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How to Edit Communication Rally Entry Form on Windows

Windows is the most conventional operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit PDF. In this case, you can download CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents effectively.

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How to Edit Communication Rally Entry Form on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. By using CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac quickly.

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  • Edit, fill and sign your template by utilizing this amazing tool.
  • Lastly, download the PDF to save it on your device.

How to Edit PDF Communication Rally Entry Form via G Suite

G Suite is a conventional Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your work faster and increase collaboration between you and your colleagues. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF editing tool with G Suite can help to accomplish work handily.

Here are the steps to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Look for CocoDoc PDF Editor and download the add-on.
  • Upload the PDF that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by selecting "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your template using the toolbar.
  • Save the finished PDF file on your computer.

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If it were discovered that Earth would be destroyed in 500 years (e.g., a gamma ray burst was heading towards us), what would be humanity's response? Would the world band together to save humanity? Would we let future generations figure it out?

It wouldn't be a gamma ray burst, because anything traveling at the speed of light would hit us before we could become aware of it. So we're looking at a planetary collision or some similar thing.The first astronomers to detect the upcoming event might not even recognize the danger. Anything that will take 500 years to hit us will be passing through a variety of gravitational fields, and will be aiming at a location that might seemingly have nothing to do with Earth.But at some point, someone would run the numbers and discover that yes indeed, we were facing the possibility of a celestial collision. At this point, they would only be thinking in terms of probabilities and not certainties. But after they shared their findings with other astronomers, gradually a general consensus would form, that the celestial body did not represent a mere possibility of colliding with Earth, but that it almost certainly would.By this time, the astronomers having made no attempt to hide their work so far, the news would have already hit the Internet. But very few lay people would be able to follow the math, so there might be a series of confused news articles talking about something hitting something else some day.But gradually the articles would gain coherence, the Wikipedia entry would become clearer and more persuasive. Counter-arguments and competing mathematics would be discredited, and a general sense of disturbance would begin to spread through the planet.The governments of the world, while saying nothing publicly, would have long-since been in communication with the astronomers, and done their own verification of the science. In addition they would have analyzed the possible effects of an impact, the probable number of deaths, the time it might take for human civilization and economies to recover. They would have considered the options of attempting somehow to divert the oncoming celestial body, the size of the required explosion, the mass and trajectory of debris, and other details. Finally they would reach the inescapable conclusion that the impact could not be prevented, and that the destruction would be too great for any kind of recovery. In 500 years the planet would be totally destroyed, with no hope that any life would survive.During these considerations, NASA would for several months already have been calculating the possibility of resettling a portion of humanity onto another planetary body in the solar system. They would estimate the likelihood that the destruction of Earth would affect the orbits of other planets, or that debris from the impact might fly into any prospective resettlement area.Official government spokespeople would have no comment yet. If asked, they would simply reply that they didn't want to "get ahead of the science," and that "so far, nothing is known for certain." But they'd affirm that they'd have more to say when the scientific questions had been better understood.At this point, only a very small minority of people would be expressing any sort of outrage at their government's silence, or at the existence of the threat itself. Those people would be quite vocal, but the Internet buzz and radio talk-show hosts would always say something along the lines of, "even if it's real, it's 500 years in the future. Relax." And that would echo the sentiments of many Americans, if not people throughout the world.Eventually the United States, China, Russia, and the European Union would make a joint announcement. The leaders of those nations, speaking together at the United Nations building in New York City, would announce a plan to create a series of large-scale, self-sufficient settlements on several planets and moons throughout the solar system. The impending threat against the Earth would not be mentioned. When asked if there was a connection between the colonial project and the threat of destruction, the reply would be that this project was a normal outgrowth of the space programs of all developed nations, and should be welcomed as a sign of ongoing human progress.Gradually, budgeting for the various components of the colonial enterprise would be established. Research would proceed on a number of fronts, including the construction of space elevators along the equator, habitats capable of transporting large numbers of people across interplanetary distances, and larger habitats capable of maintaining those people indefinitely at specific locations throughout the solar system. There would also be a new focus on asteroid mining and bulk transportation of nonliving cargo between planets. As reported in the news, each colony would need a permanent source of raw materials, ongoing protection of necessary atmospheric conditions, and a long-term effort to transform each colonial planet and moon into an Earth-like body with appropriate atmospheric and ecological conditions. Those terraforming efforts, however, would be acknowledged to require thousands of years, and would not be a major part of the requirements for the initial set of colonial outposts.The first colonies would be established on Mars. Many lives would be lost in those initial efforts. But the governments of the world would praise those who sacrificed their lives, and would redouble the effort to address the remaining technical problems. The colonial projects would go forward, government spokespeople would say, in spite of any obstacles.After Mars, Jupiter would also be home to many colonies, in the form of orbiting stations. These stations would have a modular construction, so that they could be continually expanded. Over the next hundred years, a ring of such constructions would gradually form around the planet, siphoning its material needs largely from Jupiter's gaseous atmosphere. The water of Ganymede and the Earth itself would begin to be harvested for use by all colonial projects.The first wave of colonists would be highly trained specialists, capable of building the colonial infrastructure and then setting up the requirements of actual habitation.The next wave, however, would be taken from the impoverished countries of the world. In exchange for risking their lives, they would be given commercial opportunities in the new colonies. Like the early Martian colonies, many participants in this second wave would perish as well, until each colony was securely established and tested under proper load.The third wave would consist of the populations of wealthy nations. Tens of millions of people would migrate to thriving economies ready to receive them. The occasional atmospheric accident would be hushed up as quietly as possible. But the governments of the world would provide whatever incentives were necessary in order to keep up migration rates.Eventually, after half the world's population had been resettled, the governments would acknowledge publicly for the first time that within another 200 years the planet would be destroyed by celestial collision. They would put forward the colonies as a perfectly reasonable option and offer further economic incentives for people to migrate. They would also impose new laws restricting childbirth on Earth. Later, the restrictions would be tightened until all new Earth-based pregnancies were outlawed. An underclass of undocumented natives would spring up, living largely off the grid, and difficult to gather into the migratory waves.By now the government officials would all have migrated to the colonies themselves, remotely overseeing a set of small, isolated, local governments on Earth. Among the off-world governments there would be ongoing negotiations, attempting to unite them all into one; but these would be slow and unpromising, given religious, tribal, and political histories on Earth. But the United Nations would be quite strong, and would play a large role in ongoing decision-making for the colonies as well as for the remaining local governments on Earth.By the time of the destruction, only a few hundred million people would remain on Earth. The impact would be streamed live to viewers in every colony. Everyone, everywhere, would feel the loss as a tragic event; and would feel the uncertainty of their own future. How could these little colonies, these little bubbles of air, with no history, ever hope to have a future? And this uncertainty would become an inspiration to young people that would rally an inventiveness and resourcefulness throughout the colonies; and would lead them to make great leaps of technological advancement, and to overcome the remaining obstacles to humanity's continued survival.

Why Narendra Modi is losing his supporters nowadays?

I was a true BJP supporter till 2015. I was really happy that he got full majority with powerful government. And I was hoping that Modi will change the country. Secondly I am a Hindu and not coming from any minority background. Why I stopped supporting BJP…4 years of Modi government are completed and almost nothing to show. He promised alot and marketed Gujarat as a developed state during his 2014 rallies.Failure of demonetizationEvent which made lot of chaos in Indian economy. Middle class people became unemployed and black money holders traded their money after bank hours by turning off CCTV cameras by bribing bank managers. Result of demonetization is declared now. More money came back into economy as it was in circulation. 100+ lost their lives by standing in a queue. So… Complete failure to curb the black money and now it is turned into white in a form of gold /property or any other asset. Biggest corruption in Indian history ever…!!!2. Failure of swachhata Abhiyaan.Swachha Bharat Abhiyaan was a campaign like taking selfie with broom. Celebrities were promoting more themselves rather than cleanliness. All major tourists cities like Agra and Jaipur are super dirty till now. Ganga cleaning department was given to Uma Bharati…(literally no expectations with that lady..). Ganga is more dirty than it was before 2014. Around 7000 corores are spent and no effects.3. Intolerance level at peakPadmavat was opposed by karni sena… Children school bus get attacked…and Modi remained silent.Interreligion couples are targeted by RSS and VHP gundas (latest events: Uttarakhhand and Kanpur. salute to police officer Gagandeep singh) and Modi remained silent.People are lynched by mob due to cow protection and Modi remained silent.Dalits are beaten brutally… In Gujarat one young dalit was beaten and murdered because he was interested in doing horse riding… and modi remained silent.And many more examples….4. Complete Man of marketingAlways stays busy doing rally in different states. Always do one sided communication like mann ki baat, road show, rallies. No open press conference till now. 3 interviews in 4 years which are completely fan based interviews. Always make heroic entry in rallies…sometimes with a sea plane and call himself “ gareeb maa ka beta”.5. Bank looters are flying abroadLalit ModiVijay MalyaNirav modi and mehul chokshi duosAnd many more…Government is not able to reduce taxes on petrol because of them… Because bank economy is in pathetic situation… AnAnd government wants to collect tax as much as it can to stabilize the economy. Why we should pay for their debt?6. Agenda of development is goneJust look at last 3 state elections.Politicians are visiting more and more temples to divide Hindu and Muslim votes.We are remembering Nehru and Jinnah more and more.Plastic surgery of Ganeshji, comparision of ISRO rocket with Ram's bow, Laxmiji handles ministry of finance etc etc….More advance version by Biplav Dev: WiFi was available during MahabharatNo one wants to talk about current problems.

How does security personnel ensure PM Modi's security at the mega rallies?

The Prime Minister is a really powerful person in India and his protection is of utmost importance for the running of this country. Venues like large areas and stadiums filled with thousands of people present a really difficult for establishing a security setup, but they have to be accomplished when the Prime Minister arrives. The following is the security procedure which is followed by the intelligence and security forces, to ensure smooth functioning of the PM’s programme.First line of security cover - Special Protection Group (SPG)The Prime Minister of India has a dedicated and tight security setup in the form of the Special Protection Group (SPG). The Special Protection group’s sole objective is to provide all round security to not only current but also former Prime Ministers along with their immediate family members. So, PM Modi’s first or the closest security cover is given by the SPG commandos.The SPG commandos are divided into 2 teams who have completely different objectives;The first team is the one which stays closer to the PM physically, and dress up in formal clothing like suits during winter and safari suits in summer. Their objective is get the PM out of harm’s way as soon as possible when he or his cavalcade is attacked.The above 2 images show them in the 2 different attires.They have light bullet proof jackets under their clothes along with concealed weapons and communication devices. Other way of identifying this team is by their personal combat weapon, FN Hestral P90.The second team of the SPG is the Counter Assault Team with the objective of tracking and neutralizing the cause of attack on the PM while the first team takes him to safety. They are generally spread around the area and keep on eye on each and every inch of crowd to ensure that no one escapes if any mishap happens. If the venue is wide and the entry and exit points are more for e.g. an open ground or stadium, they are generally deployed at positions of critical points and blind spots to leave no room for any unwanted danger.They are more explicit in their attire with black overalls and bullet proof vest on top and khaki combat pants on their legs. Their personal combat weapon is the FN Hestral F2000 with Glock 17/19 as the secondary weapon or sidearm.Second line of security cover - National Security Guards (NSG)The second line of security cover is provided by the National Security Guards (NSG). The NSG comprises of two groups as well namely; Special Action Group (SAG), which undertakes counter terrorist operations and Special Ranger Group (SRG), which is tasked with providing security to VVIPs. The SRG is deployed in situations like public speeches and rallies and they coordinate with the first team of the SPG which provides personal protection to the PM. They work mainly in controlling the crowds while the PM interacts personally with them, for e.g. while shaking hands or clicking photos with them.The above image shows them working with the personal security team of the SPGThey will provide support and backup to the personal security team if any attack takes place.They are dressed in the classic black overalls of the NSG with bullet proof jackets along with their trademark black commando berets. They are seen without combat helmets most of the time. The personal combat weapon used by them is the H&K MP5 or the Sig SG 552.Another battalion of the NSG might be provided for perimeter security, if the event is surrounded by civilian buildings or establishments. The NSG is specialized in counter terrorism activities in urban and semi-urban settings.The above image was taken when the NSG was deployed to provide perimeter security when President Obama was the chief guest during the Republic Day, 2015.Another battalion of the NSG is deployed to provide sniper support and surveillance. They carry out surveillance from the top and keep any untoward activity in check.Third line of security cover - CRPF commandosThe commandos from the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) are deployed in large numbers to to provide man power and support to the above two mentioned teams. They are generally stationed at the entry and exit points to create a line of protection and within the crowds to directly control them and maintain order.They are also instructed to carry out bomb screening and checking at venues with the state and city police officers, before the start of the function.Fourth Line of security cover - State policeAs the final line of security cover, the state police officers and constables are deployed to provide man power and general security cover and support to the above forces. Their main objectives are crowd control and frisking along with vigil at entry and exit points. They control the flow of traffic and check the vehicles coming in and exiting the venue. They are also tasked with checking the area and for bomb and explosive mapping along with the CRPF commandos, before the start of the function.Officers in riot gear are also kept as reserve to be used to control the crowd if they go berserk.Many state departments have also petitioned for the use of drones for surveillance over the crowds as an additional security measure. (I don’t know if they have been given this permission or not.)So, this is how the security cover at big venues with thousands of people is established for the Prime Minister’s cavalcade and when he is present in person. It is a tedious but necessary process as one small blunder can lead to a major line of security cover - Special Protection Group (SPG)Provide personal security cover to PM along with tracking and neutralizing source of attack if anySecond line of security cover - National Security Guards (NSG)Supporting the SPG in personal security in the form of Special Ranger Group (SRG) Also provide sniper support and surveillance in addition to perimeter security of venue.Third line of security cover - CRPF commandosManpower and backup to above forces along with crowd control and protection at entry and exit points of venue.Fourth line of security cover - State policeProvide logistical support to above forces and conduct frisking and security screening of general public and vehicles at entry and exit points along with crowd control inside the venue.

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