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Do you ever feel like leaving everything behind, moving somewhere else, and completely restarting your life? Does anyone else feel like this?

I'm good at keeping what ive always wanted ex: i have a an ac from sears i brought in 85 manual states put oil in motor in my living room now. I dont like buying same things over. But new stereo last one brought to Cleveland other stuff in storage in bronx, chandeliers records bric a brac ex evicted me when time to move to penthouse,this was 95 ,i was asked to return when concubine stole new car crashed it,i digress. So keep what is personal yours paid for. I traveled nyc NYC Cleveland about 3 times friend wife died he got remarried left me his 3 bedroom w/d furnished free elec/gas he worked at restaurant under apt $285.00 monthly. I had 3 jobs in Cleveland his mom after disrobbing at her house had caught feelings told me forget my stuff in NYC an I refuse to be with her an her stuff in Sandusky? As if nice to be offered had so much better ones!. Anyway I was 45 ish so when young an now you guys can get degrees with a laptop OMG! you can see the world !!!. You have plentybof time for romantic illusions sex but the world is best done while young no attachments if that's a desire. So no more toxic jealos people I'm on my schedule! “ i aint been licked “- b y Diana 64 this year ! Just retired stuck in NYC med condition furniture cats else I'd be Cleveland. So wherever you go you watch your back keep people away a friend or two I'm very cynical to phycotics an you women are targets .

Who was the most infamous figure in the history of the US State of Pennsylvania?

There are several candidates. But first, a shout out to 1985–87 Philly as being particularly infamous. In May 1985, Philadelphia Mayor Wilson Goode bombed a City block killing 11 people and destroying 65 homes. In October 1985, Sylvia Seegrist shot 10 people at a Philadelphia suburban mall, killing three. Then in 1986–87, two separate serial killers in North Philly kidnapped, tortured, and/or killed at least 13 black women within a few blocks of each other. In early 1987, our State Treasurer called a press conference and blew his brains out on live TV. Finally, several years later, it was discovered that a nationally renowned mother who was the unfortunate victim of 10 infant deaths actually smothered eight of her children. In any event, here are the finalists:Gary Heidnik: Gary was a white male who started his own church/cult near the badlands of Philadelphia. In Late 1986–87, Gary kidnapped and tortured six black women with various disabilities and addictions from the surrounding neighborhood. He constructed a pit in his basement where he sadistically abused some of the women, including electrocuting one in a flooded pit, starving them, and driving a screwdriver into one of the women’s ears. After killing one of the women, he ground her up and fed her to his other captives. The police actually stopped by to check on the house because the smell was so bad. Apparently, his congregation continued to meet in the house while the women were chained up downstairs.Gary’s “House of Horrors” came to an end when one of the captives that Gary trusted more was let out to meet her family (to relieve suspicion). She called 911 and the police arrived. Gary was the model for the “Buffalo Bill” character in “Silence of the Lambs.” He ultimately was convicted and received the death penalty that was carried out in 1999.Harrison “Marty” Graham: Ironically, during the same period of time (86–87) in another nearby North Philadelphia neighborhood, Marty Graham, murdered seven other black women. So, yes, that relatively small section of Philly was bad enough that nearly 13 black women in a few block radius could be captured and or murdered without a whole lot of local or national attention until the bodies turned up. Marty’s murders were discovered when his apartment building was condemned and he was evicted, leaving behind seven bodies. In most cases, Graham murdered these women during rough sex and then only carelessly hid the bodies while continuing to have sex with other women in the stench. Although Graham’s attorney claimed that he had multiple personalities and was mentally retarded, the court found him guilty and rejected this defense. After being sentenced to death, he was ultimately spared after SCOTUS ruled that the mentally retarded could not be executed. He is now a jailhouse minister. Despite being a more prolific murderer, Marty never get the same publicity as Gary, probably because he never cut up one of the bodies to feed to the other women.Mary Noe: Mrs. Noe likely inspired another movie story line, The Sixth Sense’s “Munchausen Mom” who poisoned her first daughter and was in the process of poisoning the second when Cole Sear intervened. (As a Philly native, Night Shymalan would have been familiar with the Noe case. In any event, the real Mary Noe killed eight out of ten of her own infants; and medical research based in part upon her experience with serial crib death led to the false, but widely held belief, that it was a form of hereditary sleep apnea. ln the 1960s, Life Magazine profiled the unluckiest mother in America and portrayed her as a terrible victim of multiple tragedies. The remaining two of her children died in the hospital, the last one of whom was stillborn, which fortunately led to a hysterectomy. Ultimately, in the early 1990s, after another case of serial crib death was discovered to be Munchausen by proxy, Mary’s case was re-examined; and she ultimately confessed to smothering eight of her infants with a pillow. She was sentenced to 20 years probation and house arrest where she still lives today in a North Philly neighborhood not too far from Gary Heidnik and Marty Graham’s old haunts. Again, a bad time to be wandering around North Philly.Honorable Mention:R. Budd Dwyer: Budd was the Pennsylvania State Treasurer who was convicted of bribery. Before he was sentenced, and likely to save his family’s entitlement to his state pension and benefits, he called a press conference killed himself on live TV with an extremely large pistol, splattering his brains all over the gathered press. Again, ironically, Bud killed himself in January 1987 so it was probably a harbinger that stuff was about to get real in PA that year. In any event, if you were one of the unfortunate ones to have seen Budd kill himself on live TV, it was an experience that was hard to forget.Sylvia Seegrist: Sylvia was a paranoid schizophrenic who purchased a long gun and went to the Springfield Mall in suburban Philadelphia in October 1985 where she shot 10 people, killing three and wounding another seven. Sylvia’s mom had spent the prior summer unsuccessfully trying to get Sylvia committed for unusual and violent behavior. Sylvia was one of the first mass shootings and she is unusual given her gender. And Sylvia’s murder spree came on the hills of the Philly Mayor dropping a bomb on an entire City Block earlier that year and killing 11 and destroying 65 homes.James Buchanan: James was the 15th President of the United States and widely considered to be the worst President in US History—although the current occupant is trying mightily to outdo him in his competence—for his inaction in the face of Southern Secession.Jerry Sandusky: Jerry was the defensive coordinator for Penn State for many years under Joe Paterno. He was convicted of numerous counts of indecent conduct with minors, some of which occurred at Penn State’s football facility. The scandal arguably brought down the most venerated figure in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at the twilight of his career. Jerry is serving multiple life sentences in a Pennsylvania State Correctional Center.Bill Cosby: The most popular TV personality and comedian during the 1980s. Bill earned Honorary Degrees and accolades from nearly every Pennsylvania University and had a special relationship with his Alma mater, Temple University. Apparently, Cosby led a double life and would drug women and then have unconsented sexual contact with them. He was convicted of raping a Temple Womens Basketball staff member and is now serving time in a Pennsylvania Correctional Facility.

Why do Liberals seem to be anti-American (burn our flag, embrace immigrants over our own, not fully supportive of our military, destructive protests, etc.)?

What Liberal do you know who burns the American flag? Or admires people who do? Could you name even one?The flag is a symbol. It’s a beautiful symbol. I feel emotional when I’m abroad and I see the American flag. If I could, I’d walk up to Betsy Ross and shake her hand, and thank her for a job well done.However, personally, as a Liberal, I think it’s important not to conflate the symbol with the thing it is meant to symbolize, or to value the symbol over the thing itself — I think it’s important not to value form over substance! The American flag moves me as a symbol because it represents a great country: a country with a nearly 230-year-old Constitution which contains precious guarantees of freedom, and rights and dignity for all. One of the most crucial guarantees in it is the First Amendment, which states:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.This First Amendment is incredibly valuable to me! So, it amazes me to see so many anti-American Conservatives who devalue it and trash it — who seek the Evangelical Christian equivalent of Shariah Law (paging Mike Pence) to replace the freedom of religion we enjoy as Americans. It amazes me to hear Donald Trump attack freedom of the press, and call journalists the enemies of America, backed by mobs of yes men and FOX “News” people like Hannity who are the US equivalent of North Korean “journalists” singing the praises of their Dear Leader … It causes me tremendous pain to see how anti-American Conservatives, disloyal when it comes to our Constitution, go after our precious freedoms these days.I have been to Liberal rallies such as the Women’s March on January 21st and to protests against Trump’s Muslim Ban. (And those executive orders of Trump’s are another attack on our First Amendment freedom of religion.) I have never seen the US flag disrespected at a protest rally; rather, I see our flag embraced at these patriotic protests. I personally have found it very ugly — the rare occasions when I have seen footage on TV of US protesters who publicly burn or desecrate the US flag. However, I understand arguments that say such an act is protected “speech,” under the First Amendment. And those who want to protect the symbol over the values and laws it symbolizes strike me as people who have seriously missed the point. It’s a bit like robbing a bank to get the money to re-paint and redecorate the local police station. Sure, a police station ought to look nice, as a symbol of law and order. But law and order themselves, as ideals, it seems to me, are even more important than a symbol which represents them. I figure that it’s the same way with First-Amendment-protected free speech; it’s even more important than the flag that symbolizes it as a concept.No protest I ever went to was violent. Millions upon millions of people, women and men, marched in Washington on January 21st, and in cities all over the country and all over the world. None of those protests were violent. Sometimes Liberal protesters do turn violent, as has happened recently at Berkeley and Middlebury. I deplore it when it happens; so do most Liberals. When Conservatives turn violent, including Conservatives in positions of power, like cops — somehow, I’m not hearing leading Republicans denounce it with any vigor or conviction. I never heard Trump directly denounce the jerk who shot Indian men that the jerk thought were “Iranians” in a Kansas bar:911 calls reveal the Kansas suspect thought he'd shot 'two Iranians'It took nearly a week for a White House spokesman to say something against it. That’s a shame. And I haven’t heard Trump or other Conservatives denounce Jeremy Christian, the jerk who stabbed two men to death (a third is in serious condition) for intervening when Christian was screaming hate at women he assumed were Muslim in Portland:‘Final act of bravery’: Men who were fatally stabbed trying to stop anti-Muslim rants identifiedThat’s also a shame. And the way Trump was rudely barking at the religious Jewish reporter who timidly and respectfully asked him about the surge in hate crimes against Jews at Trump’s long, deranged, in-person press conference was a shame. Many presidents would know how to act like real presidents in these situations.Whenever the US, during a world crisis, turns away refugees, we look bigoted and petty. When the US refused to allow the Jewish passengers on the MS St. Louis to come ashore here and we instead sent them back to Nazi Germany to die — it was petty and cruel. The way we kept our doors shut to Jewish refugees, even children, all during World War II was petty and cruel. The mobs of Americans screaming at buses full of children escaping unimaginable horror in Central America just a few years ago was similarly ugly. It doesn’t make us a more noble or admirable or even self-interested country when we behave that way. It degrades us, and cheapens our claims to being a beacon of hope and justice in the world. We are a nation of immigrants, and when we pretend we are not, when we forget the hopes and fears of our ancestors when they came here, we diminish ourselves and our role of leadership in the world. We were not pulling our weight, in terms of taking in refugees from places like Syria, under Obama — we certainly were not doing as much as nations like Germany and Canada and impoverished Greece — but at least we did have a method by which some people could find refuge here, after a strict vetting process lasting several years. That’s gone now. Was it so costly for us? Trump spends far more of our national treasure on his constant golfing weekends. Would the mostly women and children we were letting in have hurt us, despite the lengthy and extensive vetting — did they present a security threat? Naah. Turning them away may give you spiteful satisfaction, but, as during the Holocaust, it’s just petty and cruel.The crisis of children from Central America aside, major cities like Los Angeles have huge undocumented populations that do all the menial urban jobs citizens don’t want to do. They wash cars, clean hotel rooms, clean homes, do dangerous construction — things most US citizens would avoid even if they paid a decent wage. In agriculture, undocumented laborers similarly play a crucial role. If the eleven million undocumented people in the US were suddenly kicked out, it would do tremendous damage to our economy — cripple businesses, leave crops rotting in the fields and create food shortages at stores — as well as break up families with American members and tear at the social fabric of our country. At the moment, the number of people leaving and the number coming in from Mexico is equal; the growth of this population is around zero. There are no big waves of immigrants invading America. Keeping undocumented people fearful and in the shadows and forcing cops who used to have good relationships with local communities to act like they work for ICE means that undocumented people don’t warn the police about criminals. It means they stay away from hospitals and keep their American-born children away, increasing the risk of pandemics. Undocumented people who work hard here for decades with no path to citizenship do pay sales taxes and other taxes, but if they could become citizens it would inject far more money into our economy. Sane and sensible immigration reform, such as Conservatives like George W. Bush and others used to advocate for, would not be a matter of putting immigrants ahead of citizens; it’s what would be good for the US.It’s ridiculous to say that Liberals are not supportive of our military. When the Dixie Chicks got Dixie-Chicked and blacklisted for being against W’s war of choice in Iraq, they had a song on the charts — “Traveling Soldier.” It was about a young man who gets killed in Vietnam. They cared about our troops, and they didn’t believe in casually sending them off to die in a war launched on a bogus pretext. Around that time, Darryl Worley sang a song called “Have You Forgotten?” implying that people who didn’t support W’s wars had forgotten about 9/11. I was in Brooklyn when 9/11 happened. Like most New Yorkers, I did not support W’s war of choice in Iraq. The reason most New Yorkers were against that war was not that New Yorkers had forgotten what happened on September 11th. We remembered quite vividly. But just as we thought it was wrong that we had been targeted by homicidal jerks for no reason — we did not want our country targeting another civilian population for death for no reason. And we did not want young Americans being sent off to die in an unjust, unnecessary war.George W. Bush said Osama bin Laden was “Wanted: Dead or Alive.” But very soon after that, given his short attention span, W said that getting bin Laden was “not a priority.” Barack Obama made it a priority again. Perhaps that was because he was more patriotic?Under Obama, the number of homeless veterans was cut in half. There were improvements to many services for our veterans. Obama not only transitioned away from sending so many service people into harm’s way — relying much more on Iraqi and Kurd forces to do their own fighting (while eliminating 75% of ISIS) — Obama also took better care of our fighters when they came home.Vietnam draft dodger Donald J. Trump made it pretty clear throughout the campaign how much contempt he has for our military. He lied about giving to charities for veterans from his slush fund, er, I mean charity — he then had to pony up when called on it. We all saw the contempt with which he treated John McCain, a POW who spent years imprisoned and tortured in Vietnam, and we heard Trump’s statement that he likes the people who “don’t get captured.” (And does he have even more contempt for those killed in battle than he has for prisoners of war? Does he see casualties as even bigger LOSERS?) We saw the contempt with which Trump treated the Khans, a Gold Star family, and we heard his assertion that he had sacrificed as much as they had by building hotels. We have all seen the contempt with which he treats our intelligence services: connected to our military and involving many people who risk/lose their lives to keep our country safe and strong. These things tell us a lot about who he is. And it tells us a lot about how much Republicans support our military, or not, that they were willing to vote for a man who says such contemptible things, and were willing to put him in charge of our armed forces. Imagine being the anguished parent of a POW, for example, with a man like Trump in office! Imagine being a POW, with him in the White House!All we have learned about Trump and the GOP’s contempt for our military is confirmed when we look at their proposed anti-American budget and at Trumpcare. They are determined to stick it to our veterans:Elderly Vets Could Face Benefits Cut Under Trump BudgetThousands of Veterans and Their Families Would Lose Insurance Under the AHCATrump is casually sending more Americans into war zones in ill-planned operations, and casually robbing them of vital services if they make it home.As a Liberal, I believe, as does President Obama, that the US is the one indispensable nation. I believe in American exceptionalism. But I don’t think the greatest source of our nation’s strength is the size of our weapons or our ability to strut and swagger and sneer loudly at others. Rather, I believe in the idea of America as embodying and championing important values around the world: freedom, justice, democracy, transparency and human rights. We lead by virtue of our moral strength. We’re supposed to be a nation that respects the sovereignty of others and that leads by example, through statesmanship, and through partnering with our allies who share our values, rather than by carrying a big stick. These ideals we stand for tend to take a hit whenever Republicans hold the White House — but never quite like this! Not under Reagan or George H.W. Bush, and not under George W. Bush did we ever stray so far from the ideals that our nation, at its best, embodies.Trump does not even bother to pay lip service to democracy and human rights as values. He admires Erdogan, who has changed Turkey from a democracy into an Islamic near-dictatorship. Trump recently received Erdogan at the White House, and when Erdogan’s armed security guard thugs brutally attacked peaceful protesters, putting some in the hospital — neither Trump nor any other prominent Republican had anything to say about it.Did the Turkish President’s Security Detail Attack Protesters in Washington? What the Video ShowsTrump admires Duterte in the Philippines, and has called him a good man and has invited him to the White House. Duterte has killed thousands “extra-judicially,” and recently declared martial law. He likes to joke about his soldiers raping women:Duterte jokes that his soldiers can rape women under martial law in the PhilippinesHe also likes to joke about genocide and brags about personally murdering people. This is what our president now associates himself with.Trump was chilly to our European and G7 partners on his recent trip abroad — but effusive to the Saudis! He had no desire to lecture them: only to lecture our allies. This trip to Europe put big cracks in NATO and achieved everything that Vladimir Putin could want — it’s almost like Trump is Putin’s puppet, or something!And in fact … Vladimir Putin is Trump’s favorite dictatorial autocrat. Trump is fine with how Putin murders journalists and political opponents. He’s fine with all “news” on Russian TV being pro-Putin propaganda. He’s fine with Putin making himself the richest man in the world by turning Russia into a kleptocracy, with Putin and his gangster/oligarch buddies running the country for personal profit. It’s kind of like Trump sees Putin as a role model … or as something more.Barack Obama respected career people in government. That’s not because he was a running a “deep state.” Many of the men and women who were in intelligence and other branches of government for years before he took office had served under Republican as well as Democratic administrations, and were themselves Republicans, and had been recruited into service under Republican presidents. Obama did not fire those people for no reason. He didn’t scoff at the findings our intelligence community offered him. Trump does it, perhaps because he has no choice: because the intelligence community knows too much about the collusion between his presidential campaign and the Russians. So Trump lies, and his people treasonously lied to Congress during their confirmation hearings. Kushner lied. Flynn lied. (And Trump didn’t bother to fire Flynn after Sally Yates brought him evidence of Flynn’s collusion with the Russians. He fired Sally Yates. And Trump doesn’t seem to be yanking Kushner’s security clearance, does he?) Our current Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, lied about his contact with the Russians during his Senate confirmation hearings and so Sessions had to recuse himself from investigations pertaining to Russia and the campaign. But somehow, that recusal didn’t stop him from recommending that Comey be removed, when Trump told Sessions and Rosenstein he needed a pretext for firing Comey because Comey wouldn’t back down on investigating the Trump campaign and the Russians.Now Mueller is investigating. What will Republicans do when Trump has Sessions fire him, or fires Rosenstein and has his replacement fire Mueller? Does anyone seriously expect cynical Mitch McConnell or spineless Paul Ryan to take a stand on behalf of the American people at that point? Just because the stooge of an enemy foreign power colluded with that power in illegal ways to win the election and now sits in our White House, obstructing justice and making nonsense of our system of checks and balances and the separation of powers that guarantee our system of government? Do you ever expect the anti-American Republicans to put country ahead of party and demand to see Trump’s tax returns, which would tell us how much money the Russians have given him and his businesses in the past few decades — exactly how beholden to them he is? And what does it say about average Republicans that they are so busy gloating over Democrats being distressed by this treasonous, Constitution-trashing stuff that they don’t even care that Trump is another Manafort-groomed Putin stooge like Yanukovych of Ukraine?In the Cold War era when I grew up, Republicans used to say that Liberals and Democrats were “soft” on Russia, soft on patriotism, soft on defense, soft on defending US sovereignty and freedom. But all during the campaign, Republicans sniveled and whined that Vlad was so big and strong and commanding, we couldn’t let Hillary win because that would make Vlad angry and he’d launch World War III. Really? You’re fine with an enemy dictator telling us who to vote for? You’re fine with his integrity-challenged puppet running our country, and leaking information directly to the Kremlin, and carrying out foreign policy objectives that benefit the Kremlin but not the American people?Republicans and Conservatives also used to pretend that they were the party of ethics and morality and family values. Just as Liberals have a name that connotes a love of liberty, Conservatives supposedly want to conserve important, perishable things. Now we see that the GOP is morally bankrupt (just as their disproved economic ideas like Trickle-Down Economics bankrupt our country every time they’re in power). Anti-American Conservatives voted for a man with nothing but contempt for our Constitution, for our judiciary, for the separation of powers and for the Founders’ notion that all men are created equal. You voted for the sleazy con man who ran the Trump University scam, and bribed the Attorney General of Florida $25,000 not to look into it, with funds from his personal charity/slush fund. You voted for the man who cheated hundreds of people who signed contracts with him out of what he owed them. You voted for a crooked showman who has cheated people his whole life, who has bragged on the Access Hollywood tape about forcibly kissing women he does not know and grabbing them by the pussy, who bragged on Howard Stern that he walks into the changing rooms of women and girls at beauty pageants to “inspect” them — and yes, there are women (in the double digits) who say he has done all he bragged about and more. The charges of sexual assault brought against Trump started rolling in years before he ran for office. There are now more women who publicly say Donald Trump did the kinds of things he has bragged about, to them, than there are men who say Jerry Sandusky raped them when they were boys.You don’t care. You don’t care that he lies every time he speaks or tweets. You don’t care when he calls a woman a pig or Miss Piggy or says “look at that face.” You’re entertained by his bullying and schoolyard meanness. You enjoyed hearing him bellow at protesters being evicted from his rallies, and his encouragement to those who were violent toward them. You enjoyed hearing him suggest that the Second Amendment people should “do something” about Hillary Clinton and that she should see what would happen if her security guards laid down their weapons. You enjoyed the chants of “lock her up!” led by crooked Chris Christie and traitor Michael Flynn. You enjoyed Trump telling her that if he won she’d be in jail. You pretend not to know that Trump mocked a disabled journalist; you pretend that his words and hand movements on other tapes, talking about other people, are equivalent. You didn’t mind when he snarled hatred at journalists at his rallies: at individual journalists like Katy Tur. It seems that “Conservatives” don’t want to conserve our constitutional freedoms or a basic sense of public dignity, honesty, and decency, anymore than they want to preserve our wildlife and wilderness refuges or a livable climate — or America’s role as a leader on the world stage.Trump’s presidency, like Britain’s decision to Brexit, is a self-inflicted wound. Nations of the world are looking to China now to lead on international trade and climate change. But they’d rather look to us. Germany and France realize they have to lead Europe in a world full of gangster states and eroding democracies. They’d rather be working with American and British partners they could trust. But from your perspective, it’s okay for our power, prestige and influence to crumble, right? So long as it upsets the liberal snowflakes!Montana has just elected Gianforte: a thug. He had said that when the CBO issued its report on the disastrous Republican healthcare bill, he’d comment. Since it was the night before the election that the report came out, a journalist asked him twice, in a mild, reasonable voice, to keep his promise and comment. Gianforte grabbed the journalist by the neck, body-slammed him to the ground, punched him and broke his glasses. Reporters from the Left and the Right confirmed this. You have heard the tape. You also know that Gianforte’s people initially lied about what happened and pretended the reporter had been aggressive — like a white cop lying and saying the black man he assaulted or killed was aggressive, before the cop learns there is audio or video proving that he is lying.You know all of this, and anti-American Conservatives in Montana knew it when they still turned out in droves to vote for Gianforte! They liked him more for it! They threatened reporters in general! It doesn’t bother them that Gianforte is mentally unstable, much like Trump. It doesn’t bother them that Gianforte says we can cut social security because no one had social security in the Bible and Noah continued to work (as in: build an ark) when he was 600 years old! Under Christian Shariah law, that kind of argument in government will make perfect sense!And it doesn’t bother America-hating Conservatives in Montana or all over the country that Gianforte is a thug, demonstrably unfit to serve due to his actions. Trump praised the win in Montana. Republicans in Congress are fine with having a violent thug join their ranks. They will never behave like patriots or decent men and stand up to such behavior.Opinion | Donald Trump: The Gateway DegenerateSo, soon Congressman Thug will be in DC, serving under President Thug, helping to trash the Enlightenment document called the US Constitution and drag us down into the Middle Ages. Republicans have become a thug party that wants us to be like a Latin American Banana Republic of old, with a caudillo strongman, a tiny elite of rich families running things, no middle class, no infrastructure and a sea of illiterate poor people. That’s what Republicans have been moving us toward since Ronald Reagan first declared war on the middle class and told the lie of Trickle-Down Economics. Their goal is to make this a Third World nation. Trump and the Republicans want to reduce this country to something like Duterte’s Philippines, or el-Sisi’s Egypt or Mugabe’s Zimbabwe or Erdogan’s Turkey … or Putin’s Russia. Republican voters probably know that their leaders will never “drain the swamp” — that they, themselves, are the swamp. Republican voters must know coal is not the future. Trump voters must know that Trump’s policies will hurt no one more than themselves:Opinion | It’s All About Trump’s ContemptAnd so, why did they vote for him? And why do they continue to support him? The only explanation I can come up with is that Conservatives really, really, really hate the United States of America.

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