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Why was the British Empire so successful?

That depends upon the “barometer for success “ that is used and applied to this question.Britan was for a time a “world Empire” or Imperial Power. A very large chunk of the world map was then at that time, coloured a Pinky red. This was the totality of territory owned or occuppied, controld by England.There even used to be a annual public cemebration called “Empire Day”.But it needs to be remembered, how and why England took posession of so many countries and territories, and their record as an “occuppying power”.British Red coated soldiers, and Blue coated sailors.England for example, likes to think and believe that it never did any “wrong” during the days of its Empire. England still likes to “excuse” the foul behaviour of certain of its soldiers, who torture, beat and abuse prisoners. The recent ase of the British soldiers who robbed the Hoel of the parents of Fazad Bazoff, and murdered his family, stole all their money, (they busted the Hote safe and looted it) and who then tortured and beat Mr Fazad Bazoft black and blue (his batterrdface was shown on the cover of the English Newspaper the Daily Mail sometime in 2011). Only the corporal was punished, (the FIRST EVER British soldier to be so in the entire history of the English army, which says “something” about how the British army covers up).But it was NOT “just that corporal” No, it was the Sergeant, it was the Captian, it was the Commanding Officer and staff, they all bloody well knew it and covered up the entire dirty rotten business. Because Mr Bazoft was “foreign” and they were “British”.This speaks the same manner and attitudes, as were also regulalry practiced during Britains Military and 3Administrative” days of Colonialism and “Empire”.England lieks to style itself as if the sun shines out of its ass, but in reality, British soldiers can and often are, just as bloody “nasty” and cruel as other Armies, who England enjoys pokeing the funa t or running down. But, at least since the last war, British soldiers have become little “differrent”. Many are now “closet Nazis” who are ordering and buying stolen Nazi German “Iron Crosses” and Medals, (many are being dug up and stolen to order in the Ukraine, and local Ukrainians have bitterly complained over the past few years about the high number of German rusting helmets left on top of abused, violate, and broken open German Army world war two graves, by tthose who do the stealing to “order” for British Nazis.It is a disturbing trend, there is “something rottten” in the Army, there is a bad smell of Far RIght Extremism. A self arrogant “justification” to collect, enjoy and “play” with very “dark” sad, evil objects. And i am not describing weapons here. I am describing stolen Nazi relics.And those who seem tot ake a sordid dark “perverted pleasure” from owning and secrety adoring them.The English Daily Mail Newspaper also published the rest of the “story” about Mr Fazad Bazoft, sometime around Summer of 2014. And about the cover up and silence, obfuscation, obstruction and Brigaed “White Wash” in the English Military that went on to stop the tuth leaking out about the situation inside the Army.We always used to be told “its just one or two bad eggs in the barrel” who make the trouble, but no, it is not taht. It is the whole barrel, evry “bad egg” is a bad egg, and it is the Officer staff and higher who know about all this, “speak about it later” (read cover up get your story stright and get off free) and who do NOTHING to change it or confront it.Some of the “men” who hunted me and tryd to kill me in France, came from people such as these I have just mentioned above. Some mke a dirty “carreer” and “income opportunity” of going to France to terrorise people their “high up” friends do not like because they have dared to “rock the boat” or “blow the whistle”. They terrorise Ex British patriots in their houses in France and Bulgaria and Spain, stealing from them and damageing goods and selling stolen goods on, and enggae in Drugs and Arms trafficks.Some of the trouble makers who stole a seven ton Motorhome from us, turned out to be ex British soldiers, who had done a year or so “service” got themselves discharged from the Royal Engineers or whatever it was they were attached too, and then run amok useing their Military training to abuse people living in England or France or Bulgaria or Spain, as a “bloody nice little earner” It stinks, and by the way, so do they.Many of these “types” join trouble maker “Zhadists” or “New Age” type seditionist groups, often funded in reality by Racist quasi nazi Left wing “Millinaires” who in reality espouse attitudes closer to the far right.One of them, after burglarys of many houses in one area of France, got caught and arrested by French Police last year near Paris after a two year campaign of hell and terror on British Ex pats that his “superiros” did not “like” for some reason. There are apparently others still “at it”.The author personaly spent two years hunting for, and being in turn, hunted by another one or two of them, at his remote friends property in Northern France. I had to mount CCTV everywhere, track down trails useing “Field craft” and Binoculars, lie outside in a wet muddy hole at night, waiitng trying to trap the “devil”. He climbed up and over a neighbours ruined house roof, detonated smoke bombs, smashed cameras and smashed up all the building work my French friend had paid to have done, and tryd to make me appear a laughing stock. It did not have the result he planned…..He was seen by the author many times, we nicknamed him”the Ghost” because he as “good” at his field craft, you got to hear or see, even sense his approach sometimes, and we did see him several times. One day he ran across a road near the ruined farmhouse I was repairing for a friend who is French. Another time the bracnches of a tree his early morning dewy foot prints led to, was shakeing when there was no wind, and his leg slippedd own right in front of me…For severla years the building repair work and tools kept getting stolen vans broken into, fences pulledd own and tools stolen and replaced. He was stealing from us to support his on the run hand to mouth lifestyle.He got inside a couple of times while we were out buying materials (he had a spie who lived inatraveller camp up near the back of the hardware store complex who closed in to see what we were buying so he could fuck us again lateron). I stood behind him once for ten minutes, watched him watching mycar at the hardware store. His friend tyd to ram my Renault with his Blue Audi, but I got away.Later on, the Blue Audi developed serious engine trouble and brewed up…..I didnt do it. But somebody must have done….God knows who….Another day he showed up at a vide Grenier (car boot sale) near a village, and I saw him again. Watching what I was buying (of course) again.No body loves thieves. Several times he roughed it, hiding out in an old ruined building on the farm near the house I was rebuilding for my friends.I used to hide and wait for him some nights, it was dangerous, but the disruption he caused in our village got to ridiculous levels, and I vowed to capture him and present him to the police red handed on film.One day he slept onour bed and he bloody well drank a full bottle of the best Scotch Whisky leaving it empty and his damn cigarette butt on my new carpet, bastard. I took further “steps”.By day, I hunted and searched for him, by night, he hunted and came trying to get at me, and so the entire unhappy dog and fox game went on for to years.One day the bastard even took a shot at me. I swa the devil several times, and one night got so close to him I could smell his cigarette and aftershave. He had a very near “miss” too you could say. I dont like people who try to kill me, in fact, the police came…..He was hiding up a tree overlooking the property, and in a field of tall Maize crops to the South of the village near the river .He broke things, tryd to “steal electricity” from our outside garden light circuits, and sabotaged our car and builders van. The French Police watch the property for him now I understand. No surprise there. We told the local Marie who was indignant and took steps.English persons think they can run amok in France and get away free, but no, they do get caught in the end you know.My French friend and her family were not sitting back during this time either, and far more damage has beend one to the rest of those ex pats than has in the finish been done to us in France. British attitudes are bad attitudes, and not funny. Terrorising innocent persons in their home and stealing from them is absolutely against the law, and so is abuseing people in their own countrys, such s poor Mr Bazoft, who was almost beaten to death by “British soldiers”.There are strong rumours it wasin fact British soldiers who murderd Dodi Fayaed and Princess Diana Spencer in France in Paris.Given the terrible record, I am quite prepared to believe it is true.Military “persuasion” (read public beatings, executions, slavery and curfews) were a charming part f life under the British Empire. Nothing seems to ever have changed.The memories of those occuppied by England are long, (they should be) and do not welcome overtures any more about trade or commerce very much from Brexit England for those past reasons. I fancy they do not wish to be Englands slaves all over again supplying the very best of their goods for peanuts to Britian to get rich while they starve and lived in poverty.Britain used its Maritime or naval flotilla to blockade the ports and harbours of any country that did not cooperate or “play ball” as they say over there, with what England expected or wanted, and usually demanded.British attitudes remain unchanged today and much the same mentality. Playing stupid dangerous games (the Brexit thats dissappeared from the news this week, no doubt to be “quietly dropped” by England at last. I say good riddance to bad rubbish, it was no bloody good for anyone, not even for them.Below. The Last Will and Testament of Sir Francis Drake, written and signed by his own hand just before he set sail to fight the Spanish ships.Sir Francis Drake was Queen Elizabeth's naval hero who carried out treasure raids. He was the first official Government approved or sanctioned high seas commerce raider, a Pirate.Ever since Sir Francis Drake who was a “lawfully authorized” high seas Government Pirate for Queen Elizabeth the First (‘Elizabeth Tudor), and his constant raids upon the Spanish Kings treasure ships, (all sent back to run the English country) English ships have raided, landed and occupied many countries and continents. Without this Navy, full of hard-pressed men, there would have been no British Empire.France had to build an entire canal, (the canal a midi) across its countryside, to “beat” the British naval blockade of its goods at certain Ports or face starvation and shortages.England had a strong Navy, and its “fame” was based upon the cruelty of the “Press Gang” and forced recruitment. So was the British Army, sending its recruiters out to the provinces, tricking young men into playing a coin game with a one shilling piece coin. When the young man won, the sergeants would suddenly “appear” and announce “And so having taken the Kings shilling you be lawfully enlisted in the Army of King George” (or some other English ruler at the time.)below. A silver shilling coin of the reign of English King George the Third dating from 1787.Below; The British Army red coats used to use Inns and village Pubs to try to catch the unwary or “merry” men, and trick them through drink into playing a trick game, where they “won” a silver Shilling. But the moment they picked up or took that shilling, the recruiting sergeants appeared and marched them of “having accepted the Kings shilling” to join the Red coated army of King George!false promises of an easy life, plenty of beer and staying in bed, were al tricks resorted too and used by the Army recruitment Sergeant and his men, out to look for gullible new recruits.the smiling sergeant marches you out the neighbourhood, but nobody knows that you've left for good……Tyranny at home in England was the base rock that built Englands Empire.Harsh hard conditions and whippings were frequent both in the English Navy and in the army. If you visit HMS Victory in Hampshire England, the ship's guides used to tell you all about the powder boy, the bosun, the captain, and what went on as a “normal” part of Navy life in the typical English warship. Conditions were cramped, cruel and harsh, and woe betides anybody who dared to try to jump ship or complain…There were punishments and beatings for everything.The Bosuns Whippings, punishments for spitting and “missing” the bowl, and any other rather minor or unlikely thing, was given by whips such as the infamous “Cat o Nine Tails” (the nine-tailed cat) which was the shipmasters whip of punishment.A Punishment Whip or “Cat o nine tails” used to discipline English sailors on board the wooden sailing ships. Life was terrible, cruel, and harsh, and some tried to escape for which the punishment was always death. No one wanted or liked to join the Navy, it had a very very deserved bad notorious reputation, and so, to find “new” recruits, the navy secretly used to send out the Bosuns in “Press gang” boats or landing Partys, to kidnap young men to “volunteer freely) to join the Navy.Below, the merciless, pitiless and cruel British Navy “Pressgang” would secretly land nearby, and kidnap innocent people to “join” the navy.A young newly married couple have been unlucky enough to take their evening stroll along the seaside, only to be press-ganged by the Bosun and his men from a nearby Navy sailing ship.Below. Welcome to “Hell”. “And so having joined us willingly ye be now in the service of his Majestys Navy. God save the King”. Getting “Pressed” into service meant years of misery, and many young people never ever found their home again.The Empire was led by fear and cruelty. Not civilized values as certain revisionist coffee table historians are fond of redecorating the subject with.It was the large forests then still existing in England that got chopped down all over the country, the deforestation of Britain that paid for its Empire of power. Some ships were built at a place called “Bucklers Hard” near Beaulieu in Hampshire.Below. Picturesque view of Bucklers “hard” as it now looks today, in the “New Forest” Hampshire, England. But once, centuries ago, this space was a busy sprawling maritime navy shipyard, building big English wooden warships as part of Englands Empirical navy.Below. A fine wooden built replica of one of the English warships.Below. many special ropes, Knotts and ties were used to “rig” wooden sailing vessels, for any navy any boat of many countries; Shown here, this young lady is trying to “tie” a “Bowline” Knott.Religious (read Political) Priests and “Missionaries” first landed in the countries Britan intended to take, steal, or occupy for itself as a “Colony”. There is a very old saying which dates from the days of “Empire”.First comes the “Missionary” to take your soul. Then comes the Merchant Traders to take your Gold and Money and Goods, and finaly, there will always arrive, the red-coated Soldier, to take away your land and your country”.Below. HMS “Victory” Admiral Horatio Nelsons navy “Flag” Warship. Preserved down to this day at Portsmouth naval Dockyards in England, is a surviving relic of the types of English warships that enforced Britans Empire from Afrika to American colonies and as far afield as Australia and New Guinea.Below. A typical “cross section” of HMS Victory below decks.All countries with overseas colonies used large wooden navy sailing ships to protect and resupply them and to do commerce with them. And to collect the Kings or Queens or Rulerships “taxes”. below. French sailing navy battleship “Montebello” from 1812.Below. French Ship “Soleil Royale”.Rear decks of the Soleil Royale.Above. Sailing wooden ship “Saint-Esprit” of France.Shown below, the Torch of Liberty. The French frigate wooden sailing ship from the American Revolutionary War, “Hermione”.That is the way it exactly was, and these were the “tools” to build the Englands Empire and overseas “Commonwealth” or Colonies.Other countries all also built Empires and overseas Colonies for similar self-aggrandizing reasons, enslaving the Native populations and often murdering them to steal their Gold or Land.Spain, Portugal, Holland and Germany all took and held either entire countries or very large “chunks” of them. In those days this was accepted and seen to be civilized behaviour. But frankly, it was not anything of the kind at all.Above. Portugals frigate wooden sailing ship dating from that Colonial Possession earlier period, the “Don Fernando” Gloria.Below a Model Replica of a Dutch Batavia Cargo East Indies ship. The Dutch had colonies in what is now known as “Indonesia”.Below. A Dutch “Dromedaris” wooden sailing ship.Gold and Diamonds, Potatoes, Tobacco, Wine, Tea from Ceylon (now the war-torn Sri Lanka), Rubber from Burma (left in a right mess ever since the last war when England retreated and the warlords and generals took over), Parts of Afrika, (remember why the Zulus massacred the Red coated British Soldiers at that mountain called Isandlwana), and South Africa as well. Down there, the Germans Dutch and English were all “at it” and each other. That is where the Afrikaaners and the Boers, and the “Spring Boks” all come from. Rhodesia was the same story, (now Zimbabwe Rhodesia and run by one Despot and Murdering tyrant after another) since England retreated “gave them Independence” as the British say, (read abandoned their possession when it was no longer useful to them as a convenient source of rich income for the rich and the greedy back home in England).England “Prides” itself and looks back wistfully on what it sees as its “Halcyon days”, the “Good old days” but they certainly were not “Good old days” if you lived under the black shiny hard leather boot of the British soldier or their Governors of the overseas colonies. They beat, stepped on and all over, and enslaved millions of people and stole their land, crops, Gold and silver and diamonds, and left them poor.Bristol was once a great commercial and Military Port for the British Empire, and also it is where the Black slavery ships all docked. Down to this very day, there remains and exists, a very large Afro Carribean Black Community in the “St Pauls” section of Bristol City, entirely dating back right to those now long ago times where Britain enslaved people.Below; Bristol University, in England. Sadly now enmired in Antisemitism.Bristol University, where, since 2016 SEVEN bright young students have mysteriously suicided and taken their own lives. Doctor Rebecca Gould who wors at the University has been publicly accused of adopting the hate speech and language of “Holocaust Denial”. There is or was, once a Jewish synagogue nearby.Three senior figures at Bristol University have spoken out in support of a colleague who has been accused of racism.As reported in The Bristol Post Dr. Rebecca Gould has been accused of adopting the language of Holocaust denial.The accusations stem from a paper written in 2011 for an American magazine and an anonymous complaint was made by a student to bosses at the university.But now three professors have rushed to her defence, saying they see "no evidence" of anti-Semitism in the article.Professor Gene Feder, Professor Havi Hannah Carel and Dr Tom Sperlinger Reader have written a joint letter to say they are "dismayed" at the criticism.Dr Gould argued that depicting the Holocaust as a "holy event" allows it to be used as a tool by the state of Israel to "whitewash its crimes".She adds that "Israel must find a way of not passing on the crimes the Nazis introduced into the world onto the next generation of its citizens".READ MOREBristol University investigates antisemitic claims against lecturerThe controversy is based around her findings that "perhaps the time has come to stop privileging the Holocaust as the central event in Jewish history".As a result of the argument going public Bristol University say they are investigating the matter.Former government minister Sir Eric Pickles got involved in the row claiming it was "one of the worst cases of Holocaust denial" he has seen in recent years.Sir Eric went on to say Dr. Gould should "consider her position" at the university.The three professors, who say they have all had family members who were murdered in the Holocaust, arguing that Dr. Gould does not "deny or minimize the devastating reality of the Holocaust".They add: "Indeed, she is scrupulous in arguing that it should not be employed for political ends, including to justify occupation and treatment of Palestinians in Israel."It would be entirely reasonable if readers disagreed with some of Dr. Gould's points, but that does not justify depriving her of the right to make them in public and academic spaces."Dr. Gould has refused to back down and added that the article was a "rallying call to action" for "people of conscience horrified by the slaughter of six million Jews by the Nazi regime to stand up against all atrocities and injustices today around the world, including in the occupied Palestinian territories".READ MOREWhy academic is right to express an opinionMeanwhile, teacher and Bristol University graduate Martin Sugarman has written to the university.He said: "As a graduate of Bristol University, and proud of it, and a teacher in the city for several years in the 1970's, and a still frequent visitor, I am outraged that you have not taken seriously the appalling anti-Semitism of one of your members of staff."Rebecca Gould should be at once dismissed from her post for her disgraceful views on the Holocaust and Israel. Every word she utters fulfils the Internationally agreed definition of anti-Semitism and will distress the many Jewish and also many non-Jewish friends of the Jewish people in both the University and City - it is truly a disgrace."How dare she dictate to Jews what we should and should not remember, or even worse link the Holocaust to the situation of the Palestinians? Or claim Jews manipulate governments? This is truly the stuff of the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion forgeries that preceded the Holocaust in the early 20th century.READ MOREUniversity of Bristol students claim victory over landlord in a legal row for deposits"In her fomenting of extreme and ill-informed and prejudiced anti-Jewish and anti-Israel views, she encourages violence towards Jews through her verbal violence so that Jews will not feel safe at Bristol University. What is more, when confronted with her writings she utterly rejects the criticism and calls it a 'rallying call to action' - like some neo-Nazi demagogue - presumably against Jews and Israelis."There should be no place for the likes of her in academia or anywhere else where she can be let loose on young people - she is not fit to be a teacher of any kind and brings you all into disrepute. Her very presence beaches the Government rules on Prevent Strategy, and the legal Duty of Care Universities have for ALL their students."A spokesperson for the university said: "Academic freedom and freedom of speech are at the heart of our mission at the University of Bristol," the spokesman said. "Since receiving a letter from the Campaign against Anti-Semitism we are actively looking into this matter."So, once again, Racism, evil and prejudice are raising its ugly head in one of Englands fine Universities; I find it totally unacceptable and a disgrace.Is this the future England of the Brexit, A new third “Nazi fascist” land?The author says this lady should “consider her Position” and RESIGN now.I find this type of situation serious symptoms of a social, racial dangerous meltdown now beginning to happen inside England, and fear it could get far worse after the Brexit. English society is not what it once was. And I do not support this version of Britain. Right-wing forces are destabilizing the country and carrying out acts of sedition.Before I left Bristol, I personally signed an Anti-Nazi Anti-racist Petition in the City, just days before leaving for France that year.Below. Avon River Gorge in Bristol in Avon, near Somersetshire, England. It was once a Port for the Empire and for slavery ships and ships of Red coats bound for America.Below, the “Marie” or town hall, political base in Bristol.Below. The worlds first ever suspension bridge, built and designed by isambard Kingdom Brunel, over the Severn River Gorge near Bristol.British slavery was appallingly cruel, and eyewitness accounts I have read in history books dating from the time spoke of the slave ships being smelled miles before they arrived because of the horrific, unsanitary and cruel, despicable, conditions in which those poor people were kept on board those evil ships.Map showing the Geographical location of the port of Bristol.Bristol is very close to Wales, which is across the Severn bridge. (shown on map).The Severn River Bridge leading from England into Wales.A great deal of hatred and distrust still exists under the surface of many countries today about the English entirely because of this hard, bitter, bad memory dating back to the “Empire”.India was a particular case in point, where, after years of British rule and rather a lot of British slavery as well, a man named Mahatma Gandhi protested, and using peaceful protest, (the British General Dyer massacred hundreds of them using Machine gun fire from the Regiment of Nepalese Ghurkhas) finaly India got rid of the “British Raj” rulership and took its own country back.mahatma Gandhi was the hero who used peaceful resistance and non-cooperation, to drive the British Army out of India.Thousands died from British bullets, beatings and cruel imprisonment in the “peaceful” process. Britain had the attitude it ruled the world and could treat persons and entire country's as it wished, including continental America.Below. Movie remake. The incompetent English Army General Dyer who opened fire killing hundreds of Indian protestors at a peaceful meeting.Jallianwalla Massacre in India under the “British Raj rule. April 13th one hundred years ago saw the British Army massacre Indian civilians who wanted their country back.Thousands of men, women and many children, died that day from English bullets, as they did all over the 3Empire” when British “interests” came first, as they always did in the overseas Colonies, who were subjects to British Imperial Rule and Dictates.Many UK School Children do not even know or understand that America was in fact once an English occupied, English run and taxed “colony”. Canada was in part also. One day, having had quite enough of King George, they threw all of the tea cargos destined for England into the sea at Boston, (the Boston Tea Party) and the Revolution began against English rulership and greedy taxations.History just does not get taught very much in UK Schools any longer.France sent a fleet and arms to aid George Washington to finaly defeat the British Redcoated soldiers, and dismiss the sky-high “taxes” of the English King George. Before that, there was the American War of Independence, aided by France, whose colonies had been attacked and stolen by the red coats during the French English war, France wanted to regain the territories stolen by the British from them, the colonialists (Americans we would call them today) fought the English by voting for a “Levy” and to raise an army to fight against the English and drive them out.Lord Cornwallis finaly surrendered at the battle of York Town to Washington, who was supported by a French Naval Flotilla. And so came to be born the United States Constitution, and the Continental United States of America.Map of the battle of Yorktown, and England's final defeat and loss of the American “Colonies”.Below. How the “Mighty” has fallen. Lord Cornwallis and his British Staff officers, formally surrendered to George Washington after they were defeated at the battle of Yorktown. Afterwards, Cornwallis hid in disgrace.Over the next few centuries, more and more parts of the British Empire rebelled, revolted, and usurped the throne of England from their countries, and there were violent uprisings, such as the mao Mao in Kenya, the Nyasar land “emergency” , the “Malayan Emergency” as the “Empire” collapsed, one “emergency” followed another “emergency” until they just became one great giant “emergency”…..The anger and simmering resentment felt leading to “the troubles” and violence, now hopefully a thing of the past now for 26 years, (since the Good Friday Agreement) also in Ireland who had been occupied in part in the North by the English Red Coats and their Army has also come down to us from those far off past times.English Red-coated soldiers, who imposed the British “Policies” on Colonialists, often brutally with musket, pipe and sword.“Empire”, read “Tyranny” and slavery. Military occupation. England did not go to those countries to “share democratic values” they went there to take over the country and to “use British Policies to make the world England”.Certain rather annoying English groups of persons have it seems to me, the same attitude today about forming “Pariah Colonies” inside France, where large unwieldy and often non-law abiding runaway English citizens have to buy up land, houses and taken over nearly entire villages and certain areas.A century ago in Dieppe in Normandie, the English “colony” then rather too large, decided to “form a committee” to “make Dieppe the New Brighton”!!!!Below. The “Neptune” a Replica of a 17th Century Spanish sailing “Galley” ship.Another view of the Spanish Galley “Neptune”.English attitudes and habits, speech, behaviour and actions, still reflect (badly) as “Mercantile” and hiding behind smiles and outer “Politeness” but behind lies the true “face” of tyranny and oppression and bad behaviour. taking what belongs to someone else, their house, their land, their money, their children, their freedom….and forcing innocent persons and their children to live in poverty and shit.I do not like them, I do not like or care at all for the English for those reasons. And I do not like being threatened and harmed by them, or being “somehow” turned into some “Walter Mitty” character for the Ass Butt of their jokes”.I do not like being “The cash cow” for their botched way of life.Everything I had and owned and possessed is gone, stolen by them, and they deign to say” he is no good” but everything that I had, Houses, money Antiques, books are out of print, two lorries a motorhome and three luxury cars, were so bloody jolly good that they decided to steal them and take them for their own. Double talkers, double takers, double thinkers and double-crossers.You should believe nothing the English tell you, and less than half of what they “show” you. Live a little longer….You will sometimes “hear” (spread like horse shit by the colony here in France of the British persons) some fake, false, lying gossip and stories about me, please do not listen or believe them, they are being spread by those who stole rather a lot of my money. there is zero truth in any of what these “two-faced” people say.They are fake, told by those who are equally “Fake” and a spectacular piece of false miss direction. They are only doing it because the man who stole my money used his British friends in France to launder some of it and to “invest” it in his own property, properties purchased using money stolen years before from my family when we still had a business in Britain.That is my own experience and viewpoint, it should not be everyone else’s experiences, but that is our “experience”, and actions speak far louder than words. England owes me several houses, and hundreds of thousands of pounds in money, and has abused my two children.Do not expect any sympathy from me about hard times because of Brexit. I nearly lost my life, I several times almost died entirely because of them. I have been laughed at and made to look foolish because of them, and I have had my Inheritance stolen because of them leading up to all the other problems.I did not make these things happen, Britain did. lots of other people in France now also find themselves in a crisis or mess caused by British “policies”. But they were quick enough to mock me and to take full advantage of my situation back then, so I have NO sympathy for any of them now. I am afraid that what they all dished out to me, is now getting dished back out to them, mostly from their own Government.When I went back to France, 99 percent of my problems were caused, came from, and made, by English, persons and their “lackeys”. Not by the French. English promises are never honoured, English “Laws” only favour their “own” and never Justice. Gross “Injustice” perhaps often….Anyone who dared to disagree with British Policy or ideas got deported as a prisoner to the colonies; English ships came to Australia to found a penal colony of prisoners, most of whom, except some of the famous “Tolpuddle” martyrs, ever saw England alive again. most original Australian families, therefore, are often descendants from those cruelly treated “convicts” the English sent, then abandoned there.Eighteen years later, in 1788, Governor Arthur Phillip sailed the armed tender HMS Supply into the bay on 18 January. First contact was made with the local indigenous people, the Eora, who seemed curious but suspicious of the newcomers. Two days later the remaining ships of the First Fleet arrived to found the planned penal colony. However, the land was quickly ruled unsuitable for settlement as there was insufficient fresh water; Phillip also believed the swampy foreshores would render any colony unhealthy as the bay was open and unprotected, the water too shallow to allow the ships to anchor close to the shore, and the soil was poor.The area was studded with enormously strong trees. When the convicts tried to cut them down, their tools broke and the tree trunks had to be blasted out of the ground with gunpowder. The primitive huts built for the officers and officials quickly collapsed in rainstorms. Crucially, Phillip worried that his fledgling colony was exposed to attack from Aborigines or foreign powers. Although his initial instructions were to establish the colony at Botany Bay, he was authorized to establish the colony elsewhere if necessary.Left of the picture. Admiral Laperouse. Right, Louis King of France.Jean-François de Galaup, Comte de LapérouseHis old house in Albi still stands down to this day.Founded in 1984, in the French City of Albi, in the South, (Tarn Department number 81) the Musee Laperouse houses many interesting items from his life. Another Museum in Australia near Botany Bay also remembers him. In Australia, the “Friends of La Perouse museum” commemorates the French explorer, Lapérouse who played a significant role in discovering the Australian coastline.The permanent exhibition holds almost 2,000 items documenting Lapérouse’s 1787-1788 voyage to Botany Bay, and his encounter with the First Fleet.La Perouse museum aims to educate school groups, local Australians and tourists on the history of British settlement in the area, as well as the historical significance of the region La Perouse.The museum is located on the Northern headland of Kamay Botany Bay National Park. It is open from 10-2pm on Wednesdays, and 10-4pm on Saturdays and Sundays.Below; In France, in Albi, the Musee Laperouse also houses a great collection of Laperouse's life and adventures. Inside a part of the Museum Laperouse Albi. France..The Museum commemorating the Voyages and expeditions, discoveries of Admiral Laperouse is to be found in the beautiful fine old Southern French City of Albi. (not to be confused with the other Museum in Botany Bay Australia I mentioned above).Below. The City of Albi in the Department de Tarn houses the French Museum of Admiral Laperouse. the author spent some time in Albi in 2010 and 2014 before moving. It is a very old historic nice city, but for god's sake look out for the criminal runaway Britisher ex-patriots who sometimes scam and rip off newcomers in the area between and including Albi and Tarn et Garonne; some of them are actually nazis too for the record.On the morning of 24 January the French exploratory expedition of Jean-François de Galaup, comte de Lapérouse was seen outside Botany Bay. On 26 January, the Supply left the bay to move up to Port Jackson and anchor in Sydney Cove. On the afternoon of 26 January, the remaining ships of First Fleet arrived at Sydney Cove. In 1789, Captain John Hunter surveyed Botany Bay after returning from the Cape of Good Hope, trading for grain. The good supply of fresh water in the area led to the expansion of its population in the 19th century.Australia also is breaking away from England. (well nearly everyone sent to Australia (Botany Bay) were deported English themselves, so-called “criminals” who got “deported for forced labour in the quarries” from England, often over just stealing a loaf of bread because they were starving to death at the time.I have relatives in South Afrika and the Carribean. One of my Ancestors jumped ship en route to Australias Botany Bay and settled for a time in the Carribean. Another married a South Afrikan farmer. I am “white” but not a racist, quite the opposite is the true case, and have nothing whatsoever against “Black” Afro Carribean people whatsoever but have been maltreated by the English in exactly the same evil ways, time and time again, and so have many of my family, over some “affair” I know not much about, that is dating way back in time, and nothing to do with me personally.Below; The ruined Church of St Andrews, at Church ope Cove, Portland, in Dorsetshire, England, where my ancestor is buried nearby, who smuggled from France to England.For many years the site was wild, overgrown, and long forgotten, but now it is accessible again.Below. The old ruined church of St Andrew a Portland Dorsetshire England.Church Ope Cove as seen from above from a cliff top pathway.Another of my ancestors was a Tabacco and wine smuggler from France to Dorsetshire. I guess he did not like the Kings taxes or cruelty too much. He supplied useful items, things ordinary people could not afford because of the sky high taxes. The Kings “Excise” Soldiers shot him dead in a gun battle, after a running gun musket and Pistol battle, shot him dead one day, and he is buried in a secret place in Portland, Dorset. A few years ago, the local Museum took away his grave headstone, because it was “of unique and historical, Archaeological importance”. HmmmmAbove picture. Dorsetshire smugglers.Secret signals had to be given to avoid being trapped by the “Excise” soldiers.Below. With his rifle at the ready and loaded, a Customs and Excise man searches the Dorsetshire clifftop paths and beaches for Smugglers gangs.Above. Smugglers tried to trick and outwit the hawk-eyed tax collecting Customs excise men.Picture below. Under the rugged cliffs of Dorset, Smugglers worked to bring in goods and avoid payment of the Kings “Taxes”. It was a very dangerous business, and men and women got killed sometimes when things went wrong or there was an “informer”.Aerial view of Portland and below, a view or two of the Tidal currents of the “Race” or whirlpool around the “Bill” of the island.Above. The Portland “Race” of strong, highly dangerous ocean currents. Below. Portland during a frequent storm. Cranes such as the old quarry crane you can just glimpse in this background used to be used to lower fishing boats down into the sea to launch them.Below. Portland “Bill” Lighthouse during a severe storm out in the “Race”.Below picture shows Portland Castle Dorsetshire.Old Ships type naval canons at Portland castle Dorsetshire.below; Customs and Excise or tax collector men, were really in those days soldiers sent to enforce confiscation, and guns were used to shoot smugglers or just people suspected of helping them dodge the tax. Shown here, the Bostonians in the “American colonies” “pay” the Exciseman back.below, the “Customs and excise (tax Revenue men) raiding a hideout of an English smuggling gang.England first took a “piece out of him” then it took the grave he rested in….The Commonwealth, Australia, South Afrika, Ceylon, Rhodesia, Burma, America, India, all once “occupied” and “made England “ by British Policies” have their own autonomy, Rulership, Government, and way of life, for better or occasionally worse, but the Rich and the Greedy in England are now bankrupted once more, their coffee house fops and bungling, often incompetent overseas commanders having lost the “tax money” and the tribute in Gold, tea, coffee, rubber or diamonds or slaves.Englands rip off punitive grasping taxes caused anger and resentment, leading to the American War of Independence. These days the spiralling costs of imported items post-Brexit are sure to lead somewhere or the other, to a massive increase in Smuggling, and people trying to “beat the system” entirely due to the short-sighted current Government “policy”. If as is forecast, Post Brexit, there are going to be widespread shortages of certain goods or food items, there surely, logically, is going to be a return in Smuggling as a “living” for some.Once more, ye old incompetents and contemptible’s in government Policy have scored a spectacular “own goal”.England became awash with luxury imported goods, but all those goods were based upon whippings, beatings, slavery, the Press Gang, the treacherous Kings Shillings, the red-coated soldier, the fake “Missionary” and the commercial traders (and raiders!!), and great cruelty to native peoples and the inhabitants of “their” English overseas “possessions”.Did you even know that the English actually was the first to invent the death camp, the concentration camp? During the Boer War, in Afrika, they imprisoned, beat, and starved to death 20,000 Boer women, children and men.That's your great Empire where the Sun never sets. The world won't miss English occupation.In the end, those colonies treated the British the same way they had been treated and took their country's back again.England even during its Empire, was always going financially broke, despite all of the rich income from its commonwealth and colonies overseas. Englands “economy” has been run by fat, lazy, often corrupted people, who pimped and creamed off all the money, to build fine country manor houses and castles with fancy gardens. the Empire did jack shit for the ordinary man in the street.Now they will have to find some other “convenient” income opportunity, other than robbing people and leaving them poor, right now, that looks to me like the much vaunted Political “BREXIT”. We shall see (I hope not to see…..The world got fed up having to be Englands “back yard” bankers and bailing them always out of bad debts.Sound familiar? this poster is from Canada, but this is the same unhappy story in England now also.Those with genuine rights and needs are just being stamped all over by the rich fat and greedy. And racial tensions and Anti-Semitism and the Far Right have returned to English Society once more.England seriously now risks becoming the future Racist Nazi Germany style country of the near future unless something gets done to stop it.English Justice is NO JUSTICE AT ALL.The Guardian English newspaper tried to associate a picture of a totally different matter going on in Gaza, Israel, with British jews. this is a deliberate piece of miss direction.Yet by using that image beneath the headline “Antisemitic incidents in the UK at a record high for the third year in a row”, the piece suggests British Jews somehow are associated with, or even responsible for, violence against Palestinians in Gaza. Not a good look, particularly when anti-Semitism on the left in this country is so often disguised as a condemnation of Israel.Below. “Welcome to Britain” What you see here on the walls and pavements, don't blame on the Pidgeons”.Above; Just one of many disgusting Anti-Semitic slogans which have been appearing in England. Certain Newspapers also by miss associating and miss directed “reporting” have even “somehow” tried to suggest that there is a “link” between incidents at Gaza or near Israel with the Jewish people “somehow” being blamed for this themselves. England seems to be trying to disguise flagrant Ante semitism under the disguise of criticizing Israel. And that kind of shabby dirty deceptive trick is right out of the office of the Nazi Minister, Herr Goebells. Another “doublethink”.“Two sets of scales and a lying bag of stone weights are detestable to God”. Quote from the Bible.Double-faced, double standard English society is now very deceitful and miss leading to persons who are from outside England living there or visiting it.I got totally sick and fed up, tired to death, (nearly literally) but the behaviour and conduct of certain outwardly rich and so-called respectable persons in Britain, but who, behind the scenes, perverted the system, corrupted society and encourage Extreme Right-wing thinking, and poisonous dangerous racial ideas.I am reminded as I read the Guardian Newspaper article report, about that conversation between Hitler and Himmler, where Hitler turns to Himmler and frankly says to him “you have drunk too much of your own Kool-Aid”. Like Himmler, England now believes in its own propaganda and lies and has become dangerously unhinged, detached from any grounding or reality of the facts.I also got fed up with greedy lying British persons taking my money and pissing it against the wall, pissing inside my pocket, but smiling at me, calling me by my first name, and trying to tell me “it is raining”.England is “hiring itself out for a bag having holes” and has been unable to manage its finances and internal affairs due to greed and internal corruption for centuries, it used the “income” (rape of the colonies) as glue, or oil, to grease its wheels and fill its holes, to fill up leaky “bag of holes”.Below. This is “Billboy Brexit.” “Sure I always trusted the English Government”. Hmmm, you have empty pockets too right? ….yeah, ….right….Any sound banker will tell you, that a “needle and thread” is what is needed to stitch up and seal off those rich, fat, corrupted greedy holes, and stop trying to dump all the “blame” for their fiscal malfeasance on Europe.Above. This is “honest John Public” let us say for our illustration example that he is an Art Student”. Double-crossed out of his College Grant and stabbed in the back by England, who ever since he was born “seemed to have something against him”, discovered that England has pissed in his pockets, not a very pretty picture is it?! Getting ripped off all the time by England he found safer dry and clean trousers and better weather in France. Where nobody pisses in his pockets anymore or try to trick him or fuck with him. Also, a big shiny pair of Army boots to kick the ass of those devils who left him like this.Nobody gives a damn about students or the future of England or its young people anymore. 7 suicides in Bristol university since 2016 prove it.In England, corrupt solicitors and bent Policemen and “Noble Lords” do very “well” for themselves, and those with the “Gold or money” make the “rules”.What England “thinks” it is, is manifestly NOT what it truly is in reality. under the surface, things are very rotten indeed. Don't expect justice or help from England. They do not give a flying fuck about the truth.They didn't care whose country or people they stepped all over and enslaved, to steal all the land, Gold, Crops or Tea or Coffee either. Ask the Scotts, the Irish, the Welsh or some more others about England, and see if their eyes can convince you because they are telling you the truth.“Honest John” Public discovered that telling the truth and following the “rules” just gets you fucked in Britain. There is too much public corruption in the system that runs the country. Rich and greedy Lords “pay” to silence justice, and murder or get rid off anybody who opposes or threatens to expose them.Worse still some of Englands Lords and soldiers too are secret “closet Nazis”.RISE OF THE NAZI GRAVE ROBBERSTo supply these sick perverts in Neglish society, a growing number of paid blck marketeers and grave robbers have for several years now, been desecrateing, violating and digging up Waffen SSS and Whermacht German soldie graves in Eastern Europe to steal their iron crosess, weapons daggers and silver Belt buckles, to “sell” to closet Nazi adorers in England. It is a dark, nefarious, dirty rotten business, for dirty rotten nefarious people hiding under a outer front of pseudo respectablity in English polite society.Dont beleive me? Fine, just take a look yourself at this….Some $50 million in military memorabilia is sold each year, according to an estimate by the Guardian, and Nazi items fetch a premium. There are two distinct tiers. At the high end are large vehicles, such as tanks, and rare items with direct connections to specific, notorious Nazis, which are sold by a small number of international dealers to wealthy collectors. In 2015, for example, Hermann Göring’s sweat-stained uniform was sold by a British auction house for about $126,000. In 2011 an Orthodox Jewish man bought the diaries of Josef Mengele at auction for $245,000.Back behind the wheel of his van, Esmits mentioned another factor in the surge in interest for Nazi kit: Battlefield Recovery, a reality show about metal detectorists that recently aired on Channel 5 in the U.K. The program follows a memorabilia dealer named Craig Gottlieb and three amateur British diggers as they travel around eastern Europe, digging for Nazi relics and remains. For several episodes, Gottlieb came to the Courland. Legenda arranged the permits and the locations for the show, and it did most of the behind-the-scenes digging. “It’s very good,” Duks screamed over the engine noise from the back of the van.Even before Battlefield Recovery, Gottlieb was the most recognizable face in the Nazi memorabilia market. A fast-talking Florida native and Ayn Rand devotee, he runs one of the world’s biggest Nazi militaria websites. Gottlieb gained notoriety in 2014 for selling a trove of Adolf Hitler’s personal items, including stationery, books, and clothing, for as much as $3.5 million. These days, most people know him as a star of the History channel’s Pawn Stars, a reality show about a Las Vegas pawnshop.Gottlieb’s participation in the relic-hunting show has made him a uniquely reviled figure among conflict archaeologists. The early promotional materials for Battlefield Recovery, which was originally titled Nazi War Diggers and set to air on National Geographic Channel before being canceled unaired, showed a cast member wrenching a bone out of the ground with his hands and presenters confusing a leg bone with an arm bone. In an affront to archaeological technique, one episode featured another cast member sticking a pole into a suspected mass grave. Tony Pollard, the head of the Center for Battlefield Archaeology at the University of Glasgow, told the New York Times about the promotional materials, “I have never seen such a casual and improper attitude toward the treatment of human remains.” Gottlieb compares the uproar over the show to criticizing a tennis player for having poor golf skills. “We were doing battlefield recovery, not archaeology,” he says.Until the past decade, World War II was largely seen as unworthy of archaeological study, but that is rapidly changing. “Four or five years ago in the Netherlands, no serious archaeologist would be interested in World War II,” says Max van der Schriek, a Ph.D. candidate in modern conflict archaeology at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. But as interest among archaeologists grows, they’re facing a constant battle against amateurs with metal detectors and shovels. Shows like Battlefield Recovery, they worry, will act as a how-to manual for aspiring diggers or grave robbers, making their work more difficult.German war deads bones and means of Identification are wrapped up inside plastice bags, after black diggers have stolen and sold on the “battlefield recovery” treasures to un scrupulous “collectors” (read Nazis). When new bones are found, farmers telephone the diggers who share a cut of the cash for their grisley “treasure”.The evil darkness and curse and hate of the Nazis is , quite LITERALY being brought back from the grave to haunt and poison the hearts and minds once again of the living. It is serious, it is moraly dangerous and it is disgusting. Also precious documents and records are bing stolen, diaries, accounts, files and items likely of great worth to genuine historians.Worset of all, it fules and feeds Nazi racist hatred in Britain.Much of these evil items are coming into Englands black nazi Market from Ukraine.There is something Religiously, Scinetifically, Moraly WRONG about a country that “desires” to own and “collect” such things. And there is a far darker side, that goes even deepr than this.The “great demand” for Nazi items is publicaly admitted by a leading UK Newspaper. It becomes Damning.Nazi grave robbers stealing medals, equipment and BODY PARTS to sellLooting burial sites of Third Reich troops slain on the Eastern FrontHuge demand from collectors in Britain where items are legal to sellBy Rick DewsburyGrave robbers are plundering the burial sites of thousands of German soldiers to feed the demand in Britain for Nazi memorabilia.Tens of thousands of troops from the Third Reich were killed in battlefields in east Europe during the Second World War. Alongside their fallen bodies were items such as dog tags, rifles, daggers and helmets.Organised gangs are now digging up the graves of the dead soldiers to make off with the valuable items. The trade in Nazi memorabilia is worth millions of pounds and Britain is one of a handful of European countries where it is still legal.Collectibles: A Nazi helmet, grenade, shoe and two weapons are unearthed from a site in France, similar to those being plundered by gangs on the Eastern FrontBut Armed Forces groups have slammed the practice of unearthing the bodies of the men in the hunt for collectible items. The bones are simply scattered on the ground or tossed into mass graves, or in some cases they are even sold.Military archaeologist Peter Reed branded it 'wholesale looting' and said the men's skeletons are 'tipped into holes'.'Second Word War archaeology is in its infancy at the moment, and these people are destroying our future, as well as desecrating the graves of fallen soldiers who do not deserve to have their bones dug up,' he told The Times.The trade is focused around battlefields in eastern Europe and Russia. Items being sold at recent fairs include those excavated from sites in Demyansk in Russia and Kurland in Latvia.Memorabilia: A Nazi helmet and medals like those that are being looted from graves. They are sought after items among collectors in Britain, where the items are legal to sellArms: The items being gathered by collectors often include rifles similar to these being carried by these German troops running on the Eastern Front in 1941Experts say that Russian authorities turn a blind eye to activities of the gangs, because they have 'little regard for Germans'. They added that the trade was 'almost mafia-run'.Memorabilia incudes troops' dog tags, coins, medals, helmets, rifles, daggers, ammo boxes, and any other pieces of equipment that have survived the decades in tact.The items are sold on eBay, various other online sites, through networks of dealers and trade fairs.At the recent War And Peace fair - the biggest in Europe - which took place at the Hop Farm in Paddock Wood, Kent, various Nazi collectibles taken from the graves are said to have been on sale.There is clealry something deeply rotten and rotting in English society.One trader was offering more than a dozen Nazi dog tags. He said that a tag that had been snapped in half was likely to be from a grave.According to a young female collector of war memorabilia, it is mostly historians who buy items from war graves and not neo-Nazis.The 20-year-old woman, known only as Virginia, said collectors 'know more than most the pure evil that was the Third Reich'.Attack: A German soldier in the front lines hurls a hand grenade during an offensive on the Eastern Front in 1941. They were eventually pushed back by the might of RussiaNazi leader Adolf Hitler, left, and one of his closest deputies Rudolph Hess, right. Between them and other Third Reich chiefs they planned the battles in which the soldiers on the Eastern Front died'If you're a devout Nazi, you want something clean. With the relics, what you're doing is buying a piece of history.'She said a Hitler Youth dagger she had bought caused a 'very strong and sad' feeling in her, and that she would study each detail and mark on it.It should be remembered, and strong warnings be given, about the Nazi Occultism, and dark influence of thinking and feeling, that still holds to, and pervades these relices . Hitler and his followers were steeped in Dark Occult practices from the Thule Society and Vril Society. I am not surprised she felt sad handling that nazi youth dagger.It needs to be understood, taht when you violate a nazi grave, and touch objects from that time, you are re activating those old human vibrations, and also the evil, from these times. Hitlers party was steeped in evil practices, these iron crosess were awarded for killing many many peole, and the third Reich was a evil empire that almost took control of the World.Why do you wish then, to see,? To touch? To feel? To own, part of that?There are serious long term influences and mal effects arising and contamianting English Society directly frm this battlefield grave pilfering and desecration. Trying to wrap it all up as “scoentific digging” is just Bullshit and self denial.But despite the enthusiasm from collectors to get hold of relics, the trade has sparked anger from the German War Graves Commission.The organisation traces around 40,000 dead soldiers each year and reburies them. They say that the gangs are deliberately trying to obstruct their work.Charity president Fritz Kirchmeier said: 'Often staff discover that graves have been looted. Worst is the lack of dog tags, without which we cannot identify the soldiers.'Post-Soviet Ukraine has failed to investigate, prosecute or bring to trial a single Nazi war criminal, according to Efraim Zuroff, the top Nazi hunter with the Simon Wiesenthal Center. The same is true of other post-Communist countries with a record of Nazi collaboration such as Latvia, Estonia and Belarus. Pressed by the West, Lithuania put three Nazi criminals on trial, but waited until they were too old or unfit to be punished. In all of these countries, experts say, suspected Nazi collaborators were protected because of their role fighting the Soviets, considered by much of the population as the greater enemy.“Ukraine’s efforts or lack of efforts to investigate and prosecute Nazi war criminals is assessed as a total failure; they haven’t done a damn thing,” Zuroff said. “To bring such people to justice would be very politically unpopular in Eastern Europe.”At the lower end are objects such as medals, uniforms, helmets. In the decades after the war, such items sold through militaria conventions, flea markets, and catalogs. Many pieces came from the homes of former soldiers, in more or less pristine condition, and prices were cheap—a Wehrmacht helmet might have cost $20. The arrival of EBay in the late 1990s allowed anyone to become a seller, and the market saw a surge in items, especially from the formerly inaccessible Eastern bloc. Sellers say that in recent years, as the number of living witnesses to the war has dwindled, they have noticed more collectors deciding to hold on to their items permanently, driving up prices for genuine Nazi memorabilia. “It’s a limited quantity,” Andris Lelis said, “and you can’t manufacture new ones.” Wehrmacht helmets have almost quadrupled in price over the past three years. That’s prompted more people from Latvia and elsewhere in the region to dig for relics, sometimes racing Esmits to a freshly discovered pile of bones.Some years ago, a former Gp Medical Docotr from the NHS, Vernon Coleman, wrote a very revealing book about life in Britan, caled”Living in a Fascist state”. It well reflects the reality of life now in England.I myself would never have beleived it just a decade ago, but after the terrible experinces at the hands of UK officials and corruption, in justice, prejudice and descrimination, and Political covering up, I came to my own conclusions that in fact he really is telling the truth. I recommend it as reading for anyone seeking an candid “insight” into the real way England is for its citizens and those who viist or work there sometimes.Outwardly, i thoughtat first the book was just “New Age Bunkum” but after reading it, I changed my mind.Coleman actually makes a large number of “experiential” Political and social points, some very profound.These days, you have to act like a hero just to be an ordinary thoroughly decent human being. British policies do not “make the world England” and I thank god almighty for that one shred of good news.Soon, Jo and Diana Public ran away from England too.Over 250,000 people a year at one time, were quitting England to go to live overseas, taking their monies (grrr and other people's money sometimes too!!!!!!) with them. Ask yourself why.Below. The English Government Demonstrates to the public and European Leaders, its latest Brexit Plans.Above is Mrs. Mays English Plan for “success”. Guess which plan the author “prefers”? Lol, It appears they are all about to fall down the gap between what England “says” and really “what England does”. Guess who they are going to find “down there” who has already fallen down that chasm, and has been waiting for them ever since? Ouch, not funny is it.?!!Pissing in peoples pockets, and telling them it's raining, wrecking their country, stealing their house money and land do not make friends for the English overseas. Macrocosmically that was the story of the British Empire. microcosmicaly it is also the authors own, personal experience.English persons will tell you many things about their “Empire”, me, what I say to you they, of course, tell you I am a liar, but English people are not to be trusted…..The lies, public gafs and mistakes made throughout the “Brexit” period have just shown t the world the incompetence and ineptitude, and the low quality of intellect, poor quality thinking and poor quality decision makeing that is the “stock in trade” in NEgland nowadays. People there did not always used to be like this, but recent generations have been quite differrent to previous ones in their outlook, values and way of expectation and thinking. English reality does not fit the reality around them.I “fell down the gap” between what English people say, and what English people do”. That deep, yawning great chasm, between “what gets said by England, and what really gets done by England”.I have personally directly suffered from English tyranny, and that one word for me, individually, sums up what and how the British Empire went about its affairs. By using Tyranny.Doublespeak, “Newspeak” double thinking, that's all you find or get from them over the Channel.“Success?”…..They sure have “one fucked up Barometer for success”.

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