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Why did the old time Westerners mostly all wear guns like in the cowboy movies?
They didn’t. Most frontier residents carried a rifle or a shotgun. Most urban residents carried a single small revolver or nothing at all.As with the present time, Nothing at All dominated. It’s all myth and legend.Scholars have established that the Old West was not as violent as most movies and novels would suggest. Gunplay was not a daily, weekly, or even monthly occurrence in most small towns or farming, ranching, or mining communities. Most data that historians have gathered are preliminary, but in Dodge City, there were less than 3 killings in a decade! It can also be estimated, moreover, that there was only a 1-in-200 chance of any homicide for all Western cattle towns, if the five major cattle towns studied to date were typical.Hundreds of western films have etched the image in the American cultural psyche of two gunfighters facing off on a dusty main street. Out come their revolvers, they fire and only one walks away. In reality, more missing took place then hitting, and more wounding took place than killing; but many participants later died of their wounds due to the poor availability of proper medical care. There were very few “High Noon” moments.Thousands of pistols, sometimes advertised as "lifesavers," were carried in holsters, pockets and waistbands, but many were small rim-fire cartridge weapons of .22 and .32 caliber of little power that proved useless except as a last means of defense. Of course, a small gun is better than no gun when the need arises.The most common nominal pistol calibers were .31, .36 and .44, but almost any size bullet might be fired in anger from the private weapons carried in the Old West. Following the Civil War, small and surplus handguns flooded the civilian market and often served as traveler’s companions on stagecoaches and trains. The homeowner and shopkeeper had one in the drawer for protection against itinerants and shoplifters. Despite the publicity given to the one- and two-shot Derringers, ladies of the evening and gamblers often preferred the compact little revolvers and pepperboxes. There were thousands of inexpensive surplus cap and ball revolvers on the market in 1866.Although much of the result can be attributed to bravado, a reload in the Old West was reaching for another gun. An exacting process made reloading in a tactical situation virtually impossible, and caused shootists to carry multiple weapons in a loaded and ready condition. For this reason many extant photographs of Westerners brim with multiple firearms. These often included two massive revolvers, a pocket revolver, a vest pocket derringer, and, of course, a A Gentlemen's Guide to Style and Self-Defense in the Old American West: Traditional American History Series, Book 14 (Audible Audio Edition): James M. Volo PhD, Dan Orders, James M. Volo: Audible Audiobooks
What is the best way to learn PHP?
I think a lot of these are great answers; however, I never find answers that say "build something" particularly helpful. Build what? Build how? Where do I even start?I come from a business background, so I started with 0 knowledge and have never taken a programming class. This is how I would go about learning Web Development (with PHP) from the ground up. Feel free to skip steps if you already know some of this stuff. I would recommend reading this whole post, including the appendix before starting on anything. You want to make sure that you feel comfortable with this road map before you begin the journey.Learning PHP on your own can be a difficult journey, but it's definitely doable. I would say that it should take abotu a month or two, considering some days you just won't be able to keep up with the lessons. As well, there will be other interesting tutorials you want to do before moving on I'm sure. Let's be realistic as well though. If you're working at another job, and you do this in your free time, it's going to take longer.It has taken me a year to get to the point I'm at currently (a lot of starting and stopping). I've gone through hours of videos and tutorials that are probably useless to me, because I never found a guide to learn how to build website from the ground up. What I'm trying to do with this guide is to cut out those oh so many hours of trying to find resources, and not knowing what the next step is.Step 1 - 2-4 daysDo the Learn to code course on HTML/CSS. This is an easy first step for beginners and allows you to inmmediately see real results from what you are learning (as opposed to learning <?php return 2 + 2; ?>, which I find dull, because I could do that with a calculator)Step 2 - 1/2 dayGo to Free Educational Video Tutorials on Computer Programming, Adobe Software, Computer Science and More! and watch the first 12 videos in the List of Videos for PHP. By now, you have the basic tools to start building a semi-dynamic website! Next up, you need to learn more basic function in PHP.At this point, it is also good to get a code editor. For these initial steps, I would recommend getting Bare Bones Software | TextWrangler (TextWrangler), because it is very simple to use, and won't overcomplicate or confuse a first time programmer. Although, you'll notice it's very different from the Codecademy environment.Step 3 - 2-4 daysStep 3 should be easy for most people who have worked with other programming languages, but can be slightly more complicated than these initial steps. Go back to Codecademy and complete the PHP tutorial. Don't be discouraged if by this step if you find it to be complicated! In the next step, we'll be getting into much cooler stuff/more dynamic pages in the next step!Step 4 - 6-9 daysGo back to the PHP tutorials on the TheNewBoston and do tutorials 42-43, 61-76, 96-103, 108-126, 136-139. By the end of these tutorials, you're basically a web developer! You should be proud of yourself if you've made this far. Many people will have given up halfway through this guide to learning PHP. Just remember, it is always about ambition. Everyone is smart enough to become a web developer, it's simply about having passion.At this step, you might want to consider a more advanced code editor like Page on Netbeans (Netbeans). It's more advanced than TextWrangler, but TextWrangler is better for teaching you how important semi-colons, and commas are.Step 5 - 1 dayNow it's time to learn a little AJAX. Don't worry about knowing what this means yet. Basic idea, it allows you to update pages without refreshing the page. It's what allows you to post a comment on a website, and then see that comment a split second later without reloading the page. Now, it's time to do tutorials 171-184 of the PHP tutorials on TheNewBoston.Step 6 - 1 dayTime to learn how to make some clean code with Object Oriented Programming. This will allow you to "modularize" your code. Essentially, it allows you to break up your code into different pieces, which makes it easy to reuse code and to figure out which piece of the code is broken. Do tutorials 189-200 on TheNewBoston PHP tutorial page. This should be a good reminder of what you learned in the PHP tutorials from Codecademy. If you liked Codecademy's tutorials better, you should take this time to go back and review those as well.Step 7 - 2-3 daysCreate a CMS with PHP. Then once you've finished, go back, and rewrite it in OOP language. If you're struggling with this, just move on and come back to it. It's better that you keep going, then struggle at some obstacle and quit.Step 8 - 7-9 daysDo the new tutorial on creating a Login and Signup from PHPAcademy at Register & Login (New). This is from the PHPAcademy playlist phpacademy on YouTube. The tutorial is 7 hours of video, but you will create an awesome login system. This is more for your fundamental understanding of how to put together some PHP from scratch. You could skip this step if you want to (not that I recommened it). Step 10, you will learn how to work with MVC architecture, which will probably knock your socks off. You will most likely want to learn an MVC before you create your own website.Step 9 - 2-3 daysMake your website fun and interactive using JQuery. This is a very important and easy library you can use to enhance your website's interactivity. For this, go back to Codecademy, and complete their JQuery tutorials. JQuery is a library for JavaScript. I did not include tutorials for Javascript, because it is relatively similar to PHP, and you won't be using Javascript a whole lot to begin with.Step 10 - 3-5 daysLearn how to work with an MVC architecture! I would start with these tutorials to learning CodeIgniter first (one of many frameworks). CodeIgniter is a great beginner framework, so while I recommend starting with these tutorials, I suggest you use a slightly more advanced framework like Laravel 4.0. I haven't actually used laravel, and I don't know of any great resources for laravel, but I'm sure you will find some. I will come back and edit this, once I start learning some laravel and find good resources. to CodeIgniter - Basic WebsitePHP CodeIgniter Registration & LoginPHP CodeIgniter Facebook Connect LoginStep 11 - 1-2 daysBuild something! (... but not in that vague sort of, yeah, just read the php manual and figure it out sort of way.) Go to Website wireframes: Mockingbird and create a wireframe of the kind of website you want to build. You should include a Home Page, About Page, and maybe a forum of some sort. Once this is done, it's time to get cracking on making it real.Step 12 - ???Build your website. This could take a long time or a little time depending on complex you want to make it. Of course, there's always room for continuous improvement. Don't think that you need to build the whole thing correctly from the get-go. Just think about how many iterations facebook has been through. As well, Khan Academy looked awful. This is how Khan Academy started out or Google Google! or Codecademy. Heck, you don't even need to use the way back machine to look at how awful reddit is.Remember to try to use OOP programming as often as possible. For this, you may want to create an MVC. More on that in the appendix.Step 13 - 2-3 daysNow that your website is complete, it's time to get it on the internets! For this, I would recommend Set up a Cloud Server. I haven't actually set up a could server myself before, but PHPAcademy always has good tutorials, so I'm sure this will help. There could be other better tutorials out there though.Step 14 - ForeverNever stop learning. Always go back and rewatch more tutorials. You'll pick up new tricks or you'll be reminded of things you have forgotten.Appendix:There are a ton of other great tutorials out there, and I'm sure you have seen some of them along the way, while browsing through the other websites I mentioned.- Get an interactive development environment (IDE) - this is essentially a text editor that is helpful for writing code. it colors the code and makes it easy to read- Figure out MVC/Use a Framework - this isn't something that I have done a lot of work with, but it is by far one of the most powerful concepts in web development. I would venture to say that almost all websites use some kind of Model-View-Controller framework. There are a few tutorials on this from PHP Academy. I would check those out, but also look in other places- Along with the MVC, learn to use a Create-Read-Update-Destroy (CRUD) system. It is essentially a module (from the OOP tutorials you go over, you'll start to understand this) does all of your interactions with the database. For this, I would check out Real-World OOP With PHP and MySQL- Attend hackathons and meetups near you. I would recommend making friends with some other programmers that can help mentor you as you continue your progress.Sign up for an account on Find Meetup groups near you to view all of the meetups happening near you- There will be plenty of tutorials on web development that you will run across. If you spend 20 mins watching a tutorial, and the instructor isn't helping you, move on. There are so many resources out there, it doesn't make sense to stick with one that isn't helping you.
How does React Native compares with Xamarin?
Hello!We are using React Native to build an iOS and Android app for a retail client who is expecting upwards of 500k users as an ultimate install base. I believe the best way to summarize our experience with RN is through three categories: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.The GoodExcellent code re-use. You can expect, at a minimum, of roughly 75% code reuse between platforms. In our particular app, the designs didn’t diverge much between iOS and Android, so our code reuse is closer to the 90% mark.Superior developer experience. I’ve built apps on both Xamarin and Cordova/PhoneGap. The React Native developer experience is vastly superior. Out of the box, you get such things as Hot Reloading (literally code and instantaneously see the effect), Inspector, debugging in Chrome Dev Tools, etc.Flexbox translated to native mobile UI’s. This almost gets mentioned as an afterthought, but because React Native implements a subset of Flexbox (see A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks), layouts really are a cinch for all form factors. It takes a little getting used to, especially if you’re not a web developer, but once you understand how it works, you can see the nearly unlimited creative freedom you have with mobile screens.Yes, it’s really native and provides a superior user experience to hybrid. While you are coding in JavaScript, the screens translate to actual native views, and therefore are performant by default.Unique capabilities to a JavaScript-based platform. Take for example CodePush: over the air updates of code without having to recompile your apps. For quick iterations, this is a killer feature.“Learn once, write anywhere” = believe the hype. Your experience in React Native will translate to “vanilla” React on the web. There’s a lot of cross-pollination in libraries between RN and React.A superior philosophy. Native modules are first class citizens, and there is great documentation on how to bridge native iOS and Android code. RN is the first “hybrid” platform I have seen where the focus is to expose the unique capabilities of each platform vs. trying to get each platform to adhere to an API that may or may not be conducive to using said platform.This isn’t to say that there aren’t commonalities between platforms that can be addressed via simplified API’s. React Native adopts this as well, but not as its first prerogative.A strong, vibrant community. There’s libraries for the majority of use cases you can think of. Here’s a few that are my favorites. cross-platform UI components for React NativeThe BadThe release cycle is neck breaking fast. Literally, a new version of React Native gets cut every month. While most releases don’t bring wholesale breaking changes, there are some (e.g. facebook/react-native) that ends up breaking a good portion of the ecosystem and you have to wait for library maintainers to catch up. There’s really no concept of an “LTS” like you see with Node.I’d highly recommend using Yarn to manage your dependencies to lock down your versions and willfully upgrade libraries as RN drops new releases.A bit of mental equity you need to pay up front with regards to choosing libraries. Because much of React Native is built by the community, you need to be aware of what types of complexity you’re opting into. This can be also construed as a good thing, because, as an architect, you should know the complexities you opt into in general.You still need to be familiar with how native projects are structured, as you will be diving in there to “link” libraries and set configurations for native-based libraries (e.g. Google Analytics)The UglyThe React Native upgrade process, with respect to actually upgrading your native projects, needs major improvement. They started to address this in the 0.40 versions using Git patches, but this definitely is the biggest pain point of the platform.In short, every new version of React Native usually includes updates to the code on the native projects themselves. Unfortunately, as you develop, you’re going to be touching a good majority of those files. For example, the AppDelegate.m in iOS or the in Android. This leads to “merge conflict resolution hell” with every upgrade.In conclusion, we have been very happy with our React Native experience and highly recommend it for building apps. You really see some eye-opening velocity when you use React Native in conjunction with Node.js in the backend. “Universal JavaScript” is an undeniable operational advantage that I feel every organization should be considering.Edit: 2017–02–09Here’s a great article from Artsy that came out documenting their experience with React Native: Retrospective: Swift at ArtsyEdit: 2017–03–14Now it’s even easier to get into React Native thanks to: Introducing Create React Native App. Give it a whirl!
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