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What is Hack?

“The word hack doesn't really have 69 different meanings”, according to MIT hacker Phil Agre. “In fact, hack has only one meaning, an extremely subtle and profound one which defies articulation. Which connotation is implied by a given use of the word depends in similarly profound ways on the context. Similar remarks apply to a couple of other hacker words, most notably random”Hacking might be characterized as ‘an appropriate application of ingenuity’. Whether the result is a quick-and-dirty patchwork job or a carefully crafted work of art, you have to admire the cleverness that went into it.An important secondary meaning of hack is ‘a creative practical joke’. This kind of hack is easier to explain to non-hackers than the programming kind. Of course, some hacks have both natures; see the lexicon entries for pseudo and kgbvax. But here are some examples of pure practical jokes that illustrate the hacking spirit:In 1961, students from Caltech (California Institute of Technology, in Pasadena) hacked the Rose Bowl football game. One student posed as a reporter and ‘interviewed’ the director of the University of Washington card stunts (such stunts involve people in the stands who hold up colored cards to make pictures). The reporter learned exactly how the stunts were operated, and also that the director would be out to dinner later.While the director was eating, the students (who called themselves the ‘Fiendish Fourteen’) picked a lock and stole a blank direction sheet for the card stunts. They then had a printer run off 2300 copies of the blank. The next day they picked the lock again and stole the master plans for the stunts — large sheets of graph paper colored in with the stunt pictures. Using these as a guide, they made new instructions for three of the stunts on the duplicated blanks. Finally, they broke in once more, replacing the stolen master plans and substituting the stack of diddled instruction sheets for the original set.The result was that three of the pictures were totally different. Instead of ‘WASHINGTON’, the word ‘CALTECH’ was flashed. Another stunt showed the word ‘HUSKIES’, the Washington nickname, but spelled it backwards. And what was supposed to have been a picture of a husky instead showed a beaver. (Both Caltech and MIT use the beaver — nature's engineer — as a mascot.)After the game, the Washington faculty athletic representative said: “Some thought it ingenious; others were indignant.” The Washington student body president remarked: “No hard feelings, but at the time it was unbelievable. We were amazed.”This is now considered a classic hack, particularly because revising the direction sheets constituted a form of programming.Here is another classic hack:On November 20, 1982, MIT hacked the Harvard-Yale football game. Just after Harvard's second touchdown against Yale, in the first quarter, a small black ball popped up out of the ground at the 40-yard line, and grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger. The letters ‘MIT’ appeared all over the ball. As the players and officials stood around gawking, the ball grew to six feet in diameter and then burst with a bang and a cloud of white smoke.The Boston Globe later reported: “If you want to know the truth, MIT won The Game.”The prank had taken weeks of careful planning by members of MIT's Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. The device consisted of a weather balloon, a hydraulic ram powered by Freon gas to lift it out of the ground, and a vacuum-cleaner motor to inflate it. They made eight separate expeditions to Harvard Stadium between 1 and 5 AM, locating an unused 110-volt circuit in the stadium and running buried wires from the stadium circuit to the 40-yard line, where they buried the balloon device. When the time came to activate the device, two fraternity members had merely to flip a circuit breaker and push a plug into an outlet.This stunt had all the earmarks of a perfect hack: surprise, publicity, the ingenious use of technology, safety, and harmlessness. The use of manual control allowed the prank to be timed so as not to disrupt the game (it was set off between plays, so the outcome of the game would not be unduly affected). The perpetrators had even thoughtfully attached a note to the balloon explaining that the device was not dangerous and contained no explosives.Harvard president Derek Bok commented: “They have an awful lot of clever people down there at MIT, and they did it again.” President Paul E. Gray of MIT said: “There is absolutely no truth to the rumor that I had anything to do with it, but I wish there were.”The hacks above are verifiable history; they can be proved to have happened. Many other classic-hack stories from MIT and elsewhere, though retold as history, have the characteristics of what Jan Brunvand has called ‘urban folklore’ (see FOAF). Perhaps the best known of these is the legend of the infamous trolley-car hack, an alleged incident in which engineering students are said to have welded a trolley car to its tracks with thermite. Numerous versions of this have been recorded from the 1940s to the present, most set at MIT but at least one very detailed version set at CMU.Brian Leibowitz has researched MIT hacks both real and mythical extensively; the interested reader is referred to his delightful pictorial compendium The Journal of the Institute for Hacks, Tomfoolery, and Pranks (MIT Museum, 1990; ISBN 0-917027-03-5). The Institute has a World Wide Web page at There is a sequel entitled Is This The Way To Baker House?. The Caltech Alumni Association has published two similar books titled Legends of Caltech and More Legends of Caltech.Here is a story about one of the classic computer hacks:Back in the mid-1970s, several of the system support staff at Motorola discovered a relatively simple way to crack system security on the Xerox CP-V timesharing system. Through a simple programming strategy, it was possible for a user program to trick the system into running a portion of the program in ‘master mode’ (supervisor state), in which memory protection does not apply. The program could then poke a large value into its ‘privilege level’ byte (normally write-protected) and could then proceed to bypass all levels of security within the file-management system, patch the system monitor, and do numerous other interesting things. In short, the barn door was wide open.Motorola quite properly reported this problem to Xerox via an official ‘level 1 SIDR’ (a bug report with an intended urgency of ‘needs to be fixed yesterday’). Because the text of each SIDR was entered into a database that could be viewed by quite a number of people, Motorola followed the approved procedure: they simply reported the problem as ‘Security SIDR’, and attached all of the necessary documentation, ways-to-reproduce, etc.The CP-V people at Xerox sat on their thumbs; they either didn't realize the severity of the problem, or didn't assign the necessary operating-system-staff resources to develop and distribute an official patch.Months passed. The Motorola guys pestered their Xerox field-support rep, to no avail. Finally they decided to take direct action, to demonstrate to Xerox management just how easily the system could be cracked and just how thoroughly the security safeguards could be subverted.They dug around in the operating-system listings and devised a thoroughly devilish set of patches. These patches were then incorporated into a pair of programs called ‘Robin Hood’ and ‘Friar Tuck’. Robin Hood and Friar Tuck were designed to run as ‘ghost jobs’ (daemons, in Unix terminology); they would use the existing loophole to subvert system security, install the necessary patches, and then keep an eye on one another's statuses in order to keep the system operator (in effect, the superuser) from aborting them.One fine day, the system operator on the main CP-V software development system in El Segundo was surprised by a number of unusual phenomena. These included the following:Tape drives would rewind and dismount their tapes in the middle of a job.Disk drives would seek back and forth so rapidly that they would attempt to walk across the floor (see walking drives).The card-punch output device would occasionally start up of itself and punch a ‘lace card’ (card with all positions punched). These would usually jam in the punch.The console would print snide and insulting messages from Robin Hood to Friar Tuck, or vice versa.The Xerox card reader had two output stackers; it could be instructed to stack into A, stack into B, or stack into A (unless a card was unreadable, in which case the bad card was placed into stacker B). One of the patches installed by the ghosts added some code to the card-reader driver... after reading a card, it would flip over to the opposite stacker. As a result, card decks would divide themselves in half when they were read, leaving the operator to recollate them manually.Naturally, the operator called in the operating-system developers. They found the bandit ghost jobs running, and killed them... and were once again surprised. When Robin Hood was gunned, the following sequence of events took place:!X id1  id1: Friar Tuck... I am under attack! Pray save me! id1: Off (aborted)  id2: Fear not, friend Robin! I shall rout the Sheriff  of Nottingham's men!  id1: Thank you, my good fellow! Each ghost-job would detect the fact that the other had been killed, and would start a new copy of the recently slain program within a few milliseconds. The only way to kill both ghosts was to kill them simultaneously (very difficult) or to deliberately crash the system.Finally, the system programmers did the latter — only to find that the bandits appeared once again when the system rebooted! It turned out that these two programs had patched the boot-time OS image (the kernel file, in Unix terms) and had added themselves to the list of programs that were to be started at boot time (this is similar to the way Windows viruses propagate).The Robin Hood and Friar Tuck ghosts were finally eradicated when the system staff rebooted the system from a clean boot-tape and reinstalled the monitor. Not long thereafter, Xerox released a patch for this problem.It is alleged that Xerox filed a complaint with Motorola's management about the merry-prankster actions of the two employees in question. It is not recorded that any serious disciplinary action was taken against either of them.Finally, here is a wonderful hack story for the new millennium:1990's addition to the hallowed tradition of April Fool RFCs was RFC 1149, A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers. This sketched a method for transmitting IP packets via carrier pigeons.Eleven years later, on 28 April 2001, the Bergen Linux User's Group successfully demonstrated CPIP (Carrier Pigeon IP) between two Linux machines running on opposite sides of a small mountain in Bergen, Norway. Their network stack used printers to hex-dump packets onto paper, pigeons to transport the paper, and OCR software to read the dumps at the other end and feed them to the receiving machine's network layer.Here is the actual log of the ping command they successfully executed. Note the exceptional packet times.Script started on Sat Apr 28 11:24:09 2001 vegard@gyversalen:~$ /sbin/ifconfig tun0 tun0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol   inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:  UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST MTU:150 Metric:1  RX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0  TX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0  collisions:0   RX bytes:88 (88.0 b) TX bytes:168 (168.0 b)  vegard@gyversalen:~$ ping -i 450 PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=6165731.1 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=3211900.8 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=5124922.8 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=6388671.9 ms  — ping statistics — 9 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 55% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 3211900.8/5222806.6/6388671.9 ms vegard@gyversalen:~$ exit  Script done on Sat Apr 28 14:14:28 2001 A web page documenting the event, with pictures, is at In the finest Internet tradition, all software involved was open-source; the custom parts are available for download from the site.While all acknowledged the magnitude of this achievement, some debate ensued over whether BLUG's implementation was properly conformant to the RFC. It seems they had not used the duct tape specified in 1149 to attach messages to pigeon legs, but instead employed other methods less objectionable to the pigeons. The debate was properly resolved when it was pointed out that the duct-tape specification was not prefixed by a MUST, and was thus a recommendation rather than a requirement.The perpetrators finished their preliminary writeup in this wise: “Now, we're waiting for someone to write other implementations, so that we can do interoperability tests, and maybe we finally can get the RFC into the standards track... ”.The logical next step should be an implementation of RFC2549.Source: Catb , Google

What is the best resume writing service on the web?

Not long ago a friend of mine came by and asked me, ‘Dude, can you recommend me a service which can polish my resume and make it spotless?” I started thinking about a couple of services I’ve written reviews on previously like Careers Booster and ResumesPlanet. But then I thought why not kill two birds with one stone: order a resume for my friend and then review it. I’ve been meaning to review Resume101for a long time, but something got in my way and I had to put that review aside.Resume101 is a service which deals only with CV/Resumes and Cover Letters. Yeah, I know you can’t wait to find answers to questions like “ Is Resume101 scam”, “Is Resume101 legit or worth it”. So, let’s cut to the chase.2.Pros and ConsPROS:Fast and polite supportsFree SamplesMoney back guaranteesCONS:High prices3.Online reputationBefore placing an order I decided to search for Resume101 reviews. First I googled Resume101 reddit and unfortunately found nothing. Without a second thought, I headed to Sitejabber and Trustpilot. There were 10 reviews on Trustpilot and 17 reviews on Sitejabber.The most astounding thing is that they are all positive. I tried to dig up some reviews of unsatisfied customers but didn’t manage to. It can only mean two things: the reviews are moderated or the Resume101 is really good at what they do.4.GuaranteesYou can find their guarantees by clicking on Legal tab in the footer of the site. I liked Resume101 refund policy as it is very detailed and straightforward. Check it out5.Types of ServicesSpecializing in resume writing, Resume101 offers three types of the services: resume writing, CV writing, and Cover Letter writing.6.Ordering ProcessThe ordering process is two-fold and quite easy. Select you Career Level, Type of Work, Deadline, and upload your details. Once you’re done with it, login in or create a new account and proceed with the payment. That’s it. It took me around 3 minutes to do all that stuff.7. Prices and FeesPrices at Resume101 start from $99 per page. There are three career levels, namely Entry, Professional and Executive. Pricing varies depending on career level, deadline, and type of the service. One more thing to pay attention to - the maximum deadline is 5 days. I chose “Professional” career level with the maximum deadline, resume writing. I had to pay $119 for that. Thanks God, my friend gave me that money. If they screwed me over, I would have two options either return the money to my friend or write his resume myself - something I was not excited about.8.Paper QualityThe paper came on the 4th day. When I opened it I instantly saw that these guys did an excellent job. The resume was neatly-written and appealing. They changed the wording so that the qualities of my friend really stood out. Should I have to hire him, I would do so without hesitation. I wanted to make some screenshots and place them here to show how awesome it looked but my friend didn’t let me. Just take my word for it.9.Customer SupportI didn’t have an opportunity to chat with them a lot. But the support agent seemed fast and professional.10.Offers and Extra ServicesThere some interesting features which called “Package.” Assuming you’re looking for a job, so these guys know what you might need for it and offer:I find such service extra useful ‘cause you don’t need place separate orders for all documents you need.We know how HR people think, and we speak their language. So let us help you get an interview and a call back with a professionally done resume, CV or cover letter.What Is So Special About A Resume?A resume is your one and only chance of making a good first impression when you seek a job. Send out a poorly formatted resume, and HR managers will ignore your application. You can forget about an interview if the list of your achievements does not spell "professional" and "trustworthy".The best resume will inform your potential employers about your main strengths and outline the previous experience that might give you an edge on a new job. Your perfect resume should also make you stand out among other candidates so that you get a test assignment or an interview invitation.How To Write A Perfect Resume?There are only four key parts to a basic resume. Start by providing your name and contact information. Don’t forget to add your professional social media accounts on Facebook or LinkedIn, especially if you are looking for a job in IT or Marketing.Previous experience will make up the largest portion of your resume. Every entry should include the name of the company, the period of your employment, the job title or position, as well as your responsibilities or achievements. You don’t have to provide information about every small position you have ever held. Sometimes it is best to include only those companies that work in the same industry as the one you are applying to at the moment.Education is another important part of your resume. List your college names and the degrees you obtained. This section can also contain the awards and honors you earned during your academic years.The best resume should also include a list of your skills that might be related to the job you apply for. This list can include your knowledge of foreign languages or computer skills. Optional sections of a professional resume can also list your career highlights and the objective of your application. References can be attached to the resume or provided in a separate document upon request.These are the basic building blocks of a good resume. You can take it a step further by customizing and personalizing your resume for every company and position you apply for.Professional Resume HelpIf you are not sure you can organize and format your own resume, let us help you make it look polished and streamlined. All you have to do is upload your resume file and place an order. Our professional writers with years of experience under their belts will enhance your resume to present your best qualities and skills to potential employers.Our resume writing services include a number of steps. First, we will carefully assess the data you provide and decide on the best strategy to organize it. HR managers will be able to glean the most important information about you in one glance. This is bound to attract attention to your applications.Second, our professional resume writers will format the resume to emphasize the key figures, facts, and dates. Your resume will have a perfect balance of detailed data and free space. The bold-face, italics and bullet points will help HR managers quickly identify you as the best candidate for a job.Third, we will thoroughly proofread every page of your document to make sure no mistakes make it to the resume you send out or print. Professional resume writers know, that even a single typo can ruin the first impression. They will be especially careful to catch every minor error before sending the file for your approval.If you need resume help, contact us. We will gladly help you write a professional resume to get you the job you want.Remember this key fact – the purpose of your resume is to get you an interview. Everything about the development of your resume must be focused on this fact. An effective resume gets you the maximum number of interviews.Your resume must contain the right information for the right job.To be effective, your resume must be attention getting AND use keywords and phrases that effectively communicate your value for that job and company. Extraneous information detracts from this communication.You have a short period of time and a limited amount of space to attract attention, demonstrate your value and get an interview. Use it wisely. If your resume is focused and succinct, it will increase your chances of getting decision makers to call you.Many executive resumes will have three or even four pages; most not more than three.How your resume looks is important too.Your resume must capture attention by using design elements such as type fonts, bolding, layout and white space so it stands out from the mass. These design elements are not just visual. They serve a key purpose: To guide readers’ eyes to the information you want them to see, in the order you want it seen.Remember, a resume that simply looks good but does not contain the right information in the right order won’t make it past the initial review.What resume format is best?There are distinct styles in which resumes are written. The traditional style is reverse chronological; another is functional (skills based). When hiring managers, recruiters and executive search firms were asked which style they preferred, 50% of them said they like a combination of traditional and functional. Only 10% preferred functional, leaving 40% who want to see the traditional (reverse chronological) format.How an organization will process your resume.There has been a dramatic development in the job market. Employers, recruiters, and executive search firms are receiving hundreds of resumes for every job available. Competition is fierce, even for jobs on the top rungs of the corporate ladder. Jobs that were once considered recession-proof.Today, 90% of medium to large-size organizations use electronic scanners to search for keywords; words that are industry-specific and even job-specific. If they are not found in a resume, it is quickly tossed. Smaller companies still use people to scan resumes, but these human scanners also look for those all-important keywords.Most resumes, typically 95%, will be discarded in this initial review/scan. Those passing this review are evaluated to see if the candidate meets the minimum requirements. This is a competitive evaluation against all other resumes that made it through the initial review/scan. Typically, another 3% will be discarded at this step. Finally, the remaining resumes are evaluated in detail and the top candidates invited for an interview.Only 1-2% of the resumes received will result in an interview!It is crucial that your resume be prepared with the goal of passing all three levels of review.What do hiring managers want to see in your resume?Foremost, verifiable accomplishments; 88% of hiring managers polled listed this as the single most important thing they look for in a resume. Hiring managers also want to find answers to some key questions in your resume.Can this person fill my need? Even if your resume lists all of the required qualifications, if it’s not targeted to the specific company and opening, your qualifications could appear unrelated to the job. Customizing your resume to fit the specific position shows the hiring manager you are a perfect fit. One way to customize your resume is by using numbers. They will stand out in an ocean of words. For example, “Restructured operations to increase profit 27%.”Will this person remain with the company for a long time? It costs companies a lot of money to screen, interview, hire and train employees. If you have changed jobs frequently or have gaps in your employment, offer valid explanations, within your resume, for these career missteps. Hiring managers want someone who is committed to the long term; not a short-timer.Is this person professional? The hiring manager judges your ability to communicate well and conduct yourself in a professional manner only by looking at a few sheets of paper; your resume. So make sure it is free of typos and grammatical errors and is easy to understand and travel through. In a recent survey, 76% of the hiring managers asked, said they discard resumes that have typos and grammatical errors. Hiring managers are busy and demanding people. They will eliminate you for the slightest infraction and they won’t call you for explanations.How a recruiter will process your resume.Recruiters and executive search firms weed out candidates not suited to their clients’ positions. They look at resumes for only a few seconds before deciding which get discarded and which get marketed. Recruiters and executive search firms want a resume that looks good and is easy to read. They also look for:Common job titles like CEO, COO, CFO, CIO, Operations Manager and Human Resources DirectorEducational titles; i.e., MBA, JD, CPA and BSBrand names (well-known companies you have worked for; schools from which you graduated)Dates that tell them how often you have switched jobs and how long you stayed in each particular employment situationCharacteristics and skills that highlight the special talents you have acquired and in which corporate areas your experience is heaviestSound-bites; quick, action-oriented paragraphs and statements that describe actions you’ve taken and the results of those actionsRemember, recruiters and executive search firms use resumes to screen out candidates more than to find candidates. They will not waste time trying to uncover critical facts in your resume. They must see them in the first few seconds of picking up your resume or it will immediately be discarded.Recruiters and executive search firms also want to know personal information about you in order to better market you to employers, such as marital status, age, leisure activities, etc. However, this information should be provided to them outside of your resume. Personal information should not be in your resume.What is a resume factory?Some resume writing companies develop resumes from templates. They have clerical staffs who use the templates to write resumes, and hence can offer low cost. While this does get a resume written quickly, it depends on a template to express who you are and what you can do for a company. The results? An uninteresting and ineffective resume – typical of what organizations and recruiters see day in and day out.What is a resume rewrite?A resume writing organization may take your existing resume and reformat it for you. This is a rewrite. It doesn’t add anything to your resume. It reorganizes the existing information into a more pleasing format. Usually, this is only cosmetic. Remember, content is the key to getting interviews.How do ethical, professional resume writers work?Resume writing is indeed a profession – with standards, education, and certifications. Professional resume writers stay current with developments in the employment field.For example, a Branding Statement has become expected as the leading element in a resume. Without this Branding Statement, a resume will be less effective. This is only one example of items you need in your resume that a professional resume writer will automatically provide.Also, professional resume writers will work directly with you. They will not subcontract your resume to unqualified persons. They will take the time to get to know you through questionnaires and telephone discussions.They will be able to uncover information about you that will be extremely effective in developing your resume. Information you might not remember to mention or think is important. They are truly consultants in presenting you to the marketplace you target for the job you want.What is the value of an average resume versus an excellent resume?An average resume is a listing of your contact data, job history and responsibilities. It’s a professional obituary. Like an obituary, it will be Dead On Arrival. It will not get you interviews. And it will guarantee your job hunt will be a long and frustrating journey.A recent study reported that the typical job search for an executive or professional is about 38 weeks. That’s because the 100-plus candidates for every available job have submitted average resumes. They all look alike. Average resumes jam the circular file.An excellent resume will significantly reduce your job search time. It will position you as a prime candidate for the job you want. It will get you interviews. If you don’t send an excellent resume… one that SEPARAT.This list of five online resume generators offers a variety of professional, modern, and unorthodox options. Some of them also make it easy to share your resume with potential employers from the website.And unless otherwise stated, you can create many versions of your resume with each of these services, allowing you to target the different positions you are applying for.VisualCVWith VisualCV, you can either upload your information from an existing word document, or enter the information manually through an easy-to-use interface. The free version of the service is quite robust, but with a $12/month upgrade, you will also gain access to all CV designs, the ability to export your CV to Google Docs, and advanced analytics.You can also use your own domain name with a premium account, and can remove VisualCV branding from PDF downloads.Pros:VisualCV offers a clean and professional looking final product, which you can either publish online or share privately with potential employers for free. VisualCV’s free analytics will let you know how many times your resume has been viewed or downloaded, as well as letting you know where visitors came from.The service also provides many example CVs, based on the industry, so you can get some hints and ideas as to how your CV should look, based on your career path. If you need more tips on how to put together a resume, take a look at our guide to putting together the perfect resume, and how to get past the applicant tracking system.Your All-In-One Guide To Building The Perfect ResumeWhether you just graduated, are returning to school or are looking for a new job, within or outside your career, you need a resume. But not just a resume. You need a great resume. One...Cons:While it’s convenient to upload your CV rather than manually enter the information, I found that it didn’t map the information properly whereas other services were able to identify the sections and their associated content correctly. This means it will require quite a bit of editing on your part to fix.While the free PDF download is also a useful feature, the watermark doesn’t really make it usable in a professional setting.KickresumeKickresume’s free accounts give users access to basic resume templates, limited entries and categories, and access to cloud storage for resumes. For a $48/year or $15/month paid upgrade, you gain access to all the existing resume templates, unlimited entries and categories, full customization, an online resume website, cover letter options, and email support.ating a CV using Kickresume, you have to manually enter your personal information, education, and experience. Once you’re done, you can download your resume as a PDF. Premium account holders can also publish their resumes online, choosing a unique Kickresume URL, which allows them to put their name in the link for a nice personalized touch. The URL can also be shared with potential employers.Pros:When selecting a template for your resume, you can filter them by profession, which is a nice touch. The interface is slick and easy to use and takes away a lot of the hassles involved in creating a resume using programs like Word.Kickresume will also be offering resume analytics — a feature that isn’t available yet, and one that is likely to be available only to premium accounts. That said, it should be a supportive feature when job hunting, so that you can get a sense of whether or not your resume is being looked at by recruiters.Kickresume also makes it easy to craft a cover letter using the same design as your CV so that you can keep all the documents in your applications consistent. That, however, is a paid feature.US-based Kickresume users can also search for jobs on the site’s job board, powered by ZipRecruiter.Cons:When it comes to filling in your content, you have to manually enter your resume. There’s no option to upload an existing document or to connect your account to your LinkedIn profile, which can be tedious.The free version of Kickresume is handy, but most of its standout features are understandably reserved for premium users, including sharing an online version of your resume with potential employers. While you can filter templates by profession, you can’t filter free versus pro templates, meaning you have to wade through a big selection of templates that you can’t use if you prefer to stick with the free version of the service.Some basic features are also only available as a paid upgrade such as adding new sections to your resume, and customizing fonts and colors.CanvaOme among Canva’s many features is the option to create a “visual” CV. You can either choose from over 30 existing templates or if you fancy yourself a designer, you can select from a variety of grids that give you complete control over how your resume will turn out.If you opt for a pre-designed layout, you can just edit the dummy text, replacing it with your own information. You can also add extra design elements (shapes, lines, icons, and more), change the background, and upload images.Once you’ve completed your resume, you can share the link through Twitter, Facebook, or via email. Downloading a JPG, PNG, or PDF version will set you back $1 per download, but you can also download a watermarked draft for free.Pros:Canva offers users some pretty heavy duty customization features that are uncomplicated. With a drag and drop interface, someone with little or no design skills can put together a professionally designed resume. If you’re overwhelmed by all the options, you can also just use one of many great templates.Even if you don’t have a strong design aesthetic, Canva offers a lot of great features such as font pairings and a great library of free icons.You can create a stunning resume using nothing more than the free features that Canva offers — a rarity in online resume builders.Cons:The most tedious aspect of using Canva is having to fill in your information. There no option to upload your CV or connect to your LinkedIn account; and there is also no handy interface to enter your information. It all has to be filled in the template as you edit it.While you can share your CV with potential employers with a handy URL, you can only do so if the CV is made public online. If you’re searching for a job and don’t want your current employer to know, it’s certainly not the most discreet option.VisualizeMeVisualizeMe is another interesting option for job hunters looking for a visual resume. As the name suggests, you’re creating a visualization of your experience and education. Users can either fill in their information through a handy form or better yet, can connect to LinkedIn to generate that information. VisualizeMe will then present that data in an infographic format.You have to, of course, be conscious of the kinds of jobs you’re applying to if you’re going to use a service like VisualizeMe. The final product is unorthodox and might not be well received in a more corporate or straight-laced environment.Pros:With VisualizeMe, not only is the process of filling out your information made easier by connecting the service to your LinkedIn account, you can also personalize the final product choosing from a selection of fonts, colors, themes, and backgrounds.You can also share the final product with a URL or embed it on your website. Embedding it on your website will give you the ability to track who is viewing your resume through your own analytics, but the service itself offers you its own set of analytics as well.Cons:If you want to download an image file of your VisualizeMe resume, you’ll have to sign up for a premium subscription that will set you back $19 a month or $190 a year. To be frank, it’s not worth it.The other significant disadvantage to using VisualizeMe is that the look and feel of the graphics are dated. The font and icon choices have remained the same for several years, and the service is in desperate need of an update. VisualizeMe also allows users to create only one version of their CV, limiting its utility.CV MakerCV Maker is another service which requires you to manually enter the information on your resume – your work experience, education, qualifications, interests, and references. You can add custom plain sections, and can remove the standard sections, by leaving them blank.With the free version of CV Maker, you can choose from six basic templates, but have much more to choose from with a one-time paid upgrade of $16. The premium version also allows users to send their resume with a single click. Access an advanced rich text editor and add custom special sections.Pros:CV Maker is another service with robust features in its free version. It’s one of the few options where you can download or share your resume for free, with no strings attached. You can download your resume as a PDF, HTML, or TXT file. You can also publish it online and share it with potential employers using a shortened CV Maker url.It’s also the only service listed here that offers you premium features for a one-time upgrade, rather than having to pay a monthly fee.Cons:With CV Maker, you have to manually enter information, which like with other similar services, can be tedious. There is a sameness in the free templates, and you can’t make any changes to layout, font, or any other design elements in your CV. The only thing you have control over is the order of the sections.Hiring managers and recruiters alike say they've seen more poorly written resumes cross their desks recently than ever before. Attract more interview offers and ensure your resume doesn't eliminate you from consideration by following these six key tips:1. Format Your Resume Wisely "Do the Hiring Managers" Work for ThemNo matter how well written, your resume won't get a thorough reading the first time through. Generally a resume gets scanned for 25 seconds. Scanning is more difficult if it is hard to read, poorly organized or exceeds two pages.Use a logical format and wide margins, clean type and clear headingsSelectively apply bold and italic typeface that help guide the reader's eyeUse bullets to call attention to important points (i.e. accomplishments)2. Identify Accomplishments not Just Job DescriptionsHiring managers, especially in technical fields like engineering, seek candidates that can help them solve a problem or satisfy a need within their company. Consequently, you can't be a solution to their problems without stating how you solved similar problems in other companies and situations.Focus on what you did in the job, NOT what your job was there's a differenceInclude a one or two top line job description first, then list your accomplishmentsFor each point ask yourself, What was the benefit of having done what I did?Accomplishments should be unique to you, not just a list of what someone else didAvoid using the generic descriptions of the jobs you originally applied for or held3. Quantify Your AccomplishmentsQ: What's the most common resume mistake?A: Making too many general claims and using too much industry jargon that does not market the candidate. A resume is a marketing document designed to sell your skills and strengths rather than just portray a bio of the candidate.Include and highlight specific achievements that present a comprehensive picture of your marketabilityQuantify your achievements to ensure greater confidence in the hiring manager and thereby generate interest percentages, dollars, number of employees, etc.Work backwards to quantify your accomplishments by asking, If I had not done X, what could have happened?4. Cater Your Resume for the IndustryUnlike advertising and design professionals who have greater creative license in designing their resume for those fields, the mechanical engineering industry won't be impressed and may be turned off by distinctive resume design.Err on the side of being conservative stylisticallyYour accomplishments, error-free writing, grammatically-correct, clean, crisp type and paper will make the impression for you5. Replace your Objective" with a "Career Summary"A Career Summary is designed to give a brief overview of who you are and what you do. Most Objectives sound similar: Seeking a challenging, interesting position in X where I can use my skills of X, Y, and Z to contribute to the bottom line. Not telling at all.Grab a hiring manager's attention right from the beginning, remembering youhave only 25 few seconds to make a good impressionSpend time developing a summary that immediately gets their attention, and accurately and powerfully describes you as a solution to their problems6. Network. Network. Network.For unemployed candidates, handing out resumes should be a full-time job. The majority of mid- to senior-level positions are filled through networking, so contact absolutely everyone you know in addition to recruiters who are in a position to hire you or share insights. Networking can includePersonal business contacts, people you've worked for or who worked for youVendors and sales representatives you've dealt with in the past five yearsPeople listed in the alumni directory of your alma materWith a solid resume in hand you'll greatly increase your odds of earning a closer look and getting that interview.

How do I find a best resume writing service?

There are 2 most popular resume writing services in the world: Resume101, Resume Writing Lab and Resume Area.Not long ago a friend of mine came by and asked me, ‘Dude, can you recommend me a service which can polish my resume and make it spotless?” I started thinking about a couple of services I’ve written reviews on previously like Careers Booster and ResumesPlanet. But then I thought why not kill two birds with one stone: order a resume for my friend and then review it. I’ve been meaning to review Resume101 for a long time, but something got in my way and I had to put that review aside.Resume101 is a service which deals only with CV/Resumes and Cover Letters. Yeah, I know you can’t wait to find answers to questions like “ Is Resume101 scam”, “Is Resume101 legit or worth it”. So, let’s cut to the chase.2.Pros and ConsPROS:Fast and polite supportsFree SamplesMoney back guaranteesCONS:High prices3.Online reputationBefore placing an order I decided to search for Resume101 reviews. First I googled Resume101 reddit and unfortunately found nothing. Without a second thought, I headed to Sitejabber and Trustpilot. There were 10 reviews on Trustpilot and 17 reviews on Sitejabber.The most astounding thing is that they are all positive. I tried to dig up some reviews of unsatisfied customers but didn’t manage to. It can only mean two things: the reviews are moderated or the Resume101 is really good at what they do.4.GuaranteesYou can find their guarantees by clicking on Legal tab in the footer of the site. I liked Resume101 refund policy as it is very detailed and straightforward. Check it out5.Types of ServicesSpecializing in resume writing, Resume101 offers three types of the services: resume writing, CV writing, and Cover Letter writing.6.Ordering ProcessThe ordering process is two-fold and quite easy. Select you Career Level, Type of Work, Deadline, and upload your details. Once you’re done with it, login in or create a new account and proceed with the payment. That’s it. It took me around 3 minutes to do all that stuff.7. Prices and FeesPrices at Resume101 start from $99 per page. There are three career levels, namely Entry, Professional and Executive. Pricing varies depending on career level, deadline, and type of the service. One more thing to pay attention to - the maximum deadline is 5 days. I chose “Professional” career level with the maximum deadline, resume writing. I had to pay $119 for that. Thanks God, my friend gave me that money. If they screwed me over, I would have two options either return the money to my friend or write his resume myself - something I was not excited about.8.Paper QualityThe paper came on the 4th day. When I opened it I instantly saw that these guys did an excellent job. The resume was neatly-written and appealing. They changed the wording so that the qualities of my friend really stood out. Should I have to hire him, I would do so without hesitation. I wanted to make some screenshots and place them here to show how awesome it looked but my friend didn’t let me. Just take my word for it.9.Customer SupportI didn’t have an opportunity to chat with them a lot. But the support agent seemed fast and professional.10.Offers and Extra ServicesThere some interesting features which called “Package.” Assuming you’re looking for a job, so these guys know what you might need for it and offer:I find such service extra useful ‘cause you don’t need place separate orders for all documents you need.We know how HR people think, and we speak their language. So let us help you get an interview and a call back with a professionally done resume, CV or cover letter.What Is So Special About A Resume?A resume is your one and only chance of making a good first impression when you seek a job. Send out a poorly formatted resume, and HR managers will ignore your application. You can forget about an interview if the list of your achievements does not spell "professional" and "trustworthy".The best resume will inform your potential employers about your main strengths and outline the previous experience that might give you an edge on a new job. Your perfect resume should also make you stand out among other candidates so that you get a test assignment or an interview invitation.How To Write A Perfect Resume?There are only four key parts to a basic resume. Start by providing your name and contact information. Don’t forget to add your professional social media accounts on Facebook or LinkedIn, especially if you are looking for a job in IT or Marketing.Previous experience will make up the largest portion of your resume. Every entry should include the name of the company, the period of your employment, the job title or position, as well as your responsibilities or achievements. You don’t have to provide information about every small position you have ever held. Sometimes it is best to include only those companies that work in the same industry as the one you are applying to at the moment.Education is another important part of your resume. List your college names and the degrees you obtained. This section can also contain the awards and honors you earned during your academic years.The best resume should also include a list of your skills that might be related to the job you apply for. This list can include your knowledge of foreign languages or computer skills. Optional sections of a professional resume can also list your career highlights and the objective of your application. References can be attached to the resume or provided in a separate document upon request.These are the basic building blocks of a good resume. You can take it a step further by customizing and personalizing your resume for every company and position you apply for.Professional Resume HelpIf you are not sure you can organize and format your own resume, let us help you make it look polished and streamlined. All you have to do is upload your resume file and place an order. Our professional writers with years of experience under their belts will enhance your resume to present your best qualities and skills to potential employers.Our resume writing services include a number of steps. First, we will carefully assess the data you provide and decide on the best strategy to organize it. HR managers will be able to glean the most important information about you in one glance. This is bound to attract attention to your applications.Second, our professional resume writers will format the resume to emphasize the key figures, facts, and dates. Your resume will have a perfect balance of detailed data and free space. The bold-face, italics and bullet points will help HR managers quickly identify you as the best candidate for a job.Third, we will thoroughly proofread every page of your document to make sure no mistakes make it to the resume you send out or print. Professional resume writers know, that even a single typo can ruin the first impression. They will be especially careful to catch every minor error before sending the file for your approval.If you need resume help, contact us. We will gladly help you write a professional resume to get you the job you want.Remember this key fact – the purpose of your resume is to get you an interview. Everything about the development of your resume must be focused on this fact. An effective resume gets you the maximum number of interviews.Your resume must contain the right information for the right job.To be effective, your resume must be attention getting AND use keywords and phrases that effectively communicate your value for that job and company. Extraneous information detracts from this communication.You have a short period of time and a limited amount of space to attract attention, demonstrate your value and get an interview. Use it wisely. If your resume is focused and succinct, it will increase your chances of getting decision makers to call you.Many executive resumes will have three or even four pages; most not more than three.How your resume looks is important too.Your resume must capture attention by using design elements such as type fonts, bolding, layout and white space so it stands out from the mass. These design elements are not just visual. They serve a key purpose: To guide readers’ eyes to the information you want them to see, in the order you want it seen.Remember, a resume that simply looks good but does not contain the right information in the right order won’t make it past the initial review.What resume format is best?There are distinct styles in which resumes are written. The traditional style is reverse chronological; another is functional (skills based). When hiring managers, recruiters and executive search firms were asked which style they preferred, 50% of them said they like a combination of traditional and functional. Only 10% preferred functional, leaving 40% who want to see the traditional (reverse chronological) format.How an organization will process your resume.There has been a dramatic development in the job market. Employers, recruiters, and executive search firms are receiving hundreds of resumes for every job available. Competition is fierce, even for jobs on the top rungs of the corporate ladder. Jobs that were once considered recession-proof.Today, 90% of medium to large-size organizations use electronic scanners to search for keywords; words that are industry-specific and even job-specific. If they are not found in a resume, it is quickly tossed. Smaller companies still use people to scan resumes, but these human scanners also look for those all-important keywords.Most resumes, typically 95%, will be discarded in this initial review/scan. Those passing this review are evaluated to see if the candidate meets the minimum requirements. This is a competitive evaluation against all other resumes that made it through the initial review/scan. Typically, another 3% will be discarded at this step. Finally, the remaining resumes are evaluated in detail and the top candidates invited for an interview.Only 1-2% of the resumes received will result in an interview!It is crucial that your resume be prepared with the goal of passing all three levels of review.What do hiring managers want to see in your resume?Foremost, verifiable accomplishments; 88% of hiring managers polled listed this as the single most important thing they look for in a resume. Hiring managers also want to find answers to some key questions in your resume.Can this person fill my need? Even if your resume lists all of the required qualifications, if it’s not targeted to the specific company and opening, your qualifications could appear unrelated to the job. Customizing your resume to fit the specific position shows the hiring manager you are a perfect fit. One way to customize your resume is by using numbers. They will stand out in an ocean of words. For example, “Restructured operations to increase profit 27%.”Will this person remain with the company for a long time? It costs companies a lot of money to screen, interview, hire and train employees. If you have changed jobs frequently or have gaps in your employment, offer valid explanations, within your resume, for these career missteps. Hiring managers want someone who is committed to the long term; not a short-timer.Is this person professional? The hiring manager judges your ability to communicate well and conduct yourself in a professional manner only by looking at a few sheets of paper; your resume. So make sure it is free of typos and grammatical errors and is easy to understand and travel through. In a recent survey, 76% of the hiring managers asked, said they discard resumes that have typos and grammatical errors. Hiring managers are busy and demanding people. They will eliminate you for the slightest infraction and they won’t call you for explanations.How a recruiter will process your resume.Recruiters and executive search firms weed out candidates not suited to their clients’ positions. They look at resumes for only a few seconds before deciding which get discarded and which get marketed. Recruiters and executive search firms want a resume that looks good and is easy to read. They also look for:Common job titles like CEO, COO, CFO, CIO, Operations Manager and Human Resources DirectorEducational titles; i.e., MBA, JD, CPA and BSBrand names (well-known companies you have worked for; schools from which you graduated)Dates that tell them how often you have switched jobs and how long you stayed in each particular employment situationCharacteristics and skills that highlight the special talents you have acquired and in which corporate areas your experience is heaviestSound-bites; quick, action-oriented paragraphs and statements that describe actions you’ve taken and the results of those actionsRemember, recruiters and executive search firms use resumes to screen out candidates more than to find candidates. They will not waste time trying to uncover critical facts in your resume. They must see them in the first few seconds of picking up your resume or it will immediately be discarded.Recruiters and executive search firms also want to know personal information about you in order to better market you to employers, such as marital status, age, leisure activities, etc. However, this information should be provided to them outside of your resume. Personal information should not be in your resume.What is a resume factory?Some resume writing companies develop resumes from templates. They have clerical staffs who use the templates to write resumes, and hence can offer low cost. While this does get a resume written quickly, it depends on a template to express who you are and what you can do for a company. The results? An uninteresting and ineffective resume – typical of what organizations and recruiters see day in and day out.What is a resume rewrite?A resume writing organization may take your existing resume and reformat it for you. This is a rewrite. It doesn’t add anything to your resume. It reorganizes the existing information into a more pleasing format. Usually, this is only cosmetic. Remember, content is the key to getting interviews.How do ethical, professional resume writers work?Resume writing is indeed a profession – with standards, education, and certifications. Professional resume writers stay current with developments in the employment field.For example, a Branding Statement has become expected as the leading element in a resume. Without this Branding Statement, a resume will be less effective. This is only one example of items you need in your resume that a professional resume writer will automatically provide.Also, professional resume writers will work directly with you. They will not subcontract your resume to unqualified persons. They will take the time to get to know you through questionnaires and telephone discussions.They will be able to uncover information about you that will be extremely effective in developing your resume. Information you might not remember to mention or think is important. They are truly consultants in presenting you to the marketplace you target for the job you want.What is the value of an average resume versus an excellent resume?An average resume is a listing of your contact data, job history and responsibilities. It’s a professional obituary. Like an obituary, it will be Dead On Arrival. It will not get you interviews. And it will guarantee your job hunt will be a long and frustrating journey.A recent study reported that the typical job search for an executive or professional is about 38 weeks. That’s because the 100-plus candidates for every available job have submitted average resumes. They all look alike. Average resumes jam the circular file.An excellent resume will significantly reduce your job search time. It will position you as a prime candidate for the job you want. It will get you interviews. If you don’t send an excellent resume… one that SEPARAT.This list of five online resume generators offers a variety of professional, modern, and unorthodox options. Some of them also make it easy to share your resume with potential employers from the website.And unless otherwise stated, you can create many versions of your resume with each of these services, allowing you to target the different positions you are applying for.VisualCVWith VisualCV, you can either upload your information from an existing word document, or enter the information manually through an easy-to-use interface. The free version of the service is quite robust, but with a $12/month upgrade, you will also gain access to all CV designs, the ability to export your CV to Google Docs, and advanced analytics.You can also use your own domain name with a premium account, and can remove VisualCV branding from PDF downloads.Pros:VisualCV offers a clean and professional looking final product, which you can either publish online or share privately with potential employers for free. VisualCV’s free analytics will let you know how many times your resume has been viewed or downloaded, as well as letting you know where visitors came from.The service also provides many example CVs, based on the industry, so you can get some hints and ideas as to how your CV should look, based on your career path. If you need more tips on how to put together a resume, take a look at our guide to putting together the perfect resume, and how to get past the applicant tracking system.Your All-In-One Guide To Building The Perfect ResumeWhether you just graduated, are returning to school or are looking for a new job, within or outside your career, you need a resume. But not just a resume. You need a great resume. One...Cons:While it’s convenient to upload your CV rather than manually enter the information, I found that it didn’t map the information properly whereas other services were able to identify the sections and their associated content correctly. This means it will require quite a bit of editing on your part to fix.While the free PDF download is also a useful feature, the watermark doesn’t really make it usable in a professional setting.KickresumeKickresume’s free accounts give users access to basic resume templates, limited entries and categories, and access to cloud storage for resumes. For a $48/year or $15/month paid upgrade, you gain access to all the existing resume templates, unlimited entries and categories, full customization, an online resume website, cover letter options, and email support.ating a CV using Kickresume, you have to manually enter your personal information, education, and experience. Once you’re done, you can download your resume as a PDF. Premium account holders can also publish their resumes online, choosing a unique Kickresume URL, which allows them to put their name in the link for a nice personalized touch. The URL can also be shared with potential employers.Pros:When selecting a template for your resume, you can filter them by profession, which is a nice touch. The interface is slick and easy to use and takes away a lot of the hassles involved in creating a resume using programs like Word.Kickresume will also be offering resume analytics — a feature that isn’t available yet, and one that is likely to be available only to premium accounts. That said, it should be a supportive feature when job hunting, so that you can get a sense of whether or not your resume is being looked at by recruiters.Kickresume also makes it easy to craft a cover letter using the same design as your CV so that you can keep all the documents in your applications consistent. That, however, is a paid feature.US-based Kickresume users can also search for jobs on the site’s job board, powered by ZipRecruiter.Cons:When it comes to filling in your content, you have to manually enter your resume. There’s no option to upload an existing document or to connect your account to your LinkedIn profile, which can be tedious.The free version of Kickresume is handy, but most of its standout features are understandably reserved for premium users, including sharing an online version of your resume with potential employers. While you can filter templates by profession, you can’t filter free versus pro templates, meaning you have to wade through a big selection of templates that you can’t use if you prefer to stick with the free version of the service.Some basic features are also only available as a paid upgrade such as adding new sections to your resume, and customizing fonts and colors.CanvaOme among Canva’s many features is the option to create a “visual” CV. You can either choose from over 30 existing templates or if you fancy yourself a designer, you can select from a variety of grids that give you complete control over how your resume will turn out.If you opt for a pre-designed layout, you can just edit the dummy text, replacing it with your own information. You can also add extra design elements (shapes, lines, icons, and more), change the background, and upload images.Once you’ve completed your resume, you can share the link through Twitter, Facebook, or via email. Downloading a JPG, PNG, or PDF version will set you back $1 per download, but you can also download a watermarked draft for free.Pros:Canva offers users some pretty heavy duty customization features that are uncomplicated. With a drag and drop interface, someone with little or no design skills can put together a professionally designed resume. If you’re overwhelmed by all the options, you can also just use one of many great templates.Even if you don’t have a strong design aesthetic, Canva offers a lot of great features such as font pairings and a great library of free icons.You can create a stunning resume using nothing more than the free features that Canva offers — a rarity in online resume builders.Cons:The most tedious aspect of using Canva is having to fill in your information. There no option to upload your CV or connect to your LinkedIn account; and there is also no handy interface to enter your information. It all has to be filled in the template as you edit it.While you can share your CV with potential employers with a handy URL, you can only do so if the CV is made public online. If you’re searching for a job and don’t want your current employer to know, it’s certainly not the most discreet option.VisualizeMeVisualizeMe is another interesting option for job hunters looking for a visual resume. As the name suggests, you’re creating a visualization of your experience and education. Users can either fill in their information through a handy form or better yet, can connect to LinkedIn to generate that information. VisualizeMe will then present that data in an infographic format.You have to, of course, be conscious of the kinds of jobs you’re applying to if you’re going to use a service like VisualizeMe. The final product is unorthodox and might not be well received in a more corporate or straight-laced environment.Pros:With VisualizeMe, not only is the process of filling out your information made easier by connecting the service to your LinkedIn account, you can also personalize the final product choosing from a selection of fonts, colors, themes, and backgrounds.You can also share the final product with a URL or embed it on your website. Embedding it on your website will give you the ability to track who is viewing your resume through your own analytics, but the service itself offers you its own set of analytics as well.Cons:If you want to download an image file of your VisualizeMe resume, you’ll have to sign up for a premium subscription that will set you back $19 a month or $190 a year. To be frank, it’s not worth it.The other significant disadvantage to using VisualizeMe is that the look and feel of the graphics are dated. The font and icon choices have remained the same for several years, and the service is in desperate need of an update. VisualizeMe also allows users to create only one version of their CV, limiting its utility.CV MakerCV Maker is another service which requires you to manually enter the information on your resume – your work experience, education, qualifications, interests, and references. You can add custom plain sections, and can remove the standard sections, by leaving them blank.With the free version of CV Maker, you can choose from six basic templates, but have much more to choose from with a one-time paid upgrade of $16. The premium version also allows users to send their resume with a single click. Access an advanced rich text editor and add custom special sections.Pros:CV Maker is another service with robust features in its free version. It’s one of the few options where you can download or share your resume for free, with no strings attached. You can download your resume as a PDF, HTML, or TXT file. You can also publish it online and share it with potential employers using a shortened CV Maker url.It’s also the only service listed here that offers you premium features for a one-time upgrade, rather than having to pay a monthly fee.Cons:With CV Maker, you have to manually enter information, which like with other similar services, can be tedious. There is a sameness in the free templates, and you can’t make any changes to layout, font, or any other design elements in your CV. The only thing you have control over is the order of the sections.2. Resume Writing LabDo you feel paralyzed by the fear of rejection every time you send your resume and cover letter to a recruiter? Does your ego take a knock when you get a "No"? You even created a LinkedIn profile, but almost nobody views it. Neither does it draw any offers. Resume Writing Lab is here to help you!Our name states it plainly. We are a modern writing lab that will synthesize only the finest quality resumes to help you either kick-start your career or advance it to the next level.How better to do this than to call on our experienced and certified staff for your professional resume writing?Below are our services that will help you get hired faster. You save lots of time, as our online helpers are ready to help you succeed with an awesome application document. A simple click gets you ahead all other applicants!ServicesResume WritingThis online resume service will write and format your resume for optimal appearance and content. Our professional resume writers know what your future employer will want to read.CV WritingIf you are seeking a position in academia, a grant, or a proposal – use our CV writing services. One of our writers will paint a specific description of your academic credentials and accomplishments.Linkedin Profile WritingIncreasingly, hiring managers and recruiters are turning to LinkedIn to find new employees. A thorough profile will significantly boost your chances of a job finding you, instead of the other way around.Resume EditingAre you satisfied with the basic content of your resume, and just want it more readable, or perhaps better formatted? Our resume editors know how to do it. Let's polish your professional resume.CV EditingMost documents, including a well-written CV, have room for improvement. Our writers can edit the format and description of your credentials to make them stand out against your competitors.Cover Letter WritingOur online resume writers can create excellent cover letters using your information to target the specific job you are seeking with text and format that will convince any employer that you are the best fit for the position.How it worksSubmit your order. Tell us exactly what you want. Resume, CV, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile, or all of the above.Fill in the questionnaireOur form helps to learn about your career and goals for telling your story in the way that will appeal to your ideal employee.Your writer makes magicThe new professionally polished documents will land you that new job.Get your resume via emailThe final result will be mailed immediately upon its timely completion.Benefits of Our Resume Writing CompanyProfessional WritersOur certified writers with years of experience, work directly with you to meet the highest demands.ATS friendly resumes/ CVsWe use special templates, keywords and formats to please applicant tracking system.On-time deliveryYou get your perfectly written document in 3-5 business days, though we always try to deliver even faster than that.ConfidentialityOur website is protected by Comodo SSL certification and also we use the safest payment gateway.Help from an online resume serviceCompetition for the most desirable jobs is getting fiercer by the day. A hiring manager really needs something about you that stands out to want to give you that second look. That is why they read cover letters first. Many applicants make the mistake in not writing one at all. Writing your own cover letter may put you ahead of some candidates, but one that is professionally written by Resume Writing Lab will be very likely to actually land you the interview.With over 90 percent of employers now hiring at least some of their employees after browsing LinkedIn, this is yet another important avenue to consider, in landing that dream job. The same goes for resumes, CVs, and cover letters. Our online resume writers can craft your profile so that employers will also come looking for you, as you are seeking them out.Our 24-hour resume service will write and deliver your documents in reasonable time, with nothing less than the best quality.3. Resume AreaProfessional WorkResumArea is a company that provides customers with professional online resume writing service. You will get competent support and outstanding results!Secure PaymentsYou can be confident that you are in a perfectly safe place when ordering any services on our website. We use one of the safest payment gateways in the world to guarantee your online security.Competent SpecialistsOur secret weapon is the competence and professionalism of our resume writers, who know how to create application documents that will win you a dream job.Resume Writing Service that WorksThousands of people all over the world get hired, but many others remain unemployed. If you are among of those, who continue to get rejections after every interview, the take another look at your resume. 94% of applicants don’t even get interview invitations because of having a weak resume.Turn the situation to your favor by applying to ResumArea. We know the best way to write a resume!Professional Resume Writing ServiceNo more sleepless nights and stressful days! Nothing could be easier when it comes to resume writing, than applying to ResumArea! With the help of our online resume service, thousands of job seekers have already received these fantastic benefits! And so can you:A 100% unique resume, since our writing expertsare among the best, with plenty of outstanding ideas!A quality document written by a certified specialist.An easy ordering process that will take a mere 5 minutes!Nothing short of 100% satisfaction, because we are completely focused on your success,and will do everything possible to meet your expectations!ResumArea is an easy and effective way to get a complete and top-level resume in a few short days for a very fair price! We don’t simply use templates or other standard formats. We focus totally on your success and a positive outcome for your interview. We will, therefore, use your strongest characteristics to convince your potential employer that you are the best candidate for the job!All you need to do is fill in the application form and your perfect resume will be delivered in a few short days. Thousands of job seekers have already trusted our services and been completely satisfied! We are professionals with vast knowledge, and our company regularly receives positive feedback. Be the next person who gets that dream job with the help of a powerful resume!Our company ResumArea is here for you to present all our knowledge and experience in the sphere of resume writing. A work search is a difficult process, so candidates need professional and timely assistance. That is why our dedicated team of specialists is working every day to create the best presentation document for each of our clients. You may be sure that any new task is unique and is done with a personal approach. Professional resume writers understand the importance of their work, so they are always responsible for the best result. In such way, you get specialized writing help that increases your chances for being noticed and invited for an interview.We show our interest in your job-search and success, so choose our company to get the resume that will become the beginning of your new life.Quality against RushWe appreciate each client and his desire to get the best result. This means that we take responsibility for writing your resume or CV on the highest level that rejects rush. A flat amount is paid for a quality document, but not for the time the writer spends.Reasonable Prices for Excellent ServiceThe service of Resumarea is provided to clients at a reasonable price that corresponds to the importance of your self-presentation. If you understand the meaning of the first impression made by your resume, you are ready to pay a fairly affordable price.No General TemplatesOur resume writers don’t use any standard samples. So, you may be sure that your resume is professionally written according to your personal features and particular job requirements.Extra Service for Your Job SearchAlong with presenting a professional resume writing service to our clients, ResumArea provides customers with useful articles in job search & career related blog. Our customers get helpful recommendations and tips according to their professional life. We also create cover letters and thank you letters, which are of the same importance.Resume that Increases Your Chances for InterviewsOur work is aimed on providing result-oriented resumes that not only attract hiring managers’ attention, but also make you get the desirable position. Years of dedicated work and experience result in creation well-organized and effective business documents. The professionalism of our writers has created a service with almost 100% level of satisfied clients.Professional and Up-to-date ServiceThe working team of Resumarea is always following the latest trends in industries and job-search spheres. That is why we are always ready to please the most demanding requirements of a particular HR manager. Be sure that your strengths will be described professionally to make the most noticeable resume.Free RevisionThe result of our work is your satisfaction. That is why we are ready to revise the resume if you see any inaccuracies. You have 7 days to check the written resume for any inconsistencies to job requirements and apply for free revision. In such way, we show that we are responsible for our work and are always ready to meet your necessities with all possible professionalism.Your Personal Info is ProtectedAny of your personal information, such as contact details and credit card info, will never be disclosed. This data is highly protected from any third parties by using the latest technologies of encryption. It’s only our Company that uses your personal data to provide the best-personalized service.The mission of Resumarea is to help you make the first and the most important step in your job search. So, order our trustworthy resume writing service and be ready to get the career of your dream right now.It’s extremely important to choose the writing company to professionally re-write your CV. It’s your career and you don’t want to waste money on the wrong service. Recruiters only spend 30 seconds looking at your curriculum vitae so you better make sure there is nothing wrong with grammar, spelling and layout. Your cover letter is a pretty important piece to the equation too.They cover all the key points in terms of a CV writing service. Good layout, grammar and spelling – which you’d expect but it’s just a bit worrying with no money back guarantee. This is what you would expect from any CV writing service though – although some don’t actually give it!Always Pick A Professional DesignContinuously have the correct resume for the employment.Effectively make online CV, proficient PDF resumes, individual greeting pages or web portfolios, CVCrow has the correct outline for the occupation.All CV formats are precisely intended to beat the 6 second test – helping you to move from application to talk with call.Best CV BuilderMake Personalized CV VersionsEffectively deal with numerous CV forms, redid for each employment application.Breath life into your resume with pictures, video, and powerpoint introductions utilizing best online CV manufacturer.CVCROW gives you the best of the two universes, an intuitive web portfolio, combined with an expert PDF continue. It's a 1-2 punch that is ensured to awe businesses.Make CV OnlineOffer YOUR CV and TRACK RESULTSPortable cordial and enhanced for web indexes, your Online CV is your own proficient site – offering access to feature to a great many businesses by means of www and social sharing.Get measurements on how your online CV is performing: who saw your professional best online CV, who have downloaded it and when, which manager has opened your sent email and that's only the tip of the iceberg.Once you’ve reached your decision to get professional assistance with your resume, the next step is finding the best one for you. Finding your resume writing partner is like finding a good dentist; a good one will save you lots of pain and produce optimal results for the rest of your life. A resume writer that suits your needs and gets your brand can produce everything from a higher salary to life-changing opportunities.These are our preferred resume writing services becausethey offer a 30 day interview-landing guarantee.The writers are CERTIFIED professional resume writers and the amount of collaboration and time spent truly understanding your brand before producing the final draft. This alone is a great value that will be difficult for you to find amidst all the quick rush resume services that work off of templates.If you’ve never worked with a resume writer before and are wondering how to differentiate between all the services available, here is some key advice you’ll want to consider before making the investment.Not all Resume Writers or Resume Writing Services are equalDuring your decision-making process, I’m sure you encountered many options ranging from thousands of dollars to under $100. Some services will sell you a very basic resume template for under $20. What’s the differences between these services? In general, you will encounter 3 different types of services:1. Resume MillsThese are companies who service hundreds of clients in any given month. They often have large teams of resume writers and pay them low rates. In turn, these writers are focused on quantity vs. quality. They must create “x” amount of resumes in order to make a decent wage. In addition, typically inexperienced resume writers will work for these companies. These writers often add very little strategy or branding behind your resume due to lack of experience and/or time.Some resume mills are also known to populate their websites with false testimonials and stock photos of people just for marketing purposes. Tread carefully if you feel like you’ve found a cheap resume service that’s too good to be true. It probably is and you’ll get what you pay for.2. Resume Template ServicesThis type of resume service is exactly what it sounds like (NOTE: this is not a writing service). Companies that provide a service for you to simply enter your information in return for a very basic format (usually generated by automated technology).While these services may be highly visually attractive (think infographic resume) and seem like a bargain, it’s important to be aware that these resumes may not be optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS’s) in which case you’ll want to steer clear. Since more than 70% of large companies use ATS’s to screen out resumes, some templates will get automatically kicked into the trash. Only consider using these services if you are either placing your resume in the hands of the hiring manager and compliment the transaction with some old-fashioned selling. This will be the only guarantee that your resume is seen and relevant (since template services don’t typically offer custom content tailoring).3. Certified Resume WritersCertified Resume Writers (also known as CPRW or Certified Professional Resume Writer) have proven their talent and ability through one of several testing and certification services. These writers often have the skill and talent to be able to create a branding strategy and create a resume that is written to highlight and showcase your very unique career paths, skills, and accomplishments. Furthermore, a Certified Professional Resume Writer will be on top of the latest trends in resume writing as well as hiring manager insights and deeper insights around specific career levels and desirable accomplishments. They also tend to apply a hefty dose of research around industry keywords.While these services have a higher sticker price, the services are truly an investment as they make you relevant to the hiring manager and greatly increase your chances of standing out. These are our preferred resume writing services.There are 3 most popular resume writing services in the world: Resume Planet, Resume Writers Service and Pro Resume Writing Service:According to The Washington Post, The Winchester Star, and The LA Times, Resume Planet is the best online resume-writing and editing service. We placed it at number one in our review table because of their highly-qualified writing staff and their overwhelmingly positive customer feedback.Their writers’ experience guarantees that your resume will be polished and logically structured to make the most important information stand out. Basically, your resume or CV will be crafted to match your potential employer’s expectations as closely as possible. We especially liked that Resume Planet guarantees free revisions within 30 days if you suddenly decide to change any aspect of your document. There is also an interesting option to revise your resume if you’re not invited to an interview after 30 days of job hunting with their custom-crafted documents.Services Offered:Resume Writing – This entails the writer going over the customer’s information and structuring the resume according to one or more of the needed styles. The most popular styles are reverse-chronological and functional.Resume Editing – With this option, the writer will correct your spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes as well as your resume’s format.CV Writing – A CV is a more extensive resume form. It can be longer than 2 pages whereas the traditional resume is limited to a one or two-page concise summary. In Europe, the CV is often more preferable to an employer than a resume. In the US, however, a CV is more commonly used when applying for a position in academia or research.CV Editing – This service involves a trained CV writer correcting any grammatical, punctuation, or spelling mistakes.Cover Letter Writing – A cover letter is a personal introduction that accompanies a resume. It adds a personal touch to your resume.Resume/CV Review – This offered service is where you send your finished resume or CV to a writer who will give you professional feedback and suggestions on what can be improved in your document.Additional Services Offered:Distribution To Employment Agencies – An extremely attractive feature of Resume Planet is that they distribute your resume to over 500 well-known employment agencies in 700 cities across the US.Thank-You & Follow-up Letters – Follow-up letters are sent to your potential employers after your resume or CV has been submitted and an interview has been conducted.KSAs – KSA stands for knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, a KSA statement describes your unique set of qualities that are needed to fill a particular position.Pricing & Discount PackagesResume Writing - $89.95Resume Editing$64.95CV Writing$129.95CV Editing$104.95Cover Letter Writing$39.95Resume/CV Review$14.95Packages:Resume + CV Writing$197.95Resume + Cover Letter Writing$103.95CV + Cover Letter Writing$135.95Resume + Cover Letter + Thank-you/Follow-up Letters$134.95CV + Cover Letter + Thank-you/Follow-up Letters$164.95Ordering ProcessThe ordering process in just 3 easy steps:Filling in the order formAttaching the document with your informationReceiving the resumeOur CPRW Certified writers know that your resume must be clear and succinct so employers think you are the best candidate for the job. We will provide you with professional resume writing. More interviews guaranteed!Select your career level and let our certified writers help you succeed. We will deliver first-rate resumes that can give you a real edge over other applicants. At Resume Planet, we have the personal marketing solution to meet your job search needs.You are guaranteed to get the following:An Easy Ordering Process - It takes less than 5 minutes to fill in the order form.A Resume\CV Written by a Pro - Each writer is educated, talented, and has the necessary experience.On-time Delivery - Our experts always deliver your order on-time, guaranteed.Interview invitation - If you are not invited to an interview within 30 days, we guarantee a free-revision.100% Satisfaction - Every customer is fully satisfied with both the final product and our services.Resume writing is the most important step in presenting your skills and getting the job you want. It is a process that allows a candidate to highlight the achievements and experience that will attract the attention of any employer and ensure the realization of obtaining his\her dream career.Our CPRW Certified writers have the proven experience you need. We know that a well written resume will increase your chances of getting your new job and we are ready to craft a professional document to your precise needs. Get the job you deserve when you choose our professional writers and be confident of your chances for success.It's not easy to express your strengths and professional qualifications effectively in a resume. A slight typo or a mistake in spelling, punctuation, grammar, or format could damage your chances of getting an interview. At Resume Planet, we have perfected the art of resume writing and resume editing to take away the worry that your resume will not get you noticed. Make the smart decision and let us do the work for you!Do not let mistakes or a weak resume ruin your chances to get your career on track and land your dream job. Ask our expert editing team to review your resume and provide you with a professional tool that gets real results.How do we improve your resume?We proofread and edit every aspect of it. Our specialists correct all those spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes that can ruin your chances to get an interview.We ensure that your resume is coherent. Depending on your specific job requirements, we transform your resume into one that meets your career goals.We ensure that your resume has a unique style. Though it is a formal document, resumes should not be faceless. Our editors will add crucial touches that will set you apart from the crowd. We make sure your document truly reflects how special and perfect you are for the position.We format your resume according to the latest industry standards and to your specific requirements. Our experts stay on top of the latest trends in professional documentation so that your resume will always be cutting edge.We communicate with you to ensure that your strongest assets have been positioned to the best advantage in your CV.Resume Planet is considered one of the most reliable sources for resumes at reasonable prices. Our good reputation is due to our staff of experienced, professional resume writers. The thousands of resumes that these excellent writers have produced have landed our clients the jobs they wanted, because they are well aware of how to design resumes, highlighting the talents and experiences of our clients in a way that gives them an edge over their competitors.To ensure consistency in the quality of our services, we demand that our writers belong to the Association of Professional Resume Writers. Many have other career certifications also. Recruits we hire also have to pass a test to prove they can meet our exacting standards. Consequently Resume Planet professionals have knowledge and requisite experience to design resumes that will grab the attention of hiring managers.A further proof of our quality of work is that lots of job seekers have had original resumes, curriculum vitae, cover, thank you and follow-up letters written or edited by us. These documents help job seekers in every career, with varying degrees of experience, get great jobs. Let us help you craft a resume that will get you that dream job!Additional Services and Free FeaturesResume Planet gives you some additional information that may help you in acquiring a new job, such as interview tips, a list of the 10 best job sites, and list of international recruiting agencies. They also guarantee you a free revision within a one-month period.2. Resume Writers Service uses professional resume writers that match up to the type of resume you need. For example, if you need a resume for a computer or IT related job, they have a writer with computer and IT experience and background who knows what they are doing. This is one thing that makes Resume Writers Servicestand out from its competitors. Also, you have direct contact with your resume writer. They are just an email away if you need something else or need something changed with your resume.Our network consists of certified resume writing professionals from around the country. These are writers who have been in the industry for years. Our process replicates the traditional resume writing experience: Simply fill out our comprehensive career worksheets or email your current resume, and we'll assign a qualified writer. The writer will make contact and begin to work with you right away! Personalized contact is the difference. Not call centers. Not middlemen. Not cookie-cutter resume templates. Just job-winning resumes produced specifically for you by career professionals.Our writers specialize in more than 6 dozen career fields and industries. No matter what your experience, and no matter what job you're hoping to land, we can match you with a writer qualified to help you find success!Services OfferedThere are many more services offered besides resume writing. They include:Professional resumesExecutive resumesStudent resumesIT resumesLinkedIn profile writingMilitary to Civilian resumesCV servicesCover LettersPrices and DiscountsWith the different categories of resumes, there are, of course, different prices for each one. The following list includes not only the category of the resume but the product and price as well.Professional Resume Packages:Normal professional resume – $199.95Professional resume with a cover letter – $269.95Complete professional resume package which includes professional resume, cover letter, electronic resume, scannable resume and a follow up letter written – $289.95Executive Resume Packages:Executive service silver which comes with just the executive resume – $299.95Executive service gold which comes with an executive resume and a cover letter – $369.95Executive service platinum which comes with an executive resume, cover letter, electronic resume, scannable resume and a follow up letter – $389.95.IT Resume Packages:IT resume – $219.95IT resume and cover letter – $289.95Complete IT package which comes with the IT resume, cover letter, electronic resume, scannable resume and a follow up letter written – $259.95.Student/Graduate Resume Packages:Young professional resume for students – $169.95Young professional resume and over letter – $239.95Complete Young Professional Package which includes the resume, cover letter, electronic resume, scannable resume and a follow up letter – $259.95CV Packages:CV written – $299.95CV and cover letter – $369.95Complete CV Package which includes the CV, resume electronic resume, scannable resume and the follow up letter – $389.95.Military to Civilian Resume Packages:Military to civilian resume – $169.95Military to civilian resume and cover letter – $239.95Complete military to civilian package whih includes resume, cover letter, electronic resume, scannable resume and a follow up letter – $259.95.Other Services:Just a cover letter – $90scannable resume only – $40just the electronic resume – $30Thank you letter only – $30.Add-ons: The following add-ons can be added to any resume package you choose for an additional fee. 24 hour rush ordered, although it depends on the package ordered – $75, 10 copies of your resume on paper and priority mailed to you – $20, Resume put on C.D and sent by priority mail to you – $25.Resume Updated: $100How to Order from Resume WritersIt is pretty easy to go through the ordering process with Resume Writers Service. Here is how:Submit your current resume or your career information through their secure websiteThey will assign a writer to you who will then make contact with you to find out just exactly what you need done with your resume.Have your first draft delivered to you within 72 hours.If you don’t like it, work with your writer until everything is exactly the way you want it.Special FeaturesOne special feature provided by Resume Writers Service is that if you are a returning customer, you can get any services for half off the regular price. They will also try to put you back in contact with the writer you had before if you can remember your details.3. Pro Resume Writing Service.The First Glance - 90% resumes are rejected at this stageOne Minute Scan - 8% resumes are rejected at this stageDetailed Read - Less than 2% clears this stage and are scheduled for an interviewWe make resumes that get you the interview, 100% guaranteed.History of producing results!Rated as the *best* resume writing service in top resume writing survey 2014-2015!Pro Resume Writing Service writers have published 7 books on resume writing and interview planning!Certified Writers Team of 4 certified professional resume writers (CPRW) with 20 yrs. of combined experience.Personalized Service We provide one-to-one personalized service on phone to discuss your resume.Cost Effective Nobody can provide a resume at a lower cost, written by a CPRW certified writer.Quick Delivery 48 hours flat. We only take limited number of projects, hence deliver on time. Always.100% Interview Guarantee! We provide you the guarantee that the resume written by us will get you an interview.Customer Support We are available 24x7 on email and phone. Reach us any time you like.How does it work?The whole resume writing process is very simple and can be done in the following steps:Upload your existing resume. Even a rough draft is fine.Make payment through Paypal/Credit CardOne of our resume writers will call you on phone to discuss your resume & other specifications in detail.Receive your resume within 48 hours. Discuss and get any changes made as per your need.Pro Resume Writing Services is a venture of Urja Media Corp. Our professional writers have been helping clients land interviews for several years and settle for nothing less than 100% satisfactionOur company is incorporated in the state of Wisconsin, in the city of Milwaukee. We have a dedicated support team for handling phone and email support. The same level of customer servce is available for each and every resume writing package.Pro Resume Writing ServiceOnce you’ve reached your decision to get professional assistance with your resume, the next step is finding the best one for you. Finding your resume writing partner is like finding a good dentist; a good one will save you lots of pain and produce optimal results for the rest of your life. A resume writer that suits your needs and gets your brand can produce everything from a higher salary to life-changing opportunities.These are our preferred resume writing services becausethey offer a 30 day interview-landing guarantee.The writers are CERTIFIED professional resume writers and the amount of collaboration and time spent truly understanding your brand before producing the final draft. This alone is a great value that will be difficult for you to find amidst all the quick rush resume services that work off of templates.If you’ve never worked with a resume writer before and are wondering how to differentiate between all the services available, here is some key advice you’ll want to consider before making the investment.Not all Resume Writers or Resume Writing Services are equalDuring your decision-making process, I’m sure you encountered many options ranging from thousands of dollars to under $100. Some services will sell you a very basic resume template for under $20. What’s the differences between these services? In general, you will encounter 3 different types of services:1. Resume MillsThese are companies who service hundreds of clients in any given month. They often have large teams of resume writers and pay them low rates. In turn, these writers are focused on quantity vs. quality. They must create “x” amount of resumes in order to make a decent wage. In addition, typically inexperienced resume writers will work for these companies. These writers often add very little strategy or branding behind your resume due to lack of experience and/or time.Some resume mills are also known to populate their websites with false testimonials and stock photos of people just for marketing purposes. Tread carefully if you feel like you’ve found a cheap resume service that’s too good to be true. It probably is and you’ll get what you pay for.2. Resume Template ServicesThis type of resume service is exactly what it sounds like (NOTE: this is not a writing service). Companies that provide a service for you to simply enter your information in return for a very basic format (usually generated by automated technology).While these services may be highly visually attractive (think infographic resume) and seem like a bargain, it’s important to be aware that these resumes may not be optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS’s) in which case you’ll want to steer clear. Since more than 70% of large companies use ATS’s to screen out resumes, some templates will get automatically kicked into the trash. Only consider using these services if you are either placing your resume in the hands of the hiring manager and compliment the transaction with some old-fashioned selling. This will be the only guarantee that your resume is seen and relevant (since template services don’t typically offer custom content tailoring).3. Certified Resume WritersCertified Resume Writers (also known as CPRW or Certified Professional Resume Writer) have proven their talent and ability through one of several testing and certification services. These writers often have the skill and talent to be able to create a branding strategy and create a resume that is written to highlight and showcase your very unique career paths, skills, and accomplishments. Furthermore, a Certified Professional Resume Writer will be on top of the latest trends in resume writing as well as hiring manager insights and deeper insights around specific career levels and desirable accomplishments. They also tend to apply a hefty dose of research around industry keywords.While these services have a higher sticker price, the services are truly an investment as they make you relevant to the hiring manager and greatly increase your chances of standing out. These are our preferred resume writing services.Follow these tips while resume writing:1. URLIf you don't include URLs to your professional online profiles, hiring managers will look you up regardless. Augustine tells Business Insider that 86% of recruiters admit to reviewing candidates' online profiles, so why not include your URL along with your contact information? This will prevent recruiters from having to guess or mistaking you for someone else.2. Consistent brand name"If you have a common name, consider including your middle initial on your resume and online professional profiles to differentiate yourself from the competition,". Use chosen name consistently, be it on LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.3. Single phone number and email address"Choose one phone number for your resume where you control the voicemail message and who picks up the phone," she advises. The same rule applies to an email address.4. Objective statementThere's no point in including a generic objective about a "professional looking for opportunities that will allow me to leverage my skills."5. Executive summaryReplace your fluffy statement with an executive summary, which should be like a "30-second elevator pitch" where you explain who you are and what you are expecting now. "In approximately three to five sentences, explain what you’re great at, most interested in, and how you can provide value to a prospective employer".Everyone knows that good writing skills are important, particularly when your job refers to writing (journalist, paralegal or public relations professional). If you are employed for your writing skills, having “good” writing skills is a job requirement. However, more professions require good writing skills than those traditionally associated with writing. Any time a profession requires written communication, writing skills become important. With emails, notes, letters, texts and Tweets, most people spend a fair amount of time at work communicating via the written word. Whether you are messaging a colleague, writing to your manager, or crafting the company newsletter, your writing skills can boost or hinder your career easily, even if you do not have a “writing” profession. Basically, writing skills make a difference in how you come across.The resume is your way to win an interview. If it does what the fantasy resume did, it works. If it doesn’t, it isn’t an effective resume. A resume is an advertisement, nothing more, nothing less.A great resume doesn’t just tell them what you have done but makes the same assertion that all good ads do: If you buy this product, you will get these specific, direct benefits. It presents you in the best light. It is so pleasing to the eye that the reader is enticed to pick it up and read it. It “whets the appetite,” stimulates interest in meeting you and learning more about you. It inspires the prospective employer to pick up the phone and ask you to come in for an interview.Writing is a feature that people pay attention to, because people with good writing skills are generally seen as more credible. Think to yourself how you would interpret an email from a colleague that was filled with typos and grammatical errors. At best, he was negligent in that he didn’t proofread his message or use spell check; at worst, he comes across as less intelligent and less capable. Better writers tend to get higher grades and be perceived as more competent and more intelligent than their less literary counterparts. In the workplace, you need to make sure that you proofread everything you write, from an email to a company memo. However, just because good writing skills are a plus, you still need to pick your battles. Correcting others can work against you, in some cases even undermining you. Further, context and tone are just as important as grammar. While obvious mistakes are a no-no, such as using “their” and “they’re” incorrectly, smaller errors, like confusing “who” and “whom” are less important. Also don’t forget about stylistics and punctuation.Resume/CV Writing and EditingA resume or CV offers potential employers one of the first glimpses into who you are as an employee. A high-quality resume/CV demonstrates how each of your professional experiences has contributed to your overall professional growth and made you an ideal candidate for future positions.Think that your work history is less than impressive? Think again! Our services will not only demonstrate your value as an employee to potential organizations, they will also convince you of your own professional worth. That means that when the interview comes, you’ll be confident enough to land the job of your dreams.Our Resume/CV Services Include:A summary of your past work history, education, professional affiliations, awards, and achievements, providing a concise presentation of your invaluable assets to potential employers in written form.A highlight of your unique skills, certifications, licenses, and other credentials.Keyword optimization for your primary skills, which increases your visibility in Internet search engines and human resource databases, stacking the odds in your favor for a successful job search.Consistent high quality, polished resumes/CVs necessary for effectively marketing your talents in today’s extremely competitive marketplace.Expert formatting to improve readability whether your resume/CV is reviewed in printed or digital form.RESUME EDITING PACKAGESThe key to an engaging resume is clarity, creativity, and conciseness – the 3 c’s. Allow our editors to work with you to polish all of these areas and more for a unique and attention-grabbing final product.Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV)Editing of a single resume or CV72-hour turnaroundOne round of follow-up revisionsCover LetterEditing of a single cover letter72-hour turnaroundOne round of follow-up revisionsResume & Cover Letter ComboEditing of both resume and cover letter72-hour turnaroundOne round of follow-up revisionsThere are tons of CV / Resume Writing services out there. And I do digital marketing for one of them. So, why go with just any company. There are some good companies, some average ones and the ones that charge very less money but as with everything else in life.You get what you pay for.So what should you do then? Whatever CV / Resume writing service you choose, follow these simple tips to make the most out of this opportunity.Find a company that has been in the business for many years.Make sure whatever company you choose, you tell them straightaway your level of expectation.If you have a particular job in mind for which you are applying, please share the link or links.If the company wants you to fill a questionnaire, go for it. The more they know, the more they are going to help you with your CV / Resume.Always ask for these three things your CV / Resume, Covering Letter & LinkedIn Profile. Each one of these is important in their own way. Some companies also offer discount if you get all of them in one package.Don’t push the company too hard on giving you the final product in just a couple of days unless it is really necessary. Creative thought process should be given time. Try not to place express / urgent order unless necessary because again a well thought out CV serves your career aspirations the best.Even if the company does not offer any questionnaire, make sure to provide every piece of info related to your particular profession. Think like what would your potential employers would be interested in. (Eg. for sales, they would be interested in the amount of sales, percentage increase in business developed, leadership capabilities, team management, ability to proficiently use CRM as some of the so many things which would help you better portray yourself. The second example is a civil or construction engineering role. The company would be interested in knowing the $$ value of the projects you completed, details of the projects you did, any time lines you managed, hundreds or thousands of workforce you managed, the technical support you provided on construction sites). Please don’t take these examples literally. Use your own imagination.When you get your first CV / Resume draft, don’t just send it to edits right away. Get a printed copy or two and start finding the things you would like to improve. Go through it at least twice in a couple of days so you have got everything covered. No one likes too many edits and it impacts the quality of your CV / Resume.Please keep in mind the more senior your level in your organization, the more time it will take the CV / Resume writing company to get your professional persona finalized.Proofread and point out if something went wrong somewhere. If you are not satisfied at all, instead of becoming angry, just point out in a few lines what wrong went where.Hope this helps answer you question. You can get in touch with me too for a free CV review. Best of luck in your job search. :) .Employers use resumes throughout the hiring process to learn more about applicants and whether they might be a good fit. Your resume should be easy to read, summarize your accomplishments and skills, and highlight relevant experience. Below are 10 tips to help you write a great resume.Resume writing tipsWhile there are a few commonly used resume styles, your resume should reflect your unique education, experience and relevant skills. You might consider having multiple versions of your resume tailored to the jobs you’re applying for.Here are a few key resume writing tips that will help you organize and design your resume:1. Look for keywords in the job postingsThe best place to start when preparing to write a resume is to carefully read the job postings that interest you. As you apply for different jobs, you should study each job description for keywords that show what the employer is looking for in an ideal candidate. Include those keywords in your resume where relevant.For example, if you’re applying for a job as a Medical Billing Coder, an employer might list keywords such as “coding”, “claims submission,” “compliance,” or “AR management” in the job description. Pay particular attention to anything listed in the sections labeled “Requirements” or “Qualifications.” If you have the skills that employers are looking for, you can add these same terms to your resume in the experience or skills sections.2. Review resume examples for your industryWhen crafting your resume, you might study examples of resumes from your industry for inspiration and best practices. While there are many ways you can use resume samples, there are three main takeaways you should look for:Make it simple and easy to read. Resume samples are simple and straightforward. This is because employers have a minimal amount of time to review your resume, so readability is key. This also means selecting a professional, clean font.Make it brief. You’ll notice that each section of the resume sample is short and to-the-point, including the summary and experience descriptions. Including only the most key and relevant information means employers are able to consume more information about you, and more quickly understand your fitness for the role.Include numbers. You might also notice that there are often metrics included in the experience section of resume samples. This is because employers are highly responsive to measurable proven value. Numbers allow them to better understand the value you may bring to the position. For example, one bullet point under the experience description for an administrative assistant reads, “Executed processing of vendor contracts and implemented a standardized process, reducing contract discrepancies by 90%.”When using resume samples, you should keep in mind that these are not meant to be copied exactly. While you should avoid using them as a template, samples are useful as examples of high-quality resumes in your industry and job title.3. Use a professional fontBecause employers have only a short time to review your resume, it should be as clear and as easy to read as possible. You should use a basic, clean font like Arial or Times New Roman. Keep your font size between 10 and 12 points. Selecting a clear, readable font will help make your resume appear more professional.You should also make sure reduce or eliminate any extraneous whitespace. Too much blank space might make your resume seem sparse, distracting the audience and possibly raising a red flag. By reducing extra white space, you make it easier for the resume reader to focus only on the content of your resume instead of the white spaces. You can reduce white space by increasing your font size to 12 points and possibly adding an additional, optional section like “Skills” or “Awards and Achievements.”4. Include only the most relevant information and put the most important information firstWhile you might have extensive work or educational experience, it’s important to keep your resume as brief as possible without leaving out key information. Hiring managers don’t spend a lot of time reading each resume. Research has shown that hiring managers tend to spend only 6 seconds per resume. If your resume includes old or irrelevant information, such as jobs held over 10 years ago or minor degrees and achievements, it may distract from key information.Try to include only work experience, achievements, education and skills most relevant to the employer. You can find the most relevant attributes by closely reading the job posting. You should prioritize important information higher on your resume to draw attention to key skills and achievements.5. Use active languageYour resume should be written using active language without extraneous words. This means using power words, such as “achieved”, “earned”, “completed” or “accomplished”. If your resume is too long or seems hard to read, you might consider making sentences shorter or ideas more concise.For example, you may have a job description that reads:This example could be shortened and strengthened in the following way:The revised version communicates the same ideas about your accomplishments while reducing the number of words and including more active language.6. Call attention to important achievementsInstead of listing your job duties under the experience section, select your top three or four most important achievements in each role you’ve held. Where possible, include numbers that measure your success for that particular goal or achievement.You might also consider including a separate “Achievements” or “Skills” section to specifically highlight relevant achievements in your education, career, volunteer work or other experiences.7. Only include subheadings and sections you needWhether you’re using a resume template or creating your own, you may find there are some recommended sections you do not need.For example, you may need a resume summary or a resume objective, but you should not include both. If you are just graduating from college or high school and have not yet held a professional position, do not include an empty work history section. Instead, you might replace the experience section with relevant coursework, academic achievements and other experiences like internships or extracurricular projects.8. Choose appropriate marginsTypically you should use a one-inch margin size on all sides of your resume with single spaces between the lines. If you have too much white space, you might consider making your lines spaced by 1.15 or 1.5. You can also increase your margins if you find it is difficult to fill your resume, but they should stay below two inches.9. Proofread and editBefore sending your resume, you should undergo several rounds of proofreading to ensure there are no spelling or grammar errors. While there are several proofreading programs and tools you can use, it is also helpful to ask trusted friends or colleagues to review your resume. It is helpful for an objective third party to look at your resume as an employer might to find ways you can correct or improve it.10. Decide whether you need a unique resume for different jobsBefore submitting any application, you should ask yourself, “Have I made it as easy as possible for this employer to see that I’m qualified?”. If you’re applying for a job that has unique requirements, you may need another version of your resume to fully demonstrate your qualifications. Decide on a case by case basis which resume to use.Your resume is often the first step to getting an interview with an employer. Make sure you include the most relevant information on your resume, organize it to highlight the most important information and carefully review for errors. Once your resume is polished and finalized, it should help you get more callbacks, interviews, and job offers.

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Justin Miller