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What are Trump’s racist tweets distracting us from?

Probably common sense, but for a wild moment, clearness..If you have a dog and you kick that dog all the time for no reason other than your own cruelty, eventually that dog will learn to hate you and may even bite you.It is the same with the American people.Trump cannot say, ” I swear to protect and serve” and use a great many other sweet words designed to placate them, only to savagely kick those people every time they are not looking because he feels good about it.Eventually…….a focal point is gained.Lets take a look at how this is working out.Who had a juvenile moment and brought forth that hateful statement that will forever live on in modern American history as the boldest racist statement EVER made by an American ‘leader’ and backed it up with ‘many people think like I do”?TrumpWho used the most common form of anti-white statement known to man and as the rallying cry of the KKK, the Proud Boys etc? “Go back to where you came from “ ( 100% aimed by Trump , at 4 nonwhite and Muslim peoples) ?Trump and the RepublicansWho then tried to spin those famous words, recognized the world over for what they are, a bigots first line of words to non-whites, into what pure white people consider ‘acceptable ?Trump and the RepublicansWho then went on the attack against the mass of American people who stood against those infamous words? Who refused to try to smooth the situation over? Who exacerbated the situation with these nonstop attacks where the words should of been ‘serve and protect’ Americans ?Trump and the Republicans.Who has made a good many statements in the last 2 years that are considered racist, but has been whitewashed through their damage control to sound less so? ( S***hole countries, where are ‘your people’, etc).Trump and the RepublicansWho invited not one or two, but FIVE Extreme Right Wing social media pundits, who propound racist ideals, birtherism, flying the Stars and Bars, proponents of white nationalism, xenophobia and anti antisemitism…to the Whitehouse for a face to face sitdown on the subject of ‘social media’?Trump and the RepublicansWho has shown a nonstop intolerance for the Mexicans, the Hondurans, the Vietnamese, the African Americans, for anyone who is not white or rich?Trump and the RepublicansSince 2016…in a Republican controlled administration…..Who has promised American people bigly healthcare, lower taxes, more wages, better jobs, a better life but has not delivered on a single promise yet?Who promised to lower national spending but has increased that margin by 20% in two years by spending even more in favored sectors where their own rich white backslappers can reap that tax money with a hindred sweethaeart deals?Who has been working behind closed doors, hiding their perfidy from the American people, working with pen and deal, removing funding for Social Security, SNAP, School programs, children's daycare and lunch programs, the EPA, college education, the American infrastructure and more…there are almost 100 rollbacks and removals, all aied at more money for the ?Who has made it easy for banks to take the money from the poor by removing protections ?Who has removed hard won environmental protections that were put in place top protect the America people and keep our water, air and land clean?Who has lied consistently to the very same people that they swore to help, to raise up?Trump and the RepublicansHow many times can Trump, with his Republican backers say they will love America and then use some vile and underhanded device against them in the name of their own greed or ego ?Do these rich white Republicans that hide behiind their own sweet sounding words really hate the working people of America so much, they need to constantly attack them with nonstop lies, tricks and cons ?How many American people and American institutions need to be attacked, bullied, belittled and generally cheated out of the promise of what American stood for since 1776, before they rise to bite these double dealing bureaucrats ?

During the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, how likely is a scenario in which establishment Republicans run a third-party candidate and no one wins 270 votes?

Firstly, it has to be said that this is not as big an 'if' as some people seem to think. Not only has it happened before, it seems that we may be heading into the kind of conditions that would make this possible in the first place. Watching this election is like watching a frozen swamp, knowing full well that come summer the Malaria will kill you this time.However, it has to be said that this is still very much an outside chance so please, when it comes to commenting/ insulting me for no good reason on this, do bear in mind that neither you nor I can see the future so we don't really know what will happen.Now, there is a subtext behind this very question because in a straight head to head race between two party candidates, we’re just not going to see this. So we need to look at the most likely scenario before we proceed. That at least, is easy.Fallout from a contested convention where Trump is not picked as the nominee is one of the only plausible ways in which no candidate manages an outright win.Donald Trump has incredibly thin skin, kind of like that of a baby tangerine, satsuma or scotch bonnet pepper. When anyone says something even slightly negative about him, he reacts like a burn victim in a salt breeze; and that's just to comments. One can only imagine what he might be like if someone actually crossed him. He’s already warned of what might happen if he gets a plurality of votes but not the 1237 required to get the nomination. According to the Jolly Orange Giant himself there would be 'riots' on a scale of magnitude unseen in recent history. Aside from the ones we'll get if he is nominated that is.I’m not a mind reader but I have been watching Trump rather closely over the past few months though, not in a pervy way. I think that he is at least entertaining the idea that he will not win outright; how is ego is coping with this i don't know but I like to imagine that he locks himself in the bathroom, and repeatedly punches himself in the dick saying "I'm a bad boy!" over and over until he collapses from exhaustion and/or septicemia. But, uh,,. I digress. The man is so unpredictable and lies with such flagrant disregard for the truth that I don’t think anyone can be sure whether he would run as a third party candidate or not. Let’s assume that he would and for the record, I think he probably will. Conventional wisdom states that the GOP vote splits and the Democrats win. Happy days for Democrat supporters!Trump however, tends to defy conventional wisdom and certainly bucks historical trends which, as any half decent psephologist will tell you, are meaningless anyway. If this is as true of his third party run as it has been of his nomination run, then Donald 'the J stands Jerk-Rag'' Trump might, as he has predicted, eat into the Democrat vote, especially if his opponent is Clinton. I know, I'm a very bad person for saying negative things about Hilary; I must hate women or something, but the fact of the matter is that a section of the American public have decided to reject Neo Liberalism in its entirely even if they don't know the exact terminology of that which they are rejecting. These people simply won't vote for a Neo Liberal whether that be a GOP or Democrat candidate; even the fact that Trump is less authentic than a Taiwanese knock off PS4 might not sway them from voting for him, just to stick it to the 'man.' Even if this is not the case, Trump might also be able to expand the VAP turnout by attracting naive first time voters who are attracted to his pomposity as moths are attracted to flame. With similar results too I might add.VAP, which stands for Voting Age Population is the percentage of people who are old enough to vote, which is not the same as the VEP, which precludes those who are old enough to vote yet cannot for some reason (being in prison is the most obvious example, though there are others.) Still, we’re going to get bogged down if we start to look too closely at that so let’s just stick with VAP.The Median voter turnout over the last 10 US elections has been a fairly stable 53.22% but even so, there is a fluctuation of 8.1% between the highest turnout (2008,) and the lowest (1996.) That’s a lot, and in a three party race it might be enough to deny an outright winner. In addition, Clinton, the likely nominee on the other side of the equation is, rightly or wrongly annoying the hell out of Sanders supporters who are more likely than not to feel robbed if she is nominated. They are most likely to blame the media as opposed to Hilary herself but even that's not a given. If Sanders continues to defy the pundits the way he has through the second half of March and overtakes Clinton on pledged delegates then the Democratic party might just be stupid enough to try and shoe-horn Clinton in using a super delegate booster shot. Either way, it could lower the voter turnout on the Democrats side as Sanders supporters sort of... well sulk to be frank. Don’t judge, we’ve all done it.What’s important to note is that you do not have to win a majority of the state in order to win all the electors of its electoral college (though Maine and Nebraska do things differently,) you only need a plurality. With that in mind, it’s perfectly possible that we may have a situation where, in a three way split, Trump might take a few states here and there. Needless to say, it would not take much. There are after all only 538 electors; In 2012 Obama got 322 of them compared to 365 in 2008. Bush on the other hand managed only 286 in 2004 and in 2000 he got 271. In an an election as close as that, Trump would potentially only need to win a plurality in one state to unbalance things enough to deny anyone the magic 270. Yes, I'm looking at you West Virginia.So, it's really not beyond the realms of possibility that we have no outright winner, at which point the whole thing would be handed over to an institution that has a proven track record in making sound and speedy decisions.Yes, I'm talking about Congress and yes, I was being facetious.Washington DC will look like this but in better resolution.There are lot of people who have stated that the power would be taken out of the hands of the people in such a scenario which is of course like saying that when your dad gives you a credit card for emergencies that you've somehow taken control of the family's financial future. The last time I checked, Congress was indeed elected by the people and the fact that few of those same people took the time to consider the consequences of voting (or not voting,) in congressional elections, does not detract from that. With a little research, they would have been able to familiarize themselves with the powers granted to their elected representatives and realized that there was always a chance they would get to choose the President.And yet…Human psychology simply does not work that way and in a US election, psychological factors have to be taken very seriously.How do we expect US political figures to behave in such a situation? Will they come together and select a candidate along pragmatic lines for the good of the country?Hell. No.The childish bickering will begin before the result are in and by the following morning Capitol Hill will look like someone just took a Taco Bell fueled shit on a fan in a tent. There will be gridlocks, there will be filibusters, there will be promises, threats, hair pulling, dick punching, nipple twisting and name calling. The media will wet themselves like over-excited puppies as senator after senator weigh in on the side of this guy or that gal and representatives appeal for calm before quietly slinking off to rooms filled with brimstone in order to sell their souls to the highest bidder. A committee will be set up and then disbanded because nobody will be able to agree on its members. There will be calls for a re-election, there will be some who question the need for an executive at all, some will refuse to back certain candidates even at the risk of throwing the US into permanent chaos.And that’s just Congress.Regardless of how legitimate the process is, there will be some who simply refuse to accept it. Backers of the candidate with the most electoral college votes will insist that only that candidate be considered. Others will insist that it should be based on popular vote which might not be the same person as the candidate who won the electoral college vote. Supporters of underdogs will insist that the rules say nothing about voter share or electoral college votes. Supporters of underoos will march on the capitol in their pants. The more militant will question why they should accept one candidate when their state voted for another, conveniently forgetting that that has always been how it works.And Trump? He will march from pillar to post looking like a shriveled foreskin in an expensive suit, quietly inciting violence, loudly insulting his opponents and insisting that everyone loves him.“I predicted this ," he'd tell is with all the humility of an 800 hundred meter athlete who just beat the 100 meter world record."I was the only one who predicted this 100%.”If only they’d listened to him, if only they had picked him.None of this would be happening.November would drift into December and the financial markets would become as uneasy as someone with IBS at an open air festival. 'All I want for Xmas is a president,' signs would be waggled at the capitol building with as much effect as the act of jumping off the capital building and waggling them would have on fatal velocities. Obama, offering to stay on until a candidate was chosen would be forced to endure a torrent of abuse form conspiracy theorists and closet racist who always suspected he was secretly a Muslim dictator in disguise.The powers that be would step in. The New American Aristocracy would start throwing its weight (and money,) around, voicing their displeasure in a series of throaty, baritone harrumphs and the occasional falsetto squeal; their paid up thralls would scuttle into the shadows in terror and we'd all remember Al Gore's shameful performance as the Congressional undertaker to his own presidential funeral. A compromise candidate that nobody really wants and perhaps nobody has even heard of will be ushered into place and nailed to the presidential podium so he can stand their anemically listing off the reasons why he was 'doing this for the country.' Good manners, nice teeth, Neo liberal of course but not too conservative, not too liberal and probably not a woman; the key words will be there, unity, progress, healing, all that bulshit. We must, we will be told, look forward, not backwards. America is great, we're all great, everything is fine now. It's fine. It's fine...How are you? Fine? OK, great, we're all fine too.And there he’d sit, in the Whitehouse doing nothing for four years unless you count warming a chair as some kind of meaningful act. Oh, he'd make the odd suggestion, give the occasional speech but we'd stare at him the same way we do when we're told that VR is the future of gaming or that the next Apple watch is going to be a must-have item. Nobody would see his position as legitimate and nobody would much care what he had to say... unless he turned out to be one of those mavericks that nobody wanted at first but everyone loved in the end. Which seems unlikely.At leastThat’s how I think things would go, it’s only one scenario of many and I have no crystal ball.Edit.Actually as Greg Larson pointed out you need to have an elector in order to be considered so nailing a nobody to a podium isn't quite as easy as I suggested. However, although there will only by a few names on the ballot even in the scenario I laid out above but... a smart move would be to put a dark horse on the ticket probably as a VP nomination. It would only take one elector to switch their Presidential and Vice Presidential vote as Margarette Leach did in 1988. Furthermore as a strategy it might make sense to run a candidate set against Trump; even if that candidate failed to win a state he'd be on the ballot and a faithless elector could in theory switch, making him eligible for consideration by Congress.... and wouldn't that be fun...Shenanigans I know but this elections is... weird.At any rate, Trump's chance have diminished greatly even since I wrote this piece.Ian Jackson's answer to Is Donald Trump winning the election?You can follow me on Twitter.Grownmangrumbles (@Grownmangrumble) | Twitter

If Trump wins the election, what will the United States look like in the next eight years?

You know I only made it through the first written paragraph if Matts answer and I had to check his "claim" which is full of Trump. It was in MA and it was 1160 of which were comprised of dead, stolen, sold , or sent out incorrextly. And it was 23million of how much can be contributed to dead SS numbers isnt clear and what pissed me off the most your use of language clearly targets illegal immigrants who I would give them the nuke codes before trump. He's racist , a womenizer, he's afraid to confront his opposition at his own rally u think he's gonna go deal with isis. He's gonna rip this country apart starting with our neighbor Mexico by ruining any promising aspect of a posotive relationship in our future his tax plan gives tax breaks to Corp and tax cuts for the top 5% everything else is the same , u think a guy who tells MSNBC "no hard questions make us all look good." Is even qualified to be a mop handle on the floor of the Whitehouse. He didn't earn it he got a shit load and invested it like millions of others have he just got more from his daddy and his bankruptcies and his products he doesn't own the rights to half of what he says he got money so they could use his name cuz he came up with ONE good TV show made him famous. Name recognition hello politics since like the last 30-40 yrs. So ya anyone who says otherwise is a good liberal like I am who is polite and insanely open minded that Hillary dies or is idicted by then or their a DRUMPF supporter so their a racist biggot money hungry , coward who fears people not like him or rhi ks he's entitled and they can't nor will ever be and that person is pathetic and does it cuz he's afraid to stand beside another human he's called not worth it and be wrong. I just had Trump has one goal that d to make more money and more money if u think otherwise why do you think he chose to make his products in foreign countries , his house is fucking gold ur just so far up the butt of the right u can sell ur soul to give someone who goes against the Foundation of America " Everybody deserves to live here and if we didn't act like we were here first and we're somehow naturally better hadn't slowed it's flow we would nt have such a problem. But it u had to fear the Mexicans cant have us whites outnumbered lol dude what's worse is the excuses u make I love illegal legal Muslim Hindu idgaf I love all human beings especially those who are damned suffering that's the best part of human nature. U and Trump are the polar opposite. A wall lol get real Trump is a fucking joke and his supporters are dying out and it's the progressive movement I know learning new ideas is hard but trickle down never came and it's our turn to get min wage free college healthcare and taxes pay for it all cuz that's what theyre there for u dumbass to pay for our basic needs which we get more as at least I and "evolve " yes no God in humans just humans. And u know a president can't recall a trade deal that was voted in alone right nor can he do anything he's said either it's a violation of our Constitution or its just plain insane.

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