The Guide of completing Cdl Renewal Massachusetts Online
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How to Easily Edit Cdl Renewal Massachusetts Online
CocoDoc has made it easier for people to Fill their important documents across online browser. They can easily Customize through their choices. To know the process of editing PDF document or application across the online platform, you need to follow these steps:
- Open CocoDoc's website on their device's browser.
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Windows users are very common throughout the world. They have met millions of applications that have offered them services in editing PDF documents. However, they have always missed an important feature within these applications. CocoDoc wants to provide Windows users the ultimate experience of editing their documents across their online interface.
The process of editing a PDF document with CocoDoc is simple. You need to follow these steps.
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A Guide of Editing Cdl Renewal Massachusetts on Mac
CocoDoc has brought an impressive solution for people who own a Mac. It has allowed them to have their documents edited quickly. Mac users can fill forms for free with the help of the online platform provided by CocoDoc.
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A Guide of Editing Cdl Renewal Massachusetts on G Suite
Google Workplace is a powerful platform that has connected officials of a single workplace in a unique manner. While allowing users to share file across the platform, they are interconnected in covering all major tasks that can be carried out within a physical workplace.
follow the steps to eidt Cdl Renewal Massachusetts on G Suite
- move toward Google Workspace Marketplace and Install CocoDoc add-on.
- Attach the file and tab on "Open with" in Google Drive.
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- When the file is edited ultimately, share it through the platform.
PDF Editor FAQ
How do you test and study for your CDL?
I ‘grandfathered in’ so didn’t have to study, test or otherwise for mine. The first truck I drove was a 1948 International KB5, hauling logs to sawmills in the Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts. Over the years, even driving part-time, I put on well over a million miles driving everything from small trucks to HUGE tractor-trailer combinations, and lots of fire trucks. That included over 100,000 miles in 2009 alone - which is not unusual for a ‘professional long haul’ trucker.Having said that, I know how to get your license with the most gain and the least pain. I’ve spent nearly 10 years as a CDL trainer/instructor and state-certified evaluator/tester. I’ve seen and worked with a whole lot of ‘student’ or wanna-be, or renewing drivers.In the long run, you’re only going to be as good a driver as your knowledge, awareness and training are. Most do-it-yourself trained truckers are fraught with bad habits, incomplete and wrong information or misunderstandings on what to do, and most don’t pass the test the first, or second time. Even ‘old’ truckers, who are coming back into the profession have problems making the now grade.Company training programs are ‘iffy,’ with hit-and-miss quality of instructors and, at best, part-time attention to what YOU are doing.Most ‘good old boy’ or ‘dad’ trained testers are weak, if not downright dismal because the teaching/training they got is loaded with ‘the way they do it’ - bad habits and all.A good quality, credentialed/accredited truck driver training course is laid out to promote good, safe, knowledgeable, employable drivers. (I’m not talking about ‘training mills’ - the ones that cut corners and don’t really teach the student to be a driver, but only teach them enough to pass the test)A quality course will probably take five-to-eight weeks and get you fully through the written exams - with full awareness of what to do, when, and how; and the basic skills - how to clear and back properly, efficiently and safely; and the driving portion - how to conduct yourself and manage a rig on the road. Most will manage to get you up to a thousand miles on the road of practical training/driving time.If you go through such a course, many employers are lined up at the door looking for quality graduates. And most companies accept a completion certificate from an accredited program (along with the CDL that you now hold) as ‘in-lieu’ of up to a year’s experience.I’ve conducted many, many CDL ‘driving exams.’ The majority of the failures resulted from:inadequate preparation for written, or basic skills, the pre-trip, or ‘the road’wrong information studied/interpretations of manuals wrongbad habits - newly developed or, in the case of old drivers returning, not broken and fixednot knowing exactly what the test was looking for - this one is HUGE, as I’ve had mechanics, for example, who could not pass the pre-trip; they could have rebuilt the truck but couldn’t deliver the necessary information to passGood luck.
Do military vehicles have special licence plates? Do they even have licence plates at all?
Military families have a long checklist of things to do when going through a PCS move. One of those tasks is vehicle registration.Rules and fees for vehicle registration vary by state. Some states don’t require vehicle registration if you’re on military orders, in some states military members are exempt from registration fees, and some states offer special consideration to veterans, such as discounts on registration or license plates.A quick note before you register your vehicle in your new state. Most states require insurance and many will require proof of insurance before you even register your vehicle. If you've moved, your insurance rates will change and your carrier may not offer coverage in your new state.What is the Law for Military Vehicles?The law and regulations that apply to your military vehicle may not be all that clear to the state Department of Motor Vehicles employees. Your situation may be unique in their experience. Don't get into an arguement, but if they are trying to put some unreasonable requirement on you ask them to show you the applicable statute or regulation. Don't accept just a statute number, actually look at the text. It may not say what they think it says. Have with you a copy of the relevant law; you can get these from your state Internet web site or at your library or bookstore. For example, in California you can buy the Motor Vehicle Code in an inexpensive paperback book. Be polite but firm; ask them to explain to you how the law applies to your vehicle. Don't accept some half-ass explanation. Keep saying, "I don't see how that applies to this vehicle". Ask to talk to the Supervisor, Office Manager and up the line. Expect to wait them out.AlabamaMilitary members stationed in Alabama but who aren't residents of Alabama don't have to register their vehicles with the Alabama Motor Vehicles Division as long as they have a current registration in their home state and valid insurance. Military members who are Alabama residents have the same registration process as civilians.AlaskaAs a non-resident you are not required to transfer your title or registration to Alaska. You may retain the registration in the state you are a resident of, according to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA).If you are an Alaskan resident military member stationed outside Alaska, you can renew your vehicle registration in Alaska by mail. Your LES must show Alaska as your home of record.ArizonaActive-duty military personnel stationed in Arizona who are not Arizona residents are exempt from paying the vehicle license tax portion of the annual vehicle registration.When the nonresident service member is assigned overseas and the spouse or dependent must remain in Arizona, the exemption still applies if the nonresident service person was on military assignment in Arizona at the time the overseas orders were issued.Arizona residents who are stationed out-of-state can renew their license online or by mail.Residents can get a one year Special Military Exemption from the payment of vehicle license tax and registration fees. It is available one time per deployment and may be applied for during the time period between the date of deployment until one year after the deployment ends or the member is released from duty. This exemption applies to no more than two vehicles, and each vehicle requires a separate form.ArkansasIf Arkansas is not your home of record you are exempt from assessment and personal property taxes. You must provide a copy of your leave and earnings statement for verification of your home of record and, therefore, cannot renew by phone or internet.For military personnel whose home of record is Arkansas, the requirements are the same as for an Arkansas resident, regardless of where you are stationed.CaliforniaIf you are a nonresident member of the military stationed in California, you can drive a vehicle as long as your out-of-state license remains valid and you're insured.As a California resident, you're eligible for a waiver of the late fee if you're deployed and your registration expires. (Training doesn't count.)ColoradoIf you are stationed in Colorado but a resident of another state, you can register your vehicle without paying ownership tax by completing this Nonresidence and Military Service Exemption From Specific Ownership Tax Affidavit (Form DR 2667) and taking it to your county title and registration office.If you are a Colorado resident stationed out-of-state you may apply for an extension for up to three years by mail. If you have a CDL your license is automatically extended for up to 3 years per Colorado Revised Statute 42-2-118(2) as long as a military ID or military orders are presented with the license.DelawareTo renew a vehicle registration when stationed outside of Delaware, you need to contact the state’s Registration Correspondence Section for an Out-of-State Inspection Packet to be mailed to you provided you are outside a 250 mile radius of a DMV location in Delaware. The packet consists of a safety inspection checklist and an emission test requirements.You can renew your license through the mail if stationed out-of-state.FloridaMilitary members who are both Florida residents and non-residents and are stationed in Florida on military orders are exempt from the $225 initial registration fee on a motor vehicle.HawaiiYou can either keep your home state’s registration or switch to Hawaii’s registration. If you choose to stay with your home state, you will be exempt from the annual weight tax and any excise taxes in Hawaii, but you’ll need to have a vehicle safety inspection.IdahoThere are no provisions in Idaho statute allowing the extension of vehicle registrations for military personnel, so check the expiration date of your vehicles before you deploy or move out of state. You can renew Idaho vehicle registrations from overseas or out of state online.IllinoisMilitary members on active duty outside Illinois, as well as their spouses and children, may drive with an expired license for up to 120 days after their return to the state. A Military Deferral Certificate(s) must be carried with your expired Illinois driver's license. Certificates are available at no charge and may be mailed to your out-of-state address.Vehicle registrations can be renewed online.IndianaIndiana law provides that the driver’s license of any Indiana resident in the military or their dependents remains valid for ninety days after discharge or post-deployment regardless of the expiration date of the license. You may renew your driver's license online if your name and residential address have remained the same since the last time you received a license and your last renewal was in a BMV license branch and you do not have a J restriction or any 2-9 restrictions.If you are a member of the military from another state who is stationed in Indiana, you may renew your vehicle registrations in Indiana.IowaIowa residents in the military must pay the same registration fees that apply to other residents when registering a vehicle in this state. A nonresident member of the military is not required to register a vehicle in Iowa, providing the vehicle is properly registered in the state of residency. A nonresident can register a vehicle in Iowa, if desired, in the same manner as any nonresident..KansasService members stationed outside of Kansas can renew vehicle registration online.KentuckyYou can renew your vehicle registration through the mail with your resident County Clerk's office or online.LouisianaService members registering vehicles in Louisiana, follow the same registration process as permanent residents.MaineYou can renew your registration and license online. You may be eligible for a waiver of the state excise tax if you are a non-resident stationed in Maine.MarylandIf you’re a service member not establishing residency because you are only temporarily stationed in Maryland, you do not need to register your vehicle if it is currently registered in your state of residence If you are establishing residency in Maryland you must title and register your vehicle within one year of moving to Maryland.Maryland residents who buy a used vehicle while stationed outside of Maryland can complete a form to temporarily register their vehicle in Maryland without the safety Inspection. The vehicle must be immediately inspected upon return to Maryland. The military personnel inspection waiver is valid for two years and may be renewed if necessary (if still stationed out-of-state).MassachusettsIf your vehicle was purchased, titled, and registered in your home state, you may retain your home state registration indefinitely, regardless of where you are stationed in the country. The only requirement is that you carry insurance at least equal to Massachusetts minimum levels.MichiganTo apply for a vehicle title and registration in Michigan, an Application for Certificate of Title and Registration must be completed and submitted to the state with payment via mail.MinnesotaIf you’re a non-resident student or member of the military located in Minnesota but claim residency in another state, you do not have to register your car as long as your registration remains current with your home state.Minnesota residents who are active duty military members stationed out-of-state or overseas are exempt from registration tax during your duration of military service, and for 1 year after you complete your military obligation. You must be the vehicle’s owner or co-owner, and your car must remain registered in Minnesota during your active service.MississippiMilitary personnel who are stationed in Mississippi, but claim another state as their home, are not required to obtain a Mississippi registration or tag. Military personnel who are residents of Mississippi are required to register their vehicle in Mississippi.MissouriFor military personnel stationed out of state, you must submit certain documents to register your vehicle, including the Certificate of Title, signed Application for Missouri Title and License (Form 108), your LES and more.MontanaA Montana resident who entered active military duty from Montana, including a National Guard or Reserve member, and who is stationed outside Montana, may register a motor vehicle that he or she owns and operates without paying certain light vehicle registration fees.NebraskaMilitary personnel stationed at a military base or any one of the various recruiting services in Nebraska and who have not established legal residence in Nebraska, may continue to operate their vehicles with current out-of-state license plates or may obtain current Nebraska license plates.NevadaOut-of-state residents on active duty are not required to register their vehicles in Nevada. Spouses are also exempt if the spouse lives in Nevada solely to be with the service member. Service members and spouses who choose to obtain a Nevada registration are eligible for an exemption from the Nevada Governmental Services Taxes on vehicles.The DMV will waive registration late fees for active duty military members assigned to combat or combat support positions.New HampshireRegardless of where you’re stationed, residents of New Hampshire need to register vehicles every year.New JerseyIf you are on active military duty and have been deployed, including New Jersey National Guard and Reserve, you and your immediate family are entitled to automatic extensions for your driver license, registration and inspection requirements. If you enter or are an active member of the U.S. Armed Forces and have a valid New Jersey registration, you can get a refund for the remainder of the registration period.New MexicoNonresident service members stationed in New Mexico can drive vehicles with the plates of your home state or switch registration to New Mexico.New YorkIf you are not able to visit the DMV to register a vehicle, another person can come for you with certain forms. The state of New York also offers a sales tax exemption for vehicles purchased out-of-state by service members.If your New York registration expires while on active duty, registrations can be extended for up to 60 days from return to New York State. Liability insurance coverage must be maintained at all times, including the period of extension.North CarolinaWhen registering your vehicle in the state of North Carolina, you must have certain documents and completed forms.North DakotaIf you’re in the military assigned to North Dakota, you must complete certain forms and out-of-state title must be submitted with completed application.OhioOhio military residents who are currently in state should follow the normal in-state vehicle registration. Non-resident military service members stationed in Ohio are not required to register their vehicles in the state.OklahomaActive duty military personnel who are either residents of, or stationed in, Oklahoma are entitled to a discounted annual registration fee.OregonIf you’re a resident of Oregon, register your vehicle in the state of Oregon. If you are in the military, you may provide a copy of your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) showing Oregon as your home of record. You must still provide your actual residence address, even if it is in another state..PennsylvaniaA service member can maintain Pennsylvania vehicle registration or can title and register the vehicle in the jurisdiction in which he/she is stationed. If your vehicle is registered in Pennsylvania, you must renew the registration annually.Rhode IslandIf you are in the military in Rhode Island, you are required to renew your registration before it expires, even if you are out-of-state at the time.South CarolinaIf you’re a service member stationed in South Carolina, register your vehicle or renew your registration as normal.South DakotaService member stationed out of state can renew vehicle registration online or by mail.TennesseeYou can title, register, and transfer and renew registrations of their vehicles in the county where they are based. All transactions are done through the local county clerk. If Tennessee is listed as your home of record but you have no physical presence in the state, you can submit your application to any county clerk office.TexasIf you are in the military on active duty outside of the state, your Texas driver's license will remain valid unless your license has been suspended, canceled, or revoked. Once you are honorably discharged you will be given an extension of 90 days from the date of your discharge or your return to the state. Your driver's license will be expired after the extension.If you wish to avoid having to renew your driver's license when you return, you may renew by mail.UtahActive-duty military personnel whose legal residence is in another state are permitted to register their motor vehicles in their state of legal residence. Non-resident military personnel who purchase a vehicle in Utah must pay the sales/use tax on the vehicle if they plan to operate the vehicle in Utah; sales tax is due even if they choose to register the vehicle in their home state.Utah residents who are members of the U.S. Armed Services and are stationed out of state may obtain property tax exemption, emissions inspection exemption and safety inspection exemption.VirginiaWhile stationed in Virginia, if you purchase a vehicle, you can register that vehicle in your home state or in Virginia. Vehicles titled and registered in your name may be driven with valid out-of-state license plates.Members of the military may request an extension of their Virginia driver’s license. Note: Commercial driver’s licenses are not eligible for extensions.WashingtonNonresident military personnel on duty in Washington may keep their current state registration or get Washington plates.Washington residents stationed out-of-state can renew their registration online.Washington DCDistrict law requires that all vehicles housed and operated in the District of Columbia must be registered in the District unless the owner displays a reciprocity sticker issued by DC DMV.West VirginiaTo renew your registration while you're stationed out of state, you can renew online with all required information on your insurance, personal property taxes, and a valid credit card for payment.WisconsinVehicle registration renewals may be completed by the military member, a relative or a friend. Options for renewing include on-line, mail and in-person.Upon entering the military, a member may request a refund of the unused portion of a registration fee. A military member on active duty may receive credit for periods of non-operation of less than twelve months.
What aspects of life should have a contract but don't?
Making a baby, a human life, for the love of all that’s good!You have to get licenses to drive, fish, shoot, have a business, sell liquor…the list is below if you want to read it and fall into a coma.Sure, there are marriage licenses, but they have nothing to do with competence, preparation and foresight. All it takes is testosterone and the back seat of a Volvo.Even the bankrupt Boy Scouts know you have to “Be Prepared.”Search termLogin to License eXpress | Office Locations | FormsHomeDriver License & ID CardsVehicle & Boat RegistrationBusiness & ProfessionsList of LicensesMoving to WAList of LicensesA | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | MN | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | ZAAccountants (Board of Accountancy)Acupuncturists, East Asian Medicine Practitioners (Department of Health)Adjusters, Insurance (Office of the Insurance Commissioner)Administrators, Electrical (Labor & Industries)Administrators, Telecommunications (Labor & Industries)Adult Residential Rehabilitation Facilities (Department of Health)Adult Treatment Homes, Private (Department of Health)Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNP) (Department of Health)Agents, Insurance (Office of the Insurance Commissioner)Agents, Real Estate (Department of Licensing)Agents, Travel (Department of Licensing)Agricultural Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Agricultural driver permits (under 18 years old) (Department of Licensing)Aid Services and Vehicles (Department of Health)Aircraft Dealers (Department of Transportation)Aircraft Fuel Distributors (Department of Licensing)Aircraft Registration (Department of Transportation)Alcohol (Liquor and Cannabis Board)Alcohol Treatment Facilities (Department of Health)Alcoholism Hospital (Department of Health)Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Sanctioning Organization (Department of Licensing)Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Training Facility (Department of Licensing)Ambulance Services and Vehicles (Department of Health)Ambulatory Surgical Centers (Department of Health)Amusement Ride Inspectors (Labor & Industries)Animal Massage (Department of Health)Announcers: Boxing, Wrestling, and Martial Arts) (Department of Licensing)Appraisal management companies (Department of Licensing)Appraisers (Department of Licensing)Apprenticeships, Skilled Trades (Labor & Industries)Architects (Department of Licensing)Artists: Tattoo, Body Piercing, and Body Art (Department of Licensing)Asbestos Removal (Labor & Industries)Athletics: Boxing, Wrestling, and Martial Arts (Department of Licensing)Athletic Trainers (Department of Health)Attorneys (Washington State Bar Association)Auctioneers (Department of Licensing)Audiologists (Department of Health)Auto Dealers (Department of Licensing)Automobiles (Department of Licensing)BBail Bonds (Department of Licensing)Barbers/Barber Shops (Department of Licensing)Beauty Salons (Department of Licensing)Bed and Breakfast Facilities (Department of Health)Births (Department of Health)Blind Schools (Department of Health)Boats (Department of Licensing)Body Art Artists (Department of Licensing)Body Piercing Artists (Department of Licensing)Bonds, Bail (Department of Licensing)Boxers, Professional (Department of Licensing)Brokers, Insurance (Office of the Insurance Commissioner)Brokers, Real Estate (Department of Licensing)Bulk Commercial Fertilizer Distributors (Department of Agriculture)Bus Drivers (Department of Licensing)Business Licensing Service (Department of Revenue)CCabs (Department of Licensing)Camping Resorts (Department of Licensing)Cannabis (Liquor and Cannabis Board)Car Dealers (Department of Licensing)Cardiovascular Invasive Specialists (Department of Health)Career Schools, Private (Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board)Cars (Department of Licensing)Cars, Rental (Department of Licensing)Cemeteries (Department of Licensing)Certified Professional Guardian (Administrative Office of the Courts)Certified Public Accountants (Board of Accountancy)Charter Boats (Labor & Industries)Check Cashers and Sellers (Department of Financial Institutions)Chemical Dependency Professionals (Department of Health)Chemical Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Child and Youth Rehabilitation Facilities (Department of Health)Childbirth Centers (Department of Health)Child Care Providers & ECEAP Contractors (Department of Children, Youth, and Families)Child Day Care Centers (Department of Children, Youth, and Families)Chiropractors (Department of Health)Cigarette Retailers (Department of Revenue)Cigarette Vending Machines (Department of Revenue)Cigarette Wholesalers (Department of Revenue)City (Department of Revenue)Civil Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Clandestine Drug Lab Cleanup Workers, Supervisors, and Contractors (Department of Health)Collection Agencies (Department of Licensing)Commercial Drivers (Department of Licensing)Commercial Feed License (Department of Agriculture)Commercial Fertilizer Product Registration (Department of Agriculture)Commercial Telephone Solicitors (Department of Licensing)Community Colleges, Food Services (Department of Health)Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (Department of Health)Concealed Pistols (Department of Licensing)Consumer Loan Companies (Department of Financial Institutions)Contractors (Labor & Industries)Contractors, Electrical (Labor & Industries)Contractors, Elevator (Labor & Industries)Contractors, Farm Labor (Labor & Industries)Contractors, Plumbing (Labor & Industries)Contractors, Pump Installer (Labor & Industries)Contractors, Telecommunications (Labor & Industries)Control Systems Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Corporation/LLC Renewals (Department of Revenue)Cosmetologists (Department of Licensing)Counselors, Certified (Department of Health)Court Reporters (Department of Licensing)Crematories (Department of Licensing)Crisis Shelters (Department of Health)Back to topDDay Care (Department of Children, Youth, and Families)Deaf Schools (Department of Health)Dealers, Firearms (Department of Licensing)Dealers, Off-Road Vehicles (Department of Licensing)Dealers, Snowmobiles (Department of Licensing)Dealers, Vehicles (Department of Licensing)Dealers, Vessels (Department of Licensing)Deaths (Department of Health)Dental Hygienists (Department of Health)Dentists (Department of Health)Denturists (Department of Health)Dialysis Centers (Kidney Centers) (Department of Health)Dietitians (Department of Health)Disabled Parking Privileges (Department of Licensing)Dispensing Opticians (Department of Health)Distributors, Aircraft Fuel (Department of Licensing)Divorces (Department of Health)Doctors (Washington Medical Commission)Domestic Violence Shelters (Department of Health)Driver Training Schools (Department of Licensing)Driver Training School Instructors (Department of Licensing)Drivers (Department of Licensing)Drivers, Enhanced (Department of Licensing)Drug Lab Cleanup Workers, Supervisors, and Contractors (Department of Health)EEast Asian Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists (Department of Health)Egg Handler/Dealers (Department of Revenue)Electrical Contractors (Labor & Industries)Electrical Administrators (Labor & Industries)Electrical Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Electrical Trainees (Labor & Industries)Electricians (Labor & Industries)Elevator Contractors (Labor & Industries)Elevator Mechanics (Labor & Industries)Embalmers (Department of Licensing)EMS (Emergency Medical Service Evaluators) (Department of Health)Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Education (Department of Health)Emergency Medical Technicians (Department of Health)Emissions, Vehicle (Department of Ecology)Employment Agencies (Department of Licensing)Employment Directory Services (Department of Licensing)EMT - Intermediate Level Personnel (Department of Health)End Stage Renal Disease Centers (Department of Health)Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Enhanced Driver License/ID Card (EDL/EID) (Department of Licensing)Environmental Engineers (Department of Licensing)Escrow Agents & Officers (Department of Financial Institutions)Estheticians (Department of Licensing)Explosives (Labor & Industries)Back to topFFamily Therapists (Department of Health)Farm Labor Contractors (Labor & Industries)Farmworker, Migrant Housing (Department of Health)Feed License, Commercial (Department of Agriculture)Ferries, Food Services (Department of Health)Fertilizer Distribution License, Bulk Commercial (Department of Agriculture)Fertilizer Product Registration, Commercial (Department of Agriculture)Financial Planners (Investment Advisers, Investment Adviser Representatives) (Department of Financial Institutions)Firearms (Department of Licensing)Firearm Dealers (Department of Licensing)Fire Protection Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Fire Sprinkler Licensing (Washington State Patrol)Fireworks Licensing (Washington State Patrol)First responders (Department of Health)Fish Buyers (Fish & Wildlife)Fish Dealers,Wholesale (Fish & Wildlife)Fishing Charters (Fish & Wildlife)Fishing Guides (Fish & Wildlife)Fishing, Commercial (Fish & Wildlife)Fishing, Recreational (Fish & Wildlife)Food Services: Community Colleges, Ferries, Misc. State Facilities (Department of Health)Food Worker Card, Food Handler Permit (Department of Health)For Hire Vehicles, Taxis (Department of Licensing)Fuel Distributors, Aircraft (Department of Licensing)Funeral Directors (Department of Licensing)Funeral Homes (establishments) (Department of Licensing)Fur Dealers (Fish & Wildlife)GGambling Licenses (Gambling Commission)Game Farms (Fish & Wildlife)Genetic Counselors (Department of Health)Guardian, Certified Professional (Administrative Office of the Courts)Geologists (Department of Licensing)Guards, Security (Department of Licensing)HHair Salons (Department of Licensing)Health Care (Medical) Assistants (Department of Health)Hearing and Speech (Department of Health)Home Care Aides (Department of Health)Home Care Agencies (Department of Health)Home Inspectors (Department of Licensing)Homeless Shelters (Department of Health)Hospice Agencies (Department of Health)Hospice Care Centers (Department of Health)Hospitals, Acute Care (Department of Health)Hospitals, Psychiatric and Alcoholism (Department of Health)Hostels (Department of Health)Hotels (Department of Health)Hulk Haulers (Department of Licensing)Hunting and Trapping (Fish & Wildlife)Hygienists, Dental (Department of Health)Hypnotherapists (Department of Health)Back to topIID (Identification) Cards (Department of Licensing)IFTA (Department of Licensing)Immigration Assistants (Office of the Attorney General)Independent Review Organizations (IRO) for health insurance appeals (Department of Health)Industrial Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Industrial Insurance (Department of Revenue)Inns (Department of Health)Instruction Permits, Commercial Drivers (Department of Licensing)Instruction Permits, Drivers (Department of Licensing)Instructors, Cosmetology (Department of Licensing)Inspectors: Boxing, Wrestling, and Martial Arts (Department of Licensing)Insurance Adjusters (Office of the Insurance Commissioner)Insurance Licenses (Office of the Insurance Commissioner)International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) (Department of Licensing)Investigators, Private (Department of Licensing)Investment Advisers (Department of Financial Institutions)JJudges: Boxing, Wrestling, and Martial Arts (Department of Licensing)Juvenile Detention Centers, Home & Institutions (Department of Health)KKick Boxers, Professional (Department of Licensing)Kidney Dialysis Centers (Department of Health)Kidney Dialysis Centers (Kidney Centers) (Department of Health)LLabor Camps (Department of Health)Laboratories, Medical Test Sites (Department of Health)Landscape Architects (Department of Licensing)Land Surveyors (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Lawyers (Washington State Bar Association)Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) (Department of Health)Life Settlements Brokers, Insurance (Office of the Insurance Commissioner)Limited Liability Company (LLC) Renewals (Department of Revenue)Limousines (Department of Licensing)Liquor (Liquor and Cannabis Board)Loan Companies, Consumer (Department of Financial Institutions)Loan Modification Services (Department of Financial Institutions)Loan Originators, Mortgage (Department of Financial Institutions)Lottery Retailers (Department of Revenue)Back to topMManagers: Boxing, Wrestling, and Martial Arts (Department of Licensing)Manicurists (Department of Licensing)Manufactured/Mobile Home Communities (Department of Revenue)Manufacturing Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Marijuana (Liquor and Cannabis Board)Maritime Cranes (Labor & Industries)Marriages (Department of Health)Marriage Therapists (Department of Health)Martial Arts Participant, Amateur or Professional (Department of Licensing)Massachusetts Trust Renewals (Department of Revenue)Massage Practitioners (Department of Health)Massage Therapists (Department of Health)Matchmakers: Boxing, Wrestling, and Martial Arts (Department of Licensing)Medical Assistants (Department of Health)Mechanics, Elevator (Labor & Industries)Mechanical Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Medical Interpreters (Social & Health Services)Medical Commission (Washington Medical Commission)Medical Test Sites (Department of Health)Medicare Certified Facilities & Services (Department of Health)Mental Health Counselors (Department of Health)Mental Health Facilities, Adult Residential (Department of Health)Mental Hospitals (Department of Health)Metallurgical Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Midwives (Department of Health)Migrant Farmworker/Temporary Worker Housing (Department of Health)Mining Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Minor Work Permits (Department of Revenue)Miscellaneous State Facilities, Food Services (Department of Health)Mixed Martial Arts Sanctioning Organization, Amateur (Department of Licensing)Mixed Martial Arts Training Facility, Amateur (Department of Licensing)Mobile Operators, Cosmetology (Department of Licensing)Mortgage Brokers (Department of Financial Institutions)Mortgage Loan Originators (Department of Financial Institutions)Morticians (Department of Licensing)Motels (Department of Health)Motorcycle Training and Testing (Department of Licensing)Motorcycles (Department of Licensing)Motor Fuel Distributors (Department of Licensing)Motor Vehicle salvage processor (Department of Licensing)Motor Vehicles (Department of Licensing)NNail Salons (Department of Licensing)Naturopathic Physicians (Department of Health)Notaries Public (Department of Licensing)Nuclear Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Nursery Retailers/Wholesalers (Department of Revenue)Nurses: ARNP, LPN, Practical, and RN (Department of Health)Nursing Assistants (Department of Health)Nursing Home Administrators (Department of Health)Nursing Pools (Department of Health)Nutritionists (Department of Health)Back to topOOccupational Therapists (Department of Health)Occupational Therapy Facilities (Department of Health)Ocularists (Department of Health)Off-Road Vehicle Dealers (Department of Licensing)On-site Designers and Inspectors (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Opticians (Department of Health)Optometrists (Department of Health)Orthopedics (Washington Medical Commission)Orthotists (Department of Health)Osteopathic Physicians (Department of Health)Osteopathic Physician Assistants (Department of Health)Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (Department of Health)PParamedics (Department of Health)Parking Privileges, Disabled (Department of Licensing)Performing Rights Societies (Department of Licensing)Permanent Cosmetics Artists (Department of Licensing)Pest Inspectors (Department of Agriculture)Pesticide Dealers (Department of Revenue)Pesticide Registration (Department of Agriculture)Pet Food Registration (Department of Agriculture)Petroleum Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Pharmacists (Department of Health)Pharmacy Assistant (Department of Health)Physical Therapists (Department of Health)Physical Therapy Facilities (Department of Health)Physicians (Washington Medical Commission)Physicians, Naturopathic (Department of Health)Physicians, Osteopathic (Department of Health)Physicians, Podiatric (Department of Health)Physicians: Boxing, Wrestling, and Martial Arts (Department of Licensing)Physician Assistants (Washington Medical Commission)Physician Assistants, Osteopathic (Department of Health)Physicians Office Laboratory (Department of Health)Piercing Artists, Body (Department of Licensing)Plumbers (Labor & Industries)Plumbing Contractors (Labor & Industries)Podiatric Physicians (Department of Health)Practical Nurses (Department of Health)Prisons, State Department of Corrections (Department of Health)Private Adult Treatment Homes (Department of Health)Private Career Schools (Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board)Private Investigators (Department of Licensing)Promoters: Boxing, Wrestling, and Martial Arts (Department of Licensing)Prosthetists (Department of Health)Psychiatric Hospitals, Private (Department of Health)Psychologists (Department of Health)Pump Installers (Labor & Industries)Pump Installer Contractors (Labor & Industries)RRadioactive Materials (Department of Health)Radiological Technologists (Department of Health)Real Estate (Department of Licensing)Real Estate Appraisers (Department of Licensing)Real Estate Brokers (Department of Licensing)Real Estate Educators (Department of Licensing)Real Estate Firms (Department of Licensing)Recreational Therapists (Department of Health)Referees: Boxing, Wrestling and Martial Arts (Department of Licensing)Registered Counselors (Department of Health)Registered Nurses (RN) (Department of Health)Registered Nurse Practitioners, Advanced (ARNP) (Department of Health)Rehabilitation Centers (Department of Health)Rehabilitation Facilities, Outpatient (Department of Health)Rental Cars (Department of Licensing)Reporters, Court (Department of Licensing)Residential Treatment Facilities (Department of Health)Resorts (Department of Health)Respiratory Therapists (Department of Health)River Outfitters (Department of Licensing)Rural Health Care Facilities and Clinics (Department of Health)Back to topSSalons, Hair (Department of Licensing)Salons, Nail (Department of Licensing)School Bus Drivers (Department of Licensing)Schools of Cosmetology (Department of Licensing)Schools for Deaf and Blind (Department of Health)Scrap Metal Processors: Nonferrous, precious, commercial, and private metals (Department of Licensing)Scrap Metal Recyclers: Nonferrous, precious, commercial, and private metals (Department of Licensing)Scrap Metal Suppliers: Nonferrous, precious, commercial, and private metals (Department of Licensing)salvage processor, Motor Vehicle (Department of Licensing)Seconds: Boxing, Wrestling, and Martial Arts (Department of Licensing)Securities Brokers (Department of Financial Institutions)Security Guards (Department of Licensing)Seed Dealers (Department of Revenue)Sellers of Travel (Department of Licensing)Senior EMS Instructors (Department of Health)Sewage Systems, Large On-site (Department of Health)Sex Offender Treatment Providers (Department of Health)Shellfish Harvest, Commercial (Department of Health)Shellfish, Commercial (Department of Health)Shelters: Crisis, Homeless, Youth, Domestic Violence (Department of Health)Ship Design Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Shopkeepers (Department of Revenue)Shops, Barber (Department of Licensing)Shops: Tattoo, Body Piercing, and Body Art (Department of Licensing)Snowmobile Dealers (Department of Licensing)Social Workers (Department of Health)Soldiers' Homes (Department of Health)Special Fuel Dealers (Department of Licensing)Special Fuel Bulk Users (Department of Licensing)Speech and Hearing (Department of Health)State Mental Hospitals, Eastern and Western State (Department of Health)Stockbrokers (Department of Financial Institutions)Structural Engineers (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)Surgical Centers, Ambulatory (Department of Health)Surgical Technologists (Department of Health)Surplus Line Brokers, Insurance (Office of the Insurance Commissioner)Surveyors (Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors)TTalkie-Tooters, Logging Radios (Labor & Industries)Tattoo Artists (Department of Licensing)Tattoo, Body Piercing, and Body Art Shops, Mobile Units, and Event Locations (Department of Licensing)Taxis (Department of Licensing)Taxidermy (Fish & Wildlife)Telephone Solicitors (Department of Licensing)Telecommunications Administrators (Labor & Industries)Telecommunications Contractors (Labor & Industries)Therapists, Marriage and Family (Department of Health)Therapists, Massage (Department of Health)Therapists, Occupational (Department of Health)Therapists, Physical (Department of Health)Therapists, Recreational (Department of Health)Therapists, Respiratory (Department of Health)Third Party Administrator – TPA Registration (Washington Vaccine Association)Timekeepers: Boxing, Wrestling, and Martial Arts (Department of Licensing)Timeshares (Department of Licensing)Tobacco Product Retailers (Department of Revenue)Tobacco Product Distributors (Department of Revenue)Tow Trucks (Department of Licensing)Trade Name Registration (Department of Revenue)Trainees, Electrical (Labor & Industries)Transient Accommodations (Department of Health)Transporters, Vehicles (Department of Licensing)Trappers (Fish & Wildlife)Trauma Service Designation (Department of Health)Travel Agents (Department of Licensing)Treatment Facilities, Alcohol (Department of Health)Truck Drivers (Commercial Driver License – CDL) (Department of Licensing)Back to topUUnderground Storage Tanks (Department of Revenue)Unemployment Insurance (Department of Revenue)Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) (Department of Licensing)Used Vehicle Battery Collectors (Department of Ecology)VVehicles (Department of Licensing)Vehicle Dealers (Department of Licensing)Vehicles For Hire, Taxis (Department of Licensing)Vehicle Manufacturers (Department of Licensing)Vehicle Transporters (Department of Licensing)Vehicle Wreckers (Department of Licensing)Vessels (Department of Licensing)Vessel Dealers (Department of Licensing)Veterans' Homes (Department of Health)Veterinarians (Department of Health)Veterinary Technicians (Department of Health)WWaste Tire Carriers (Department of Revenue)Waste Tire Storage Site Owners (Department of Revenue)Water Systems, Public (Group A) (Department of Health)Water Works Operators (Department of Health)Weighing and Measuring Devices (Department of Revenue)Well Drillers (Labor & Industries)Whitewater River Outfitters (Department of Licensing)Work Training Release Centers (Department of Health)Wreckers, Vehicles (Department of Licensing)Wrestlers, Professional (Department of Licensing)XX-Ray Devices (Department of Revenue)X-Ray Facilities (Department of Revenue)X-Ray Technicians (Department of Health)YYouth Shelters (Department of Health)Back to topCONTACT INFORMATIONOffice locationsContact UsABOUT USCivil rights and accessibilityNews centerReports and dataPublic disclosureBids and contractsCareers at DOL (Jobs)Rulemaking activityDO MORE ONLINERenew your tabsReplace your license or ID cardReport the sale of vehicleGet or update email remindersCheck the status of a driver licenseTAP - PRFT Taxpayer Access PointVoter registrationMore online servicesDRIVER GUIDEEnglish中文EspañolViệtРусский한국어日本語GET UPDATESTab renewal remindersDOL blogYouTubeFacebookTwitterAccess to DOL Services | Privacy | Conditions of Use | Copyright © 2020
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