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Was it common in the US Civil War to leave wounded soldiers to die where they lay?

This answer may contain sensitive images. Click on an image to unblur it.During the heat of battle, yes. Soldiers were often ordered to leave the wounded behind so that they would not endanger the advance by stopping to help their friends. Soldiers often reported a lull in battle, sometimes immediately following a remarkable effort by both sides, as if both adversaries had become exhausted in the effort. The opposing sides might now call a truce to care for their wounded and dead.Hippocrates is quoted as saying that war is the only proper school for a surgeon, yet prior to the Civil War physicians were loathed to undertake extensive procedures — often putting off surgery until the case was all but hopeless.Death and hardship have sometimes overwhelmed the histories of the medical advances made during the war. On a humanitarian level it is appropriate that this is so. More men died throughout this four-year period than in any other war experienced by the United States.“At every step some poor fellow would fall, and as his pitiful cry would come to my ear I almost imagined it the wail of some loved one he had left at home."—Capt. John T. James, 11th VA InfantryMen wounded in battle, if they could walk or crawl, often sought out a large shade tree on the fringes of the battlefield. Certain positions attracted many wounded especially if they were near a source of water, like the Bloody Pond at Shiloh.Sometimes the wounded were carried to aid stations by their comrades, but this practice was frowned upon by the officers who considered it a form of shirking. Wounded men might be left on the field for several days by hospital and medical corpsmen overwhelmed by the number of wounded. Stomach wounds were thought to end only in a long, agonizing death. Many men with such wounds attempted suicide on the field rather than endure the pain. Doctors would often administer morphine in an attempt to ease the pain of those with fatal and inoperable wounds.“At a distance of about one hundred and fifty yards the enemy were lying down, and rose up in masses and fired one volley. I and one other member of the Brigade fell wounded . . . the bullet cut across my bowels and made a long and ugly wound . . . I was feeling no pain, but felt somewhat dazed. . . . The grape shot and shell were pouring thick and fast in our rear, a great number falling short of their intended mark, and it made me hopeful that it would soon put an end to my existence. I turned my head to the enemy, thinking that I might be so fortunate as to get shot dead. . . . As there was no sign of discharge [from the wound] . . . I thought [after a time] that possibly I was not mortally wounded. Then fear was uppermost and I crawled about 50 feet to a well rotted stump, thinking it would protect me from shot. I was not much more than settled behind it when the idea struck me that a grape [from artillery canister] could go through, so I dragged myself to a good sized tree about 100 feet off and stayed there some time in a reclining position, with head and shoulder resting against the tree. All the while the battle was roaring across the creek.”—Pvt. William A. Fletcher, 5th TX Infantry“The road where we lay was covered with our dead and wounded. A battery of the enemy came thundering along it, and when the officer commanding it saw our dead and wounded on the road, he halted his battery to avoid running over them and his men carefully lifted the dead to one side and carried the wounded to the cellar of a house, supplied them with water, and said they would return and care for them when they had caught the rest of us.”—Sgt. Edward R. Bowen, 114th PA Infantry“I do not know how long it was before I became conscious but the battle was raging furiously; two dead men who were not there when I fell were lying close to me, one across my feet. . . . Two stretcher-bearers came and carried me back about fifty yards to a small stream that ran parallel to our battle line. Here was a depression in the ground some three or four feet below the general level where the wounded would be protected from the musket fire. . . . When I reached the stream the banks were already lined with many dead and wounded. Some had been carried there, others had dragged themselves to the place to die. Many were needlessly bleeding to death. Many died who would have lived if only the simplest treatment had been in the hands of the men themselves. My mind was clear . . . I knew I could not get to the rear without help, so made no further attempt. Fortunately my canteen had been filled; my thirst had become great and I had some water to wash the blood from my face. During this time the battle on our front continued with unlessening fury. . . . Looking back I saw a scattered line of the enemy coming toward us on the double quick. . . . They had to cross around or over the wounded and were cautioned by their officers to be careful not to disturb them more than was necessary. They passed over us carefully, without any unkind actions or words.”—Pvt. Rice C. Bull, 123rd NY VolunteersAmbulance drill: Few soldiers died instantly in battle. Most bled out or died some considerable time after receiving their wounds — most from infection or complication. Wounded men sometimes went days without any care. The first battle of Bull Run left 1000 of the 2600 wounded stranded on the field with no efficient means of rendering them aid or removing them to hospital. Ironically, the war provided a unique opportunity to advance medical science and technology. By the end of the war, the manufacture of superior medical instruments had shifted from Europe to the US, and more than 15,000 medical doctors had received on-the-job surgical experience not available to their predecessors.All quotations and Library of Congress illustrations are from my own book on the subject:Daily Life in Civil War America, 2nd Edition: Dorothy Denneen Volo, James M. Volo: 9780313366031: Amazon.com: Books

What was so awful about the TNG/DS9/VOY era that Star Trek producers felt the need to subsequently abandon it in favor of a prequel era?

Maybe it was all those French Horns in the musical scores :-pThey were a bit much….However, as Iain M. Banks found when writing the Culture series of novels, and as Capt. Sisko complained about once - “How can you you have hardship in Utopia ?” - which, by the end of DS9, the UFP very definitely was.There is another thing not focused on to do with these series : From TOS -> VOY, the United States (which is of course where these TV shows are from) was, with few exceptions, the unassailable superpower, which had prosecuted ‘a private little war’ in South East Asia, and maintained the ‘Balance of Terror’ throughout this period. (You’ll note I am using TOS episode titles.)Gene Roddenberry had been sneaking morality plays on TV using Star Trek as interstellar space vehicle. (Nichelle Nichols apparently queried him about this only to be told ‘Shhhh ! Don’t tell anybody please’ in confidence.)So - and with this in mind - many if not all Star Trek TV plots since then had been of the same type, in general. Where they departed from this sound formula, the results are often dismal viewing, and incoherent…we can all think of good examples of these.So, prior to the Fall Of The Towers In The West (Sept. 11, 2001 - and forgive the Lord of the Rings allusion, its intentional), the US was a fat-cat state, which had, since 1942 at least, not suffered undue harm while causing a decent amount of it overseas.Therefore, in the wake of the Fall, the psychology of this superpower changed….people in it realised that their ascendancy could be easily checked, using the tools and technology they themselves had created. What they could do, others could do - and better - and turn this against them.Enter ‘Enterprise’ and now ‘Discovery’ - the Universe (and Multiverse) is now refreshingly back to what it always was meant to be - a dangerous place, and deserving of caution and care, with no capacity to throw ones weight about as before. The Xindi could take a pot shot at Earth, no problem. The Minsharans (Vulcans) could be nasty. And the Klingons could and did wage a highly destructive war, and whose interaction remained simmering.This was a good thing - suddenly, unexplained locales and experiences later on now made good sense. The planet Archer 4, for instance, now had a well developed history - it turned up a lot in TNG, for instance.So….getting back to plots. Let’s summarise a bit :Pre 9/11 : US = Federation : Quadrant Superpower; Able to hold its own versus anyone. Peaceful, yet armed to to the teeth, based on past experience. Utopian - Money is a sign of poverty.Post 9/11 : US = Early Federation : New species feeling its way, vunerable, client to Minsharans to an extent, not yet familiar with other local powers. Pawns in conflicts, both spacial and temporal. Money talks….but is already beginning to lose its value. One aspect of utopia is established, as related by Engineer Tucker ‘We have elminated hunger, poverty and disease’ and yet the legacy of WWIII and its massive nuclear exchange in the 2050’s might go away to explaining this.At this stage, writing for the previous setup was becoming stale. There is another example taken from comics, where in the ‘Silver Age’ of the 1970’s - at this time, Superman was so powerful that he could blow out a thermonuclear bomb, and even whisk away a star about to go supernova. As one writer complained ‘How can you write anything about a guy like that ? he was as powerful as GOD !’ Same deal for the Federation in the 2390’s - it was in a state of such power and prestige, there was no way to write about it meaningfully. For comics, Superman had to be de-powered to be able to write anything. the same was true of the Federation.As others have said, this is the reason for the change of tack. At the end of Star Trek : Voyager the all ravening Borg had been dealt a near-fatal body blow. Who else was there to challenge? What possible moral hazards would the people of the UFP have if they had now conquered their last challenger ? How do you write about these people ? They are as powerful as gods !I am reminded immediately when writing this, though of Q. Q (as played by John deLancie ) was an omnipotent being, much in the style of the types of ascended being encountered (almost ad-naseum) by James T. Kirk on several TOS episodes.Unlike these other ascended ones, Q made a fascinating admission to Will Riker on their first encounter - the Encounter at Farpoint, no less - that sticks in my mind. Q implied that Humanity was due for a growth and ascension far beyond anything it was possible to imagine. Riker, demonstrating how far the human race had indeed come by then, quickly observed that if Q could not imagine it, that meant that for humanity, when ascension to their next level came that this would be at a level of sophistication and power which would eclipse Q - and perhaps all other ascended powers.This puts the Q in their place - they are a lesser race, when compared with the human race. Many other races in Star Trek exist who are, point for point, weaker than humans. Whether its morally, or physically, humans either dominate through intellect, invention, tenacity, technology, cunning, wile, and combinations of these.While not always successful at first, humanity triumphs at the end….and this is also a major problem in plot development ! the moral dimension too has limits - its not an infinite domain, like subspace. And, it is coupled to emblems of conduct - for which the Prime Directive, and Starfleet Regulations (laws) are a significant component. Again, when these encompass a near perfect freedom, how can we write about them?This plays into another problem of the late-series Star Trek series - the problem of ascension. There are clear religious overtones - and this also comes back to life in a Utopia, among god-like beings….how do we write about them ?I must however point out that there is also (mercifully) a serpent in the garden (religious overtones again but bear with me) - Section 31 - responsible for the skullduggery that keeps the Federation ascendant. They resemble Iain M. Banks Culture’s Special Circumstances most closely, and like that organisation break all the rules, as they operate inside of the morals event horizon…And, like that organisation, seem to have all the fun. But, besides abhorring their necessity - what else can we say about them ? And write about them ? Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges is superb … and the end of the line….Others have given very good answers, and I respect and agree with all of their points. I hope I have fleshed out some of my own, and hope that this helps.

How does Russia use history?

Briefly, the main lessons of our history are:1) Everyone who comes to fight with us will eventually fall;2) You should try to be as brave and wise, as best of your ancestors;3) You should remember, how much of human work was made and blood spilled to build up our Motherland and to protect her;4) You should try to leave in peace with your relatives and neighbors - united we stand;5) If you show your weakness, no one will spare you, they will use it for their purposes.We, pretty much like any other nation, stand on the shoulders of giants - our ancestors. I don't like that "used" of yours - our history is an endless edifying source of wisdom on its own, it doesn't need to be used by anyone, it is just there, making most part of cultural knowledge of any Russian. We can turn to it in the times of hardship and find answers or inspiration. These are stories of cleverness, bravery, valor, courage, devotion - as well as of foolishness, cowardness and cruelty, all of them educating you, adding extra experience and giving knowledge about how things are made. Our history has been great source of inspiration for our poets and writers – like Walter Scott and Walter Strauss referred to their history, our authors did this as well, writing brilliant poems that nearly all of Russians know even nowadays, for examplePushkin`s “Song of Oleg the Foreseer”:Как ныне сбирается вещий ОлегОтмстить неразумным хозарам:Их села и нивы за буйный набегОбрек он мечам и пожарам;(In my rough translation, maybe someone translated it properly, I don`t know: “And now Oleg the Foreseer/Is going to take revenge on unwise Khazars/Their villages and fields for their wild raid/He condemned with swords and fires”)Or Lermontov`s “Borodino”:Скажи-ка, дядя, ведь не даромМосква, спаленная пожаром,Французу отдана?Ведь были ж схватки боевые,Да, говорят, еще какие!Недаром помнит вся РоссияПро день Бородина!(Tell me, uncle, there was a reason/that Moscow, burnt with fire/Was given to French?/After all, there were glorious battles/People still talk of!/No wonder Russia still remembers/About Borodino day!)1. Borodino. EnglishThat`s even not mentioning great amount of songs and poems about the Great Patriotic War. One of the most famous is written by Tvardovsky, “I`m killed near Rzhev”:Я убит подо Ржевом,В безымянном болоте,В пятой роте,На левом,При жестоком налете.Я не слышал разрываИ не видел той вспышки, —Точно в пропасть с обрыва —И ни дна, ни покрышки.(I was killed near Rzhev/In a nameless swamp/In fifth company/On a left flank/Under heavy air raid./I didn`t hear the explosion/Nor see that flash/Like to the abyss from the cliff/No start, no end)Military poetry - The PhoraOur history starts from 862, when our tribes decided that "our land is big but has no order". That's when our ancestors decided to call Varangian chieftain Rurik to rule them.There were a lot of events during Rurik dynasty rule, I'll briefly describe main and most known of them. Main source about these events is “Tale of Bygone Years”, our oldest chronicle.Oleg the Foreseer inherited Novgorod and some of northern lands from Rurik. After that he conquered Kiev, uniting two big centers of Russian tribes, therefore he is often called the settler of Kievan Rus. After that he made a successful raid to the Byzantium, “placing his shield over the gates of Tzargrad” (Tzargrad is what modern Istanbul was called then). He also had successful wars with non-Russian neighboring tribes. As the legend says, he was forecasted death from his beloved horse; he loved it, so he ordered it to be taken care of, but didn`t use it anymore. 4 years later he remembered about this forecast, came to the corpse of his horse and, willing to laugh at the foreseers, stepped on horses skull. There was a snake in it, that bit him and caused his death.His son, Igor, conquered Drevlian tribes and forced them to pay tributes. Once after gathering this tribute he decided to come back and ask for more, so Drevlians killed him for his greed. (That`s not the only thing he has done, but I`m trying to answer the question – this is the main fact about him and main homily modern Russians learnt from this history figure).His wife, Olga the Wise, had great revenge for her husband. Our chronicles state four of them, but the main known is this: She ordered Drevlians to give a pigeon as tribute from every house, and when they revolted again, she approached the city with her army, stick burning tows to the birds and set them free – they flew back to their homes and this way set the whole city on fire. She installed new system of administrative rule and in her elder years converted into Orthodoxy.Her son, Svyatoslav the Brave, stayed pagan cause he wanted to have authority among his army; he was in the army that went to take revenge for his father when he was 4 years old and even threw first spear to the enemy (it didn`t hurt anyone, “cause he was a child”). He is well known for his numerous successful raids; before every next raid he sent a messenger to the enemy with words «Иду наВы» (Going on You), like formally declaring war – approach not widely seen that days. He was killed by the ambush of Pechenegs, sponsored by Greeks – that is, in fact, the beginning of Russia-enemy stereotype, which could be practically anyone, plotting and conspiracing against our country and its might.Svyatoslav`s sons had first interstine war between Ruriks (quite a lot of them to come), The youngest son Vladimir the Bright Sun came victorious, and he was the man that converted all Russian pagan tribes into Orthodox religion. There is a big legend about Vladimir choosing new Russian religion, visiting churches of Catholics, Orthodox and those of Islam. He is honored as the Converter of the Rus until now. He also made first Russian coins and led a lot of successful wars. He tried to change succession rules, for the lands not to be divided between all sons, but after his death there still were wars between his sons. Also his rule is usually associated with famous Russian Bogatyrs (Богатыри). They are like “Knights of the Round Table” – brave and healthy warriors, fighting for our Rus, protecting its citizens, standing against infidels and injustice. There is a huge folk epic about these heroes like Ilya Muromets, Alesha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and other.​​​Next Ruriks come and go, there are a lot of them, they instantly fought against each other, changed rule over cities and lands, revolted versus their fathers and brothers, so my story stops being so consistent – the feudal division begins.Yaroslav the Wise is known for establishing Russkaya Pravda (Russian Truth), first feudal legal code in Russia. He was building a lot of churches and monasteries and encouraged our literature.Boris and Gleb were older sons of Vladimir. His another son, Svyatopolk, decided to meanly kill them, but Yaroslav somehow revealed this plan and tried to warn Boris and Gleb. There is a well-known story about it; it`s main lesson is in acceptance of your destiny, that Gleb has shown, surrounded by his enemies – “If you came, end, what you`ve been ordered to do”.Vladimir Monomakh was an example of learning for us; in history he came not only as a ruler, but as good writer as well.Yury Dolgoruky is famous for his city-building (including Moscow).Period of feudal division couldn`t last forever – as you know, divided we fall. This lesson was told us by Tataro-Mongol Horde in Kalka battle in 1223. Some of our dukes realized the danger and united with Cumans, but some didn`t. Even when our forces arrived to the battlefield, our dukes couldn`t decide who whoud be common commander, so our forces were beaten one after another. Some of the dukes, who didn`t even participate in battle, arrived to Mongol Khan and offered him peace – but instead he captured them, laid on the ground and ordered to start a victory celebration on a wooden platform, constructed upon our dukes. Some of the Duchies were captured and forced to pay tribute, some weren`t, some could just pay to Mongol to evade war (like Novgorod). Period of Mongol influence is known as Tataro-Mongol Igo, major diminution of it was forced by Dmitry Donskoy, who won the battle of Kulikovo in 1380 and finally ended by Ivan III, who started gathering Russian lands in one country and faced Horde forces in the Great stand on Ugra river in 1480.During wars with the Horde we faced new enemies in the West – Sweden and Greman knights of Teuton Order. Both of these enemies were crushed by Alexander Nevsky in battle on Neva and battle on Chud lake (Ice battle) respectively. His modern image is mostly made by Soviet film of Eisenstein, but historical appearance is different. It is widely believed that during the Chud lake battle Alexander lured Germans on thin ice and it started to break – it clearly wasn`t like that. Alexander Nevsky is an image of a defender against Western conquerors – it is widely discussed, if his victories were that major and influet on Russian future and outstanding from victories against Germans of other dukes, but fact is a fact – Alexander Nevsky is considered main of them. His image was often reffered to during the Great Patriotic War as the man who defeated Germans years before.Next major Russian monarch is Ivan IV (commonly translated as “the Terrible”, but in reality his title means “Fearsome”). He is known for strong centralized rule, capture of Kazan, Oprichnina and his own son`s death. After his death he left only Dmitry, who was a small child – he was killed soon and Time of Troubles started.Skipping over detailed events – every own neighbor invaded Russia, but Poland with the help of Lzhedmiry (“Fake Dmitry”) who claimed to be the righteous heir, captured Moscow. Our fellow citizens, Minin and Pozharsky, gathered militia in the city of Nizhny Novgorod and drew invaders out of Russia – they have monument in the Red Square in their honor.​​​Another almost legendary figure of that times is Ivan Susanin – usual peasant, he was asked by Polish nobles to show him the way. Instead of leading them to their destination, he, knowing that he will be killed, drew Poles to the depth of the forest, to the impassable swamps. Then he told them they`ll never find their way out – they killed him, but were also stuck in the forest until their death.After the Times of Trouble new dynasty of Romanov was installed.I`ll try to describe it without falling into details!In the middle of the XVII century Bohdan Khmelitzky set a rebellion in Poland among Cossacks to divide from them. Soon after division he decided to ask protection of Moscow Tzar so we became one country again.Ermak was a cossak, who started our colonization of Siberia. We have some tales about his campaigns.We had three major rivals in XV-XVIII centuries – Sweden, Turkey and Poland. All of them were step-by-step pushed back and taken over (not without problems and defeats, of course). And for wars with all of them we had perfect casus bellies – all of these countries oppressed conquered nations of Russian origin or Orthodox. We could fulfill our dream to reach Baltic and Black seas during these struggles as well.Turkey: practically every our monarch fought with Turkey, I`ll tell only about main events.Main hero of all wars with Turkey was Suvurov – he knew no defeat, took important fortresses of Izmail and Azov and participated in wars with France in Alps mountains on side of our ally, Austria (Austria in period of Napoleon wars was an ally, with which you don`t need enemies – with weak army, stupid commanders and coward egoist rulers. Later things went much better with persons like Radetzky). He is author of a lot of famous quotes (“Bullet is a fool, bayonet is clever” and so on). He is usually shown as one of the best Russian commanders of all times.In 1853 we faced not only Turkey, but also Great Britain and France in Crimean War. It was factically an end of post-Napoleonic period, when Russia was the Policeman of the Europe. Because of our technological gap the war was lost from the beginning; but the defeat was not so painful and drastic because of famous defense of Sevastopol by admirals Nahimov and Kornilov and bright engineer Totleben.In 1878 our forces went through the Balkans and approached Turk`s capital, Konstantinople. Our forces didn`t enter the city because of threat of English intervention, so we arranged peace with Turks – this treaty was soon revised with all main European countries in Berlin congress, setting free contries of Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania.Sweden: Main hero here is Peter I, who learnt shipbuilding in Amsterdam and then after becoming a Russian Tzar build massive fleet and defeated Sweden forces as well on sea and on land. Main anti-hero of this story is Mazepa – Ukrainian getman, who betrayed Peter I and fought on side of Karl XVI against us – but he was not supported by all of his cossacs. Peter founded our new capital of Saint Petersburg, had some economical and military reforms and forced our nobles to change some of our traditions into more European.And after some time we had another war with Sweden, which resulted in taking Finland from them. It was rather easy so this event is written in any history book very briefly.Poland: Endless, endless wars. Mentioned above Khmelnizky is, probably, the main hero of that story. In the end we came to division of Poland between us, Prussia and Austria. There were some rebellions later, that were suppressed by our commanders, I didn`t study this question deep, but Poland was the first part of our country to be granted Constitution! Among modern Russians there is a common belief that all that story with Poland was just answer on their aggression, that ended pair of hundred years later with our victory, but without oppression and cruelty that Poland used to show on lands populated with Rus branches.Finally, our two Patriotic wars – against Napoleon and Nazi Germany. Common opinion about both is that they were wars of Russia against united continental Europe (and this in not so far from truth).We were the first country who beat Napoleon – he invaded us breaking our last peace treaty with overwhelming forces. He said, that Saint Petersburg is head of our country, Kiev is its belly and Moscow is heart. Even though he took our heart (after famous battle of Borodino, which ended like a draw, but has shown Napoleon that we are equal enemy), no one surrendered to him despite his hopes and plans. So he had to move his army back to our western border, because our partisans in his back cut most of supply chains; he was chased and defeated by Kutuzov (main author of our strategy during this war) at Berezina. Later our forces liberated Germany and entered Paris.Great Patriotic War is still big source of proud for us. Bombardment of Rotterdam took 10.000 lives and that was enough for Netherland monarchs to give up to Hitler; Bombardment of Minsk in first week of war took ten times more, but we didn`t break, we fought the war for 1418 days and came out victorious. We admit that it was with help of our Allies, but it is a common opinion in Russia that Soviet Union made the most impact to the Victory, destroying 80% of German forces. Some of our cities have honor names – Hero Cities, they suffered the most bloody and brave battles, like Stalingrad, Moscow, Leningrad, Sevastopol, Murmansk, Novorossiysk, Kiev, Minsk and Brest. For example, forces in Brest were surrounded on the first day of war, but didn`t surrender for the next month, when main German forces were already miles away – they all stood to death. In Murmansk brave mountain forces stopped Finn and German forces, not letting them cut railroad to our only non-freezing northern port and held these mountains for two years; Leningrad suffered the blockade killing ¾ of its population but didn`t fall; half of Stalingrad on the right bank of Volga lay in ruins, but our soldiers held any small point with their teeth, not letting the enemy go further. Other places of big battles are named Cities of Military Glory. All this war is a story of bravery and sacrifice; it was all about winning seconds, minutes, hours for our country that together formed days and months, in which our military industry could start working in its full power, enough to take overwhelming victory over Nazi invaders. We still praise everyone, who has fallen in that war, because without their sacrifice there would be no us.Those are main things you should know about Russian history in my opinion (without going deep in appraisal of worker deeds widely seen in Soviet Era – keywords are Stakhanov and SS Chelyuskin; also we skipped part about Decemberists, three revolutions and main events of Cold war (including our brilliant space program) - but I'm afraid that I already satiated my answer with too many details).If you want to know more about our science, engineering and arts, try to start from this links:Category:Russian inventionsCategory:Russian Nobel laureatesList of Russian-language writersList of Russian artistsList of Russian composersI hope this answer is useful to anyone despite its somewhat higgledy-piggledy.

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