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What happens to old people who don't save up for their retirement?
Remember when your High School Teacher told you. “You have 2 hours on this test, if you don’t know the answer, go on to the next question”Most people do not look at life “has a test”, but the clock is still ticking. Maybe your life is not the way you want it, but you can go onto the next question. This article is about —— the next question. The good thing about life, “ YOU ARE IN CONTROL”, you can choose with question you want to answer or not.Oooh…. life is not multiple questions, you are required include all the details on how you arrived at each answer and the question may be repeated several times during the exam (Life is like that - tends to repeat the same question)December 22, 2019I wanted to up date this answer. Over 52,000 people have read this, it deserves my attention. I made a comment below that the education system has failed us. Here’s the reason why - I have several motivations on my wall that I read periodically. This was given to me in an email many years ago - author unknown. It really sums up things quite well.An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan".. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A.... (substituting grades for dollars - something closer to home and more readily understood by all).After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.The second test average was a D! No one was happy.When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. Could not be any simpler than that. (Please pass this on) These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read and all applicable to this experiment:1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.————————————————————————————ORIGINAL ANSWER GIVEN DECEMBER 2018 - SEE BELOWThe reality is that we have all been lied to. It's the same situation being repeated today with all the Millennial's of this Century...a simple but very effective lie... " Get a good education, live the good life", when the reality is the majority of students are coming out of University with no job prospect, low wages, a huge student loan of $50,000 - $100,000 and no means to paying it back. Many are returning to the same job that put them through University. Many will not be able to repay their student loan till they are 40 or older, which will delay having a family or own a house. In other words, they are working for the gov't till the age of 40.65% of Canadians have not saved enough for retirement. A similar percentage exist in the US. Most, assuming they are still mobile with a strong back, will be working well into their 70’s, or till they pass away. With Municipal and Federal taxes ever on the increase, gov’t spending out of control, if you think there are lots of folks that have not saved for retirement now, give it another 20 years!The same lie was told to the 60+ old folks, as you call them. When I started out, a house mortgage was 12% and I remember paying as high as 16%. 40 years later interest on my saving account is less than 1%. Talk about getting screwed. The idea was to save and live off the interest when you retire. Something very difficult to do when interest is less than 1%, considering taxes have gone up 1,000 fold, folks in the stock market continuously lose more than what they earn (a lot of this has to do with salaries, fees and of course the market crash of 2008 and the upcoming market crash of 2019). In response to this, Baby Boomers are now working till the age of 70 and older.Medicare is getting more costly and gov'ts are ever spending more and more. Who ever heard of a country going bankrupt? Greece did and what about Spain! Italy is living way beyond it's means.... etc, etc, etc, In the US and Canada, Financing is how you make ends meet with the household debt growing higher and higher each year. No one gives a second thought to having a loan of $100,000 or more or owing $10,000 on credit cards.What is ironical is that those who have not saved, did not plan for retirement are actually better off. They don't have credit or loans and owe very little. Those with good jobs have tremendous liabilities, including student loan, taxes, mortgages, car payment, medicare, etc. The poorer folks usually drive a well used car, but it's paid for. Whereas the well to do owe everything to the bank. And since we live in a Socialist society, gov't will provide assistance for the poor when they need to go to the old folks home. Those with wealth are asked to liquidate or pay exorbitant amounts for care in their old age.Why does this situation exist in our old age? 2 reasons - first we all believed the lie “Invest, money doubles, live of the interest when you retire”. Secondly, we were all feed very specific information through mass media that only benefits Gov'ts or Banks. We never truly got all the facts? What would you have done differently had you known that you would get next to nothing on your savings account 40 years down the road? Simple - you would of found another vehicle to invest, instead of believing the banks or the stock market was your only answer to saving money. You may of purchased realty, maybe a business or inventory. Personally, I went the inventory route..... here's how it works.In 2007 I purchased a container of Aluminum*(see below) for $56,000. It took me 1.5 years to sell the contents, for which I received $105,000. In 2009 I took the original $56,000 and purchased another container but this time it took 8 months to sell the content, for which I got $98,000. At the beginning of 2010, I took the original $56,000 + $4,000 (price had gone up) and purchased another container. Except this time I sold it in 5 months and had to order another container. From that point forward I averaged 2-3 containers per year. As you can see, the original investment of $56,000 has returned well beyond 200% per year and continues to do so. The point I’m trying to make, 10 years later, I am still working with the original $56,000…. this was a one time investment. Let see how this works with a store like Walmart.It's the same story…. Yep, it cost 11-13 million to set up a Walmart.... but you never ever have to put in another penny into it ever again. You take the original investment, sell the inventory, buy more inventory and repeat, and repeat and repeat. You are always working with the original investment. A the end of the year you re-invest the profit into another Walmart Store. It takes three Walmarts to make enough profit to build one more. 40 years later there's over 11,600 locations around the world with annual sales of $500 billion. See Map. When will that ball stop rolling? It's the same with inventory, one day, I'll quit buying containers and my original investment will return back to me. But my investment will have earned 100 fold, compared to 4.5% interest which takes 15.5 years for money to double…… not counting income tax paid.Now that you know the story about inventory..... is there a different choices you would have made at a young age when you started to save money, instead of using a bank. Would you of invested in a bank at 4-5%, or invested in inventory at 200%. But no one ever told you the entire story....and now you suffer while banks keep lending money to Gov'ts that can't control spending. If your finances where out of control in a similar fashion as our current gov't, what do you think the bank would tell you when asking for a loan? Be honest would you lend money to a family member if he/she spent it fool hardy…. you get my point.I'm going to add one more thing to this answer - seeing you read this far. Let's talk about realty. The rule with real state is simple, if you can afford to sign a 5 year lease, then you should be buying it. Rent goes up at end of a lease - mortgages go down at the end of the term. Simple math. The second rule.... buy one house to live in and another for retirement. Start with simple first house, when you renegotiate on the first 5 year term, don't ask for a mortgage!!!! Change your mortgage to a HELOC (Home Equity line of Credit). This will give access to most of your equity in the house at very low interest. Go and find a much nicer home and use the that equity as the down payment. Generally speaking, we all have friends in need of a rental home - let them pay off the mortgage on the first house while you continue with the mortgage payments on the new house. 15-20 years later you will have one house for retirement income and one house to live in.Ofcourse there is no reason why you couldn't do the same scenario over and over again.It is my philosophy, that if all the information and I mean all the information is put forward, most of human beings will come to the same conclusion. But as soon as information is held back... there is always a winner or a loser. This why Canada has no Pipelines, Medicare is horrible in the USA and students will keep borrowing billions of dollars for student loans, when in fact they could get a better education on You Tube.But here's something interesting...... we all sit at round table and in the course of a lifetime, tables will turn. FaceBook will soon be issuing a cryptocurrency.... more of a token that can be traded for services. It is possible these token will have more value and easier to trade than the American dollar.... after all, who wants to hold US cash when a country runs such high deficits. Would you invest in a company that loses money every year? I really like these FaceBook Token, plus I can trade with 2 billion users world wide.... That's 7 times the size of the US,... oh, I forgot, I'm in the inventory business, I can accept Facebook Tokens and I don't have to worry about deficit financing, devalued money, or banks seizing funds.... not a bad deal. Is Facebook going to be the next world bank?With FaceBook tokens I could live in lots of places where I don’t need to worry about gov’t sanctions and my money is safe…. I now have a ton of choices. So what happens to Old People… we move. Most move to small town where housing is more affordable. Myself, humm…….., I don’t like Florida - too many tornadoes, alligators and I don’t speak french well enough……, Los Angeles —- droughts, fires and they say it’s about to fall into the Ocean, What about Newfoundland?????, cheap housing, the ocean is cold, but who goes sun tanning at 65?I hope you enjoyed this little rant....RichardNote - * This could of been any product other than Aluminum. The trick is simple… Don’t try to sell something you can find in Walmart or Canadian Tire. Those folks have figured out how to buy and sell that product a lot better than you. You need a product that is unique, like Aluminum…. something you will not find at Walmart or Amazon. I call them “NICHE Products”. If you spend more than 8 hours looking for something, you’ve found a niche product.Additional Notes DEC 20- Many are asking how it's possible to make 200% return, it seems impossible at first. To be honest - that's not really a high return. Most stores like to turn things over 4-5 times in a year. So..... imagine if you are making only 35 points on an item (food), but you sell it 5 times in a year, that's a return of 175%. But very few stores have a 35 point margin. 200 percent is more common so when there is a 50% off sale, the store is selling at cost. In that scenario, the return is 500%. In food stores the turnover can be as high 24 times (Tomato Soup). The number of times you turn over the item is actually more important than the percent profit. So what is the limit? Jewelry can have 1000% return and if you turn it over 2 times per years... well you can do the math. I've seen Kiosk in malls do $35,000 per day around Christmas..... and turn over the items 6 times in between Dec 1 and Dec 25.As you can see, 1% at the bank is a really poor return.So HOW do you start?Here's some suggestions and they work whether you are 24 or 64.1 List on paper what you love to do.2 List on paper what you know better than anyone else.....Hopefully what you love is also what you know best. It will be very difficult to cheat if you are the best at what you do.3 On your next vacation attend a trade show in your area of interest - ask lots of questions. Don't be afraid to attend other shows even if they are not related.... this is usually where you'll find applicable ideas no one else has thought off.4 THE BIG MOVE - find a trade show in CHINA in your area of interest. If this is your first trip to China, plan your arrival with the start of the Trade Show..... - this will get you pass the language barriers. The big trade show in China is Canton Fair - look it up. Plane fair is cheap, about $700 return trip.5 Don't buy electronics unless the have all the proper certifications (UL, CE, EAC, IC, ETC). You wont be able to re-sell them.6 After the show go to YIWU City. It's called the International Trade Market. 75,000 exhibitors.7 When you get back home learn all about "Distribution". It don't matter what you are going to sell, without distribution it all becomes "Dead Inventory". A great place to start learning about Distribution is Udemy University, Skill Share, Instructables8 Look at ways on how to distribute you product - Amazon, Banggood, Made-in-China, Shopify, or learn the Web, etc9 Distribution is the key - you need to figure that out before investing any money. A distribution of 10,000 is a very, very successful business. Many business can exist quite well with a 500 customer base. It's easier than you think.... if you find 2 new customers per month, that's 24 new customers per year or 50 in 2 years plus another 20 more for referrals. Depending on the service, many business can exist quite well with 70-100 steady customers.10 Enjoy the ride.I would like to say, when we reach a few hundred followers, I'll do a very detail plan how this all works.HERE’S A SMALL UP DATE FOR THOSE THAT LIKE STATS…..Most investors still think the USA is O.K. and everything is fine, when the US debt is 22 trillion. Go to this site to see how bad it really is..... U.S. National Debt Clock : Real TimeMost every country on earth is running a deficit. That does not make it right. It's like having a family member, brother or sister that you know are really poor money managers, always broke, but drive new cars, always eating at restaurants, coming to you for 5th time asking for another loan, considering they have not paid back the first 4 loans. When the gov't owes 22 trillion dollars, isn't it time to say "get your house in orders". Gov't deficit financing is not getting your house in order.Retail is in a “Debt Spiral” .... Go to this Web Site to see the list of 6400 stores that closed More than 6,400 stores are shutting down — here's the full list Yes, people have debt.It's gotten so bad that 73% of Americans now die in debt... leaving behind an average total of more than $60,000. According to a report from the Federal Reserve Board, four in 10 adults can't come up with $400 in an emergency.As for the future markets.... I'm moving all my investments to cash. 2019 will be quite a ride. Expect a huge recession… political scandals in Canada and USA, Trade War escalating with China, a new stock exchange in China, I don't see anything good on the horizon. Park your money in a save investments vehicle and limit your exposure to the stock market. House prices in Canada have started to drop, inventories are at there highest level…. You have two choices, hope things will get better in the long run, do nothing and take the hit, or park your money, wait for the recession and buy the bargains later this year or early 2020. Enjoy the ride, it’s going to be a wild one!(UP DATE - MARCH 2020 - MY PREDICTION WAS “A RECESSION IN THE 4TH QUARTER OF 2019 - I MISSED IT BY 4 MONTHS. UNFORTUNATELY, THIS WILL BE A BAD ONE… THE MARKETS HAS DROPPED IN OVER 30 YEARS. IN OTHER WORDS, A PERSONS FULL LIFE - WAGES AND INVESTMENTS - GONE.IT’S LIKE THE MOVIES - THE FIRST SCENE IS A BLOCK BUSTER - THEN WE LEARN THE STORY. SO FIND A COMFORTABLE A PLACE- THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG MOVIE. THOSE OF YOU THAT PUT THE MONEY IN CASH - YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE THIS MOVIE. IF YOU LIVE FROM PAY CHECK TO CHECK… YOU’RE NOT GOING TO LIKE THE MOVIE AND IT DOES NOT END IN “DISNEY” STYLE. IT’S A GOOD TIME TO LEARN MORE SKILLS - YOU MIGHT DO OK.) (I’M STARTING TO SCOUTS A FEW INVESTMENTS, THEY WILL BE PRIME IN 6–8 MONTH)Side NoteA few years back, someone decided it would be a great idea "If we could train dolphins to help clean our ocean"The experiment worked well... for each piece of trash the Dolphin brought in, he'd get a small fish. After a while, the trainers noticed that one dolphin came in more often than the others but with smaller pieces of trash. After a few weeks of this, the trainers sent down a scuba diver. What he found was .......The Dolphin had taken a large piece of trash and pushed it under a rock. When ever he wanted food, he's go and rip off a piece and bring to trainer. Hence the very beginning of the world first "Dolphin Bank"This begs the question "If a dolphin can learn to save, why can't 65% of the human population"JUNE 30, 2020HERE’S HOW TO MAKE MONEY DURING RECESSION 2020Short Answer… Keep your money accessible. Folks ask how I make money. At first opportunity, I set up a HELOC in 1985. Then I used the equity in house to purchase new opportunities one year after each recession including 1990, 2001, 2008 and 2020.Below is how I figured this out. Yes, it’s a very long detailed article. There are 3 parts, I will add the 3rd part in a week. I do appreciate “UpVotes”… it does take many and many hours to write the details… “UpVotes” do provide me great incentive to write more. Enjoy.Depression or a recession 2020? Will there be a FOOD SHORTAGE? More unemployment? More unrest? When will get pass COvid-19?Here are some of the answersCovid-19 - When the human population reaches "Herd immunity", either within the 3rd or 4th wave or a Vaccine... the disease will remain. "Herd Immunity" occurs when most of a population is immune to an infectious disease, this provides indirect protection—or herd immunity (also called herd protection).Check it out at Herd immunity and COVID-19 (coronavirus): What you need to knowUNREST - Unemployment and Racism.... this will continue in to 2021 and 2022. Things will worsen until the economy start to get better.Covid-19, unemployment and racism will the the normal for a while.ECONOMIC DEPRESSION - A depression is a severe and prolonged downturn in economic activity. Hundreds of millions of newly unemployed people are spending less. The hospitality industry - hotels, restaurants, Tradeshows, campgrounds, airlines, etc are all closed or reduced 50% or more. Around 30% of food in the world is consumed in Shuttered restaurants, cafés, and cafeterias .... not mentioned the packaging, sundry items and all the employed people. The export demand from those items vanished. Farmers were throwing away milk and eggs... Baby pigs were euthanized... Cabbage and tomato crops were plowed over... and potatoes were very, very cheap. It got so bad that in Belgium – the world's largest exporter of frozen potato products, where they take their frites with mayonnaise very seriously – you could buy around 500 pounds of potatoes for the price of a gallon of gas.Prices for Food has been going down. Social-distancing requirements have hit margins... as people eat at home instead. But falling prices for the economy as a whole spells trouble... when farmers are plowing there crops, a major shortage of labor, Gov't will not allow migrate workers into the country due to Covid-19, who will pick the crops. Farmers without income down buy new trucks The first thing the factory does is reduce incentive or reduce the price. Customers see reduced price, good in the short run… but what if you knew a new fridge or car now, would be reduced in 6 months, what is the thinking of the consumer. We wait…. most of us want the savings. There’s lots of example of this… that’s why consumers buy car in December - we know the old years model will be heavily discounted. Unfortunately, when factories can't sell their cars, they reduces inventory which coincides with lower unemployment. A farmer that can’t sell potatoes, won’t produce that crop next year which created no work for farm hand labour…maybe the farmer will now grow barley which is much more mechanized. Less employment... and the economy gets worse.If the farmers plows it crops this year, It’s a safe bet he’s not buying a new trucks! If the Hospitality industry is not buying cars, if the Airlines are not buying buses, then there's massive unemployment. This is why Hertz is in bankruptcy.Gov't got into the equation with offering subsidy wages. But now this created an new problem… “why would people pick grapes or oranges or bagging potatoes when you can stay home and get a subsidy from the gov't. The food rots in the fields while labor lays unemployed waiting for the check in the mail.ECONOMIC RECESSION - Trumps answers to solving the recession --- Protectionism. I don't agree with Protectionism. It's a very short term solutions to maintain employments. It didn’t worked in the Aluminum industry (talk to Ford and GM about this), It did not function in the pulp industry or the Oil sector where we we have 27 oil supertankers on the ocean full of oil where they have no place to go and no one wants cheap oil. It's another fiasco similar to Farmers dumping crops they can't find labor. To much supply, to low demand, and too low.. low... prices.Protectionism will become a real issue when Countries like China decides it's will no longer sell Rice or accept pork product. Protectionism and Covid-19 will cause devastation in the supply management. We will see the full affects of a recession when your grocery store will be short of many products because some Country refused to ship product and want to use it only only for their only consumption. You’ll see this in this coming in winter of 2020! Expect a much higher price in beginning in 2021.... you've already seen this with beef - covid-19 closed those plants in High River and Brooks in Alberta.TECHNOLOGY -We know many of those jobs are not coming back quickly, especially for the low level jobs. I want to talk about technology and how it can affect low level jobs. We have all heard of 5G Spectrum. 4G can’t keep up with the 50 billion devices. But 5g is so much faster , it can download a movie in 6 seconds compared to 4g, which will take 7 minutes.This new technology allows for self-driving, doctors doing operations in real times, etc. There are 3.5 million truck drives in America. Now, why pay a human driver a wage… when a self-driving a truck 24/7, with less cost, with less delivery time.How soon with this be implemented?. Look at “Presidential Memorandum 0 2518” Here’s a section of the Memorandum states…… Sec. 3. Within 180 days of the date of this memorandum, and annually thereafter, the Secretary,… on the status of existing efforts and planned near- to mid-term spectrum re-purposing initiatives.Bottom line… Trump wants to be the first country with 5G. Now this is a report… and it will take the country some time to set up a 5G network…. but it will happen.In 10 years most truck will be 5g driverless…. Is it possible in 5 years, absolutely, what about 2–3 years, absolutely,… There are currently be lots of pockets within the USA with driverless truck, yes they need improvements…. but they are functional - real today.No one wants to be unemployed… but the world will change to 5G…. Even today, I’m seeing our Internet provider building the 5G infrastructure in my area . The technology, 5G Spectrum, will not wait for anyone . You’ll need to prepare for the change. If you want to be employed… you’ll need to have the skills required for the next century. There will be less and less back-breaking jobs, replaced with AI or technology, for example driverless trucks, but there will be lots of jobs to maintain the AI equipment. If you are at home, self isolating due to the Covid-19…. put a plan together, develop some skills… learn. Even a hobby teaches skills…. those skill maybe valuable in you new employment review. Enjoy the remainder of the post…. I suggested a few ideas.. hope that helps!IT’S A NEW WORLD - It will be a very different world after Covid-19, Racism, Socialism, Riots, 5G technology. They say in 50 years human being with never have a job… it will be done by Robots. Our Grand, Grand kids will be asking “Grandpa, what’s a job”. I can’t imagine that reality - if we have no jobs then will we all be wards of the Gov’t. Well the gov’t control our lives or will we aspire to our life goals. Maybe, we will become very lazy with no ambitions and just watch a screen for entertainment all day. I’ve been in a driverless car… you either watch out the the window or a screen, is this what life will become?????MAYBE I WANT MORE OF THE WORLD - or than politicians that tell me what to do and how I should live my life. Maybe the world is a mess right now… Just like the Farmer that has plow his crop today, knowing someone in Africa is starving.. but we have been there here before. The Good in Humanity can turn Kaos into a brave new world.Maybe…. this movie does not end in Armageddon. The Mayan Calendar, predicted the end of the world for June 21, 2020. In one way, they are correct, I wrote the story back on Sunday and it’s a very bleak tale. But we are still here. Yes, there’s a lot of Kaos…. but there’s a lot of great people within humanity. We’ve seen 2 World Wars, Several Pandemics, Several Recessions and Trump. Humanity has done lot and lots of great things.I believe the day is filled with extraordinary . With a little perseverance, we can turn that 5G technology into a much better world. With technology, we can stay on top of pandemics, feed a lot more of the world, maybe become less polluters and maybe care our environment better. We can do a lot better… maybe this pandemic is an opportunity to reset the Red Button.Maybe Calvin had the right idea, we need a Swift Kick in the Butt…. it may hurt a little, but if it’s pushes us forward, it may be the tuff love we all need! Hugs….Remember , 60 days after your vacation you got your Visa or Master Card. Then you saw the interest charge - 24%, The Gov't bill is coming at the end of the years. Most Gov'ts have been down-graded, we know the interest will be higher and we also know we can make the payment. Businesses will not be fully functional till end 2021 or later. Ofcourse, the Gov't will not see Income tax returns till mid 2022.That's the assumption we have dealt with 2nd wave of Covid-19 and we have achieved "heard Immunity". Farmers have come back from recovery from possibly economic disaster. Then there's..... November 3, 2020. ... Election with Trump. This will be very divisive for the USA. Add to this all the social issues from "Distance", "racism" and "political unrest". We will still be dealing with unemployment and more protectionism and the debt issue. And finally, the wild card will be Hauwei - Trump - China and USA. Will there be more sanctions, protectionism, ... all we know there will be another storm ... and it will create more economic disturbances.I'm thinking of all those Colleges and University students - will there be jobs. More and more business are closing down... not just from Covid-19 but also by Amazon and Walmart. And of the business returning from Covid-19, many of the jobs are not coming back. Those students will be competing for existing jobs... and when there is to many workers and not enough job, than salary reduces. None of those jobs are coming back with similar benefit they use to have. Pensions will be limited to 10 years, $30 hours job will be $22.00/hour, etc. They may be reduce to 30 hours per week. Our standard of living will change.It's fair to expect a Nuclear Economic Winter.If we know what is coming - like any good Captain of his ship, you start preparing much before the storm.Here's some suggest. There are two safe havens - Gold and AssetsYou could buy Gold - but that's for people with lots of money, where you have excess money or you want to park it until the deals start to show up later in the Recession. Kind of being locked down in the harbor - you weather must storm. But Gold is not without risk.On April 5, 1933, Roosevelt ordered all gold coins and gold certificates in denominations of more than $100 turned in for other money. It required all persons to deliver all gold coin, gold bullion and gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve by May 1 for the set price of $20.67 per ounce. Look at the Fine!!!USA and Canada now have a huge debt and there is no guarantee the USA will stay the World Currency. China has been saving gold for a long long time. With Hauwei, protectionism, Covid-19, and a huge deficit close to 27 Trillion. No one knows what the Gov't will do... but we do know, they can recall the gold.Must of us can't afford gold... must of us are just floating in the ocean, with some of us quite a way from shore. , so gold is out. The good news... Cash is KING - assuming money is not devalued. There is a risk, the gov't does not disclosure the true ridiculous debt that it has funded (pensions, etc) , and the USA can start printing more and more money, but it takes years before we would see a major devaluation... This is not the situation in Germany during the war with hyperinflation first half of 1921. So cash is this KING.But you can still lose Cash just like the gov't recall Gold. We need to turn that real investments ... real assets. You can lose you money in a bank... especially with the USA, many banks can fail.... and your money is gone. Banks love to turn your cash into mortgages... in fact banks love mortgages. The The average U.S. mortgage debt per borrower for Q1 2019 was $202,284, a 2.4% . So if the bank is giving you less than 1/2 a 1% on your investment and they pocket 2%... life is good for the bank. Bottom line Banks love mortgage. But...., banks DO NOT LOVE THINGS LIKE HOUSES, BUSINESS, OIL TANKERS, ETC... those items require maintenance, property tax,subject of insurance (Theft and environment like tornado and floods), appraisals, etc .OUR PROBLEM IS .... currently all those items are sky high right now, it’s all priced it at the top of the curve. We need to buy them are liquidation value, auction value or bankruptcy.So here's what we can do to start preparations ...........We need do build a reserve now. We now the deals will be coming in about 1 year from now. Remember the 2008 recession... Oct 2008 that was the month... every one thought it would be all done by December. All the deals happened in 2009 and 2010. I remember houses in Las Vegas we looked .. there where 100's between $100,000 to $120,000. Many home less than3 years old. The same things will happen with 2020 recession, the deal will start to show up in 2021 and 2022. There is a couple of deals now like - Hertz is filing bankruptcy.... it will take 6 months before all those cars to come to either auction or on sale liquidation. Why by a new Buick when there will be 100's of bargains 6 months from now.But you need perseverance. It takes time for the banks to foreclose and decided to list those assets. Even business, can take 6 month through bankruptcy before those items go Auction.But we can use that time for do our diligence... check out prices in different neighborhood, which business are failing and what is the equipment worth. Learn what things are worth.... this is your job now.SO WHERE DO WE GET MONEY- BUILD THAT RESERVE NOWIf you don't have a job.... Right now there's 2.7 million jobs available for picking produce for Farmers. Yep, it's not glamorous, but you got other plans and a little pain now there will be later deal in 2021 for a a good living.With a job... now start applying with has many credit card you can get. Try if possible to get a higher limit. Some deals will be quick term and some deals will take months. If you have available cash, you can grab the opportunity.Get RID of High Cost ticket items... like car loans, travel trailers, etc. Get rid of it on Lease Buster, etc. The idea is to build a cash reserve - not making payment of depreciate toys. There will lots of deal in 2021.What one person is not able to accomplish - a group can create extraordinarily. Talk to your family about your ideas... maybe you want to buy a Duplex and rent it out. If you have only $5,000, with just 3 more members of you family, together you raise $20,000. Remember this is not the time to buy.... there are not deals in 2020.... when unemployment climbs in 2021, when the banks are holding 1000's of mortgages, that's when it's time to go shopping.Again, if you don't have all the cash... form a partnership, or setup an Investment club. The advantage of a group is the reduction of exposure to the risk. In a group if the property does not rent, then the mortgage is split between every one. But, with a large group there are more opportunities to find a renters.HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT. (HELOC)If you have equity in you House, depending on you bank, you can get a HELOC from 65% to 80% of the value of the property. For example - you house is worth $400,000..... you still have a $100,000 on the house. Most banks will allow to set up a HELOC @ 65% of value. In this case... $260,000. You pay off the original mortgage and that leave you $160,000 to buy when those bargain show up in 2021. Most use HELOC for Home Improvement, we want to use it to make Income.The advantages of a HELOC are simple…. you can easy access to all that equity just writing a check. This can used as a deposit on another rental house, a business, flipping cars, etc. You get the drift! Spend it on something that will bring in more income.Part #3... Choosing the right InvestmentsInvestments - there’s a number of rule of thumbWhen buying a machine the rules are...a If a machine pays for itself in 6 month- you of bought it 6 month agob if a machine pays for itself in 1 year - buy itc if a machine pays for itself in 2 years - make sure your customers are locked ind if a machine pays for itself in 5 years - you need a business plan and lots of researche if a machine pays for itself in 10 years - Stay AwayWhen buying real-state1 You buy realty what its worth in the future. What ever few extra thousands you pay today, this will be fraction of the value 20 years down the road. You buy property what it's worth 20 years down the road, not what it worth today2 If you can sign a 5 years rental lease - you should be buying the building. In 5 years the rent will go up, the mortgage will be smaller and the payment still the same.3 Buy the best location you can buy.... I suggest if possible, buy near a traffic light or something that slows the traffic. No one will see your business at 80 km. Location is important when recession occur. Bad locations will move to a better location when the economy stagnatesWhen finding investments.x It's not that the right time to buy property..... the gov't is still paying checks for unemployment, covid-19 and business. The recession has not run it's course. In 2008, it took a full year before we saw good deals. Be patience.xx Arrange all your financing..... the better prepared you - the better chance to close a good dealxxx DON'T ASSUME!!!. We all assume a deal is at arm length.... but we never really know why a seller is listing his property. Is it a divorce, unemployment, a bank foreclosure in 30 days, new job out of town, parent died and the kid are 1000 miles away.... Don't be afraid to make a lower offers. I have made several offers so low, the realtor refused to present the offer. A few hours later I found another realtor and within a few hours later he had a signed offer $2,000 higher than what I offered. Later we found out.... the owner was holding a new house and the current house and he was 4 month late on the mortgage. Like I've said, don't assume.... you really don't know the situation.iv Be willing to walk away from the deal - how many items I’ve seen at auctions sell items for more than similar prices at discounters. Only, to find the same item at another auction 30 days later. v Houses that show terribly, that are fine structurally can be money makers . Ugly, can easily shine up. It’s an easy great way to find fantastic Sellers that live lived out of state and didn't have a strong emotional attachment tend to be very motivated.There are plenty of properties to choose from. Don't fall in love with any of them. If you do, your emotions could take over and cause you to make a foolish mistake.We currently live in a world covid-19, unemployment, protectionism, racism, business closure.... Money will be very stressful for many families.... expect more divorces and mortgage closure.... so don't assume
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