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Trump made a lot of his money from construction, is it possible that by building the wall, he can award government contracts to companies that the Trump Organization is involved with so that he and his family can profit from this?

I suspect DJT did see $profit in his head for his businesses or his cronies when he was leading his mindless chants “build the wall”. And if DJT’s businesses were allowed to build the wall it would be among the most expensive (and highest profit margin) walls ever. But that is not why I don’t want the Dems to yield on building the wall, even though I and everyone else doesn’t want illegal immigration.It is because as an architect, I understand that a physical wall will be an engineering nightmare due to having to cross wetlands and rivers, and will be constantly being destroyed by those same forces of nature and needing to be constantly rebuilt, yet will do almost nothing to prevent illegal immigration across it. I’ve seen DJT’s wall designs and the sample walls and I am confident that I as a sedentary 52 y.o. woman could scale any of those walls with simple tools like rope and bits of wood or strips cut from tires. A wall only slows a crossing, it doesn’t stop it. Every castle wall was only an effective defense as long as sentries were watching every inch of it and summoning help when an attempt to cross it occurs. Surveillance of a boundary has always been the real defense, and if you have good enough surveillance you don’t need a wall at all.Today we have tested computerized surveillance technology that has already been deployed along a segment of the border that has no physical defense, not so much as a line on the ground much less a fence. The technology can’t physically stop any creature from crossing the border and it actually lets all of the wildlife cross without any hindrance. But the computers are watching everything that moves with both visible light and in the infrared spectrum (so it sees in all weather and complete darkness), and it can discern humans from any of the wildlife with more than 90% accuracy, and errs on the side of caution. The high resolution cameras are mounted on the top of widely spaced tall poles all the way along the border, so they can see a long ways 360 degrees around them.When the computers analyzing the video feeds spot something that is likely a human in the distance south of the border, they notify a human to check the suspicious sight, and if the human thinks it looks like human activity, they can call the border guard to come intercept if if it looks like the people spotted are headed for the border. In the current installation, the human checking the videos and calling the border guard is the landowner north of the border, who agreed to install an app on his mobile phone and receive the computer’s alerts any time of the day or night. Since the installation there have been no successful attempts to cross his lands, because he has been able to give the border guard sufficient advance notice that they were able to arrive and be guided by the video recordings to capture every single person who set foot onto US soil at that location.And after a half year of deploying the computerized surveillance, almost no one was attempting to cross at that section of the border anymore, because word is out that you can’t succeed at crossing at that location, so the landowner receives very few sighting alerts now. This kind of 100% effective border security is available now for a tiny fraction of the cost of building a wall, is rapidly installed, is very durable and resilient to natural forces that can and would destroy any wall or fence, and has redundant coverage, so that every square inch of border can be covered by two cameras so that if one fails or needs maintenance, there is no gap in protection, and is thus by far the best and cheapest border security solution out there.You may have heard that the current route for DJT’s border wall project will destroy the continent’s premier butterfly sanctuary; another benefit of a surveillance virtual border wall is that it can be deployed right through the sanctuary with almost no environmental impact at all, since it’s just putting some posts in the ground, and each camera needs so little power it can be met by solar energy, and the signals can be passed along the chain of cameras and computers by wi-fi signals until they get in range of cell towers, or signals can be sent to satellites, so there is no need to even have power or data lines connecting camera posts in this age. This is a great boon for wildlife that need to be free to migrate across the border, which is something a physical wall will prevent.The only reason we are not now deploying a reliable cheap surveillance border security system instead of a physical wall is because DJT and his supporters need a physical monument to their xenophobia, and I don’t want to be paying for that, because 5 billion isn’t going to be enough to build a wall (except a virtual wall) from sea to sea, so DJT and his ilk will just keep coming back for more and more $ to build his monument to his ego. If DJT is so rich, he should fund his own border monument, since he wasn’t able to get Mexico to pay for it as he promised.The only thing that could possibly change the current shutdown impass is if some of DJT’s followers catch the vision and start begging him to build a state of the art surveillance virtual wall at the border, and if he latches onto that concept and pretends like it was his idea all along, so he can “not look like a fool” by changing his mind, which is apparently more important than depriving thousands of federal workers of their pay. I suspect that Nancy and Chuck may have made an effort to educate DJT on surveillance virtual wall technologies and offered to let him be the one who mentions it to the media so he can look like a “stable genius” and we could end the shutdown, but I also suspect that no matter how great the security solution a virtual wall is, it will not please DJT who wants another physical monument to his ego.By the way, since I first wrote the above, I learned of information that helps explain why DJT may have arrived at his fixation on “steel slats” construction of the border wall instead of his original talk of an opaque concrete wall, and it’s for the very same reason that he got the language in the contracts for the steel in the Dakota Access Pipe Line changed from “Made in the USA” to “Made in North America”. DJT apparently has ties (likely debt owed) to a Russian Steel magnate who owns about a third of a Canadian steel corporation that his administration gave the contract for the DAPL steel to. 40% of the DAPL pipeline steel "was manufactured in Canada by a subsidiary of Evraz, a company 31-percent owned by Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, who is a close ally of Putin and a Trump family friend. Evraz has also actively lobbied against provisions which would mandate that Keystone XL's steel be made in the U.S." See I fully expect that if Congress does not pass legislation specifying that all products that go into border security installations must be “made in the USA” that we will see a contract for steel slats go to the same Canadian corporation that got the contract for the DAPL steel pipe. And that once the steel slats contract has been awarded and the Russian steel magnate gets his cut of the $ DJT is pulling from the defense department and Federal Emergency Management funds, that DJT will lose most of his interest in seeing the sections of new wall actually get built. The steel slats can sit at the border in piles and rust if the Dems cancel the rest of his funding, just as long as DJT can pay back his Russian creditors with taxpayer funds. It never really was about keeping illegal immigrants out of the USA for DJT, he has profited for years by employing illegal immigrant workers. “Build the Wall” was just a campaign slogan to build his political brand, and he didn’t do anything about fulfilling that promise for the first two years when his party held both houses of congress and could have been made to rubber stamp anything he wanted with ease. But instead DJT and the GOP sat on their hands for 2 years until they lost the House and DJT figured out that he could pay off his one of his Russian creditors with taxpayer $ if he changed the wall design and got serious about getting it funded. Now he can blame the Dems for obstructing border security if the wall doesn’t get built, and still get himself out of the financial hole that he dug himself into with his bankruptcies and subsequent appeals to Russian investors for his business ventures.

What would happen if law enforcement were privatized?

A2A. The answer below is US-centric, but the principles apply to other countries whose citizens enjoy similar rights to we Americans.As someone who leans libertarian (lower-case “L”), I think this would not only lead to mass corruption, it would be outright dangerous.We as citizens grant the State the power to arrest, prosecute, and punish people who violate laws. Depending on the severity of the law violation, the punishment can range from a small fine to the death penalty. Because the State has the power to deprive citizens of their property, their freedom, and even their life, the US Constitution grants citizens with extensive rights of due process, including probable cause requirements and the presumption of innocence.If we were to turn over all or part of the criminal justice system to private contractors, due process would take a back seat to profitability. I absolutely love the private sector, but the way a market economy is supposed to work is that companies compete against one another to offer value to their customers in the form of products and services. When money changes hands, both the business and the customer engage in a voluntary transaction. A private-sector company to whom the State has granted law enforcement powers is in a position to profit by being a bully. If they have the power to assess fines and keep a portion of the proceeds, this is no longer a voluntary transaction. Worse, if they are financially incentivized to arrest and imprison people, then you can see the obvious danger.Lest you think I am being alarmist, we have seen the dynamic I describe above play out with red-light cameras. There are numerous articles on this subject, but the link below provides a representative sample.Red-light cameras generate revenue, controversyIn a number of cities and states, private companies were contracted to install and run a red-light camera system. These companies provided both the hardware and software, and they sent out tickets to the “offenders”. In return, these contractors split the revenue from fines with the local government (city or state). Guess what happened? The private sector companies managed to increase revenue by significantly shortening the time between when the light turns yellow and when it turns red. This had the short-term effect of generating more tickets, but the long-term effect was more accidents at the intersections where the cameras were installed. Once people became aware of the short yellow cycle at a particular intersection, they would either slam on the brakes when the light turned yellow, resulting in rear-end collisions, or they would accelerate through the intersection, resulting in side impact collisions. The statistics on red light cameras and accidents are clear, not to mention the ill-gotten gains from unjust fines.The State can and does abuse it’s power at times. We have many protections in place to reduce the likelihood of abuse of due process, but our criminal justice system is made up of flawed human beings. If we add a profit motive to the criminal justice system, then we end up with a very dangerous situation.

What do you conclude from the recent Delhi election results?

What do you conclude from the recent Delhi election results?People have chosen what they want to choose for their own good. The mentality of voters is clearly visible via Delhi elections. This elections has also brought us the face of media everywhere because now it is clearly visible who controls media. There are loads of fake facts surrounding the Delhi elections and I hope to break that via this answer. This is gonna be a long answer with many sources from many other authors.Development work done by AAP :There is a lot of work done by AAP in the development sector and education sector which had made people to vote for the AAP. For instance the Delhi model of education, the clinics opened by AAP and the induction of vehicles for sanitation purposes and loads of developmental projects.AAP government opened about​ 25 new schools and constructed about 8000 new classrooms in existing schools. So that ratio of students per classroom can be reduced.[1]AAP government opened several model schools which have all modern facilities as found in top private schools.[2]It was found that 75% of students of class 7th and 8th were not able to read books, AAP government organised ‘Reading Melas' (Translation - Reading Fair) for students to improve their reading ability.[3]Delhi government indicated ‘School Management Committee' to ensure quality education in schools.[4]AAP government sent principals of goverment schools to ‘Oxford University' and ‘Cambridge University' for training.[5]AAP government organised training workshop for teachers with collaboration of IITs and IIMs.[6]AAP government started an initiative as pilot projects called 'CM Scholarship Program', under this program about 400 talented students having poor economic background was selected to take coaching in selected private coaching institutes for free.[7]Delhi government has started nursery classes in about 150 schools to increase the number of students in lower classes of government schools.[8]Delhi government has started organising summer camps every year to make education interesting.[9]Delhi government initiated Parents - Teacher meetings in Delhi government schools.[10]Delhi government decided not to deploy school teachers for census work.[11]Many of schools has been​ equipped with smart classes and labs.[12]Source : Rakshit Kumar's answer to Is it true that AAP government in Delhi has changed the fate and rejuvenated government schools to a whole new level?The entrepreneurship mindset curriculum :With an aim to develop the entrepreneurial culture among youngsters and enhance their technical and learning abilities, Delhi government will implement Entrepreneurship Mindset curriculum in 1,022 government schools for students from classes IX to XII in July 2019. The pilot project of the curriculum, designed by the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), has begun in 24 government schools, including Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya (SKV), Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya (RPVV), Civil Lines, and many more.Source : had revolutionized the education of Delhi that many states now wanna follow the Delhi education model in their state.The Maharashtra government has decided to adopt the Delhi school model to raise the quality of education imparted to children studying in educational institutions under municipal corporations. All the municipal corporation-run schools in cities such as Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Pimpri-Chinchawad and Navi Mumbai will follow the Delhi education model, as per a decision taken by Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar.Source : Maharashtra: ‘Civic schools in state to adopt Delhi school education model’This is what Arvind Kejriwal has done to revolutionize the education. People want quality education for their wards and AAP is doing what is needed to do !He allocated 26% of his budget on education [1] & he paid off the school fees of students [2]. With the current scenario of people going jobless - he planned his education system in such a way that, he wants to develop entrepreneurship as a subject in his schools [3]. Unlike his counterparts who leave unwanted statements like “Good roads leads to accidents” [4] or “Vote for airstrikes” [5] he doesn’t use any. [Power of Education & Benefits of having Brain].I would like to quote a difference :"I am happy to share that over 1,000 children from Delhi's government schools have scored more than 90 percent marks. I feel immense pride that government schools have a pass percentage of 94, beating private schools for the fourth time in a row," he saidSource : Navin Niish (நவீன் நீஷ்)'s answer to Will Arvind Kejriwal win the Delhi election again by giving freebies to the public?So people have trusted AAP here !Next developmental sector :The Delhi government had followed some good advice and have stopped some things and started working instead of protesting. This has indeed yielded many results for the AK led AAP. Their budget was an outstanding one and it focused on many things that made many wonder.Delhi Finance Minister Manish Sisodia presented the fifth and last budget of this Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Delhi Assembly.Here are the highlights:26% of the state budget for education and 12% for health care.1000 Electric Buses for Delhi to be on roads by March 2019Rs. 1,000 crore for repairing small roads of the municipal corporations905 electric feeder buses for the Metro for last mile connectivity1,000 MW of solar and wind power to be bought200-250 cameras to be installed in each schoolAll school teachers to get tablet computers to keep record of attendanceRs. 6,729 crore has been allocated for the health sectorRs. 403 crore allocated for mohalla clinics and polyclinics in 2018-2019; 530 mohalla clinics and 230 clinics in schools to be constructed by October 30Bulk meters to be installed at water treatment plants, underground reservoirs and primary and secondary pointsRs. 1,500 crore allocated for infrastructure development in unauthorized colonies.Source : Avinash Deshmukh (अविनाश देशमुख)'s answer to How is Delhi's economy on a rise and people are earning more per capita income even after the Delhi government is following the socialist policies and providing subsidies on water and electricity?This led to the economy of Delhi taking a jump : According to Economic Survey of Delhi 2018-19, tax collection in 2017-18 registered a growth of 14.7% compared with 3.1% in 2016-17. For 2018–19, it is expecting a growth of 17.59% over the previous year.So people have indeed voted for development because the BJP led by NM and AM had focused on national issues which had already back-stabbed them in many places. But still they didn’t learn from their previous outings.Regarding the freebie culture :This was a talking point of many parties and AAP had to do something because today to win elections, AAP needs something.This was explained by Avinash :As of today, you need three things to win elections.MoneyPropagandaReligionBJP has truckloads of money to fight elections because it is not corrupt (wink, wink). It is light years ahead of all opponents in propaganda. And BJP literally and figuratively owns religion.AAP has none of the above.AAP is putting taxpayers money in public welfare. They can afford to make it free because they don't scam the money away. They have no business cronies to award contracts to and don't expect bucket loads of kickbacks in form of anonymous party donations.Yet, they are made to look like national criminals. That’s the power of top class propaganda. I might not agree with them all the time. But I don't expect them to play martyrs anymore. Of course, a line has to be drawn. If they start to indulge in corruption and bigotry, as far as I am concerned they are over and so is any hope for people’s power.In conclusion, AAP is offering public welfare at a cost to taxpayers. In decent language, it is called socialism. Freebies are about distrusting money, alcohol, objects and pleasure to buy votes. Subsidizing the cost of essential services for poor section of people is a welfare scheme. However, it doesn’t surprise me at all when it is called as freebies, because today we live in India where father of the nation is referred as a traitor. Nothing tops that. In fact, the bottom has broken down already. We are in free fall.Regarding the free rides to women :While many criticized the government move of giving free rides to women, the ground reality of “why and what is the need” is not analysed by many ! [11]Women in India travel far less than men, and this has significant impacts on their education, employment, and enjoyment. A study in Delhi found that college girls, compared to boys, chose lower ranked colleges with safe and reliable transport access. Similarly, an estimated 60% of women workers in India choose to work from home or at a place which is less than a km from home, according to the 2011 Census. The remaining working women tend to rely excessively on public transport, according to a World Bank Study conducted in Delhi. An RTI application revealed that, in 2013, only 13% of Delhi driving licences were issued to women. These findings are suggestive of gender differences in travel choices and patterns.Wage discrimination, gender segregation in employment, and household labour divisions contribute to gender inequality in transportation. Because men’s jobs are considered to be more valuable, they tend to own the household vehicles and commute privately. This lopsided rationing of household transport budgets also results in women taking slower commute options to save on expenses. When Delhi Metro hiked fares last year, around 70% of women surveyed in a study suggested that they would have to choose a less safe travel option for work, or travel less. Compromises on education and jobs for travel purposes is one of the reasons for women earning less than men, leaving the workforce, and consequently being more cash-poor than men. Finally, limited money to travel also means that women are willing to forgo hospital visits, significantly affecting their health.Source : Navin Niish (நவீன் நீஷ்)'s answer to Will Arvind Kejriwal win the Delhi election again by giving freebies to the public?We can see how women in Delhi are harassed recently in Jamia Millia and recent Gargi college episode is a testimony where women’s safety is not promised.A college fest turned out to be the worst nightmare for the students of Gargi College in Delhi after a mob of hundreds of men gatecrashed the campus and sexually assaulted women en masse. The ordeal of the students worsened after the college administration refused to take any action despite receiving a scurry of complaints. The incident came to light after students recounted horrific accounts of mass molestation on social media, and slammed the administration’s lacklustre approach towards the security of the students on the night of “Reverie” fest. The students also led a protest march on Monday.Source : 'Men Scaled Walls, Masturbated, Molested Us': Gargi College Students Recall Horrific Night of 'Reverie'Since Delhi police is not under his control he must do his part in women’s safety.She added, "Delhi Police constables were in Gargi college on duty when all this happened but they stayed quiet." The DCW chief also visited the college.Source : Delhi Police registers FIR in Gargi college 'molestation' case; Arvind Kejriwal says AAP won't tolerate assault on women, seeks stringent punishment - FirstpostKejriwal, whose AAP is tipped by exit polls to win a third term, had made safety for women as one of his poll promises. This has also led to the voters mindset being different when it comes to BJPComing to the answers that are being spread by some people :Muslims voted for AAP : This is half truth. Because not only Muslims but members from all religion voted for AAP.Reasons for Muslims to vote for AAP :The statements by BJP leaders. For instance, Yogi campaigning or other BJP leaders speaking bad of that community.Read : More hate speech: BJP’s new campaign song for Delhi pits Hindu voters against Muslim protestersBut 9% still believed in BJP even after their statements hurt them so bad.Percentage of Muslims in Delhi :[The population census in 2011]They say that 91% voted against BJP. This means around or more than 10 lac people have voted against BJP. But this is not the entire picture. The entire picture is, how did BJP lose inspite of having 80% of hindus?. This is where Aravind Kejriwal’s development and his performance comes to place.During the India Today-Axis My India exit poll survey, people were questioned on issues related to the Delhi election. It is surprising that in the India Today-Axis My India poll survey, Shaheen Bagh was not a big election issue for the people. Only one percent voted in support of the CAA. In the sample survey, when people were asked about the most important issue for them that influenced the election and their vote, about 37 per cent of people said 'development'. Inflation was a big issue for about 17 per cent people. Fourteen per cent people voted on 'unemployment', while, national security remained the biggest issue for 6 per cent of the people. Corruption was a deciding factor for merely 2 per cent of the people and law and order was an important issue for as many. During the interaction with people for the exit poll survey, 3 per cent were such who said that they voted because of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. At the same time, 3 per cent of the people voted on the on the basis of the work of the state government.Source : Delhi Election 2020 India Today exit poll: CAA issue rejected by people, 37% votes on developmentThis means that people have voted for what they have wanted and not merely things that have no use for comman man. Thus those Shaenbagh incidents didn’t affect the mindset of voters. Because they were more worried regarding the pollution and other factors.A detailed report : AAP set to retain power in Delhi, people vote for governance: ET Online Survey predictsThis is the bigger picture :OBC + Balmiki + SC = 54+67+65 = 62% votes have come from Hindus. This is the bigger picture.People saying BJP lost by 100 200 votes : This is another lie. The lowest margin was 753 votes.Source : Delhi Election Results 2020: These were the highest and lowest margins of victoryNDTV and all leftist media helped : Really? What was Sudhir Choudry doing then? He spew hatred when BJP lost.‘Even Pak PM Imran Khan would have won Delhi polls with freebies:’ Zee anchor Sudhir ChaudharyDelhi people are lazy.Triggering a row, BJP leader and Union minister Anurag Thakur on Monday egged on participants of an election rally to raise an incendiary slogan that "traitors should be shot"he BJP’s West Delhi MP Parvesh Verma, son of former chief minister Sahib Singh Verma, has an unique distinction — the Parliamentarian was banned twice within a week for his inflammatory and provocative speeches in the run-up to the Delhi assembly elections.More : Amit Shah, Adityanath, Anurag Thakur — 5 most provocative speeches of Delhi electionsMore : Hurt by exit polls, Salty Sudhir does a ‘DNA test’ to shame Delhi’s votersHow can he say Delhi people can vote for a Pakistani? This clearly says how frustrated Media had became after the loss. But blame only NDTV.But the same people have chosen BJP leaders as their MP’s to make Narendra Modi as PM because they are clear about who should be their PMA supporter for BJP went all extent to blame Muslims for the loss of BJP. But the truth is, whatever happened in Jamia, Shaeenbagh where a guy shoot someone and shouted slogans. All those radical stuff had happened in Delhi and yet, people didn’t vote against BJP only for that. They needed development and they needed welfare. This is why, Arvind Kejriwal won.Fake propaganda can be run by anyone, but in reality - truth hurts. JNU, Jamia everywhere Delhi police controlled by BJP didn’t take proper actions. Even in Shaeenbagh they didn’t.3000 was victory margin for Manish but 70k was for Amanathullah : This is the worst thing, I don’t understand the line written by the author. What does voted for something else mean? He stood in one constituency while Manish stood somewhere else. This is nothing but blaming one community. One must also remember that Amanathullah’s family was attacked.Source : Meerut: AAP MLA Amanatullah Khan’s kin allegedly baton-charged by police during victory celebrationThe same author has also said that : Other community people voted for freebies. But what is the reality?They voted for their developments and education and betterment which BJP has failed to give.The Muslims have also voted for AAP in the MP election in large numbers because AAP has done a commendable work there.Source : crisis in India :In January 2020, the unemployment rate in India was 7.16 per cent. This is substantially lower than the 7.6 per cent unemployment rate recorded in December 2019. In recent months, the monthly unemployment rate seems to have stabilised at just below 7.5 per cent. But, month-on-month variations, at about 65 basis points, have been higher than in earlier years. Such variations have usually been between 30 and 50 basis points. The average monthly unemployment rate over the 12 months ended January 2020 is 7.4 per cent. During this period, the rate touched a high of 8.2 per cent in AugustSource : Unemployment rate 7.2% in January 2020and loads of more factors the BJP has failed to deliver.Funny thing is that the BJP is trying to hide the slums of India on the eve of Donald trump’s visit !The civic body is building the wall, which is more than half a kilometre long and six to seven feet high, on the stretch that leads to Gandhinagar from Ahmedabad airport as part of its beautification drive around the airport and Sardar Patel Stadium in Motera.“The 6-7 feet high wall is being erected to cover the slum area on an estimated 600-metre stretch. This will be followed by plantation drive along the stretch,” said a senior AMC official who did not want to be named.Source : Gujarat civic body builds wall to shut out slum on Donald Trump routeSuch is the state of development given by the BJP government.What more hurt me was : An author quoted Ind vs NZ loss in his answer. I don’t understand what this has to do with BJP’s loss.To conclude :AAP has done more to Delhi than what BJP has done for the country in terms of development and educationBJP leaders had done a poor campaign which focused more on polarizationBJP using national issues in state has led them downCongress is still in sad stateImage source : GoogleThanks for reading

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