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How to Edit Your Salary Redirection Agreement Online Online With Efficiency

Follow these steps to get your Salary Redirection Agreement Online edited with accuracy and agility:

  • Hit the Get Form button on this page.
  • You will go to our PDF editor.
  • Make some changes to your document, like highlighting, blackout, and other tools in the top toolbar.
  • Hit the Download button and download your all-set document into you local computer.
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How to Edit Your Salary Redirection Agreement Online Online

If you need to sign a document, you may need to add text, fill in the date, and do other editing. CocoDoc makes it very easy to edit your form with just a few clicks. Let's see how can you do this.

  • Hit the Get Form button on this page.
  • You will go to CocoDoc PDF editor webpage.
  • When the editor appears, click the tool icon in the top toolbar to edit your form, like adding text box and crossing.
  • To add date, click the Date icon, hold and drag the generated date to the target place.
  • Change the default date by changing the default to another date in the box.
  • Click OK to save your edits and click the Download button for sending a copy.

How to Edit Text for Your Salary Redirection Agreement Online with Adobe DC on Windows

Adobe DC on Windows is a useful tool to edit your file on a PC. This is especially useful when you finish the job about file edit offline. So, let'get started.

  • Click the Adobe DC app on Windows.
  • Find and click the Edit PDF tool.
  • Click the Select a File button and select a file from you computer.
  • Click a text box to optimize the text font, size, and other formats.
  • Select File > Save or File > Save As to confirm the edit to your Salary Redirection Agreement Online.

How to Edit Your Salary Redirection Agreement Online With Adobe Dc on Mac

  • Select a file on you computer and Open it with the Adobe DC for Mac.
  • Navigate to and click Edit PDF from the right position.
  • Edit your form as needed by selecting the tool from the top toolbar.
  • Click the Fill & Sign tool and select the Sign icon in the top toolbar to customize your signature in different ways.
  • Select File > Save to save the changed file.

How to Edit your Salary Redirection Agreement Online from G Suite with CocoDoc

Like using G Suite for your work to complete a form? You can edit your form in Google Drive with CocoDoc, so you can fill out your PDF without Leaving The Platform.

  • Go to Google Workspace Marketplace, search and install CocoDoc for Google Drive add-on.
  • Go to the Drive, find and right click the form and select Open With.
  • Select the CocoDoc PDF option, and allow your Google account to integrate into CocoDoc in the popup windows.
  • Choose the PDF Editor option to open the CocoDoc PDF editor.
  • Click the tool in the top toolbar to edit your Salary Redirection Agreement Online on the needed position, like signing and adding text.
  • Click the Download button to save your form.

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If you were a designer and started your own business, would you call it a design company or a design practice?

Why should you start your company?There is no better time than today to make yourself known as a web professional and launch your own business . The Internet has changed the way we communicate, make new friendships and increase revenue by helping customers position themselves on the web, thanks to your knowledge of website development.Therefore, if you want to have the freedom to work from home, travel the world and manage your business even from a paradise beach, or something more complex such as creating your own design agency and growing it, it is the ideal time to earn a name in the sector.Having created an agency and having taught many people how to achieve it, I would like to show you the steps to follow to achieve success with a website creation company without making the mistakes I made at the beginning.One of the most important things I learned was that waiting to collect the price of each completed project makes you weak, it is best to get more income to consolidate your business.Then I will talk about how to get recurring income, but for you to get an idea, the sooner you enter money very often, the more options you will have to achieve success.Steps to succeed with your web design companyThen I leave the list of tasks to be performed to have a relevant company in the web design sector:How to generate leads and get new customers.Prepare meetings with potential clients well.Offer personalized courses.How to write and send proposals.How to get your client to provide the necessary content.Prevents project delivery from being extended.How to launch your client's website.Create profitable projects.Turn your services into products.Get recurring income.Before you begin, let me warn you that this process is not carried out overnight.It takes a long time to create a successful business, so try not to rush, everything comes in time.My job is to help you on your way while creating your web design company. Your part is to do the job.This may be the best time invested in your life, so do not waste it and try to reach the end. No one remembers those who leave. Let's go there!1. How to generate leads and get new customersThere are many articles written on the Internet on how to generate leads . Convincing a person to pay you in exchange for creating a website seems like a magic trick that would escape the first change.Once I spent two weeks in a row calling the 50 fastest growing companies in Australia and I was only able to get $ 1,700 in revenue. It was horrible, but I realized that I am not bad at selling. Most of the tips on sales and lead acquisition focus on chasing the customer and letting him see that he needs you yes or yes. The most common question I receive through email is "how do I find new customers?", As if they were hidden.Clients do not hide or run away. They are waiting for you to help them. Part of your work is mental and part is execution of movements.It's simple, the method of attracting clients fluently is to ensure that your work is consistent and collaborate on shared vision projects. A great way to identify your strengths is to find your sweet spot.It is very important to find customers that fit your business modelFind your sweet spotDivide a sheet of paper into two columns, make a list of your skills in a column and another column for what you like to do most. For example, SEO is part of my skills, what I know how to do, but it is not something that I love. Designing is something that I like but I don't know how to do. Launching a podcast is in both columns, as well as teaching, presenting, making videos or coaching. Why don't you know what I spend more time on?Your sweet spot is one where your abilities and your passions overlap. Are those activities in which you would spend working 90% of your time. Everything else would be work that you can delegate, automate or directly eliminate.The advantage of investing your time doing what you dominate most is that the quality of work is usually greater, the end result for your clients will be better and you will be happier, something vital to avoid burnout .Once you know what your sweet spot is, ask yourself, "Who benefits the most from working with me when I am working my best?"In my case, if a client asks me to quickly improve their search engine positioning, I know that it is not an ideal client. Nor is a customer who needs to win a prize for the best design. Yes, I focus more on those clients who have a company with an established audience and need to increase their reputation through online marketing . These clients allow me to do what is best for me: marketing strategies, sales funnels, optimizing conversion rates, email marketing , etc. This is my sweet spot.Publish the appropriate contentYou already have your sweet spot, but now what? It should not surprise you that I advise you at this point to publish content on the Internet and share it with your ideal client. But let me give you more details.We all learn new things every day based on what we already know and apply to a project or a company. For example, when I learned how to implement a sales funnel with author, I first saw how to do it and then put it into practice. HotJar is a very useful tool to analyze your conversions and heat maps, so you can check the behavior of your visitors and end customers.Image of the Hot Jar homepageThe process I carried out was a good source of information to create new content if I wanted to attract more customers looking for exactly the same, improve their conversions. The extra benefit of publishing this content is that I can use it with my colleagues when teaching how to create sales funnel reports. Imagine this idea as a source of internal documentation.The idea is to show all content to as many potential customers as possible with as little effort as a couple of emails and one or two calls.Finally, make sure you have a good call to action on your website where new customers can request your services. In this way they will see you as a good professional and not a person who wastes their time or just someone to hire for offering a good price.2. Prepare meetings with potential clients wellWhat happens when one of your ideal clients fill out your contact form and click on all the services you need? Normally you would pick up the phone, arrange a meeting with him to talk about his project and start explaining how much you know about WordPress, the plugins and the frameworks you use.If this is familiar to you, it is because it is the most common. In the end, the client has the money you ask for in exchange for his website creation. Don't worry, even if you made this mistake before it's time to change the work routine.Your job is to understand your client's needs best to be able to offer you the perfect solution.It is also part of your job to be sure that your web design company is profitable , so you should evaluate whether or not they have the sufficient budget and the time frames are adequate. There is no reason to keep the conversation longer than necessary. If the client has not said clearly what he has to face the project, simply tell him:So you make all the people involved stand at the same point. If the client indicates an unrealistic budget in relation to the size of the project, you will not have the obligation to continue with it.Determine the objective of the projectIn order to be successful with your business, you will need to define your scope of work before starting a project.The process begins by asking why the project. Why do you need a new website? You will probably receive an answer like “we need to start selling online.” It is a reasonable response and it may be enough to get to work.However, deepen your search, ask yourself "What else?" This can be somewhat awkward, which is perfect. The more comfortable you are in awkward situations, the more things your customers will tell you. Hold on as much as you can before speaking and listen to what they have to say.When your customers have run out of more reasons, they need a new website, so you should ask them to identify which one is the most important.As an example, it might be more profitable for a customer to sell online through a physical store due to rental costs and salaries. If you go one step further, you may realize that this customer really wants to close the physical store and devote 100% to sales over the Internet. This is the focus of the project and becomes the basis of what you should propose before starting work. Later we will talk about how to create appropriate proposals for your customers.For now, stick with the idea that you should always ask why. The more information you have, the better prepared you will be and the more customers will come to you to consult your questions, since they know that they help them solve their problems and you are not a simple web developer.3. Offer customized coursesA workshop can be useful to teach the benefits of your web design companyFrom time to time you meet a client who is simply not prepared to design a new website because he has not passed the process of thinking and analyzing the requirements to have a successful project. In these cases, you will cause damage to all parties if you rush to create this website.That there is a delay in the delivery of the contents will mean that the project is not profitable and delivery deadlines are not respected, the commercial relationship will deteriorate and nobody will achieve what they are looking for.When you find yourself in a situation where you are not entirely sure of what you are doing, since your client is not just ready for the budding project, it may be time to offer a personalized course or workshop.Before you get your hands on your head by not knowing very well what a digital marketing strategy course is, I guarantee it is much simpler than it seems. Let's get to the point:A course is a process that allows you to take the client to a point where everyone knows what the objectives of the new project are.I think this is the most important part of the whole process and in general it is the part that is most often overlooked. Why? Because it requires that both the client and you think things to the fullest and often do not know if you are doing well or not. In fact, if it doesn't bother you or you don't feel like you're wasting your time, it's that you're on the right track.These sessions should make you feel weird since there is no prior planning. You are creating something new. You are preparing a different message for your target audience . You will offer something unique with value that has not been seen before. It should be something "awkward" since you're going to sail in unknown waters.What, who and why?It is necessary to know how to answer the questions who, how and why in web designWith these three simple questions, you will have everyone pending the development of the course and what you want to know about the project:Why do what they do (apart from making money, and that's an obvious answer)?What do they really do to help them achieve their goal?To whom do (for example, who benefits from their work)?Although the questions are simple, I have seen several eight-hour sessions in which there are hardly any clear answers. Make your client not lost and keep in mind that the more people in the meeting, the longer this will be. Try restricting access only to owners and relevant people within the company.Here is an example of the answers to these questions that a potential client would give as a mission and vision of your business:“We believe that everyone has the right to receive a good education (why). This belief leads us to create high quality online courses (what) for students who live in rural areas or want to learn from a distance (who) and who may not have access to higher education institutes. ”Not bad, right?SMART ObjectivesAs soon as the answers to the previous questions are clear, it is time to set the SMART objectives that you can use to measure the effectiveness of the new project. If you had not heard before the SMART objectives, SMART is an acronym that responds to the parameters Specific (specific), Measurable (measurable), Achievable (attainable), Relevant (relevant) and Time-Bound (in time).An example of a goal that is not SMART would be: "We need more customers."Okay. How many? When? More than the previous year? What your competition? More than you have now? What products do you buy? Those who leave less margin or those who leave more benefit?Now look at an example of the same goal but fulfilling the SMART pattern:“We want 1,000 new students (specific and measurable) registered for our June class (achievable and relevant) in the first week of May (on time).”Putting an effective SMART objective, it becomes much easier to ensure that the project meets the expectations of the client while giving you an adequate time frame to work.Set the SMART objectives that best fit your design businessCustomer experienceWe have to talk about customer experience now. And I don't mean your customer, but your customer's customers. In the previous example, your client's client would be the student who is trying to get him to register for the June class.Years ago, I developed a five-step guide that helps me think about how customers interact with my brand. Today I still use it.The steps to follow are these:AttractCaptureNourishConvertorTo sizeAt this point the course that I told you before begins to make sense and your client will finally be able to see some light at the end of the tunnel.Have these questions at hand to work with your client:How will you attract visitors to your website and social networks?How will they generate new leads from those visits?What will they give to those leads?How are they going to get these leads to become end customer acquisition ?How are they going to measure the effectiveness of the strategy so they can continue to improve over time?It wouldn't hurt to take notes while answering these questions. At the end of the course, pass these notes to clean (for example in a PDF) and present them to your client. In this way the client will see the added value of the work you do and for which he has previously paid. You can use that document to discuss with your colleagues the points discussed or to hire an external marketing company to help you realize your ideas.Taking courses to teach your skills is an excellent idea to position yourself as an expert and it is the logical step you must take so that any person or company finally hires you in order to implement the strategy you have designed with them.4. How to write and send proposalsWrite proposals that convince your customers at firstOnce you have spoken with your client and he has answered all the questions without exception, the next step is to prepare a firm proposal.It is possible that things start to twist here. I have written proposals over the past 20 years (10 of them as a web professional) and I have found a way to get good results over and over again.Let me tell you what each part of a sale proposal made by me answers .SummaryWhat I do in this section is to enter one or two paragraphs so that the client has to read the rest of the document. Make it clear that you know what you are trying to achieve and that they are the ones who need your help.Project needsThe next part focuses on the proposal should highlight what specific needs the business has on which you are going to create the new website. Do you remember the SMART objectives we defined before? This is the perfect time to mention them.The needs of the target audienceThe third point to discuss should focus on the needs of the target audience that you want to address with the new website. Most of the proposals I have seen do not mention the target audience at all.By including this section, you show your potential clients that you are interested and care about your clients and users. It is they who determine the success or failure of a website.SolutionSqueeze your creativity and propose a clear solution to your client's problem. The easier you communicate the benefits of your solution, leaving aside the technical part, the more opportunities you will have to approve your offer.Instead of mentioning words like “j Query responsive boxes for inserting videos and images,” he speaks better of “the target audience will be able to watch video tutorials that help him choose the right product.”Oh and, of course, a website that can be seen on all devices is no longer a differential advantage. If a website does not look good on any device, it simply does not work. Do not make web design mistakes that bury the future of the projectTime framesThis part is dangerous because expectations are already beginning to be established around the time the project needs to be developed. In my case I make a simple table in which I mark the different stages of it and how long each one will last.This way you show the client that you have the processes established correctly You can also add some intrigue about what it would be like to work with you on the project. I have had clients who have told me how extremely happy they were to see the first sketches, although they do not know what the matter was about.InvestmentThis is my favorite part for obvious reasons. In this section you make your client spend some money to bring the project to life. I do not call to put price, costs, rate or anything other than investment. I also do not break down the investment in individual costs in an invoice, that is, I do not indicate how much it is worth offering web hosting to your client, creating responsive designs, CSS files or integration with WordPress. What I charge I do for the value of the project that I put at your disposal.Frequent questionsRight after talking about money, I include a FAQ section. It usually includes most of the questions that I have received from my clients before they accepted my proposals. It is also known as overcoming obstacles. Deadlines are often set to know when the website will appear on the first page of Google, what happens if the client's email account does not work or if someone leaves a negative comment on a Facebook post.The next steps to takeThe next section of your proposal should clearly describe what your potential client must do to approve the proposal. For this I use the Bidsketch tool , with which I can send the agreed proposals so that the client confirms them by means of a simple button.Bid sketch homepage imageNo matter what you use or what you do - you simply need to show a clear call to action that tells your customers where they should accept your proposals and what will happen next.Mutual agreementFinally, we arrive at the part known as "terms and conditions". I do not just like this formal language, I prefer to call it "by mutual agreement."In an attempt to be transparent and since I am not a lawyer, I asked for advice and the best thing a lawyer has told me is that if you are going to earn more money than you can lose, you should have your contracts reviewed by a professional.Here you simply need to indicate what is included and what is not in the development of the project, while establishing the obligations of each party. This is your chance to let your client know that if they don't try hard and just keep you happy for you to work, it is not your responsibility to continue with it forever. There will be demanding customers who want you to stay with them yes or yes, but you must stand firm.5. How to get your client to provide the necessary contentNow that it is official that your client accepts your offer and has paid a part of it, start the fun. It's time to reed your favorite code editor, open the work environment you use and shape your knowledge.The number 1 cause that any project is not profitable is that the client does not deliver the content he wants to show on time. Therefore, let's take a look at this matter right now.Basically, what must be achieved is that the client sends all the content before you start the design process. This could be contrary to what you have done before and if you are like the thousands of WordPress consultants that swarm around, you will probably spend a lot of time trying to call your client to send you what you need. Please do not fall for that mistake.I insist on the idea that all content must be received before starting work. It is a radical change in the way of working, it means changing the paradigm that the client expects me to set a deadline to the contrary, that the client is responsible for the deadlines.If, for example, the customer has a deadline for his website on November 1, I will permanently remind him of the term we have agreed in the sales proposal, in addition to sending all the content before starting work.Of course, there are customers who are not prepared to give you what you need or have the knowledge to do so. In these cases, I usually charge an extra for content marketing . Do not worry if you are not an expert in creating content, there are a thousand resources on the Internet that can be useful in case you get stuck.Some advice…Check out these tricks you can use to make it easier to get the content you need from your client.Invite your client to see the project management software and stop communicating via email. Create the tasks required to create the content and assign them to your client. For this purpose I usually use Asana .Image of the main page of Adana, one of the software used by each web design company in the marketGive your client all chews so you only have to fill in blanks. You can use Google Forms, from a simple form to prepare more complex questions, looking for your client to answer what content they want to publish on their website. For example, if you want to upload content related to your team, you will create a page called "Team" and ask you to pass images and a biography of each member.If you want to give a more elegant touch, you can install the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to manage the content you put in WordPress. In addition, you have the option of using an extension such as Advanced Forms so that the client uploads the content directly to their website. Of course, this should be done in a test environment, never in production, to prevent it from being seen in public.Whatever your approach, the easiest is for your client to give you the content in the format you need.The last thing you want is to generate an endless chain of emails to send a simple image of the CEO for the "Team" page, just because it has a new look and does not like the photo that was before.Be sure to tell your client that the later in giving you the files, the higher the chances of not delivering the project on time.If your client disappears completely without providing any content, do not hesitate to charge an additional fee for each week of delay in the delivery of material.6. Prevents project delivery from being extendedDesign a good prototype of your client's website to get the deal closed as soon as possibleAs I said before, one of the fastest ways to lose profitability in any project is not knowing how to handle your customers' expectations. When a client begins to see how their website comes to life little by little on the network, they usually ask questions about some features and functionalities that they had not previously commented on and come to light."What happens when my clients come in and check their invoice history?" They ask innocently.There you ask yourself “What customers? What customer area? What historical of invoices? Did I miss something? ”You get cold sweats and realize that you must inevitably have an extra conversation about how far your work should go.The best way to avoid this situation is for your client to enter the Internet and interact with your website as fast as you can regardless of what you see.The concept of interactive prototyping comes into play. A prototype or sketch is a very simple website with a limited number of design elements that encourage the client to use their website as if it were a client or end user.The web is totally visual, so it is better to chat and clarify the questions through the network instead of using email.There are many ways to develop prototypes quickly using WordPress, but I don't want to get into the debate of which one is the best. I use Beaver Builder to create these prototypes in about 90 minutes.The idea is to keep it as simple as possible and keep your client from asking for more features.When the client gives his approval to the characteristics of the project, you can prepare the sketch to include the design of the user interface. If you want to go up one level compared to other jobs, you can use the Project Huddle plugin and encourage your clients to annotate the project.7. How to launch your client's websiteImagine for a moment that your client has done everything right, has given you all the materials on time and has answered your questions before approving the created sketch. The website is fully designed, tested and free of usability errors , so it would be ready to be published.Let us also think that all this has happened within six weeks and that the whole project is profitable by having respected delivery times. It may be the case that more than one customer is afraid to launch their website for the feedback they may receive from their customers, competitors, people and their family.Your job is to make sure that the web is ready to come to light and not give excuses to your client to back off.Apart from checking that the technical part is fine and you have the content uploaded, something we will see later, you must prepare your client for the launch of its website. Check out these questions that you could ask your client and verify that he is ready:Is it clear that the web will help us achieve SMART objectives?Does the web make clear what we do and who we do it for?Does the web call to action clear?Does the customer have someone ready to receive and read Google Analytics reports?Does the client have an editorial calendar with the program for the next 12 months?Does the client have the resources to promote their website and manage social networks ?Does the client have someone ready to analyze the queries that reach the web forms?Do we use chat and, in that case, is there anyone who controls it?Are we sentimentalized that it will take time for the web to settle and start bringing visitors?Do we have an active ad campaign and, in that case, is the code correctly set?Does the email marketing tool we use provide benefits?Will we avoid email marketing errors that may harm us?Is the client prepared to know how to use the chosen CM ?Has our client subscribed to one of our web maintenance packs and, otherwise, who will take care of it in the future?These may seem very obvious questions, but more often than expected, they are set aside and problems in the professional relationship once the web has been launched.Pass the last reviewEach website is different, so each final review before a release is unique. However, there are some key areas that are common in most of the websites and that you should check for errors or something omitted.These areas refer to issues of content, SEO and analytics, social networks , that the HTML and CSS code is well developed, accessibility, tests on various devices and browsers, tests of all functionalities and forms, image optimization , JavaScript or CSS, security, typography, 301 redirects, Google verifications, CDN and 404 errors. If you need more help you have in this blog an article that analyzes how to verify security in WordPress in a few steps.In addition, you have to make sure you have updated WordPress , that any theme or template you use is also ready before launching the web and that you have daily and weekly backups set up. It is important not to make security mistakes that are later fatal for the future of the project.8. Create profitable projectsEvery business is based on getting benefits, be one more on the list.Congratulations. If you have come here, you have successfully launched a client's website. Now it's time to sit down and check if you've earned money with your business.Let's look back a second. Most people calculate their benefits by subtracting the expenses generated and the costs of the project from the revenue generated by the project. But what would happen if you calculate the money you need from each job by adding expenses and costs to your initial profit margin?In other words, instead of calculating your benefit by lending the $ 8,000 of expenses and project costs to 10,000 dollars, determine before all the work will cost you 8,000 dollars and then add the profit margin (for example 30%) to reach The price of $ 12,000.The formula to calculate it is to divide the costs and expenses by two and multiply the result by 3.In the previous example, $ 8,000 of expenses between 2 results in $ 4,000. When multiplying it by three, the final price is 12,000 dollars. If we make the rule of third parties, a third of the income would be dedicated to paying the costs of the project, another third for the expenses and the final third is of benefit.This is a broad approach, a general rule and does not always work that way. However, it gives you a solid platform to start with. The key is that anything you have to pay has to be included in the expenses. Therefore, if in one year you pay 70,000 dollars, every month you should get the idea that you must allocate 5,833 dollars to business expenses. The 30% net profit must begin to be counted once you have deducted all the necessary expenses.In short, if hiring you costs $ 5,833 per month, your office rental costs $ 1,000 per month, the electricity bill costs $ 100 per month and the software programs you use cost $ 100 per month, in total your expenses amount to 7,033 dollars, the minimum amount you should collect before you go to work.Evaluate all costsOnce prepared to face the project, the costs of launching a website begin to appear . These include design, plugins, software licenses, web development, copywriting, buying images, etc. Let's assume at this point that the costs amount to $ 3,000.If the project needs four weeks to complete and is the only project you have in hand during that period, your expenses would be 7,033 in total and the costs of the project will be $ 3,000. In total, $ 10,033 before benefits.Dividing the previous amount we have 5,016 dollars. If we multiply it by 3 the rate you must charge would be $ 15,048 to have net income.If you do not take into account the benefits you get from what you charge per project, you do not have a web design business, you are the head of your own company.Remember: It's your business and you decide what you charge, your customers don't. If you do a good job, pay more attention to your sweet spot and specialize in solving certain problems that arise for your customers, so you will raise the level of your company. It will take time to see results, but it is possible.The first years I dedicated myself had no benefits. Simply the income was enough to pay my expenses and a normal salary. Do not prepare for a simple job. Prepare for success.9. Turn your services into productsThanks for putting up here. If you are going to implement everything I have detailed in this guide, you will have one of the best businesses in the world dedicated to web development.Improving your web design company is an ongoing process and I think it takes at least a couple of years to establish a solid foundation. However, even if you follow all the advice seen, do not forget that you must face one of the biggest challenges of any company in the services sector, the era of fat cows and skinny cows.I'm sure this concept sounds to you. You speak with a potential client and convince him to hire you, you have a job, you fulfill the agreement you reached and at the end you are looking for another assignment. During that period, you may have rejected more jobs or put some clients on hold while you were busy with another project. Once you are freer free, they have disappeared.There is only one way to mitigate the risk of this type of service-based business: convert your services into products and sell them online.Let's define the difference between service and product. A service is something you sell once to the customer. Customers usually have a high level of contact and require constant maintenance, but in return they pay what they are asked for for the job. A product is something you create once and sell it to many customers. In this case, clients don't usually contact too much and ask for little help, so they are willing to pay less money.Some examples to get startedLet's look at some examples of services that can be converted into products.Web maintenance plans. One of the most common examples is to make product packs with the usual tasks of web maintenance, security scanner, software updates and backups. This can be converted with relative ease into a web maintenance package that is highly marketable.UI elements. If you develop applications for Android, you will be familiar with DroidUX . It is a great example of a design service that successfully became a product. The DroidUX team managed to offer a way to sell its service in a standard salable model to thousands of customers worldwide.Online courses. Perhaps the weakest point that a company in the services sector has is its ability to transfer its knowledge to shape an online course.My first attempt in this field was a basic SEO course back in 2009 called “Page 1 in 24 Hours.” In this course I taught people how to put their website on the first page of Google in just 24 hours (of that era Easy enough, there was no need to ask how long SEO took to take effect .) People who visited my website could purchase this course for $ 200 and become my client. A small percentage of these students became clients since they hired me to manage the SEO of their websites for a higher price than the course.Instead of having many telephone conversations with potential clients that occupy my time, I did the whole process once in front of a camera and used it to create recurring income between the projects that my clients pass me and maintain my position as someone relevant to attract To the best customers.Use your imagination to prepare those services that can be transformed into products.If you can document the process of delivering a service to a customer that obtains a predictable and repeated result and you can train a member of your team to offer that service, you probably have all the ingredients to create a product.Pro Tip: Try to resist the temptation to create a product that has not been tested before as a service. The only thing you will get is to disappoint yourself.Offer and sell landing pagesCreate good landing pages and sell them to your potential clientsI used to share office space with an advertising agency that had very little experience selling digital services to its clients. It was a traditional paper media agency and they worked somewhat on television and radio.I was aware of many conversations between them and their clients and they used to invite me to their meetings as the guy who was in charge of the digital part. During this experience, I learned to be an active part of the agency and as a result I had a continuous flow of work. My job was to help them sell more digital services to their customers.They didn't care how much he knew at the technical level, all they wanted was to know how he could help them sell more to their customers so they wouldn't work with other companies.At that time, the concepts "landing page" and "microsite" were relatively new. I knew how to create landing pages very quickly using Advanced Custom Fields, but I wasn't going to say it in a meeting for fear of things twisting.Instead, I became a specialist communicating to my clients the benefits of having a landing page:“A common landing page does not have a navigation menu, so it does not generate distractions for the user. It has a very prominent call to action and if a menu is added, the user will divert attention from where we want it to be centered. A landing page is very specific and is something that can bring new customers through paid traffic. ”Needless to mention Advanced Custom Fields or WordPress. We only talk about the benefits, nothing about technical issues.It is now too easy to create a landing page and use tools like Beaver Builder. Again, I wouldn't talk about this at a meeting since it could generate confusion.However, I would show you that the average yield of a landing page is less than 25%. I would also highlight that the landing pages that I believe manage to convert up to 45%. So I can sell more. In fact, if I wanted to further enhance this strategy, I would make a video that showed why my work works so well and I would share it on my website and my social networks. At older people, I could put paid ads for that video and generate enough leads to keep my business for at least a year selling only landing pages.I know it sounds very simple and for me it is. I have done these tasks, I have identified my sweet spot and I know who I help with my work. It is something that goes with my way of being and is exactly what I should do in my business.This example serves to show how specialization can focus to the maximum in offering added value to your customers and that this allows you to achieve success with your business. The key is to correctly enter your sweet spot in the equation and find the method that works best.10. Get recurring incomeFinally, I would like to talk about one of my favorite topics, how to generate recurring income .I remember the first time I sold a product online. I woke up one morning and had a PayPal notification from someone I didn't know (and I still don't know him today) that he bought on my website while I was sleeping.It was a great change. Until that time, I did not believe that increasing my income over the Internet was possible and thought that all those who taught how to achieve it were charlatans. Since that day in 2008, I have dedicated myself to obtaining all the possible recurring income for my company since I sincerely believe that there lies the basic source of any business model and it is the only way to guarantee the financial survival of a company.Let me clarify that I am not talking about passive income. I speak of recurring income in exchange for offering value on an ongoing basis.PluginsThe first product I sold was the Video User Manuals plugin , which has worked great and celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. This plugin adds a huge list of video tutorials to your client's WordPress desktop and teaches you how to use WordPress , so you don't have to bother with that task. It also includes video tutorials of several popular plugins, including ecommerce plugins , Yoast SEO, Gravity Forms and Beaver Builder.Every time you have to do WordPress maintenance tasks or a plugin, we re-record the videos to couple the changes that occur in the user interface or if any new functionality is included. This is the reason why customers pay. We get paid to update the videos so that they don't have to ask more questions than necessary when there is a change. This is the recurring added value we offer and from which we obtain recurring income.Maintenance and subscription plansIn addition to plugins, maintenance and web monitoring are excellent ways to increase your income. Or you can take a look at the formula of having new customers via subscription.Subscription websites have become very popular and works well as a way to have more recurring revenue. In fact, many of the clients that use the Video User Manuals customers plugin do so on their own websites.

What is advance tax and when should I pay it in a year if my taxable income is more than 5 lakh excluding deductions.?

What is Advance Tax?Advance tax is the tax payable on total income of the year earned from different sources including salary, business, profession, rent, etc. The tax is supposed to be paid before the end of the financial year.Advance tax is also known as ‘Pay as you earn’ scheme. The tax is payable if your tax liability exceeds Rs.10,000 in a financial year.The tax should be paid in the same year in which the income was received.Who has to Pay Advance Tax?Salaried individuals need not pay advance tax as they already pay tax at source, the employer deducts the tax at source. Advance tax is applicable to individuals who earn income from sources other than salary. If a salaried individual earns income from other sources then they have to pay advance tax too.Listed below are some of the income sources which attract advance tax:Income received via capital gains on sharesInterest earned on fixed depositsWinnings earned from a lotteryRent or income earned from house propertyHow to Pay Advance Tax?Advance tax can be paid through tax payment challans at bank branches which are authorised by the Income tax department. It can be deposited in authorised banks such as ICICI Bank, Reserve bank of India, HDFC Bank, Syndicate Bank, Allahabad Bank, State Bank of India and more.Another way of paying advance tax is by paying it online through the Income Tax department or the National Securities Depository.Advance Tax Calculation:An individual can calculate advance tax on their own and determine if they have to pay advance tax.Listed below are the steps to calculate advance tax:Determine the Income: Determine the income you receive other than your salary. It’s important to include any ongoing agreements that might pay out later.Minus the Expenses: Deduct your expenses from the income. You can deduct expenses related to your work (freelancing) such as rent of the work place, travel expense, internet and phone costs.Total the Income: Add up other income that you might receive in the form of rent,interest income, etc. Deduct the TDS deducted from your salaried income.Total Advance Tax: If the tax due exceeds Rs.10,000 then you’ll have to pay advance tax.How to Pay Advance Tax Online?The advance tax can be paid online through the online facility offered by the Income Tax department. Listed below are the steps that need to be followed to make a successful online payment for advance tax.Go to the official Government website.Select the right challan to pay your income tax ( Advance tax)Fill in the correct details in the form. You’ll have to fill in details such as the right assessment year,address, phone number, email address, bank name, captcha code and other such important details.Once you are done filling in the details, you’ll be redirected to the bank’s Net Banking page. The income to be paid should be rechecked in this page.Next, you’ll get details of your payment including your challan number.It is important to report your payment after you’ve made the payment. You can do so by adding an additional entry under the paid tax page.Late Payment of Advance Tax:If an individual forgets to pay the advance tax by the first deadline, then the individual has to pay interest. The interest is computed as 1% interest on the defaulted amount for every month until the tax is paid off completely. The same interest penalty will be applicable if you don’t pay by the second or third deadline.Advance Tax Exemption :Senior citizens (people above 60 years of age) who do not own any business are exempted from paying advance tax. Also, taxpayers who opt for presumptive schemes are exempted from paying advance tax. These schemes can be applied for by people whose business turnover is more than Rs.2 crores in a financial year. In the year 2016-17, such scheme was extended to doctors, lawyers and architects, provided their annual receipts totals to a maximum of Rs.50 Lakhs.Advance Tax Benefits :Advance tax helps in reducing stress of taxpayers. By paying tax in advance, taxpayers do not have to worry about money shortage or tax payments at the last moment.It speeds up the tax collection process.It increases government funds as the government can earn an interest on the collected amount.Advance tax saves people from defaulting on their tax payments.It helps businesses in managing their finances well and provides an idea of the income they have earned during the year.Advance Tax:Challan 280 allows people to pay their income tax online on the website of the Income Tax Department of India. On the website, people have to select this challan and fill the form and then use it to pay taxes online/office. If they want to pay the tax offline, they have to download Challan 280 form from the Income tax welcome, fill it and submit it at the bank.Refund of Advance Tax :At the end of the year, if the Income Tax Department finds out that you have paid more tax than you should have paid, then it will refund the excess amount. Taxpayers can claim refund by filling and submitting Form 30. They have to make the claim within a period of one year from the last year of the assessment year.Advance Tax Schedule:Listed below is the advance tax schedule for self employed and businessmen.Installment DateAmount PayableOn or before September 15thNot less than 30% of the advance tax liabilityOn or before December 15thNot less than 60% of the advance tax liabilityOn or before March 15th100% of tax liabilityAdvance Tax for AY 2017-18 :Advance Tax for Assessees (apart from the ones who are covered under section 44AD):Payment Due DateAmount to be Paid as Advance TaxOn or before 15 June, 201615% of the Advance TaxOn or before 15 September, 201645% of the Advance TaxOn or before 15 December, 201675% of the Advance TaxOn or before 15 March, 2017100% of the Advance TaxAdvance Tax for Assessees who are covered under section 44AD:Due DateInstalment PayableOn or before 15 June, 2016-On or before 15 September, 2016-On or before 15 December, 2016-On or before 15 March, 2017100% of advance tax as reduced by the amount paid in the earlier installment.News About Advance TaxSenior citizens need not pay advance tax on salary or interest incomeIn latest reports doing the rounds, it is being said that senior citizens who don’t have any income from business are exempt from paying advance taxes, irrespective of their liability status.For instance, if a senior citizen’s income source only includes salary and interest income, they are not required to pay advance tax installments. However, they need to pay advance taxes in future if they earn income either from business or profession.Just for clarification, those who attain 60 years by the end of 2016 will be considered senior citizens.24th October 2016Majority of corporates report increase in advance tax payouts for Q2Advance tax is the ssystem of paying income taxes across the year in four installments, on a quarterly basis. The income tax paid in a quarter is usually considered as the measure of the company’s performance during that period. Top banks in the country have reported negative numbers in advance tax payments for the second quarter of this financial year.SBI reported a 25.9% decline in advance tax payment for Q2. Similarly, ICICI Bank paid 20% lesser in Q2 this year, as compared to the same period last fiscal. Central Bank was also down by 29.7%. However, HDFC Bank was up by 20%, Bank of India and Bank of Baroda reported an increase of 25% and Yes Bank was up by 40%.In contrast, top corporates have seen good growth in Q2, with Tata Steel reporting an increase of 100%. Reliance Industries and TCS also saw a significant growth in Q2 this financial year. UltraTech paid 20% higher in comparison to the previous year, while Mahindra & Mahindra and Lupin reported positive figures.c19th September, 2016Certain Banks Selected by RBI to Handle Advance Tax CollectionCertain bank branches including select branches from big wig banks such as SBI, ICICI, HDFC bank and many more have been chosen to handle the advance collection of income tax dues by the Reserve Bank of India. The responsibility to collect the advance taxes is for the September Quarter. Assesses can use the online branches of these banks to pay taxes. The aim of this is to eliminate the need for standing in long queues and reduce the last minute rush that is always witnessed at the end of the quarter. Since the remittance of income tax dues through RBI becomes too much to handle as the quarter closes, RB has selected 29 bank branches to handle the payments of IT Dues.12th August 2016CBDT to track advance tax payments by firmsExpecting to increase the collection of taxes in advance, the Income Tax Department has carefully designed a plan to track the payments by firms diligently. They also plan to evaluate sectoral development leanings and three-monthly financial statements of India Inc. This step is introduced at an apt time as the growth (tax accruement) in initial quarter of the current fiscal have been less, which is attached to the yearly plan of the CBDT (Central Board of Direct Taxes). This is anticipated to meet the budgetary goals.4th August 2016Bank Advance Tax Payments go downAdvance tax payments by Public Sector Banks (PSBs) have decreased owing to Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) but steel and pharmaceutical companies registered a hike in tax payments during the fiscal quarter ended June 30.Though exact figures were not made available, Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax and head of the Mumbai zone of the Income-Tax department DS Saksena said he expected the collections from banks to go up in the next quarters.RBI’s asset quality review done at the end of last year led to PSBs going for higher provisioning against the NPAs. According to advance tax figures available of private banks, Yes Bank paid Rs. 218 crore for the first quarter, up by 28 percent from the previous year, while HDFC paid Rs. 465 crore, unchanged from last year.15th July 2016Slow growth for corporation tax in the first quarterThe end of the first quarter of the current fiscal saw a sluggish growth in the submission of corporation tax indicating a slow and struggling economy. Changes in the advance tax collection rules saw a 22% growth in the collection of direct taxes. However, corporation tax collection remained poor reflecting a continuously weak profitability.Direct tax collection stood at a whopping Rs.1.2 lakh crore and out of a total direct tax collection Rs.64000 crore came from personal income tax collection which represents a growth of 48%. Earlier in June, the government had come up with a deadline for submission of advance tax by taxpayers. Currently, the Indian economy has been showing slow movement affecting the overall financial landscape of the country.30th June 2016.Advance Tax Of Companies In Mumbai Sees Steady GrowthThere is a good growth in the advance tax paid during the first quarter of 2016-17 by top companies based in Mumbai, excluding banks and finance companies.However, overall advance tax payment for the quarter was stagnant as the number of public sector banks went down.India’s biggest private sector firm Reliance Industries paid 22.6 percent higher advance tax – Rs.1,300 crore – compared to the same quarter last fiscal. Advance tax payments of Tata Consultancy Services went up by 14 percent to Rs.900 crore and that of Tata Steel grew by a whopping 61.9 percent.State Bank of India paid advance taxes of Rs.1,000 crore this quarter, down from Rs.1,290 crore it paid in June 2015.23rd June 2016Individual Advance Tax payment deadline is June 15thFirst installment of advance tax payment needs to be made by June 15th this year instead of the regular deadline of 15th September every year. Budget 2016 had come up with a new deadline for payment of advance tax for individuals. A late payment fee of 1% will be charged in case a taxpayer is late in making the first installment payment by June 15th.The income tax compliance burden on taxpayers has increased considerably now since they are now expected to estimate their taxable income for the entire year and pay their advance tax accordingly. Advance tax payment schedule for a company is 15% , 45%, 75% and 100% till the end of one financial year.15th June 2016Deadline For Your First Advance Tax Instalment Is CloseIt is time for you to pay the first 15% of your advance tax. The government recently changed the schedule of payment of advance tax into a 4-installment format from a 3-installment format.Earlier, 30% of the advance tax was to be paid by September 15, another 30% by December 15 and the remaining 40% by March 15. However, from fiscal 2016-17, the tax has to be paid in the following timetable: 15% of the advance tax by June 15, 30% by September 15, another 30% by December 15 and the last instalment of 25% by March 15.This payment schedule is the same for businesses and individuals. Any delay in payment will attract penalty and interest on the pending tax amount.7th June 2016Income Tax Department to track non-filers through 3rd party sourcesIncome Tax Department has stated that it will now consider taking information of non-filers of income tax from third party sources like banks, law enforcement agencies as well as foreign tax authorities. A non-filer of tax has been defined as any person who is liable to pay any tax or file his/her IT-return. The Central Board of Direct Taxes has given out specific definitions for the term ïnformation available on record”and the term “tax paid”, in order to avoid any confusion regarding the same for Advance Tax, Self-Assessment Tax, TDS/TCS.These definitions will be used for collection of relevant data which will go into helping the Income Tax Department keep a tab on people who have been irregular in making payments of their direct taxes.26th May 2016

How do I reprint my PAN card?

Duplicate PAN card/Reprint PAN CardA PAN card is a vital document in our day to day life, with a number of financial transactions requiring its use, be it for salary purposes, purchase of goods exceeding a certain amount or just to deposit/withdraw money. Given its use, most of us tend to carry it with us, exposing it to the danger of damage/theft/loss. We often come across cases of people losing their PAN cards on a daily basis, which is why the government has implemented sufficient measures, ensuring that a duplicate PAN isn’t hard to get.When to apply for a duplicate PAN cardYou will most likely need to apply for a duplicate PAN card when your card gets lost, misplaced, stolen, damaged, or when your current PAN card has inaccuracies that need to be rectified such as your name, PAN details, etc.How to Get Duplicate PAN Card/Reprint PAN CardThe process for applying for a duplicate PAN is very simple. Whether you are an individual, body of individuals, association of persons, trust, limited liability partnership, or a Hindu Undivided Family, you can apply by going to the official website of Tax Information Network - National Securities Depository Limited (TIN - NSDL) of the Income Tax Department.When you lose your PAN card, you will first have to file an FIR. Next, you will have to request for a reprint of your PAN by supplying your old PAN card number and a copy of your FIR. Many people are not ready to go through this legal process. Hence, they instead apply for a new PAN card.Individuals/trusts/HUFs who wish to apply for a duplicate PAN card or reprint an existing card on account of damages can do so by following a few simple steps. One should note that this can be done only if they have been allotted a PAN card, which on account of certain reasons needs to be reprinted. In such cases, the Permanent Account Number doesn’t change, with only a new card with other modifications (if any) provided.How to download PAN card online?When NSDL and UTIITSL announced the launch of the new service of providing e-PAN to applicants while they apply for a new card, it proved to be a relief to many. In case someone has lost or misplaced their PAN card, they can download an e-PAN card in PDF format. All they need to do is follow the steps mentioned below:Applicants need to log on to step is to fill in details like name, phone number, and email ID on form that appears on the screen.Once, the applicant submits the form, the e-PAN card will be sent to them visa email in PDF format.The applicant can then download the e-PAN card from their mail.Procedure to Get Duplicate pan card Online by Official WebsiteLog onto the official website of TIN-NSDL and navigate to section on Reprint of PAN card.Once here, one will have to choose the “apply” tab and opt for the kind of PAN they need to replace/get a duplicate of. This depends on whether the initial PAN was allotted to an individual, firm, trust, HUF, etc.They will now have to fill up the form, providing relevant information like Permanent Account Number, name, address, email id, phone number, etc. One should ensure that they do not click on any of the boxes on the left hand side of the form.Post filling the form, documents like ID proof, date of birth and photographs should be submitted. One should also submit proof of the existing card which they wish to reprint.A payment towards getting a replacement card should be made. This payment depends on the communication address to which they want the card delivered, with it being Rs 110 including taxes if the address is within India and Rs 1020 including taxes and delivery fees if it is outside India. Payment can be made either through net banking, debit/credit card or demand drafts.Once payment is made and all supporting documents are submitted, an acknowledgment will be provided. This is a unique 15 digit number which can be used for future correspondence with authorities.Post verification of documents, the PAN card will be dispatched, with it likely to take around 2 weeks for the same.Online application process for a duplicate PAN card FormApplicants will have to first click on the link titled ‘Apply Online’ and they will be redirected to another page.Individuals will have to click on ‘Application type’ and select the third option which is, ‘Changes or Correction in existing PAN Date/Reprint of PAN Card (No changes in existing PAN Data).Under ‘Category’ applicants will have to choose the relevant option, which is either individual or company or so on.The next section is regarding information of the applicant. The first answer that will have to be given is the ‘Title’.Next, they will have to give their last name or their surname.Individuals will have to then provide their first name and their middle name.Next, individuals will have to mention their date of birth including month, year and date.Lastly, applicants will have to provide their email address and their mobile number and also should mention if they are a citizen of India or not.Once all the required information is given, applicants will have to enter the Captcha Code and submit the form if they are satisfied with their answers, or reset and type the correct information prior to submitting it.In case the applicant is a registered user, he/she will have to provide their temporary token number, email address and date of birth. Once the correct information has been given, they will have to provide the Captcha Code and submit their answers.While filling the online application, applicants can either choose to provide physical acknowledgement, Aadhaar based e-Sign or a Digital Signature Certificate. If applicants choose a Digital Signature Certificate or an Aadhaar based e-Sign option, they will have to upload scanned images of their signature, photograph and other supporting documents while providing the application. In case of Aadhaar based e-Sign option, the applicant’s Aadhaar card will be chosen as a supporting document.If, by any chance, the data that has been submitted fails with respect to format level validation, a response indicating all the error(s) will be displayed on the screen. All errors will have to be rectified by the applicant and the form should be re-submitted. In case there are no errors, a confirmation screen with all the data that has been filled by the applicant will be displayed. The individual has the option to either confirm or edit this data prior to submitting it. Applicants will have to fill all the mandatory fields which would be marked with (*).Payment to be made along with Duplicate PAN Card ApplicationApplicants can follow the steps given below regarding payment for their PAN card.In case the communication address is in India, the fee for processing these applications is Rs.110 including taxes. Applicants can pay either through Credit Card/Debit Card, demand Draft or even Net Banking.In case any of the addresses is not in India, the payment can be made through either Debit Card or Credit Card or even Demand Draft payable at Mumbai.The fee for processing PAN Card application when address is outside India is Rs.1020 including taxes.In case applicants are paying via credit cards or debit cards, an additional charge of 2% will be applicable by the bank that provides gateway facility. Also, exchange or conversion rates may be applicable.Once payment has been successful, acknowledgement will be displayed which will have to be saved. This acknowledgement will have to be printed and sent to NSDL e-Gov site.If the applicants have provided their Aadhaar number then, a copy of Aadhaar card along with the supporting documents will have to be submitted.In case the applicant is a minor, then his/her Aadhaar number will have to be given in the application form. This number will then be authenticated.Once confirmation has been provided upon successful payment, an acknowledgement screen with a receipt will be displayed. This receipt will have to be downloaded and printed.In case of a non-individual PAN applicant, the acknowledgement receipt will have to be signed by an authorised signatory i.e., Karta if it is HUF, Partner in case of a Partnership Firm, Director in case of Company, Trustee in case of Trust and Authorised signatory in all remaining categories.)In case thumb impression is used as signature, it will have to be verified by a Magistrate or a Gazetted Officer or a Notary Public, under official stamp and seal.Instances when need for Duplicate PAN Card Can AriseThere could be multiple reasons for an individual/company/trust to want a duplicate PAN card, with some of the popular ones mentioned below.Loss/theft – Given the fact that most of us carry our PAN card in our wallets, it is possible to lose it on account of theft of wallet. This is a major reason for people to apply for a duplicate PAN card.Misplaced – We often misplace our cards, unsure as to where we left them. One can apply for a duplicate PAN on such occasions as well.Damaged - A PAN card can get damaged due to multiple reasons, leaving us with no option but to reprint it.Change of information – It is possible for errors to creep into a PAN card, requiring changes and/or reprint.Note: A number of third party websites provide the facility to replace/reprint a PAN card. While one can utilise them, their genuineness isn’t guaranteed, which is why it is recommended to use the official website for the same.Category of ApplicantPayment by Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking can be made by / forIndividualSelf or immediate family members (parents, spouse, children)HUFHUF KartaCompanyAny Director of the CompanyFirm/ Limited Liability PartnershipAny Partner of the Firm/ LLPAssociation of Person(s) / Body of Individuals / Association of Person(s) Trust / Artificial Juridical Person / Local AuthorityAuthorised Signatory covered under section 140 of Income Tax Act, 1961Damaged PAN card replacementTo replace a damaged card, follow the steps mentioned below.Visit the NSDL website.Fill the the online PAN replacement form.Click on submit.The applicant should ensure that all entry fields are correct, else you will not be able to submit the application.Fill in the corresponding box with the required changes if you need to make changes to your PAN card.Enter PAN details and address.For requests for a new PAN card, the applicant’s Aadhaar card details will have to be submitted along with the application form.On making the entry, the acknowledgment will be displayed. The acknowledgement will consist of:Space for SignatureA 15-digit unique acknowledgement numberCategory of applicantDetails of Proof of Identity, Address & Date of birth(applicable for Individual & HUF applicants)Payment DetailsAddress for CommunicationPermanent Account Number (PAN)Name of applicantSpace for Photograph (in case of 'Individual')Date of Birth/Incorporation/Agreement/Partnership or Trust Deed/Formation of Body of Individuals/Association of PersonsFather's Name (in case of 'Individual')Aadhaar No.Once you have received the acknowledgement, you can check the status of the PAN verification. The verification should be done within 5 days from receiving the acknowledgement. Follow the steps mentioned below to check PAN verification using PAN number:Log on NSDL PAN card financial service website.enter your existing PAN card number for replacement or reprint of PAN card.Next, enter the captcha.Click on submit once that is done.The website will then display the PAN verification status.How to Apply for Other Duplicate DocumentsDuplicate Voter ID CardDuplicate PassportDuplicate Aadhar CardDuplicate Driving Licence

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