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Should the LTTE have declared the ceasefire in 2002?

No, it was arguably their biggest mistake, excluding their alleged assassination of Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi.The ceasefire completely dismantled the LTTE militarily, and for the first time, saw, virtually, the entire world aid the GOSL in re-building their once failed military to defeat the Tigers. The dismantled ceasefire and opposition of the administration of a state-developed by the LTTE under a political context was not made possible by Sinhala nationalists as the GOSL’s false narrative tends to enforce, rather, it was dismantled due to the global security discourse correlating with geopolitical interests. The sad reality is, states aren’t created through historical or political vacuums, they’re forged through geo-strategic, economic, and ideological benefits for larger powers that encompass the region. The LTTE’s miscalculation on the benefits of the ceasefire was a result of the following factors:Global Securitization(1) & Liberal Internationalism(2)The ceasefire came into effect at the interface between liberal internationalism on one hand and, on the other, a realist global securitization discourse.Definition(1):Securitization is the process in which state actors(Ex. US, India, UK, etc) transform political issues into issues regarding “security”, ensuring that a political solution does not lead to long term drawbacks. [1]Definition(2):The political idea where liberal states(Ex. US, Japan, UK, India, etc) should intervene in other sovereign states(Ex. Sri Lanka) in order to pursue liberal objectives(Ex. Installing a free market economy or pro-western democracy). Such intervention can include both military invasion(Ex. IPKF intervention(1987–1990)) and humanitarian aid(Ex. Operation Poomalai(1987)). [2]Although Global Securitization, where the LTTE was deemed an incompatible representative body was put into effect near 2005, prior to the ceasefire, the discourse was somewhat apparent as the LTTE had been proscribed as a banned organization in India(1991), the US(1997), and the UK(2001). This, in part, led to the US’ reluctance in acknowledging the LTTE’s proposed peace deal, however, political and economic benefits, in relation to Liberal Internationalism, compelled the US(Joining the EU, Canada, Japan, and other IC members) to accept the ceasefire to counter China’s economic expansion in South Asia and the Indian Ocean. However, the US’ harsh attitude towards the LTTE, ultimately, hardened the peace process. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn’t 9/11 that significantly hurt the LTTE’s stance, although it played a part. On December 21, 2000, after taking control of Elephant pass, all of the Vanni, and most of the East, the LTTE had declared a unilateral ceasefire. It was at this time the government under President Chandrika Kumaratunga(1995–2005) endured a political crisis, having failed their promise to the Sinhala population that they would defeat the LTTE militarily. Through a devastated southern economy, aggravated by the rise in oil prices, the SLA could not sustain a military campaign against the LTTE. Despite the reality, the SLA continued their operations and refused the LTTE’s call for peace, while simultaneously, suffering heavy casualties at the hands of the LTTE. The army was so demoralized that soldiers began defecting and abandoning their positions and posts, as Defense Secretary, and former 53rd Division commander, Kamal Gunaratne states:People of this country, the governments and even our own soldiers thought that the LTTE was a superior fighting force[…] The Army was losing continuously in the battlefronts. People didn’t have much faith in the fighting strength of our soldiers and thought the LTTE was more powerful than us[…] If you take the Jayasikuru operation, in which we advanced for more than two-and-a-half years, many soldiers were wounded and killed in action. Though we reached Mankulam, we couldn’t hold the position as the LTTE was heavily attacking us, so we ran up to Thandikulam within two-and-a-half days[…] We were a ‘running army’[3]However, it was the Black Tiger commando raid on Bandarainke Internation Airport, and its adjacent airbase, that had the most disastrous effect on SL’s southern economy*An Airbus A-340 plane destroyed by the Black Tiger commandos during the raid with Sri Lankan soldiers arriving afterThe commando raid cost the Sri Lankan government $358US million in damages and the tourism rate dropped by 15.5% on an island already suffering from an economic relapseThe commando raid had an unprecedented negative impact on the foreign investment-based economic sector that had prospered since 1977. The aftermath gave way to two inevitable realities for the GOSL:Defeating the LTTE militarily was not possibleA negotiated settlement was the only option as the economy could not be revived through the continuation of the army’s war effortThus, under the new UNFP government led by PM Ranil Wickremesinghe, the LTTE declared another ceasefire on December 19, 2001, and under the facilitation of the Royal Norwegian government, the ceasefire was formalized on February 22, 2002. It was at this point that the Sri Lankan government and Sinhala Buddhist nationalist groups were their lowest point in its post-colonial history*Royal Norwegian diplomat, Erik Solheim, meeting LTTE leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, Tamil Eelam de-facto capital, Kilinochchi, 2002*LTTE commanders meeting SLA commander at the Muhamalai FDL(If you’d like to read the contents of the ceasefire agreement, here’s the link: Full text of the ceasefire agreement)The LTTE’s readiness for peace was encompassed through their desire to achieve international political recognition, alongside, economic assistance to sustain an independent Tamil Eelam, as Anton Balasingham stated:We already have a massive permanent administrative structure in the areas under our control. What we need is international legitimacy so we can coordinate and work with the Sri Lankan government and the international community[4]The Sri Lankan government signed the agreement as a means for extensive economic reform and a conscious attempt to mobilize IC support in their favor, as, PM Wickremesinghe, while touring the US during the initial stages of the deal stated:I would suggest that a reciprocal force is binding our respective interests together: business is good for peace and peace is good for business[5]Inevitably, the early stages of the ceasefire gave the LTTE political recognition and the Sri Lankan government leverage for an economic boom by attracting capital flow from a variety of countries(Ex. US, India, UK, Pakistan, Israel, EU, and China). Thus, the ceasefire began to compel the Sri Lankan government to accommodate Tamil demands and the political transformation of the LTTE. The EU, both as an inter-governmental organization and at member-state level, adopted an equidistant stance to peacebuilding that would tie together democratization and marketization, principles that guided the EU’s own creation (European Union 2005, Article III194 (1 – 2)).[6] Although the EU’s motive was guided by its economic link with the GOSL, as the Sri Lankan government had been a dominant trading partner with the EU prior to 2001, the LTTE benefited from their involvement by being recognized politically for the first time.*LTTE diplomats(Left) with Sri Lankan government diplomats(Right)As the peace process began, peace talks began to dominate. There were six rounds of talks between August 2002 and March 2003 before its downfall:16–18 September 2002 at Sattahip Naval Base, Phuket, Thailand31 October 2002 – 3 November 2002 at Rose Garden Hotel, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand2–5 December 2002 at Radisson SAS Plaza Hotel, Oslo, Norway6–9 January 2003 at Rose Garden Hotel, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand7–8 February 2003 at Norwegian Embassy, Berlin, Germany18–21 March 2003 at Hakon Prince Hotel, Kanagawa, JapanAttending to the immediate humanitarian needs of Tamils in the North and East was seen as a confidence-building measure between the LTTE and Sri Lankan government:In the early stages of our talks with the LTTE, we are trying to resolve some of the immediate practical needs of the people that can bring relief and normalcy to our society. Economic reconstruction and development of the affected areas will be a deciding factor in sustaining the momentum of political negotiations - Ranil Wickremesinghe(2002)[7]Re-enforced by Anton Balasingham:Over and above the intricate questions of conflict resolution and power-sharing, the people expect a peace dividend; they require immediate relief to resolve their urgent, existential problems. Therefore, the peace process cannot be undertaken in isolation without taking parallel steps towards the economic recovery of the suffering population.[8]A closer look at the peace process reveals that direct meetings between the GOSL and LTTE were productive within a liberal internationalist lense. Although both sides had different objectives: the LTTE for humanitarian assistance and political recognition; the Sri Lankan government for economic growth through a free market. However, both bodies displayed a willingness in attempting to resolve the conflict in a non-militaristic manner.With the increased hope of permanent peace through a diplomatic solution, out of 95,000 IDP Tamil families returned to their villages between February 2002 - December 2004. To add, the LTTE and Sri Lankan government made appeals to international donors for immediate economic assistance for humanitarian and reconstruction activities. As such three innovative joint sub-committees were established to deal with various aspects of the initial phase of negotiated peace:Sub-committee on Immediate Human and Rehabilitation Needs in the North and East (SIHRN)Sub-committee on De-escalation and Normalisation (SDN)Sub-committee on Political MattersWith the harsh history of the conflict, the meeting between members of the SDN and SIHRN was a historic achievement that signaled a path to achieve shared sovereignty on the island. The LTTE had also signed an agreement with UNICEF to set up a “credible review mechanism” to stop recruiting soldiers under 18, they also agreed to release 300 underage soldiers from their ranks. However, a huge achievement was made in the Eastern Province by appointing all three committees to each district, representing the concerns of Tamils and Muslims regarding land, religion, governance, and etc. A former head of Amnesty International was to present a road map towards an effective mechanism to monitor human rights, which was to be submitted after the sixth round of talks in Japan.[9]The plan was to include training for LTTE and SLA officers in human rights and humanitarian law.*A mother of an LTTE officer placing the badge of honorHigh-ranking officials from several EU countries and NGO’s not only promised economic aid to the LTTE and GOSL and help administer their regions but facilitated the peace talks between them in Germany and Norway. In addition to the Peace Talks, a one-day Peace Support Conference was held in Oslo in November 2002 with the participation of 100 diplomats from 19 counties who agreed to donate $70 US million to the Northeast Reconstruction Fund from 19 countries who pledged around 70 million US dollars to Northeast Reconstruction Fund. At the time, this demonstrated the IC’s willingness to accept the LTTE as a representative body of Eelam Tamils, with Anton Balasingham stating:We are prepared to consider favorably a political framework that offers substantial regional autonomy and self-government in our homeland on the basis of our right to internal self-determination[10]The LTTE followed by creating a Political Affair Committee, lead by SP ThamilSelvan, compromised of 21 of its prominent members from its political wing and undertook the study of government systems to stabilize the LTTE’s administrative state. The ceasefire, evidently, enabled the LTTE not only to maintain but prosper its de-facto state with civil, financial and security autonomy, achieving more than they were assured from the Indo-Lanka accord proposed by Rajiv Gandhi in 1987DownfallAfter the final round of the peace talks, the Norwegian facilitators stated that while substantial economic and administrative progress has been made, there was minimal progress regarding the humanitarian and security concerns for the IC. Throughout and before the ceasefire was signed itself, the US’ and India’s “securitization” strategy was evident, but, it didn’t have a negative impact on the negotiations originally. It was the GOSL’s need for an economic boom that fit the liberal intentions of Japan and the EU. China also sent a diplomat to visit the LTTE leadership in Killinochchi, China was the first country to send their government officials to talk with the TIgers.*The Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Mr. Jiang Qinzheng, meeting with S. P. TamilchelvanHowever, it was the US’ need for securitization after their Invasion of Iraq in 2003 that ultimately started to turn the peace process against the Tigers. The cold war had weakened the US’ stance on South Asia, as it was outmaneuvered by regional powers like India and China, and with the IPKF intervention(1987–1990) and the deployment of Indian troops in Sri Lanka that ultimately pushed the US out of the region. It was after 9/11 that the US decided to re-enter South Asia and the region bean to be treated, more than ever before, as a regional security structure. Thus, the stability of a unitary Sri Lankan state became a key asset to the US’ strategy in South Asia, as such, the US sought to re-establish a monopoly of violence on the island to defeat the Tigers. Contrary to their original approval of the ceasefire, stating, “assured continuous support for a negotiated settlement”, the US, in 2003, now continued to characterize the peace deal, they began utilizing statement such as “undivided Sri Lanka”, “territorial integrity, and “terrorism”, uttering identical statement to that of Sinhala Nationalists, thus, emphasizing the US’ stance to any state of sovereignty for Tamils on the island, further stating:It was clearly stated that ‘an independent Tamil Eelam is both unattainable and unwise[…] and the LTTE must unequivocally renounce terrorism in word and deed[11]US State Department officials and high-ranking members of the US Armed Forces increased their visits to the island, particularly to key military establishments in Jaffna and the East, controlled by the GOSL. Officials from the US Pacific Command conducted a security assessment of both the Sri Lankan armed forces and the area surrounding the Trincomalee harbor in the Eastern Province, which a topic of interest during the negotiations*Area surrounding the Trincomalee harbor, Green(Sri Lankan government), Orange(LTTE)The assessment took place during the final stages of the negotiation process, with the US Pacific command emphasizing the importance for the Sri Lankan government to recapture the LTTE-controlled areas around the harbor and re-shape its military structure in order to win a future war, signifying the strategic importance of the harbor's importance to US interests in South Asia and the Indian Ocean.[12]Brief Historical BackgroundSri Lanka lies within the heart of South Asia and within close geographical proximity to India, thus, the Trincomalee harbor is one of the world’s biggest natural harbors, and arguably, the biggest in all of South Asia. The harbor itself is considered to be the most important factor that attracted the Portuguese, Dutch and British to invade the island. During the Cold War, primarily in 1977, the Sri Lankan government began implementing a capitalist economy and upgrade its armed forces through its alliances with the US, UK, and Israel. During this time, India was aligned with the USSR and began backing Tamil nationalist groups, most notably the LTTE under Prabhakaran, as a proxy to counter western influence in the country and on the harbor. During the mid-’80s, as the USSR saw a defeat in Afghanistan and its own economic relapse, India began dismantling its alliance with the Soviets and began aligning with western powers.*Indian Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi(Far-Left) in a meeting with LTTE leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran(Far-Right)The Indo-Lanka Peace accord and subsequent Indian war with the LTTE was aimed to disarm the LTTE, but, at the same time, utilize the LTTE as a proxy in a unitary state implemented through devolution for Tamils in the North East. India, and every country as a matter of fact, never wanted a separate Tamil Eelam to have full control of the Trincomalee harbor, rather, they wanted a Tamil proxy to obtain geographic possession of the harbor with political amnesty of Trincomalee belonging to the Indian military. Prabhakaran's choice to fight India, and force the Indian army out of Sri Lanka is the sole reason for the LTTE’s success at establishing their own de-facto state, but also their subsequent failure in achieving political recognition internationally. The civil war grew the island’s strategic importance for both trade and warfare and some analysts claiming that over the past decade, during the war, Sri Lanka had become “a central theatre of global conflict and international trade competition of 21st century”The US Marine Corps Vision and Strategy(2025) gives a high value to Sri Lanka as a component in the prominent power dynamic between the US, India, and China. Sri Lanka is located near at least four major shipping lanes that connect and provide efficient shipping lanes to the resource-rich Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, South China Sea and the Western Pacific Ocean between East and West. The Indian government adopted, virtually, an equivalent approach. They too enforced the securitization of the island to maintain their interests and an Indian military report issued in January 2003 enforced the importance of reorganizing and focusing large divisions of the Sri Lankan Army in the Jaffna peninsula. Prior to the ceasefire, India refused to airlift Sri Lanka soldiers that fled to mainland Jaffna after the LTTE victory at Elephant Pass. However, they forced the LTTE to stop their offensive to retake Jaffna, through George Fernandez’s influence, the BJP government forced the LTTE to halt their offensive or to be met with political isolation to the IC. Indian army officers determined that to win the war, the SLA would have to muster the manpower and capabilities to overrun the LTTE defenses at Muhamalai under Brig. Theepan’s command, which at the time, was deemed to be the most fortified LTTE FDL. Thus, India proposed that the GOSL re-organize its military structure, maintain high-security zones in Jaffna, and not allow the resettlement of IDP’s until the LTTE lays down their arms.[13] As a result of the US’ and India’s stance, the EU, once promoting liberal internationalism on the island, now began layin down conditions concerning human rights, avoiding talks of a political settlement entirely.It was the western need for securitization in Sri Lanka after the US coalition invasion of Iraq in March 2003 that ultimately ended the talks. While multilateralism(Coalition agreement) led to the ceasefire, it was unilateralism(Support for one party only) that compelled the LTTE to withdraw from the peace talks. The LTTE displayed opposition to the US’ unilateral stance on Iraq and Sri Lanka, with Anton Balasingham stating:‘It is regrettable that the US attacked Iraq without the proper endorsement of the UN’ [14]The statement, somewhat, implied that the LTTE was telling the US to follow its method of diplomacy. Within a few days of Anton Balasingham’s statement, US Assistant Secretary of State, Christina Rocca, re-emphasized its position regarding securitization, stating:Even as we advance our efforts in the Middle East, South Asia remains at the front-line of the war on terror, and regional stability remains critical[…] we are currently providing demining and economic assistance, as well as establishing programs to strengthen Sri Lanka’s peacekeeping capabilities and reformists military institutions[15]Weeks later, a preparatory meeting for the upcoming peace delegation donor conference was due to be held in Washington DC. The US-made the unilateral decision to invite the Sri Lankan delegation, and exclude the LTTE. India, which had not to attend any previous delegations, had attended this event, directly emphasizing the emerging securitization approach to the conflict. Before this, the LTTE had been made a part of restructuring measures to the North and East, however this sudden balance of power to the GOSL and given rise to a possible military solution to the conflict. The LTTE, after making unsuccessful appeals to the US delegation to re-consider, abruptly decided to pull out of the peace negotiations, not the ceasefire. However, the donor conference in Tokyo, which was attended by 52 countries, including the US, China, India, and Israel, promised $4.5 US billion to the Sri Lankan government and called the LTTE to return to the negotiation table. The conference reduced the conflict to a mere economic issue, projecting the LTTE leadership as “greed-driven” and Tamils civilians in the North and East as “helpless victims in need of economic assistance”. The idea of a federal Tamil state never mentioned at the conference, rather it renewed confidence in a unitary state led by a Sinhala Buddhist government, thus, the Sri Lankan government now proposed a deal that undermined the LTTE’s political representation and virtually withdrew the government’s stance on a political solution. At this point, the joint-sub communities entailed by the LTTE to sustain humanitarian needs for civilians in the North and East had become defunct due to continuous delays from the Sri Lankan government and the IC, however, political negations still remained an option. The LTTE, as a means to contradict the conference results, proposed an Interim Self-Governing Authority(ISGA), a demand of self-governance based on the principle of internal self-determination as pre-condition to signing the ceasefire agreement, as Sinhala academic, Jayadeva Uyangoda, states:This is the first concrete set of ideas that the LTTE has elaborated as its blueprint for a negotiated solution and would envisage a radical reconstitution of the existing state[16]The EU supported the LTTE’s proposal, stating that it “represents an important step towards peace”, and hopes that “direct talks between the parties aimed at reaching an agreement on a solution acceptable to all communities” would be continued.[17] However, the US opposed the resolution based on their securitized objective, stating:The parties to the conflict appear to be ready to reach a resolution, more so than any other time in the past twenty years[…]Logically, down the road, this is going to include disarmament[...] Internal self-determination, within the framework of one Sri Lanka, is not going to be consistent with separate armies and navies for different parts of the country.[18]Instead of opting for a negotiation, the US demonstrated its stance on a unitary state, by not only renewing the ban on the LTTE in 2004 but reviving the government’s material capabilities.As mentioned previously, the ceasefire was heavily opposed by President Chandrika Kumaratunga, the Sinhala nationalist Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) and the far-right Sinhala NationlistUrumaya (which later became known as theJathika Hela Urumaya(JHU)) and formed an alliance against its inception, but did not have a large following at this stage due to the LTTE’s military prowess and victories, a devastated economy and the international liberal doctrine that supported the peace process. Thus, the LTTE and GOSL couldn't have changed the dynamic of the ceasefire alone, rather it is in the context of growing international securitization after 9/11 that the IC’ confidence in a military solution in favor of the GOSL, as Ada Derana stated during the time:A new relationship is being forged on our own sub-continent between the US the hyper-power and the emerging regional super-power India, which appears to be cozying up to the US [...] abandoning its old friend Iraq ... There is no gainsaying the fact that the US would have a major presence in the region to safeguard her interests [...] at the end of the day, it would be better to ensure that our powerful friend’s interests and ours converge [... in safeguarding the unity and territorial integrity of this country.[19]In this geopolitical environment, Tamil Eelam becomes ‘problematic’ compared to the independence of Kosovo or South Sudan. South Sudan’s geopolitical value lies in its oil. Before its independence, 60% of its oil was owned by China under Khartoum’s government. After its independence, western allies were able to obtain large portions of what once was “China’s oil”, thus, containing their influence in Africa. While Kosovo doesn’t have oil, the Trans-Balkan oil and gas pipeline that runs through its neighbor Albania and, as the US established their largest European military base in Kosovo, an independent state for the majority of ethnic Albanians living in the region was promoted by the US under these economic benefits. The geo-political value in Sri Lanka is not as much as it is economic, it certainly plays the part with the harbor, but it’s more strategic, allows the US to have a foothold in a region was controlled by India and currently exploited by China, however, Sri Lanka’s value can only be maintained through a unitary state, as two separate states, leads to complications for geo-strategic purposes. India, the US, and the UK don’t agree with the Sinhala nationalist narrative, but they do agree with the calls for a unitary state as it aids their interests. It doesn’t matter what the government does to Tamils, as long as they keep it one state, the west, and their allies will support them.As was the case during British Colonial rule, Sri Lanka being a unitary state provides huge economic benefits for external powers, which is perceived to entail more stable political arrangements for said powers, instead of when two states are forced to negotiate on economic settlements before an external power is considered in the binding deal. The LTTE, evidently, was a huge threat to US interests, as it was the only Tamil body strong enough to oppose a unitary Sri Lankan state and repel advances from the Sri Lankan army. Thus, to defeat the LTTE militarily, the IC sought to divide the LTTE leadership, as such, the Sri Lankan intelligence units, and RAW, began looking at grievances and internal conflicts between LTTE leaders and ultimately bribed Eastern Commander, Karuna AmmanKaruna Defection(2004)*Karuna(Business shirt) with Sri Lankan army commanders after the warIt’s unknown why Karuna left the LTTE. The GOSL likes to enforce the “Northern vs Eastern” Tamil narrative to further divide the Tamil community, but, evidently, there’s more to it. However, what’s conclusive, is Karuna’s behavior and mentality to the Eelam cause changed during the ceasefire. He began mustering his own personal army in the East, misused LTTE finances, began leaking secrets to RAW, and eventually was bought over to the government’s side. With Karuna’s defection in 2004, the Sri Lankan government and their allies re-took control of the Eastern province without firing a bullet. Karuna not only took 7000 soldiers with him to form his anti-LTTE militia, TMVP, reducing the LTTE fighting force by 3/4 in the East, 1/3 in total. He leaked information regarding the LTTE’s shipping lanes, bunkers, international arms, financial procurements, underground tunnels, secret bases, guerrilla tactics, jungle hideouts, leadership structure, unknown important figures, and many more. Although the ceasefire ended officially in 2006, I’d argue it ended in 2004, when Karuna’s TMVP militia began attacking LTTE camps in the east. The war between the TMVP and LTTE resulted in the LTTE retaking the East, but Karuna managed to escape and the TMVP began serving as GOSL proxy in the East, harassing the LTTE by attacking their camps and assassinating Eastern Tamil leaders, still loyal to the LTTE. I’d argue Karuna was the sole reason for the collapse of the ceasefire, as with him gone, the LTTE fighting force reduced, and the loss of 90% of their military secrets, the GOSL, and their allies had all the intelligence necessary to dismantle them.FallAfter Karuna’s defection, it was at that point, that a military option was finally put forth, and the political solution that the Tigers sought was ignored. Indian(RAW) and US intelligence services(CIA) began working with the Sri Lankan government in monitoring LTTE’s maritime movements and US Navy SEALS began training the Sri Lankan Navy to transform the Sinhala force into a capable fighting force to compete with the Sea Tigers. The US began sending Sri Lankan army officers to Fordbrag and Fortlevenworth to undergo counterinsurgency training courses. Although the prospects of negotiations were revived after the Tsunami, and both parties agreed to form the Post-Tsunami Operational Management Structure (P-TOMS) in 2005 to address issues of reconstruction and resettlement in the affected areas as a result of pressure from the EU and NGO’s. This could have been an opportunity to share humanitarian sovereignty amongst both parties, but the US refused to send funds, as the LTTE was made a party to the pact. Instead, the GOSL met with US officials, demanding that they implement a ‘global war on terror’ against the LTTE. In 2006, while the EU presidency chair was held by the UK government, the LTTE was banned as a “terrorist organization” delivering them their biggest political blow. The EU refused to do so at first, however, after continuous pressure from the US, and UK, the ultimately agreed, as stated by Sri Lanka’s Minister of Finance, Mangala Samaraweera:Also, we should not forget the support given by the US, and the UK when I was the foreign affairs minister for the proscription of the LTTE in Europe. Then, seven countries in the 25-member EU did not agree with the LTTE ban, and it became a difficulty to adopt the ban as a unanimous decision. Therefore, I met then secretary of state Condoleezza Rice several times and through the offices of deputy secretary of state Nicholas Burns, got the consent of those seven nations to proscribe the LTTE on 29 May 2006. Even the LTTE admitted it as one of its biggest defeats and in his Heroes Day speech, Prabhakaran rebuked the international community for having been deceived by the Sri Lankan government. Furthermore, it was at my request to Mrs. Condoleezza Rice in January 2006 that a special unit was formed with 41 fulltime agents to crack down on LTTE fundraising in the US through various front organizations. Also, […] the US to led a committee at the highest level with support from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam to halt the procurement of weapons by the LTTE.[20]The reason given was due to the LTTE’s human rights violations, but, ironically, not only did the GOSL and TMVP commit more violations, the EU went against their stance on a negotiated settlement and reflected their choice solely on human rights, something they refused to do until now. The head of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM), Swedish Major General Ulf Henricsson, prior opposed the ban, as it, evidently, would encourage the GOSL to see a military solution. He would later state:I would say it's [the EU decision to ban LTTE] a mistake, it was a wrong decision because... the LTTE and the government have signed the ceasefire agreement as equal partners. If one is suddenly on a terrorist list it's not very difficult to see we're going to run into difficulties -- which we have done[…]That was a part of the big war against terrorism. It was more a world-wide wish from the big powers. The LTTE also came in it. But, for me, it was a mistake.[…] I said if you should list the LTTE, list the Sri Lankan government too. Because they used the same methods. That was obvious. So, I would say that it was a big mistake because it stopped the possibility to get a peaceful solution and negotiation, which I would say that the government did not want. [21]Canada followed suit after pressure from the EU, UK, US, and IndiaThe IC ban, 32 countries in total, plunged the LTTE’s financial assets. The LTTE had earned $300 million US annually from the Tamil Diaspora in the West. The ban had prevented them from re-structuring their de-facto state and procuring high-tech weaponry, only being able to afford small arms and ammunition.The UK government was actively campaigning against the LTTE on the same bases as the US and India, they showed an identical stance on the ceasefire agreement to the US and India, and banned the LTTE a few weeks after they proposed their first ceasefire in 2000. Ultimately, when Karuna defected, the UK increased its military projections, spending, and aid to the GOSL. Their aid includes:[22]2004(Armored all-wheel-drive vehicles) ,(Components for military communications equipment), (Components for military utility helicopters), (Components for naval light guns), (Ground vehicle military communications equipment), (Air guns),(Components for assault rifles),(Components for combat aircraft) (Components for heavy machine guns),(Components for semi-automatic pistols), (Semi-automatic pistols), (Small arms ammunition),(Technology for the use of semi-automatic pistols) (Components for military aero-engines),(Components for military transport aircraft),(Components for submachine guns) (Heavy machine guns), (Night vision goggles),(Military infra-red thermal imaging equipment), (military utility vehicles), (military transport aircraft), (Components for general-purpose machine guns), (Gun mountings), (Submachine guns), (Weapon sights)2005(Components for heavy machine guns), (Components for military training aircraft), (Components for military utility helicopters), (Components for naval light guns), (Components for semi-automatic pistols), (Components for heavy machine guns), (Components for combat aircraft), (Components for naval light guns), (Armoured plates), (Ballistic shields), (Flak Jackets), (Components for military transport aircraft)2006(Air guns), (Aircraft military communications equipment), (Armoured all-wheel-drive vehicles), (Components for general-purpose machine guns), (Components for heavy machine guns), (Components for military aero-engines), (Components for semi-automatic pistols), (Semi-automatic pistols),(Small arms ammunition), (Components for combat aircraft), (Components for combat helicopters), (Components for military transport aircraft), (Equipment for the use of combat helicopters), (Military utility vehicles)The UK’s policy of arming the GOSL during the ceasefire agreement while criminalizing the LTTE led to a so-called “Security Sector Reforms” which were the UK led military missions to re-structure and aid the development of the Sri Lankan army, alongside the US Pacific Command, with British SAS crack teams working alongside US Green Berets in developing the SLA’s commando regiment.*SAS soldier training Sri Lankan troops in the ’80sChina’s role in the conflict was primarily, although not solely, economic. China saw Sri Lanka as an asset in its quest to control the maritime silk road, only ever controlled by the British and Cholas. Chinese delegates met with LTTE leaders on numerous occasions, but the ultimately saw securitization of Sri Lanka to be the only option in securing their interests. As of today, China seems to be the only country to have received a huge asset from the LTTE’s defeat as they now control the Hambantota port in the south. By supporting the unitary state and increasing military and financial support to the GOSL, China’s overwhelming financial and military aid began to outweigh India and the US’. China had also encouraged Pakistan to contain “Hindu” influence in Sri Lanka by supplying the Sri Lankan government with weapons, ammunition, and, most notably, fighter jets. Although China’s military and financial donations to the GOSL amount to billion of USD, they didn’t play a role in dismantling the ceasefire, rather, they aided the military solution that was sought the minute Karuna defected, as it was the most economically and geo-strategically beneficial. In coordinance, after Karuna’s defection, Israel, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, several EU nations, and Ukraine increased their sale of weapons to the GOSLUltimately, at this point, this ceasefire was dead, and while the LTTE was focusing on developing the administration of their de-facto state on a political level, the GOSL re-invented their military with the entire world behind them. When the ceasefire “officially” collapsed on July 26, 2006, the LTTE were outnumbered 10:1, outgunned, financially unstable, and politically isolated, which led to their demise.Footnotes[1] What Is Securitization?[2] Liberal internationalism[3] Defeating the LTTE: Major-General Kamal Gunaratne in Riveting Q and A[4] Tamil Tigers drop independence claim[5] Sri Lanka calls on private sector to invest in peace - Sri Lanka[6][7][8] Anton Balasingham Speech at Thailand[9][10] 'The Right To Internal Self-Determination'[11] http://www.[12] http://www.¼13&artid¼12903.[13] http://www.¼13&artid¼9394.[14] Learn from us, LTTE tells U.S., Iraq[15] news04[16] Ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka : changing dynamics | Semantic Scholar[17] Page on[18] Sri Lanka: Prospects for Peace[19] politi01.html.[20] Rajapaksa: Then And Now[21] EU made big mistake in banning LTTE: Henricsson, former head of SLMM[22]

Did Hitler really admire the UK or was he bluffing?

He definitely admired the British. But it would be a big mistake to go on to say that he liked the British, or that he wanted to be friends with them.Hitler was a social-darwinist. He believed that nations and races were in a perpetual state of war, and only the strongest would survive while the weak would be enslaved or exterminated. This view is what lay behind most of his policies.He wanted to make sure Germany was on the winning side: so anything that in his eyes was a source of weakness to the nation must be purged. Political dissenters, the disabled, trade unionists, war profiteers, Jews: they must all be eliminated to make Germany strong and united. All possible resources must be poured into the armed forces. Germany must conquer itself an empire and make lesser races into its serfs and vassals.Note that Hitler never planned to conquer the entire Soviet Union. He thought that a long period of peace would make Germany decadent and weak. So his plan was to occupy European Russia, leave Siberia under Communist control, and remain at war with it permanently. Each new generation of young German men would be sent out to the Urals to gain experience in fighting inferior races, and learn martial virtues and the value of self-sacrifice for the Volk.So where does Britain fit into this worldview? In Hitler's eyes, the British had got it right. He saw them as pragmatic, ruthless, proud and disciplined. They'd conquered the largest empire the world had ever seen. Hitler was jealous. He wished Germany had an equally large empire. But in his view, Britain's success only confirmed his racial views: the British were a Germanic Aryan people, just like the Germans. So if Britain could conquer a quarter of the world, Germany could do it too.In short, Hitler respected the British as worthy opponents. He wanted to emulate them. His often-mentioned unwillingness to fight the UK wasn't because he wanted to be friends, but because (to use video game terminology) he didn't want to fight the world's end boss before he'd levelled up against trash mobs and mini-bosses.Put another way, he thought that the Greater German Empire and British Empire could co-exist, but only if they confined their attentions to separate spheres of interest and didn't interfere in the other's affairs. A conflict between them might be inevitable sooner or later, but for Germany's sake he would prefer to avoid it. Maybe they could even cooperate against mutual enemies, but that would only be a temporary alliance of convenience, and it would have to be one where Britain recognised German leadership.Here are some quotes where Hitler expressed his opinion of the British. They're taken from his Table Talk; a record made by his secretaries of his private conversations with friends during the middle war years. The theory was that when the war was won, Hitler's memoirs would be published based on this information.The Englishman is superior to the German in one respect— that of pride. Only the man who knows how to give orders has pride. (22 July 1941)To the Nazis, this was the attitude that befits the members of a master race.For the English, the ideal existence was represented in the society of the Victorian age. At that time England had at her service the countless millions of her colonial Empire, together with her own thirty-five million inhabitants. On top of that, a million bourgeois—and, to crown the lot, thousands of gentlefolk who, without trouble to themselves, reaped the fruit of other people's toil. For this ruling caste, Germany's appearance on the scene was a disaster. As soon as we started our economic ascent, England's doom was sealed. It is quite certain that in future England's Empire won't be able to exist without the support of Germany. I believe that the end of this war will mark the beginning of a durable friendship with England. But first we must give her the knockout blow—for only thus can we live at peace with her, and the Englishman can only respect someone who has first knocked him out. (22 July 1941)Hitler would ally with Britain only if Britain had first been forced to submit and acknowledge its inferiority; otherwise the British would be too proud to cooperate with him.It should be possible for us to control this region to the East with 250,000 men plus a cadre of good administrators. Let's learn from the English, who, with 250,000 men in all, including 50,000 soldiers, govern 400 million Indians. This space in Russia must always be dominated by Germans. (27 July 1941)Hitler’s desire to emulate the British. He invaded Russia due to a bad case of Raj envy.It goes without saying that it would be a small thing for our war-trained divisions to get the upper hand over an English army. England is already in a state of inferiority by reason of the fact that she cannot train her troops on her own territory. If the English wanted to open up wide spaces within their own frontiers, they'd have to sacrifice too many country-houses. (10 August 1941)Hitler’s admiration for Britain wasn’t absolute. He was contemptuous of their entrenched class system. His amateur approach to military strategy is also on display.If America lends her help to England, it is with the secret thought of bringing the moment nearer when she will reap her inheritance. I shall no longer be there to see it, but I rejoice on behalf of the German people at the idea that one day we will see England and Germany marching together against America. Germany and England will know what each of them can expect of her partner, and then we shall have found the ally whom we need. They have an unexampled cheek, these English! It doesn't prevent me from admiring them. In this sphere, they still have a lot to teach us. (10 August 1941)The idea (or wishful thinking) that Britain ought to recognise that the USA was its real enemy, not Germany, was often in Hitler’s mind.The state of our relations with England is like that which existed between Prussia and Austria in 1866. The Austrians were shut up in the notion of their empire as the English are to-day in their Commonwealth. When things go badly for his country, no Englishman lets anything of the sort appear before a foreigner. No Englishman ever leaves his country without knowing what he should reply to questions that might be asked him on thorny topics. They are an admirably trained people. They worked for three hundred years to assure themselves the domination of the world for two centuries. The reason why they've kept it so long is that they were not interested in washing the dirty linen of their subject peoples. What we would like to do, on the other hand, would be to rub a negro until he becomes white—as if someone who feels no need to wash himself were to want to let himself be soaped by somebody else! (28 September 1941)Hitler’s admiration for British self-discipline and pragmatism. In other news, Hitler was racist — who knew? (The last part of the passage refers to his belief, expressed elsewhere, that when Germany had had colonies they’d tried to assimilate the inhabitants into German culture, which Hitler saw as a mistake; while the British generally left the inhabitants of their colonies to keep their own culture.)We Germans are alone responsible that the tide of Huns, Avars and Magyars was halted in Central Europe. We were already a great empire when the English were only beginning to build up their maritime power. If we hadn't been such fools as to tear each other to pieces in order to find out whether we should consume God in the forms of bread and wine, or of bread only, England would never have been able to have her say concerning the balance of power on the Continent. (9 October 1941)Hitler is frustrated that if it hadn’t been for the 30 Years’ War, Germany rather than Britain might be Top Nation.It may be asked whether concluding a concordat with the churches wouldn't facilitate our exercise of power. On this subject one may make the following remarks: Firstly, in this way the authority of the State would be vitiated by the fact of the intervention of a third power concerning which it is impossible to say how long it would remain reliable. In the case of the Anglican Church, this objection does not arise, for England knows she can depend on her Church. But what about the Catholic Church? Wouldn't we be running the risk of her one day going into reverse, after having put herself at the service of the State solely in order to safeguard her power? If one day the State's policy ceased to suit Rome or the clergy, the priests would turn against the State, as they are doing now. (14 October 1941)Hitler admires the fact that in the UK, the Church of England is integrated into the State and supports it implicitly, while in Germany the Churches are independent and a source of opposition to the State. He mentions this more than once as an example of how the English have arranged things better than the Germans to ensue internal unity.It's a queer business, how England slipped into the war. The man who managed it was Churchill, that puppet of the Jewry that pulls the strings. Next to him, the bumptious Eden, a money-grubbing clown; the Jew who was Minister for War, Hore-Belisha; then the éminence grise of the Foreign Office—and after that some other Jews and business men. (18 October 1941)Hitler blames the Jews for dragging Britain into war. Spoiler alert: Hitler blamed the Jews for a whole lot of things.If the British Empire collapsed to-day, it would be thanks to our arms, but we'd get no benefit, for we wouldn't be the heirs. Russia would take India, Japan would take Eastern Asia, the United States would take Canada. I couldn't even prevent the Americans from gaining a firm hold in Africa. In the case of England's being sunk, I would have no profit—but the obligation to fight her successors. (26 October 1941)This quote strikes at the heart of Hitler’s social-darwinist philosophy. There was no point crushing Britain entirely, because some other power would only rise in its place. Existence is struggle; there will always be someone to fight.The important question for England will be whether she can hold India. It might be possible to negotiate a separate peace which would leave India to England. In that case, what would happen to the United States? They would be territorially intact. But one day England will be obliged to make approaches to the Continent. And it will be a German-British army that will chase the Americans from Iceland. I don't see much future for the Americans. In my view, it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities. Those were what caused the downfall of Rome, and yet Rome was a solid edifice that stood for something. Moreover, the Romans were inspired by great ideas. Nothing of the sort in England to-day. As for the Americans, that kind of thing is non-existent. That's why, in spite of everything, I like an Englishman a thousand times better than an American. (7 January 1942)Note the date: this was a month after Pearl Harbor, and the Japanese war machine was apparently triumphant in the Pacific.Churchill is a man with an out-of-date political idea—that of the European balance of power. It no longer belongs to the sphere of realities. And yet it's because of this superstition that Churchill stirred England up to war. When Singapore falls, Churchill will fall, too; I'm convinced of it. The policy represented by Churchill is to nobody's interest, in short, but that of the Jews. (12 January 1942)There would be no ’European balance of power’ if Germany controlled the entire continent. Hitler hoped that once the “Jewish puppet” Churchill fell from power, the UK would recognise that and ally with him.As the war turned against Germany, Hitler increasingly took refuge in wishful thinking.

What are some interesting moments in Canada's history that aren’t told often?

One of the most unspoken times in Canadian History, in my opinion, is the Battle of Hong Kong. Now many Canadians have never even heard of this battle or that of the 1,975 Canadian men’s fate which was sealed on October 20, 1941.I was born at the end of 1945 and at this point, my Dad’s cousin, who I called Uncle, was finally back after having been a Prisoner of War (POW) for almost 4 years at the hands of the Japanese. What took place from October 1941 to August 1945 resulted in the deaths and torture of many young Canadians who fought to defend the island of Hong Kong, even though the island was viewed as being not a vital interest and an undesirable military commitment. As a result, on January 25, 1941, the Ministry decided to shelve the whole Hong Kong issue. Unfortunately for Canada, 8 months later the idea was brought forward again. Even though many felt that there was no reason to send Canadians to Hong Kong, Major General A.E. Grassett proposed through his own personal exaggerated belief in the defensibility of Hong Kong and the fact that he felt that the Japanese lacked the ability to fight. As a result, Grassett suggested that Canada might be willing to supply 2 battalions for deployment for the defense of Hong Kong.Talks continued and on October 20, 1941 it was decided that Canadian troops would be made available to reinforce Hong Kong and thus the fate of 1975 Canadians.The 2 battalions from the Royal Rifles of Canada and the Winnipeg Grenadiers were sent via ship to make the journey to Hong Kong. Unfortunately, many of these young Canadians were untrained and had very little idea of why they were going to Hong Kong. They arrived in Hong Kong and during the month of November they continued their daily lives, as ordered by their Commanders. On December 7, heavy troop movements were reported, and the defenders were ordered to stand to. Fighting continued and during the next couple of weeks, the Japanese gained territories and asked the Canadian troops to surrender 2 or 3 times but on December 18, 1941, the Japanese landed, in the dark, on Hong Kong Island. The Japanese captured many areas and fighting continued until Christmas Day, December 25, 1941. The final last moments were fought but the order to surrender was finally given.The captured troops were sent to Mainland Hong Kong and life as they knew it ended and the worst treatment of human beings began and many would never be the same again, as it was for my Uncle who was Prisoner #41.For many years after their return, this Battle was not well known and I once asked my Uncle, why? He just told me it was because it was a Battle that never should have been fought by the Canadians. For many years as a youngster, I asked him about what happened, and he just wouldn’t say anything to me. When I grew into my late teens and early twenties, he had mellowed some and did tell me stories, that actually made me cry. The Royal Rifles of Canada and the Winnipeg Grenadiers were the first Canadians to step on land and fight and were among those who paid the highest price and as a result, that is why the Battle was never talked about in public – because, it was a Battle that was LOST!The men who returned, did form a Hong Kong Veterans Association and would meet and hold conventions to remember those who died and held local meetings in their areas. As well, they did make trips back to Hong Kong to pay their respects to those who never returned home. As the years passed, the veterans grew older and it was harder for them to continue making all of the necessary details for the various reunions. As a result, the children and grandchildren of these veterans formed the Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association (HKVCA) and took on the responsibilities of helping them with anything they needed assistance with, as well as being available to help for all of their conventions. It was my pleasure to help my Uncle who was the Veteran who would be responsible for making the various arrangements. He of course asked me to be of assistance, and I dove in headfirst. I wanted the Convention to provide everyone with great memories and an absolutely wonderful time. It was held in Toronto, in August 1997 and it was a huge success filled with veterans from the East Coast all the way through to the West Coast, of members of the Royal Rifles of Canada and the Winnipeg Grenadiers and their families and friends, and honoured guests. It was always my pleasure to be able to assist whenever I could in helping these special people and my privilege to do it for them. I also went on one of their trips they did every 5 years to Japan and Hong Kong and it was the most inspiring trip I have ever taken and one that I will never ever forget. There were approximately 60 of us who flew from Canada to Tokyo and then onto Hong Kong for ceremonies and get togethers for almost 3 weeks. There were various government arranged ceremonies and my Uncle along with various other veterans were asked to go and talk about where they fought their battles at various locations. I was honoured to be invited to accompany my Uncle on that day and the stories I heard, only confirmed that I was in the company of true heroes. They remembered where things took place and their stories of what had taken place were amazing; it was just as if they were there fighting, as they truly remembered all of the details pertaining to the area they had fought at. We visited the Sai Wan Cemetery in Hong Kong and when we arrived, the Veterans were getting together with the Press and Government officials and I decided to take a short walk among the Canadian tombstones. It really hit me, as there you would see the name of the soldier, their age and so many were so young. As I travelled down the row, I finally came upon a tombstone that said, “Known only Unto God” and I began to cry. Here was the body of a soldier whose name was unknown, and his family did not know where his remains had been buried. My Uncle happened to look over to beckon me to come back and he saw that I had been crying and of course he wanted to know why, so I just told him that it truly touched my inner soul that there are bodies buried in Hong Kong and that their family members do not known who exactly is buried in these unnamed graves. But the tombstone did say that only God who knew where and who these brave young men were in these unmarked graves.I used to go every year with my Uncle down to the Canadian National Exhibition, where on Veterans Day at the Ex, many of the men and women who had fought for Canada would parade through the CNE grounds to the stadium where they would take the salute. Applause would always welcome the various men and as I sat in the audience, the HK Vets took to the field and the applause was deafening along with the cheers. I said to the person sitting next to me, that I was so surprised that so many would honour the HK Vets this way, and the couple said, that they were there for her grandfather who was a veteran of the 2nd World War along with the many other families of veterans who had gone to war for Canada and our freedom during the various wars. But she said that the HK Vets are known to the military families because they had fought in a Battle that our government knew they couldn’t win. That is why they always received the biggest applause to show that at least there are/were Canadians who appreciate what they went through and became POWs for a Battle that never should have been fought.One day I had a young man ask me, if I had ever met a hero and I said to him that I knew many heroes and told him about my Uncle and his fellow soldiers, and he was simply in awe as he had never heard of the Battle of Hong Kong.So, when I read your statement, I knew that I had to once again honour each and every one of the 1975 soldiers who had signed up for their country and never thought that those who survived would spent almost 4 years as Prisoners of War under some of the harshness circumstances that anyone could imagine.I know the Canadian government has acknowledged what the Royal Rifles and Winnipeg Grenadiers endured and to thank those responsible in the HKVCA who have made it possible for the young people today to know of the harrowing things one had to endure by getting the Battle of Hong Kong introduced into some of the schools in Canada. It was and is time for Canadians to know that the individuals who died in Hong Kong and in the POW camps and those who survived are true heroes!My Uncle weighed around 180 pounds when he left to go on this journey returned back home weight just over 90 pounds. He suffered for the majority of his life from symptoms from many of the diseases he contacted while he was there. But, he continued to serve the people of Canada. He became a Police Officer in Toronto with Badge #100 and went on to be Police Chief in Southhampton, Ontario where he served for some time. He was then offered the position of Chief of Police in Whitchurch/Stouffville Ontario where he had 6 weeks to set up a new Police force. As York Region continued to grow, the various areas were amalgamated to be one force and he was the first Staff Inspector for the York Regional Police. During his tenure there, he hired several officers who later went on to become one of York Regional’s Police Chiefs. His service continued until he retired and he died on December 23, 2008 and his memory will live forever in his children and grandchildren and all of those whose lives he touched. A true Hero.If you would like to read a more detailed account, the Canadian government has a link detailing this Battle at: Canadians in Hong KongI have also read many of the books that various veterans have written about what happened to them during their days as POWs and it simply amazes me that I was given the honour to have met so many of these heroes. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM and thank them for their service.

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