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What were the unluckiest empires in the world history?

The Inca Empire, 1438–1533.The Inca managed to construct by far the largest empire in the history of the Americas, and the largest Empire in the world at that time.‘In 1491 the Inka ruled the greatest empire on earth. Bigger than Ming Dynasty China, bigger than Ivan the Great’s expanding Russia, bigger than Songhay in the Sahel or powerful Great Zimbabwe in the West Africa tablelands, bigger than the cresting Ottoman Empire, bigger than the Aztec empire, bigger by far than any European state. The Inka dominion extended over a staggering thirty-two degrees of latitude, as if a single power held sway from St. Petersburg to Cairo.’ — Charles Mann.The Inca built one of the greatest imperial states in human history, and they did this in the space of less than a hundred years. The Inca managed this, largely because of one man, and his son.The tale of Pachacuti, 1418-1472.Pachacuti was the youngest son of a petty King, who ruled a small kingdom in the valley of Cusco. From a young age, he impressed the nobility and his teachers, being undeniably intelligent, and showing natural administrative ability, while clearly demonstrating combat skill. But his father had named his older brother as heir to the throne.Then one day a much larger neighbouring tribe attacked the small kingdom of Cusco, all seemed lost and defeat inevitable. So Pachacuti’s father the king, and his older brother chose to flee the capital. But Pachacuti would not leave his people.The young Pachacuti stayed behind and quickly organised the defence of his father's kingdom. He fought a savage battle against the invaders, and eventually, he was victorious, saving the kingdom.Peace was restored, and Pachacuti was named King of all Cusco, but his small kingdom was surrounded by rivals and the future looked bleak.Yet Pachacuti swiftly set about implementing changes, he designed the layout and rebuilt his capital city Cusco, reforming administration systems, ordering a network of roads to be built across his kingdom and improving agriculture.When he had improved his military enough, the new king took his young son Topa Inca, on a glorious military campaign, together they conquered many of the neighbouring kingdoms, including their would be invaders, and defeated all their their enemies.What I found most interesting, is that many kingdoms simply decided to join the Inca Empire, without the need for violence. The Inca expanded at such outstanding speed, that Pachacuti and his son Topa, have been compared to Philip and his son Alexander the Great.Pachacuti invented the bureaucratic structure used by the Inca Empire, Tahuantinsuyu which means “Realm of four parts” improving the administration and management of his growing empire. He then set about codified Inca law, and reorganising the Inca religion, protecting the rights of all to worship different religions.It's now believed that Pachacuti himself ordered the building of Machu Picchu, as his own estate. He is likely responsible for many of the vast agricultural structures built around this time.While Pachacuti carried out his extensive improvements of the Inca world, his son Topa received command of the Inca military and engaged in many successful campaigns, expanding the Inca Empire.Pachacuti fittingly means - ‘Earthshaker.’When Pachacuti died, his son Topa carried on his work and expanded the Inca Empire to almost its full extent, becoming the largest empire in the world at that time.With a population of around 14 million, that spoke over 40 languages and included a diverse mix of people that worshipped many different religions and territory that included every type of climate and terrain.What's most shocking, is the Inca did this without the wheel, horses, knowledge of iron or steel, and they hadn't even developed the written word, beyond a system of knots on strings.The Inca also built some of the most impressive agricultural structures ever seen, they mastered irrigation and water management, in unbelievably difficult mountainous terrain.The Inca changed their mountainous landscape, across a vast empire they established many vast agricultural districts.‘Documents from missionaries and Valera describe the Inca as master builders and land planners, capable of extremely sophisticated mountain agriculture - and building cities to match. Incan society was so rich that it could afford to have hundreds of people who specialized in planning the agricultural uses of newly-conquered areas. They built terraced farms on the mountainsides whose crops - from potatoes and maize to peanuts and squash - were carefully chosen to thrive in the average temperatures for different altitudes. They also farmed trees to keep the thin topsoil in good condition. Incan architects were equally talented, designing and raising enormous pyramids, irrigating with sophisticated waterworks.’The Inca constructed the most mind-bogglingly extensive road network in all the Americas, this system covered over 25,000 miles of roads and trails, with approximately 2,000 way-stations at evenly spaced intervals, including inns that offered shelter, food and supplies.The Inca carved out the largest, most powerful and advanced civilisation in the Americas. An Empire which would have evolved and possibly lasted for many more centuries.Then some Spaniards turned up, riddled with diseases that killed millions throughout the Inca realm, crippling the worlds largest empire.This once-mighty civilisation, with vast sprawling cities, and millions of people, was all but wiped from existence, by a mere handful of these strange people, who travelled in massive ships, wearing metal armour and wielding deadly weapons, unlike anything seen before.When the conquistador Pizzaro wrote to the King of Spain, about the Inca capital Cusco, he said;“It is so beautiful and has such fine buildings that it would be remarkable even in Spain.”

What are some software that every agriculture engineer should learn?

As an agricultural engineer, you make use of softwares such as autodesk inventor, 3d max and solid works in drawing your farm machinery, and autocad for designing your irrigation farm and for drawing the plan of agricultural structures. you can make use of any other software and apply it to farm practices.

Why does Israel want Gaza?

Where did you get that Question? Israel withdrew leaving a great agricultural structure in place, all destroyed when the Arabs moved in, Egypt were the former owners, they dont want it back either. Israel could and would improve the lives of the population of Gaza if only Hamas would stop being hell bent on the destruction of the state of Israel, stop sending rockets into Israel,stop educating their children to hate Israel ,etc . Please rephrase your question , why dont Hamas want Gaza to prosper and be a better place to live in ?

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CocoDoc is so user-friendly! It took some tinkering at first, but I didn't need to really look up anything to get it to work for me and to get signatures back. You've really helped us streamline our contract process! It's so easy to add in fields and send to the client. I receive notifications when the documents are complete.

Justin Miller