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How can I deal with my anger issues? I used to get sudden panic and then anger rises in me, but I regret it after my anger.

Some ideas:How to Control Anger: 25 Tips to Manage Your Anger and › health › mental-health › how-to-...Jan 29, 2019 - Learning how to control anger is an important skill that may save your ... be a positive emotion when it helps you work through issues or problems, ... Before anger escalates, you can use specific strategies for controlling anger.Controlling Anger — Before It Controls › topics › anger › controlAnger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—problems at work, ...Anger Management - › relationships-communication › a...Anger problems can stem from what you learned as a child. ... anticipate your triggers, you can act quickly to deal with your anger before it spins out of control.Anger Management Strategies to Calm You Down › ... › Management TechniquesJan 25, 2019 - But not all anger issues are that serious. Instead, your anger ... Managing your anger doesn't mean never getting angry. Instead, it involves ...8 ways to deal with anger | Coping | ReachOut › articles › 8-ways-to-deal-with-anger8 ways to deal with anger · 1. Recognise the warning signs · 2. Work out why you're angry · 3. Write it down · 4. Count to 100 · 5. Press pause · 6. Move your body · 7 ...Dealing With Anger (for Teens) - Nemours › teens › deal-with-angerThe Five-Step Approach to Managing Anger. If something happens that makes you feel angry, this approach can help you manage your reaction. It's called a ...VideosMindToolsVideosYouTube - Aug 6, 2018Advanced Personal Development VideosYouTube - Feb 21, 2014watchwellcastYouTube - Sep 26, 2012alpha m.YouTube - Aug 27, 2015Noah ElkriefYouTube - May 25, 2014headspaceAustraliaYouTube - Aug 11, 2013SadhguruYouTube - Apr 28, 2014Official Site Brendon Burchard. #1 New York Times Bestselling AuthorYouTube - Aug 8, 2016Live On Purpose TVYouTube - Dec 5, 2018HowcastYouTube - Feb 12, 2018Web resultsControlling anger: Tips, treatments, and › articlesDec 19, 2018 - Some people find that they can resolve these issues without seeking professional assistance. Controlling anger. Mind, a major mental health ...10 Healthy Ways to Manage Anger Issues - Nick › anger-issuesJan 19, 2020 - 10 emotionally healthy strategies for dealing with anger issues. As a psychologist, I work with clients all the time to create healthier habits and ...

How can I control my anger?

In my experience, the origin of anger is hurt. So if you can figure out why you are feeling hurt by something, you can nip in the bud and avoid the anger. The strategy I use draws on my daily meditation practice, and involves a meta methodology that helps me calm down, accept the situation, affirm that I am not a victim, that I create my own reality/hell, have control of my impulses, and can then serve the situation appropriatelyBut I am sure you will find many great strategies already posted in Quora:Anger: What are the best ways to deal with anger?Anger: What is the best way to learn how to deal with other people's anger?Anger Management: What are the best ways to replace the violence in your mind when you are deeply frustrated?Anger Management: What are the best ways to calm down when YOU get angry?Anger Management: What are the best ways to calm down when you are highly irritated?Anger: Are adults more likely to keep their anger inside themselves, rather than show it off in the way teens do?Anger Management: As an adult angry about my childhood, what's the best substitute for going and punching a 12 year old?Anger: What can I do to cope with overwhelming rage?Anger: How do you let go?How can I control my anger/irritability?

Should parents cane their child?

On every matter, there are countless perspectives. This is my story.Background: My family runs a business. All they ever talk about is business. There is no true bond in my family, barely any warmth. We are more like a bunch of people living under the same roof than family. They are an unaccepting bunch of folks with an outdated mindset that could be interpreted as obnoxious.My first memory was when I was a toddler. I could not exactly remember what happened back then, but I remember what I felt - rage.It was only in my teens that I learnt I had been abused by my helper when I was an infant. My mother would tell me stories of my maid locking me up in a closet, dunking me in a toilet bowl and bruising me every now and then.“Blood is thicker than water” this quote never spoke to me.Being born into a traditional business oriented family, my parents were distant and career focused. Rarely did we ever spend time together. I remember longing for my parents’ attention.Interaction with my parentsI am the youngest of 4 and the most mischievous kid. Always getting into trouble and making people mad, getting into squabbles with my siblings. Young me had no clue what I did wrong. This led to a problem.My parents would discipline me every night after coming back from a Long tiring day at work. Their method, caning. When days were bad, my father would come after me with pure violence. Many instances, breaking furniture in the process. However, rarely did they have the time or energy to explain what I did wrong.This became my daily routine. I would stay at home, wait for their return to receive punishment. It came to a point where I would plot my ‘defence’ strategy.As much as I can recall, I was the only child out of four that got caned, with the exception of one or two occasions. I felt as though the world was against me.Once in a while, my mother would comfort me after my dad caned me. She would look at me with heart-rending eyes and mend my wounds. She would attempt to explain that my actions were wrong. As predicted, I was unable to absorb anything she said after being abused repeatedly.I used to get excited when my parents brought me gifts. Usually for Christmas or for my birthday. It made me feel loved. My parents would however, destroy them when I did something wrong.It may seem like an extremely minor thing, toys. It was however, all I had back then.This comes back to my point when I said that everything has many point of views. In their eyes, they were disciplining me, to make me a better person. How I interpreted it - I was abused, mistreated, detested since the day I was born.I no longer wanted the attention of my parents. I wanted nothing to do with them.I hated my parents, my family.My childhood was filled with violence and hatred. Ultimately, my childhood experiences led to some serious social problems growing up.I had trust issues and severe anger management problems. Whenever people approached me, I would assume that they wanted to do harm. I was a kid that contemplated self harm at a tender age of 6.When my parents told me to study, I would never pick up a book. When told to take a nap, I would not listen. I did not even believe my dialect group existed, I thought it was all made up by my parents to fool me.As a result, i was an underachiever. I did not do too well in my academics. I fell out with every friend I ever had, accumulated a total of zero friends when I left Primary and Secondary school. Only in my later years did I develop adequate social skills to form lasting relationships.I shunned my parents for years. I told them nothing of my life. Whenever I arrived home from school, I would lock myself away quietly in my room. Never have they heard of my struggles.Things started to change when I enlisted into army. I started thinking. I could now see where my parents were coming from. I could also see my parents putting in the effort to get to know me better.I made a conscious effort to get closer to my family.I thought that spending more time together would make me feel different. I suppose things are better now because we are older and wiser. We handle situations better.However, Deep down, I still feel this strong sense of hatred accompanied by filial love.I will never ever bring the culture of my family into my future family.As ungrateful as this may sound, I believe I would be doing so much better in life should I be born in a different family.

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It connects with Google Drive and I can easily upload all contracts from there. We can also create templates and all users can utilize them for different signers.

Justin Miller