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Why do Americans seem to be scared of a European/Canadian style of healthcare system?

I am not scared of a different style of healthcare system. I do not know enough about the various options to say if I prefer any existing style of healthcare system. I know I would like it not to be dependent on whether or not I have a job. I know I don't want my employer saying I can't get any treatments against the corporate person's religion. I know R&D is expensive. It seems the more middlemen you put into the mix - like insurance - the more expensive it gets because everyone has to get a cut of the profits. And I do not have enough faith in my fellow human beings to want to rely on charity care.I know I do not want a purely free market system. I have experienced being without insurance and sick in the US and it is not a pretty picture. Some people think that charity care will magically pop up to fill in the gap, but there are plenty of uninsured who could benefit from the charity care fairies now and go wanting. Doctors and drug makers want to be paid for the services and products they provide just like everyone else, and rightfully so.I will give some examples from my own life to illustrate. I have a mental illness that requires daily medication. I first became ill when I was about 12. Somewhat relevant here is that I was put up for adoption at birth but being "defective merchandise" in the eyes of most prospective adopters, I was raised in state run foster care and group homes on the tax dollars required by you. Science did not develop a truly effective treatment for my condition until my late 30's. During those 25 odd years I went through several cycles of being hospitalized and stabilized (on the taxpayer's dime), put in a group home or when I was older an apartment (again on the taxpayer's dime) and left to sink or swim on my own. I would end up back on the streets, homeless and unmedicated. Eventually the police or someone would scoop me off the street and the cycle would begin anew.Now the thing with the government foster care system is they sometimes loose track of children. Some placements will want the check but not the child. So some placements kicked me out on the street while still collecting a check. At one point when I was 16, near the end of my stay in foster care, I showed up at an emergency shelter specifically for homeless youth that was housed in NYC Times Square back when it was the place to go buy drugs, see a dirty movie, or rent a prostitute. This was when computerized records where just getting started. The emergency center was denied money for my care because 5 other placements showed up as caring for me, some of which I had not stayed at for several years. None of the 5 had a bed for me, nor where they willing to forward the check they were getting for my care to the agency actually providing my care. I don't see government run health care being any more efficient currently than government run child raising, nor do I have any real confidence in it being improved by more government.When I was older, and on my own, my life cycle was similar. Homeless and mentally ill on the streets. Eventually hospitalized or put in a holding cell in a jail. Stabilized and provided a clean room on the taxpayer's dime. Hooked up with a monthly check and some food stamps, again on the taxpayer's dime. Encouraged to just sit down, shut up, and stop trying to improve my lot. Being too bored and delusional in my own potential for a brighter future, so I took unskilled labor jobs.The problem with being unskilled labor is it pays well enough to kick you off things like Medicaid (the taxpayer provided health insurance for the poor) and food stamps, but not well enough that you can pay for your own care. So I would have to choose whether to pay rent, eat, see a doctor, or take my medication. I could not afford all 4 at the same time.Psychiatric medication is expensive. Some drug companies do have charity programs for some drugs, but they are time limited and only available if you have the money to pay for the office visit with the doctor to pick up the medications.Rent is subsidized for the poor, but I was born in New York City where there is a chronic shortage of affordable units. I once lived for a short time with 7 other young people in a one bedroom apartment. The person with the lease had the bed, and the rest of us crowded on the floors and whoever was in favor that night could get the couch. When I was a little higher up on the socio-economic ladder I shared a studio apartment with a nurse. I worked day shift at a law library and she worked night, so we could usually alternate sleeping times unless we both had the day off. I thought it was great only have to share with one other person. BTW, that law library was with a top law firm with offices around the globe that provided health insurance to their other employees but would not provide it to me. They said the premiums would have to be raised on everybody else if they covered me and that was not fair to the other workers. The first year they did give me a little more money - I think $30 a week - to try and compensate. But I could not get insurance in the private marketplace because of my pre-existing condition. In following years I got my regular raise, but no raise for the increased cost of healthcare. I do not know if it was legal for them to do that, but I know if I complained I would have lost my job in the middle of a recession. As it was I ended up being fired anyway, and ended up back on the streets. At first I would beg in front of the office building where I used to work because I wanted them to be ashamed and to watch my die, but they called the police and had me moved out of the line of sight.Food back then was rather easy to come by in NYC between begging, dumpster diving the grocery stores, and soup kitchens. At least until I became too ill from lack of medication to remember or figure out how to negotiate those transactions. I have a dim recollection of one afternoon when I was very ill. I think I was supposed to stand in one line to sign my name and get a ticket and then another line to give someone my ticket and get the sandwich and cup of coffee being given out. For some reason I can't recall I did not have the ticket with me when I got to the front of the line and was turned away. I was very confused and afraid, had not eaten in days and did not understand what I done wrong. I started to cry and wandered away so sad and hopeless.So I loose my health coverage because unskilled labor jobs typically do not come with employer provided insurance and you make too much for taxpayer provided insurance. I can't afford to pay the full unsubsidized price of an office visit so I can't get my medication free from the drug company. I get sick, get fired from my job, and can't pay my rent. So I am back on the street and the cycle starts anew. Charity care is not available now to take up the gap. I do not believe charity care will become available if the government provided care suddenly stops.It's not just with psychiatric care that this problem exists. I once had an infected bubble that was sort of half way in upper lip and half way in my gums right under my nose. I had no insurance at the time. I tried to wait and see if my immune system would fight it off. It would every few days burst a bit and I'd have a big stream of pus poor into my mouth. When it opened like that I rinsed with peroxide. I tried every home remedy I knew. I researched herbal remedies at the library. My body just wasn't able to fight it off. I eventually put together enough money to see a dentist. He agreed it was an infection and that I needed an antibiotic. He refused to give me the prescription for the antibiotic because he claimed it pus sac originated in the jurisdiction of an Ear-nose-throat doctor. But that will be $80, thank you for coming. Some months later I saved up again and saw an doctor instead of a dentist. He agreed it was an infection and I needed an antibiotic. He refused to give me a prescription because it said it was draining into my mouth which is clearly the jurisdiction of a dentist. But that will be another $80, thank you for coming. I worked bagging groceries at the supermarket at the time. Do you know what $80 means to someone in that position? I needed $4 worth of antibiotic that cannot be purchased without a prescription and had spent $160 to be turned away twice! Eventually I read somewhere online at the library about people buying medications from farm supply stores without a prescription if you pretend you're buying it for an animal. I did my best to figure out what dosage and how many pills and what antibiotic to buy. I had a friend drive me out to the country and we bought antibiotics for an animal. I think they passed a law to stop people from doing that since then, but at the time it was that or risk the infection getting to my blood stream and killing me. I am not ashamed of what I did.I am sorry this is so long. But I am not a pretend poor person. I did not choose to be born into my circumstance. I am not ungrateful for what taxpayer's have provided for me. I am not ungrateful for the times a charitable organization has stepped in to help either. Charity will not be enough to cover the basic needs of society because people are not that generous. I'm not saying that's right or wrong, it just is.If there is to be a safety net big enough to catch all that fall, it will have to be created by taking from some people who don't want to contribute voluntarily. Again, not saying it is right or wrong, just that's how it is. I am grateful to have been born in the US and not in the streets of Calcutta where there is no safety net.I am grateful that some people got money taken out of them in taxes so I could be raised more or less by the state. I am grateful for every food stamp and Medicaid card and other opportunity I was given by your tax dollars. I am as sorry as you are angry that some of that money was misused and wasted. I am grateful that research for new treatments is profitable enough for some companies to do because it led to an effective treatment in my lifetime. I am most grateful that this month marks my 15th anniversary of working full-time in a job that provides health insurance that does not discriminate against me for my pre-existing conditions.I fear losing my job. I fear have the corporation that employs me decide it has a religious objection to providing my medication. I fear having to depend on the government again if things get too expensive or I get old and feeble. Even more though, I fear being without the woefully inadequate government safety net and having to rely on charity. Thank you very much if you read this far, for all your tax dollars and whatever charity you may have provided to someone in need on top of those dollars.

Why was Osho banned? When Osho was alive, we didn't know the depth and insight he had about various aspects of life. What was our mistake? What is the reason that we failed to recognize his value?

Osho was always rebellious in his lifetime and criticised and questioned the status quo and many orthordox belief systems ,wherever and whoever and this angered some ultra conservatives and created many enemies with the establishment.“The old sage was respectable, honored by the society in which he was born. He followed the rules and regulations of the people, he went through all the disciplines required for being a sage.He was part of the social structure - and even though there were thousands of superstitions, ugly institutions, exploitation, philosophies to console the poor and the oppressed, he affirmed them. He was never against any of the institutions the society had lived with for centuries. He was a follower of the old, of the ancient.In a way he was a simple man, but deep down utterly repressed, because all social structures are repressive. He was not an individual in his own right, he was only a part of a certain society or cultural group. That certain group worshipped him for the simple reason that he was fulfilling their ideals, their cherished goals. He was their representative.For example, no Hindu sage has denied or condemned the ugly institution of the caste system. It is impossible even to conceive that a man of clarity and enlightenment could not see that the caste system is a special way of exploiting the poor and the oppressed. Man has behaved so inhumanly with these poor and oppressed people; it has not happened anywhere else in the world. And this was happening in this country, which has created the greatest number of sages.They talked beautifully about God, they sang beautifully about the other world, they lived a life prescribed by the society, absolutely according to the rules. The society was happy that they were so obedient, and they were happy because the society fulfilled their subtle egos - they were thought to be almost incarnations of God. So there was a mutual conspiracy between the so-called old sages and the social structures in which they were born.The ancientmost scriptures of the Hindus, the Vedas, prescribes rituals in which not only animals have to be sacrificed to satisfy the gods, but even human beings have to be sacrificed - to satisfy a god that nobody has ever seen. But no sage of those days raised his voice to say that this is absolutely ridiculous, utterly irreligious, unspiritual. They all went hand in hand with the society, supporting whatever the society's beliefs were by their writings and by their living.Their only satisfaction was that they were worshipped. But to be worshipped is a tremendous nourishment for the ego. If the society wanted them to live naked, they lived naked; if the society wanted them to live in utter poverty, they lived in utter poverty. In a single word, the old sage was just the opposite of the new rebel.The new rebel is an enlightened being - he is fulfilled and deeply contented. He will speak his truth whether it goes against the society, against the heritage, against the ancient traditions, against scriptures - it does not matter.”(OSHO - The Rebel chapter one , 1987) .Still, he had attracted a huge following in India and worldwide.There was always rubbish in the papers, not only the Indian newspapers, but the Oregonian in the US has been carrying trashy stories for decades. Biased reporting and often rumours not based on any actual evidence and Osho’s words are used completely out of context.Journalist Max Brecher comments here on the low standard of the Oregonian newpaper reporting on Rajneeshpuram , in particular the poor quality of Les Zaitz’s article : ““ 25 years after Rajneeshee commune collapsed, truth spills out”:: Same Old Leopard, Same Old SpotsThere were not any “nitrous oxide taps at the end of the bed” at Rajneeshpuram.The lady who cleaned his room every day for years , Nirupa , has said she never saw any “nitrous taps” and the story is completely bogus.The only source for the story was one trashy newspaper article which stated that Osho had left the Ranch at the same time as Sheela- not true. Osho had left at the end of Nov 1985 whilst Sheela had left around Sep 1985. The paper claims that an Oregon congressman was shown a recess in the wall in Osho’s bedroom where the nitrous oxide spigot points would have been- however, the only room in Osho’s house which had the recess for the nitrous oxide spigot points was the special Dental room. It would have been impossible to tell the difference after Osho and all of his household had left the Ranch anyhow, as the entire house would have been empty and there would have been no beds or furniture. There is no record in the FBI report of any ‘nitrous taps’ in Osho’s bedroom.Apparently there was a nebuliser at some point in Osho’s bedroom - this would have been more likely as he was highly asthmatic.More: Anand Sharma's answer to Did Osho ever abuse drugs?The US Authorities had no evidence that Osho was linked to Sheelas crimes, and they later admitted this.The late journalist Anand Parmartha from Sannyasnews put the following questions in 2011 to Swami Jayananda , (John Shelfer ) who had been Sheelas husband and a member of her inner circle at the Ranch.SN: To want extent do you see Sheela as villian/ victim?Jay: “Sheela was a victim of stress and the ego. She did not start out as the person she became. The one that betrayed the ideas of the commune and of involvement of consciousness was a totally different person to the earlier Sheela.”“Do you have any insight into why Sheela had Osho’s room bugged around 1983/85?”Jay:“She was resentful of Osho choosing to communicate with other members of the community. She want to control all aspects of his life and the commune.”Do you feel that Sheela was guilty of crimes as ordinarily understood?”Jay: “Yes, her rational was it was for the better good of the commune. In reality it was to justify her actions. It was to cement her control - remove any impediment to her total domination of the community.For example the poisoning of the Dalles - was in order to elect members of the community to the governing board of the county. This would have removed the hold on the community’s ability to issue building permits. This in its turn was brought about when she insisted on building the Hotel on land we had previously zoned for exclusive farm use. That action had caused the county and state to lift our ability to self rule. That further justified her planning and carrying out the burning of the county’s planing office where the proof of her actions were documented. This was of course very futile, as there were copies in numerous files resting in lawyer’s offices around the statethe attempted murder of Amrito,(also Vivek)She wanted through removing Amrito and Vivek to control Lao Tzu(Osho’s household) with her own people….etc.”“Can any of these crimes be put down to Osho’s promoting or instruction?”Jay: “Not a chance.”Any Osho involvement in what happened?Jay: “During 1980,81,82 I often accompanied Sheela on her nightly visits to Osho. I sat in on many of these sessions. I heard about many of the sessions that I did not attend up to the end of the Ranch. In all this I never saw Osho’s hand or knowledge in what amounted to Sheela’s dirty tricks.Her strident behaviour was related to, and known to Osho ,,, – but when she explained her actions and causes to Osho - she made it to appear that she was defending the community and sannyasins from threats coming from outside. When in reality it was her actions that too often were precipitating and magnifying the threats from the outside. When the outside world did not bow down to the demands and requests she was making, she would represent it to Osho as an attack on our community and or on sannyasins. Those who lived there and enjoyed the Ranch soon learned it was Sheela’s way, or the highway. The outside world never learned that lesson, and it turned out that we all had to hit the highway.”John “Jay” ShelferContrary to what other commentators may try to suggest , Osho was not speaking on a daily basis with any of the members of Sheela’s core group , many of whom were convicted as a result of Osho exposing the crimes that became exposed after Sheela had left the commune and fled to Germany in Sep 1985.Sheela was the only intermediatary between Osho and everyone else.When Sheela fled to West Germany in September 1985, with a group of other sannyasins who had been involved in the crimes, hoping to cross into Switzerland where she would be free from extradition to the U.S. , several people who had stayed behind , began exposing what they knew to Osho, who decided to inform the law enforcement agencies , and invite them into the commune to investigate the crimes, and also hold a world press conference , which took place within 48 hours of Sheela leaving.Two of Sheela’s group made deals with the FBI in exchange for immunity from prosecution for some or all of their part in the crimes , and agreed to stay on the Ranch and act as underground informants for the government. Ava Avalos , was one of the people who had intially followed Sheela but decided that she couldn`t go through with it and returned to the commune , started talking to the FBI, who offered her a deal in exchange for information and immunity for her participation in the crimes. She said in her 1985 testimony to the FBI :“Sheela informed them that Bhagwan was not to know what was going on, and that if Bhagwan were to ask them about anything that would occur, `they would have to lie to Bhagwan.”Of course the world wouldn’t be aware of these crimes today if Osho hadn’t exposed them.In a press conference on Sep 16th 1985, Osho stated that it had been revealed to him that Sheela had bugged the entire commune , and been making tape recordings, and his personal residence had been bugged and taped, and that Sheela had taken some of these tapes with her to Germany.The audio recording of this world press conference ( the first of several) , can be listened to at Oshoworld , under `Press Interviews`, number one:Welcome to Osho World Audio DiscoursesTherefore, having exposed this to the world media and inviting the police and the FBI to investigate, he obviously wasn’t concerned about anything that could have possibly incriminated him on those tapes.“Swami Prem Niren, Rajneesh’s attorney, put it like this, “Sheela bugged Osho’s room including her conversations with him, for months. She took some tapes with her when she left. Thousands of tapes were later discovered by sannyasins and voluntarily turned over to the FBI.“Sheela and the government had strong motivation to prove Osho’s involvement in her crimes. But they never produced a speck of evidence to indicate, let alone substantiate, anything of the sort. This failure to offer evidence, where there is strong motive and opportunity, is proof of the absence of evidence.”” (A Passage To America )The FBI have stated on record that “no direct evidence linking The Bhagwan to [Sheela’s] crimes exists.”But the US Government had been trying to destroy Rajneeshpuram for four years and wanted to use the opportunity . They had been planning on deporting him for a long time because they knew that would finish Rajneeshpuram.“Charles Turner, the US government’s prosecuting attorney in the case against Bhagwan – who happened to be a fundamentalist Christian – stated in February 1989, that as Rajneeshpuram was becoming established, the government “threw up their hands, [saying]: ‘What are we going to do with these people? How are we going to get them out of here? They’re totally entrenched. They’re a political entity. They have money, they have power, they have organization. They’re sophisticated, they have people who are absolutely, completely, totally committed to what they are doing, zealous beyond anything that I’ve never encountered before in my life. So, what are we going to do about it? Let’s use the US attorney’s office to charge them with immigration fraud.'”…Charles Turner continued: “I realized early on that the thing to do, if we wanted to get rid of these people… was to deport the Rajneesh, because he was the catalyst and the lynchpin for this organization. If we could get rid of him, the whole thing would fall apart as a matter of course.”” (‘Twelve Days That Shook The World’ , Juliet Forman , 2002)The FBI didnt bother to interview Osho when they had the chance. Four times , appointments were set up but they kept cancelling them at the last minute. Osho wanted the interviews to be videotaped because he didn’t trust that the FBI wouldn’t change his statements.In late October 1985, just over a month after Sheela left, the US Government decided to station the National Guard around the Ranch which was getting into position to invade the commune.The authorities had decided to create a sealed indictment accusing Osho of conspiring to commit immigration fraud by encouraging his sannyasins to marry illegally to obtain green cards.They had orchestrated a plan to invade Rajneeshpuram with over 300 armed officers and helicopter gunships, to arrest Osho for these immigration violations.The atmosphere inside the commune was tense. There were reports on the radio of the mobilisation of the National Guard and fears of a bloodbath.The US authorities had been trying to destroy the commune ever since its inception and the INS(Immiegration and Naturalization Service) had an ongoing investigation for over four years, trying to find ways to deport Osho. They had been planning on deporting him for a long time because they knew that would finish Rajneeshpuram.From time to time since 1984, rumours would reach Osho’s attorneys that the INS were preparing an indictment accusing Osho of immiegration violations and were preparing to invade the commune and arrest Osho.Osho’s attorneys tried several times previously, before Sheela had left and Osho had exposed the crimes , to negotiate a voluntarily surrender with the authorities , who had agreed to this, but who refused to confirm whether any indictment had been issued or any arrest was immanent.Around Oct 24tn, 1985 , Osho’s Attorneys recieved information that an impending arrest and invasion of the Ranch by the INS and the National Guard was immanent. They again tried to negotiate a voluntary surrender with Charles Turner, but the authorities refused to confirm whether an indictment had been prepared or an arrest was immanent.Ma Prem Hasya (Francoise Ruddy), Osho’s new secretary and several disciples , had suggested to get Osho away from the Ranch for a few days until Osho’s attorneys clarified the situation and as a preventative measure and to depressurise the situation – including the threat of an invasion of the Ranch by the INS and the Oregon National Guard, (there were fears of a bloodbath and harm coming to sannyasins if they defended themselves and Osho if they got involved in a firefight . From Freedom of Information Requests it has since been revealed that the National Guard had already mounted the machine guns onto their helicopters and were preparing to assault the commune) .On Oct 26th , Osho and a group of disciples flew out of the Charlotte and were arrested illegally, without a warrant , or being given a reason for the arrest, and without being allowed to contact their attorney in North Carolina. The flight plans to North Carolina had been already been registered with the FAA.(Federal Aviation Authority) . Undercover informants at the Ranch had observed the planes taking off.The agents who arrested Osho and his group at gunpoint at North Carolina had been faxed over a list of names from Oregon and told to expect “dangerous terrorists” but none of the names on the list were on the plane with Osho.Neverless, the entire group were arrested anyway and put in jail.In November 1985 , back in Portland, it was clear that the government did not want to have a trial against Osho – the US Attorney Charles Turner later admitted that they did not have sufficient evidence against him (Press Conference, July 22, 1986).The government attorneys were keen to offer a plea deal , that if Osho pled guilty to two minor immiegration violations , he would be released and deported .Osho’s attorneys all agreed that the Goverment had one of the weakest cases they had ever seen - and all believed that they would win the case. But the government had behaved unusually with Osho , isolating him from everyone else and dragging him through six different jails in twelve days , even signing him under a false name in Oklahoma county jail - his whereabouts unknown for over 24 hours until he was tracked down- through the journey from Charlotte, NC back to Portland, in what would have usually been a standard four hour plane prison shuttle journey. The government was threatening to prolong the case - Osho’s health was fragile , he had not slept well for days , and his attorneys were concerned about his health and wanted to get him out of jail . So he agreed to accept an ‘Alford Plea’ - which means that he was able to assert his innocence of two charges which were actually minor charges, both of which he denied, one was that he had arranged for a foreigner to marry an American citizen and secondly, that he had arrived in America with ‘intent” to stay, and not just as a long-term visitor. After that he was deported and banned from re-entering the U.S. for five years.Later , back in Pune , he asked his attorney, Swami Prem Niren , to write a book to ‘ clear his name in America’.In the sixties Osho used to travel around India, as Acharya Rajneesh , debating with many people as well as giving discourses and talks on spirituality, love and meditation.In one series of public lectures in Mumbai he shocked a deeply conservative Indian populace by talking openly about sex, and the transformation of sex energy into superconciousness, this is when the yellow press named him the “Sex Guru”, and started to spread many lies.Osho debated with the Shankaracharya of Puri, in front of a crowd of 50,000 people at the Second World Hindu Conference in 1969. The Shankaracharya, who had organised the conference, became enraged as Osho criticised the immolation of Indian widows, known as sati , which was common practise in those days, as well as the treatment of the shudras cast and untouchables who he compared with the treatment of animals.Apparently the Shankarcharya tried to grab the microphone from Osho in vain, but fell off the stage in the process.That made him many enemies with Hindu fanatics. However he continued to confront what he saw as unconsciousness and question orthodox belief systems wherever he saw it,in any form,throughout his lifetime.He always created controversy and didn’t want to be respectable, deliberately making a provocation by collecting 93 rolls-royces , all the same model, when he got to America.There he was dubbed as “the Bhagwan” or “the Rajneesh”.However , as well as causing controversy , Osho was well recognised in his lifetime.In 1983 the US government’s refusal to accept Osho as a religious teacher touched off a storm of protest from religious and other professionals around the world.Scholars from every Christian denomination (Catholic, Baptist, Church of England, Presbyterian, Quaker, Lutheran and Orthodox), Jewish Rabbis, Zen temple priests, Buddhist scholars and professors of religion from all over the world wrote in his favour. As did major figures from the worlds of science, medicine, psychology, sociology, business and the arts.Excepts from some of these letters in 1983:“This master is the rarest and most talented religionist to appear in this century. His writings about Buddhism are full of inspiration and original concept­ions. As a specialist in Buddhism, I have been surprised many times by his original and creative interpretations and by his unique religiousness. His interpretations are saturated with the truth of Buddhism. Even the outstanding monks that are present here in Japan cannot obtain to this level of interpretation.’Professor Kazuyoshi Kina, Japan’s best-known Buddhist scholar.“His grasp and perception of the teachings of Jesus Christ are extraordinary and very needed by both ministers and laity of Western materialistic Christianity”The Reverend Frank Stribbling.“[Osho’s] work bears the imprint not of one tradition, but of a man of intellectual penetration and insight whose perceptions of the human dilemma point not to easy solutions nor to esoteric answers, but which instead return the sensitive reader to him/herself, to an understanding of the universal human need which we continuously seek to satisfy. In his eclectic approach to religious content and form, he directs those who can hear his message to the nexus of all human experience and of all religious quests. [Osho]’s learning is staggering: He writes with equal knowledge and lucidity on Jewish mystical teachers, Japanese religious traditions, the great Chinese mystics, as well as the legendary spiritual masters of his native India. And he is conversant with Spinoza and Nietzsche as with Christ and Buddha. More importantly than his command of their thought is the new light in which he sees these progenitors of our philosophies.”Diane Mintz, M.A. Rabbinic Literature.‘‘I have read all his books and felt enriched tremendously by his philosophy of life, his great understanding and tolerance of all religions.’’Rabbi Joseph H. Gelberman, Tree of Life Synagogue, New York.‘‘[Osho] is a wise man, and a distinguished psychologist. With his meditation techniques, which he developed partly himself, he understands how to convey to us Western people something of the wisdom of the East without us having to give up the fruits of our Western cultural development and civilization.”Gabriel Looser Th.D, Roman Catholic theologian working in the hospital ministry in Berne, Switzerland.The National President of the Venerable Permanent Counsel of the Orthodox Church of Italy noted Osho’s “enormous contribution to­wards raising the understanding and consciousness of the human self”.Osho “is renowned throughout the world, crossing lines of religion, profession, race, creed, country, culture, age, education and background:”The Reverend Jill Gerhard, minister for ten years of the Church of Religious Science, San Francisco.A hostess of radio and TV talk shows in San Francisco, she also adds, “I have been in the presence of many spiritual giants, I have read their works and scriptures but I know of no other now living who is so great a religious teacher or spiritual leader as [Osho].”“My encounter with the thoughts and actions of [Osho] has been an authentic lightning bolt. In between two worlds, the Eastern and the Western, which he knows totally, this master can work for the re­birth of a new world, of a better world.”Gregorio, the Archimandrite of Turin (Orthodox Catholic Church of Italy- Moscow Patriarchate)“[Osho’s] ideas have contemporary meaning and validity. His under­standing of the modern mind and his approach to it shows great insight that it is in line with Indian traditional thought, Buddhism, and modern psychology. His relating spiritual experience and psychology is unusual and interesting. As with other religious leaders who first met persecution and rejection, it is difficult to see what influence his teaching will have in the future, just as in the first century none would have guessed the influence of Jesus two thousand years later. However, given the level of education of most of his followers and their professions, we could expect that his insights will flow into the general society.”Alfred Bloom, Professor of Religion at the University of Hawaii.“In his religious discourses, he has shown an insight into the working of the human mind far deeper than most professionals that I have met in my career. He has an intimate knowledge of Western psychology, whether of the psychoanalytic, behavioristic or humanistic schools, and has himself propounded at length his own psychology of the buddhas, which transcends all of these (see particularly The Discipline of Transcendence in four volumes, The Book of the Books in six volumes, and Philosophia Perennis in two volumes). He has also shown an exceptional ability as a practicing psychologist in his dealings with visitors and disciples who bring their problems to him. The record of these interviews is also published in book form and bears witness to his psychological insight and skill as a therapist. “His ability in this area is simply greater than any persons I have come across in the last twenty years that I have been involved with psychology.”Nigel D. W. Armistead, Ph.D., author of Reconstructing Social Psychiatry and former Lecturer in Social Psychiatry at the University of Sheffield , UK.“Osho is the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ... He's obviously a very effective man, otherwise he wouldn't be such a threat. He's saying the same things that nobody else has the courage to say. A man who has all kinds of ideas, they're not only inflammatory-they also have a resonance of truth that scares the pants off the control freaks."(The best selling American novellist Tom Robbins, author of Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Still Life with Woodpecker and Jitterbug Perfume.)”[Osho] is an Enlightened Master who is working with all possibilities to help humanity overcome a difficult phase in developing consciousness-The Dalai LamaSo there were indeed many people impressed with Osho’s teachings , and talks, including those on their own respective mystical traditions in his lifetime.But Osho didn’t care about respectability and followed no particular tradition.Rather, he wanted to focus the last years of his life on his own vision of a new man and women, the enlightened rebel, free from the past , without any dogma , and a vision of a scientific spirituality that accepted both the outer world and the inner world.“Zorba the Buddha is the answer. It is the synthesis of matter and soul. It is a declaration that there is no conflict between matter and consciousness, that we can be rich on both sides. We can have everything that the world can provide, that science and technology can produce, and we can still have everything that a Buddha, a Kabir, a Nanak finds in his inner being - the flowers of ecstasy, the fragrance of godliness, the wings of ultimate freedom.Zorba the Buddha is the new man, is the rebel.His rebellion consists of destroying the schizophrenia of man, destroying the dividedness - destroying spirituality as against materialism, and destroying materialism as against spirituality.It is a manifesto that body and soul are together: that existence is full of spirituality, that even mountains are alive, that even trees are sensitive, that the whole existence is both - or perhaps just one energy expressing itself in two ways, as matter and as consciousness. When energy is purified, it expresses itself as consciousness; when energy is crude, unpurified, dense, it appears as matter.But the whole existence is nothing but an energy field.Zorba the Buddha is the richest possibility. He will live his nature to its utmost and he will sing songs of this earth. He will not betray the earth, and he will not betray the sky either. He will claim all that this earth has - all the flowers, all the pleasures - and he will also claim all the stars of the sky. He will claim the whole existence as his home.”(OSHO : The Rebel , chapter 8 )Suggested further reading:Osho: The Rebel (1987) The Most Dangerous Man Since Jesus Christ (1988) . Bhagwan: The Most Dangerous Man Since Jesus Christon Rajneeshpuram:Osho: The Buddha for the Future , (Maneesha James)'In the Eye of the Hurricane' The Inside Journey of a Disciples Journey’ - ( Devakant )

During the 1980s what did it mean in American slang if someone said the slang term "motor" or if they said "hurry up get ready it's time to "motor" from this party"?

I grew up in the 80's. I went into the military and later the sherrif department. Let me give you the preamble.Even being just about the hottest Hollywood star around does not give you a pass from the douchebag guy with a camera in the bush's snapping away while your falling down the stairs to end up in a ambulance with a brain bleed. 🤕🚑🚒Hold on loverboy, party foul. Don't leave your lady at the party and leave with another gal because your too drunk to remember you even have a girlfriend in the first place. That's always fun the next morning explaining. 🤔🙄👎Life of the party usually goes home alone or yacking behind a dumpster miles away from the girl he was trying to impress. Me and my partner with our maglites shinning in his face saying,- “sir, can you stand up and come over here please!” Nobody has use for a jackass that lives with his parents who knows zero about what “real” women want once the party is over. 🕺🤘🤤🤢🛌Yah, no! 👀 👆🍔🍟🍻🍕🍩🍦🚬 Enough said here!Have a BOMB party at your place all weekend long instead. Take keys at the door and keep people “inside” because you don't want irritated killjoy bastard cops like myself coming to your door from the cars coming and going and retards making too much noise causing a public nuisance. (Take it from me as a former cop if all your windows are closed, people arnt in the front yard outside acting up and everybody stays put: if we are called, we will do a knock, smile, chat very briefly, leave and won't come back. We got better things to do then break up “good” people having a “good” time. For instance taking drunk drivers and drunk and disorderly conduct violators into custody instead. 😉) A $10+ cover; after all at the club that's the cost of people's first drink usually anyway. Get a couple of (sober) scary felons, bikers, off duty cops, military vets or MMA heavies to run the door and keeping the gents in line. Bingo, you are an instant icon with the epic house party everybody will talk about for years to come even if they weren't there. So the score is. After paying out the two bouncers you got way more cash in your pocket then you had setting up the house party before hand. Cool, now your a business man with street cred that everybody now wants to beta up to you alpha dog hero! And women, well some women will be sweating you hard and will blow up your phone till the end of time 📲 for no other reason but because you are cool. Some women really respond to that you know. Hard to be cool when your cooling your heels in lockup. Much better then the house party in country holding after your arrest you think? 👌😎 Well done!No matter how drunk you think your not; nobody is as cool and smooth concerning the ladies as this guy sober sucking on one or two beers most of the night when you are even moderately buzzed. 🎩🤴Take a nap.👌😴Women I want to get with call us “both” a cab and we continue getting drunk at her place. Next day with high fives and back slapping with the fellas about getting it totally right when they “motor” ‘d to another house party and got it totally wrong. Good move playa! 👍😎👄👫👊🏌[ Motor out of there means,- “Leave”, “peace out”, “bounce” or “drive away”. Get in your car to go to another house party drunk 🎉🎊🍺🍸🚨🔦 to only end up “can you step out of your car sir” in jail from a DUI instead!🚔🚓 😩😒 So take the keys out of the “motor” vehical and “hurry up” STAYING were you are or call a cab. I guarantee the other spot is just like the one your at now or worse; lame as hell making you wish you never left the other one. That's how it goes sometimes. Best yet, plan ahead. Don't drive there because after your drunk you won't want to leave your car there, duh! 🤔🙄 Have a designated driver; this person “always” gets it done with the ladies properly and never, EVER goes to jail! Try it and thank me later. I know I do when I do it. Here's the skinny. Sober designated driver=Smelling like axe body spray, chewing gum and chatting up the scattered level 6 hotness there OR vomit breath, bloody and torn tee shirt and women there asking you to leave. You do the math.]Believe it or not we don't like ruining people's lives. We are people just like you with people problems that suck too. It's the job and not personal for most of us. Some times it's heartbreaking and makes you hate being on the job. Especially if it's the same repeat offenders that are struggling and genuinely trying to dig themselves out of their hole that many times was due to their upbringing and environment. So after shift it's time to decompress. So we fire up the grill, call our friends and do some partying of our own too more times then not. To include going downtown or acrossed the railroad tracks to get our freak on. We ain't all married or dating. Love lives of cops isn't what you think it is at all and we “definately” ain't saints. You have no idea. 🚔 👮👌😇There is absolutely nothing wrong with walking.🚶I do it often times enough. Look at this sharp cool as a fan cat doing it. Guaranteed he is getting some pussy “cat” action tonight, believe that!. Why? He has the right attitude, he's got a game plan, got his tail up high in confidence, did a little self care licking too and looking his very best, comes correct with the female kitties, is on a mission letting nothing “dumb” get in his way, ain't worried about getting pinched by animal control cause he ain't doing anything wrong, is minding his own business, waited for the catnip high to wear off first and got his head right. Handle your business Mr.Tomcat. 🐱👍Last but not least be a cool homie bubba. Help with cleaning up, drink all the half empty beers everywhere, pocket the smokes laying around that ain't the host's. Maybe shamelessly grab up that bag of weed you found in the bathroom. Hey, no judgement here. If I ain't there when you snatched it up, its none of my business. His normally stuck up and cold girlfriend that hates your guts will now think your so cool and wrong about you that before they go to bed she gives you the thumbs up to go ahead and tap her smoking hot as hell roommate that you've been trying to hit up all night long. Jackpot, four leaf clover, asteroid fell in your back yard made of a 53 carat diamond, going the distance till 6am gold medal hustler, king for a day, just squatted 750lbs, doing cartwheels, hey dude you got a hit on your fishing pole, found a bag of money, free airfare, slam dunk, give me some dap nigga………………wait for it, wait for it-welcome to the Taj Mahal you've been comped sir here's your bottle of champagne all at once dream hookup score! 🎰🍀🌠💎🏃 ⌚🏅👑🏋🤸🎣💰✈🤾🤛………….🕌🍾💃💘 Be “THAT” guy 👆, “NOT” the one that motored on out of there going to jail or the morgue now instead! Works for me. 👌😉P.s. By the way I have three DUI's on record during my lifetime. Just because you a good cop, bad cop or reserve cop. Badge or shield; we are “not” immune to drunkin stupidity either. Having a badge isn't a get out of jail free card. It's a boot up in your *** because you know better then go to jail too f'ed up suspension that's forever in your jacket card. Yah, it's like that! 👮🙈🙉🙊👀🙄There's my answer and best advice for you sir.Sargeant First Class “Hat” McPadden (Army retired)Former Lake County Deputy Sheriff (ERT)

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