How to Edit The Rocky Mountain Annual Conference and make a signature Online
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A clear tutorial on editing Rocky Mountain Annual Conference Online
It has become much easier presently to edit your PDF files online, and CocoDoc is the best PDF online editor you have ever seen to make some changes to your file and save it. Follow our simple tutorial and start!
- Click the Get Form or Get Form Now button on the current page to start modifying your PDF
- Add, modify or erase your text using the editing tools on the top tool pane.
- Affter editing your content, put on the date and create a signature to finish it.
- Go over it agian your form before you click on the button to download it
How to add a signature on your Rocky Mountain Annual Conference
Though most people are in the habit of signing paper documents using a pen, electronic signatures are becoming more popular, follow these steps to sign documents online for free!
- Click the Get Form or Get Form Now button to begin editing on Rocky Mountain Annual Conference in CocoDoc PDF editor.
- Click on the Sign icon in the toolbar on the top
- A box will pop up, click Add new signature button and you'll have three ways—Type, Draw, and Upload. Once you're done, click the Save button.
- Move and settle the signature inside your PDF file
How to add a textbox on your Rocky Mountain Annual Conference
If you have the need to add a text box on your PDF so you can customize your special content, follow the guide to carry it throuth.
- Open the PDF file in CocoDoc PDF editor.
- Click Text Box on the top toolbar and move your mouse to carry it wherever you want to put it.
- Fill in the content you need to insert. After you’ve typed in the text, you can take use of the text editing tools to resize, color or bold the text.
- When you're done, click OK to save it. If you’re not settle for the text, click on the trash can icon to delete it and start afresh.
An easy guide to Edit Your Rocky Mountain Annual Conference on G Suite
If you are seeking a solution for PDF editing on G suite, CocoDoc PDF editor is a recommendable tool that can be used directly from Google Drive to create or edit files.
- Find CocoDoc PDF editor and install the add-on for google drive.
- Right-click on a chosen file in your Google Drive and select Open With.
- Select CocoDoc PDF on the popup list to open your file with and allow CocoDoc to access your google account.
- Make changes to PDF files, adding text, images, editing existing text, mark up in highlight, give it a good polish in CocoDoc PDF editor before hitting the Download button.
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You can't be a Christian alone. I'm a transgender Christian; where can I find a church that will accept me?
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - WikipediaAmerican Baptist Churches USA NOTE: The denomination allows each congregation to decideAnglican Church of CanadaAssociation of Welcoming and Affirming BaptistsAXIOS - Eastern and Orthodox Gay and Lesbian ChristiansCatholic Apostolic Church in North AmericaChristian Church (Disciples of Christ) Community of ChristCooperative Baptist Fellowship[15] NOTE: Each congregation determines its own positionEcclesia GnosticaEcumenical Catholic ChurchEcumenical Catholic CommunionEpiscopal Church (United States)Eucharistic Catholic ChurchEvangelical Anglican Church In AmericaEvangelical Catholic ChurchEvangelical Lutheran Church in America. Evangelical NetworkFriends General ConferenceFriends of Jesus Fellowship in AmericaGlobal Alliance of Affirming Apostolic PentecostalsInclusive Orthodox ChurchIndependent Catholic Christian ChurchIndependent Greek Orthodox Church of the United StatesInternational Council of Community Churches[16]Mennonite Church Canada[17] NOTE: Each congregation determines its own positionMennonite Church USA[18] NOTE: Each conference determines its own positionMetropolitan Community ChurchMoravian Church in America Northern Province[19]National Association of Congregational Christian Churches[20][21] NOTE: Each congregation is free to determine its own policyOld Catholic Church[22]Old Catholic Church-Charismatic Rite[23]Presbyterian Church (USA) [24]Reconciling Pentecostals InternationalReformed Anglican Catholic ChurchReformed Church in America NOTE: Gay pastors may serve congregations if they were ordained in another denomination; some member churches allow gay marriage.Restoration Church of Jesus Christ (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) — a Latter Day Saint denominationThe Progressive Episcopal ChurchUnitarian Universalist Association[26] NOTE: Although no longer exclusively Christian, the denomination originated as such and is 'mainline'United Catholic ChurchUnited Church of ChristUnited Church of CanadaUnited Methodist Church's Baltimore-Washington, California-Nevada, California-Pacific, Desert Southwest, Detroit, Greater New Jersey, Great Plains, Illinois Great Rivers, Iowa, Minnesota, New England, New York, Northern Illinois, Oregon-Idaho, Pacific-Northwest, Rocky Mountain, Southwest Texas, Upper New York, Virginia, West Michigan, and Wisconsin Annual Conferences are affirming of LGBT clergy and relationships through resolutions.[27][28][29][30][31] The South Carolina Annual Conference passed a resolution supporting transgender rights.[32] The UMC also provides spousal benefits for non-ordained employees in same-sex marriages.[33] The Western Jurisdiction elected the denomination's first openly and partnered lesbian bishop in 2016.[34] The North Central Jurisdiction considered an openly gay nominee for bishop although not elected.[35] Additionally, the Northeastern Jurisdiction passed a resolution supporting the option of allowing same-sex marriages.[36]Unity Fellowship Church MovementUnity ChurchI hope this helps. You could also simply google “Open and afirming churches” your city.
Is everyone who claims to care for the environment and is a non-vegetarian a hypocrite (since non-veg food production generates a lot of GH gases and consumes a lot of water and non-veg food is not essential for survival)?
By the same logic, if you “claim to care for the environment” and watch Netflix or other streaming services, you’re a hypocrite.[1]If you “claim to care for the environment” but drive a car instead of taking the public transport or a bicycle, you are a hypocrite.[2]If you “claim to care for the environment” but indulge yourself with soft drinks, you’re a hypocrite.[3]Staggeringly, up to 12.7 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean every year. That’s a truckload of rubbish every minute. Given that nearly half of the 600 billion polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles manufactured annually are thrown away after a single use, plastic drinks bottles are a major part of the problem.…Using this method, we can estimate that Coca-Cola sells in the region of 108- 128 billion plastic bottles per year.If you “claim to care for the environment” but turn on the air conditioning during summer months, you’re a hypocrite.[4]Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the International Energy Agency (IEA), and Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) have concluded that room air conditioners alone - the typical window and split units used in most homes - are set to account for over 130 gigatons (GT) of CO2 emissions between now and 2050. That would account for 20-40% of the world’s remaining “carbon budget” (the most we can emit while still keeping global warming to less than 2˚C above pre-industrial levels - the goal set at the Paris Climate Conference in 2015).See where this is going?It is true that a vegetarian diet leaves a smaller environmental footprint than a non-vegetarian diet, and there have been multiple studies on this. But recently, there have been conflicting studies that show that this might not be the case because pure vegetarian or vegan diets are not really sourced in an environmentally ideal manner.[5]However, the big differences highlighted when observing virtual scenarios are not so evident when taking into account real-life contexts. In particular, the V approach was not associated with significantly lower environmental footprints when compared to VG one. A likely explanation might be that, while unprocessed plant-based foodstuffs usually replace animal-based products in hypothetical vegetarian and vegan diets, the real plant-based diets are instead characterised by industrially highly-processed plant-based meat and dairy substitutes (e.g. seitan burger and soy yoghurt). Some people opt for highly processed, high-fat products instead of nutritious plant-based foodstuffs44. Moreover, the lower energy density of plant-based foodstuffs results in a higher food intake for V with respect to VG (around 12.5% in terms of food weight), possibly explaining the lack of environmental benefits of a vegan diet in comparison with an ovo-lacto-vegetarian choice.Replacing local chicken with imported avocados will result in a far bigger climate footprint. More of vegetarian food is thrown away than non-vegetarian.[6]Forgoing non-vegetarian food in favor of dairy products is not really effective.[7]"Our study found that in the UK, switching to a vegetarian diet that includes eggs and dairy is actually less helpful for reducing greenhouse gas emissions than a diet that includes meat, dairy and eggs for one of three meals, and is exclusively plant-based for the other two meals."Finally, not all plant-based produces are equal. [8]“Eating lettuce is over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions than eating bacon,” said Paul Fischbeck, professor of social and decisions sciences and engineering and public policy. “Lots of common vegetables require more resources per calorie than you would think. Eggplant, celery and cucumbers look particularly bad when compared to pork or chicken.”Footnotes[1] ([2][3] Criticism of Coca-Cola - Wikipedia[4] Air conditioning is threatening our ability to tackle climate change. Here's what we need to do [5] Environmental impact of omnivorous, ovo-lacto-vegetarian, and vegan diet[6][7] Eating some meat is better for the environment than going vegetarian, new study finds [8] Vegetarian and “Healthy” Diets Could Be More Harmful to the Environment - News - Carnegie Mellon University
Is being a professor an easy job?
It is absolutely not an easy job. I was a professor at two large public universities one of which is a Carnegie Level 1 Research Institution (the highest level) and is annually ranked among the top 5 public universities and among the top 20 public and private universities in the USA and my wife taught at a large community college, so I have seen a broad spectrum of college teaching situations. In my experience as a professor for 25 years at research universities, I found that it is an extremely demanding and stressful job (even after tenure). I usually taught 2 classes a semester, supervised a research group of graduate students and a post-doc, wrote research papers for publication, gave presentations at professional conferences, wrote proposals for research funding, organized the logistics for and was chief scientist and expedition leader during Research expeditions to the seas around Antarctica, the western Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, Appalachian Mountains and Rocky Mountains, taught field courses in remote locations, was responsible for managing the financial accounts and making sure that multiple people were paid their salaries.I summarize it as saying that professors have the following jobs (with 2 to 3 of them consuming the equivalent of a half-time job or more at the same time), rather than the professor having just one job:During any semester I did most of the jobs listed below:Teacher,Scientist- Formulate new research questions and convert these into testable hypotheses, design experiments to generate data to test hypotheses, write proposals to obtain funding to actually conduct the experiments, conduct the experiments and collect data in the field and/or lab, analyze the data, report results of experiments orally at conferences and in written form via reports to funding agencies and professional papers published in peer-reviewed journals, repeatProfessional Writer,Editor- Serve as reviewer of manuscripts for various professional societies as well as review research proposals for various government and public funding agencies,Professional Public SpeakerLogistics Expert -Procure equipment and supplies for field and lab research, organize freight transfer by ship, truck, train, ship and air of research equipment and personnel to field research sites, handle complicated customs paperwork associated with shipping equipment,Manager and Mentor of people,Entrepreneur and Salesman- Procure research funding for field, lab and equipment expenses by writing proposals to grant agencies and corporations and recruiting new students,Admssions Officer - Annually review graduate applicationsAdministrator- Serve on a wide range of Department and University Committees.In addition to being woefully underpaid for the level of effort, time and expertise that is required to perform all of these tasks successfully, my colleagues and I also endured the insult of having our Masters graduates immediately take jobs that paid them 2 to 3 times as much per year in salary as we were paid for our decades worth of experience and knowledge. We are quite happy that are students are compensated well for their work and knowledge, but it is distressing that the public does not value the work that we do for the state. Our children do not even get a discount to attend the states public higher education institutions, so you would think that we would be compensated so that we could afford to send our children to college without having to take out loans. I enjoyed the job, but grew resentful of these inequities as anti-intellectualism grew in recent years and I experienced a decline in respect for authority and professors.I understand that the public is unhappy about the growing cost of tuition and education, but faculty are not the cause of this. Increasing cost cost are driven by universities feeling that they need to provide all types of unnecessary amenities and luxuries on campus in order to compete with peers for students. Fancy gyms, gourmet-style dining options and new student union building etc. are not critical to university function, but they are being implemented and are very expensive. During this same time period, the public has grown more selfish and is only willing to pay for items that they feel will benefit them directly and personally. Altruistic ideas like paying higher taxes so that our society benefits from having well-educated populace is unpopular. Consequently, there has been a steady decline in the amount of funding provided by state legislatures to fund higher education.At the same time, funds from another important revenue source for universities have also declined. The public and most students do not know that a huge proportion of the budget of many universities comes from the overhead that is paid to universities to support research grants. Unfortunately, there has been steady erosion in the size of the budgets of the various federal research funding agencies that are the sources of this research overhead. The reduction occurred as the cost of living increased and budgets did not keep pace and in some instances because of outright budget reductions. As a simple example of how this money gets to universities, a faculty member writes a proposal to a funding agency and earns a grant that requires $100,000 to complete the research, the faculty member must add between an additional 40 and 70% of that %100,000 to the budget of that grant proposal to cover the cost of access to buildings, lights etc. that are indirect costs to the university for hosting the research effort. The percentage that is added to the budget in indirect costs is negotiated between each institution and funding agency. The reality is that the once the indirect costs for the grant are received by the university, that money can be used to pay for any expense in its budget and it is. So what really happens is the 40–70% received in indirect costs is used to operate the university and becomes part of its annual budget. These indirect costs can account for as much as 60%+ of the university’s annual budget, with the contribution from the legislature being as low as 5% in some states, tuition accounting for 20–25% and gifts covering the remaining 10–15% of university operating cost. To put these numbers in perspective, during the first 12 years of my career as a professor, I was very successful in obtaining grant funding, and the amount of money that the university received in indirect costs off of my grants was quite a bit larger than my annual salary. Those grants also paid salaries to 4 to 6 graduate students each year (along with their tuition expenses), a post-doc’s annual salary and part-time income to several undergraduate students. During that that period I taught the same number of courses as all of the other faculty. In effect, during that period, I taught a full course load for free for the state, because my salary was compensated for by the research overhead that my grants brought into the university.Perhaps now some of you can understand why Research is so important at universities. Like everything else in the world, it’s all about money. Ironically, it was during this same period that legislators began cutting the state contributions to university budgets. Since funding was also declining at the research funding agencies, universities only had tuition increases and increased requests for gifts to use as a means to cover the budget short-fall created by reductions in the state contribution to university budgets. The increases in tuition angered the public and lead them to demand for more from universities. People began to focus on how many courses we teach and to criticize faculty for not working very hard (because the public does not understand how universities work). In response to the public outcry , the legislature put pressure on universities to focus more on teaching. Of course that pressure trickled down to faculty who are already stretched far too thin. Ultimately I feel that it all lead to reduced respect for faculty by the public and students.Is being a professor easy? Hell no, and not only is it not easy, faculty often are poorly compensated for it and do not receive the respect that their hard work should earn for them in the USA.
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