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What are the best colleges for each religion?

I think most private colleges that are ranked breakdown into Non-denominational and Catholic. There are exceptions, but even those with some kind of historic ties to a denomination generally have a Non-denominational bent. Given the above, I tried to honor the spirit and purpose of the question rather than perhaps its exact letter.Some of the top ones:Wheaton CollegeBiola UniversityBaylor UniversityTexas Christian University (TCU)Abeline Christian University (ACU)Nortre Dame UniversityGeorgetown UniversityThe above is not a ranking, but rather a list. Others include Whitworth, Samford, Liberty, Patrick Henry, Pacific Azusa, Calvin College, Gordon, Cedarville, Carson Newman, Seattle Pacific University, and George Fox.That’s a total of 18 universities. If I was doing my search, these would likely form the foundation of my search.This is a cool ranking in my opinion. It provides the top Christian university as expressed by other ranking systems: Princeton Review Academic Ratings for Christian Colleges

Why was Jesus crucified?

On 7 April, in the year 30 A.D, coinciding with the Jewish calendar; the 18th of Nisan, 3790 (י״ח בְּנִיסָן ג'תש״ץ) -- a Jewish street preacher and miracle worker from Galilee, named Jesus (יֵשׁוּעַ - yéšûaʿ), was handed over to the governor Pontius Pilate that he might be crucified. In case you may have been looking for “How was Jesus Crucified”, my answer to that is also linked here:Damien Cowl's answer to How was Jesus crucified?Crucifixion was probably by far the most horribly painful and disgraceful form of capital punishment used in the ancient world. This method of torture and execution involved binding the victim's hands and feet and nailing them to a crucifix (שְׁלִיבָה, šalîḇāʾ). So why did Jesus go through this? Before we explore the theological depth, we must first lay out the motives of the different parties involved…in the context of the 1st century Jewish and Hellenistic Roman world.To start off, here are three lectures from the course “Survey Of The New Testament Times”, given by Dr. Kelly Pigott who is a professor of church history and graduate of Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, where he received a B.A. These will help us understand the cultural and political factors that surrounded the early Jesus movement:Roman Politics during the Time of Jesus (12:48 duration)Jewish Culture & Practices during the Time of Jesus (39:45 duration)Life & Teachings of a First Century Galilean Jew (54:19 duration)Now, before I explain my religious perspective on this issue, I will first lay out the historical reasons both political and religious groups had for wanting Jesus crucified.The Religious AuthoritiesFrom the perspective of the Sanhedrin in the first century (i.e. the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisaic leaders), there are a number of reasons why they felt that this man needed to die...First off, He claimed to be the Messiah, at least indirectly. His disciples and later many of the poor or common people - i.e. the "am-ha'aretz" - believed Him to be the promised Saviour. But as the Jewish leaders saw it, this obviously could not be the case. How could a Messiah come from a small backwater village such as Nazareth of Galilee? He was obviously misleading the common people (John vii. 52; Mark xiv. 61-64)What's more, this man boldly proclaimed himself to be one with God. In the Pharisaic understanding - which was beginning to become the Jewish orthodox view - this was blasphemy of the highest order. Especially considering that they didn't even see him as being any kind of Messiah (John vii. 58; x. 30-38, Matt. xxii. 41-48, Mark xiv. 61-64)With the growing popularity of Jesus among the common people, believing Him to be the Messiah, there was a very real danger that the Romans might react in violence against the whole Jewish people, destroying the temple-along with their influential positions within Jerusalem (John xi. 47-53).Also see: The reason why the Pharisees wanted Jesus crucified by the Romans rather than stone him themselvesThe Roman's PerspectiveThe Romans who were occupying Judaea at the time - particularly the governor Pontius Pilate - had Jesus crucified for different reasons altogether...Although his brief dialogue with Jesus made it abundantly clear that He was not involved in any plans of rebellion, nor did the Sanhedrin offer any proof of their accusations, it was an opportunity to make an example to undermine the confidence of any future claims to Messiahship which could start a revolt.By crucifying Jesus under the title "King of the Jews", Pilate was mocking the whole Jewish community. At the same time, he had the Sanhedrin publicly proclaim that they acknowledge no other king apart from Caesar (John xix. 14-15; 4-6; 19-22).If he would let Jesus go against the wishes of the Jewish leadership, Pilate could be held responsible for any future rebellion if Jesus indeed had Messianic aims. More-over, the Jewish leaders threatened him by saying that he would not be a friend of Caesar if he let Jesus free, and we know this was no idle threat (they repeatedly sent letters through his career, protesting his violent actions and lack of respect for their customs). The New Testament itself mentions at least one fairly gruesome action in the temple... (Luk. xii. 1; John xix. 12).It seems as if Pilate did not really know what to make of Jesusʾ silence when He was being accused. While he might have found no evidence for plans of actual violent overthrow of the Roman rule, the fact that Jesus did not defend Himself against those claims, probably worried him a bit.Speaking of which, many skeptics claim that Pontius Pilate is portrayed in neutral and positive light, which is added to the list of claims that the Gospels conflict with historical accounts. However Michael Jones (Inspiring Philosophy) dashes these claims regarding this biblical portrayal:Perhaps a good explanation of the motives of Pilate can be found with James E. Talmage, who has conducted exhaustive work on the life and death of Jesus:The governor, though having pronounced sentence, yet sought means of releasing the submissive Sufferer. His first evidence of wavering was greeted by the Jews with the cry, “If thou let this man go, thou art not Cæsar’s friend: whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Cæsar.” Pilate took his place in the judgment seat, which was set up in the place of the Pavement, or Gabbatha, outside the hall. He was resentful against those Jews who had dared to intimate that he was no friend of Cæsar, and whose intimation might lead to an embassy of complaint being sent to Rome to misrepresent him in exaggerated accusation.…Wherein lay the cause of Pilate’s weakness? He was the emperor’s representative, the imperial procurator with power to crucify or to save; officially he was an autocrat. His conviction of Christ’s blamelessness and his desire to save Him from the cross are beyond question. Why did Pilate waver, hesitate, vacillate, and at length yield contrary to his conscience and his will? Because, after all, he was more slave than freeman. He was in servitude to his past. He knew that should complaint be made of him at Rome, his corruption and cruelties, his extortions and the unjustifiable slaughter he had caused would all be brought against him. He was the Roman ruler, but the people over whom he exercised official dominion delighted in seeing him cringe, when they cracked, with vicious snap above his head, the whip of a threatened report about him to his imperial master, Tiberius.…The Underlying Cause of Pilate’s Surrender to the Jewish Demands.—Pilate knew what was right but lacked the moral courage to do it. He was afraid of the Jews, and more afraid of hostile influence at Rome. He was afraid of his conscience, but more afraid of losing his official position. It was the policy of Rome to be gracious and conciliatory in dealing with the religions and social customs of conquered nations. Pontius Pilate had violated this liberal policy from the early days of his procuratorship. In utter disregard of the Hebrew antipathy against images and heathen insignia, he had the legionnaires enter Jerusalem at night, carrying their eagles and standards decorated with the effigy of the emperor. To the Jews this act was a defilement of the Holy City. In vast multitudes they gathered at Cæsarea, and petitioned the procurator that the standards and other images be removed from Jerusalem. For five days the people demanded and Pilate refused. He threatened a general slaughter, and was amazed to see the people offer themselves as victims of the sword rather than relinquish their demands. Pilate had to yield (Josephus, Antiquities, xviii, chap. 3:1; also Wars, ii, chap. 9:2, 3). Again he gave offense in forcibly appropriating the Corban, or sacred funds of the temple, to the construction of an aqueduct for supplying Jerusalem with water from the pools of Solomon. Anticipating the public protest of the people, he had caused Roman soldiers to disguise themselves as Jews; and with weapons concealed to mingle with the crowds. At a given signal these assassins plied their weapons and great numbers of defenseless Jews were killed or wounded (Josephus, Antiquities, xviii, chap. 3:2; and Wars, ii. chap. 9:3, 4). On another occasion, Pilate had grossly offended the people by setting up in his official residence at Jerusalem, shields that had been dedicated to Tiberius, and this “less for the honor of Tiberius than for the annoyance of the Jewish people.” A petition signed by the ecclesiastical officials of the nation, and by others of influence, including four Herodian princes, was sent to the emperor, who reprimanded Pilate and directed that the shields be removed from Jerusalem to Cæsarea (Philo. De Legatione ad Caium; sec. 38).These outrages on national feeling, and many minor acts of violence, extortion and cruelty, the Jews held against the procurator. He realized that his tenure was insecure, and he dreaded exposure. Such wrongs had he wrought that when he would have done good, he was deterred through cowardly fear of the accusing past.Source: Chapter 34: The Trial and CondemnationIt is also important to recognize that that governing Judea was not a glamorous assignment by any means. Far removed from Rome, Pilate lived among Jews and Gentiles who resented Roman rule. The Romans, even though they had power, were outnumbered. Had the people gotten themselves organized, perhaps they could have overthrown their Roman overlords. So, Pilate's grip on power was tenuous at best. He had to make alliances with the Jewish Temple leadership in an effort to "keep the peace" so he could keep his position. See also:Stavros Akrotirianakis on the historical Pontus PilateWho Was Pontius Pilate?FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVEWhat we will now discuss is the theological reasons behind Jesus' crucifion. Many Christians simply teach that Jesus died for our sins, which they believe is the transgression of God's divine law, in order to save people from hell, which they believe is a literal place of fire. However, there are multiple problems with this. A lot of people have this idea that God enjoys or takes pleasure in sacrifices, and that Jesus was a scapegoat.However, this is hardly correct. First off, it would be more accurate to say that God hates sacrifices but that sacrifice is sometimes a necessity in the absence of perfect righteousness.Proverbs 21:3—To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.Psalm 51:16-17—For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.1 Samuel 15:22—And Samuel said, “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.Mark 12:33—And to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love one's neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”Amos 5:21-24—“I hate, I despise your feasts, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies. Even though you offer me your burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them; and the peace offerings of your fattened animals, I will not look upon them. Take away from me the noise of your songs; to the melody of your harps I will not listen. But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.Micah 6:6-8—“With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?Jeremiah 7:22-23—For in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, I did not speak to your fathers or command them concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices. But this command I gave them: ‘Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people. And walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you.’Psalm 40:6-8—In sacrifice and offering you have not delighted, but you have given me an open ear. Burnt offering and sin offering you have not required. Then I said, “Behold, I have come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me: I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.”Ecclesiastes 5:1—Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil.Matthew 12:7—And if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless.Isaiah 1:11-17—“What to me is the multitude of your sacrifices? says the Lord; I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well-fed beasts; I do not delight in the blood of bulls, or of lambs, or of goats. “When you come to appear before me, who has required of you this trampling of my courts? Bring no more vain offerings; incense is an abomination to me. New moon and Sabbath and the calling of convocations— I cannot endure iniquity and solemn assembly. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates; they have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you; even though you make many prayers, I will not listen; your hands are full of blood.Hebrews 10:4-10—For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Consequently, when Christ came into the world, he said, “Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but a body have you prepared for me; in burnt offerings and sin offerings you have taken no pleasure. Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come to do your will, O God, as it is written of me in the scroll of the book.’” When he said above, “You have neither desired nor taken pleasure in sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and sin offerings” (these are offered according to the law),Matthew 23:23—“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.Psalm 50:8-9—Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you; your burnt offerings are continually before me. I will not accept a bull from your house or goats from your folds.Jeremiah 26:13—Now therefore mend your ways and your deeds, and obey the voice of the Lord your God, and the Lord will relent of the disaster that he has pronounced against you.Jeremiah 11:7—For I solemnly warned your fathers when I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, warning them persistently, even to this day, saying, Obey my voice.Exodus 19:5—Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine;Jeremiah 11:4—that I commanded your fathers when I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, Listen to my voice, and do all that I command you. So shall you be my people, and I will be your God,So the question we must ask ourselves is this: does God demand sacrifices? Does he enjoy them? Or are they just a means to an end? Perhaps God accepts them as a form of cultural expression, perhaps they are a benefit to the human, and not the other way around. Because in countless other verses God makes explicitly clear that he loathes sacrifice and upholds mercy. Perhaps sacrifice is a way of wiping away misdeeds?God loathes sacrifice, he plainly expresses that he even loathes the smoke that rises up. Yet sacrifice is used as a way of reconcilation. It is a way of atonement.Matthew 5:24—leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.Think about it like this, when somebody goes to court and are found guilty, they usually have to pay the price for transgressing against the law. Usually they do this by jail time, the death penalty depending on the severity, or by a hefty fine.Except back in biblical times people didn't have paper money like they do today. Ancient cultures instead traded belongings, usually livestock. So in sacrificing an animal it kind of acts as a sort of legal payment. Of course God has no need of it, so you basically just kill it and burn it. God hates having to do this and throughout the entire Bible he repeats over and over again how if people would just listen and follow the law then they wouldn't have to sacrifice animals.God gets kind of pissed and exasperated when you offer a sacrifice but you aren't really sorry for what you've done because feeling sorry and atoning is pretty much the whole point of sacrifices in the first place. It would be a little bit like if my Mom gave me her car keys and thirty bucks to buy Groceries and I just fucked off for eight hours and drove back empty handed. She wouldn't be too thrilled and I'd probably be grounded, or at the very least she wouldn't trust me with her car keys anymore. God doesn't want sacrifices, he wants people to learn from their mistakes and atone. This form of legal payment was just a way to acheive this, at least until God could provide the ultimate and final sacrifice: himself.God the Son—which is just an emanation of the Godhead, also known as 'Sefirot' (סְפִירוֹת‎), of which there are three that we know of and all are equally a part that makes up God—sat aside his crown and discarded his divinity, and even worse became a man. He lived a life as a mere peasant from the backwater hill country known as Galilee, he was spat on and insulted yet he held nothing against his tormenters, and he gave his very life. All this to demonstrate that this isn't about God, we are not doing anything for God, instead God is doing something for us simply out of grace and not because we ever did anything to earn it. Jesus basically bailed us out of prison, and now he expects us to not do anything to get put in jail again but to instead live for what is right.But God didn't stop there. Jesus prophesied that if the people of Jerusalem didn't repent then in 40 years their city would be destroyed. He also said that the Temple would be completely demolished—not one stone left standing upon another. The sign of Jonah is a double prophesy, not only was Jesus in the heart of the earth, but in 40 years—a year for each day—the city of Jerusalem would be destroyed just as Neneveh would have been (Matthew 12:38-42, Matthew 24:2). This culminated on the day of Bisha T'av with the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD, which coincides with the Jewish calendar falling on the year 3860. Or in Gematria:ג'תת״ס3+400+400+60It is ironic because if the Zealots had not shut the gates and kept people from fleeing or surrendering, even going so far as to kill anyone who tried to leave or negotiate with the Romans, then most of the the inhabitants would have survived the destruction of the Temple and the ransacking of the city and only the radicalized Zionists would have been killed probably. An old story goes that only one man was able to escape by feigning death and being dumped outside the walls to prevent the spread of disease. His mission was to teach the Jewish traditions to the rest of Israel and keep Jerusalem alive in the face of Roman oppression.Jerusalem 70 AD: Not One Stone Left upon Another - Hope for IsraelThus even to this day, with the Second Temple gone Jews no longer make sacrifices. They are kept from doing it. Some are trying to make a Third Temple but many Jews don't want one so the project has been delayed for years now. So clearly God hates sacrifices and has longed for an alternate: a sacrifice to end all sacrifices.But if God doesn't care about sacrifices why then did he reject Cain?We can clearly see that Cain had the tendancy to get jealous and kill people, thus demonstrating that he was probably acting selfish the entire time and God was trying to convince him to turn around his act. The fact that God didn't kill him but instead forced him to live with the guilt for the rest of his life and look into it the eyes of his fellow man knowing the magnitude of what he did (which is probably even worse punishment) also demonstrates that God is not some petty and irrational being. He knows how to handle things in the best way without losing his head.Thus we can conclude that the Gnostic idea about God being this devilish demiurge who craves blood sacrifice does not fit with the contextual data. Clearly when examined as a whole, with the historical and cultural context in mind and an exegetical approach, the biblical God is in fact merciful and just. Here are some examples from an Israeli perspective:Is God A Moral Monster? - ONE FOR ISRAEL MinistryWhy are the Torah's Commandments so Cruel? - ONE FOR ISRAEL MinistrySpecifically accusations of supposed genocide:“You shall destroy all the peoples”: Does the Bible advocate genocide?Why should Jews celebrate a Torah that calls for genocide and homophobia?War Language as Hyperbole: "Total-kill"Responding to Defenses of Divine Biblical Genocide: Hyperbole and Land Dispossession [Part 7].The Tree of Life(Note: details are taken from my answer to “How was Jesus Crucified”)Eastern Orthodox tradition holds that Jesus was crucified on a living tree, usually an Olive Tree (𝑂𝑙𝑒𝑎 𝑒𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑎𝑒𝑎).At the foot of the Mount of Olives, a small olive grove would go on to become an important site for Christianity. Gethsemane, taken from the Aramaic word for olive press, is mentioned many times throughout the New Testament as a favorite place for Jesus and his disciples to rest and pray beneath the evergreen olive trees.The Garden of Gethsemane is the location where both the ‘Agony in the Garden’, where Jesus came to accept his coming betrayal, as well as the place where Judas led officials the night of his arrest according to the gospels. Today, the Church of All Nations has been constructed in a section of Gethsemane, enshrining the ground where Jesus is said to have last prayed.Olive trees were a powerful symbol in ancient Judaism, often considered to be a sacred tree. The ‘promised land’ is described in Deuteronomy 8:8 as ‘a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey’. The olive harvest was integral to the economy in Bible times. At a basic level, olives provided both food and light: they were a staple of Israel’s diet, and olive oil was the normal fuel for lamps.Olives were harvested in the autumn. The average tree contained some 10-15 gallons of oil when processed. The fruit was gathered by climbing the tree and shaking or beating it with rods. Touchingly, the Mosaic law stipulated here: ‘When you beat your olive trees, you shall not go over the boughs again; it shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow’ (Deuteronomy 24:20).Olives thus provided food, light and medicine. The process in obtaining this though involved beating, bruising and crushing. And here we are given insight into a powerful metaphor illuminating the death of Jesus and the resultant blessing of salvation.The Parable of OlivesNotice that, just like the olive tree, Jesus too was beaten. The soldiers of the Roman governor mocked him by placing upon him Phoenician red robe, the wreath of thistles, and a reed for a royal sceptre. Matthew records that ‘they spat upon him and took the reed and struck him on the head’ (Matthew 27:30). After being beaten Jesus was put by the Romans into the “olive press”. The cruelty of human sin crushing him like the mill crushes olives.Just as olives were crushed and bruised to achieve the desired result, likewise the Lord Jesus ‘was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with his stripes we are healed’ (Isaiah 53:5).The bruising and crushing of olives, however, was not pointless but purposeful. A good, pleasant and wholesome effect resulted. Olives brought vital food, light and healing.In the room of the Last Dupper, also known as the cennacle of Zion, there is stationed a bronze olive tree with decorative leaves. Interestingly enough it is also upright with no low hanging branches in the metalwork, which is peculiar for a natural growing olive tree (unless...I don't know, a bunch of branches are hewn off?. Just thought I'd point it out as a possible clue to an early tradition perhaps.Similar to the olive which is harvested, Yeshua the Messiah is the spiritual sustenance of his Jewish followers, and through the Jews all of mankind is saved (John 4:23). Thus all of humanity is fed through the apostles chosen from among the people of Yisra'el.As Wally Carlson (head pastor at The Revelation of Jesus' Christ Ministries) says to newcomers during his Dinner Table messages over on YouTube:You see, not only is Jesus the King of Kings, he is also the Chef of all Chefs. Can I get an Amen!He died to serve us true food everlasting, his life and teachings are nourishment for us. Jesus is the manna from heaven. Whosoever eats his bread shall never be hungry again, and whoever drinks his water & wine shall never be thirsty again. It will become like a spring in us, welling to eternal life, just as Jesus told the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well:His blood redeems us. There was a price that we could not pay, but the blood of Jesus redeemed us. 1 Peter 1:18-19 reads thus:Knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.The blood of Christ is not a gruesome or vile concept. It is not a symbol of violence but instead a symbol of mercy, redemption, and the willingness to give one's life for others. It is the pinnacle apotheosis of purity and heroic selflessness itself, a manifestation of the peaceful coexistence of the Earthly and the Divine qualities of what it means to be human.Indeed, in John 10:17-18 (ESV) we read:For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.”Likewise, in John 15:13 we also read:Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.Jesus layed down his life that through his sacrifice we may inherit the Kingdom of God, much like signing a will. He gave his life as a substitute for the life that was stolen from us because of sin. Basically it is sustenance to our very essence. This is why he called himself the Bread of Life (GA: פיתה דחיה, pittaˀ də-ḥayyaˀ), because Yeshua's life and teachings, indeed His very presence, brings the fullness of life to any willing to accept it.Jesus even claimed to be the Tree of Life (אילנה דחיה, ʔilanaˀ də-ḥayyaˀ), a vine that offers God's life to the world. Interestingly, Luke 22:19-20 echoes the Jewish hamotzi prayers before eating bread and drinking fermented wine, i.e. the “fruit of the vine”.Blessed are You, YHWH our God, Sovereign of eternity, Who brings forth bread from the earth.Blessed are You, YHWH our God, Sovereign of eternity, Who brings forth the fruit from the vine.The common teaching is that Adam and Eve were the first humans and that the universe was created in six literal days (even though several Jewish and even Christian traditions state otherwise). Adam and Eve sinned by eating from a “bad” tree (which is also a misinterpretation). Anyway, the gist being that Jesus died for our sins. However, that is over simplifying things. Luckily Inspiring Philosophy does a good job examining what the Bible actually means by “sin” and “hell”, which is contrary to what many so-called “churches” teach:Exegetical Analysis: The True Philosophical Meaning of HellThe Kingdom of God (the real reason Jesus had to die)Also see:Adonai YeshuaAffirming ChristianityDamien Cowl's answer to How was Jesus crucified?Damien Cowl's answer to In Psalm 22:16, is “they pierced” a Christian mistranslation?Damien Cowl's answer to What is the truth about the 1500 year old Bible?

As we have sent unmanned probes to Mars, is it 'technically' correct to state that we have therefore the technology to send humans to Mars?

Another very good question hinging on ‘space technology’ existing today, and you do have many good answers again, but all dependent upon your word ‘we’; my answer to your question being YES, but ‘we’ needs further definition. I believe all your answers are referring to NASA, the ESA, and Russia as the ‘we’ and using their technologies. However, they are excluding technologies existing beyond their capabilities today; technologies hidden inside top-secret space programs. Pure speculation? Yes and no, let’s review some history.Space program started in 1920A space program started in Germany, long before Hitler, with a goal to get into space some quarter of century before America and Russia started theirs. This space program was not proposing rockets to get into space, but instead using a more efficient technology based upon electricity. Per a 1952 General Garland memorandum to General Samford (unclassified today), stating it appeared Germany either had, or still working on advanced aircraft in 1931 to reach space (62 miles up). Not implying they reached space in 1931, but were designing and developing technology to get there. Two years later, 1933 the Nazi party became into being; three space projects were on going through 1945: 1) Vril, 2) Black Sun, and 3) rockets with Dr. Winfried Schumann, Viktor Schauberger, Wernher von Braun respectively heading these projects. So by 1933, Germany had three space programs that had unlimited funding, resources, labor and anything else needed to develop technologies to get into space – deep space!Project ‘Paperclip’In 1945, those three projects moved from Germany to America, this being 13 years before NASA was formed; over a decade of further development of space technologies before the ‘open’ space program was started in the U.S. Keep in mind three space programs were in place in Germany, and just one was rockets; NASA got the rocket technology. Both Schumann and von Braun played major roles in the U.S. space programs; each within their respective area of expertise, each within their technologies. Schauberger was used, but not to extent of the other two. From this, one would have to at least consider the advancement of both the Vril and rocket technologies occurred during the past 85 years from the date General Garland’s memo stating the 1931 date.Disclosing the Vril ProjectIn late September 1957, as a USAF radar technician at Cambria, CA, on two consecutive nights we had a mysterious target just instantly appear on the scopes and hovering out over the ocean. On the second night NORAD scrabble a pair F-89Ds to investigate. When the aircraft started closing in on the target, it accelerated to a tremendous speed, and then performed a maneuver, almost a 90-degree turn and went through 75,000 ft. (radar’s limit). Four different radars were tracking this target. My guess then, it was an extraterrestrial (ET) UFO; it was 2:00 AM, so no visual was possible. Today, I believe it could have been an ET, U.S. or even a Russian craft, all possibilities existed in 1957. This was a personal experience, but also many whistle blowers have testified they have personally seen craft that would be classified as UFOs. But even UFOs have limitations, could they travel to Mars? Maybe to Mars, but never to the stars! The Germans had visions of reaching the stars, and they were supposedly very close to the development with another technology by 1945 called the ‘Das Laternetragerprojekt; a Wonder Weapon Project.The proposed wonder weapon – the BellAs stated, three projects came to America in 1945, but one did not, least wise no documentation stating it did. This was a project that had the highest priority to the Third Reich, a technology that could win the war for the Nazis and dominate the world thereafter. This technology could also allow humanity to reach the stars, an objective of German scientists had since the early 1920s. One needs to understand how this technology evolved into becoming a ‘wonder weapon’. Briefly it is an evolution coming from a portion of the UFO propulsion system; being called today, ‘Magnetic Field Disrupter’ (MFD). It consists of a circular, mercury based, plasma filled accelerator ring. The ring is rotated up 50,000 rpm which then disrupts the gravity field. It in effect, reduces the mass of objects by a supposed 89 percent; all objects including humans. This would allow UFOs to hover, plus perform very fast acceleration and maneuvers.I contend, if the MFD is real (top-secret today), then the Germans only needed to reduce the gravity field another 11 percent to totally remove all the mass of objects inside the field. One could visualize the ‘wonder’ of such a weapon. But how could such a wonder get humans to the stars?ESP-like propulsionAn Extra Sensory Perception like system is based upon the concept that every point and time in space are connected in some manner. There is an instantaneous transfer path from any point A in the Universe to any other point B within the entire Universe. Therefore, to implement an object to be transferred (or just put) from some origin to a desired destination requires some phenomenon to happen. This phenomenon, is believed, to be what the Nazi’s were seeking to develop. The phenomenon being to de-materialize objects entirely; forcing nature to abide by its 1st Law of Thermodynamics. Thereby, nature has a choice to make, either presume a tear in the Universe’s fabric and supply immense energy to repair it, or just put it somewhere else. The Germans (and so did Tesla) found that nature ‘puts’ it elsewhere 99.9% of the time. If one can use a MFD to reduce the mass 100% then any object within the field will be ‘put’ at another point in space.Can never happen with the science taught todayOne has to realize MFDs, UFOs, nor ESP-like propulsion cannot exist within the framework of the science being taught today. So, the result being either one of two things: nothing happened in Germany and all the alleged technology does not exist, or we are being fed an ‘open’ space program to hide a top-secret program in operation. The problem I have, I did experience an Unidentified Flying Object.

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