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How to Edit Text for Your A Health Maintenance Organization High Standard And with Adobe DC on Windows

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How to Edit Your A Health Maintenance Organization High Standard And With Adobe Dc on Mac

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How might mental trauma affect someone physically?

It depends when the mental trauma began in life, the type of trauma ( — just emotional or emotional accompanied by and physical or sexual trauma and/ or neglect), how long it lasts for, the availability of a supportive care giver/someone to confide in, coping mechanisms and whether the person has received necessary psychotherapy.A baby needs at least one attentive, loving parent or care giver that he ( or she ) can bond. There is an exponential growth of the brain in the first year of life and the child quickly develops new skills - mobility, walking, playing, fine motor development , drawing, speech etc. The child needs a adult carer so that he can grow normally physically, psychologically, emotionally and socially feeling safe in his environment. The first 7 years are particularly important in the child's neural development and impact the child's later growth, normal development, teenage life, gradual independence and a successful well balanced adult. Children raised with good parents or carers will gradually separate themselves from their care givers in the teenage years and are often ready to leave home between 16 - 18 years.The rational part of the brain is not fully developed until about the age of 25 so continued guidance of the child by their parents/carers well into adult life is valuable. Understanding the Teen Brain - Health Encyclopedia - University of Rochester Medical CenterCentre on the developing child :Brain ArchitectureAppropriate sleep, learning, rest and socialization and diet are important for optimal brain development and the timing of experiences is also important. Young children experiencing psychosocial isolation in institutions with poor standards of social support and care experience significant brain abnormalities and suffer significant emotional and cognitive problems. In one study : if institutionalised babies were placed in foster care before the age of 2 brain EEG data show that brain development was similar to normally raised children at the age of 8. If a foster home wasn't found until later than age 2 abnormalities in EEG were found. In the follow up of this longitudinal study the normalisation continued especially in those in high quality foster care. Normalization of EEG activity among previously institutionalized children placed into foster care: A 12-year follow-up of the Bucharest Early Inter... - PubMed - NCBIThe affects of mental trauma on a developing brain are also affected by genetics and epigenetics (the environment of the genes). This explains why mental trauma may affect one child in the family much more than another. A traumatised child develops behaviour problems, escalating the abuse and becoming a kind of ‘ scapegoat’. Sometimes the other child will be considered a ‘golden child' which causes resentment and breakdown in sibling relationships. The dysfunction in the family may create an unconscious ‘addiction to drama' and the development of trauma bonds.Mental trauma in children affects the HPA axis ..Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis - Wikipedia and cortisol levels rise causing abnormal development of brain structures. Prolonged emotional trauma causes shrinkage of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, increase activity of the amygdala and reduced connection between the emotional and thinking areas of the brain, which may cause behaviour problems.Stress effects on the hippocampus: a critical reviewBrain scans reveal how badly emotional abuse damages kidsThere are 2 links in the above article. Brain scans show the difference in size of the brains in those children who are abused and those who are not :Abnormal brain development following sensory neglect in early childhood. Theseimages illustrate the negative impact of neglect on the developing brain. In the CT scan on theleft is an image from a healthy three year old with an average head size (50th percentile). Theimage on the right is from a three year old child suffering from severe sensory-deprivationneglect. This child’s brain is significantly smaller than average (3rd percentile) and hasenlarged ventricles and cortical atrophy.Conclusion at the end of first link : shared the images in a paperSummary and Future Directions :The many functions of the human brain result from a complex interplay betweengenetic potential and appropriately timed experiences. The neural systems respon-sible for mediating our cognitive, emotional, social and physiological functioningdevelop in childhood and, therefore, childhood experiences play a major role inshaping the functional capacity of these systems. When the necessary experiencesare not provided at the optimal times, these neural systems do not develop inoptimal ways.Healthy development of the neural systems which allow optimal social andemotional functioning depends upon attentive, nurturing caregiving in infancyand opportunities to form and maintain a diversity of relationships with otherchildren and adults throughout childhood. In our modern world, we are moremobile, compartmentalized and socially-disconnected. The true costs of our life-style choices may be difficult to see; yet an understanding of neurodevelopmentsuggests that the modern world’s socio-emotional milieu is not sufficient formost children to express their true potential for forming and maintaining healthyrelationships.As a society, we value cognitive development and, therefore, provide consistent,repetitive and enriching cognitive experiences in the home and through our educa-tional systems. In an age where more people must share increasingly limitedresources, however, it is imperative that our children develop the capacity toshare, be empathic and understanding of others. We must provide an investmentin socio-emotional development comparable to our investment in cognitive devel-opment. The world, natural and manmade, now more than ever, needs the best ofhumankind.The diagram below summarises the results of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE Study) is a research study conducted by the American health maintenance organization Kaiser Permanente and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Participants were recruited to the study between 1995 and 1997 and have been in long-term follow up for health outcomes. The study has demonstrated an association of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) (aka childhood trauma) with health and social problems across the lifespan. The study has produced many scientific articles and conference and workshop presentations that examine ACEs. [1]The ACE study's results suggest that maltreatment and household dysfunction in childhood contribute to health problems decades later. These include chronic diseases—such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes—that are the most common causes of death and disability in the United States.The study's findings, while relating to a specific population within the United States, might reasonably be assumed to reflect similar trends in other parts of the world, according to the World Health Organization. [10]The study was initially published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. [11]Adults who have had a relatively normal childhood are likely to be more resilient and can recover from mental trauma more easily:Childhood trauma, trauma in adulthood, and psychiatric diagnoses: results from a community sampleThe following paper looks into the biological effects of trauma in childhood in more detail and includes the diagram below:“The Biological Effects of Childhood Trauma”Bessel Van der Kolk in his book, The Body Keeps The Score, also argues powerfully that trauma is one of The West’s most urgent public health issues.

What daily habits keep you organized?

I know for sure those habits keep me organized. I have a track record written down, so there is no self-illusion. I do more, better and faster.I will start from the easiest and most impactful and finish with the most impactful in the long run (the only time horizon that really counts).1. Writing Down Daily Priorities.I usually note down at the beginning of my day 1–3 priorities for the day. I almost never work on anything else, till I finish them. Sometimes life gets in the way, but in over 80% of the time, I manage to deal with them before sh…, ahem, life happens.This is an incredibly effective productivity tool. Nowadays, I have more power over my schedule, thus I knock out those tasks in the morning. But writing down my priorities was almost as effective when I had to smuggle my tasks between tasks in my day job. The real power doesn’t lie in executing those tasks. It lies in realizing what they are. Clarity and focus are born out of writing down your priorities, not out of doing them.For several months, when I was switching between managing my time with to-do lists and the daily priorities list, I observed how it magically worked. If I had my priorities written down, most of the times I did them the same day. When I skipped writing them down and kept them in my head, it was a disaster.The big hack in using this tool properly is being realistic about what you can do. Don’t note down: “Write a book.” It’s unreasonable to expect you can write a book in one day. Even if you spend the whole day writing like crazy and you finish with a big chunk of the book, it will not be the whole book and you will feel disappointed with yourself.Set “outline one chapter” as your daily priority. That’s much easier to get done and, at the end of the day, it has pretty good chances to be executed.2. To-Do List Management.One of the reasons I’m productive with my daily priorities, is that for a long time (2–3 years?), I managed my time with to-do lists. In the end, I got seriously frustrated with them because the list of tasks seemed to always get extended, while crossing them off was going painfully slowly.But thanks to this, I got used to the fact that I constantly have something to do. Nowadays, after I deal with my daily priorities, I switch to my daily habits and/or other tasks. Often, I write down and follow the new set of daily priorities.The list of my daily habits in Coach.meMy priorities are often purposefully small, so I can knock them off within a few hours. It’s getting things done that keeps my motivation and self-efficacy at the high levels.3. Health Maintenance.While any of the healthy habits I list here will boost your productivity, their real power lies in the combo of them all. Your health doesn’t depend only on the amount of sleep you get or whether or not you eat a lot of vegetables. Only the holistic approach takes you to the next level. And a single neglect can make a breach in your health.ExerciseGet rid of the common idea of what exercising is, especially if you want to habitualize it. It’s not spending hours on a treadmill or lifting weights. Well, those activities are exercises as well, but they are well suited for professionals who live off their bodies — culturists, models, actors, etc.My pullups routineI train 5 to 10 minutes a day, rarely more, and if I move more it’s almost always in some playful setup; for example, I go with my kids to a swimming pool.For what you cannot do in time you can compensate in intensity. I am fit. I can do well over 100 pushups and over 40 pullups. But my workouts are insane by most standards.You don’t need to be as crazy as me. Take a 15-minute brisk walk, but do it every single day, make it a habit, and you will feel the difference.Sleep wellSource: Stunning Free Images · PixabaySleep needs are individual. Which doesn’t change the fact that only 1–2% of the population have rare genes that allow them to function optimally with 6 hours of sleep or less. Most of us (yours truly included) notoriously undersleep.I was sick only 2 times in the last 50 months. I can connect both times with a suspect sleep deficit that lasted for about a week prior to getting sick.Sleep enough. It’s time invested, not wasted.Eat WellSource: Stunning Free Images · PixabayI’m no nutritionist, and you don’t need to be one as well. Of course, if you suffer from a special medical condition, common sense may not be enough.But for common people, common sense IS enough. Don’t torment your body with cigarette smoke and alcohol. Limit processed foods to minimum. Be very picky about fast foods and sweets. Eat more raw vegetables and fruits. Know your daily calorie requirement and stick to it.It’s all common sense.Drink wellYou have no idea how many modern ailments are simply the result of a constant dehydration. Like with anything “healthy” you must find your optimal individual intake. The rule of thumb is 16 oz. a day, but I’m sure that a 7-foot-tall woodman working physically could use more, and a 5-foot-tall dainty gal doesn’t need as much.Source: Stunning Free Images · PixabayAvoid soda. Try to drink pure water or add only natural ingredients (like a lemon juice). Tea, and especially coffee, tends to flush minerals out of your body. Don’t drink them in excess. Speaking about minerals, did you know that most bottled waters contain less minerals than most tap waters (depending on localization, of course)?The last, but not least: water has no calories, ha, ha.Intermittent fastingA part of eating well is giving your stomach the time to process all you stuff into it. I keep at least a 14-hour break before a dinner and the first meal the next day (is it still a breakfast if I eat after noon?).4. Gratitude Diary.Does this point seem to be out of place on the list of ‘productivity’ habits? Take a closer look.Gratitude is a proven way to rewire your brain into positivity. It’s enough to practice it smartly for 30 days, and you will achieve this effect. What is more, it will be permanent.“When the brain is positive every possible outcome we know how to test for raises dramatically.” — Shawn AchorAchor is a real scientist. He has some titles before his name, and he spent about a decade on various universities researching happiness. Scientists tested correlation between a brain’s positivity and everything they could measure. And every-fricking-thing was better!Productivity included.Gratitude parts in my journal.A few things that they measured, mentioned by Shawn Achor on the podcast: sales, chances for promotion at work, fitness performance or net worth.5. Morning Ritual.I saved the best for the end.I don’t always write down my daily priorities. My to-do list management is far from perfect. I automated my health maintenance, but a glitch in this area happens every so often (undersleeping!). It’s not easy to be constantly positive on an entrepreneurial rollercoaster.But I have been doing my morning ritual every single day.Source: Stunning Free Images · PixabayIt does two things for me, and it may do them for you:1. Provide focus (by taking care about all the above-mentioned productivity habits).2. Cultivate your “why.”My morning ritual takes me about 40 minutes. It includes some exercises and drinking 2 glasses of water. Often, I jot down my daily priorities at the end of it. It’s not easy to find time for all those maintenance practices during busy days. Tying them together into one ritual that is repeatable like a metronome and makes it automatic.However, the true power of my morning ritual comes from cultivating my “why.” I repeat my personal mission statement. I pray. I read documents and fragments of three books that shaped my personal philosophy. I look at my vision board.In short, I remind myself why I’m hustling so hard for so long. I remind myself that there is no alternative, no rest, and no giving up till I achieve what I am meant to achieve.My morning ritual is the true engine behind my productivity. I was exhausted, heartbroken, or discouraged in the middle of the day too many times to count. But the next day, I started my engine again and moved forward.Find your “why.” Go back to it every morning. It will make an enormous difference in your long-term productivity.

What is a health insurance payer?

Healthcare costs are paid for by private payers or public payers. Private payers are insurance companies and public payers are federal or state governments.Private PayersA private payer is a private insurance company. There are many private insurance companies in the U.S. Each company offers different types of plans that must meet or exceed basic standards set by the state and federal government.What are the different types of private health insurance?Health insurance plans can vary. Generally, lower cost healthcare plans give patients fewer choices in doctors and hospitals. Lower cost plans may also make it more difficult for patients to see a specialist.Types of health plans include:Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)HMO’s use a “managed care” approach to healthcare. Managed care focuses on preventive care and screening for diseases early to keep costs down. HMO’s are the strictest type of insurance plan because patients can only see HMO doctors and hospitals. Patients do not pay a deductible and may pay a small co-pay.Where do people get private insurance?Most people get private insurance through their employers. When employers buy insurance for their employees, it is less expensive because the risk of high healthcare costs can be spread out among a large group of people. If people are self-employed, retired or work for a small company, they can buy private insurance on their own, but it is usually more expensive.

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