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A Guide of Editing Code Of Conduct Nl on G Suite

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What is the etiquette for privately waving flags on a foreign soil?

I have spent over twenty years living in Austria. Austria may be an exceptionally flag-adverse country. Today, I payed attention while driving to work: 40 km through half of Vienna and then through some suburb villages. Here are two photos I took along the road:No flags.The only flags that I saw were advertisements: car sellers, ice cream, parcel services. When I think of it, Austrians don’t hang ANYTHING over the street. E.g., this would be unthinkable of in Austria:There is probably a law against hanging laundry on a street here. Austrians like laws. Even if there is no law, it just isn’t done(*).I have also lived in Croatia, the Netherlands and France for longer periods. Due to my work, I also travel a lot. In the last 12 months, I’ve been to Australia, Belgium, Brasil, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Netherlands, Spain. I probably forgot some, but the point is: I see a lot of places on a regular basis.What strikes me as a constant is that i have seldom seen any flags hanging around.for example, this is how center of the Hague, Nl. looks like. No flags.Interestingly, I did not see many flags in US either. My best guess is that there may be a lot of flags waving on someones private property in a suburb, whereas the city centers and apartment buildings are virtually flag-free, like everywhere else.The only occasions when I saw a lot of flags waving “privately” anywhere in the world were on national holidays, during major sport events, and at political demonstrations. (In wars too, but let’s leave this out of discussion)Some examples:My best guess is that idea of waving a flag outside of such occasions would be considered odd by most people and that waving foreign flags would be considered twice as odd as that. If one or two people do it, it would be seen as a form of extravagance. If many immigrants live in one place and suddenly decide to wave the flags of their country of origin all over the place, this would in my opinion lead to problems anywhere in the world.Personally, I would never think of waving “my” flag on a foreign soil and I would consider it rude if other people do it - except for some special occasions like the ones that are listed above.Now back to Austria. According to Facts and figures - Viennese population according to migration background, 704k (38%) of the Viennese have “migration background”(+) and 504k (27%) a foreign nationality. For almost 100k people this background is Serbian, followed by Turkish (76k), German (55k), Polish (51k), Bosnian (40k), Romanian (33k), Croatian (26k) etc. We also have 27k of people with African origin and 101k with “Asian” - including middle east.Vienna is a peaceful city and all these people live and work together or at least next to each other without much fuss. However, Croatia and Bosnia were at war against Serbia in the 90-es, many people from south-eastern European countries have old feuds against Turks, and everyone still remembers the WW2. Not to mention the feuds between different African and Asian nations and the fact that the Austrian right-wing populists consider all these foreigners a “problem that needs to be resolved” and actively look for occasions to point a finger at any real or perceived breach of “code of conduct” by foreigners.To come back to start of this text: Austria is a flag-adverse country and Vienna even more so. Apart for flag-waving not being a part of the Austrian culture, doing so by some of the migrants group is a receipt for upsetting both locals and other migrants.To the best of my knowledge, one does not wave flags in Austria and even less so in Vienna, except for a few special occasions (e.g. football WM). It’s not part of the culture. “It isn’t done”(*). Anyone who would do so would strike out like a sore thumb and very likely offend both the natives and many of the migrants from other countries.As for the special case of Turkish flags in Austria” that have gained attention last days, I am not sure how much this issue has been blown out of proportions. I haven’t seen any flags today - including any Turkish flags. They could have been taken down in the meantime. Maybe this is a local issue only in Wiener Neustadt or maybe it’s just invented to earn a few points in a local politics.(*) please note that “it isn’t done” phrase implies that doing so would be a bad idea. Gross, uncivilized, rude…(+) Either they migrated to Austria or their parents did so

What are your thoughts on the Polish woman being arrested for 'offending religious feelings' after she posted posters that show a famed icon of Jesus and the Virgin Mary with rainbow halos?

OK, the story is real and current (May 2019). My report here comes from a strongly partisan source (myself), but, all my jokes below notwithstanding, the issue does have two sides which I discussed hotly with people I deeply respect, and who have opposite opinion from mine. I will try to represent both sides as best as I can below, but I cannot resist expressing my opinions, please bear with me.A Polish female middle-age activist, Elżbieta Podleśna, was visited at her Warsaw home, 6am Monday morning, by six police officers, because of being a suspect in a crime case. Police took all her phones, computers and such, and took her to another city (Płock, 100 km to the North).What is notable, police at the scene was apologizing rather profusely, and immediately called (as her phones were kept as evidence) her lawyer, 6am and that.The lawyer called off his Monday schedule and hopped into his car for a drive to Płock.The city of Płock was the crime scene, so investigation was conducted there. Upon arrival, Elżbieta was told that she will be detained for 24 hrs at least, her bra was taken from her. She somehow hanged on to her pantyhose, though it was demanded as well. Her DNA, fingerprints and such were collected per normal criminal procedure and such.Meanwhile, her lawyer demanded the name signed under the investigation warrant, asked the local prosecutor for appropriate legal document sanctioning detention (as required by law), and the Polish Internet started screaming for the names of the officials involved. Mainstream newspapers had put the story on front pages early afternoon.The local prosecutor issued (after lengthy delays) a statement that he did not authorize detention. The name on the warrant was not to be found, finally police issued a statement that they acted independently, to hold the criminal suspect they got on the trail of. With that, Elżbieta was released from police custody by 4pm same day, Monday. Phones etc were kept.The crime being investigated was that someone in Płock, some time after Easter, had put up on the streets near one of local parish churches, posters with a photograph of a painting of Mary Mother of Jesus[1][1][1][1], with her infant. The photograph is that of the most recognized in Poland painting of this type, a painting interwoven with the Polish national history, kept within a national shrine (Częstochowa) for centuries. That painting is a goal of pilgrimages, every year, for centuries, of hundreds of thousands of Polish Catholics. In communist times, one of essential threads keeping the Polish society together against communist attempts to break society bonds, norms and traditions, was a reverse pilgrimage. Copies of that painting were traveling, official religious events organized by the Polish Catholic Church, from one small parish to another, across Poland, symbolizing that there is something which still holds Poland together, against the face of a totalitarian communist system.The alleged crime was in replacing the painting’s original golden halos of Mary and Jesus, in that poster action, with the LGTB rainbows. Polish Penal Code has a paragraph making “publicly disrespecting the object or place of a religious cult” a crime, 2 year prison term.OK, the above is the gist of the story. Below my, and opposing view comments, a section much longer I am afraid.My first remark is that the police action was possibly for another reason. Elżbieta is one of the grassroots activists of the protests against Polish Government actions of the last 4 years. She just came back, last weekend, from Netherlands where she worked with local Amnesty International chapter to report on the situation in Poland and shot a short film [2][2][2][2]calling for citizen’s activism and providing suitable instructions.She is obviously a government critic, and, according to government propaganda statements, government enemy. She is also an open declared enemy of that government propaganda, an affection which is cordially and generously reciprocated.Going international, by Elżbieta, that Amnesty International stage, was raising her actions by a significant notch.There is another background important issue as well. That parish in Płock had decorated the traditional (inside parish church) Easter Christ burial cave rendition with symbolism stating that Christ was crucified because of sins like “LGBT” and “gender”, among plethora of other sins. The posters constituting the crime in question are thought as being an answer to that, by people who felt targeted.Now, using Easter Christ burial cave rendition for strong statements has a tradition in Poland. In communist times, those decorations often included implicit anti-communist statements, and communist authorities harassed parish priests for that. Therefore there is a legitimate question, whether the parish pastor broke societal norms with this decoration, and the answer, whether one is pro- or against LGBT movement, is not that clear. I personally would not like to see decorations like this. But, precedent, freedom of religion, private church space, it is not clear. Needless to say, some local parish people felt deeply offended. This is a reverse side of the Polish coin - the Church cannot quite claim “being private”. Not in Poland.OK, now that Madonna with a rainbow. There are two ways to look at this, and I would like readers, whatever personal opinion, to ponder both ways.One, “blasphemy”. I totally skip theological issues. But for many Catholics, that “Madonna with LGBT rainbow” was like a dog pissing on a lamppost to mark the territory. A symbol central to someone’s identity/belief, appropriated and “desecrated”. If LGBT is a sin, splashing the LGBT symbol on Madonna was a clear in-your-face statement.Even more, my son is just passing final high school exams and pointed to me that our national poet, Adam Mickiewicz, in his mostly rebellion-against-everything national epic, “Dziady”, has a verse on a special place of Madonna in the Polish culture. His main character is ready to rebel against God Himself, but keeps reverence to Mary as the last thing of tradition he is not throwing away. That poem you have to know, thick pages of it, to graduate.So, this view, if there was ever a reason for that Polish Penal Code paragraph, this would be it.But there is another way to look at those events, the one I subscribe to. Someone from LGBT community felt excluded by that church decoration. Exclusion makes people feel alone, unloved, rejected. Mary Mother of Jesus, holding the Child, is the very symbol of love and unconditional acceptance. So, another way to look at the same story, someone, LGBT community, cried and claimed that he/she has also a share of that love, acceptance, belonging to both religious and wider tradition and community. The same act may look very differently.All this points to the risk of that Penal Code paragraph. A religious way out of it would be to leave it to God. Only He knows, what is in person’s heart. We humans, can look at the same thing, and see/judge differently, in both cases for good reasons.Here I end the serious part of the text. I still want to note, light note, that this thing really blew up Polish Internet. People started posting centuries old religious art with prominent rainbows (e.g. Noah story). Catholics claiming “I do not feel offended, this is ridiculous”. Analysis pointing that real rainbow, old art as well, has seven colors, which is a symbol of perfection, while them LGBT people worship six-colored rainbow, and everybody knows what “6” is a symbol of! (damn, I got a giggling association only now, I swear I did not see it before). Analysis pointing out that the LGBT rainbow misses the blue color, and blue is the sixth color in the “legitimate” rainbow, and the sixth Commandment prohibits any other sexual relation than that between married man and woman. People claiming (well into the life of the story) that those posters were put on things (exclusively?) like public toilets and trash cans. People posting in their TT or FB those rainbow Madonnas. People writing to prosecutors for action on those TT or FB rainbow Madonnas. And so on.And, by the way, that prosecutor which decided not to sign the arrest warrant and commented “not me” on the case, has now an official gag order from his government superiors.Note (May 24th 2019): polls taken around May 20th indicate that a vast majority of people in Poland who, for those polls, declare as Catholic, do not feel that their religious feelings were offended by Mary with an LGTB halo.Footnotes[1] Black Madonna of Częstochowa - Wikipedia[1] Black Madonna of Częstochowa - Wikipedia[1] Black Madonna of Częstochowa - Wikipedia[1] Black Madonna of Częstochowa - Wikipedia[2] Amnesty NL on Twitter[2] Amnesty NL on Twitter[2] Amnesty NL on Twitter[2] Amnesty NL on Twitter

Can an individual invest profitably in the stock market, using value investing and deep value investing strategies?

Value investment traces its origin back to Security Analysis and The Intelligent Investor books by Benjamin Graham in which he advocated detailed analysis of fundamental metrics to buy the stocks which are trading at a discount to its intrinsic value. Warren Buffet, one of the most famous students of Benjamin Graham, showed all of us the power of value investing to generate higher returns.In a nutshell, the answer is, yes, an individual can invest profitably in the stock market through value investment strategy.Source: Quantitative Value Investing Strategy In PythonInvesting in value stocks vs. growth stocksAccording to a study by Brandes, value investing has substantially outperformed the market and growth stocks over long periods of time.They have used a simple valuation metric such as P/E, P/B, and P/CF to identify value and growth stocks. [1]One approach used was to sort all the stocks by P/B and then classify top 10% as the growth stocks and bottom 10% as the value stocks. They observed in the rolling 5-year periods that value stocks did much better than growth stocks.Value outperformed Growth (Glamour) in more periods and longer stretches [2]However, I believe much of the analysis conducted by value investors—reading financial statements and assessing relative valuations—can be done faster, more effectively, and across a wider group of securities through an automated process. Quantitative value investment strategy is an effort to identify the most robust long-term focused value stocks.ApproachQuantitative value investment strategy approach can be defined in the following manner.Identify the full set of stocksScreen for value and qualityInvest with convictionA full list of stocks is defined from small cap to large cap and stocks with low liquidity and trading restrictions are excluded. Then filter based on various quantitative fundamental parameters to form a portfolio of cheapest and high-quality stocks.Let’s see how this can be done in Python.Import the librariesThe first step is to import the necessary libraries namely pandas, BeautifulSoup, and requests.import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs import requests Define method to extract fundamental dataNext is to use - Stock Screener to retrieve the base URL which stores the fundamental parameter of a stock and apply the ‘requests.get’ function on the URL which creates a response object. You can check whether the request was successfully executed by checking the status code. Then, BeautifulSoup library is used to pull data from that page.def get_fundamental_data(df):   for symbol in df.index:  url = (" - Stock Screener" + symbol.lower())   soup = bs(requests.get(url).content, 'lxml')  for m in df.columns:  df.loc[symbol][m] = fundamental_metric(soup,m)  return df Then, define a method to return the fundamental metric from the page. The required fundamental metric, along with the soup object is passed to this function and it returns the value of that fundamental metric.def fundamental_metric(soup, metric):   return soup.find(text = metric).find_next(class_='snapshot-td2').text Define a list of stocks and the fundamental metricsHere we define the list of stocks such as Amazon, Google, etc and stored it in stock_list and similarly, define the fundamental parameters required and store it in metric. The full list of the fundamental metrics available can be found at the - Stock Screener.stock_list = ['AMZN','GOOG','PG','KO','IBM','DG','XOM','KO','PEP','MT','NL','ALDW','DCM','GSB','LPL'] metric = ['P/B',  'P/E',   'Forward P/E',  'PEG',  'Debt/Eq',  'EPS (ttm)',  'Dividend %',  'ROE',  'ROI',  'EPS Q/Q',  'Insider Own'  ] The get_fundamental_data function defined earlier is called and the fundamental metric returned is stored in the DataFrame for all the stocks.df = pd.DataFrame(index=stock_list,columns=metric) df = get_fundamental_data(df) print df.head() Stock screeningBased on these fundamental data, I have defined a Buffet-inspired stock screening model to identify stocks that will be part of my long portfolio. The criteria are:Businesses which are quoted at low valuationsP/E < 20P/B < 3df = df[(df['P/E'].astype(float)<20) & (df['P/B'].astype(float) < 3)]However, these ratios would differ from sector to sector for simplicity I’m using this numbers.Businesses which have demonstrated earning powerEPS Q/Q > 10%df['EPS Q/Q'] = df['EPS Q/Q'].map(lambda x: x[:-1]) df = df[df['EPS Q/Q'].astype(float) > 10] Businesses earning good returns on equity while employing little or no debtDebt/Eq < 1ROE > 10%df['ROE'] = df['ROE'].map(lambda x: x[:-1]) df = df[(df['Debt/Eq'].astype(float) < 1) & (df['ROE'].astype(float) > 10)] Management having substantial ownership in the businessInsider own > 30%df['Insider Own'] = df['Insider Own'].map(lambda x: x[:-1])df = df[df['Insider Own'].astype(float) > 30] print df.head() These are only some of the criteria. You may add more criteria to select stocks for your portfolios. Using Python, I was easily able to get data, create filters and identify the value stocks. However, this would have been very cumbersome to do in Excel.You should be able to improve upon the edge that value investors can get through the addition of this simplistic Quantitative Value Investing Strategy In Python.FootNotes[1][2]

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