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How does it feel to not sleep for 24-36 hours? What would happen if one just skips sleep one night and continues his routine the next day?

I was awake for almost 48 hours once. I didn't plan to do it, but it just unfolded that way. I had taken too many classes, and wasn't really smart enough for some of them. I was way far behind in a few. Thursday was a regular day, but after dinner I set off the the computer lab to pound on an assembler based matrix multiplication program. I figured I'd be done by 11PM or midnight, at the absolute latest.I remember the problem well. The point of the exercise was to understand data representations and boundaries of data types, and I wasn't good at it. The only tool I had to peek into the computer's brain was a primitive debugger called "adb." All of the "training" we got on that tool was a gritty, photocopied reference sheet. Since I failed this program in every possible way with completely insane numerical answers, adb was my lifeline. To make a long story short, I did figure it out and get it running, and it was well after 2AM. In those hours of code wrangling, I achieved a zen-like oneness with adb, and came to appreciate the purpose of its arcane, impenetrable syntax.(Sidebar: This is why I encourage people to program rather than read about programming. If I read everything written about adb, I would have not understood it. Spending a few hours where my success depended on understanding it gave me a whole new perspective and appreciation of its design. You don't learn to dance by reading about dancing; you dance)Anyway, where was I?Oh yeah.I left the lab wide awake. The stress of understanding how badly I budgeted my time left me pumped up with adreneline. My mind was clanging around. What else have I underestimated? What else am I behind on? I set up shop in the deserted student lounge and plowed through a backlog of various exercises for different classes until people started showing up around 7:30 AM (not students, but staff). I headed back to the dorm for a quick breakfast and shower and went through my regular classes that day.In the afternoon, I went to my job at the radio station, feeling pretty good for having been up almost 36 hours at that point. I was starting to get a little light headed and a bit slow with reflexes, but I figured my best bet was to just push through until bedtime. I was feeling pretty good about my invincible self.At hour 40, I was back at the computer lab typing up a paper on a word processor for a project and suddenly, random characters started appearing on the screen. I panicked. The computer is crashing, I thought, and is going to wipe out all my work! I looked down to discover my hands flat on the keyboard. My limbs were no longer effectively communicating with my brain. I saved my work, stumbled to the student lounge, and crashed on the awful, uncomfortable couch. After a few hours I woke up with enough limb control to bike home and sleep in my own bed.I really haven't pulled complete all nighters much after university. I find that even a 2 hour catnap will do wonders for keeping your brain from crashing when you need the extra hours. However, cheating sleep has always been a losing battle for me, and I find that the diminished cognitive capability is a bigger loss than the gained hours. Get good sleep, kids.Oh, and of course, an obligatory xkcd on extended waking hours:xkcd: 28-Hour Day(alt-text: Small print: this schedule will eventually drive one stark raving mad.)The alt-text really nails it.

What are the prerequisites for learning Android?

First of all you need to be good in JAVA , XML behaviour and Patience to solve errors.and that's it you can start your journey to this beautiful segment of computer science(that's a bit rhetorical but its similar like that :)You can find best Tutorials out there to start.but you must complete the PREREQUISITE before getting startedThe Rest of the android world is below mentioned :Simple LinksDeveloper Training with various buildsUML for developing an appAndroid Developer BlogWhat to use to create the appsAndroid Studio: Android Studio is a new Android development environment based on IntelliJ IDEA. Verdict: Beta but EfficientEclipse IDE + ADT Plugin: If you already use the Eclipse IDE, this is a plugin which can be downloaded forWindows and can be used to create android apps.Verdict: Pretty SlowEclipse ADT: It includes the essential Android SDK components and a version of the Eclipse IDE with built-in ADT (Android Developer Tools) to streamline your Android app development. Verdict: SlowOnline Sources:XDA-Developer NotesUDemyTreeHouseGeneral Online Source ListWhat are you creating?: Essentially you are coding in Java which then gets published into a package. This package is called an APK file, which is a compression format similar to JAR and ZIP.There are three steps for the perfect app: Design --> Develop --> DistributeDesignAndroid Dev. Creative Vision: This contains the creative vision for developing android apps, a quick glance would help non-designers or new designers get an idea as to how to plan the design.Design Principles: Similar to the above it helps new designers get an idea as to how to plan the design and how to go about actually doing it.Measurement Cheat Sheet - I: A simple relational guide for sizes of various design aspects for different screen sizes and pixel densities.Measurement Cheat Sheet - II: A complex guide, similar to the one above, with easier reading, naming conventions as well as UI Design and Icon Templates.Android Dev. Design Presets: Materials provided by the Android Design team, which can be used without restriction. It includes Photoshop Stencils, Illustrator tool kits, Icon Kit and Color Swatches.Design UI Research: A discussion how the team applied ""Pulse Studies"" (iterative research sessions) in order to put new ideas, designs, and concepts in front of users on a regular basis; it requires minimal advance planning, it can have an immediate product impact, and it can meet urgent needs.DevelopAPI Guide: A guide provided by Google for the entire Android flavor for control over various hardware on the devices + best practices.Developement Cheat Sheet - I: A cheat sheet provided by Tree House. Slightly complicated. Good for reference after designing the first few apps.Development Cheat Sheet - II: Code Gems Cheat Sheet with definitions for each section of Android DevelopmentGoogle Services: A list of Google Services which could be used for the apps and how to use themSamples: Samples for developed apps with different components from Background Apps to UI-based appsDistributionUpload your app to Google Play: So the most important part of distribution is uploading the app to the Play Store. There is a $25 fee. (If you do not want to upload it on play, simply publish it, and distribute the apk)Distrbution Essentials: A focus on quality should be part of your entire app delivery process: from initial concept through app and UI design, coding and testing and onto a process of monitoring feedback and making improvement after launch.Building Buzz: Distribution can usually be a piece of cake, but if you want to give it your allTIP: If you know Web Dev Languages really well and want to push a webapp to an Android app fast, you can use the various sources for the same.HTML 5 - Mobile App FrameworkPhone Gap: Personal preference

What Should be done to achieve rank towards AIR-1 in GATE CSE-2018?

Toppers say, “I did it, and I succeed it’; Failures say, “I did not do it, and I failed it.’I was G17 aspirant ended up with score 639 and rank 1307.Hope you are doing good. Till now, you have listened to many topper's webinars (by CourseHunt (Log In or Sign Up to View)) or read numerous blogs for preparation strategy and motivation. Always we read a success story, but it does not mean failure has not been storied.You have listened to what should be done to achieve AIR 1. Let me share today with you what should not be done to not land in AIR 1307. :-P These are the things I should have done, but I ignored and failed.'Not-Scheduled' and 'Uncontrolled' Revision: We revise, but more important is 'scheduled revision'. At night, revise the whole day work. Otherwise, when you revisit the subject, you will feel completely stranger and have to study it again. Flashcards and Anki are some of the cool ways for revisions. (Google it to know what it is.)During revision (either at night or later months), don't forget, it is a revision, not a first-time study. So give it a lesser time, don’t sink in it. (I couldn’t do it. when I revise, I take same as the first time, and it wastes time from the quota for fresh learning.) Though you feel like you are reading it the first time, your mind has already grasped it. Revision is just to refresh the content in mind stack.'Fake' and 'Over' Motivation: When one asks about if s(he) can get AIR 1 in 3 months, people give an example of Ankita Jain (AIR 1 - G16), that she did it in 3/5 months only. Be in reality. She was from DTU and had some class of professors so that she completed some subjects from her BTech class notes only, not even standard books. She already got 4xx rank in G15. So what she has to do in 3 months is just to rise from 4xx to 1. You may have to rise from some thousand ranks to 1. You need to work harder. In the worst case, you can keep in mind Akash Kanase (AIR 28 - G16). It took three years for him to reach up to this, but he didn't stop. (His blog 'It's all about perseverance' is one of its kind. must-read.)Don't over motivate yourself. (This is a highly personal view, don't generalize it.) If you take the same power drug daily, then it won’t work in actual time. Watch and read motivational stuff only when you are feeling low. Don't do it just for the sake of doing it. Medicines are good but should be taken only when necessary.'Improper' and 'Unwanted' Note Making: Note making is an art. I self-made all notes, and still don't know what ideal notes should be like. If CoursEra or EDX publish some course on 'techniques of note-making', I will take it for sure. Don't write something just for the sake of having it in notes. Is it important for GATE, are these the things which I find hard, or I feel to be noted down for MCQ solving? Ankita Jain has given one superb formula for note-making - 1/10. i.e. if you read 10 pages, it should be compressed in 1 page of note. I was never capable of it. And those heavy bunch of notes ate my time in last days. I highly advise two things. First, leave some space after one topic, you may need it in future. Second, use multi-colours in notes, like red-blue-black pens and pencils. This will be eye-catchy in revision time, identifying important things. But don't make it painting. 2/3 colours are enough.Don't be over-idealized in note-making. Save time. Like linear Algebra and Calculus use direct formulas. Every student studies this much LA and Calculus in BTech. So making notes will waste your time. You will not get anything new. So just get the ready-made notes available on the Internet, or in the group and use that as a cheat-sheet.'Impermanent' and 'Unhygienic' Diet: If you are a member of Computer Science Careers group, you might have noticed during last days of exam, members are discussing drinking tea or red bull for high brain activity on the day of the exam and all. After that, I did Google about exam foods and brain foods. It includes walnuts, spinach, oats, curd, glucose and much more. I thought if tea before an hour of the exam can recharge your mind for paper the, you should do it daily before starting the study because after all, it is all about the activism of brain during the study. So if you want to eat walnut, oats, to drink tea, coffee, make it part of your daily/weekly diet, so it helps more on exam day in the long run. This is not a compulsory technique, just a common-sense suggestion.A most important suggestion, stay away from unhygienic food. It can waste your 2/3 days of preparations if you are lucky enough and if your body loves to be ill. ;-)‘Ignoring' Smart-phone: Some people suggest staying away from mobile. But I have a different opinion. If you have a smartphone, take great out of it. It is a portable study room. Keep GateOverflow book, inside. Keep the data connection. Use it in free time, you are in the bus or want to walk after eating, or you are in hospital and waiting for your papa's reports, use the mobile to keep your study continue.On the opposite side, never touch mobile in the morning before starting the study to check emails or see updates in a group or upvotes in GateOverflow. It will highly consume your time from schedule, and the most important morning session will be disturbed. Similarly, don't check the mobile while going to bed. You will end up watching numerous videos by just-last-one-video mentality. And your mind has the last impression of those videos not of your revision, and your revision efforts go in vain if you want to entertain yourself, do during day time or in break times.‘Friendship' with Depression: This is the biggest issue with me. I very quickly slip in depression and doubt my capabilities. It destroys and takes over the mind. It can waste not only your hours but days and weeks. I used to see how Sachin Mittal (AIR 33 - G17) was posting about his tension on GateOverflow and FB group that he fears. I also feared the same. We both had the same fear but had a two-digit difference in rank. :-P No offence to him. just a fun. I appreciate his help to co-members and congratulate his success. But jokes apart, Don't ever come in depression. Neither due to study nor due to other reasons (what are the other reasons? see next bullet). See and read motivational stuff.'Interest' in Family issues and Relations: Sometimes there may some bad environment in your home, fight between some family members or your best friend or loved one has some argues with you. If the issue is not serious, be selfish. Because it can indulge your mind, make you sad, angry or depressive and can disturb your study.'Celebrating' Isolation: Some people disconnect with world and entertainment during GATE prep. Yes, it is better to stay away from social media, chilling with friends and others. But isolation is one of the reasons depression comes. Stay in touch with 1/2 genuine non-GATE but sensible and mature enough friends. When you can't say to your mom that 'hey, I am not doing good in prep', you can cry out on the phone to your buddy. Keep your one genuine hobby continue. When you feel sad, mood less, boring or overburden, play an instrument, draw something, sing something, write something, read something. This little waste of time will save you from a heavy waste of time due to depression. Especially if you are full-time aspirant, doing self-study at home, it will be hard for you to share thoughts with same 4/5 peoples for complete one year. So don't be isolated. This is the key to deal with depression.'Not' Standard Book Practice: I never did standard book exercises. I felt these are subjective questions; why should I do them? But one must do it. They are helpful to check your concepts. Standard book's solution manual does not contain every question's solution. So at least do those questions for which you can verify your answer and method from manual.'Loving' Flood of Information: Just ask a question about resources for subject to the community, you will get tons of comments with links of youtube playlists, websites, names of standard books and so on. You will be confused about which one to follow. Even the decision eats time and if you decide to follow more than one reference, like 'let me see first this NPTEL series after that this standard book and then in last this cheat sheet'. You are highly mistaken. Everywhere, concept and theory are the same; just ways of expression are different. So you will be not knowing anything new, but wasting your time and you get confused, especially in cases like formulas derivation. As our BTech has local publications textbooks, GATE also has standard reference books as textbooks. I mean IIT professors prefer particular book for a particular subject. If you take GATE as just a competitive exam, then identify that book. If for your GATE is knowledge experience, then why you even bother for it? Just pick most suggested playlist or book and start. And if you don’t get a particular topic in it, go for another stuff.'Lacking' Concentration: This is the most serious issue. I used to read till 2 at midnight. I left all family events for a year. I did not see a single movie, or even not listened to a single song whole year. I was passionate about GATE. I revised everything 5 times. I solved all previous question papers 3 times. Still, why did I not get good marks in mocks or real exam? Just because of lower concentration. When I was reading books, continuously, my mind was thinking about every other thing it can: Family, friends, career, dreams, ambitions, vacation plans, everything. Even I wanted to stop those thoughts but I couldn't. Why? This is the problem with average students, including me. You have to train your mind to concentrate on one thing at a time. Then only you can do work speedily and efficiently. Meditation is a must for it. Invest your morning 10 minutes for meditation and Pranayam. It will help you. Meditation can be done in many ways. If you are going to bed, try to feel your breaths. Imagine them going in and coming out. If you are eating, try to focus on how much time you are chewing a piece of roti, try to identify the taste. If you are listening to the song, don't just enjoy it. Try to separate a single instrumental voice. These all are techniques to make your mind conscious and concentrated on a single thing. This will help you to grasp things in lesser time.'Sequential' Study+MCQ: This is one big mistake I made. Even though Bikram Ballav sir (the most honourable personality for me) strictly guided me, I studied the whole subject continuously and then MCQ. Never do that. Complete the topic and do its standard book exercises and previous year MCQ practice.'Co-curricular' Entertainment: This is something new. If you are aspirant using Computer Science Careers FB group, you see there lots of admissions-related discussions going on and very much new tech stuff is uploaded. And you involve in it. This is not your GATE helping stuff. It wastes your time from the schedule. So if you participate in admission discussion or read some non-GATE stuff, it must be counted in your free time portion, not in GATE schedule portion.'Unnecessarily activist' membership: Before putting your doubt in community, check terms and formulas on Google. Search the group also before posting a new question. Someone may have asked it in the past. Take little efforts for it. Facebook has a facility for it. This is a selfish work. Because if you post a new question, it might take time to get approved (no offence to moderators, our posts get approved within seconds mostly, hats off to them, giving just example), after that some people have to get to that question on their feed. What if you find a ready-made question post from past? It may have a complete discussion with the conclusion and will save you time. If you do not get the same question, check similar questions, can you relate it to your question or can you do hacks for your question from it? Just comment on new ideas there and share in the group again that this post can also be concerned for this question. If you ask a new question, must use hashtags. Don’t leave your question alone. Tag some members from related subjects. You can get faster help. (If you notice group activity, you can identify whom to tag in which questions or you can know them from 'experts of subject' list at the end of the subject page on GateOverflow.'Narcissistic' GateOverflow User Behavior: If you answer on GateOverflow, don't waste time in over-beautification of answers. Give the necessary formatting to answers. Other stuff will be handled by seniors if it is worthy. Don't check out notification tab just for counting up votes you got. I don't say everyone does this. But I used to behave this way, and I feel this is wrong, so I am putting it here. Don't answer just for the sake of making points, like 'Yes answer is D.' It wastes your time, makes site dirty and disrespects to the motto of creators. Answer only when the question has no answer when you have proper logic to support your answer, or you have a doubt. Make the GateOverflow like StackOverflow.P.S.1: These are completely my personal reviews. This does not mean they apply to all.P.S.2: These suggestions are from rank 1307, so maybe it can be improper for topper strategy but I will be happy if it can help a single student by a single point.P.S.3: This post is general to all stream aspirants.P.S.4: I was a highly active member of GATE Overflow and Computer Science Careers, so I referred those here in my context. Don’t fall in arguments. Just understand and imply in your respective communities.Happy GATEing ;-)

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