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If you rent a car and pay for it with AMEX, under what circumstances will a damage claim not be honored?
All… rental car coverage offered through a Credit Card will have exclusions that restrict coverage.The exclusions below are taken from American Express’s Premium Car Rental Protection Plan sample description of coverage. This coverage is different and broader than that offered automatically by basic AMEX cards. Though the exclusions are similar, the potential added benefits of this broadened protection makes it worth enrolling.Exclusions that may impact a greater number of renters are bolded:Excluded Vehicles The following vehicles are not considered a Rental Car and no benefit under the Plan will be paid for a loss if such a vehicle is rented:any truck other than a pick-up truck;a cube van or box truck;leased or mini-leased motor vehicles;vehicles that, after manufacture by the maker, have had any part customized or PCRP-DOC 06/05 Page 5 of 7 modified, except for driver's assistance equipment for the physically challenged driver;any vehicle more than 20 years old or that has not been manufactured for 10 or more years;limousines, off-road vehicles, motorcycles, motor bikes, mopeds, recreational vehicles, any motorized cart including a golf cart, campers and trailers; orvehicles rented in Australia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica and New Zealand.Excluded Items: Benefits will not be paid under this Plan for any of the following:costs attributed to the Rental Company's normal course of doing business and expenses assumed, waived or paid for by the Rental Company or its insurer;Damage that has occurred prior to Possession of the Rental Car;tires, unless other Damage occurs to the Rental Car from the same Accident, or Theft of the entire Rental Car occurs;defect in the manufacture of the Rental Car;diminishment of value, unless required by law;depreciation, unless reimbursement for depreciation is required by law;wear and tear, including such effects caused gradually over time;any property other than the Rental Car and Personal Property;lost items;animals;furniture;art;money, securities, tickets, or documents;items left in the Rental Car after the Cardmember or Authorized Driver has relinquished Possession;any injury, except coverage for a Covered Person described under the Accidental Injury Expense Benefit and Accidental Death or Dismemberment Benefit; orany injury or physical condition of a Covered Person existing before an Accident.Excluded Actions Benefits will not be paid under this Plan if the loss for which coverage is sought was directly or indirectly, wholly or partially, contributed to or caused by any of the following:violation of the rental agreement with the Rental Company; **acts by a Covered Person to intentionally damage or injure;consumption of alcohol at or in excess of the legal blood alcohol level for operating a motor vehicle in the state or locality in which the Accident occurred;being under the influence of any drug unless taken as prescribed or administered on the advice of a Physician or Dentist;war or act of war, whether declared or undeclared;actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, escape, release of or exposure to any hazardous biological, chemical, nuclear or radioactive material, gas, matter or contamination;confiscation by governmental authority;freezing and mechanical breakdown or electrical failure, except where it results from Theft;the Rental Car being left unattended and unlocked or a window not completely closed;pushing or towing anything;violation of criminal law, or commission of a criminal act, whether cited or charged, by or behalf of the Covered Person;participation in a riot, civil disturbance or insurrection;suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane.failure of the Cardmember or Authorized Driver to surrender all the vehicle keys following Possession;a Rental Car used outside the rental territory authorized by the Rental Company;a Rental Car used for any manner of racing or team sport;A Rental Car used for hire, whether for hire to carry persons or property;off-road operation of the Rental Car; orany disease, illness, or infirmity.** Be sure to have all potential drivers of the rental car listed on the contract at the point you pick up the car or reserve the vehicle online. Unauthorized drivers typically VOID your rental car contract.I have no affiliation with American Express, but suggest that there are significant advantages in upgrading to AMEX Premium Rental Car Protection.
My doctor alleged that I have multiple sclerosis. Are these just assumptions? Do I have a say on the type of testing I should be performed?
MS, back when my maternal grandfather started trying to get diagnosed as “the faker’s disease”. This of course goes along with the medical traditions of calling people names and fakers for things the doc doesn’t understand. So “Yuppie flu” for CFS and “Imaginary woman’s disease” for FMS, and sounding a little more legit is “hypochondria”, “”medical students disease” or “medical data geek” or “conversion disorder”, B12 deficiency neuropathies 60 years before B12 is recognized. I’ve also been called “secret alcoholic (nondrinker at time, made me sick). Also “more symptoms than is believable”, “liar”.MS is a diagnosis of elimination. Supposedly it is eliminated if B12 deficiency is identified by them use such a ridiculously low serum level that they miss 95% of people with actual “responds to B12” deficiency even if not “technically” deficient. Further in MS the severe B12 deficiency is in the BRAIN AND CORD and they don’t test that. I have to take 30mg as 3x10mg of MeCbl injection (SC) per day and 30 mg of l-methylfolate to stop the demyelination and improve it considerably. Twelve years ago I was falling and had drop foot and so on. That retreated with enough MeCbl, AdoCbl, L-carnitine fumarate and L-methylfolate (the deadlock quartet). If you have such a 4 way deadlock in the separate compartment of the brain/cord there is inadequate methylation and ATP caused by the 4 way deadlock that can get started for all sorts of reasons by any one being deficient. Then starting to heal will cause a dozen or two other deficiencies with symptoms, one nutrient at a time usually, in what might be called a slow speed refeeding syndrome. These are the symptoms (in following list) I and some others had that responded hard and fast to nutrients. You might find it interesting. The problem is that there is enough there for dozens of possible diagnoses depending on a few of the symptoms and the other 97% are ignored.I look at it this way. I got rid of nearly 200 symptoms. The 25 or so that are left are what I have. I used to be diagnosed with FMS, CFS, congestive heart failure, MCS, neuropathies and so on. Now I have damage from a car wreck, Subacute combined degeneration, pretty well under control caused by a genetic condition and I’m having tests for other things now that I am down to a few much more specific symptoms. Good luck.SYMPTOMS LIST 01/03/2014 V 1.0In this post this is a list of symptoms that are mine, and others experience of these nutritional items in relieving their symptoms, and in a very few instances reflect research and successful practice, such as p5p for Hcy and Liver extract studies of several disorders in old journals. In some instances the same symptoms might have different combinations of nutrients.These symptoms responded almost entirely or entirely with basics 5 star MeCbl – methylcobalamin – Methylb12 - Mb12 - Mecobl . Many started improving in hours. Others took 9 months to correct.morning joint stiffness and painpalenessacid refluxnauseadaily vomitingstanding with eyes closed, lose balancehands feel gloved with loss of sensitivity - glove anesthesiafeet feel socked by loss of sensitivity - stocking anesthesiaglove and stocking anesthesianeuropathic bladderunable to release bladder, mild to severeunable to fully empty the bladderfecal incontinence - occasionally to frequentlydiminished hearing - gradual onset or present for life, sudden return possibletinnitus - ringing in earsalways feeling coldintolerance to loud soundsintolerance to multiple soundssleep disordersnon restorative sleepNight terrorsProlonged hypnagogic or hypnopompic states transitioning to/from sleepSleep paralysisalteration of touch all over body, normal touch can be unpleasant and painfulalterations and loss of tastetaste hallucinationssmell hallucinationssound hallucinationsvisual hallucinationsalterations and loss of smellloss of smell and taste of strawberries specificallyloss or alteration of smell and taste of potato chips specificallyroughening and increased raspiness of voice, mb12 can smooth it in mid wordblurring of vision - can be sudden onset and sudden returnVisual impairment can be seen; ophthalmological exam may show bilateral visual lossoptic atrophycentrocecal scotomatahypersensitivity/intolerance to bright lightintolerance to loud soundsintolerance to multiple soundsburning muscle paindiminished hearing - gradual onset or present for life, sudden return possibletinnitus - ringing in earssore burning tongueThis is a list of symptoms that are mine, and others experience of these nutritional items in relieving their symptoms, and in a very few instances reflect research and successful practice, such as p5p for Hcy and Liver extract studies of several disorders in old journals. In some instances the same symptoms might have different combinations of nutrients.These symptoms responded strongly first to 5 star MeCbl and then Metafolin with basics. Many started improving in hours. Some took 7 years to correct.Bursitisstomach not emptyingfrequent vomitingacid regurgitationdyspepsiaflatulencealtered bowel habitsabdominal painloss of appetite for meat, fish, eggs, dairy, the only b12 containing foodsnutrient specific anorexiaintermittent constipationintermittent diarrheairritable bowel syndromesores, ulcers and lesions along entire GI tract or any partanorexiaBulimiaHypersensitivity to touchHypersensitivity to odorsHypersensitivity to tastesHypersensitivity to clothing textureHypersensitivity to body malfunctions, symptomsHypersensitivity to sounds and noisesHypersensitivity to light and visual stimuliHypersensitivity to blood sugar changesHypersensitivity to internal metabolic changesHypersensitivity to temperature changesburning bladder (no UTI)painful urgency (no UTI)burning urethra (no UTI)Low blood serum level - below 550pg/ml, Japanese Standardelevated MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin)elevated LDHbig fat red cells (when said this way usually with happy or healthy modifying it completely misinterpreting results of MCVplatelet dysfunction, low countwhite cell changes, low counthyper segmented neutrophilsheadachesinflamed epithelial tissues - mucous membranes, skin, GI, vaginal, lungsinflamed endothelial tissues - lining of veins and arteriesmucous becomes thick, jellied and stickyasthmachronic cough that mimics asthma but isn'tchronic sinus congestiondermatitis herpetiformis, chronic intensely burning itching rashfrequent infected follicles or acne type lesions all over bodychronic infections, many varieties possibleSeborrhic dermatitisdandruffeczemadermatitisskin on face, hands, feet, turns brown or yellow if anemia occurspoor hair conditionthin nailstransverse ridges on nails, can happen as healing startsmouth sensitive to hot and coldsore burning tonguebeef-red tongue, possibly smoother than normalsore mouth, no infection or apparant reasonteeth sensitive to hot and coldcanker soreswith p5p addedElevated blood serum Hcy, borderline or higherThese symptoms responded relatively partially first to 5 star MeCbl and then very strongly to Metafolin with basics. Many started improving in hours. Some took 7 years to correct.splits/sores at corners of mouth -angular cheilitisimpaired white blood cell responsepoor resistance to infectionseasy bruisingpronounced anemiamacrocytic anemiamegablastic anemiapernicious anemiadecreased blood clottingMCV > 93 first warning,MCV > 97 alertMCV > 100 outright macrocytosisMCV > 105 urgently needs treatment, severe problemPlus Vitamin EChild with neural tube defectsmother of child with neural tube defectThese symptoms responded not at all first to 5 star and then very strongly to Metafolin with basics. Many started improving in hours. Some took 7 years to correct.lack of dreamingMCV > 100 outright macrocytosismacrocytic anemiametallic taste in mouthWidespread body & muscle pain responding to NSAIDJoint pain responding to NSAIDSsplits/sores at corners of mouth -angular cheilitisSexual related symptoms, both men and women – These responded with the most response to lesser responses in order to MeCbl, Metafolin (l-methylfolate), AdoCbl, L-carnitine fumaratereduced libido - loss of sexual desireloss of orgasmic intensityunsatisfying orgasmsinability to orgasmloss and/or change of genital sensationsburning genital skin sensationunable to feel arousednumb genital skinlow sex hormonesMENIn order of response – MeCbl, AdoCbllow testosterone menIn order of response – MeCbl, Metafolin, AdoCbl, L-carnitine fumarateerectile disfunction menIn order of response – MeCbl, Metafolin, AdoCbllow sperm countpoor sperm motilityPoor sperm qualityno spermWOMENIn order of response – MeCbl, AdoCbllow testosteronelow estrogenIn order of response – MeCbl, Metafolin, AdoCbl, L-carnitine fumaratepost partum depressionpost partum psychosisIn order of response – MeCbl, Metafolin, AdoCblFrequent miscarriageIn order of response – MeCbl, MetafolinFalse positive pap smears, defective cellsmenstrual symptomsamenorrheaApproximate timing of my startup of individual items that being considered here, this gives a quite distinctive pattern for each nutrient or set of nutrients: 03/04/13, Version 1.1Others mentioned similar patterns and variations.1. Initially – Mecbl2. +5 months 400mcg SAM-E3. + 4 months AdoCbl4. + 3 months titrate +50mg zinc5. +4 years 400mcg Metafolin6. +1 year LCF7. + 1 month TMG 1000mg/day8. 30mg MeCbl injections (3 or 4) daily,9. +0 Reduce SAM-e to 200mcg10. + 4 years remove TMG11. +6 months increase SAM-E to 800mcg12. Next 1 year titrating Metafolin and finding all the reasons I get folate insufficiency, early partial methylation block by effect.These symptoms are what responded very well to CNS penetrating doses of MeCbl either as 50mg sublingual single 4-5 hour dose or 4 x 7.5mg or 3 x 10mg or for some 2 x 15mg subcutaneous MeCbl injections. Metafolin in some way enhances retention of AdoCbl and MeCbl with excretion visibly decreased. A sublingual dose of 1-2 tablets each hour added for 12 hours appears to generate substantial CNS penetration as well.CNS penetrating dose MeCbl – AdoCbl – Metafolin – Omega-3 oilsElevated CSF HcyLow CSF cobalaminlimbs feel stiffDrowsyCNS penetrating dose MeCbl – AdoCbldimmed vision - usually not noticed going into it because change can be very slow or present for lifeClumsinessCNS penetrating dose MeCbl – AdoCbl - MetafolinSlow to adapt to night visionCNS penetrating dose MeCbl – AdoCbl – Metafolin – LCFDifficulty in word findingCNS penetrating dose MeCbl – AdoCbl – Metafolin – Omega-3 oilsBrainstem or cerebellar signs or even reversible (with mb12) coma may occurdemyelinated areas on nervessubacute combined degenerationaxonal degeneration of spinal cordunsteadiness of gaitataxic gait, particularly in darkpositive Rombergpositive LhermittesLoss of motor control over some or all of toesLoss of motor control over part or all of feetLoss of sense of joint positionsudden electric like shocks/pains shooting down arms, body, legs shooting down from neck movementsudden "ice pick" paindecreased reflexesbrisk reflexesFoot Droptripping over toesinjuring toes catching top of toes on floorgeneral feeling of weaknessApproximate timing of my startup of individual items that being considered here, this gives a quite distinctive pattern for each nutrient or set of nutrients: 03/04/13 Version 1.1Others mentioned similar patterns and variations.1. Initially – Mecbl2. +5 months 400mcg SAM-E3. + 4 months AdoCbl4. + 3 months titrate +50mg zinc5. +4 years 400mcg Metafolin6. +1 year LCF7. + 1 month TMG 1000mg/day8. 30mg MeCbl injections (3 or 4) daily,9. +0 Reduce SAM-e to 200mcg10. + 4 years remove TMG11. +6 months increase SAM-E to 800mcg12. Next 1 year titrating Metafolin and finding all the reasons I get folate insufficiency, early partial methylation block by effect.These symptoms are what responded very well to L-carnitine fumarate AND AdoCbl for the first two itemsL-carnitine fumarate – AdoCbl – Metafolin - MeCblweight loss involuntarymuscular atrophyexercise does not build muscleL-carnitine fumarate – Metafolin – AdoCbl - MeCblweight gain, watery fatedemaL-carnitine fumarate – AdoCbl – MeCbl – Metafolinmild to extremely severe fatiguecontinuous extremely severe fatigueeasy fatigabilitysevere abnormal muscle fatigue up to and including apparent paralysis leading to deathweaknessmuscle pain especially around attachment points to bonesEighteen severely tender muscle spots of FMSAdoCbl – L-carnitine fumarateexercise debilitates for up to a week, making things much worseaccumulating muscle pains following exertionsore muscles throughout bodylack of muscle recovery after exerciseHigh urinary MMAAdoCbl – L-carnitine fumarate – Metafolincongestive heart failureElevated CSF MMAElevated uMMAApproximate timing of my startup of individual items that being considered here, this gives a quite distinctive pattern for each nutrient or set of nutrients: 03/05/13, Version 1.1Others mentioned similar patterns and variations.1. Initially – Mecbl2. +5 months 400mcg SAM-E3. + 4 months AdoCbl4. + 3 months titrate +50mg zinc5. +4 years 400mcg Metafolin6. +1 year LCF7. + 1 month TMG 1000mg/day8. 30mg MeCbl injections (3 or 4) daily,9. +0 Reduce SAM-e to 200mcg10. + 4 years remove TMG11. +6 months increase SAM-E to 800mcg12. Next 1 year titrating Metafolin and finding all the reasons I get folate insufficiency, early partial methylation block by effect.MeCbl - AdoCbl – L-carnitine fumarate – Metafolinshortness of breath, oxygen hungerheart palpitationsMeCbl - AdoCbl – L-carnitine fumarateextremely sore neck muscles reversing normal curvature of neckpainfully tight, stiff muscles, especially legs and armsfrequent muscle spasms anywhere in bodyweak pulseMeCbl - AdoCblConfusionDisorientationDifficulty in word findingMeCbl - AdoCbl - MetafolinirritabledepressionSAD - Seasonal Affective Disordermental slowingpersonality changeschronic malaisepoor concentrationmoodinesstirednessmood swingsmemory losslistlessnessimpaired connection to othersmentally fuzzy, foggy, brainfogdizziness - even unable to walkVertigoMeCbl – Metafolin – AdoCbl – L-carnitine fumaratepsychosis, including many of the most florid psychoses seen in literature, megaloblastic madnessAlzheimer'sdeliriumdementiaparanoiadelusionshallucinations - multisensoryanxiety or tensionnervousnessmaniaWidespread pain throughout bodyA caution, those with anxiety and panic symptoms may respond with extreme moods of increased fear, anxiety, panic, anger rage, homicidal rage and profound depression, usually in repeatable sequences following LCF or ALCAR even at levels of 1mg oral. A micro titration of carnitine would be cautious. While most find the moods intolerable, certain persons have been able to tolerate these (both past) and current, to find they can fade after some months of consumption. A few people may find similar, maybe somewhat lesser, response to MeCbl or more likely AdoCbl. As these are less controllable than LCF which can be micro dosed, they should be considered first.
Who is fibromyalgia free? If yes, what therapy/supplements, etc. did they use (ed)?
I started research in 1978 to figure out what was causing me so much symptoms with misery. I figured out a first approximation that turned out to be right and did a trial as best was doable in 1979–81 as the required vitamins were not available. In 2003 I started playing “you bet your life” for serious. I was in year 12 of congestive heart failure which has an 80% mortality rate by 10 years. And now I am 26 years post diagnosis. However, I have healed and recovered from it. And by healed, I mean that I no longer have the symptoms; of FMS, CFS, IBS, MCS, CHF, and so on. I do have nerve damage from subacute combined degeneration but that is a known nutritional deficiency result.I’m a systems analyst in group health care for most of my working life. I’m working a putting together a reasonably complete and hopefully clear explanation of the system. I had trigonometry and calculus and it made for a major philosophical change in me. A major lesson was when you are sitting there with a function you can’t integrate that one can change how the function works via trigonometric identities.m Basically one keeps changing the formula to equivalent ones until one has a one that can be worked with. It’s possible to do so with FMS for instance. FMS is a set of symptoms. I had all those, CFS, MCS, asthma etc symptoms too. I could have 20 or 30 diagnoses, but not one of them actually giving hany hints to cure them.I became too sick to work in 2002. So I took myself on as my client and set out to finally solve what was near to killing me at that point. I had 200 symptoms.I did a N=1000 questionnaire development study. I took 1000 histories of symptoms of an hour each coupled with a tested MeCbl brand that was the best 5 star MeCbl I’ve ever had. The people had a single 1000 mcg sublingual MeCbl at the beginning of the hour long history. By the end of the history hour 75% of the people with multiple symptoms similar to mine, about half the people, had moderate to extremely intense responses in their symptoms. 20% of people with responses had forgotten about the whole set of symptoms that were responding becasue the docs had told them over and over, “meaningless”, “nonspecific”, “don’t mean anything”, “all in your head” and so on. Virtually all these symptoms responded to MeCbl.As I gathered more information it was clear that 100% of the symptoms of FMS, CFS etc nutritional deficiencies, and all the deficiencies I found that they matched also matched the list of nutrients included in refeeding syndrome and the order and the timing. The hypokalemia (low potassium) came on the 3rd-4th day as predictable as a clockwork and exactly as reported after starving people are fed. The only thing that doesn’t show up routinely in these starvation of specific nutrients situations as oppose to total starvation is that the recovering person has had phosphorous all along and isn’t deficiency of it immediately as with a total starvation situation, like anorexia. Oh yes, there is a B12 deficiency specific form of induced anorexia just as there can be with liver disease.I can’t tell you how to heal FMS. However, I can tell you how to approach the hundreds of deficiency symptoms that make up all the FMS, CFS, MCS. CHF, asthma etc. Damage doesn’t heal as well as “functional” deficiencies. Those can start correcting in minutes after the nutrient is starting to be absorbed It was very important to recognize that the changes in the first 2 days were the effect of the nutrients on the symptoms and on the third day the symptoms change and new or old but miserable symptoms that make people feel very sick and that is the new set of the next induced deficiency symptoms.So instead of looking at all the microscopic difficult to find changes that don’t imply the fix I look at the patient level symptoms, which is a complicated array of symptoms, and those symptoms are the naked eye indicators of the induced deficiencies and can be readily identified and that tells what the fix is. The fix is inherent in the question.”What causes these deficiency symptoms of copper”, why lack of copper of course. The problem to find then is why is it deficient. The first two years didn’t work, the copper irritated my stomach too much and prevented absorption. So than I changed and knew I had an effective copper when the skin lesions started healing in 4 hours.Following this I will give the information that can allow a person to figure out their specific form of the problem and fix it. Every person is a separate branch. There is no one solution or quantity or combinations works for everybody. So part of what I am including is a table showing the Methylfolate dose proportionate effectiveness, a first. Now I’m 200 pounds. And I have some folate affecting polymorphisms. So I had to learn to titrate by effectiveness. I titrated until I had gone from 200 folate affected deficiency symptoms (Folate and B12 work together and have the same set of symptoms for the most part) to ZERO folate symptoms. The rumoured folate asymptomatic dose, for ME.METHYLFOLATE AND MCV SIZE DOSE RELATION - VERSION 1.0 11/16/17 - PreliminaryN = 1, with some confirmation of others at under 16 mg. This may be one of those things influenced by genetic polymorphisms. The shape of the curve is similar to some other dose-proportionality. USE AT YOUR OWN RISKDose MCV # symptoms severity 0-100. folic acid with CyCbl, 42 yrs MCV= 99.8 50>>200+ 5-10 ^MeCbl startedfolic acid MCV = 99.8 200- 10 ^ AdoCbl added, more compartments activated800 mcg with folic acid MCV = 99.8 200+ 10 ^v1600 mcg/Day MCV = 99.8 150+ 10 v L-carnitine fumarate added, more compartments activated2.4 mg (800 TID) MCV = 99.5 100+ 9 v4mg/day (800mcg 5 times/D MCV = 99 50+ 7 v8mg/day (portions TID) MCV = 98 20+ 5 v16mg/day (4mg QID) MCV = 97.1 5+ 3 v30mg/day (15mg BID) MCV = 94.6 2-3+ 2 v45mg/day (15mg TID) MCV = 91.7 0-1 0 - 1 v30mg/day, peak of copper def MCV = 100.7 10+ 10 inc30mg/day, Cu peak, LCF failure MCV = ??? 20+ 10 incVersion 2.4 11/05/2017 A work in process, incomplete, limited testing, people come in many variations, use at your own risk.INDUCED DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS FROM REFEEDING SYNDROME. This can follow 5 days of food deprivation, anorexia, or sort of a pinpoint starvation via vitamin or mineral or amino acid deficiencies. Whatever the “most needed” item is will often cause a strong response. The first usual notable symptoms occur on typically the third day of starting a previously insufficient nutrient with normally feeling or seeing the changes within minutes to hours. From MecBL I had over 30 sym[ptoms respond in the first few hours with blow my socks off intensity with neurological startup and potassium deficiency on the 3rd day along with increasing folate deficiencies that took years to figure out. For instance it was noted in the 50s with injections of B12 with potassium deficiency (hypokalemia) as a side effect. It is dangerous and can be unpredictably fatal if not corrected and the cause is continued. When they say people are dying in Syria after they have been starved and given food, they are often sufferring REFEEDING SYNDROME. When previous symptoms returnGroup 1 – Hypokalemia onset. Often called “detox”. Symptoms may appear with serum potassium as high as 4.3. May become dangerous if ignored. Considered “rare” with CyCbl (Cyanocobalamin) it is very common with MeCbl (methylcobalamin) and AdoCbl (adenosylcobalamin) and less so with HyCbl (Hydroxycobalamin).There does not appear to be a clear order of onset. The order of onset varies widely from person to person but many appear consistent for each episode for any given person. There tend to be more and more intense symptoms as it gets worse. Some people have ended up in the ER because of not recognizing the symptoms.IBS – Steady constipation, Nausea, Vomiting, Paralyzed Ileum,Hard knots of muscle, Sudden muscle spasms when relaxed, Sudden muscle spasms when stretching , Sudden muscle spasms when kneeling, Sudden muscle spasms when reaching , Sudden muscle spasms when turning upper body to side, Tightening of muscles, spasms and excruciating pain in neck muscles, waking up screaming in pain from muscle spasms in legs. Muscle weaknessAbnormal heart rhythms (dysrhythmias), increased pulse rate, increased blood pressure, intense sudden dizzy spells correctable potentially in minutes with water with potassium gluconate for instance.Emotional changes and/or instability, dermal or sub-dermal Itching, and if not treated potentially paralysis and death.Group 2a - Both hypokalemia and l-methylfolate deficiencyIBS – Diarrhea alternating with constipation, IBS – Normal alternating with constipationGroup 2b – Either or both hypokalemia and l-methylfolate deficiencyHeadache, Increased malaise, FatigueGroup 3 - Induced and/or Paradoxical Folate deficiency or insufficiency, partial methylation block to methyltrap on 1 or more internal triage levels. Frequently called “NAC DETOX” or “GLUTATHIONE DETOX”. Can be caused by folic acid, folinic acid and for some people, like me and quite a few others, excess vegetable folates. Further excess B1, B2, B3 and/or inositol can increase methylfolate deficiency symptoms. Methylfolate, MeCbl and just about anythjing else that starts healing can cause the folate deficiency symptoms.These symptoms appear in 2 forms generally, the milder symptoms that start with partial methylation block and the more severe symptoms that come on as partial methylation block gets worse or very quickly with methyltrap onset.Edema - An additional thing I would like to mention. I would never have found it without 5 years of watching the onset of paradoxical folate insufficiency and trying to catch it earlier and earlier and to figure out what was causing it and to reverse it. For me the onset order goes back to the day of onset now with edema and a sudden increase of weight. I noticed that within 2 hours of taking sufficient Metafolin I would have an increase in urine output.Old symptoms returning in a general sense, a person may have had onset of these hundreds of time if they are on the borderlineEdemaAngular Cheilitis, Canker sores,Skin rashes, increased acne, Increased itchy acne on scalp and face, Skin peeling around fingernails, Skin cracking and peeling at fingertips, painful cracks in the skin at the corner of fingernails at approximate right angles to nails, can take months to occur and it may be only non mood or neurological symptoms.IBS – Diarrhea alternating with constipation, IBS – Normal alternating with constipationHeadache, Increased malaise, FatigueIncreased hypersensitive responses, Runny nose, Increased allergies, Increased Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Increased asthma, rapidly increasing Generalized inflammation in body, Increased Inflammation pain in muscles, Increased Inflammation pain in joints, Achy muscles, Flu like symptomsIBS – Steady diarrhea, IBS – Diarrhea alternating with normal, Stomach ache, Uneasy digestive tract,Coated tongue, Depression, Less sociable, Impaired planning and logic, Brain fog, Low energy, Light headedness, Sluggishness, Increase irritability, Heart palpitations,Longer term, very serious:Loss of reflexes, Fevers, Forgetfulness, Confusion, Difficulty walking, Behavioral disorders, Dementia, Reduced sense of taste, bleeding easily.Group 4 - HyCbl onset, degraded MeCbl onset, MeCbl after photolytic breakdown onset.Itchy bumps generally on scalp or face that develops to acne like lesions in a few days from start.Group 5 – Copper deficiency after methylation startup has been achieved which often starts refeeding syndrome. 50mg or more of zinc has been indicated as a possible cause. 200-400 mg of zinc has been linked to copper deficiency. Excess supplemental or environmental manganese is linked to copper deficiency. Any or all symptoms can occur at “low normal range” copper tests.Demyelination of nerves similar to Sub Acute Combined Degeneration except that methylation and ATP startup has occurred, and copper deficiency favors damage to the upper motor neurons with perceived muscle weakness. Brittle nails. Sleep disorders. Mood (especially depression perhaps) and personality changes. Connective tissue breakdown. Spider veins. Varicose veins. Shrinking gums. Gum disease not responsive to usual measures. Unstoppable tooth decay on exposed areas without enamel. Low testosteroneGroup 6 – Excess P-5-P, an active form of B6 that appears to drive hematocrit.High hematocrit. The blood thickens and doesn’t pump as easily. Deep vein thrombosis can result. Other suspected circulatory hazards. Sometimes linked to high testosterone when lowering P-5-P might reduce it.Group 7 – Excess B-vitamins affecting methylationWhen taking the active B12/folate deadlock quartet (AdoCbl, MeCbl, Metafolin, L-methylfolate) Excess B1 - Thiamin, Excess B2 – Riboflavin, Excess B3 – Niacin and/or Excess Inositol can all produce an excess need for potassium to deal with Groups 1, 2a and 2b symptoms and/or produce an excess need for l-methylfolate to reduce groups 2a, 2b and 3 symptoms. A person might not be able to correct by taking potassium or folate and may need to reduce B1 <= 15mg/day, B2<= 10.2mg/day, B3 <=50mg, and inositol below an unknown quantity.Group 8 – Boron insufficiency.Arthritis swelling and pain, can be reduced by BoronContribution to fatigue, neurological effects.Runaway tooth decayLoss of calcium in bones and teeth15 Surprising Benefits of BoronAlthough all of the deficiency symptoms of boron are not fully understood, it is known that boron deficiency might result in the abnormal metabolism of calcium and magnesium. Some of the other symptoms include hyperthyroidism, sex hormone imbalance, osteoporosis, arthritis and neural malfunction.Group 9 - Vanadium insufficiencyDeficiency of vanadium is poorly known or recognized. It affects tissue permeabilty like insulin.Group 10 - Lithium insufficiency Non ionizing forms, small micronutrient dosesLithium allows better permiability of B12 in nervous system memberanes. Many people appear to have trouble affecting some B12 deficiency symptoms with B12 evenGroup 11 - Iodine insufficiency, especially needed for those who don't eat iodized table salt and/or seafood.Group 12 - L-carnitine XXXXX, That can be L-carnitine tartrate, L-C Fumarate, L-C freebase, ALCAR and others but usually works only one kind at a time.neuromuscular pain, feeling of growing inflammation, fatigue, mood changes, sleep problems. These are quick occuring symptoms and they can sprwead to the complete 4 way deadlock over time.It appears that for most people in this refeeding situation many may respond to only one form of l-carnitine, intially fumarate or ALCAR and sometimews also including a freebase form. However, as the deficienciencies change, the pathways appear to change and the carinitne that worked so well no longer does and the form is some entirely different one, like tartrate or some other variation. A person may need to trial half a dozen forms. A response is usually clear the first day or occasionally several days with micro doses and titration. And it can change based on what else is corrected.NON-HEALING SYNDROME SYMPTOMS LIST 01/03/2014 V 1.0In this post this is a list of symptoms that are mine, and others experience of these nutritional items in relieving their symptoms, and in a very few instances reflect research and successful practice, such as p5p for Hcy and Liver extract studies of several disorders in old journals. In some instances the same symptoms might have different combinations of nutrients.These symptoms responded almost entirely or entirely with basics 5 star MeCbl – methylcobalamin – Methylb12 - Mb12 - Mecobl . Many started improving in hours. Others took 9 months to correct.morning joint stiffness and painpalenessacid refluxnauseadaily vomitingstanding with eyes closed, lose balancehands feel gloved with loss of sensitivity - glove anesthesiafeet feel socked by loss of sensitivity - stocking anesthesiaglove and stocking anesthesianeuropathic bladderunable to release bladder, mild to severeunable to fully empty the bladderfecal incontinence - occasionally to frequentlydiminished hearing - gradual onset or present for life, sudden return possibletinnitus - ringing in earsalways feeling coldintolerance to loud soundsintolerance to multiple soundssleep disordersnon restorative sleepNight terrorsProlonged hypnagogic or hypnopompic states transitioning to/from sleepSleep paralysisalteration of touch all over body, normal touch can be unpleasant and painfulalterations and loss of tastetaste hallucinationssmell hallucinationssound hallucinationsvisual hallucinationsalterations and loss of smellloss of smell and taste of strawberries specificallyloss or alteration of smell and taste of potato chips specificallyroughening and increased raspiness of voice, mb12 can smooth it in mid wordblurring of vision - can be sudden onset and sudden returnVisual impairment can be seen; ophthalmological exam may show bilateral visual lossoptic atrophycentrocecal scotomatahypersensitivity/intolerance to bright lightintolerance to loud soundsintolerance to multiple soundsburning muscle paindiminished hearing - gradual onset or present for life, sudden return possibletinnitus - ringing in earssore burning tongueThis is a list of symptoms that are mine, and others experience of these nutritional items in relieving their symptoms, and in a very few instances reflect research and successful practice, such as p5p for Hcy and Liver extract studies of several disorders in old journals. In some instances the same symptoms might have different combinations of nutrients.These symptoms responded strongly first to 5 star MeCbl and then Metafolin with basics. Many started improving in hours. Some took 7 years to correct.Bursitisstomach not emptyingfrequent vomitingacid regurgitationdyspepsiaflatulencealtered bowel habitsabdominal painloss of appetite for meat, fish, eggs, dairy, the only b12 containing foodsnutrient specific anorexiaintermittent constipationintermittent diarrheairritable bowel syndromesores, ulcers and lesions along entire GI tract or any partanorexiaBulimiaHypersensitivity to touchHypersensitivity to odorsHypersensitivity to tastesHypersensitivity to clothing textureHypersensitivity to body malfunctions, symptomsHypersensitivity to sounds and noisesHypersensitivity to light and visual stimuliHypersensitivity to blood sugar changesHypersensitivity to internal metabolic changesHypersensitivity to temperature changesburning bladder (no UTI)painful urgency (no UTI)burning urethra (no UTI)Low blood serum level - below 550pg/ml, Japanese Standardelevated MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin)elevated LDHbig fat red cells (when said this way usually with happy or healthy modifying it completely misinterpreting results of MCVplatelet dysfunction, low countwhite cell changes, low counthyper segmented neutrophilsheadachesinflamed epithelial tissues - mucous membranes, skin, GI, vaginal, lungsinflamed endothelial tissues - lining of veins and arteriesmucous becomes thick, jellied and stickyasthmachronic cough that mimics asthma but isn'tchronic sinus congestiondermatitis herpetiformis, chronic intensely burning itching rashfrequent infected follicles or acne type lesions all over bodychronic infections, many varieties possibleSeborrhic dermatitisdandruffeczemadermatitisskin on face, hands, feet, turns brown or yellow if anemia occurspoor hair conditionthin nailstransverse ridges on nails, can happen as healing startsmouth sensitive to hot and coldsore burning tonguebeef-red tongue, possibly smoother than normalsore mouth, no infection or apparant reasonteeth sensitive to hot and coldcanker soreswith p5p addedElevated blood serum Hcy, borderline or higherThese symptoms responded relatively partially first to 5 star MeCbl and then very strongly to Metafolin with basics. Many started improving in hours. Some took 7 years to correct.splits/sores at corners of mouth -angular cheilitisimpaired white blood cell responsepoor resistance to infectionseasy bruisingpronounced anemiamacrocytic anemiamegablastic anemiapernicious anemiadecreased blood clottingMCV > 93 first warning,MCV > 97 alertMCV > 100 outright macrocytosisMCV > 105 urgently needs treatment, severe problemPlus Vitamin EChild with neural tube defectsmother of child with neural tube defectThese symptoms responded not at all first to 5 star and then very strongly to Metafolin with basics. Many started improving in hours. Some took 7 years to correct.lack of dreamingMCV > 100 outright macrocytosismacrocytic anemiametallic taste in mouthWidespread body & muscle pain responding to NSAIDJoint pain responding to NSAIDSsplits/sores at corners of mouth -angular cheilitisSexual related symptoms, both men and women – These responded with the most response to lesser responses in order to MeCbl, Metafolin (l-methylfolate), AdoCbl, L-carnitine fumaratereduced libido - loss of sexual desireloss of orgasmic intensityunsatisfying orgasmsinability to orgasmloss and/or change of genital sensationsburning genital skin sensationunable to feel arousednumb genital skinlow sex hormonesMENIn order of response – MeCbl, AdoCbllow testosterone menIn order of response – MeCbl, Metafolin, AdoCbl, L-carnitine fumarateerectile disfunction menIn order of response – MeCbl, Metafolin, AdoCbllow sperm countpoor sperm motilityPoor sperm qualityno spermWOMENIn order of response – MeCbl, AdoCbllow testosteronelow estrogenIn order of response – MeCbl, Metafolin, AdoCbl, L-carnitine fumaratepost partum depressionpost partum psychosisIn order of response – MeCbl, Metafolin, AdoCblFrequent miscarriageIn order of response – MeCbl, MetafolinFalse positive pap smears, defective cellsmenstrual symptomsamenorrheaApproximate timing of my startup of individual items that being considered here, this gives a quite distinctive pattern for each nutrient or set of nutrients: 03/04/13, Version 1.1Others mentioned similar patterns and variations.1. Initially – Mecbl2. +5 months 400mcg SAM-E3. + 4 months AdoCbl4. + 3 months titrate +50mg zinc5. +4 years 400mcg Metafolin6. +1 year LCF7. + 1 month TMG 1000mg/day8. 30mg MeCbl injections (3 or 4) daily,9. +0 Reduce SAM-e to 200mcg10. + 4 years remove TMG11. +6 months increase SAM-E to 800mcg12. Next 1 year titrating Metafolin and finding all the reasons I get folate insufficiency, early partial methylation block by effect.These symptoms are what responded very well to CNS penetrating doses of MeCbl either as 50mg sublingual single 4-5 hour dose or 4 x 7.5mg or 3 x 10mg or for some 2 x 15mg subcutaneous MeCbl injections. Metafolin in some way enhances retention of AdoCbl and MeCbl with excretion visibly decreased. A sublingual dose of 1-2 tablets each hour added for 12 hours appears to generate substantial CNS penetration as well.CNS penetrating dose MeCbl – AdoCbl – Metafolin – Omega-3 oilsElevated CSF HcyLow CSF cobalaminlimbs feel stiffDrowsyCNS penetrating dose MeCbl – AdoCbldimmed vision - usually not noticed going into it because change can be very slow or present for lifeClumsinessCNS penetrating dose MeCbl – AdoCbl - MetafolinSlow to adapt to night visionCNS penetrating dose MeCbl – AdoCbl – Metafolin – LCFDifficulty in word findingCNS penetrating dose MeCbl – AdoCbl – Metafolin – Omega-3 oilsBrainstem or cerebellar signs or even reversible (with mb12) coma may occurdemyelinated areas on nervessubacute combined degenerationaxonal degeneration of spinal cordunsteadiness of gaitataxic gait, particularly in darkpositive Rombergpositive LhermittesLoss of motor control over some or all of toesLoss of motor control over part or all of feetLoss of sense of joint positionsudden electric like shocks/pains shooting down arms, body, legs shooting down from neck movementsudden "ice pick" paindecreased reflexesbrisk reflexesFoot Droptripping over toesinjuring toes catching top of toes on floorgeneral feeling of weaknessThese symptoms are what responded very well to L-carnitine fumarate AND AdoCbl for the first two itemsL-carnitine fumarate – AdoCbl – Metafolin - MeCblweight loss involuntarymuscular atrophyexercise does not build muscleL-carnitine fumarate – Metafolin – AdoCbl - MeCblweight gain, watery fatedemaL-carnitine fumarate – AdoCbl – MeCbl – Metafolinmild to extremely severe fatiguecontinuous extremely severe fatigueeasy fatigabilitysevere abnormal muscle fatigue up to and including apparent paralysis leading to deathweaknessmuscle pain especially around attachment points to bonesEighteen severely tender muscle spots of FMSAdoCbl – L-carnitine fumarateexercise debilitates for up to a week, making things much worseaccumulating muscle pains following exertionsore muscles throughout bodylack of muscle recovery after exerciseHigh urinary MMAAdoCbl – L-carnitine fumarate – Metafolincongestive heart failureElevated CSF MMAElevated uMMAMeCbl - AdoCbl – L-carnitine fumarate – Metafolinshortness of breath, oxygen hungerheart palpitationsMeCbl - AdoCbl – L-carnitine fumarateextremely sore neck muscles reversing normal curvature of neckpainfully tight, stiff muscles, especially legs and armsfrequent muscle spasms anywhere in bodyweak pulseMeCbl - AdoCblConfusionDisorientationDifficulty in word findingMeCbl - AdoCbl - MetafolinirritabledepressionSAD - Seasonal Affective Disordermental slowingpersonality changeschronic malaisepoor concentrationmoodinesstirednessmood swingsmemory losslistlessnessimpaired connection to othersmentally fuzzy, foggy, brainfogdizziness - even unable to walkVertigoMeCbl – Metafolin – AdoCbl – L-carnitine fumaratepsychosis, including many of the most florid psychoses seen in literature, megaloblastic madnessAlzheimer'sdeliriumdementiaparanoiadelusionshallucinations - multisensoryanxiety or tensionnervousnessmaniaWidespread pain throughout bodyA caution, those with anxiety and panic symptoms may respond with extreme moods of increased fear, anxiety, panic, anger rage, homicidal rage and profound depression, usually in repeatable sequences following LCF or ALCAR even at levels of 1mg oral. A micro titration of carnitine would be cautious. While most find the moods intolerable, certain persons have been able to tolerate these (both past) and current, to find they can fade after some months of consumption. A few people may find similar, maybe somewhat lesser, response to MeCbl or more likely AdoCbl. As these are less controllable than LCF which can be micro dosed, they should be considered first.
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