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What is the brutal truth about Warren Buffett?

While I admire the brilliance of Warren Buffett I will point out why he has had an unfair advantage and did quite a few things a bit unconventionally to say the least:Buffett’s Dad used to be in Congress. The only people who are allowed to trade on insider information without having criminal charges brought against them are congressmen (btw this is no longer allowed since April 4, 2012)Buffett’s Dad was a stock market broker/trader prior to being elected and going to Congress (he knew the stock market well and had interest in it)Warren from a young age used to go to his Dad at work and spent time in his office because he wanted to escape from his mother, who was a very difficult person with many issues. So Warren learned about stocks and his Dad actually had him buy his first shares in 1942 at age 11After graduating, Warren Buffett went to his Dad’s acquaintances to raise Capital for his first fund. These were prominent families in Nebraska with big businesses and political connections (ie across the street was the family whose son became the CEO of Coca Cola) that family gave him $10,000 in the 50′s - he could’ve bought several homes for that amount of money (they knew the dad was in Congress!!!)When Buffett’s Dad died in the early 60′s Buffett panicked and closed his fund and returned the money (no more insider info made him worry!)He then met Charlie Munger, who is a freak of nature, brilliant person who helped Buffett a great deal and since Buffett was no dummy and was already well versed on how to analyze the stock market data, Buffett launched another fund that became Berkshire HathawayBuffett to this day says that if you buy an asset that does not produce income hoping it will go up, you are in fact speculating but his stock NEVER paid a penny in dividends - his stock by his own definition is a speculative one - those who joined him never to this day gotten a penny in dividend pay out - they never needed the income anyway but they knew he was well connected and the stock had no way but up and up in a compounding wayTo this day Buffett does not buy that much in the open market and often does his transaction off market like when he bought the long term LEAPS (derivative calls) in 2009 betting the economy will go up in a few years and he was right but no one else could do such a transactionBuffett also buys entire companies off market and because he is publicly traded it is like taking them to the market with a ridiculous multiplierBuffett says when he decides to buy a company he goes for it without worrying too much (listen to his story about buying the furniture company from the old Russian immigrant lady) but what he neglects to say is that he has an army of experts doing analysis and lawyers to draft the deals the way he wantsHis stories about Goldman Sachs fraud and what he did to bail himself out of this mess will take another page to explain but suffice it to say it is a good example of what money, power and connections can do especially if he can in exchange show that he was distant from the decision making process and can promise to say something very positive in the news about the US markets to restore the global faith in the US economy!Buffett would only give up his money when he dies, when he is alive he would not part with one penny (He later changed his mind because he found a way to transfer the shares of Berkshire to various charities - this way he could get the biggest tax breaks while looking great as a Philanthropist, all while Berkshire can remain the mega power house that it is)He disowned his own adopted granddaughter for speaking the truth about money and power and specifically about himHis wife Susan left him and moved to California - when they interviewed her she said, I am not sure if he noticed that I even left him!He ended up shacking up with her best friend whom he married after his wife diedAnd now with a few recaps to put it all together:Know that he pulled it all off without anyone complaining so imagine if you can:Get insider information to trade on itGet money from wealthy people to put in your fund when you are in your 20′s are a great sales person and are using your Dad’s great connections of super wealthy peoplePay no return and just benefit by half of the growth of any stock you buy without paying taxes or investing any of your own money till later when you have plentyLet the growth compound and grow with institutional moneyBecome so connected on wall street to be able to buy in the secondary marketBecome so politically connected that the government can seek your help (ie you get to know about the billions in bail out money coming to Wells Fargo and Bank of America in advance and you can buy millions of share at $5 on BofA for instance knowing for sure those shares will be trading at $20 and $30+ in matter of a few years!Be able to sit on billions of dollars waiting for the inevitable economic disaster cycles to hit so you can pounce and buy at pennies on the dollar - imagine you could only do that because you do not have to pay one cent in dividend (no return) on the billions investors and institutions give you in your fundGiving others advice that cash is a position but then explaining that cash is bad because inflation is the silent killerSaying that borrowing and leveraging is bad but that is precisely how he is structured and the difference is he does not have to pay interest and can cash out anyone at anytime because of the structure of funds traded through market makersBeing able to set up baby Berkshire Hathaway shares to kill and compete anyone trying to copy his structure by emulating the shares he is holdingI can continue but you got the idea - no one will ever outsmart, outwit, outconnect or outsell the master of all masters (who is no saint) Mr Warren Buffett!Edits: I am a real estate hedge fund manager and have edited a couple of my bullet points above after reviewing some comments and researching through SEC files and other reliable articles - Thank you for the feedback and private messages - Buffett is still a legend and there has been a lot of business and investment principles that I’ve learned from him and have applied and taught and write about in real estate with tremendous rewards… nevertheless, this is the brutal truth about Buffett!

Do you believe Donald Trump is malicious?

To paraphrase Mr. Longmont. The only cure for stupidity is death. He has no morals. He is vindictive. He is a power hungry wannabe banana republic dictator and a street thug in a very poorly tailored $2000 suit.He is a self centered petulant child who acts like a playground bully. His life consists of demanding the loyalty of others while never returning any.He operates mentally in his own little world where he imagines himself as a king with no governmental rules to follow, believing that he can call all the shots without any repercussions or obstructions. The US government to him is just another “business” where the Senate and House of Representatives are simply in his way and completely unnecessary.He refuses to conform to any norms, follow any rules, and voices his opinion on matters he knows little or nothing at all about, while refusing ideas or guidance from people around him simply because he is a pompous ass. Let's not forget that one of his favorite activities is taking credit for things he had nothing to do with, such as the robust economy that he inherited from the Obama/Biden administration.He also inherited whatever money he had from daddy and took little time to squander every bit of it. It's hard to believe that anyone ever conducted business with him, and those who did, quickly learned that his word was never to be taken seriously after their initial encounter because he simply could not be trusted. After 6 bankruptcies, it's common knowledge today that no bank anywhere in America will ever again loan him a dime because he has never paid anyone back. This “TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN” attitude is the only reason he ever accumulated any surface wealth at all and then squandered it. This myth that he is a BILLIONAIRE was concocted by him and him alone, with no evidence to back up any such claim. Then people wonder why he has never been willing to disclose any tax returns. The fact is, he knows it would destroy his image were people to see how much debt he has accumulated. Warren Buffet, a TRUE billionaire, once made an interesting observation about this idiot. He pointed out that this douchebag is not only NOT a billionaire, but probably not even a millionaire with any liquid assets. His point was that IF Trump is as wealthy as he claims, then why is he constantly attempting to borrow huge sums of money negotiating loans with banks like DeutcheBank? Real billionaires would never have any need to borrow from any bank. He is as crooked as a 3 legged dog, always operating with “other people's money”. He has GRIFTED his way through life, protected by the bankruptcy laws, collecting undeserved cash from the donations of people dumb enough to continue to support him, even after he had his ass handed to him by newly elected PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN.As we speak, he has set up a phoney Donald Trump “Election Defense Fund” whose intended purpose is an obvious attempt to bilk more hard earned cash from those he has convinced that the election was “stolen” from him. These people badly want to believe he is STILL their President so they throw their money at him while he laughs at them all the way to the bank. (But I was so glad to see that the courts recently ruled that he had to return over $200M due to the fact that what he was doing was illegal).The last 4 years have been a complete waste of time with little integrity and plenty of lying and “conspiracy theories” emanating from the house where Lincoln once lived. It can best be described as a Presidency that did its best to operate with smoke and mirrors. The chaos, corruption, criminality, treasonous behavior and lack of integrity has been astounding, “the likes of which” no one could ever have imagined, except for those who know him all too well from past history.As for these people who continue to support this lying blimp, I'm not sure what their IQ level is, but there is something radically wrong with them. Some are simply “radical right wing” idiots who believe whatever bullshit propaganda he is feeding them. This is reminiscent of Nazi Germany and the propaganda machine operated by Hitler's Minister Joseph Goebbells. His philosophy was “the longer you tell a lie [either in speeches or in print], the more likely people will ultimately believe it to be the truth”. Donnie Douchebag has now told nearly 37,000 lies in his one and only term, and his idiot base, or at least what's left of it, actually believes whatever he says and accepts it as “fact”. To the rest of us, he is a CON ARTIST who has CONNED those who are dumb enough to listen.Stupidity has no cure. As such, in regards to Donald Trump specifically, let's not forget that he operates on the famous phrase “THERE'S A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE”. After January 20th, how many of these morons are still believing his bullshit? And how many will be watching as his legal entanglements unfold, some of which may be on TV? If he has to answer questions in front of a judge, there is no doubt that he will certainly lie, which is what he's best at, and his supporters will be faced with an embarrassing choice. Either they'll still buy his bullshit, or they'll be forced to admit that they've been conned.Rest assured, he will perjure himself because he's incapable of telling the truth. And that will be his undoing!

What do you think about the trade war between China and America? What is your nationality?

Almost everyone gets the trade war wrong. One of the most important pillars of American supremacy is the US Dollar hegemony. The hegemony is gained by virtue of America’s unparalleled military power, and the rule that oil must be purchased with the US dollar—the Petro-Dollar. It basically allows America to play the game at a great advantage.We should remember that crude oil has been the single largest imported item in terms of USD payments for many countries. These countries do not have sufficient oil to fuel its economy, and therefore must earn or borrow the printed paper notes from America. Many essential technologies and equipment are also owned and denominated in American dollars. Most projects of global supply chain and infrastructure for trade are not possible without capital in the form of US paper notes, and since America prints it while others have to earn it, the game of international trade cannot be fair to begin with. By the way, the trade rules are also by and large written by America.The abundance of easy capital for America doesn’t just create favorable conditions for American corporations in the global arena, it also attracts more brains to America, feeds an ever expanding military industrial complex, provides the means to punish anyone who does not say uncle, while enjoying impunity for the misuse of its power. The military industrial complex in turn supports technology development, owns the media as well as the narrative, and controls global resources and trade routes, sometimes inciting limited conflicts in foreign countries, creating more lopsided competition in favor of corporate America, which is owned by the elite at the top of the food chain. Such is the world and no one says life has to be fair. "Nature is merciless," Lao Tzu said it, and you can take that to the bank.Dollar Hegemony allows America to enjoy financial supremacy, trade supremacy, and military supremacy. Since America can create paper ‘wealth’ out of thin air and buy the world’s natural resources and manufactured goods with it, while the rest of the world must accept it, the country can basically go into unlimited debt with impunity. After all, it’s the people of America who are in debt, but the elite who owns the wealth. To service the ballooning national debt, the government can simply saddle the people with more debt, and create the money to pay the interest. Since the US dollar is the world's reserve currency, and it is also the most traded because of American trade supremacy, whatever amount of paper dollars created will actually help the local economy in America, whereas the rest of the world has to deal with the inflation.America is blessed to enjoy such power for a long period. The benefits however flow mostly to the corporate and the elite. Pundits complain about inequality, but the people of America support this. They elect their political representatives, who always approve saddling the people with unsustainable debt to finance the unlimited military budgets, endless wars, and unilateral sanctions, making enemies where there are none, while refusing to finance education, healthcare, and social benefits. The American people elect the representatives who implement globalization based on the cherished American capitalist ideals, filling the coffers of American corporations, while the American people most needing help are ignored. The elected officials, corporate elites, and military leaders are granted impunity, honor, and wealth by the people for their service. America is a great democracy. It is the government of the people. Why blame its government and politicians? Why blame corporations? Why blame other countries? The American people are ultimately responsible.To summarize, America’s power is based on its military supremacy which enforces the use of the US dollar for the purchase of essential resources and technologies, which allows America to create as much of the US dollars as it likes, which makes it even stronger in technology and trade, which makes its military even more powerful, which allows the creation of more US dollars to build more awesome weapons, which increases economic activities and GDP in America while creating inflation for the world, which causes those countries and peoples who cannot defend themselves to meekly say uncle, while the poor and jobless Americans swallow the lie that other countries are to be blamed.Why the trade war? China after forty years of hard work, paying with sweat and tears in a generation of sacrifice for American paper, selling its environment and its health, keeping its head down and biding its time in silence [韬光养晦] according to the advice of the venerable Deng Xiaoping, has arrived at a point where it has built up its ability to survive and thrive in the world. It has enough American debt that cannot be ignored. It has enough production capabilities and brains that will allow it to stand on its own two feet. It has the ability to build its own advanced weaponry that will repel any threat. It has built its own infrastructure essential for economic development and will now do so for other less developed countries, mostly without getting involved in other country's politics. China applies Confucianism in its foreign policy: "Do NOT unto others, what you do not wish others to do unto you." On the other hand, because of its economic success, China has become the first independent country (one with no American military base or soldiers stationed within its borders) with the strength, the wherewithal, and the will to present a serious challenge to the Dollar Hegemony.Politicians in Washington who are hostile to China know that this challenge of the Dollar Hegemony is extremely dangerous to the American elite’s wealth and privileges. Unfortunately, a hot war with China is impossible. It will not happen because these Washington politicians are not that stupid; they don’t want to lose everything, which would be the result of a hot war. There is always the danger that the American public might wake up one day and reckon that their elites are to blame, and their party will be over.The only war these Washington hawks can start against China is a trade war, while the American public is still swallowing the lie that China is to blame, while America can still create more dollars by saddling the people with more debt, while the dollars can still feed the military industrial complex, and while the dollars can inflate the American GDP and boost stock prices. What else can they do? America has lost a lot of its competitiveness playing for so many years in a system rigged in its favor. Printing ‘wealth’ in the form of dollars has been America’s greatest strength, but now China's development threatens to take that away.The trade war however will further damage America’s economy and cause more political turmoil in America. It will give China the impetus to speed up the usage of RMB for international trade. Others affected by the trade war will make similar efforts to speed up decoupling from the US dollar. The trade war will accelerate China’s development of essential technologies and products that require RMB or SDR payments, or a currency based on a common commodity such as gold. China will take the opportunity to encourage the development and usage of alternative banking systems not under American control, and wean the world from complete dependence on the US financial system. The US dollar will continue to be significant, but it will not be a hegemon. People will have true alternatives.Most people do not understand the survival skills of both the Chinese government and the Chinese people (my book talks about it). China will likely view this trade war as an opportunity to speed up necessary reforms. I’m guessing that is maybe why they are not so eager to settle. Trade talks are not moving forward. Besides, it is pointless negotiating with the current administration, which is doing a great job destroying America’s credibility. This loss of trust is most damaging and it is long-lasting. China has an old saying: "It takes ten years to grow a tree, but it takes a hundred years to build trust for a person." Trust is hard to establish but easy to lose. All business and trade depend on trust. Every independent country that trades with America will actively work towards decoupling, preparing for a day when America decides to unilaterally start another trade war. We can assume that all of America's 'allies' are thinking in that direction as well.Hopefully, in the not too distant future, America will not be able to print money with impunity or fund its military industrial complex with unlimited money. Unilateral American sanctions will not be effective. Its foreign policy will necessarily become less intrusive and more inclusive. The American people will learn to elect responsible politicians who will not enjoy impunity. Lying demagogues will be thrown from the Tarpeian Rock. Mass media will be broken up and editors made accountable for disseminating lies and half-truths on behalf of some hidden agenda. A benign and enlightened America may emerge, and perhaps we will have peace and harmony in the world again.It will then be up to the great nations and their responsible leaders to get together to work out a way for all humanity to share in the fruits of human development which has been built on the backs of all humanity. Sorry to offend Ayn Rand lovers; capital didn’t build civilization, people did, and they did that while consuming the food produced by the original wealth producers, the peasants. Taking care of each other, helping each other, and sharing with each other is the only way for humanity to survive and succeed on earth and beyond.It’s always a good idea to know a little about the author: Ethnic Chinese, born in Hong Kong, parents staunchly anti-communist, brought up in elite English school, Roman Catholic, once having ambitions to become a priest; went to university in Canada, became Canadian; worked in mainstream media in Hong Kong and Canada; worked in China for 20 years in broadcast and network technologies; speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, and English; reads and writes Simplified and Traditional Chinese. Both my brothers-in-law are Caucasian, one of my nephews is a converted Jew with a Jewish family, and my grandson is half Irish-Canadian. I have no political affiliation, and I have become an atheist who is not godless, just god-free—free of the gods. I have recently published a book. It is written for those who seek the truth.

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Justin Miller