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Why do I only attract extremely dark skinned black men as a lighter black woman? How do I attract a larger range of guys instead of just dark skinned black men?

Why do I only attract extremely dark skinned black men as a lighter black woman? How do I attract a larger range of guys instead of just dark skinned black men?There are a few factors:1. Internal racism (colorism).2. The fact that opposites attract.3. In my experience as a dark skinned man, more fair skinned women are receptive to you than dark skinned women. Not always but I’ve met dark skin women that wanted nothing to do with another dark skinned person.“Light skin” in the Black community is the equivalent of being a natural blonde. Preference for Blond hair is a form of colorism that White people as a whole subscribe to. But Colorism stems from Colonialism and Slavery.I blame southern influences in rap music for spreading and normalizing this mentality. I grew up in the 80′s and 90′s. Colorism is an offshoot of mainstream racism designed to keep a White Supremacy intact (light skin is viewed as better than dark skin, which means White skin is supreme). Back in the day a rapper would never say something like; “Beautiful black woman, I bet that bitch look better red” —Lil Wayne.This is Kodak Black expressing his preference for “Yellow Bitches”, and his dislike for “Black bitches”. Kodak Black grew up in Florida:Systemic racism (especially in the South) breed a form of self-hate into Blacks. Ever since the late 90′s early 2000′s there was an increase in regressive rap songs mentioning “red bone” this, and “yellow bone" that. Also certain rappers have different preferences that influence young boys, and girls. Not all of them are southern rappers since colorism gradually has become more accepted in rap.Jay Z has a general preference for Light skinned women, however he differs as he never demeaned Dark skin women. He also understands diversity, he has had brown/Dark skinned women as his main eye candy in his videos.Jay-Z, Kenya Moore, Jermaine Dupri and Tracy Bingham, Money Ain’t a Thing Video:Jay-Z and Kenya Moore Money Ain’t a Thing Video:I’ve never hear him demean dark skinned women and he wasn’t color struct as many of the newer rappers are.Nelly is a Southern rapper and he has more of a preference for “Brown skinned women” as seen in his videos, but he too also show some color diversity in his videos:STORY TIME (this is my person experiences at Howard University in the 90’s):Full disclosure, I’m a Milk chocolate colored man, My Father is dark skinned (dark chocolate colored), and my mother is Light Bright Damn near white (to use a term) woman with Red hair. My mother taught me that the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, so I didn't grow up “color struct”. Color Struct is when a black person grows up being taught that light skin is better and they usually dislike their their own dark skin or think their light skin is better.I When to Howard University in the 90’s as a freshmen I would say 80% of the woman that were flirtatious with me were light skin. Based on my exes I have a preference for Brown Skinned women however I’ve dated all colors from as Light as you can be without being Albino to blue Black in color.I also noticed that most Dark skinned women weren't feeling me at all. When I did come across a dark skinned woman what was interested in me they were either, From “Up North” like me (NY, NJ, Connecticut, Philly), Foreign (African, Caribbean, European), or a very WOKE woman, into Black conciseness and being afrocentric.At a party I met this fine Dark skin girl from Florida, she looked like a Dark skinned Rhianna. Anyway, I tried to talk to her and she treated me like I had the plague. This other girl started talking to me (light skinned girl from Canada) and I ended up chilling with her most of the night, I also found out that the other girl was her roommate. Later that week I saw the dark skinned girl on a train, I ignored her but she said hi. I found out that she had issues with her own color and she was in competition with her roommate. The only reason she said hi to me was because her roommate like me.In conclusion, many dark skinned Black men prefer Light skin women because of colorism, but also because sometimes Light skinned women prefer dark skin men and the men assume a certain level of standard attraction. In my experience usually Light Skinned women tend to have a preference for dark skinned men more than a brown or dark skin woman would in general.

Should Bill Clinton apologize to Monica Lewinsky for using and then shaming her?

Here’s a letter I sent to CNN yesterday, June 4th, at [email protected] when they were focusing on this question:Dear CNN,I feel very strongly about the nonsense issue of whether Bill Clinton should "apologize" to Monica Lewinsky, on both your website and on the air -- that's why I'm writing to you.Monica Lewinsky was a college graduate who went to work as an intern at the White House. She was exultant when she got the job; she told friends she was going to "earn my presidential knee pads." (Translation: she hoped to be in a situation when she would kneel in front of a married president and give him a blow job.) She did what she could to get to see the president more often than her job demanded, and made multiple passes at him -- exposing her thong underwear, etc. (If a man behaved in a work environment in an analogous way toward a woman, he would quickly be accused of sexual harassment.) The president eventually responded to her passes, and I think less of him for doing so. Both of their accounts of what happened, and the account that emerges from her phone calls to Linda Tripp which Tripp taped, make it clear how the relationship progressed. He was fairly passive every step of the way, and she demanded more and more sexual involvement from him. Both felt they had never had sex -- by which they meant they had never had intercourse -- and she was very upset about this. He yielded to her demands in everything but this. I don't admire him for any of it, but his documented behavior is in sharp contrast to what people like Juanita Broaddrick claim about him being a sexual predator.While their relationship was still private, he broke things off. She asked him to get her a good new job. She did not say directly that there was blackmail/quid pro quo involved. He set up a job interview for her, but she did not get the job, and he did not do anything more for her. Several years after the relationship that they both preferred to keep quiet had ended, Ken Starr and Linda Tripp made it a public issue, Lewinsky was forced to talk about it, with the threat that she or her mother could go to jail if she did not, and all hell broke loose. One reason all hell broke loose was CNN: your constant, feverish coverage, your constant playing of the footage of him giving her a hug. You were a crucial part of the ridiculous feeding frenzy of coverage. I don't know much about sexual addiction; I think it's a real thing. I believe Bill Clinton was someone who had this problem, and had it under control -- and my feeling about Monica Lewinsky is that she did the equivalent of waving a bottle of scotch under the nose of an alcoholic who is on the wagon; it's not a nice thing to do, and in this context, it was not a nice thing to do to our country. There were important things Clinton was trying to accomplish that got swept away by hysteria over this non-issue. It's Hillary Clinton's business, certainly, that her husband had an affair, but how is it anyone else's? He was afraid he'd lose his marriage, he was deeply humiliated, and he answered some questions in a misleading, lawyerly way. If CNN cares about people who break the law, how about Republicans who forced President Clinton to answer "blow by blow" questions about the affair before a grand jury (Did you touch this person in their genital area? Did this person then touch you in your genital area?) and taped it, and then illegally put it on national television in the middle of the afternoon? Why aren't those law-breaking Republicans in jail? Why are you still allowed to call yourselves journalists when you did not ask that question when it happened?When Monica Lewinsky gave her TED talk, she did not say oh, look at the terrible things the Clintons did to me. She said she was young and inexperienced when she fell in love with her boss, and then she was publicly slut-shamed, and it ruined her life. She compared herself to the Rutgers student who was having his first gay encounter, and his roommate videotaped it and made it public, and the gay student jumped off of the George Washington Bridge. President Clinton did not do the equivalent of that to her life. You did. Monica Lewinsky was publicly slut-shamed by her false friend Linda Tripp, and by the law-breaking, contemptible Ken Starr (condemned for his despicable behavior by other special prosecutors, both Democrats and Republicans) and by media like CNN that went along with their project to smear and destroy the President. You pursued every garbage story about the Clintons before that (Travelgate! Haircutgate! Whitewater! The "murder" of Vince Foster!) and Starr pursued those stories, and when they couldn't make any of them turn out to add up to anything, the Republicans decided to pretend that the President's consensual involvement in a relationship that had already ended was the business of the rest of us -- and, furthermore, that it was an impeachable offense. And you helped them make that lie sound like a "thing," and you ruined Monica Lewinsky's life in the process.Have YOU issued an apology to her for what you did to her life? Have you apologized for your role in being the equivalent of that Rutgers student's roommate, as you publicly slut-shamed her, relentlessly, day after day, month after month, when there were real issues to address ...? You focused on her like she was a plane that had gone missing, with no new news available about it, and so you were making up scenarios of what could have happened to it ...Have you issued an apology to President Bill Clinton for publicly slut-shaming him, as well as her? Isn't it a bad thing to publicly slut-shame anybody who has hurt no one and wants to keep his/her sex life private? Was there any reason for you and the rest of the media to treat him as you did? Is there any excuse for the double standards you use, and how quick you are to smear the Clintons -- and how you give a smirking, bragging, lying sexual predator like Donald Trump very different treatment?Speaking of which, why doesn't CNN apologize to the American people for your role in putting that sexual predator named Donald Trump in the White House? All during the 2016 campaign, lying Trump surrogates like Kellyanne Conway tried to create a false equivalency between what Donald Trump is accused of doing (harassing/assaulting/raping women and children -- the number of accusers is up to nineteen or so) and what Bill Clinton did with Monica Lewinsky. Conway would appear on CNN and say: oh, look at how Bill and Hillary went after their "victims" like Lewinsky, and people who are young or who have short memories got the impression that he had harassed or attacked Lewinsky. Conway and other Trump surrogates would go on your shows and say Lewinsky was "under age" when she was involved with Clinton -- and your "journalists" would never correct their lies on air. Why not? The Trump surrogates would mention people like Kathleen Willey, and your "journalists" never said: actually, Willey has been proven to be a liar because she said Bill Clinton made a pass at her and she was furious and wanted to slap his face -- and he released stalkerish letters she sent him after that alleged incident in which she said things like "I'm your number one fan ..." You never called the Trump surrogates on these lies. You never talked about the thousands of dollars that the professional Clinton accusers like Broaddrick (the two people most vociferously backing her story happen to be sisters who hate Bill Clinton because he pardoned a man who shot their father) and Paula Jones (a woman who had Republican operatives arrange for her plastic surgery and Penthouse spread) and Willey were paid to be part of the Trump circus on the day and evening of the second 2016 presidential debate. (They took part in that circus along with a woman who hates Hillary because when she was a little girl she was molested by an indigent man, and a judge told Hillary, when she was a young lawyer representing people who could not afford counsel, to represent that indigent man, though Hillary did not want to. All of them in that circus said it doesn't matter about Trump's accusers, let's just talk about Bill and Hillary Clinton. I don't recall any of Trump's accusers taking part in a similar circus, and no Democrat or left-leaning media asked them to do so, or paid them, or bought them plastic surgery.)Because you obediently do what Republican operatives like Roger Stone (who paid those women) want, and you do what Assange and Putin and Trump want, in your coverage -- you are so utterly easy to manipulate -- we now have a genuine sexual predator in the White House. Michael Cohen in 2015, when asked about what Trump did to Ivana, said "you can't rape your spouse." Then he apologized -- he said oh, I misspoke, I was so traumatized by the question. Now we have the recording of him threatening a reporter over the phone, and yelling "You can't rape your spouse!" from that same time period. But Michael Cohen is not the first dirt-bag Trump lawyer to say "you can't rape your spouse." Back when Trump was getting divorced from Ivana, she described how, after months of them not having sex, when he was sleeping with Marla Maples, he was angry because Ivana had referred him to a doctor who did scalp reduction surgery and Trump didn't like what the guy had done, so he violently raped Ivana, shouting at her and ripping tufts of hair out of her head as he did so. And he told her "I hope it hurts." She described all of this in court documents, and Trump and his legal team, remarkably, did not argue that it never happened. Instead, his lawyers said it wasn't technically rape because "you can't rape your spouse."Now, it's true that, in the past, women were chattels, legally, and a man could have sex with his wife at any time if he wanted to. This was no longer the case legally in New York in the 1990s when the rape and the divorce happened. But regardless -- most Americans don't know that story. Why? Because "journalists" like yourselves did not tell them about it during the campaign. You did not discuss the nuances of that phrase "you can't rape your spouse" the way you breathlessly discussed, for months and years, Bill Clinton saying "I did not have sex with that woman," and so on ...Why is that?You could have looked at Trump's whole history, when he was running for president: beyond running the pussy-grabbing Billy Bush tape a few times. You could have aired Trump on Howard Stern talking about how he had a right to "inspect" the women and girls in beauty contests he owned, when he walked into their changing rooms and they were undressed. You could have played that radio clip and then interviewed the women who say he did exactly that -- to them. You could have talked about Trump Model Management, and the teenage girls from other countries who were warehoused and exploited by that bogus company; they were coached to lie to Immigration about why they were coming to the US, to say they would not be working as models -- and then Trump took most of their earnings and gouged them for rent. You could have talked to the many people he lied to and bullied who did work for him and then he reneged on his contracts with them or paid them thirty cents on the dollar, and you could have interviewed those who ran the Trump University scam for him who have said (in newspaper interviews) that the whole point of it was to cheat elderly and uneducated people out of their life savings. You could have made connections between these different ways of being a predator -- they all add up to an unpleasant picture.These are all things you could have done, if you were real journalists. Beyond that, if you had taken seriously the role of the Fourth Estate during a presidential campaign to inform the public, you could have spent some time, every week, looking at policy goals: what does Hillary say she'll do about green technology and energy? What does Trump say he'll do? What will she do about the college debt crisis? How about him? Anything? Hillary wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Trump says wages are too high. Or, is he saying something different this week? Does he have a coherent plan? On any issue? Hillary says she wants universal pre-K education for four-year-olds. Trump wants to give rich people a tax break on their nannies. Which approach will better solve the childcare crisis for working-class families in this country?Those are things you could have done during the campaign. Instead, day after day and night after night, you'd serve up the content-free "news" morsels that Julian Assange and others farmed to you that day: "Five years ago, someone in the Clinton campaign had a snarky private email exchange with someone else on John Podesta's server. Should Hillary apologize?" or: "Bono asked Secretary of State Clinton if he could get invited to a luncheon after he gave a big donation to the Clinton Foundation. He didn't get to go to the luncheon, but doesn't the fact that he asked show there wasn't enough of a firewall between the Foundation and Hillary's role at State?" That was the drivel that you obediently followed Russia's lead in "reporting" on -- instead of covering real news.You could still cover real news stories. And you could assess your role in what happened in 2016. And you could apologize to Bill Clinton, and to Hillary Clinton, and to Monica Lewinsky, and to the American people. But you won't, because you are not real journalists. You are CNN. This is CNN -- and it's sad to see.Sincerely,Judy Klass

What is so great about The Big Bang Theory? Why I should watch it?

There are many reasons that makes The Big Bang Theory so great. Here are some best reasons I can give you to start watching it.A) Dr.Sheldon Cooper, Bazinga!Doctor Sheldon Cooper, a theoretical physicist and the King of Nerds, is the favourite character for most viewers. His character is considered to be one of the key reasons behind the sustained success of the show which is well into its 7th season. He’s also hysterically horrible at understanding sarcasm and humour.Another thing that makes Sheldon’s performance enjoyable is his firm disbelief in irrational practices while he still does things that are somewhat superstitious. And of course, who can forget his knocking thrice on someone’s door while calling out their name?The audience realised the extent of this particular superstition when Penny – his neighbour – opened the door after the second knock in one episode. This made Sheldon so uncomfortable that he knocked on the frame of the open door saying “Penny” in a relatively low voice – just to complete his ‘count of three.B) Leonard and his surprising love lifeDoctor Leonard Hofstadter is an experimental physicist and Sheldon’s roommate. He has had a difficult childhood since his mother was an unaffectionate, distanced parent who preferred to analyse Leonard’s behaviour – being a psychiatrist and neuro-scientist – than nurture him.His expertise lies in the area of Applied Physics. He’s shown executing a number of scientific experiments using state-of-the-art equipment in the laboratory. One of my favourite moments from the show is when he shows Penny, who also happens to be his girlfriend, show some of the latest experiments in physics including the Holographic Principle using a laser in the lab.C) Howard Joe Wolowitz – the only non-PhDHoward – the third member of the foursome – has somewhat of an unpleasant relationship with his “ never seen but always audible”mother. His relationship with his mother is so intensely disturbing that in one episode when Sheldon asked him to do something nice so that he would go to Jewish heaven, Howard replied,“Have you met my mother? I live in Jewish hell!”Although he doesn’t have a PhD, he is an aerospace engineer and has had the rare opportunity to visit the International Space Station. Howard also imitates Stephen Hawking’s robotic voice very accurately, sending the audience into fits of laughter throughout the series.D) Rajesh Koothrappali - The only Indian in BBTKoothrapali can’t talk to women without being drunk. To counter that, every time he has something to say to a woman, he whispers in Howard’s ear, this gives many people the impression that the two are involved in a gay relationship – this offends both Koothrappali and Wolowitz.The way Raj’s parents interrogate him regarding the dubious nature of their relationship is also quite entertaining.In the current season’s episodes, however, he has managed to overcome his nerves and has conversations with women without needing to drink.His characteristic Indian accent and his failure to understand the American life style also adds to the show’s humour.E) PennyPenny is Sheldon and Leonard’s cute, bubbly neighbour and Leonard has had the hots for her since the day she moved in. She plays an unsuccessful actress who is stuck being a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory, while pursuing her dream of making it big in Hollywood.Her adorable looks and amusing dialogue delivery keeps viewers hooked, especially her love-hate relationship with Sheldon.F) Knowledge with FunThe inspiration for the show came from two real-life geeky computer programmers. However, instead of being limited to computer jargon and concepts only, The Big Bang Theory includes natural sciences, particularly physics. This allowed the producers to encompass subjects about literally the entire universe including biology, cosmology, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, history, geography, linguistics and other topics of general knowledge.Even the title soundtrack which begins with Our Whole Universe was in a hot dense state…says a lot about the show’s content.The show is a great source of knowledge, information and even inspiration for people of all age groups; and that too in a fun way.Before this show, I didn’t think physics could be fun either.G) It's Interesting for EveryoneAlthough a show of geeks, The Big Bang Theory is not specifically for geeks and can be enjoyed by people from all backgrounds and with varied interests, making it currently one of the best shows on air. There is an eclectic diversity of jokes from scientific jokes to mainstream puns. Add to this the expressions and dialogue deliveries of all the characters and I can guarantee an evening of endless laughter.H) Calling all comic fans!There’s even something for comic and gaming fans on The Big Bang Theory. All four nerds – Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj – are fond of comic books, movies, characters and games. There are extensive references to the comic world, especially superheroes like Batman, Hulk, Spider Man, Wonder Woman, Spock, Yoda, The Flash and others.As far as I know, this is the best television show I have ever watched. If you choose to watch it over other shows, it's worth watching!!!!!!My favourite characters from The Big Bang Theory are SHELDON COOPER and RAJESH KOOTHRAPPALI.Bazingaa!!Start watching!!Have a great day!!

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