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PDF Editor FAQ

What credentials does one require to get admission in Ku Leuven, Belgium for Masters in Philosophy?

Students with a Bachelor (of Arts) in Philosophy from a recognized university or the equivalent (bachelor in a related discipline and a sufficient academic background in philosophy) may be admitted by the Board of Admissions upon consideration of their complete admissions file (you can find the file on the KU Leuven website) Decisions on admission are based on the candidate's letter of motivation and academic excellence as well as on letters of recommendation. Non-native speakers of English are required to provide evidence of English proficiency.This is from the website.So, if you have a bachelor degree from another University and get someone to write you a letter of recommendation, you will be fine.KU Leuven is very easy to get in.It’s a great choice by the way. Incredible University, and the Faculty of Philosophy is stunning. Good luck!

What are top graduate schools are looking for? What are things you would recommend to an undergrad student to boost his chances?

Hi. Great question.There are lots of variables to consider in this question, supreme among them being what type of studies you want to pursue in graduate school.In most cases, your undergraduate grades and GRE score will be the main factors. Graduate schools are swarmed with applications every year. Though it may very well be true that your 159 Quantitative score doesn't actually mean you're a worse researcher than the 161-applicant, some programs will not look at your under-160 packet simply because having the [160] minimum score aides them in narrowing down candidates. They get to be picky. So, get a couple (!) of GRE (or whatever standardized test fits your area) study guides. Don't forget to grit your teeth and take it a second time.I can't directly speak for the sciences or business schools, etc. For the sciences, I would imagine that having some research experience or internship would be major ways to boost your chances.As for the humanities, boost your verbal score on GRE (if applicable), keep your grades up, and be sure to go through some intense editing-revising processes (note the plurality!) when writing a letter of motivation. Having strong recommendations would be a significant benefit as well. Your writing sample should be edited and revised again, far beyond what you did to have gotten an A in the class you wrote it for; you might as well get used to taking perfectly good essays and re-writing them and continuing research. Bring that “A” back to the professor and ask for ways to improve it. Be sure you're doing this to send to a program that knows something about that subject. I wouldn't submit a paper on Nietzsche to a school specializing in Medieval philosophy.When applying, I would always recommend keeping your options varied; don't put all your eggs in one basket. Go ahead and apply to 15+ schools, if you can manage. I would also recommend thinking about schools in Europe, if you're in the USA, since they aren't nearly as competitive and are far cheaper.Hope this helps,PrestonGraduate Student, KU Leuven

What are the best books for learning classical or literary Chinese (from English)?

Back to the 20th century, there’re various scholars who’re excellent billingual masters. Most of them graduated from famous western universities. Li Yutang(林语堂) , Hu Shi(胡适), Qian Zhongshu(钱钟书) and ect. And it’s not difficult to find a translated version of the majority of Chinese classical works nowadays.I’ll give you a list as recommendation.Part One: Proses, Essays & PoemsProses:1. 《老子的智慧》The Wisdom of Laoste by Lin Yutang2.《孔子的智慧》 The Wisdom of Confucius by Lin Yutang3.《庄子》Zhuang Zi (aka Tchouang-tseu) translated by Feng Youlan4.《大学、论语、中庸》Da Xue, Lun Yu, Zhong Yong(aka The Great Learning, The Analects of Confucius and Doctrine of the Mean),translated by Gu Hongming; And here is another translated version of James Legge, most importantly, he translated nearly all the classics of the pre-Qin period(21st Century B.C.—221B.C.)5.《林语堂英译诗文选》 A Colleciton of Tranlated Proses and Poems, 6 volumes, by Lin YutangAnd the contents of each volume follows like this:1)《东坡笔意》The Writting of Sun DongpoRecord on the Terrace for Stepping on the Void凌虚台记Paper for the Palace Examinations拟进士对御试策(节录)Painting the Inner Law of Things净因院画记Memorial to His Majesty Emperor Shentsung上神宗皇帝书(节录)The Valley of Yuntang文与可画筼筜谷偃竹记Ankuo Temple黄州安国寺记(节录)The Stone Bell Mountain石钟山记The Story of a Girl Who Came Back to Life处子再生The Secret of Longevity Life延年术To Eat and Sleep措大吃饭Truth Is Harder to See than the Sun日喻Tungpo on the Art of Writing与友人论文书选Moments with Su Tungpo志林书札选Song of Shangtu上堵吟To Tseyu辛丑十一月十九日, 既与子由别于郑州西门之外, 马上赋诗一篇寄之Nostalgia—In Response to Tseyu’s Poem和子由渑池怀旧On Duty at Court on New Year’s Eve熙宁中,轼通守此郡。除夜,直都厅,囚系皆满,日暮不得返舍,因题一诗于壁,今二十年矣。衰病之余,复忝郡寄,再经除夜,庭事萧然,三圄皆空To Tseyu颍州初别子由二首Lakeview Terrace六月二十七日望湖楼醉书The Sigh of a Peasant Woman吴中田妇叹West Lake饮湖上初晴后雨On His Trip to Fuyang新城道中On the Western Garden西斋The Recluse Pavilion和文与可洋川园池三十首• 吏隐亭Cloud Gazing Tower和文与可洋川园池三十首• 望云楼To Tseyu—On Leaving for Michow in Early Morning, to the Tune of Ch’inyuanch’un沁园春 孤馆灯青A Dream, to the Tune of Chiangch’engtse江城子 十年生死两茫茫Mid-Autumn Festival, to the Tune of Shuitiaoket’ou水调歌头 明月几时有To Linkao at Night, to the Tune of Linchiangsien临江仙 夜饮东坡醒复醉Let Me Go Home满庭芳 归去来兮Random Thoughts, to the Tune of Shinghsiangtse行香子 清夜无尘For Chaoyun, to the Tune of Tuenchiao殢人娇•赠朝云Plum, to the Tune of Hsichiangyueh西江月 玉骨那愁瘴雾Imperial Decree Conferring Posthumously the Title of Grand Imperial Tutor Upon Su Tungpo宋赠苏文忠公太师敕文2)《诸子百家》 On Hundred Schools of ThoughtThe College 大学(节录) Against Wars of Aggression Motse 非攻(节录) 墨子 The Concealed Deer Liehtse 郑人有薪于野者 列子 Honest Shangchiu Kai Liehtse 范氏有子曰子华 列子 The Man Who Worried About Heaven Liehtse 杞人忧天(节录) 列子 The Man Who Saw Only Gold Liehtse 齐人有欲金者 列子 Confucius and the Children Liehtse 两小儿辩日 列子 The Man Who Forgot Liehtse 华子病忘 列子 The Old Man Who Would Move Mountains Liehtse 愚公移山 列子 The Man Who Lost an Axe Liehtse 有亡鈇者 列子 Something to Weep About Mencius 齐人章 孟子 The Sages and Ourselves Mencius 圣人与我同类 孟子 Nobility of God Mencius 天爵 孟子 Parables of Chuangtse Chuangtse 寓言八则 庄子 The Wear and Tear of Life Chuangtse 齐物论(节录) 庄子 The Butterfly’s Dream Chuangtse 蝶梦 庄子 The Tao of God and the Tao of Man Chuangtse 天道与人道 庄子 The Even Tenor of Our Life Chuangtse 马蹄 庄子 A Mantis Seizes a Cicada Chuangtse 螳螂捕蝉 庄子 Measurements for Shoes Han Fei 郑人信度 韩非 The Person Spoken to Han Fei 说难(节录) 韩非 The Old Man at the Fort Liu An 塞翁失马 刘安 On Wealth and Commerce Szema Chien 货殖列传(节录) 司马迁 Is There Retribution? Szema Chien 伯夷列传(节录) 司马迁 Against War Liu Shiang 魏文侯与田子方 刘向 The Owl and the Quail Liu Shiang 枭将东徙 刘向 How the Tongue Survived the Teeth Liu Shiang 舌存齿亡 刘向 Against Yes Men Liu Shiang 邹忌讽齐王纳谏 刘向 Yen Chuo Liu Shiang 颜斶说齐王 刘向 The Crane and the Clam Liu Shiang 鹬蚌相争 刘向 The Tiger and the Fox Liu Shiang 狐假虎威 刘向 Tungfang Shuo Liu Xin 东方朔设奇救乳母 刘歆 Do Ghosts Exist? Wang Chung 论死篇(节录) 王充 The Death of a Queen Pan Ku 李夫人临死托武帝 班固 3)《晋唐心印》 Koans of Jin and Tang DynastiesA Chinese Fantasia: The Song of Life 咏怅集·集古Letter Severing Friendship 与山巨源绝交书The Past and Future 兰亭集序To a Beauty 闲情赋Ah, Homeward Bound I Go! 归去来辞The Peach Colony 桃花源记The Emperor’s Friend 严光列传An Invitation from a Mountain Resident 山中与裴秀才迪书The Universe a Lodging House 春夜宴桃李园序The Bailiff of Shihhao 石壕吏The Sound of the Pipa on the Water 琵琶行The North Peak of Lushan 庐山草堂记The Beggar’s Philosophy 丐论Failing to Meet a Hermit 寻隐者不遇The Origin and Preparation of Tea 茶经The River of Folly 愚溪诗序A Great Love Letter 会真记(节录)Country Palace 行宫What the Donkey Said 驴言Communion with Nature 书李贺小传后A Painting of Five Hundred Lohans 五百罗汉图记Forlorn 声声慢 寻寻觅觅The Story of a Collection of Antiques 《金石录》后序“In My Young Days” 丑奴儿 少年不知愁滋味Inscription on the Hall of Idleness 慵庵铭4)《明清小品》上 Essay Collection of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Part 1The Book of a Cynic , by Shu Shuehmou归有园麈谈(节录) 徐学谟Why I Became a, by Monk Li Chuowu焚书(节录) 李贽Letter on the Secret of Getting Along, by Tsung Chen报刘一丈书 宗臣The Enjoyment of Incense, by Tu Long焚香之趣 屠隆Wish I Had Heard It from an Elder, by Chen Chiju安得长者言(节录) 陈继儒Talks with a Monk, by Chen Chiju岩栖幽事(节录) 陈继儒Sketches by the Little Window, by Chen Chiju小窗幽记 陈继儒Mi Fei, the Eccentric Genius , by Chen Chiju《米襄阳志林》序 陈继儒From an Artist’s Notebook, by Li Jih-hua紫桃轩杂缀(节录) 李日华On Zest in Life, by Yuan Chunglang叙陈正甫会心集 袁宏道Lovers of Flowers, by Yuan Chunglang好事 袁宏道In Memory of a Child, by Shen Chunlieh祭震女文 沈君烈Harvest Moon on West Lake, by Chang Tai西湖七月半 张岱Professional Matchmakers, by Chang Tai扬州瘦马 张岱The Discovery of Self, by Chang Tai《琅嬛诗集》序 张岱The Half-and-Half Song , by Li Mi-an半半歌 李密庵How to Relax , by Chang Nai息机说 张鼐Tales with Morals, by Chiang Chinchih雪涛谐史(节录) 江盈科On Love, by Chou Chuan英雄气短说 周铨Cut Flowers and Vases, by Chang Tehchien瓶花谱 张谦德Hints to Hosts and Guests, by Shen Chungying觞政(节录) 沈中楹Sound Mimicry, by Lin Tsehuan《秋声诗》自序 林嗣环The Origin of Foot-binding, by Yu Huai妇人鞋袜考 余怀The Ferryman’s Wisdom, by Chou Yung小港渡者 周容On City Noises, by Sha Changpai市声说 沙张白Some Dog Stories, by Wang Yen圣师录(节录) 王言5)《明清小品》中 Essay Collection of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Part 2Kingship, by Huang Tsungshi原君 黄宗羲Little Half Catty, by Huang Choushing小半斤谣 黄周星The Never-never Land, by Huang Choushing郁单越颂(节录) 黄周星Quiet Dream Shadows, by Chang Chao幽梦影(节录) 张潮The Seven Remedies, by Chang Chao七疗 张潮Dreams, Interesting and Otherwise,by Shih Chenlin《华阳散稿》自序 史震林Beginning of Knowledge and of Sorrow,by Shih Chenlin《西青散记》自序 史震林The Ambition-Mind and the Profit-Mind,by Shih Chenlin《西青散记》卷三(节录) 史震林Literature and Complexion, by Shih Chenlin《西青散记》卷四(节录) 史震林The Moral Censor, by Shih Chenlin记髯叟 史震林6)《明清小品》下 Essay Collection of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Part 3What Can I Do About It? by Chin Shengtan贯华堂第六才子书《西厢记》(节录) 金圣叹Friendly Chats, by Chin Shengtan贯华堂所藏古本《水浒传》前自有序一篇今录之 金圣叹Thirty-three Happy Moments, by Chin Shengtan三十三不亦快哉 金圣叹The Appreciation of Incense, by Mao Pijiang品香 冒襄On Charm in Women, by Li Liweng态度 李渔How to be Happy Though Rich, by Li Liweng富人行乐之法 李渔How to be Happy Though Poor, by Li Liweng贫贱行乐之法(节录) 李渔The Arts of Sleeping, Walking, Sitting, and Standing, by Li Liweng随时即景就事行乐之法(节录) 李渔On Women’s Dress, by Li Liweng衣衫(节录) 李渔The Mouth and the Stomach, by Li Liweng蔬食第一 李渔Crabs , by Li Liweng蟹(节录) 李渔To Brother Mo, from T’aokuang Temple, Hangchow, Written in 1732 , by Cheng Panchiao雍正十年杭州韬光庵中寄舍弟墨 郑燮To Fourth Brother Mo, Written While Reading at Chiaoshan, by Cheng Panchiao焦山读书寄四弟墨 郑燮To Brother Mo, Written at Shuangfengko, Chiaoshan, by Cheng Panchiao焦山双峰阁寄舍弟墨 郑燮To Brother Mo, Written on a Boat at Huaian, by Cheng Panchiao淮安舟中寄舍弟墨 郑燮To Brother Mo, from the Magistrate’s Residence at Fanhsien, by Cheng Panchiao范县署中寄舍弟墨 郑燮Second Letter to Brother Mo, from the Magistrate’s Residence at Fanhsien , by Cheng Panchiao范县署中寄舍弟墨第二书 郑燮Fourth Letter to Brother Mo, from the Magistrate’s Residence at Fanhsien , by Cheng Panchiao范县署中寄舍弟墨第四书 郑燮Second Letter to Brother Mo, from the Magistrate’s Residence at Weihsien ,by Cheng Panchiao潍县署中与舍弟墨第二书(节录) 郑燮Third Letter to Brother Mo from Weihsien, by Cheng Panchiao潍县寄舍弟墨第三书 郑燮Fourth Letter to Brother Mo from Weihsien, by Cheng Panchiao潍县寄舍弟墨第四书 郑燮Fifth Letter to Brother Mo, from the Magistrate’s Residence at Weihsien, by Cheng Panchiao潍县署中与舍弟墨第五书(节录) 郑燮The Nine-blessings Couch, by Ting Shiungfei九喜榻记 丁雄飞Taiyu Predicting Her Own Death, by Tsao Shuehchin黛玉葬花诗 曹雪芹Eggplant Terrine, by Tsao Shuehchin凤姐说茄子鲞 曹雪芹A Thought on Immortality, by Chang Shihyuan自立说 张士元In Memory of a Woman, by Shen Fu《浮生六记》二节 沈复On the Importance of Partiality, by Kung Tsechen论私 龚自珍A Family Letter , by Tseng Kuofan家书(节录) 曾国藩Human Contradictions, by Wang Kaiyun《秋醒词》序 王闿运Beautiful Singing, by Liu Ao老残游记(节录) 刘鹗5.《唐宋八大家》 The Eight Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties韩愈 Han Yu获麟解Kylin, the Chinese Unicorn-Meaning for Its Appearing龙说On Dragons医说On the Treatment of Illness马说On Horses祭十二郎文Oration-In Memory of My Nephew师说OnTeachers原道The Original Way柳宗元 Liu Zongyuan捕蛇者说The Snake Hunter临江之麋The Fawn of Linjiang黔之驴The Donkey of Qian永某氏之鼠The Rats of a Yong's Householder永州八记Eight Travel Journals on the State of Yong一、始得西山宴游记i.my Virgin Trip to "the Banquet" in the Western Hill二、钴镯潭记II.TamGumu三、钴鉧潭西小丘记III.The Knoll to the West of Tam Gumu四、至小丘西小石潭记IV.The Small Rock Pond West of the Knoll五、袁家渴记V The Tributary ofthe Yuans六、石渠记VI.The Rock Flume七、石涧记VII.The Rock Gorge八、小石城山记VIII.The Small Rock Castle Hill欧阳修 Ouyang Xiu醉翁亭记The Pavilion of an Old Drunkard秋声赋Autunm Sound鸣蝉赋The Chirping of a Cicada朋党论On Coterie伶官传序Preface to Biography of Performers苏洵 Su Xun六国论On the Six States管仲论On Guan Zhong苏轼 Su Shi前赤壁赋My First Visit to the Red Cliff后赤壁赋My Second Visit to the Red Cliff放鹤亭记The Crane Pavilion石钟山记Mount Rock Bell留侯论On the Marquis of Liu苏辙 Su Zhe武昌九曲亭记The Pavilion on the Winding Mountain Ranges in Wuchang王安石 WangAnshi兴贤Advocacy of Talents游褒禅山记A Visit to Mount Baochan伤仲永之泯然Lament Over the Oblivion of Zhongyong曾巩 Zeng Gong墨池记The Story ofthe Ink PoolPoems:1.《许渊冲经典英译古代诗歌1000首(套装共10册)》 1000 Poems of Ancient China, 10 volumes edtion, translated by Xu Yuanchong.here’s the contents of 10 volumes:《诗经》:Book of Poetry;《汉魏六朝诗》:Golden Treasury of Chinese Poetry in Han, Wei and Six Dynasties;《唐诗(上)》:Tang Poetry(I);《唐诗(下)》:Tang Poetry(II);《苏轼诗词》:Poems of Su Shi;《宋词(上)》:Song Lyrics;《宋词(下)》:Song Lyrics;《元曲(上)》:Yuan Songs(I);《元曲(下)》:Yuan Songs(II);《元明清诗》:Golden Treasury of Yuan, Ming and Qing Poetry.Part Two: Plays and Drama1.《桃花扇》Peach Blooms Painted with Blood by Kong Shangren2.《牡丹亭》 Dream in a Peony Pavilion by Tang XianzuPart Three: Collected Papers or Theses.1.《钱钟书英文文集》 A Collection of Qian ZhongshuContents:PrefacePragmatism and PotterismBook Note ⅠBook Note ⅡOn "Old Chinese Poetry"Great Europan Novels and NovelistsMyth,Nature and IndividualA Critical Study of Modern AesheticsApropos of the "Shanghai Man"A Chapter if the History of CHinese TranslationForeword to the Prose-poetry of Su Tung-P'o Tragedy in Old Chinese DramaCorrespondence:To the Editor-in-Chief of T;ien HsiaA Note on Mr.Wu Mi and His PoetyChina in the English Liserature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth CenturiesChinese LieratureCritical Notice ⅠCritical Notice ⅡCriticsl Notice ⅢThe Return of the NativeCorrespondence:To the Editor of PhilbiblonAn Early Chinese Version of Longfellow'sA Note to the Scocond Chapter of Mr DecaendtClassical Literary Scholarship in Moder ChinaThe Mutual iiiumination of Italian and Chinese LiteratureAppendixⅠ:A Letter to Donald StuartAppendix Ⅱ:Information Provided by G.DudbridgeAppendix Ⅲ:A Speech by Qian ZhongshuAppendix Ⅳ:Opening Address to the the First Sino-American Symposium on Comparative Literature2.《胡适英文文存》, English Writings of Hu Shi , three volumes.Volume One: Chinese Literature and SocietyLiteratureA Literary Revolution in ChinaThe Literary Revolution in ChinaThe Social Message in Chinese PoetryA Chinese Declaration of the Rights of WomenThe Greatest Event in Life, A Farce in One ActThe Literary RenaissanceIntroduction to MonkeyThe Chinese NovelSocietyMarriage Customs in ChinaIntroduction to The Story of the Chinese Eastern RailwayWhich Road Are We Going?Essay in Living PhilosophiesWoman's Place in Chinese HistoryThe Tz'u-T'ung: A New Dictionary of Classical Polysyllabic Words and PhrasesAn Optimist in the Sea of PessimismAn Optimist Looks at ChinaEssay in I Believe: The Personal Philosophies of Certain Eminent Men and Women of Our TimeIntellectual PreparednessThe Place of the Alumni Organization in the History of UniversitiesA Historian Looks at Chinese PaintingThe Chinese Art Society"Foreword" to How to Cook and Eat in ChineseChang Poling: A Biographical TributeTen-Year Plan for China's Academic IndependenceMy Early Association with the Gest Oriental LibraryThe Gest Oriental Library at Princeton UniversityRabindranath Tagore in ChinaVolume Two: Chinese Philosophy and Intellectual HistoryIntellectual China in 1919Buddhist Influence on Chinese Religious LifeThe Renaissance in ChinaThe Civilizations of the East and the WestWang Mang, the Socialist Emperor of Nineteen Centuries AgoConflict of CulturesThe Establishment of Confucianism as a State Religion During the Han DynastyConfucianismReligion and Philosophy in Chinese HistoryDevelopment of Zen Buddhism in ChinaTypes of Cultural ResponseSocial Changes in ChinaThe Indianization of China: A Case Study in Cultural BorrowingA View of ImmortalityHistorical Foundations for a Democratic ChinaThe Exchange of Ideas Between the Occident and the Orient: A Case Study in Cultural DiffusionIndia Our Great TeacherThe Struggle for Intellectual Freedom in Historic ChinaThe Concept of Immortality in Chinese ThoughtChinese ThoughtThe Natural Law in the Chinese TraditionCh'an (Zen) Buddhism in China: Its History and MethodAuthority and Freedom in the Ancient Asian WorldYung Wing: One Hundred Years After His GraduationThe Right to Doubt in Ancient Chinese ThoughtThe Scientific Spirit and Method in Chinese PhilosophyAn Appeal for a Systematic Search in Japan for Long-Hidden Tang Dynasty 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