanical engineer and microscopy expert, he built a microscope that could magnify 60,000 times, and the superior magnification was equaled by its resolution. The microorganisms Rife was viewing were so infinitesimally small that the atoms in the chemical stain normally used to expose microorganisms would have obscured them. Instead Rife’s microscope used monochromatic light that caused the organism to fluoresce. Rife could identify the virus he was observing by the color it refracted.Years later in 1944, both the “Journal of the Franklin Institute for Scientific and Mechanical Arts and The Smithsonian” featured the Rife Universal Microscope alongside the newly created electron microscope in articles on emerging technology in optics. In The Smithsonian article entitled “The New Microscopes,” three micrographs from the Rife Universal Microscope were printed. The resolution of those images was unmatched by any existing technology, including the electron microscope. In fact they’re still unmatched even by today’s technology. What’s more, those images were taken ten years prior by Rife in 1934. Rife discovered that a simple electromagnetic wave wasn’t enough to destroy a microorganism. Instead he found a radio frequency wave was readily accepted by the body if it was emitted by a gas within a glass tube. The other astounding feature of the Rife Universal Microscope was that viruses could be viewed in their live state, like a movie, whereas the electron microscope could only view viruses in still images, or like photos. When studying any organism, observing how it moves and behaves in real time provides much more valuable information than viewing it as a static image. Over the course of 20 years, Rife would build five of his microscopes, some requested by the most prestigious research scientists in the world. The Rife Universal Microscope created a paradigm shift in pathology and microbiology research because much of what his device could do is still considered impossible today. But the biggest change was yet to come. Knowing everything vibrated at its own frequency, Rife believed that if he could discover the vibrational frequencies at which disease-causing microorganisms vibrated, then he could bombard them with that frequency until they shook so hard they exploded, the same way an opera singer matches the frequency of a wine glass with her voice and shatters it. Rife discovered that a simple electromagnetic wave wasn’t enough to destroy a microorganism. Instead he found a radio frequency wavThe other astounding feature of the Rife Universal Microscope was that viruses could be viewed in their live state, like a movie, whereas the electron microscope could only view viruses in still images, or like photos. When studying any organism, observing how it moves and behaves in real time provides much more valuable information than viewing it as a static image.Over the course of 20 years, Rife would build five of his microscopes, some requested by the most prestigious research scientists in the world. The Rife Universal Microscope created a paradigm shift in pathology and microbiology research because much of what his device could do is still considered impossible today. But the biggest change was yet to come.Knowing everything vibrated at its own frequency, Rife believed that if he could discover the vibrational frequencies at which disease-causing microorganisms vibrated, then he could bombard them with that frequency until they shook so hard they exploded, the same way an opera singer matches the frequency of a wine glass with her voice and shatters it.Rife discovered that a simple electromagnetic wave wasn’t enough to destroy a microorganism. Instead he found a radio frequency wave was readily accepted by the body if it was emitted by a gas within a glass tube. This allowed the frequency wave to penetrate deeply into the body with scalpel-like precision. Because the wave was precisely tuned to the frequency of the microorganism, only the pathogen was affected, leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed.Rife considered a disease cured when he could destroy a microorganism ten consecutive times using what he called its Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR). His surviving records show he found the MOR for 24 microorganisms including anthrax, cholera, tetanus, B. coli, influenza, spinal meningitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, syphilis, gonorrhea, leprosy, streptococcus, conjunctivitis, bubonic plague, staphylococcus, diphtheria, and typhoid.It’s exciting and enraging to think that cancer, along with many other diseases, was cured 83 years ago, and yet half a million people die from malignancies every year.By now Rife’s accomplishments were attracting a lot of attention from the press and he was working with the most respected medical experts of the day. These included Dr. E. C. Rosenow, bacteriologist and head of the pathology department at the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Arthur Kendall, bacteriologist at Northwestern University, Dr. Milbank Johnson of the University of Southern California (USC) and head of the Medical Society of California, Lee De Forrest, technology scientist, and William D. Coolidge, physicist.Unfortunately Rife was also attracting a lot of negative press, mainly from the FDA, American Medical Association, medical establishment and Harvard University. To prove his detractors wrong, he along with Dr. Rosenow invited several of Rife’s most prestigious but severest critics to a demonstration where he destroyed the poliomyelitis virus with its MOR (Mortal Oscillatory Rate) in 1932, twenty years before the vaccine was invented and thirty years before it became available to the public.Hidden beneath his critics’ astonishment at what they’d seen was panic. They knew Rife’s microscope and beam-ray technology would mean the loss of billions of dollars to hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and research institutes, not to mention the overnight elimination of entire fields of medical science and research, as well as the discrediting of thousands of careers of the most highly respected university and medical center physicians, scientists and administrators. Just days after the demonstration, Dr. Rosenow was fired from his position at the Mayo Clinic, and the fix was in to bury Rife’s research.Uneasy about Dr. Rosenow’s fate and what might be brewing for him behind the scenes, Rife pressed on. He knew a microorganism was at the root of cancer and was determined to find it. That same year, he discovered a virus in a breast tumor that he called the BX virus. Even more, he found the BX virus to be pleomorphic, meaning that it changed form based on its terrain. He discovered its MOR and was able to destroy it.Never having used his beam ray on a living creature, Rife introduced the BX virus into rats. Sure enough, they developed huge tumors. Using his beam ray to expose the tumors to their MOR, Rife was able to completely heal the rats. Seeing these incredible results, Dr. Johnson from USC insisted that it was time to try the beam ray on human patients. Rife was apprehensive, but insisted that if they were to have human trials, a research committee comprised of physicians at the top of the most prestigious medical associations had to be part of the proceedings. Dr. Johnson agreed and pulled a committee together that even included Dr. Alvin Ford, President of the American Association of Pathologists, a member Rife specifically requested.The trials included 16 terminally ill patients with various cancers and were conducted at the Ella Scripps mansion and estate in La Jolla, CA in 1934. In just 70 days, the committee declared the first 14 patients cured of their cancer. The remaining two were declared cured three weeks later. Incredibly, the patients only required two 3-minute sessions per week to achieve total recovery. Rife found that more-frequent sessions didn’t allow the lymphatic system enough time to take up the released toxins from the destroyed virus and remove them from the body.Later that year, a black tie banquet was held to honor Rife and “Celebrate the End of All Disease.” Less than 15 years later, however, none of the people at that dinner would even admit to knowing Rife, who would be left in poverty with his career ruined. His five microscopes would be confiscated along with the majority of his records and the two known beam-ray machines in existence. Today scientists are still struggling to recreate Rife’s technology from the remnants of what wasn’t destroyed of his writings.It’s exciting and enraging to think that cancer, along with many other diseases, was cured 83 years ago, and yet half a million people die from malignancies every year. As an institution mired in politics and money, the medical establishment seems to be the worst at killing its prophets and saints. Hopefully this new generation of courageous scientists will be able to put together the pieces from an unsung genius and recreate the “end of all disease” in his memory.Hyperthermia (up to 113°F) kills cancer cell usually with minimal injury to normal tissue research should be done to channel and target it for curing cancer without damaging our brain and other organs.Watch it before it gets removed“Cancer cure coverup” Dr. S. R. Burzynski another genius who cured cancer.A pioneering medical doctor and PhD biochemist who won the largest and possibly the most convoluted legal battle against the Food and Drug Administration in American history. Burzynski's battles were centered on his belief in Antineoplastons, a gene-targeting cancer therapy he discovered in the 1970s. The ultimate approval of Antineoplastons would mark the first time in history a single scientist, not a pharmaceutical company, would hold the exclusive patent and distribution rights on a paradigm-shifting, life-saving medical breakthrough. Burzynski's first-person testimonials of cancer patients who chose his treatment instead of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation with full disclosure of original medical records to support their diagnosis and recovery.There is almost nothing about this film that isn't controversial. Even the Wikipedia entry, which is pretty tough on the doctor and his treatment, is challenged by the flims website, which claims "the Wikipedia editors refuse to allow anything that show these medicines in a positive light to be allowed to be included in the Wiki post."Watch the documentary by Eric Merola.Must watch might save someone's lifeDid you know?Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, a Hungarian physician and scientist, now known as an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures. Described as the "saviour of mothers".Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever (also known as "childbed fever") could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection in obstetrical clinics. Puerperal fever was common in mid-19th-century hospitals and often fatal. Semmelweis proposed the practice of washing with chlorinated lime solution in 1847 while working in Vienna General Hospital First Obstetrical Clinic, where doctors' wards had three times the mortality of midwives wards.He published a book of his findings in Etiology, Concept and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever.Despite various publications of results where hand washing reduced mortality to below 1%, Semmelweis's observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community. He could offer no acceptable scientific explanation for his findings, and some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and mocked him for it. In 1865, the increasingly outspoken Semmelweis supposedly suffered a nervous breakdown and was committed to an asylum by his colleagues. He died 14 days later after being beaten by the guards, from a gangrenous wound on his right hand which might have been caused by the beating. Semmelweis's practice earned widespread acceptance only years after his death, when Louis Pasteur confirmed the germ theory, and Joseph Lister, acting on the French microbiologist's research, practised and operated using hygienic methods, with great success.Must ReadFor the past 27 years, Life Extension has identified life-saving medications that languished too long in the FDA’s archaic approval process.When effective new drugs are delayed, the inevitable consequence is needless human suffering and death. An equally insidious problem is the chilling effect bureaucratic roadblocks have on the development of better drugs that might actually cure the disease.Just imagine the difficulty of raising the tens of millions of dollars needed to get a new cancer drug into the approval pipeline when prospective investors see the FDA deny a drug with documented efficacy, as was done recently with Provenge. (Refer to page 7 for the complete story of the FDA’s denial of Provenge.)Another problem with the FDA’s unpredictable approval pattern is the outrageous cost of the cancer drugs that actually make it to market. Classes of cancer drugs (like anti-angiogenesis agents) that Life Extension long ago advocated are finally approved. The problem is that the out-of-pocket cost of these new drugs can exceed $12,000 per month. The media has reported on heart-wrenching stories of cancer patients who choose to die rather than send their families into bankruptcy from paying these costs.It’s easy to point fingers at drug companies for charging such extortionist prices, but the harsh reality is that getting these medications approved by the FDA is so costly and risky that the high prices can arguably be justified by the hideously inefficient drug approval process that now exists.In this article, we review a few of many drugs that have been shown to be effective against cancer, but are not yet approved by the FDA. While there are dozens of anti-cancer drugs in various stages of the approval process, the sad truth is that thousands of compounds with anti-cancer activity will never be submitted for FDA approval due to lack of patentability, lack of investor funding, or just plain unwillingness to deal with today’s cancer bureaucracy.It has become brutally apparent that the system of drug approval needs a radical overhaul. We have some specific proposals at the end of this eye-opening article.Each day, about 1,500 Americans perish from cancer. Each day, over 3,000 Americans are diagnosed with this dreaded disease.1 While the general population is relatively ignorant about medicine, virtually everyone knows that a cancer diagnosis means exposure to therapies that produce miserable—if not lethal—side effects. The public is also aware that in too many cases, government-approved therapies fail to cure the disease.*Now im gonna tell you something which you might find as a complete shocker*A conversation with the lawyer Rob Bilott is like a slap across the face. It doesn’t feel good. But it does get your attention.According to Bilott, we face a “unique health threat” from a class of industrial chemicals that most Americans have never heard of. These chemicals are widely used in everyday products such as non-stick cookware and stain-resistant fabrics, even though science show they are linked to a range of deadly diseases, reproductive problems and other ailments. Powerful corporations are fighting to protect the use of these profitable chemical compounds, Bilott says, and US regulators are doing next to nothing to stop them. It’s worth listening to what Bilott has to say. He has spent the last two decades advocating for people in West Virginia and Ohio whose water was contaminated with one of these toxins, a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA.Do watch these movies if you haven't watched it yet. Based on this agenda.*Now lets get into some details*3MPFAS DANGER3M has long known it was contaminating the US food supplyMultinational manufacturer 3M, which developed two types of industrial chemical now found in the blood of virtually all Americans, has known since 2001 that those chemicals were entering the food supply, according to a newly surfaced study.That year, the company sponsored a study of several types of food from around the US. The study surfaced this week, when the Intercept’s Sharon Lerner reported that the document was on file with the US Environmental Protection Agency.3M made Scotchgard and other non-stick, waterproof, or stain-resistant products using PFOA and PFOS, two chemicals in a class known as PFAS. Production of Scot ended after 2000. In 2001, 3M funded the study to test food samples from six US cities. High levels of the compounds were found in ground beef, milk, green beans and apples. The contaminated food came from Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, and Georgia.In a statement to Quartz, 3M said it published the report in 2001 and “shared this report with the EPA within seven days,” adding, “This report is one of thousands of documents we have placed in the public domain related to the study of PFAS chemistries. We will continue to engage with members of our communities, elected officials and regulators to share information about these chemistries,” 3M wrote.What 3M knew about PFASAs Lerner has reported, 3M knew as early as the 1970s that PFAS was accumulating in human blood, and conducted experiments on rats and monkeys that led the company to believe the compounds “should be regarded as toxic.”PFAS do not degrade in the environment. Decades of use has created a widespread and ongoing Contamination crisis. At this point, most people in the US have been exposed to chemicals in the PFAS family, of which there are as many as 5,000, and water supplies serving tens of millions are likely contaminated as well. The revelation about PFAS entering the food supply, however, is a relatively new addition to the roster of ways people have been exposed.PFAS chemicals have been linked to a range of health risks including cancer, thyroid disease, elevated cholesterol, immune-system issues, and developmental problems in fetuses.Both 3M and DuPont have ceased production of PFOA and PFAS in the US, but DuPont continues to manufacture it in China. In Brazil, contamination is widespread due to a popular pesticide that degrades into PFAS. In Jordan0, researchers found PFAS in women’s breast milk at levels more than double the advised US health level. American dairy farmers have found PFAS in their milk. Other chemicals in the PFAS family, including GenX, continue to be manufactured in places like North Carolina.Decades of widespread use of PFAS for everything from waterproofing clothes to firefighting foam has made the exposure global: Health issues arising from PFAS are estimated to cost Europe 50 billion euros per year. A UN committee responsible for toxic chemical policy agreed to ban the compounds this year (the US is not party to the pact).PFAS back in the newsWord of the 19-year-old 3M study comes a week after nonprofit Environmental Working Group published a photo of a poster containing unreleased US Food and Drug Administration findings about PFAS in food. The agency detected PFAS in chocolate cake, meat, seafood, sweet potatoes, and pineapple. It was the first known test of food for PFAS by the FDA.After EWG’s poster release, the FDA published its findings along with a press release stating that the “FDA does not have any indication that these substances are a human health concern” at the levels detected, adding that the “science surrounding the potential health effects of PFAS is developing” and “current evidence suggests that the bioaccumulation of certain PFAS may cause serious health conditions.”“However, with the decrease in production and use of certain PFAS, levels in humans in the US have been declining,” the FDA added.As Lerner reports, Rob Bilott—whose 1999 lawsuit against DuPont on behalf of residents near its Teflon plant in West Virginia put PFAS contamination on the map wrote a June 11 letter to the FDA asking whether it knew about 3M’s food study before now and if how long officials knew there were high levels of the compounds in food.The FDA said in a statement that it has received Bilott’s letter “and is reviewing it at this time.”Why are highly fluorinated chemicals harmful?Highly fluorinated chemicals contain carbon-fluorine (C-F) bonds, which are some of the strongest bonds in nature. That makes them both incredibly resistant to breakdown and very useful. For instance, they can make products grease or stain-resistant, nonstick, or waterproof. However, this comes at a cost.The highly fluorinated chemicals that have been well-studied have been associated with:testicular and kidney cancerliver malfunctionhormonal changesthyroid disruptionhigh cholesterolobesityulcerative colitislower birth weight and sizeOther highly fluorinated chemicals are suspected of similarly causing health problems, but have not been well tested.Because they are resistant to breakdown, these chemicals can persist in our bodies for years. In the environment, they can last for millions of years. This means that the highly fluorinated chemicals released during our lifetimes will build up in the environment, and many future generations will be exposed to them, at even higher levels than we are today.Scientists from all over the world signed the Madrid Statement to share their concerns about highly fluorinated chemicals and are asking for a limit to the production and use of these chemicals.On May 1, 2015, the Madrid Statement was published in Environmental Health Perspectives, a high-impact scientific journal.How are we exposed?Highly fluorinated chemicals are used in consumer products such as cookware, clothing, outdoor apparel, carpeting, and food packaging to provide nonstick, oil- and water resistant properties. They are also used in some kinds of cosmetics.We are exposed to them by direct contact with these products, but also through the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.They have been detected at high levels in humans and wildlife all over the globe.What can you do?Ask yourself, “Do I really need products that are stain-resistant, nonstick, or waterproof?” Knowing the consequences, you might choose to give up some conveniences or product performance.Steps you can take:Avoid products that are oil repellant or stain resistant.Only purchase waterproof gear when you really need it.Avoid cosmetics with PTFE or any word containing “perfluor” or “polyfluor” on their ingredients list.Replace your Teflon nonstick cookware with cast iron, glass, or ceramic.Avoid microwave popcorn and greasy foods wrapped in paper.Tell retailers and manufacturers you want products without fluorinated chemicals.Support companies committed to phasing out highly fluorinated chemicals, such as the apparel brands that have joined Greenpeace’s detox campaign, and the fast food chains that removed them from food packaging as a result of EWG's action.If you are concerned about PFAS in your drinking water, consider installing an in-home filter on your tap. EWG summarized what is known about the efficacy of the different filter options.All products from these apparel brands are free of highly fluorinated chemicals after these dates.Look Carefully at the imagesHarsh truth is that medical facilities prioritise business rather than treatment and patient are customer for few doctor's.*SOURCES*Forgotten Genius: Royal Raymond Rife - Be Hive Of HealingHyperthermia in Cancer Treatment.Cancer Is 'Serious Business.' Is the 'Documentary'?'My Cancer Free Life'? Not So FastBurzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-UpIgnaz Semmelweis - WikipediaThe Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare3M knew it was contaminating the food supply back in 2001Highly Fluorinated ChemicalsImage source- Google“Must Read” External LinkLife-Saving Cancer Drugs Not Approved by the FDA

Do anti-vaxxers currently have a big influence?

Yes the more the truth comes out on vaccination through the people who have researched the subject and consequently get attacked by the government and media with the stigmatised word anti vaxxerTruth tends to expand in relationship to how long they can hide the truth about vaccine autism and the fact it’s easy to prove it’s of no benefit by statisticsHoping we believe it all started with Wakefield instead of in 1860sAnd of course being an anti vaxxer you know the whole truth will bring down the government which does suggest some future influence“The anti-vaccinists are those who have found some motive for scrutinizing the evidence, generally the very human motive of vaccinal injuries or fatalities in their own families or in those of their neighbours. Whatever their motive, they have scrutinized the evidence to some purpose ; they have mastered nearly the whole case ; they have knocked the bottom out of a grotesque superstition. The public at large cannot believe that a great profession should have been so perseveringly in the wrong.” Creighton MDIt’s a distraction to claim political persuasion has anything to do with truth politics itself is the biggest lie[vaccine truth]This is the whole truthvaccination is child abuse and attempted murderYou can find out the hard way or play dodge the silent vaccine bullet with your child’s life and being a life time carerThe five stages of vaccine awareness1. Vaccines are safe and effective2. Vaccines are unsafe but effective3. Vaccines do more harm than good4. Vaccines are ineffective and dangerous5. Vaccines are silent weapons for human farming: killing, sterilising, mind control, and disease creation for fear and income. Vaccine advocates are psychopaths or useful idiotsThey admit using sterilising vaccines so not going to be preventing life with one hand and saving with the other“Vaccination is child abuse and a crime against humanity.” - Dr Buchwald MD''Vaccination is not disease prevention - it's a particularly nasty form of organised crime in that it manipulates parents' protective instincts to get them to submit their child into getting poisoned for profit under the guise of disease prevention.'' ~ Erwin"The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization.....There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease."-Dr Robert Mendelsohn (received his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Chicago in 1951. For 12 years he was an instructor at Northwest University Medical College, and an additional 12 years served as Associtae Professor of Pediatrics and Community Health and Preventive Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. He was also President of the National Health Federation, former National Director of Project Head Starts Medical Consultation Service, and Chairman of the Medical Licensing Comittee of the State of Illinois.)"Parents who allow their children to be vaccinated should be charged with child abuse and sent to prison for a very long time."---Dr Vernon Coleman MB (Coleman's Laws.)"The 'victory over epidemics' was not won by medical science or by doctors--and certainly not by vaccines.....the decline...has been the result of technical, social and hygienic improvements and especially of improved nutrition. Here the role of the potato...deserves special mention.....Consider carefully whether you want to let yourself or your children undergo the dangerous, controversial, ineffective and no longer necessary procedure called vaccination, because the claim that vaccinations are the cause for the decline of infectious diseases is **utter nonsense.**"--The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures)---**Dr. med. G. Buchwald **Vaccines did not save humanity and never will. Vaccines have never been proven truly safe except for perhaps the parameters of immediate death or some specific adverse events within up to 4 weeks. Smallpox was not eradicated by vaccines as many doctors readily say it was. They say this out of conditioning rather than out of understanding the history or science. Polio virus was not responsible for the paralysis in the first part of the 20th century. Polio vaccine research, development, testing and distribution has committed atrocities upon primates and humanity. Bill Gates is not a humanitarian. Vaccines are dangerous and should never be injected into anyone for any reason. They are not the answer to infectious diseases. There are many more sustainable and benevolent solutions than vaccines.” Suzanne Humphries MD“I was the first to announce the "autism epidemic", in 1995, and I pointed out in that article that excessive vaccines were a plausible cause of the epidemic. As you know, an enormous amount of clinical laboratory research (as opposed to epidemiological research), has been accumulated since that time, supporting my position. (I did not know then that the vaccines contained mercury, although I had been collecting data since 1967 from the mothers of autistic children, on any dental work they may have had during their pregnancy.) The evidence is now overwhelming, despite the misinformation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Institute of Medicine.” ~ Bernard Rimland (November 15, 1928 – November 21, 2006) was an American research psychologist, writer, lecturer, and advocate for children with developmental disorders. Rimland's first book, Infantile Autism, sparked by the birth of a son who had autism, was instrumental in changing attitudes toward the disorder. Rimland founded and directed two advocacy groups: the Autism Society of America (ASA) and the Autism Research Institute."We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines.......Every doctor now essentially in this country has done something as heinous as the Nazis did, unknowingly." ~ Dr Eisenstein MD“I think that the biological case against Thimerosal is so dramatically overwhelming anymore that only a very foolish or a very dishonest person with the credentials to understand this research would say that Thimerosal wasn’t most likely the cause of autism……you couldn't even construct a study that shows thimerosal is safe. It's just too darn toxic. If you inject thimerosal into an animal, its brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die. If you put it in a petri dish, the culture dies. Knowing these things, it would be shocking if one could inject it into an infant without causing damage." ----Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky and one of the world's leading authorities on mercury toxicity.The best proof it’s only about money is the 80 year suppression of the vitamin c cure for all vaccine and viral disease"Many viral infectious diseases have been cured and can continue to be cured by the proper administration of Vitamin C. Yes, the vaccinations for these treatable infectious diseases are completely unnecessary when one has the access to proper treatment with vitamin C. And, yes, all the side effects of vaccinations...are also completely unnecessary since the vaccinations do not have to be given in the first place with the availability of properly dosed vitamin C."-So 80 years of vaccine damage for nothing bar giving them diseased children to feed offTake mmrI’ll take measles thanks a safe beneficial disease whose deaths and complications due to medical negligenceMMR diseases (Lawyer list many years ago, UK, before Legal aid was withdrawn by judge with Glaxo brother)Autism (287), Crohn’s disease and other serious chronic stomach problems (136), Epilepsy (132), Other forms of brain damage (induding meningitis, cerebral palsy, encephalopathy, encephalitis etc.) (77), Hearing and vision problems (81), Arthritis (50), Behavioural and learning problems (in older children) (110), Chronic fatigue syndrome (41), Diabetes (15), Guillain-Barre syndrome (9), Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura (and other purpuras) (6), Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) (3), Wegener’s Granulamatosis (2), Leukaemia (1), Multiple sclerosis (1), Death (18).Janine Robert’s on how they make the Measles vaccine, start at 5:00. "I found a CDC paper called 'Isolation of the Measles virus.' If we think a patient might have Measles get some fluid from that patient...and put in fridge. Next, get a marmoset monkey, kill it, take it's cells and put cells in cell culture because they are 10,000 times more responsive to measles than our human cells. The cell culture isn't ready yet to grow measles virus. Next thing is to make the monkey cells cancerous by exposing to radiation. Next give those monkey cells Epstein Barr virus, which is a horrific disease. Next, add a toxin to the cell culture that is so dangerous the advice is to wear rubber gloves, don't let human skin touch it. The CDC says at this point the cells are starting to fall off the sides of the vessel, in other words they are poisoned, they have cancer and EBV and they are falling over, they are ill. Give them 2 days to recover and add nutrients. Now get sample out of fridge and add to these diseased and cancerous cells. Watch with microscope for 2 days. If after this time 50% of the cells are distorted then you have an isolate of measles virus and you are instucted to put in fridge and keep to be used as vaccine. At no point is measles virus seen, at no point is the measles virus proved to cause the illness in the cells. We know they are poisoned, we know they have been given cancer & Epstein Barr syndrome. That is now ready to be made into a vaccine to be put into our kids. This noxious mixture is the basis that can be used in vaccines." Janine Roberts on Vaccines (Janine Roberts on Vaccines)Answer to“Even if vaccines caused autism (I don’t believe they do), how can you call yourself a loving parent if you prefer measles to autism?”I don’t know where you came up with the idea it’s a choice between measles and autismSo mmr protects you from measles and may cause autism but probably doesn’t so don’t worry about that as the government says it doesn’t even though they have no idea where it comes from apart from the 80 or so cases they have compensatedI presume you mean measles deaths as measles is a short acting disease that improves your immune system whereas autism is a lifelong severe disability requiring 24/7 caring where your mother or father have to give up what they were doing job wise and spend the rest of their life caring for their vaccination injured child who they can’t communicate with as they should and can be in permanent pain from vaccination induced bowel disease and requiring nappiesYou then have to worry about who is going to look after them after you die, they may end up in a secure facility that you read about in the daily mail where they are abusedAs to vaccination not causing autism it actually causes 99.9% while rest caused by same vaccine doctors use of ultrasound, other drugs and early cord clamping some 3.2 million an epidemic yet all we hear about is measlesAutism started with mercury containing dpt and rose in lockstep with increase in mercury contentSee vaccine autism on whaleMeasles vaccination isn’t going to protect you from measles did you actually believe the government?Deaths declined 99.4% before vax so that’s not trueAnd as to measles deaths all of those are due to vaccinators medical negligence from the use of other drugs and suppressing the vit c treatment that makes it safeBut it’s s harmless disease in health kids as I experienced before the vax fearmongering startedAnd it improves your immune system as designed so why would you want to suppress it and by doctors who can’t even cure it? And only know fraction of immune system?There’s blind faith for youAnd it’s not just autism mmr kills more than measlesWhile most measles cases have been vaccinated which is the final nail in its coffinAre you getting the satanic picture on measles vaccination yet?And it’s not just autism they withdrew one in Canada for causing meningitis then introduced it into uk where after maiming thousands with meningitis it was withdrawn and sent to BrazilMMR diseases (Lawyer list many years ago, UK, before Legal aid was withdrawn by judge with Glaxo brother)Autism (287), Crohn’s disease and other serious chronic stomach problems (136), Epilepsy (132), Other forms of brain damage (induding meningitis, cerebral palsy, encephalopathy, encephalitis etc.) (77), Hearing and vision problems (81), Arthritis (50), Behavioural and learning problems (in older children) (110), Chronic fatigue syndrome (41), Diabetes (15), Guillain-Barre syndrome (9), Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura (and other purpuras) (6), Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) (3), Wegener’s Granulamatosis (2), Leukaemia (1), Multiple sclerosis (1), Death (18).As I said mmr kills more than measles which shouldn’t kill anyone and u hear them wailing about measles hearing damage but silent on mmr hearing damagAnd check out how they make the measles virus for the vaccine while bearing in mind they haven’t isolated the measles virusJanine Robert’s on how they make the Measles vaccine, start at 5:00. "I found a CDC paper called 'Isolation of the Measles virus.' If we think a patient might have Measles get some fluid from that patient...and put in fridge. Next, get a marmoset monkey, kill it, take it's cells and put cells in cell culture because they are 10,000 times more responsive to measles than our human cells. The cell culture isn't ready yet to grow measles virus. Next thing is to make the monkey cells cancerous by exposing to radiation. Next give those monkey cells Epstein Barr virus, which is a horrific disease. Next, add a toxin to the cell culture that is so dangerous the advice is to wear rubber gloves, don't let human skin touch it. The CDC says at this point the cells are starting to fall off the sides of the vessel, in other words they are poisoned, they have cancer and EBV and they are falling over, they are ill. Give them 2 days to recover and add nutrients. Now get sample out of fridge and add to these diseased and cancerous cells. Watch with microscope for 2 days. If after this time 50% of the cells are distorted then you have an isolate of measles virus and you are instucted to put in fridge and keep to be used as vaccine. At no point is measles virus seen, at no point is the measles virus proved to cause the illness in the cells. We know they are poisoned, we know they have been given cancer & Epstein Barr syndrome. That is now ready to be made into a vaccine to be put into our kids. This noxious mixture is the basis that can be used in vaccines." Janine Roberts on Vaccines (Janine Roberts on Vaccines) (Janine Roberts on Vaccines (Janine Roberts on Vaccines))I have collected the failureMost cases have been vaccinated“During the California (Disneyland) measles outbreak, children under four years were counted as 'unvaccinated' even if they were being vaccinated but hadn't yet received the second MMR dose. That's why they have the range cut-off at four. It's semantic trickery. They only count them as 'vaccinated' if they've had both doses. Since the second dose is given at 4-6 years of age, vaccinated children who are between 1 year and their fourth birthday are counted as 'unvaccinated.' ” ~ Marcella Piper-Terry“Under normal conditions, healthy children do not die from or become disabled from the complications of measles and if they do, questions should be asked about their management.""Measles has been on a major decline since the mid 1850s and this has absolutely nothing to do with any measles or MMR vaccination......A growing number of parents worldwide are choosing not to vaccinate at all, and it is not because they can't get the single jabs, it is because they don't see vaccination as playing any kind of role in promoting the health of their children."----"In 1991 over 60% of cases in children were "vaccinated". ....The measles death decline graph provided shows that the measles vaccine had nothing to do with the decline in deaths, and has not affected the number of children hospitalised during epidemic years since its introduction."----“The media would have us believe that this is a result of the fringe population of anti-vaxers who refuse to have their children vaccinated according the guidelines of the current vaccine schedule. **Medical reporting has brought to light the glaring ineffectiveness of the measles vaccines in fulfilling their widely claimed promise of preventing outbreaks in highly vaccine compliant populations.** In fact, measles outbreaks have occurred in populations that have been vaccinated on the average of 77%- 99%, not the so-called anti-vaxers.....**Last year 1 in every 500,000 Americans came down with the measles. Nearly all recovered in a few days without serious consequences. At the same time 1 in 68 American children were diagnosed with autism or for every case of measles there were 7000 cases of autism. I ask myself which is the real epidemic here?....Stop hyping the safety of MMR vaccines which may actually be more dangerous than live measles and may be ineffective in preventing the illness which they are so anxious to report as a dangerous epidemic itself. ** Let’s stop believing that the mainstream media is telling us the truth when all they are doing is shutting down any intelligent and open discussion about vaccine safety and how to improve it.”This is but about the real measlesWe only see measles as a problem due to Allopath fearmongering to sell vaccination"It is well known that measles is an important development milestone in the life and maturing processes in children. Why would anybody want to stop or delay the maturation processes of children and of their immune systems?"--Viera Scheibner"Chronic tendencies, such as recurring respiratory infections, often heal after measles. Chronic health problems disappear, such as psoriasis or chronic kidney problems. The children’s hospital in Basle (Switzerland) used to get children with chronic kidney infections to contract measles intentionally in order to heal them, up until the 1960s . Children susceptible to infections are healthier and stronger after contracting measles; the need for medical treatment clearly decreases . Children in the Third World countries are less likely to contract malaria and parasites after measles . The risk to suffer breast cancer decreases to less than half. MS is also much lower in people who had measles. Hay fever is more rare in children who have older siblings and had measles than in those who were vaccinated against measles . A large African study showed that children who have had measles are 50% less at risk from allergies than those vaccinated,. Furthermore it is shown that experiencing measles protects from diseases of the immune system, skin diseases as well as degenerative cartilage, bone and tumourous diseases."---"In Eastern medical philosophy, poisons are believed to accumulate in the baby's body during life in the womb. After birth, the body at some time attempts to rid itself of the poisons. This leads to the many childhood diseases with eruptive rashes, and in particular, measles. Since the 16th century, it has been realized in Eastern medicine that measles is connected with infection. However the basic function of the disease is the same: the infection is regarded as the necessary agent for poisons to "come out". So, although the dangers of measles are clear, the illness is seen as a step towards overall health.Measles as a transition. The impact of measles can be best understood by observing changes in your child's behaviour, attention and attitude before and after the illness. Often, he or she is restless and irritable for some weeks or months before developing measles as though a storm is brewing. The family and other people around the child often greet the appearance of measles with relief, because at last the cause of the problem is evident. As the rash develops, and the disease goes into its second stage, the child becomes more confused and irrational. This is the most dangerous phase, and it represents the transition point.At this time, the body turns the corner as the poison leaves and the immune system gains the upper hand against the invaders. Then, as the crisis passes and the fever subsides, the child's awareness returns -- but with a different outlook. The negative and irritable behaviour has gone, and he or she is emotionally delicate and open to new influences. The child sees ordinary and familiar things in life for the first time, but through new eyes, as though he or she has had a form of ritual experience.On the physical level, the poisons accumulated during life the womb have been expelled. At the higher emotional and mental levels, negative forces such as greed and selfishness have also been expelled. So a child who has measles is afterwards less self-centered and more openhearted, and often more able to express his or her individuality. The personality becomes rounder and fuller, and more joyful and contented, as a step towards maturity and adulthood.""Children who are fed too frequently or fed improperly, and who are troubled with constipation and the passing of undigested food with the bowel movements, are made susceptible not only to diphtheria, but also to scarlet fever, measles, whooping-cough, etc. Indeed, it can be proved that normal, healthy children--children who have bowels that are regular, and who are not troubled with intestinal indigestion--cannot be made to take any of these diseases."--Tilden 1921"Measles is the manner in which a child's body throws off toxemia. When children are cared for improperly, they become toxemic, and their skin eliminates toxin to a greater degree than does the skin of grown people."--"It is my belief that measles heads the list of the diseases of childhood which are the result of starch and sugar toxemia."-(Food is Your Best Medicine)."I have myself, through Natural Hygiene, over 16 years, treated all forms and hundreds of cases of typhus and typhoid fevers, pneumonia's, measles and dysentery's, and have not lost a single patient. The same is true of scarlet and other fevers. No medicine whatever was given".--Dr Trall 1860.Febrile infectious childhood diseases (FICDs) are associated with a lower cancer risk in adulthood.A Swiss study found that adults are significantly protected against non-breast cancers — genital, prostate, gastrointestinal, skin, lung, ear-nose-throat, and others — if they contracted measles (odds ratio, OR = 0.45), rubella (OR = 0.38) or chickenpox (OR = 0.62) earlier in life:Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls. (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls.) (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls. (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls.))Chicken pox and reduced rates of brain cancer in adulthood:History of chicken pox may reduce risk of brain cancer later in life (History of chicken pox may reduce risk of brain cancer later in life) (History of chicken pox may reduce risk of brain cancer later in life (History of chicken pox may reduce risk of brain cancer later in life))Mumps and reduced rates of ovarian cancer:Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic association (Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic association) (Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic association (Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic association))Measles and reduced risk of lymphomasMeasles - Disease Information Statement (DIS) - Physicians for Informed Consent (Measles - Disease Information Statement (DIS) - Physicians for Informed Consent) (Measles - Disease Information Statement (DIS) - Physicians for Informed Consent (Measles - Disease Information Statement (DIS) - Physicians for Informed Consent))And on the contrary....both the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) and chicken pox vaccine contain human DNA which has been linked to childhood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, autoimmune diseases and gender identify confusion....Marcella Piper-Terry (Marcella Piper-Terry) (Marcella Piper-Terry (Marcella Piper-Terry))Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls. (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls.) (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls. (Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls.))#vaccines #measles #cancer #wedid #crazymothers #hearthiswell - Fermented FarmacyAs to treatment it was always safe in healthy children eg my whole school of 110 kids got measles I was first and spent nice few days in sickbay just for isolationAnd safe with all kids under proper medical care even 100 years agoNo one before the vax fearmongering started ever feared measlesThat’s homeopathy and naturopathyWhile nutritional medicine proved vit c made it safe 70 years ago eg Klenner in 1950s"But the ordinary child who gets measles, even the child with a moderate degree of malnutrition and so forth, if you give intravenous vitamin C supplementary to other forms of treatment, the response very often, not always, is absolutely dramatic If you get them early enough. You must get them early. If you delay, and they have been unconscious let us say for days, or a day or two, you cannot reverse it. The damage is permanent. If you get them early, give them this treatment and there is no problem. And that makes me very, very angry, because they talk about "Oh, we must stop these kids getting measles" and so forth. Well, all right, I can fix them if they get measles."---dr k(International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)Vitamin a"Knowing that measles often leads to vitamin A loss, we had begun to wonder if Africa's high death rates from measles might also be connected with vitamin A deficiency. To test this, children hospitalized with measles in Tanzania were given vitamin A capsules. The **measles death rate fell by half**. It was at this point that we discovered, to our astonishment, that a similar experiment had been conducted 50 years earlier in a London hospital - with the same results: medicine too has doors it did not enter, paths it did not take."--Sommer“If a source of vitamin A, such as butter, cod-liver oil or egg yolk formed a part of the diet, infective lesions were never seen in the rats and the addition of these substances to the deficient diets, unless the animals were too severely infected, generally resulted in rapid improvement and ultimate cure.”---Mellanby"There is a "cure" for measles. It is called vitamin A... cod-liver oil. As early as 1932 doctors used cod-liver oil to reduce hospital mortality by 58%, but then antibiotics became the treatment of fashion, *(Clin. Infect. Dis., Sept. 1994, pg 493) *and vitamin A was ignored until 1980. A 1993 study showed that **72% of hospitalised measles cases in America are vitamin A deficient**, and the worse the deficiency the worse the complications and higher the death rate. *(Pediatric Nursing, Sept./Oct. 96.) *Yet doctors and hospitals in New Zealand do not use vitamin A."As to the Allopaths solution to measles it can only be described as satanic"AT LEAST 26 families claim their children died as a result of the controversial measles, mumps and rubella jab, the Sunday Express can reveal. In some cases the Government has awarded parents up to £100,000 under its 1979 Vaccine Damage Payment Act. In others, post mortem reports concluded the jab was the most likely cause of death. Despite this, the Department of Health insists no child has ever died from MMR."

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