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  • In the beginning, direct to the “Get Form” button and click on it.
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How to Edit Your PDF Reading And Writing Instruction In Spe Online

Editing your form online is quite effortless. You don't need to install any software on your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy tool to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.

Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:

  • Search CocoDoc official website on your computer where you have your file.
  • Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ button and click on it.
  • Then you will browse this online tool page. Just drag and drop the form, or append the file through the ‘Choose File’ option.
  • Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
  • When the modification is finished, click on the ‘Download’ button to save the file.

How to Edit Reading And Writing Instruction In Spe on Windows

Windows is the most widely-used operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit template. In this case, you can install CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents easily.

All you have to do is follow the instructions below:

  • Download CocoDoc software from your Windows Store.
  • Open the software and then choose your PDF document.
  • You can also choose the PDF file from URL.
  • After that, edit the document as you needed by using the varied tools on the top.
  • Once done, you can now save the completed template to your laptop. You can also check more details about editing PDF.

How to Edit Reading And Writing Instruction In Spe on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. Utilizing CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac without hassle.

Follow the effortless steps below to start editing:

  • To start with, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
  • Then, choose your PDF file through the app.
  • You can select the template from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
  • Edit, fill and sign your file by utilizing this help tool from CocoDoc.
  • Lastly, download the template to save it on your device.

How to Edit PDF Reading And Writing Instruction In Spe through G Suite

G Suite is a widely-used Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your work more efficiently and increase collaboration between you and your colleagues. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF editing tool with G Suite can help to accomplish work easily.

Here are the instructions to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Search for CocoDoc PDF Editor and install the add-on.
  • Select the template that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by choosing "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your file using the toolbar.
  • Save the completed PDF file on your laptop.

PDF Editor FAQ

Does the 93C46 need to have CS set to high to read/write using Arduino/ATtiny85?

CS can be connected to any digital pin of Arduino to perform read/write operation.AT93C46 is a non volatile memory or EEPROM, giving you just 1024 bits of electrically erasable programmable read only memory.It can be used as 128×8 bits fashion or 64×16 fashion, depending on logic level at ORG pin of 93c46.Things Required:1.Arduino2.At93c463.Breadboard4.Connecting Wires5.100nf capacitorCkt Diagram:Vcc - 5vCS - pin 10.SK - SCkDI - MOSIDO - MISOGND - GNDCODE:Note:- you just have to include first 2 lib files. #include <avr/io.h>  #include <util/delay.h>    #define CLEAN 0b00000000    #define DDR93C46 DDRB  #define PORT93C46 PORTB  #define PIN93C46 PINB    #define SK PB5 //SCK - Digital 13  #define DO PB4 //MISO - Digital 12  #define DI PB3 //MOSI - Digital 11  #define CS PD6 //cs - Digital 10    #define READ 0x02 // 10 00ABCD - 0x02 ADDR  #define EWEN1 0x00 // 00 11XXXX  #define EWEN2 0x30 // - 0x00 0x30  #define ERASE 0x03 // 11 00ABCD - 0x03 ADDR  #define ERAL1 0x00 // 00 10XXXX  #define ERAL2 0x20 // - 0x00 0x20  #define WRITE 0x01 // 01 00ABCD - 0x01 ADDR  #define WRAL1 0x00 // 00 01XXXX  #define WRAL2 0x10 // - 0x00 0x10  #define EWDS1 0x00 // 00 00XXXX  #define EWDS2 0x00 // - 0x00 0x00    #define SET_CS PORT93C46 |= (1 << CS)  #define CLR_CS PORT93C46 &= ~(1 << CS)    #define SET_SK {PORT93C46 |= (1 << SK); _delay_us(0.01);}  #define CLR_SK PORT93C46 &= ~(1 << SK)    #define SET_DI PORT93C46 |= (1 << DI)  #define CLR_DI PORT93C46 &= ~(1 << DI)    class SPI_93C46N {  private:  uint8_t Transfer(uint8_t data) {  SPDR = data;  while(!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))); // Wait for SPI interrupt flag  return SPDR;// Return byte gathered from SPI data register  }  void Opcode(uint8_t opcode, uint8_t address) {  SET_CS;  SPCR &= ~(1 << SPE); // SPI disable  _delay_us(1);  CLR_SK;  SET_DI; // Send start bit  SET_SK;  CLR_SK;  SPCR |= (1 << SPE); // SPI enable  Transfer((opcode << 6) | address); // Transmit byte  }  public:  SPI_93C46N() {  SPCR = CLEAN // Set SPI control register  & ~(1 << SPIE) // SPI interrupt disable  | (1 << SPE) // SPI enable  & ~(1 << DORD) // MSB first  | (1 << MSTR) // SPI master device  & ~(1 << CPOL) // SPI  & ~(1 << CPHA) // mode 0  | (1 << SPR1) // XX/64 MHz  & ~(1 << SPR0); // speed  SPSR = CLEAN // Init SPI status register  & ~(1 << SPI2X); // SPI double speed  DDR93C46 = CLEAN // Set up inputs/outputs  | (1 << SK) // Serial clock output  | (1 << DI) // Data input (MOSI) output  | (1 << CS) // Chip select output  & ~(1 << DO); // Data output (MISO) input  PORT93C46 |= (1 << DO); // Data output (MISO) high  CLR_DI;  CLR_CS;   CLR_SK;  _delay_us(1);  }  ~SPI_93C46N() {  //  }  uint16_t Read(uint8_t address) {  uint16_t data = 0;  Opcode(READ, address); // READ instruction  CLR_DI;  SET_SK; // "0" DUMMY bit  CLR_SK;  SPCR |= (1 << CPHA); // Invert PHA, very important!  data = Transfer(0);  data = (data << 8) | (Transfer(0));  _delay_us(1);  CLR_CS;  CLR_DI;  SPCR &= ~(1 << CPHA);   return data;  }  void EraseWriteEnable(void) {  Opcode(EWEN1, EWEN2);   CLR_DI;  CLR_CS;  SET_CS;  _delay_us(0.1);  while(!(PIN93C46 & (1 << DO))); // Wait 1  CLR_CS;   }  void EraseWriteDisable(void) {  Opcode(EWDS1, EWDS2);  CLR_DI;  CLR_CS;  SET_CS;  _delay_us(0.1);  while(!(PIN93C46 & (1 << DO))); // Wait 1  CLR_CS;   }  void Erase(uint8_t address) {  Opcode(ERASE, address);   CLR_DI;  CLR_CS;  SET_CS;  _delay_us(0.1);  while(!(PIN93C46 & (1 << DO))); // Wait 1  CLR_CS;   }  void EraseAll(void) {  Opcode(ERAL1, ERAL2);   CLR_DI;  CLR_CS;  SET_CS;  _delay_us(0.1);  while(!(PIN93C46 & (1 << DO))); // Wait 1  CLR_CS;   }  void Write(uint8_t address, uint16_t data) {  Opcode(WRITE, address); // WRITE instruction  Transfer(data >> 8); // Write data high byte to addreCS  Transfer(data & 0xFF); // Write data low byte to addreCS  CLR_DI;  CLR_CS;  SET_CS;  _delay_us(0.1);  while(!(PIN93C46 & (1 << DO))); // Wait "1"   CLR_CS;   }   void WriteAll(uint16_t data) {  Opcode(WRAL1, WRAL2); // WRITE instruction  Transfer(data >> 8); // Write data high byte to addreCS  Transfer(data & 0xFF); // Write data low byte to addreCS  CLR_DI;  CLR_CS;  SET_CS;  _delay_us(0.1);  while(!(PIN93C46 & (1 << DO))); // Wait "1"   CLR_CS;  }  };   void setup(void) {  Serial.begin(115200);  _delay_ms(100);  Serial.println("EEPROM writing/reading");  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);  }   void loop(void) {  SPI_93C46N _93C46N;  int i;  uint16_t data;  _93C46N.EraseWriteEnable(); // for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)  // _93C46N.Write(i, 0xDEAD); // for(i = 32; i < 64; i++)  // _93C46N.Write(i, 0xBEEF);  _93C46N.WriteAll(0xB00B);  _93C46N.EraseWriteDisable();  for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) {  data = _93C46N.Read(i);  analogWrite(8, (unsigned char)(data >> 8));  _delay_ms(50);  analogWrite(8, (unsigned char)data);  _delay_ms(50);  Serial.print(data, HEX);  Serial.print(" ");  if((i + 1) % 8 == 0)  Serial.println();  }  analogWrite(8, 0);  _delay_ms(10000);   } 

I'm from 3 year student from a reputed institute in India. What is a research paper, where do you publish it and what should I do in order to publish a paper?

Research paper is basically a journal used for exploring and identifying issues , problems , and solution to various fields . A s for B.Tech it would rather be a technical field , which would require thourough knowledge , concepts and evaluation of the topic on which the paper is to be prepared.Inorder to publish a paper , there are various organization under differt branch as for exampleIEEE- electronics engineering , electrical engineeringIJMET , IJMER- mechanical engineeringSPE ,IADC- petroleum engineeringIJCIET- civil engineeringthese organization orgainses exhibition and confrences from time to time and they call for abstract- which is the summary of the reserch paper . Out of the given abstract they select some of them which are finally presented in the conference by the author of the paper , thereby if it turns out to be a good one it is then published in their respective journals after ciatation so that the various readers , resercher can read it . In short a paper get recognized after being patented by the organization various talented and experinced personalities from across the globe .You should basically look for such organization and then select a topic about which you want to write on . Follow the instruction for submiting the abstract , if selected get the paper written and then do the needful as per the organization for presenting it.

How competitive is the hiring process at Chevron?

I am a college senior, so I will speak about the internship and full-time conversion process at Chevron. I am currently studying my BS in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. To give a bit of background about myself, I interned at Chevron for one summer in Houston, TX.I worked as a Drilling & Completions Engineer Intern for the Mid-Continent Business Unit (read: on-shore shales and unconventionals) in the summer of 2016. After spending the summer at Chevron, I was recently offered a position for a full-time job in Drilling Engineering, in spite of the oil and gas downturn plaguing the industry right now. I will say immediately that being hired at Chevron is extremely competitive. I’ll describe the process I underwent as a student.At ULL, the Petroleum Engineering department (where upstream Chevron hires from) has reached an extraordinary size of approximately 1000 students. Until this year, Chevron consistently recruited petroleum engineering students into drilling, completions, production, and reservoir engineering. Chevron performed a pre-interview screening, selecting fewer than ten students for interviews (out of a departmental size of 1000). Just interviews! We were instructed to upload our resumes and transcripts in advance so they could screen and filter applicants. Fewer than ten students were interviewed, and I was the only undergraduate student in the department who ended up getting an internship with Chevron. One other graduate student received an internship offer as well. I’ll also provide a student profile of myself:4.0 CGPA in Petroleum Engineering (graduating from college in 3 years from a full-ride scholarship)Highly involved in leadership and student organizations (President of Pi Epsilon Tau Petroleum Engineering Honors Society, Treasurer of UL-Society of Petroleum Engineers, Advising Director of UL-SPE, President of Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers)Previous aerospace engineering internship as an Edwards Air Force Base contractorFirst freshman ever to join the PetroBowl (global petroleum engineering quiz bowl competition) team, now team captain and recently achieved 2nd place in the world in the International PetroBowl.Lean Six Sigma Black Belt ProfessionalLots of on-campus researchINTERVIEWI only went through one interview, but I’ve heard others can go through more rounds. During the interview, Chevron recruiters asked a host of nontechnical and behavioral questions. Because Chevron’s overarching vision is to be the Clear Leader in the oil and gas industry, they are more concerned with leadership and soft skills. Technical training can come during work, but leadership isn’t something that you can teach easily. I will add that most people who interned at Chevron had oil and gas internships before working at Chevron. For example, approximately 15–20% of the upstream professionals first worked at service companies such as Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes or Weatherford. Anyway, the interview consisted of situational questions; for instance, tell me about a time when a group you were working with made a decision that didn’t go your way and how you dealt with it.I spent a major chunk of my time at Chevron networking with managers, engineers, lawyers, executives, vice-presidents, etc. One hiring manager in particular explained to me that when he interviews candidates, he asks open-ended questions like, “I see on your resume that you worked on this subsea engineering project. Tell me about that.”If the interviewee responded like, “Here was the problem that our group faced. We did this and that in order to achieve this outcome,” the hiring manager can infer that this particular candidate is highly results-oriented.On the other hand, if the interviewee said something like, “The group I worked in lacked effective communication. This was mostly because nobody lead efforts to guide the team in a useful direction. This particular team member was good at computer simulation while the other team member was good at writing reports. I took it upon myself to utilize each person’s individual strengths to synergistically achieve the best solution.” From that point, the hiring manager can conclude, based on his response to the question, that this person is able to unite a group and lead them to achieve a goal. He is a people-oriented person.There are generally no right and wrong answers for interviews, just answers that fit Chevron’s business need.Because of my on-campus involvement in petroleum engineering societies, I had a collection of experiences that I could talk all day about. Chevron utilizes the STAR interview method: Situation, Task, Action, Results.I will say that even though I had tons of experiences I could expand on during the interview, preparation was key to securing the deal.After I finished my hour-long interview, the recruiters filled out a rubric/grading document and sent it to the appropriate people before I was informed that I was offered an internship position for the summer.INTERNSHIPWhen I arrived at Chevron on my first day, I didn’t know what to expect. After the first few days of basic training and paperwork, I was assigned my project. Over the next few months, this project would become my life. I would like to add that the projects at Chevron are all useful and interesting! They are projects that a real engineer would do! At first, I felt like I was drinking from a fire hose. Those who want to succeed at Chevron are in control of their own destiny. On top of the technical project that I had undertaken, I knew from day one that failure was not an option. The oil industry was suffering at the moment, and this was my chance to prove myself to a major company like Chevron. I had to get into the shoes of those evaluating me. An internship is really an extended job interview. My responsibility was to impress the right people. I was determined to do the following:Network like CRAZY and with EVERYONE! My supervisor described me as bold for setting up mentoring sessions with some of the most powerful people in the corporation.Exceed all expectations by delivering a powerful and valuable project, presentation, and product ahead of time.*Understand and embody the Chevron Way and Operational Excellence in its entirety.Have fun!*Many interns fail to sell their project in a way that creates value for the corporation. Even if her/his project didn’t yield the results she/he wanted, it is possible to sell it properly. It all depends on your communication skills. People might disagree with me, but if you can’t communicate effectively, you might as well quit.Despite the immense workload ahead of me, Chevron did a fantastic job organizing internal networking events and promoting a strong work-life balance. Everybody in my business unit was also incredibly knowledgeable and willing to help. They are truly an incredible bunch of people. I could spend hours and hours talking about the great company they are, especially compared to similar oil and gas corporations, but I’ll avoid that here.After all was said and done, my supervisor and I met at the end of the summer to discuss my performance. He identified key areas where I exhibited extraordinary strength.I was willing and able (after I finished my project) to help other engineers on MAJOR projects that had sensitive deadlines and required more manpower.I networked like no tomorrow with engineers, team leads, managers, and vice-presidents alike.I had a knack for effective communication, always involving the Right people, and achieving alignment among stakeholders all while delivering results ahead of scheduleI demonstrated technical competencyI possessed a natural, constant desire to improve and search for feedback.Chevron interns go through an internal job application for intern-to-full-time conversion. People such as your direct supervisor and fellow engineers are involved in the hiring process, but besides that, I’m unaware of the nuances of the hiring process.About a month after my internship ended, I received a phone call from HR informing me that I’ve been offered a full-time position at Chevron, and I’ve been ecstatic and relieved ever;dr it is extremely competitive to get hired at Chevron. In particular, because of Upstream’s close proximity to the revenue stream, the engineers must always be top-notch. Out of a department size of ~1000 at UL Lafayette, I, along with another graduate student, was the only student selected for an internship. ~0.2%. Especially during a downturn. When you really think about it though, Chevron is comparable to Google, Apple, etc in terms of talent. They’re just in a different industry.I’m now counting the days until I get to work for this amazing company. Until then, I am going to continue working on myself and striving to become a better leader and person.“Our success is driven by our people and their commitment to get results the right way – by operating responsibly, executing with excellence, applying innovative technologies and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth.” ~Chevron Corp.If you would like to connect with me on LinkedIn, please visit me!

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