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Have you ever been carrying a weapon legally and been chastised and reprimanded by someone?

Thanks for the a2a.Literally happens all the time. Happened today I went into the bank with my concealed carry pistol on me. I know the bank’s owners and every employee as they have watched me grow up from a little kid into the guy I am today. Lady walks up to me and asks if I am a cop while I'm filling out a check. I tell her no and she gets all sorts of nasty. Saying things like I like watching dead kids on the news, swearing, cursing, just being a hate filled troll. The manager asked her to leave, that her language was inappropriate. She went ballistic: “I'm moving fucking banks, I wont bank with any bank that supports these dead kid loving backwards intolerant racist hicks.” She even began throwing k cup pods at us from the Keurig coffee maker as two police officers walked her out of the bank and issued her a no trespass order.Last week I went into Walmart and a young kid with basketball hoops for ear lobes and bunch of piercings flaked out cause I was open carrying my concealed everyday carry handgun.I open carry because of the store’s rent-a-barney-fife security officers. They are rejects and dropouts of the police academy but think they’re King Johnny Law. I would always get stopped by them because they’d have some fictitious problem, like they thought I was stealing or looked or behaved suspiciously. They'd demand to see my concealed carry license which I’d present but they’d think was fake. They’d then call the cops. While waiting for the real police they'd want to see a copy of my background check for when I bought my handgun. I would politely decline saying that's private information and I do not carry it. They'd have a problem with that and make up a law like failing to furnish a background check when asked by law enforcement. I’d offer them my hunter’s ed card instead. because the hunter’s ed is the alternate to the state’s blue card for handgun training because hunter’s ed teaches both long gun and handgun safety. They’d get bent out of shape and accuse me of providing false documents. Real cops show up and straighten out the barney fifes and away I'd go after a 20 minute ordeal.Anyway this kid gets pissed off i have a handgun on me and legit walks around behind me while I’m in Walmart spouting off all sorts of vitriol like how I sit on the couch and jack off at the carnage of another mass shooting. A number of others complained with small children and he got banned from the store.Week before that I was scolded nowhere nearly as harshly by a nice grandmotherly like lady who was simply misinformed. Telling me shame on me I don't need a gun like that and all you need is a single shot musket and that's what the second amendment is all about and that I should turn it into police and think of the children next time. Well I struck up a conversation about my gun store and how when I first went into business an employee's 2 time convicted felon boyfriend tried to run me off the road in my 1986 m35a2 in his 1996 impala. That at the time I had $100,000 in cash on me and was unarmed. Long story short he tried to ram my truck and when he did he spun out and went down an embankment. I called 911, reported it and informed them of my location and was going for the nearest police department that I had a lot of money with me.Of course she had the “why not hire an armored car then” and I had to explain how the armored car companies that are local are fairly anti-gun.Since then she'll not say anything if we cross paths.Do not even have to be in public and it'll happen. You'll get anti-hunter anti-gun mountain bikers who'll go out of their way to blow your hunt. Though they tend to sing a different tune when faced with a cop or DEM officer threatening to charge them with a felony for hunter harassment.I have come to the conclusion either these sorts of bigots (the proper usage of bigot is someone who is intolerant of others who hold different opinions not the usually usage of bigot where they use it improperly to demonize people who don't agree with their opinion) are the majority or that I just live in a bigoted area in New England’s blue wall. Either way it is the downside of gun ownership, never mind the constant toxic media spin.Edit-may 19th 2019- while discussing this answer with another individual over the life of a gun owner and the hatred and bile heaped our way. I shared the story of kaitlin bennet a activist of many constitutional rights and womens rights. She recently shared her story in her own words that I feel gives a perspective of that of a female gun owner. Her story is linked below.Edit september 3rd 2019: I wanted to show that it happens even without being in public even when you don’t have a gun on you. It can happen here on quora or any online platform. It does not even have to be for talking about guns but helping people understand why certain guns are used for a lawful sporting purpose. However the only alteration to the following has been for their privacy. It has been done to prevent violence, harassment or negative reaction all of which I do not condone.

How do mainland Chinese feel about the protests in Hong Kong on the extradition law amendment?

[Edit in 22 July]Finally, people of Yuen Long had enough with this nonsense and decide to protect their home.Defend the harmony of Yuen Long, protect local peace. ——6th village of Yuen Long.1899, British army invaded Yuen Long, and went into the heavy resistance of local people.1941, Japanese army invaded Yuen Long, and went into the local guerrillas2014, when the rioters of occupying central invaded Yuen Long, they got kicked away by locals.2019, the rioters wanted to take over Yuen Long again, and got defeated one more time.Yuen Long people are native HK people. Because of the unification, defeated invaders one time after the other. As a Yuen Long resident, I sincerely invite people living in other regions to move here. (I am not sure about the last sentence, since its Cantonese).#Yuen Long people are true HK people #I love Yuen Long.Protect Yuen Long, protect homeland.Put the fight aside, strive for HK.The hope of HK is in Yuen Long. Tonight, the Yuen Long people which are mainly hakka wearing white shirts, holding Chinese flags, pushed all the way to Admiralty, and had encountered the HK separatist who are mainly South Asian immigrant and wearing black shirts.Most black shirts ran away. Some of them were concentrated to the middle section, and avoid being beaten up by the local police. (my comment: If you remember those “protecters” surrounding police HQ)Earlier this day, those black shirts, by the support of foreign intelligence, assaulted LOCPG office and paint insulting words such as “chink” on the walls.Tonight those rioters wearing black shirts and masks going to Yuen Long to make chaos. They got beaten by the local people and ran away, some got protect by the police and got away safely. Those fuckers (this is about the same as what the original post) beat up police when it’s peaceful, and asking protection from the police when facing situations. Really some “XXXXXXX”.applauding for the Yuen Long locals, it’s very satisfying to the people.I believe above photo is where the LOCPG office located. Its initial name in Chinese is “中联办”, and the rioters painted “支联办”. “支” is from “支那”, which is an insulting word of China in Japanese, much like “Chink” in English.Now you know the real purpose of this so called “anti extradition law protest” is really about, “to split HK from China”.Some of the paint this. It means that “the enmity in Yuen Long must be revenged”. But as the people who I quoted above mentioned, most of the rioters are descendants of Southeast Asian immigrants, their Chinese are not so good.The word enmity仇 was initially written as 愁, which meaning being sad, being worried, or sorrow. And this is not the only example of their poor Chinese skill:They forgot to take the pills of mental illness.(in the photo) Does your mother know that you fucked at the wrong side?This is a traditional Chinese way of insulting people, by insulting their mothers. Unfortunately, the person who painted this doesn't know who to write the “fuck” in traditional Chinese, which is being used in HK.Yuen Long has officially become the safest community in HKThey simply don’t know how to write death when trying to screw up Yuen Long.Always assaulting police. But can do nothing without police.Finally seeing some normal HK people.They went into Yuen Long during occupying central, but got nothing. Yuen Long people are great!This is some HK people commenting on what happened in Yuen Long.They were the Yuen Long warriors, using sticks (not lethal, but very capable of making some damage) to “educate” those rioters. Most of them are middle aged, some even with white hair. They know what was like during the colonial era, they value the current lives.But no surprisingly, their voluntarily behavior was reported as “local mafia hurting random people supported by SAR government”.So they were expressing righteousness when assaulting police and beating up random people who are determined as covered up police by the rioters, and the western media tried their best to justify the violence by saying that they were oppressed.When local people had enough and decided to fight for their own rights and protect their home, suddenly it’s wrong.Western media only want to see China in chaos, at least HK. They don’t give a damn about the righteousness whatsoever. It’s just a concept which serves their interest.And yet, Beijing still hasn’t expressed any interest to interfere with HK local issue. Which makes some people become inpatient and start to ask whether the HK protect would become Tiananmen Square Incident in 1989.In 1989, the organizers were trying to force CCP to make wrong moves, such as killing students. Eventually the scene they were looking for never happened. This is why you only got some irrelevant pictures when articles saying that “thousands of dead student piled up like a small hill in Beijing”.Some claim 2 million HK people joining the protect, some claim 4 million. They want you to believe that this is the majority and the mainstream of HK. Anyone with any common sense would see through such lies. a quarter or half of the people not working would cause the city being totally paralyzed. Do you see HK stopped operating?[2nd edit in 22nd]During the recent riot, a driver was beaten up quite badly. He was delivering goods, and got blocked by the rioters.He asked the rioters to move the roadblock since he has a work to do, but got no response. Then he decided to move them on himself.Naturally, he got surrounded and beaten up. He yelled “just don’t touch my van” but got ignored. As you can see, his van was ruined, possibly alone with his work.You can see the rioters wearing black shirts and masks.This is why people in Yuen Lang had enough. Those young people could do whatever they like, as long as they don’t mess up with other people’s business.During the recent riots, people find some foreign faces keep appearing:Of course, such huge movement cannot organize itself. There must be a HQ to organize and coordinate.After being defeated in Yuen Lang, the rioters had announced their new ops in 27:Japanese made a Nanking massacre. People know that we HK people always admire Japan. This time it’s going to be a Yuen Lang massacre.Scares your mom. It’s not going to be only burning down your house, how about burn down you whole villageJust like the katanas from Japanese soldiers, kill youuse duct tape to bind fruit knife at the tip of a stick. This can be used as both spear and javelin. Must kill themLet’s see if they are as brave as they claimed to be.[Edit in 1st July, there is a summary done by someone else at the end of the answer]Since this question is about “feel”, I suppose presenting facts are not important here.To be honest, I couldn’t care less about what kind of mess some HK people caused this time. There are PLA troops in HK.But just to be fair, I did a small research 1 minute ago to see what’s “extradition law” really is:HK used to have the extradition agreement with 20 nations and regions. Now the HK government wants to include PRC inner land, Macau and Taiwan.We all know that HK is an important relay of anti-China organizations. HK’s geographical position gives those organizations an unique advantage of doing anti-China business safely but still in China.But the beginning of this was a murder case.They are 陳同佳/Chen Tong Jia(left) and 潘曉穎/Pan Xiao Ying(right). He murdered her in Taipei, in 17th Feb 2018. I don’t care about the story between them, because a murder is a murder.He ran back to HK at the same day. While the mother of the victim didn’t notice until 5 March. But it was too late, since there was no extradition agreement between HK and Taiwan, the murderer literally got away.HK authority could only charge him with money laundering and theft. Eventually he got in jail for 29 months, and will be out of jail this October due to behaving nicely in jail.The amending of the law is to make sure that he would be moved to Taiwan police and get the sentence he deserves.The opposition parties in HK immediately claimed that this amending will damage the freedom of speech in HK, since all the “political criminals” will be extradited to inner land China.[rewrite paragraph] The extradition law clearly states that only the criminals who committed felonies which have more than 7 year jail time would be extradited. The existing extradition law has 46 crimes included, but the definition or range of “felony” must be agreed by both parties, i.e. between HK and others. With Finland, 21 are agreed. 27 with Canada, 30 with Holland, 31 with Australia, and all 46 of them with Germany. Any crime outside of the 46 crimes are not allowed to extradite.Besides above mentioned part, there are also 8 kind of criminals which would never be extradited, including news, speech, academic, and publishing related cases. So all the so called “political criminals” would not be transferred to inner land China, according to the amending.[edit in 13th] Plus, any extradition must be on trail by the HK court, and be supervised by the public.[edit in 13th] According to what I know, above mentioned criteria are already in the existing extradition law. The amending is mainly about the applied areas, which is to include inner land China, Macau, and Taiwan. So if the opposition parties are having problems with the law, they should spoke out years ago. Then it’s about PRC government. But do you know that the police of inner land China has been extraditing criminals to HK for years?[edit in 13th] Above screenshot is about a 41 year old HK resident who murdered someone in a currency exchange shop. HK police required Cantonese police based on the cooperation mechanism to chase down the suspect. He was caught and being investigated by the Cantonese police by the time the news was out. Once his identification was verified, he would be transferred to HK.But the news or media is never about the truth, because “consensus is more important than truth”. Take witch hunt as an example. It didn’t matter if she was a witch, as long as everyone else felt good when seeing her got burned. The key point is manipulation of people’s minds, to make them think that burning the witch is the only way to save everyone.Due to not having a proper extradition agreement with most of the places, HK is in fact a safe haven for criminals, and HK authority is not happy about this image of HK.Funny thing is that US government claimed that amending the extradition law of HK will damage the national security and interests of US.Well I do know that USA and Canada are famous in China for being the paradise of corrupt officers. Whenever a CCP officer steal million of money from Chinese people, they always go to north America for asylum, because they know that US and Canadian government would support them, and there is no extradition agreement between the 2 and China.Pardon my sloppy answer.But this is really just another negative example of democracy, I mean for us PRC citizens.The truth is not important. The only thing matters is to waste public resource for party fights and gain political interests for the party or certain persons.[edit in 13th] The extradition law of HK itself has all the limitation to make sure criminals won’t be transferred without a fair reason. The whole progress is supervised by the public, and the law has functioned for years.[edit in 13th] So when the opposition parties talking about not trusting PRC government, they are really questioning a HK law, i.e. themselves, since HK has its own law system, and Beijing doesn’t interfere with it. A good system should prevent what they claim to prevent from happening from happening. Clearly they have no faith on their own system.[edit in 13th]Someone in the comment posted an screenshot about a KOL of the protest.In the screenshot, the KOL was asking everyone in the transportation system to paralyze the economy and the social operation of HK. This is the real purpose of this protest. To hell with the freedom of speech.[edit in 13th] I would not be surprised if some foreign intelligence agencies were found to be involved.[2nd edit in 13th] I just realized that my answer is off centered again. It’s all about the facts of this protect and the extradition law. I suppose that it’s because I can only be convinced by solid facts.If you ask about my feeling towards this protect, I can hardly say a thing, because I couldn’t care less about what those paid-to-mess-up-HK people think. The PLA troops are still in HK, what could go wrong?[3rd edit in 13th] It’s just the same old trick done by UK and USA. Do you still remember what happened before the Arabic Spring, Ukraine democratic revolution, and the Collapse of USSR? All the same tricks, to cause internal conflicts by challenging the local values and trash the local authorities.The more chaotic HK is, the more anti “western” democracy PRC would be. The lack of development potential and speed of HK in the recent years are all because of internal conflicts. The government could hardly focus on anything useful.The first government of HKSAR wanted to build more public apartments to lower the living cost of average HK people. But the project was opposed by the capitalists and the people who already owned apartments, because it would cause the price of apartment to decline. Between 2007 and 2017, the price of apartment went up for 100%, while the income only increased for 50%. In 2017, only 49.5% families have their own apartments, and it was 52.9% in 2002 when the public apartment was abandoned.In 2017, the median of apartment size per capita in HK was 10 square meters, and the average size of apartment per capita is less than 4.45 square meters. So how small it is? I crafted a bed for myself, and it’s 2.4*2.4=5.76 m^2. This is what the democracy provided to the HK people. Those who had bought apartments and houses joined together with the real estate companies to suppress the poor level, and it was all done by HK people. Beijing was supporting the chief of HKSAR to build public apartments.HK people feel the increasing pressure in their daily lives, but they don't know the root of it. 900 thousand people signed online to support the amending, while the maximum number of participators of the recent protects is only over 10 thousand. Have you seen this trend from your media? Did you media give you the hint that the majority of HK people oppose the amending?[edit in 14th] Although my answer got collapsed due to a weird excuse, I still need to share something which I just recently learned:The HK government wasn’t totally innocent in this chaos. Taiwan authority sent a request of extraditing the suspect (of the murder, he got sentenced in HK due to stealing money from the girl’s bank account and her cellphone), and didn’t got any feedback for about 4 months. HK government simply ignored the request from Taiwan.Now they want to push the amend to be passed in a short period of time to be able to transfer the murderer to Taiwan before he got released in October. When this is pushed in such hurry, the opposition parties could easily find all kinds of reason to stall it.But still, I don’t think that PRC government needs such law to get those “political criminals” back to inner land China:They won’t be sentenced in HK for overthrowing PRC government at the first place.It won’t be easy to find another crime to sentence them. and the opposition parties would love to see it happening.Kidnapping or assassination is not a big deal for any government.The majority of anti-China people are in the US and Germany. Having HK cooperating with Beijing doesn’t help much.So if there is no reason for Beijing to do so, why accusing Beijing for “about to do it”?Edit in 24 June:This “peaceful” protest has been escalated to a whole new level, and became a riot.Above is a summarization of the recent activity. It’s not about the extradition law amendment at all, it’s the same old shit of creating chaos in HK. Basically their tactic is to flooded every public service and government office possible to paralyze the society.During all these, a familiar face popped out:Who is this person?He’s the one who appears in every riot and claim to establish a independent Hong Kong as a country. So you would know what’s these all about.Besides, some posted terrorist speeches online, for example:Establishing school bullying culture towards children of police, defending out city.You and your parents, brothers and sisters, teachers, going on the street to against the police.School mates should be in school and against the children of the police. Sending them a clear information that this disaster will effect their (police) wives and children. The hatred of justice must be claimed.But I have a little doubt about “marginalizing at least one child of the police till death before graduation”, only a little.Huh, peaceful protect about extradition law amending?Several thousands people totally surrounded the HK police HQ, and let no one leave.They blocked all the cameras with umbrellas and taps, so that no official video evidence would be found.Funny thing that UK flag appeared in this riot. What’s funnier is that most of the young HK people don’t know that HK used to have no democracy during British colony era. The chief of HK used to be appointed by the Queen, and HK people were the 3rd degree citizen in the 60’s, and the 1st level was white people, 2nd level was Indians and other English speaking colored people. HK people used to fight against such social level, the solution of HK government was to shoot them.During the riot, people found something/someone interesting:Possible foreign intelligence agency personnel giving instructions/orders and monitoring.So do the majority of HK people support this riot? Probably not. Simple logic: those who don’t support this are most likely peaceful. They don’t want to make a counter move to push this into even more intensive situation.But some of them did spoke out:They hosted an event to support HK police and bless HK one day after the riot.many of them expressed their opinions:little girl in the red skirt: We have had enough!the other little girl: punish the rioter and the organizer. support police, enforce the law in the white shirt and the lady: (this is really hard to translate) (begin from second sentence) they brainwash the student and make them into losers. Poor parents have no solution.Each protect have roughly several thousand to over 10 thousand participators. But the online signing movement to support HK government had already about 1 million people.Rumors and false news saying that 2 million HK people went on street to protect. Let’s put aside that 2 million is 1/3 of the total population in HK, 2 million people would fill up a street which is 15 kilometers long, and yet we haven’t seen such thing.This is why more and more young people in mainland China dislike/disagree with western democracy. What the west told us to do is nothing like what the west actually does.Edit in 1 July:There was a event recently to support HK government:“Support the police, enforce the law strictly”This event was huge.Look at those people. The flag in the bottom right says “support the government of special administration region” which means HK government.thumbs up for the government“There is no better, it’s already the best” (means the HK police)Famous local actors and singers stand up to back up the governmentIt was raining, and yet those celebrities were there to support HK government. The one holding the mic is one of the most famous HK singer of all time. The man in the white shirt is one of the most famous HK singer and actor.I don’t know if you realize this:The ones who are opposing HK government are mainly white people and young locals, and the ones who support HK government are mainly locals and older.Those who had experience the colony era understand the prosperity of HK has barely anything to do with British government, thus they value the current live more.Those who were burned after 1997 and influenced by the western media are easier to think the colony era was better and everything is Beijing’s fault. HK is a free port, the western propaganda can have its maximum effect there.I also found a better summarization on Weibo to give you a full picture about this incident:It’s nature that some HK people don’t want to amend the extradition law. Because if there was no amendment, they’d brake laws in inner land China and being fine just running back to HK. They surely want to maintain their privilege of being the higher citizen to the inner land Chinese. But it’s quite odd when some inner land Chinese oppose this too.HK has its extradition law long ago with 20 jurisdiction regions, but not including inner land China.This amendment only change 2 or 3 clauses to include inner land China, Macau and Taiwan in it. It doesn't change the existing structure of the law. What’s extraordinary is that the opposing parties said that Taiwan is OK, but inner land China is not, if you consider that HK is a special administration region of PRC but ROC.The key point is that after this amendment, only 37 kinds of felonies which are internationally agreed would be included. It doesn’t involve the opposers’ favorite areas such as “news, publishing, academics, speech, protecting, etc”, even cyber crime and insider trading are not included.This amendment also include “8 not extradited”:killing 10 people in inner land China could be sentenced with death penalty, therefore no extradition.crimes being considered as high treason or splitting country are not the case in HK and don’t fit the standard of “double crime”, therefore no extradition.political crimes are not included.being charged due to race, religion, nationality or political reasons, no extradition.raping women in inner land China or HK people raping inner land women, since raping in HK would be sentenced with less than 7 year jail time, therefore no extradition.The authority of extradition does not belong to the chief of HK government nor the legislative council but to the court.About the last paragraph, I haven’t confirmed by myself yet, but I found something:This above screenshot listed every judge in the highest court of HK, and they are all either foreigner or having double nationalities. 英国, British; 澳大利亚, Australia; 新西兰, New Zealand; 英属百慕大, British Bermuda.It means that the authority to rule extradition is not possible to be controlled by Beijing, since the court is practically controlled by London. Now you know why British flags and British people are everywhere in each incident in HK, don't you? (I’d like to see some evident if anyone wants to disagree with it.)

I made a mistake in the application form for UK visa. What should I do?

It depends on the nature of your ‘mistake’. If it is a genuine misunderstanding or a wrong date, you need to get in touch with the embassy and correct it.If you submit a fraudulent document in support of your visa application, not only you risk having your visa refused and being banned from ever being granted a UK visa but you can also be reported to the police and arrested when you arrive for a visa interview. If this is the case it will be up to the state’s prosecutor to decide whether they want to bring charges against you or just give you a fine or dismiss the case.

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