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Steps in Editing First Major on Windows

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PDF Editor FAQ

Why is Muhammad Ali often underrated by modern fans despite the insurmountable evidence of his tremendous success?

The main reason is probably to do with the old retro footage. When watching the old classic gladiators in action, one’s viewpoint is limited by the quality of the footage……. If you watch his early to mid 60s fights, they’re largely in black & white. This has a big negative effect on a modern fan…….furthermore if you watch his 1970s fights in Technicolor then the modern fan will see that he took a lot of beatings & by ‘75 he was a fighter in decline.On the other hand, people who watched his ‘70s fights in real time would still have clear memories of the 1960s speed demon Ali. So through the eyes of older boxing fans, the 1970s beatings he took were taken with a pinch of salt. But it is a generational bias- older fans are biased towards him & younger fans against him.Now AJ has nothing directly to do with Ali or this question. But his physique is reportedly changing & fast. The physical appearance of a boxer has a lot to do with how casual fans perceive a given boxer’s talent. You will be surprised by how many young casual boxing fans will think that AJ is better than Ali because of the fact that he is the more well built of the two !!Finally, Ali’s style may not be to the liking of everyone. Once again this is a generational thing - but he was unique back in the ‘60s. Most HWs of that era were bruisers who plied their trade on toughness & punching power. Ali was totally different in that he was probably the first slickster type HW to have major success on the world stage. As time goes by this novelty factor simply wears off. Look at Larry Holmes who was essentially an “Ali clone” but never even came close to achieving 25% of Ali’s popularity.

How would Sylvester Stallone fare in a real professional boxing match in his prime?

If he fought a real HW such as this killer on the right, I doubt he lasts half a round. As & when that FIRST clean punch lands, I think it’s game over. When pro boxers hit normal, untrained guys the effects of the same punch are probably anywhere up to 4x as damaging. Pro boxers train to take a hit & this makes a big difference- boxing actors & other laymen don’t. Also, he would be no where near big enough or tough enough to mix it with HW boxers; in fact I doubt that he could even mix it with cruisers or light HWs. Against even smaller pro boxers, he will get hurt & inevitably hospitalized.The fact that Stallone has played a famous “boxer” in a major movie franchise would make almost no difference to his chances when compared to any other layman’s chances. Of course in his prime Stallone had a very good physique & was undoubtedly fitter & stronger than the average “Joe” but with real-life boxing this won’t help him that much- not against real pros. You will probably find a whole load of other guys who attend a boxing themed gym & weight-train regularly that could look almost as impressive as Stallone in a movie - it’s called choreography. Obviously they won’t be Hollywood A-list actors & so can’t sell a movie like Sly but they could probably imitate a boxer just as well.Apparently, actors such as Robert De Niro & Mickey Rourke garnered a little more “respect” & credibility within the boxing fraternity. Certainly the boxing scenes in Raging Bull are purportedly way more realistic than anything out of the original Rocky franchise. Also the real-life Jake La Motta was an adviser to De Niro in the boxing scenes.This is former middleweight world champion Jake La Motta ( right) pictured with De Niro & director Martin Scorsese on the set of Raging Bull.

What is the review and rating of Nagoya University, Japan?

Thanks Ana Hansen for the request.Since I am studying in Nagoya University, keep in mind that my answer might be biased, but my answer is based on my personal experience.(Prestige and Ranking) Nagoya University is one of the seven former imperial universities, or now more commonly known as the National 7 universities, ranking 115(QS), 72(ARWU) in the world. Hence, in Japan, there is a certain elitism and prestige to studying here. Funny story, there was two separate occasion where I told the person sitting next to me on my flight to Nagoya that I was studying in NU, and they replied ,”you must be smart smart, rich rich”, the other occasion, the person said something very similar. Being part of the National 7 or as the Japanese calls it “全国七大学”, or nanadai for short, is very comparable to the being part of the ivy league the USA, we have our own sports league, and even an alumni club for graduates of these universities, some of the schools are really well known (e.g Harvard and Tokyo U), and some not as much(Darthmouth, Hokkaido Daigaku). But they are all great schools nonetheless.(Education in the international program) Depending on your major, you would have a different experience, but for natural sciences, and engineering major, the program is extremely intense, I graduated from a private North American high school, and it took me a long time to catch up with my other Asian counterparts. In first year, I slept at 2 AM finishing HWs, and woke up at 8 AM everyday(weekdays) to go to class, and we typically only finish school on average at 4 PM. For our fist calculus assignment, 80 percent of the class received 0%, as we were expected to prove the definitions of limit with ε and δ in the first week of school( Additionally, we needed to take about 16 courses in the first semester. But at the end of the day, you would be able to truly say you have that “Japanese work ethics”. In the fourth year, you would not be taking classes for most part, but you would literally living for your laboratory and research, as results will be expected of you.(Post-graduation prospect) Again depending on your major, you would have a different experience, but a lot of my seniors got in great schools and companies. In japan, as long as you can speak Japanese, and you graduate from this school, regardless of your major, you will be able to find a job easily. For grad school, recently some of our seniors have been getting into and getting funded by great schools(Oxford, MIT, Berkeley, UofT, TokyoU), but most of these people are exceptionally smart and has worked really hard during undergrad.(Summary) If you like Japanese culture, hard work, and would like to have a unique international experience, Nagoya University will be a great place to study.hmu in the comment sections for more details.

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