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A Guide of Editing Instructions For Completion Of The on G Suite

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Do Republicans love, admire, and respect our veterans?

Hello!NO, they don’t! Far from it actually and I will tell and show you why!Conservatives are more concerned running around protesting public health and safety measures instituted by their states’ governors than demanding better treatment of the Veterans Affairs Department employees who are tasked with treating those former armed forces members who’ve contracted COVID-19.And with protestors I mean these conservatives, who protested against safety measures their REPUBLICAN governor Mike DeWine of Ohio took, pertaining the coronavirus pandemic:Otherwise, the people who foolishly risk their own lives and those in their communities would be out in the streets demanding action against the administration that is pressuring workers at the VA to return to work even after they’ve been exposed to the deadly coronavirus.That is exactly what the senior officials at the VA are doing even now at the height of the pandemic, according to a report on the website of Government Executive, that says:“Employees at the Veterans Affairs Department are feeling pressured to return to work even after they’ve been exposed to the novel coronavirus—a new VA policy requires them to continue showing up, and threatens discipline along with the possibility of losing pay for those who stay home.”Government Executive spoke to workers at half a dozen VA facilities and found that they universally complained that “management was providing inconsistent guidance and creating unsafe working conditions.”The VA employees are fearful that some of their colleagues may be concealing their symptoms at a point where personal protective gear is in short supply and the chance of further spreading the virus is unreasonably high.According to the report:“To date, more than 5,000 patients and 1,600 staff at VA facilities have tested positive for COVID-19; more than 300 patients and more than a dozen staff have died from the disease. Until recently at some facilities, staff told Government Executive, some administrative staff were not even allowed to wear masks, either because there weren’t enough to go around and they were being reserved for medical personnel with more sustained patient contact, or because supervisors were worried about alarming patients and visitors.”The tales being told by frightened and angry VA workers demonstrate the complete lack of preparedness with which the Trump administration has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in the healthcare system dedicated to the nation’s veterans.“At some facilities, VA officials have instituted policies under which employees who worked with COVID-19 positive patients before their status was known—and therefore were not wearing the proper equipment—should continue to work until they develop symptoms, after which they could be tested for the virus. In some cases, those employees included nurses and doctors who subsequently tested positive for the virus but returned after seven days when their symptoms were no longer evident, employees said. One memorandum sent by a top official at a medical center in Indianapolis saidVA facilities should consider enabling employees ‘who have had an exposure to a COVID-19 patient to continue to work after options to improve staffing have been exhausted.’”Any employee who follows the guidelines from leading health experts to self-isolate after potentially being exposed to an infected patient faces the risk of being labeled “absent without leave,” having their paychecks cut off, and affecting their opportunities for future promotions and raises. Even if they have available sick days, supervisors can reject their requests to utilize it.VA administrators are telling workers who have actually tested positive for the virus but are not experiencing symptoms to simply wear a mask and return to work according to the article. That would be bad enough but with shortages of PPE, rationing of masks at the VA had one worker in a high-risk unit complaining that she and her colleagues had to keep reusing their masks “until they are falling from our faces.”The Government Executive article is rife with detailed accounts from VA facilities across the country, including this chilling story from a clinic in Anniston, Alabama where five employees tested positive for the COVID-19 virus yet the VA kept the clinic open and required all employees to keep reporting for duty.“’This clinic is a petri dish,’ the employee said. Staff there is ‘panicked,’ she said, because one of those who tested positive was a supervisor who ‘has come in contact with everyone in the clinic.’ It is also an outlier, as VA employees around the country said their facility was not authorizing tests for any employees who were asymptomatic.” the story reports.You can read the entire Government Executive article with its multiplicity of similarly harrowing accounts of the Veterans Affairs Administration’s failures to care for its employees — and subsequently the veterans who need to use its facilities — at this link. It’s well worth the time to read the lengthy, well-researched story in full.Let’s hope that one of the increasingly brave reporters who dare question Donald Trump about the enormity of his administration’s failures in confronting the pandemic crisis at the daily propaganda sessions masquerading as press briefings confronts him with the details in this article.Whoever does so is sure to be called “nasty” or “fake” by a president who only sees perfection in his response to the coronavirus crisis — right before Trump figures out who to use as a scapegoat for this particular screwup. VA officials force virus-exposed staff to go back to work or face AWOL penalties despite lack of PPEEverything in blockquotes are excerpts from this article: VA Instructs Coronavirus-Exposed Staff to Continue Working, Places Those Who Don’t in AWOL Status

As a lawyer (or member of a jury), what was the most bizarre court experience you've had?

As a lawyer, I defended a large retailer in a case brought by a plaintiff who was struck with Styrofoam coolers. The manager had made an arch of coolers across one of the aisles, and the archway collapsed on the plaintiff who was in a wheelchair. The plaintiff claimed to be a Disabled Vietnam Vet who was exposed to Agent Orange that resulted in his skin being hypersensitive. Even light touch or contact would cause necrotic sores to develop on his skin. As a result of the coolers falling on his shoulder and arm, he had developed deep wounds that did not heal properly that resulted in significant scarring, which he claimed was very painful.As part of discovery, I obtained his medical records from the VA, including his prior records for at least ten years. All of the prior records repeated the history of Agent Orange exposure followed by hypersensitivity followed by a series of disabling events that resulted in him becoming wheelchair bound. He had seen a number of specialists through the VA who characterized his condition as pyoderma gangrenosa or a rare form of Bechet’s Syndrome. According to his claim in our case, the falling coolers had aggravated his preexisting condition and resulted in serious painful injuries that prevented him from using his non dominant arm. In legal parlance, we would refer to him as an “eggshell skull” plaintiff - someone who had some peculiar sensitivity that even a minor accident would result in catastrophic injuries.When I took his deposition, he explained that he served in Vietnam for several combat tours, was wounded with a punji stick, and had been in areas defoliated with Agent Orange and Agent White. Some of this was recounted in his VA medical records in the form of statements he made to the treating doctors. He also said that he graduated high school and entered the service immediately afterwards. In any event, he made quite an impression and seemed to be an honorably discharged veteran who had served his country and been left with a permanent disability. In any event, I requested his DD-214 from his attorney and received a response that his records had been destroyed in the St. Louis US Gov’t records facility fire and he no longer had any copies. The missing records made me skeptical, along with one other fact, which I figured I’d use at trial.We had worked the case up pretty well including getting a leading dermo-pathologist who opined that the lesions were inconsistent with any disease process or chemical sensitivity; and that they were not aggravated by the coolers. On the side, he told me that he thought the lesions were self-induced. Frankly, I thought it was a risky strategy trying to claim a disabled Veteran was doing it to himself. In any event, I was skeptical enough that I did a little more background information, which I will explain how it came out at trial.On the first day of trial, the plaintiff took the stand and testified about his service in Vietnam. He explained that he served in an infantry platoon, was wounded with a punji stick and received a Purple Heart, had been involved in multiple fire fights, had fought to retake Hue after the Tet Offensive, and had been “in the bush” when Agent Orange was sprayed. He also claimed to have been involved in several “off the book” missions. The jury paid attention and seemed interested. He explained his service disability and the new wounds and pain caused by the coolers. He sheepishly said that it admittedly didn’t seem like a big deal, but had pictures showing the new deep wounds which looked like chemical burns.On cross examination, my first question was whether he was still in Vietnam on June 17, 1973 and could he tell us what he was doing. He actually said he was over there during that time but his specific mission and location were classified because his borders of operation were murky. I then asked him if he knew why that specific date was important historically. He said that when he was out in the bush, the days flowed together and he couldn’t possibly know what happened on a particular day decades earlier. I told him that he personally had good reason to remember this date and he should think hard. He said he still didn’t know what he was doing.As part of our pre-trial investigation, I had sent an investigator to his high school and got his transcript, and his yearbook. So, during my cross examination, I approached with the 1973 Holidaysburg High School yearbook showing he was a senior and his transcript showing he graduated on June 17, 1973 (early Internet days when not everything was on-line). I then asked him his birthday, which was March, 1955, and whether he knew when the battle of Hue took place. I reminded him that he would have only been 13 when the Tet Offensive and Battle of Hue took place. I also reminded that the US had pulled all combat troops out of Vietnam as part of the Paris Peace Accords in March, 1973. At this point he became indignant and said he did have records that could show he was in Vietnam when he said he was, but was instructed to never disclose his actual dates or locations because they were classified so they were told to disclose involvement in missions that were known, such as Hue. He was so sincere, I was almost nervous about what records he was going to bring.After a nervous lunch break, where supposedly some family members went home to retrieve his records, his attorney showed me a “General Discharge” from 1974 and a letter from a Veterans’ group acknowledging his request that they make an Agent Orange claim on his behalf. Even the attorney agreed that these documents did not substantiate his story beyond showing that he was in the military before 1974. At this point, I had already confirmed with a local veterans’ group that he had not earned the Vietnam Service Era medal, which was required by their group to be recognized as a Vietnam Vet. The head of the group was annoyed by the St. Louis story which he’d heard a lot but he confirmed that the records confirming Vietnam Era Service had not been lost or destroyed in a fire.I finished my cross on other areas, and the plaintiff’s attorney did not question him at all about his service, probably because he was worried ethically about eliciting further false testimony. He presented his doctor, whom I got to admit that he could not rule out that the sores were self-inflicted, probably with a caustic substance. He presented his family doctor whose testimony was equally as nutty. He actually claimed to have multiple patients with Bechet’s Disease like the Plaintiff, which would have been so remarkable it would have been written up in a major medical journal. Coincidentally, the same family doctor was under suspicion for murdering his wife with an overdose of Xanax and sleeping pills. Again, it was a very bizarre case.I presented my expert who opined that the wounds were unrelated to contact exposure and were likely self-inflicted.Right after I rested, his attorney told the court, outside the jury’s presence, that his client wanted to testify in rebuttal about the “historical discrepancies. “ The attorney said he would not be asking questions and that the plaintiff would be doing his own examination of himself. He also said that he had told his client that he did not recommend it. The judge cautioned the plaintiff not to ignore his attorney’s advice, and that he could be exposing himself to perjury. The plaintiff said he understood but needed to clear the misunderstanding to the jury and his family who had heard him challenged.The jury came back and the plaintiff proceeded to question himself. He explained that he was part of a secret special forces group that was actually operating in Korea in the early 70 s and that his memory was chemically scrubbed to protect them and the government from what they were doing because they were operating way outside the Geneva Convention. Suffice it to say, it was crazy and completely fantastical. Rather than make it look like I was picking on a crazy guy, I asked him no questions about his Korea story.Jury returned with a defense verdict after 40 minutes including their lunch.As part of our investigation, we had learned that he had been incarcerated in the late seventies for statutory rape, and that he, like a lot of prisoners, learned to self-induce superficial skin injuries which they would then send him to the VA for treatment and which would get him out of the corrections facility for a while. So I wasn’t operating completely without some clue he was lying. Because the conviction was so old I couldn’t introduce it. As an aside, his wife was much younger than he was. One of the VA doctors had also written a medical journal case study article about the Plaintiff claiming that he was treating him for a rare skin disease related to some undisclosed service injury. But the real crime was the repeated history in line after line of VA records without even confirming that he had ever been to Vietnam.So from time to time, I search his name (and recently wrote this story up in another Quora answer), so I checked him out recently: VFW post will get new kitchen thanks to donor. What’s interesting is that this reporter on November 2017 wrote about a Marine Vietnam Veteran who was 62 years old. Again, the US ceased combat operations in March of 1973. It’s basic math. I do like the fact that he has now apparently served in a completely different branch of the service.In any event, that was hands down the most bizarre experience I have ever had in court.

Whose path should I follow ISKCON, Art of living, Vipassana, Isha?

Hare Krishna,Follow ISKCON.Srimad Bhagavatam says (2.3.10):akāmaḥ sarva-kāmo vāmokṣa-kāma udāra-dhīḥtīvreṇa bhakti-yogenayajeta puruṣaṁ param"Whether one is without desire (the condition of the devotees), or is desirous of all fruitive results, or is after liberation, one should with all efforts try to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead for complete perfection, culminating in Kṛṣṇa consciousness."So everyone should follow Lord KrishnaOut of the options listed in your question, you should follow ISKCON, because ISKCON perfectly follows Lord Krishna by always chanting His names, His glorious activities, His flawless character and His supreme instructions for the welfare of all humans.Lord Krishna is so perfect that even if you follow Him blindly, you can never go wrongJoin ISKCON in following Krishna!Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare RamaRama Rama Hare Hare

Why Do Our Customer Upload Us

I'm a newbie to this whole video/highlight film maker, however, I've received a ton of compliments on my work. I love the fact that there are videos to show new steps for me to complete and new methods to improve the quality of my product. I do wish there was more options for those who pay for the CocoDoc such as filters etc without having to pay for them. I do not like that. Altogether though I do love the software!

Justin Miller