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It has become really easy in recent times to edit your PDF files online, and CocoDoc is the best free web app you would like to use to make some editing to your file and save it. Follow our simple tutorial to start!

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A quick guide to Edit Your Anything We Missed Doing Then Must Be Done In 2011 on G Suite

If you are looking about for a solution for PDF editing on G suite, CocoDoc PDF editor is a commendable tool that can be used directly from Google Drive to create or edit files.

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What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you in front of your crush?

I wouldn't say "Crush", as it was a True Love. I had many crushes, but only One True Love which even after four years I still have, and perhaps will have for Eternity.Ok so, recalling my most embarrassing moment with her,Location: MVIT College, Bangalore, Year 2011, my and her 1st year of college. We were in same college. (Thank you God! :P).My world had one problem: We both were kind of reserved type, introverts. Only exploding into extroverts in front of close friends.We both knew each other just by "perceiving" each other's presence in college bus, were from north India and similar schools. Actually we both had a mutual friend, which was kind of a "bridge" for me to start a talk with her. It was first time (and last) in my life that I've been experiencing such feelings towards someone. Suddenly she was the only girl in this world for me, I used to think about her 24*7 every second of every single day. She was (is) the most beautiful girl in this world. I was working around how do I "Break the ice ?". How do I initiate a talk with her in a confident way ? Specially when she never used to talk with any guy, NEVER EVER unless she knew him well. And I was a stranger.One day when I knew college bus was not available and other friends in my group won't come to college either and the fact that only she and I will be attending college on that day among our bus group of friends. (Intelligence gathering, is something I do quite perfectly ;-) ) I had planned out the sequence of events the former day as to how I'll be catching her alone and strike up a conversation. Call it an "Operation" if you like. I knew I had 2 possible intercepts points to catch her. I waited on the first point, I acted like I'm playing games on my phone, I waited and waited...she did not come. For some reason I failed to intercept her at 1st point, time was running out and I knew that I've to go to the second point and wait there. (the second point was a city bus stop, first point was inside college). I went to the second point, had already estimated her arrival, I waited there, ignored passing buses (we both were supposed to catch a city bus home from there), and there she was! I saw her from distance she was heading towards me (don't get too optimistic, she's still 200 meters away!) I acted normal, as if I didn't notice (see) her. Deep down inside I was preparing for War.I said to myself, "This is it! I'm extremely introvert and shy, but I've to break this ice NOW". Immediately I saw a city bus arriving at my stop which we both need to take, and there was absolutely no reason for me to just let this bus go without looking like a weirdo. Because she knew that this bus is what I and she need to take to get home. I hopped on the bus, and at the same time praying to God "Please let her get in, Please...Please...". She missed the bus. I felt like the most idiotic guy in this world. "Oh crap! You coward! How could you do this ? how could you lose such a golden opportunity? You dumb Donkey!" - I said to myself, cursing like this all the way till I got off.It was like I missed a Golden opportunity to talk to her in person! I was in Love, so even a small private chat with her was priceless to me, considering our nature.I was again waiting for a connecting bus, waited for a few minutes when I saw her approaching from the roadside. My heartbeat was through the roof (no, must be like 150-180 beats per minute), you feel a slight pain in your chest for a fraction of a second when you see the girl you Love, suddenly."NOOO...!!! I'm not ready for this..." I said to myself. It was like as if a bomb dropped just when you got out of a bomb shelter.So I was standing there, partly frozen, pretending to look for an incoming bus, not looking towards her. (You know, nothing is going well when you've to pretend/act at a bus stop as if you are waiting for a bus, it should just come naturally, It's a bus stop damn it). She was standing behind me, like 20 meters behind me (I knew, I had eyes in the back of my head :D).You know the feeling when you are trying to push a wall and it doesn't move ? and it never actually moves! virtually unaffected by your force, no matter how HARD you try. At this moment I was that wall. And I was trying to push myself into talking to her. I was just about to turn and say "Hi" to her, just in 3...2...1...and...At that exact point I heard some girl yell my name from behind. Within a fraction of a second my brain analyzed and told me that it was HER. She yelled my name. SHE CALLED ME! all the blood in my veins just stopped flowing, my face was like a swollen red tomato. My brain had a void in its place, and my heart skipped as many beats as it wished.This was the most embarrassing moment of my life. It wasn't embarrassing for anyone else but me. You know, perspective differ. Amazingly it was simultaneously the Best moment of my life too. (noon of 30th December 2011) Till this date I did not have anything, any event which has managed to surpass that level of happiness which I felt on that day, that very moment.Aftermath: after she called me, we chatted...(I was in heavens at the same time). It lasted for approximately 10 mins (don't trust me, my brain lost all sense of time), a bus came and we had to leave. Slowly we became good friends, I proposed her after an year. She Rejected. I was devastated by her rejection, she straight out refused and said "Love etc doesn't exist" for her, she doesn't know any such concept and that she doesn't like me, she doesn't like relationship and stuff, and will never fall into one, She was angry. I was emotionally Destroyed. Since then we haven't talked or chatted on mobile. We had a total communications black-out for years only wishing each other on birthdays. The Black-Out still exists to this day.So does my Love.

What are the things which a teen must not do?

I knew that my father was embarrassed and his dream of getting me in a top DU college (like him) was shattered.I still shamelessly laughed off when I scored 79.9% in class 12th.(Mind it, in India anything less than 90 is not more valuable than 33)Everyone called me “intelligent” “intelligent” all childhood, but I never took the load.I could never concentrate in classroom.I studied only to learn what I found interesting.After the awesome result, my father got me in a coaching for CBS. (Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies)Which was a renowned Business Studies Graduation college in the country.As usual, his money was wasted.Finally I took admission in an almost tier 3 college through GGSIPU, even though I could have been in tier 2, just because of proximity from home which I couldn't enjoy in school.There was no proper teaching, whatever I learned, I just learned by reading whatever topics I found interesting.Being in that college was a bliss for me, it boosted my self esteem.Being relatively intelligent helped me being a topper, I was also the batch representative for all 3 years, everyone from students to Dean respected me.Good marks wouldn't have ever made me so confident.Next, I joined coaching for CAT, I still did not study, I couldn't mug up any formulas. (I lost only in maths section)I could still only read whatever I found interesting.After wasting my parent's money, I scored 90 percentile in CAT and 99.6 percentile in MAT.I was eligible to study in a respectable tier 1 college if not the best colleges (and was selected in a few)But in the end, I chose IP University main campus, because of proximity to home and low fee structure, also it was a respectable college.My luck betrayed me and I just missed that college by 1 rank.Got an affiliated private college.I didn't cry or regret, I accepted my fate.In MBA also I never studied, just read anything interesting and a good two or three times read up of all subjects before papers.I was more interested in enjoying my college life.Finally one day, one of our celebrity senior came to college, she was working in the dream company of all mediocre students.That company, every year brought a very few students in tier 2 colleges at par to successful tier 1 students. (With respect to brand name and salary)The selection rate of that company was around 1 out of 200 applicants.Commonwealth Games break was due (around 15 days).She explained us everything we could study and practise.Also gave us important notes to study in those 15 days.I didn't bother, I was sure of not being selected.Also I enjoyed my vacations a lot. (Specially the live hockey game which India won towards the end)My resume got selected for that company and I, along with my girlfriend and friends went for interviews and tests at the centre.Most intelligent and hardworking students were rejected in the first round of HR Interview itself.I cleared all 3 to 4 rounds that day.(Quite surprised)Next month I suffered from severe Dengue when the other 2 rounds in the company office were scheduled.Getting it postponed with so limited number of seats looked foolish, finally I decided to appear against my family's wishes, as I had high fever and very low platelet counts.After staying at the venue for 7 to 8 hours (I still don't know how I managed) I went to hospital.After next two days, I was sleeping at home with high fever and painful symptoms, suddenly my phone rang.It was our class teacher, I immediately knew results were out.Ma'am said “Anubhav your interview didn't go well?”I said “No ma'am, actually I have fever….”.She interrupted “Congratulations, You are selected!”“Really ma'am!” I said in surprise.This was quite a big achievement, which I never aimed for or imagined.I was never interested in jobs but this company was a dream for many.Also to marry my girlfriend, I needed to be independent.After that, a mediocre student like me became a local celebrity.I started getting phone calls, people with high percentages and better colleges wanted to meet me and discuss selection.That tier 2 private college gave me what no other college could have given. Two years of fun, my wife and a great job. (And everything at take away prices)Finally I went to that company, S&P Global (Capital IQ) on June 14, 2011.At the end of the first day, I laughed hard because most of the students were from CBS (my father's dream college), some from SRCC, a few from St. Stephens (though they were only graduates but still far more successful than us) also students from many tier 1 and expensive tier 2 MBA/PGDM colleges.And there was me, the idiot standing tall in between.After two years I left that job to pursue my passion for business.And since then, I have never seen a person who is successful because of scoring high marks.Infact street smart, experienced people, people who started as labourers, lucky people, people with vision, some fools who never stop trying are the ones who are successful and earning in lacs and crores a month.In my business journey, sometimes I have earned much more than the super educated people, sometimes I earned less than the labourers working in my factory.But I never regretted, I was happy learning new things, creating memories and pursuing what I wanted to.What is something that teenagers shouldn't do?I won't say be or don't be like me.Be whatever you are.Always stay proud of yourself.Don't accept the heavy burden of your parent’s and social expectations.Accept your failures as your fate or a result of your own decisions.Never have inferiority complex with students with great marks. Each life is different, each destiny is different.Think about future, what you want to do and what best you can do today.Start low, start slow but just start, and I promise there is no end once you start.Never stop learning, learn about everything new you come across.Studies are not the only source of success in life, they are important, very important to give you knowledge and skills, or maybe a fast and quick entry in the corporate world.It definitely increases your chances of success.But it is not everything, there are countless sources of success and happiness apart from studies.All you need is to think with a cool mind free from stress and burdens and focus on your life more than other things.I wrote this answer only because I have received atleast 12 messages from students who were depressed because they couldn't score well in yesterday's class 12th results.Best of luck guys, rock the world and prove low marks can't stop a river for cutting mountains and reaching it's destiny:)

What features would make Quora better?

Make bookmarking straightforward, preferably with searchable labels.Add a "read later" feature (interesting answers to math problems sometimes require thought & time, especially those with subtle typos :) - update: this is now available.Develop better ways to catch duplicate questions (too often, old questions are asked again, worded differently)Allow using predicates in search, similar to how it is done in Gmail. This way I could search for my own answers, or questions posed in the summer of 2011, etc.Cluster notifications by type, so that one can mark all notifications of a given type (such as "User ZZ followed you") as read instead of clicking on each - update: this feature is now available on the mobile version for Android.Scrolling in the "Notifications" window.Prioritized notifications - "followed by" by user rank, "commented on" by the recently and popularity of the question and user rank, etc. This way, I can start with the most interesting events.Support user groups and mailing lists (public and private).Skins, just like GMail. Perhaps, the skins could automatically change depending on the time of the day.Offer additional uses for Quora credits.

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Awesome product! As long as it is secure, easy to use and worth the money.

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