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What is an unpopular opinion you hold?

What is an unpopular opinion you hold?I believe it is a far better thing, for individuals to be discriminating, thoughtful, and emotionally connected, in sexual matters. I think the prevailing mode of promiscuity that permeates society is unhealthy--physically, emotionally, and psychologically, and that it has a deleterious effect on character development, as well as on society. Which brings me to the centerpiece of the issue:Pornography is destructive. It harms people:Internet Pornography by the Numbers; AHow Internet Pornography Usage Hurts TeensOne area of study considered important among development experts is the effect of pornography on teens and young adults.It increases the odds of teenage pregnancy. Teenagers with frequent exposure to sexual content on TV have a substantially greater likelihood of teenage pregnancy, and the likelihood of teen pregnancy was twice as high doubles when the quantity of sexual content exposure within the viewing episodes was high.viiiIt hinders sexual development. Pornography viewing by teens disorients them during the developmental phase when they have to learn how to handle their sexuality and when they are most vulnerable to uncertainty about their sexual beliefs and moral values.ix Blocking internet-connected devices from accessing adult material is a good start in keeping pornography out of reach for teens.It raises the risk of depression. A significant relationship also exists among teens between frequent pornography use and feelings of loneliness, including major depression.xIt creates distorted expectations which hinder healthy sexual development. Adolescents exposed to high levels of pornography have lower levels of sexual self-esteem.xi Keeping the conversation going with your child about the effects of pornography is essential to heading off issues like depression and low self-esteem.Family/Marital Pornography StatsThe negative effects of pornography do not end after development. They can be just as harmful to families and marriages.According to National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families, 2010, 47% of families in the United States reported that pornography is a problem in their home.xiiPornography use increases the marital infidelity rate by more than 300%.xiii40 percent of people identified as “sex addicts” lose their spouses, 58 percent suffer considerable financial losses, and about 33% lose their jobs.xiv68% of divorce cases involve one party meeting a new paramour over the internet while 56% involve one party having an “obsessive interest” in pornographic websites.xvviiiAnita Chandra, Steven C. Martino, Rebecca L. Collins, Marc N. Elliott, Sandra H. Berry, David E. Kanouse, and Angela Miu, “Does Watching Sex on Television Predict Teen Pregnancy? Findings from a Longitudinal Survey of Youth,” Pediatrics 122 (2008): 1047-1054 (1052).ixJochen Peter and Patti M. Valkenburg, “Adolescents’ Exposure to Sexually Explicit Internet Material, Sexual Uncertainty, and Attitudes Toward Uncommitted Sexual Exploration: Is There a Link?” Communication Research 35 (2008): 579-601 (581xMichele L. Ybarra and Kimberly J. Mitchell, “Exposure to Internet Pornography among Children and Adolescents: A National Survey,” CyberPsychology & Behavior 8 (2005): 473-86 (479). 10 Vincent Cyrus Yoder, Thomas B.Virden III, and Kiran Amin “Internet pornography and Loneliness: An Association?” Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity 12 (2005): 19-44 (30). This was a study of 400 individual Internet pornography users.xiTodd G. Morrison, Shannon R. Ellis, Melanie A. Morrison, Anomi Bearden, and Rebecca L. Harriman, “Exposure to Sexually Explicit Material and Variations in Body Esteem, Genital Attitudes, and Sexual Esteem Among a Sample of Canadian Men,” The Journal of Men’s Studies 14 (2006): 209-22 (216-7).http://xiihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_pornography_statistics#cite_note-Internet_Usage_bsecure-4xiiiSteven Stack, Ira Wasserman, and Roger Kern, “Adult Social Bonds and Use of Internet Pornography,” Social Science Quarterly 85 (2004): 75-88.iiMary Anne Layden, Ph.D. (Center for Cognitive Therapy, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania), Testimony for U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, November 18, 2004, 2.ii“The Effects of Pornography on Individuals, Marriage, Family, and Community,” by Patrick F. Fagan, Ph.D., psychologist, and former Deputy Assistant Health and Human Services Secretary.Pornography has been linked to a decreased brain size in males:Scans Reveal Big Differences In Brains Of Porn WatchersPornography is all-pervasive:Internet Pornography by the Numbers; AHow Much Porn is Accessible Online?The amount of pornographic material available on the web is staggering. As introductory economics, search engines, and other online data repositories tell us, the market for such material is just as large.Every Second:28,258 users are watching pornography on the internet.$3,075.64 is being spent on pornography on the internet.372 people are typing the word "adult" into a search engine.Every Day:37 pornographic videos are created in the United States.2.5 billion emails containing porn are sent or received.68 million search queries related to pornography- 25% of total searches- are generated.116,000 queries related to child pornography are received.How Online Pornography Affects AmericansAbout 200,000 Americans are classified as “porn addicts.”40 million American people regularly visit porn sites.35% of all internet downloads are related to pornography.34% of internet users have experienced unwanted exposure to pornographic content through ads, pop up ads, misdirected links or emails.One-third of porn viewers are women.Pornography leads to addiction for many:One-third (33%) of men between the ages of 18 and 30 either think that they are addicted or are unsure if they are addicted to pornography.Pornography Addiction Among Men is On The RiseAmong the side effects of porn addiction are feelings of shame and guilt, emptiness, loneliness, depression, creating emotional attachment with artificial world, troubled relationships, divorce, risk of unhealthy sexual engagement, sex without intimacy, legal and financial problems.Pornography Addiction Statistics, Symptoms and Side EffectsPornography has no doubt eroded the view of sexuality and human value in the world of social interactions and dating. Tinder is a popular dating app, one in which--so I've read--one swipes through photographs of dating (sexual) prospects on one's phone. You call your choice, and apparently, more often than not, you have sex with that person. This would appear to be the normalization and mainstreaming of its precursor--Internet sex hook-up sites. I learned about these sites while dating/living with a man who was addicted to them, and to pornography. Just a few short years ago, this was the face of sexual degeneracy. In half a dozen years, it has morphed into the new face of dating. I feel sad for young people today. Middle-aged people. All people. This behavior is not congruent with the way human beings are designed. Living this way, utilizing one another this way, will not fulfill our needs, will not build character, and will create a society of low moral character. It already has.

Who are the families that control most of the world today?

Well I can talk about these forever. But I don't have patience to write a huge answer about why these families are so powerful despite not been known to common people. Below are some families that has influenced and influencing this world to beyond one's imagination.The eight families include The Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Kuhn Loebs, Lazards, Goldman Sachs and the Lehmans. The Rothschilds, Morgans and Rockefellers are the big three and others have been the major influence in establishing the connections between those 3 families. The Warburgs, Kuhn Loebs, Goldman Sachs, Schiffs and Rothschilds have intermarried into one big happy banking family. But you can also find relationships between every family at the moment.The 8 families control the world as of now. Every major corporations, governments of entire western world and developing nations are literally controlled by them. They are not just bankers or financial firms. Much more than that. By 19th century Rothschilds were the world's wealthiest family involving in loans, government bonds and also started bullion trading. They also became the biggest stakeholders in most large scale mining and rail transports across Europe. After the revolution in 1848, they had huge impacts for good or bad. But they soon were able to establish a much larger system. Every war after that had their involvement in one way or the other. By the end of 19th century they made oil to be the fastest growing commodity in Europe.On the other side of the world Junius Spencer inherited his father's money and after years founded Peabody, Morgan & Co along with its George Peabody. It became J.S.Morgan & Co after Peabody's retirement. Along with the help of his son J.P.Morgan they have started to grow in a rapid rate by selling war bonds during the civil war.Morgan was the driving force behind Western expansion in the US, financing and controlling West-bound railroads through voting trusts. In 1879 Cornelius Vanderbilt’s Morgan-financed New York Central Railroad gave preferential shipping rates to John D. Rockefeller’s budding Standard Oil monopoly, cementing the Rockefeller/Morgan relationship. The Morgan financial octopus wrapped its tentacles quickly around the globe. Morgan Grenfell operated in London. Morgan et Ce ruled Paris. The Rothschild’s Lambert cousins set up Drexel & Company in Philadelphia.After death of J.S.Morgan in 1890, it became J.P.Morgan & Co. By then Morgan was lending to Egypt’s central bank, financing Russian railroads, floating Brazilian provincial government bonds and funding Argentine public works projects.A recession in 1893 enhanced Morgan’s power. That year Morgan saved the US government from a bank panic, forming a syndicate to prop up government reserves with a shipment of $62 million worth of Rothschild gold through Kuhn Loeb. By 1895 Morgan controlled the flow of gold in and out of the US. The first American wave of mergers was in its infancy and was being promoted by the bankers. In 1897 there were sixty-nine industrial mergers. By 1899 there were twelve-hundred.Morgan and Kuhn Loeb held a monopoly over the railroads, while banking dynasties Lehman, Goldman Sachs and Lazard joined the Rockefellers in controlling the US industrial base. In 1903 Banker’s Trust was set up by the Eight Families. By now Rockefeller and Rothschilds were planning on monopolizing the entire oil industry. There was a huge outcry from the competitors. Under Sherman AntiTrust law Rockefeller's Standard oil was sued and pressed monopoly charges against them. Standard oil was broken into 34 companies after the judgment. The company would've been worth more than $1 trillion if the split never took place.In 1910, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Frank Vanderlip of National City (Citibank), Henry Davison of Morgan Bank, and Paul Warburg of the Kuhn, Loeb Investment House met secretly on Jekyll Island, Georgia, to formulate a plan for a US central bank, and created the Aldrich Plan, which called for a system of fifteen regional central banks, openly and directly controlled by Wall Street commercial banks. These banks would have the legal ability to create mnoney out of thin air and represented an attempt to create a new Bank of the United States. Public reaction was swift.Due to the intense public opposition to the Aldrich Plan, the measure was defeated in the House of Representaives in 1912. One year later the bankers would be back!Following the defeat of the Aldrich Plan, in 1913, the Private Central Bankers of Europe, in particular the Rothschilds of Great Britain and the Warburgs of Germany, met with their American financial collaborators once again on Jekyll Island, Georgia to form a new banking cartel with the express purpose of forcing the United States to accept a private central bank, with the aim of placing complete control of the United States money supply once again under the control of private bankers. Owing to hostility over the previous banks, the name was changed from the Third Bank of the United States to "The Federal Reserve" system in order to grant the new bank a quasi-governmental image, but in fact it is a privately owned bank, no more "Federal" than Federal Express.Former Chairman of the FED Allan Greenspan admits the Federal Reserve is a private bank and answers to no government authority.The 1913 creation of the Fed fused the power of the Eight Families to the military and diplomatic might of the US government. If their overseas loans went unpaid, the oligarchs could now deploy US Marines to collect the debts. Morgan, Chase and Citibank formed an international lending syndicate.After the death of J.P. Morgan, the company fell in hands of Rockefeller and Rothschild with complete control. Although Jack Morgan was still operating at the top for J.P.Morgan & Co. Jack Morgan pushed the government into taking part in WWI while asking their clients Remington and Winchester to increase the production. Morgan also financed the British Boer War in South Africa and the Franco-Prussian War.The World War One started, and it is important to remember that prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve, there was no such thing as a world war. World War One started between Austria-Hungary and Serbia with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. Although the war started between Austria-Hungary and Serbia it quickly shifted to focus on Germany, whose industrial capacity was seen as an economic threat to Great Britain, who saw the decline of the British Pound as a result of too much emphasis on financial activity to the neglect of agriculture, industrial development, and infrastructure (not unlike the present day United States). Although pre-war Germany had a private central bank, it was heavily restricted and inflation kept to reasonable levels. Under government control, investment was guaranteed to internal economic development, and Germany was seen as a major power. So, in the media of the day, Germany was portrayed as the prime opponent of World War One, and not just defeated, but its industrial base flattened. Following the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was ordered to pay the war costs of all the participating nations, even though Germany had not actually started the war. This amounted to three times the value of all of Germany itself. Germany's private central bank, to whom Germany had gone deeply into debt to pay the costs of the war, broke free of government control, and massive inflation followed (mostly triggered by currency speculators) , permanently trapping the German people in endless debt."Should Germany merchandise (do business) again in the next 50 years we have led this war (WW1) in vain." - Winston Churchill in The Times (1919)“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” -Woodrow Wilson in 1919The 1919 Paris Peace Conference was presided over by Morgan, which led both German and Allied reconstruction efforts.Thomas Edison, arguably the most brilliant man of the age, was also well aware of the fraud of private central banks."People who will not turn a shovel full of dirt on the project nor contribute a pound of material, will collect more money from the United States than will the People who supply all the material and do all the work. This is the terrible thing about interest ...But here is the point: If the Nation can issue a dollar bond it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money broker collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20%. Whereas the currency, the honest sort provided by the Constitution pays nobody but those who contribute in some useful way. It is absurd to say our Country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the People. If the currency issued by the People were no good, then the bonds would be no good, either. It is a terrible situation when the Government, to insure the National Wealth, must go in debt and submit to ruinous interest charges at the hands of men who control the fictitious value of gold."Look at it another way. If the Government issues bonds, the brokers will sell them. The bonds will be negotiable; they will be considered as gilt edged paper. Why? Because the government is behind them, but who is behind the Government? The people. Therefore it is the people who constitute the basis of Government credit. Why then cannot the people have the benefit of their own gilt-edged credit by receiving non-interest bearing currency on Muscle Shoals, instead of the bankers receiving the benefit of the people's credit in interest-bearing bonds?" -- Thomas A. Edison, New York Times, December 4, 1921Under the orders of Jacob Schiff, Council on Foreign Relations was founded in 1921. CFR was solely to create free trade and globalization for the outside world. While these families had other ideas, bigger ones ofc. The CFR membership at the start was approximately 1000 people in the United States. This membership included the heads of virtually every industrial empire in America, all the American based international bankers, and the heads of all their tax-free foundations. In essence all those people who would provide the capital required for anyone who wished to run for Congress, the Senate or the Presidency. The first job of the CFR was to gain control of the press. This task was given to John D. Rockefeller who set up a number of national news magazines such as Lifeand Time. He financed Samuel Newhouse to buy up and establish a chain of newspapers all across the country, and Eugene Meyer also who would go on to buy up many publications such as the Washington Post, Newsweek, and The Weekly Magazine. The CFR also needed to gate control of radio, television and the motion picture industry. This task was split amongst the international bankers from, Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, the Warburgs, and the Lehmanns. The council has always been subject to numerous conspiracy theories is primarily due to the number of high-ranking government officials (along with world business leaders and prominent media figures) in its membership and the large number of aspects of American foreign policy that its members have been involved with.There had been occasions when central banks had found it useful to cooperate with one another in order to facilitate international settlements. But this had happened only in exceptional circumstances. After the first world war, however, and especially during the currency stabilizations of the period 1922-1930, he principal central banks frequently joined forces for the purpose of granting special "stabilization credits" either in connection with the reconstruction work undertaken by the Financial Committee of the League of Nations or independently of these schemes.It was therefore natural enough that the monetary and political authorities (Rockefellers and Rothschilds in particular) soon became interested in the idea of substituting for such ad-hoc and temporary associations a more permanent system of cooperation.This idea took practical shape in the course of the negotiations on theproblem of reparations owed by Germany after the first world war.These resulted in what became known as the Young Plan, which provided for a reduction (as compared with the earlier Dawes Plan) and also a "commercialization" of the annuities to be paid by Germany and made possible, moreover, the partial mobilization of these annuities through the issue of international loans. It was deemed necessary for the attainment of this purpose that an international organization should be set up possessing official status and at the same time sufficiently commercial in character to be independent of political considerations and able to work in direct contact with the financial markets.It was therefore decided to create, under the name of "Bank for International Settlements,"* an international bank to be founded by the principal central banks of the countries involved, whose permanent function would be to promote cooperation between central banks and to facilitate international financial settlements and to which could also be entrusted the task of executing the Young Plan as the agent of the governments concernedWhen one utilizes the axiom, “Follow the money,” all roads lead to the Rothschilds and their formula of gaining control of a nation’s money supply and then making all the rules. In the process of gaining control of a nation’s money supply, each country’s gold holdings were ransacked, and in the case of the US, the then world’s largest silver holdings were also stolen.US Treasury Notes that were specie backed by silver and gold. After the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913, the privately owned Federal Reserve bank, began circulating Federal Reserve Notes that were also specie-backed, to circulate alongside US -issued Treasury Notes until the 1930s, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared a “bank holiday.” The US was forced into bankruptcy by the Rothschild elites, and the banks were reopened under direct control of the Federal Reserve central bank. What was little noticed was that the specie-backing of gold and silver for the Federal Reserve Noted were quietly withdrawn. At the same time, specie backed US Treasury Notes were withdrawn from circulation and destroyed! The Rothschilds will not accept any competition. The first stage of the world’s largest Ponzi scheme succeeded. Next was the removal and eventual suppression of the price of gold, an ongoing activity by central banks.In the 1930’s populism resurfaced in America after Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bank and others profited from the Crash of 1929. House Banking Committee Chairman Louis McFadden (D-NY) said of the Great Depression, “It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence…The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all”.In 1930, The first Rothschild world bank, the, “Bank for International Settlements (BIS),” is established in Basle, Switzerland. Ironically the first president of BIS was the Rockefeller banker Gates J. McGarrah was also Chairman at Federal Reserve and an official at Chase-Manhattan.Historian Carroll Quigley says BIS was part of a plan, “to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements.” In 1933, Wall Street bankers and financiers including Prescott Bush ofc had bankrolled the successful coups by both Hitler and Mussolini. Brown Brothers Harriman in New York was financing Hitler right up to the day war was declared with Germany.The Wall Street bankers decided that a fascist dictatorship in the United States based on the one on Italy would be far better for their business interests than Roosevelt's "New Deal" which threatened massive wealth re-distribution to recapitalize the working and middle class of America. So the Wall Street tycoons recruited General Butler to lead the overthrow of the US Government and install a "Secretary of General Affairs" who would be answerable to Wall Street and not the people, would crush social unrest and shut down all labor unions. General Butler pretended to go along with the scheme but then exposed the plot to Congress.Congress, then as now in the pocket of the Wall Street bankers, refused to act. When Roosevelt learned of the planned coup he demanded the arrest of the plotters, but the plotters simply reminded Roosevelt that if any one of them were sent to prison, their friends on Wall Street would deliberatly collapse the still-fragile economy and blame Roosevelt for it. Roosevelt was thus unable to act until the start of WW2, at which time he prosecuted many of the plotters under the Trading With The Enemy act. The Congressional minutes into the coup were finally declassified in 1967, but rumors of the attempted coup became the inspiration for the movie, "Seven Days in May" but with the true financial villains erased from the script.When the Weimar Republic collapsed economically, it opened the door for the National Socialists to take power. BIS became a conduit to fund Hitler's Germany in reconstruction and rebuilding their nation. Swiss banking secrecy laws are reformed and it becomes an offence resulting in imprisonment for any bank employee to violate bank secrecy. This is all in preparation for the Rothschild engineered Second World War in which as usual they will fund both sides. Their first financial move was to issue their own state currency which was not borrowed from private central bankers. Freed from having to pay interest on the money in circulation, Germany blossomed and quickly began to rebuild its industry. Once again, Germany's industrial output became a threat to Great Britain."Not the political doctrine of Hitler has hurled us into this war. The reason was the success of his increase in building a new economy. The roots of war were envy, greed and fear." -- Major General J.F.C. Fuller, historian, EnglandGermany's state-issued value based currency was also a direct threat to the wealth and power of the private central banks, and as early as 1933 they started to organize a global boycott against Germany to strangle this upstart ruler who thought he could break free of private central bankers!President Roosevelt takes America into the second world war in 1941 by refusing to sell Japan any more steel scrap or oil. Japan was in the midst of a war against China and without that scrap steel and oil, Japan would be unable to continue that war. Japan was totally dependent upon the United States for both steel scrap and oil. Roosevelt knew this action would provoke the Japanese to attack America, which they subsequently did at Pearl Harbor.Prescott Bush, father of future American Presidents’ George Herbert Walker and George W, has his company seized under the, “Trading With The Enemy,” Act. He was funding Hitler from America, whilst American soldiers were being killed by German soldiers. Jews are also being slaughtered by these same soldiers. Interestingly the ADL never criticizes any of the Bushes for this.Albeft Einstein was of the opinion that the late entry of the US into the war against Germany was because the US was controlled by bankers who were making money off of Hitler.​​​​By the end of second world war all the families wanted a complete financial power shift from Britain to the US. So two further international banks, IMF and the World Bank, were set up along with the second 'League of Nations', United Nations. Only this time these two banks have larger control than BIS so the activity of BIS during war time shall remain in the shadow. The IMF and the World Bank still depend on the Federal Reserve and central banks.The IMF was originally designed to promote international economic cooperation and provide its member countries with short term loans so they could trade with other countries (achieve balance of payments). Since the debt crisis of the 1980's, the IMF has assumed the role of bailing out countries during financial crises (caused in large part by currency speculation in the global casino economy) with emergency loan packages tied to certain conditions, often referred to as structural adjustment policies (SAPs). The IMF now acts like a global loan shark, exerting enormous leverage over the economies of more than 60 countries. These countries have to follow the IMF's policies to get loans, international assistance, and even debt relief. Thus, the IMF decides how much debtor countries can spend on education, health care, and environmental protection. The IMF is one of the most powerful institutions on Earth -- yet few know how it works.​ Best Example is Argentina. Their model was appreciated by IMF and World Bank. Within months they found themselves in huge financial crisis and had them ask for support from IMF/World Bank. Simply they have the power to induce a bad economy in any country at any given time.As President, John F. Kennedy understood the predatory nature of private central banking. He understood why Andrew Jackson fought so hard to end the Second Bank of the United States. So Kennedy wrote and signed Executive Order 11110 which ordered the US Treasury to issue a new public currency, the United States Note. Kennedy's United States Notes were not borrowed from the Federal Reserve but created by the US Government and backed by the silver stockpiles held by the US Government. It represented a return to the system of economics the United States had been founded on, and was perfectly legal for Kennedy to do. All told, some four and one half billion dollars went into public circulation, eroding interest payments to the Federal Reserve and loosening their control over the nation. Five months later John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas, and the United States Notes pulled from circulation and destroyed (except for samples held by collectors).John J. McCloy, President of the Chase Manhattan Bank, and President of the World Bank, was named to the Warren Commission, presumably to make certain the banking dimensions behind the assassination were concealed from the public. The Dulles and Rockefeller families are cousins. Allen Dulles created the CIA, assisted the Nazis, covered up the Kennedy hit from his Warren Commission perch and struck a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood to create mind-controlled assassins. Kennedy's E.O. 11110 has never been repealed and is still in effect, although no modern President dares to use it.Further all the issues regarding the middle East and the oil has had hands from Rockefellers and Rothschilds.I'm too tired to write further more.Sources: Various books and informations collected for months. Please excuse if somethings are wrong.

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