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How do you customize a weight loss and exercise plan for yourself?

I'm going to preface this answer by saying, that I've spent the better part of decade learning how to customize weight loss and exercise plans for other people. And I'm still learning new stuff all the time!The biggest mistakes people make is thinking that a routine is static, once you’ve developed it you don’t have to do anything new or different, right?Wrong…Both need to be constantly tweaked as you get better or worse at certain things. That’s the hard part.If you don’t track progress then you don’t know how to tweak things, so do yourself a favour and track your progress (load progressions and weight/girth at a minimum).For me to put to paper what I've spent all those years learning in a Quora answer is impossible, maybe a book, if I'm lucky. The key thing that most people simply cannot do effectively by themselves, is assess themselves.Even seasoned fitness professionals do a poor job of self-assessment, and we know what to look for. Nothing beats an external set of eyes, even if that external set of eyes isn't all that talented as a coach.Put a kid in a gym and give him a basketball and he'll eventually figure out how to play basketball on his own. Put a kid with a basketball, on basketball court with 11 other kids, and the worst basketball coach ever and you've still just accelerated that kid's progress ten fold.Likewise, put someone in a gym and they will wander around a bit. Observe what other people are doing in the gym, mimic them (or copy them), and look a little lost. They'll eventually figure out some stuff to do that may or may not be all that effective. Give the same person a coach for 3-6 months, and they should get better a lot more quickly. It can be a relatively short-term investment (<2 years).This question comes down to the fact that coaching works, even bad coaching. Better than trying to do it all by yourself because you get feedback, and feedback is incredibly important for progress. Honestly, people don't understand just how huge and impactful coaching is and can be until they've experienced it.I would never have gone as far in sports, school or my career, without the special coaches I've been lucky enough to have in my life. They all offered a great external point of view. Some I've paid for, others I've worked with or for and many were paid or volunteered their time.That being said there are some important things to keep in mind and I'll do my best to give you some pointers.The reason there is no perfect plan that I can just write out for you, is because the human body is a biological machine. Not a machine. There are some principles you have to adhere to, like progressive overload, but a everything else is up for debate.Perfection, when it comes to training, and biological systems, doesn't really exist. You do the best you can and your outcome might be very different from someone else following the exact same program under the exact same circumstances.Have you ever met a farmer that could make every single one of his apples grow perfectly to the exact same colour, shape, size? I doubt it, because biological systems just don't work like that, no matter how good a farmer you are.What trainers, coaches and fitness enthusiasts really mean by this is that training programs need to account for individual variance to some degree.What they don't mean by this is that your program has to be completely different from everybody else's.A lot of 'individual' needs are prevalent in a lot of other people too. Programs are still more similar than they are dissimilar. When you pay attention, you see patterns emerge. This is why I can design one program, several people can use it, and most will still get some benefit from it.The ideal situation however is that this program is modified correctly for the individual based on their unique predisposition. This might mean changing a lot of the exercises or it could be just a slight tweak of one or two exercises. Maybe your body responds best to a certain rep range, or maybe it responds best to regular changes in rep ranges.The fundamentals are the same, but there are slight modifications to consider to make it ‘custom.’For example, everybody in a Crossfit gym does the same WOD and I would argue most get results (provided they don't get injured or drop out). However, in a good box, all the coaches are taught how to scale the workouts appropriately, so even though the workout is the 'same on paper' it is not the same workout.Walk around and you’ll see some people using bands on their chin-ups, others pushups from the knees or with bands to assist, that person over there is using 65 lbs on the squat, that person is 135 over there and the other person has 195 on the far side of the gym. This is catering the workout to the individual and it's hard to argue that Crossfit isn't effective for what it is (I'd argue there are better ways of doing the same thing so as to minimize risk - but that's another answer to a different question).Tip #1: Learn Progressions and Regressions for all the key exercises.This is the easiest way to individualize a program to an individual, though some coaches are more skilled at it than others and it may require a lot of time to learn.In essence, we (and our coaches) all like to believe that we are a pretty and unique snowflake (and we might be) but when it's snowing out can you tell the difference between them? Sure you get some fat snow, some fast snow, some icy snow, etc...but on the broad scale snowflakes are a lot less unique than they are on the crystalline scale.You're exactly the same. Everybody has a unique shoulder on the cellular level, but there are only 3 or 4 types of acromion processes on the broad scale. 2 of these make for bad overhead pressing ability (these people will have to fight their shoulder structure and will probably never have awesome overhead pressing ability on the relative scale), people with one will probably never have a shoulder issue in their lives and the last one can go either way depending on environment and their training.Can you clear a shoulder test? If not, then you shouldn't have much if any overhead pressing in your program (I've seen a lot of people who do anyway, and then wonder why they have chronic shoulder pain...).Likewise here are some other basic classifications and generalizations you could make about most people:4 Different types of pelvic structuresDifference in the depth of ball and socket jointsFlexibility vs Stability (Mobility)Muscle Tone (Hyper vs Hypo, or High vs Low)Long Spine vs Short SpineLong Limbs vs Short LimbsRetroversion vs Anteversion (fancy way of saying how your shoulder and/or hip joints are structurally rotated)Posture (both static and dynamic)History of InjuryNeuromuscular Disorder (CP, etc...) vs HealthyTraining HistoryDesired ObjectivesSome coaches are anal retentive about the whole customization thing. I know of many who refuse to publish or put out programs they've designed because it doesn't agree with their 'values' on the issue of programming.Other coaches are super lax about it (in my opinion falsely) and use the same stuff over and over again with the same people, or worse just make stuff up on the fly without any concept of progression and regression. I generally fall in the middle, so here is my take.Tip #2The more advanced you get, the more 'specific' your desired outcomes, the more 'custom' approach you need. The more important coaching becomes. Most people are not that advanced until they have a few years of smart training under their belt.Tip #3About 90% of the population doesn't need anything overly custom, just catered to their needs. A landmine press instead of an overhead press for instance. They train the same muscles, but the former will be better for someone with shoulder issues 9 times out of 10.Tip #4Most people just need to start where they are at. I estimate that more than 70% of the population starts a fitness, weight loss or nutrition/exercise plan with a program that is too difficult for them or too easy for them.Tip #5The majority of reasons why someone can't or shouldn't do a particular program has to do with a lack of appropriate mobility, body structure, or strength to do specific exercises within that program (meaning most of any given decent program is fundamentally sound for nearly everyone, it's only a few exercises that need to be changed, reordered, etc...).Most people aren't qualified enough to figure this out for themselves. If it hurts, don't do it. Overhead pressing and bad bench press technique are probably the two biggest issues I see in this regard. I have worked with a lot of people who I don't think should press overhead until their mobility significantly improves. A fixed barbell is tough on the shoulders relative to other options like kettlebells or dumbbells that permit more rotation.It doesn't mean these are bad or 'dangerous' exercises though, it just means they are not applied well given the situation.Don’t get locked into dogma when it comes to fitness tools. Like a good tradesman, pick the right tools for the job.Tip #6When you look at the overwhelming majority of good programs, they are all more similar than they are different. Focus on the the similarities, rather than the differences.Tip #7You can start with a basic template and learn to swap in appropriate exercises. I call these Frameworks; Much in the same way Rails makes programming with Ruby a lot easier to do.Building frameworks for my training allows me to more quickly and more easily cater workouts to various individuals and myself.Tip #8Program adherence is actually more important that the program itself. Even if your custom program is a little 'off' but you follow it diligently, it's a lot better than the 'perfect program' you don't adhere to.Tip #9Most of common gym wisdom is nonsense. 'You have to squat to thighs parallel' no, you have to squat with as much range as you physically can, and then work to improve your range during your mobility work. Its contextual. Nothing is 100% necessary, don’t let sports like powerlifting or olympic lifting totally guide your resistance training approach (or conditioning for that matter). They are both very specific sports.A lot of people get hurt at the gym every year trying to follow 'conventional advice' even if it's poorly suited to their needs. Start from ‘needs’ first.Common Problems I See:People way stronger pushing than pulling, leading to a really funky static posture. You need more pulling in your program.People who are way stronger squatting and deadlifting proportionately to single leg movements like lunging, single leg squatting and single leg deadlifts. You need more single leg stuff in your program.People who just don't understand core training at all and do way too many crunches and crunch variations. They end up with really flexible/loose spines, which is not a good thing (more women than men, but still men often). You need more chops, lifts and rotational stability work, in addition to hip flexion training (weak or restricted psoas) with a neutral spine, along with anti-flexion and anti-extension training. You need more multi-directional core stability.People with poor glute control, strength and power. Usually a result of really tight hip flexors, but sometimes hamstring dominance.People with really tight hip flexors from sitting all day (stretch more and strengthen the opposing glute muscles).People with really tight ankle complexes (stretch more)People with really tight Thoracic Rotation (stretch more) and Extension (mostly from sitting)People with really poor shoulder function and mobility (limit overhead pressing, stretch deliberately and increase shoulder stability often) - learn what proper retraction, protraction, depression and elevation look like.People with really poor pelvic control, have a hard time controlling their pelvis while squatting, deadlifting, nearly anything that involves the pelvis. Hint: it ties in really heavily with the 'core' and most people don't realize this.People who are way stronger in their upper body than their lower body. If you routinely bench more than you squat or deadlift and you're not a ranked powerlifter, you need to train legs more.People with really tight, really weak non-dominant side (if you're a righty your left leg) adductors and really weak on their strong side abductors (stretch the groin more and strengthen the hip external rotators). Typically righties will have a right internally rotated hip and a left externally rotated hip, training should address this a little.Disproportionate amounts of power, endurance or strength in certain areas. A lot more specific, and difficult to address on your own.A lack of explosive training for 'fear' or previous injury.A lack of variance because they get habituated to a routine and don't leave it, which often means they are doing something like circuit training, or the same rep/set schemes for ages and then wondering why they aren't seeing progress. Everything works for a little while, until it doesn't. I've said it many times on Quora, eventual Change is the more important thing to consider in any program.Inadequate progression/regressions - often people are doing an exercise for too long that is either too easy, or too hard for them to actually be doing. They don't get a training adaptation because they are doing the exercise wrong, or they simply aren't creating enough stimulus.Inadequate intensity (or too much at the expense of technique). Many people I've worked with simply don't challenge themselves enough. Its hard to learn where that sweet spot is, between too much and not enough, and it's a time investment.A lack of understanding how their training should support their objectives. For instance the weekend warrior that is strong but not particularly explosive or elastic, should do more of the latter if performance is the objective. You can't just do strength work if you have a fat loss goal. You probably shouldn't do too much cardio if you have a muscle mass goal. People are often training competing demands to their desired objectives, without really knowing it.Things Every Program Should Contain(At Some Point in the Macrocycle/6-12 Month Period or less):A Squat Variation (or Knee Dominant Movement)A Lunge Variation (or single leg squat, or Single Leg Knee Dominant Movement)A Deadlift Variation (or Hip Dominant Movement)A Single Leg Hip Hinge (or Single Leg Hip Dominant Movement)A multi-planar movement (step and chop, jefferson deadlift, single arm DB press, Turkish Get-Up, etc...)A vertical press and pull (if you aren't cleared overhead, go with an incline press variation - ideally you do single arm and double arm variations, I like to alternate between the two with horizontal press and pull)A horizontal press and pull (I tend to consider closed chain and open chain movements but that's complicated for most people - just don't always do bench or always do push-ups for each and every phase, that's not smart)A loaded Carry, Walk or Sled DrillA Crawl VariationA Hip Flexion DrillAn Anti-Extension Drill (think front plank or rollouts and variations)An Anti-Lateral Flexion Drill (think side plank and variations)An Anti-Flexion Drill (usually covered by the hip hinge listed above, a deadlift falls into both categories)An Anti-Rotation Drill (Chops, Lifts, Pallof Presses) and/or Controlled Rotational DrillsA breathing drill (could be for relaxation purposes even if your breathing patterns are already good)A Grip Training Drill (could be the carries, could be a plate pinch, could be a fat bar on something else above...)A dedicated warmup and mobility routine that addresses where you lack stability, and where you lack adequate flexibility.Some jumping, hopping, skipping, sprinting, or other form of plyometric activity (even if your goals aren't increased speed/strength) at an appropriate levelSomething that stresses the heart mildly (particularly if your resting heart rate isn't about 60 BPM upon waking) to intensely 1-2 times a week.Every now and then train a lot of the movements above explosively, train with med balls, use kettlebells, bodyweight or use bands.Every now and then train a lot of the movements above with high reps, pushed to technical fatigue.Every now and then train a lot of the movement above with high intensity low reps (3-6 reps) provided technique requirements are metTrain mostly in a 6-12 rep range, unless your objectives dictate otherwise, particularly for any isolation movements you want to add.Place emphasis on lagging components aboveTrain additional isolation exercises with a function-down approach. Meaning train the shoulder stabilizers and hip stabilizers above aesthetic objectives.Train aesthetic isolation exercises arm curls, leg curls, leg extensions, deltoid work, etc..., only after the above is done (unless you're a ranked bodybuilder).Tip #9 still applies, but I’m confident you can find variations of those things that work for you and your goals.The proportions of the above, the tools you use, and the specifics are what are really catered to the individual. Perhaps even more specifically, cater to the desired outcome. If you have knee pain for instance, squats and lunges may need to be modified to eliminate the painful movements.Most of good programming is making people better at what they suck at. The problem is most people hate doing what they suck at and just want to do more of what they are good at, which just leads to worse problems down the road.Do enough of the things you like and learn to like more of the things you are not as fond of. Another problem is that most people are conditioned to think the following:If it feels harder it's betterIf I sweat a lot it's a good training sessionI only want to get my heart rate up because that's the only thing that matters (there is more to fitness than heart rate)If it doesn't fit the above criteria, I'm wasting my time (something will always be better than nothing -- so if you can't do all of the above, start with just one thing).People get into established routines/expectations as to what a good workout should be. Habitually doing the same stuff over and over again though, leads to overuse injury. If you avoid mobility training, you're setting yourself up for problems. If you avoid getting stronger, you're joints won't be able to handle all that bouncing and running you do. If you avoid doing any conditioning or cardiovascular work, you'll get winded easily playing with your kids. These is just reality, you need balance in any routine.If you need help, here are a few basic frameworks I developed and are freely available on my website (given in order of time committment required and level of experience):A Better Scientific Seven Minute WorkoutThe 2x2 Training FrameworkThe X Split RoutineUpdate:I just realized that I didn't really address the issue of building your own 'weight loss' program so much as 'exercise program'. However, the exercise component being a definite part of that, the above still applies to weight loss (or performance, or weight gain even, you just make a few slight modifications for each).I think everybody needs to develop a foundation of good exercise and nutrition habits (which in my experience eliminate about 90% of the problems most people have at some point in the process) and the above is definitely a good foundation from which to train off of, no matter what your objectives.Technically most people mean 'fat loss' but let's forget about semantics for a little while.Weight gain (fat accumulation) is almost always a result of:An accumulation of bad habits (less exercise, more bad foods, less cooking, etc...) which lead to more universal unsupportive behaviors (energy excess).The lack of appreciable and necessary skills.The biggest problem is that habits are unconscious, most people aren't even aware of them (again, hence why having an external pair of eyes is the most helpful) and it's really hard to know what skills you should learn/develop that make sticking to those habits a lot easier.I gave (I think) a practical, flexible, and fairly useful answer here:What is a realistic plan for losing 20% of my body weight? I’m a 52 year old male, 6'2″, 270.1 lbs.Really the biggest mistake I continually see (and I'll say this till I'm blue in the face) is that people try to take on way too much change at once. They get a meal plan that spells out every meal they should eat for the next 3 months to the teaspoon, but they don't know how to cook/prep most of the meals.They buy a book with a workout plan, or worse, grab one for free off the internet and soon one skipped workout (because they can't do 6 days a week of training yet) equals 3 skipped workouts, equals 'the hell with working out, I can't do all these exercises anyway!'People cause more frustration for themselves when they try to overhaul their exercise routine, or they overhaul their diet with all these rules, do nots, or 'permitted' foods. They fail to account for the adherence factor - that the execution of any weight loss program or exercise program or plan is at least 50% of the equation (and I'd argue it's more like 75%) for success. They fail to realize that success with this is mostly driven by the mind and not the nutrition or exercise plan.Here are the criteria that I think people should aim to meet with any nutrition plan, but a weight loss plan should follow the same criteria.What is a good diet? What does science say? I rarely eat sugar, I only drink water, tea and coffee. In general I eat healthy.It should:Address any nutrient deficiencies (or potential ones),Be mindful of your environment (working from home is different from working an hour commute away)Help control energy intake and appetiteMake it easy to adhere to the plan (or slowly developing the skills you need to adhere to it),Emphasize the highest quality of ingredients that suits your personal situation (If you can afford cage free eggs, do it, if you can't, don't worry about it, just get the regular eggs. Don't jump on the organic everything if it's beyond your means, you can still be healthy without that stuff.)Take into account your unique situation (financially, occupationally, socially, etc...)Have an exercise component somewhere that supports your objectives.The specifics of any diet (like a certain macronutrient ratio) are less important than your ability to adhere to the plan.Really weight loss is about finding the impactful limiting factors and removing those barriers. If you have a 3 coke a day habit, that might be a significant factor to address. If you eat crappy pizza every day for lunch, that might be a significant factor to address. If you have an issue with gluten, removing it could make a significant difference. If you have an issue with lactose, removing it could make a significant difference. If you drink a lot of alcohol, that might be a factor to address. Smoking could be a factor to address, and so on and so forth.I like to start with the limiting factor that seems the easiest to change and yet remains the most impactful.Here is a worksheet I use with my clients on how to figure that out for themselves. It’s designed to make them more aware of the factors going on in their lives that may be contradicting their desired outcome:Limiting Factor Commitment ChartHere is one I've pre-made identifying some of the most impactful habits I think people can adopt:The Habit Commitment ChartThey are free for you to use, if you're using them on your own though, you may need a little trial and error. Also these are a few years old now (I'll get around to re-doing them I'm sure), so I'm not sure how I feel about some of these habits so much anymore (like eating every 3-4 hours, isn't a high priority for me any more these days, though sometimes that may still work for you). There may even be a few I'd add to the list now but most of them are still solid.For more practical content like this, check out my new Quora Space: Skill Based Fitness. Hope to see you there…

How can you teach seemingly unteachable students?

This is a very controversial subject and this answer is bound to be unpopular as it violates all current precepts about public school education. How to teach "unteachable" students is something I have studied and done successfully for the past 25+ years. I say 'successfully' because the students I have taught now view themselves as successes. They can and do change, and they want to learn.Examples of "unteachable" students: Years ago, one of the first boys I taught who was regarded as 'unteachable' lacked saccadic eye movement capabilities and had to be taught with direct instruction, large print, a great deal of repetition, and lots of modeling of positive self-talk using the progress he was making as his motivation. He said (when I asked him) that all he wanted for his birthday was to be able to read a book. He was 14 and could barely recognize the letters and did not know the sounds they made. Last year he told me he's going to college.Another of my "unteachable" early students is in med school, on a rotation this year. He was an ESL student and initially angry that he did not understand as the other kids in his class did, and very impatient with himself. He was from another country and culture, and deeply wanted to excel, had a desire to learn in the fibre of his being, but was very, very angry he did not and could not advance in reading. His elementary school teacher sent him to me.Another of my "unteachable" early students became an accomplished gymnast and attends a private and prestigious school.Another of my "unteachable" early students spent 10 weeks of his summer with me (he came from another country). He was four levels in reading comprehension below his grade level. When he left after the summer was over he was at grade level.Another student was bullied horribly, had terrible acne, spaced out and refused to look anyone in the eye. He was diagnosed by his school as having impaired cognition. Huh? The kid I met just had no exposure to anything outside of a limited home life, but seemed capable of asking questions about what we were going to do, and answering questions I asked. I decided I would teach him as if he never before received instruction. We bonded. We became a team. We sat side by side. Over time, his acne cleared up and he stood up instead of slouching once his self esteem was restored. He reached grade level in reading comprehension and fluency, after starting out three years below his grade level.There is a reason or a group of reasons why a student may be viewed as "unteachable." I don't ever believe any student is unteachable.* After defending the education rights of countless students at IEP meetings, I began wondering why students don't or can't seem to learn at school. Some students:are rebelliousare defianthate schoolhate everyonehave an exceptionality or a disability that makes them 'different' in their own eyes, and causes other people to regard them similarly because they project their 'otherness' outward and as a defense against being knowneed explicit and direct instructionneed to connect with a nonjudgmental human beingfeel inadequatehave a disability that needs an accommodation in order to be able to learn, and that accommodation has been lackingare not assessed or are assessed and hate the idea of lacking something that others have (they suffer from comparing self to others).In every case, with every single student I have taught or whose IEP I have championed (or whose parents I have taught to advocate on behalf of their child's education) something has stood in the way of progress.I see the world through a child's eyes or a teen’s eyes. I teach seemingly unteachable students by understanding how they learn, how they do not learn, and what will make them comfortable enough to sit beside me and attend to the subject at hand.Relationship is key to reaching and teaching seemingly "unteachable" students who are neurotypical. Students with autism can also be taught using their strongest and most preferred learning modalities. I do not think relationship is quantifiable (sorry). But it can be taught through 1:1 modeling (by a mentor-teacher to another teacher).How we feel changes from moment to moment, and taking snapshot pictures of someone, as standardized tests do, may (and may not) reveal patterns of thinking or feelings about learning. What matters is focus and desire, and anyone who is seemingly unteachable probably has been let down* by the adults teaching them, adults who have not understood that child's focusing abilities and motivations for learning.How I teach seemingly unteachable students:I teach every child 1:1.The child controls the rate of learning. Exactly as quickly as the child can learn, that is how quickly I teach. Exactly as many repetitions as are needed to remember a foundational fact, that is the number of repetitions received.The child controls her or his own body movements. That is, there is no requirement to learn while seated in a chair.Kids I teach on a 1:1 basis can eat at their desks or tables or while we are seated on the floor as they take bites and learn unless it is unsafe to do so.***Repetitive movements are encouraged. See Does bouncing your leg improve cognition?Jumping rope or playing catch is what we do for breaks. I'm open to other activities too, so long as they are physical activities and require repetitiveness of motion. So skipping, hula hooping, going for a walk all qualify.Programs which are "research validated" are generally not taught in special ed resource rooms exactly as the research validated programs were intended by the researchers to be taught. That is, because of absences by student or teacher, fire drills, and erratic scheduling, etc., the foundational pieces of the direct instruction program are usually provided on a piecemeal basis. This means that a program which is progressive, organized, sequential, and multi-sensory may be taught instead by handing out a worksheet here, an assignment there... and the way it is taught is not the research-validated program which its purchasers thought would be implemented. And therefore, it is not a valid way to teach children regarded as "unteachable" students.Notes:* Students who are unteachable in one environment can often learn in another environment. I have never met a student who couldn't learn something, who couldn't improve somehow. I have seen students with autism who were nonverbal and "unteachable" who were "hand-in-hand with a 1:1 aide" who could and did learn using pictures and trial and error.**When I say 'let down' I mean that term to be used in light of the relationship and mutual understanding which that child needs in order to learn. That is, the student needs to know the teacher will never, ever give up on them. And such a student will make the teacher prove it time and time again. And then, once convinced, will do everything possible to make that teacher proud.*** One kid with ADHD and dyslexia was "unteachable" and in third grade didn't know his ABCs. He was constantly moving and I told him to find a position we could both get into together, so we would be moving while also being side by side. He had us upside down, with our feet on the table, our bottoms in a swively chair, and rocking back and forth. He held one side of the book, I held the other side of the book, and he learned to read as we rocked back and forth, upside down. I was younger then. Now it would make me dizzy!

What is the current situation with the Uighurs in China? Are they really being persecuted and locked up in camps? Is there a genocide going on? Where can I find some objective informations on this topic?

The Uyghur genocide\rape\forced labor\sterilization is the new Iraqi WMD.There are no physical evidence of million(s) in detention.PART 1. COVID-19If China really want to reduce the Uyghur population, they could easily drop COVID into the “Concentration camps”, and claim it as natural deaths. It’s cheap, in fact it’s free and it spreads quicker than STDs. Plus, PRC can always blame it on nature, otherwise known as plausible deniability.COVID has a lethality rate of 1% in the US. Take away the medical support, apply the confinement conditions, and you can easily get at least a lethality of 10%. Are there 100K to 300k deaths? How long does the crematorium need to burn a body? How far are you willing to move a virus infected corpse? All those crematoriums have thermal signatures that can be picked up from space (AKA overhead imagery).PART 2. Where are the logistic indicators?Moving that many people (1–3 million) in short period of time would impact bus leasing rate across china as well as train car availability.Holocaust trains - WikipediaIn total, over 1,600 trains were organised by the Reich Ministry of Transport, and logged mainly by the Polish state railway company taken over by Germany, due to the majority of death camps being located in occupied Poland.[42] Between 1941 and December 1944, the official date of the closing of the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex, the transport/arrival timetable was 1.5 trains per day: 50 freight cars × 50 prisoners per freight car × 1,066 days = ~4,000,000 prisoners in total.[19]It took the Nazis some 3 years (~1066 days cited above) to move 4 million. The CCP would need 3X that since they did it in about a year instead of 3.Where are the trains? Why are there no overhead imagery of regular trains loading/unloading prisoners?Oh, so you say the prisons and prisoners are often in the same locale, so you don’t need trains. Sure, unless you want the prisoners to walk in formation to the prisons (ala Bataan Death March), you will need buses and trucks. Also, if you march them in public there will be far more photos.1–3 million is a lot of trucks and buses. Their usage would trigger price increases in bus and trucking leasing fees in the region. Where are those indicators?PART 3. What about the prisons guards?US prisons has a 1 to 4.9 ratio between guards and prisoner. Yes, that’s 1 guard per 5 prisoner. It is high until you realize that you need 3 shifts per day to watch people 24/7. So during most hours you are probably running like 1 guard per 10 to 15 prisoners. You might get away with a leaner shift during the grave yard shift, but guys still take sick days and vacations……. at how many guards (standing, wearing black uniforms) it took to move these alleged Uyghur prisoners (in blue). The ratio is almost 2 guards per prisoner.My US Army Basic Training class 20 years ago had a ratio of about 1:10, for volunteers.These guys are USAF, but you get the idea.You are going to need far more than that for non compliant detainees. Going with 1:10, that’s 100k guards (under the 1 million story), who has to leave their families and work far from home. You would see gripes and bitching in social media for husbands who are deployed for extended period. You might also see divorces and cheating spouses, all of which are observable on Chinese social media (people love that scandalous shit). As for the guards, it would also lead to increase in pork and alcohol consumption in Xinjiang, which would increase local pork and beer prices.PART 4. Rape and TortureThe point of detention is to get your prisoner to comply, to do your bidding or providing you intelligence.To get the prisoner to comply, you have to make them feel that you control every atom of their universe. That’s why there are no watches and clocks. The object is to get the prisoner to comply at a subconscious, almost cellular level. In 1984, it’s known as breaking them.Here, listen to FBI agent talking about torture and interrogation:Former FBI Agent Addresses Post-Sept. 11 Torture In Newly Declassified BookAli Soufan investigated terrorism cases and opposed the CIA's use of torture following the Sept. 11 terror attacks. After a legal battle, the redacted material in his 2011 memoir, Black Banners, has been restored. Man Says No To Harsh Interrogation TechniquesMatthew Alexander, a pseudonym for the author, was a military interrogator in Iraq who rejected previously used harsh techniques. He writes about how his team hunted down two key al-Qaida operatives in Kill or Capture. what part of the Uyghur lady’s assertion rings false?4a. TIME: Why were rape and torture only committed after midnight? Ideally, she would not even know it’s night in the first place, because prisons do not have clocks or watches. Real interrogation facilities don’t even have windows, so that detainee loses all account of time and date, with the interrogator controlling everything in his or her life, including time itself.4b. AGENTS: What kind of prison guard force are you maintaining that has a tasking call rape? People who systematically rape are also unlikely to show up for work on time on a regular basis or obey orders. You might also need to swap out and rotate the rapist, lest they get too acquainted with their victims over time.4c. SLOGANS: At 1:39 of the BBC video, she says that the video footage on the laptop is similar to the facility that she is held at, and we see slogans on the wall. If you are familiar with Chinese script you can see that it has some kiddie font to it, much like “comic san” on you MS Word font selection. Also “国语” is how Taiwanese refer to Mandarin, Mainland China refers to Mandarin as “普通话,” which means the “Common Language” due to political correctness. Anyhow, kiddy fonts is not what you would use in a rape and torture facility.4d. SUITS: 'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rapeWhy did the rapist wear suits and masks? Were the suits pressed and tailored? Did they have matching ties? Was it super 100 wool bought at the last sale at Suit Supply or Jos A. Bank?4e. SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS: Prison is a controlled space, the prison security would/should guard against potential rescuers or insurgent accomplices posing as 1 or all 3 of the rapists. If it was operating as a brothel, they would want to make sure that despite the brutality, the women are not too damaged as they are some form of revenue stream. Lastly, the evil guards would likely retain the videos if only to maintain leverage over the victims and secure against their public disclosure. By having camera, the guards can also ransom videos to get more $$$ out of their victims. Either way, there would be cameras there.4f. SHOWERS:So at 0:51 of the video, the BBC reporter asserts that Tursunay Ziawudun “shared a dorm with 13 other women, with a bucket for toilet”. But then Gulzira Auerlkhan states at 3:06 that her job was to shower the women after the rape (click below). I dunno about you, if the women had to share a toilet with 13 others, I assume the paying brothel patrons would rather they shower before, rather than after.From the material above, the allegation that the women were showered afterwards and that there was no surveillance cameras were inserted by BBC to stipulate that there are no genetic or video evidence to either substantiate or counter the allegations. They really didn’t care much about synching up the details, assuming (correctly) that the emotional narrative would carry the validity for most. NICE!Either way, the whole narrative was conjured up by amateur's that never ran a prison and perhaps a business. They were certainly not acquainted with finer details of interrogation and intelligence collection.Reid technique - WikipediaThe Reid technique is a method of interrogation . The system was developed in the United States by John E. Reid in the 1940s–50s. Reid was a psychologist, polygraph expert and former Chicago police officer. The technique is known for creating a high pressure environment for the interviewee, followed by sympathy and offers of understanding and help, but only if a confession is forthcoming. Since its spread in the 1960s, it has been a mainstay of police procedure, especially in the United States. Proponents of the Reid technique say it is useful in extracting information from otherwise unwilling suspects. Critics say the technique results in an unacceptably high rate of false confessions , especially from juveniles and the mentally impaired. Criticism has also been leveled in the opposite case - that against strong-willed interviewees, the technique causes them to stop talking and give no information whatsoever, rather than elicit lies that can be checked against for the guilty or exonerating details for the innocent. [1] Background [ edit ] In 1955 in Lincoln, Nebraska , Reid helped gain a confession from a suspect, Darrel Parker, in his wife's murder. This case established Reid's reputation and popularized his technique. [ citation needed ] Parker recanted his confession the next day, but it was admitted to evidence at his trial. He was convicted by a jury and sentenced to life in prison. He was later determined to be innocent, after another man confessed and was found to have been the perpetrator. Parker sued the state for wrongful conviction ; it paid him $500,000 in compensation. [2] In spite of Parker's false confession, Reid co-authored a text explaining his interrogation techniques. [3] Reid died in 1982 [ citation needed ] but his company, John E. Reid and Associates, continued: [4] as of 2013, it was led by president Joseph Buckley, who had been hired by Reid. By that year, the company had "trained more interrogators than any other company in the world", [2] and Reid's technique had been adopted by law enforcement agencies of many different types, with it being especially influential in North America. [5] The company established "the Reid technique" as a registered trademark in 2014. [6] Process [ edit ] The Reid technique consists of a three-phase process beginning with fact analysis, followed by the behavior analysis interview (a non-accusatory interview designed to develop investigative and behavioral information), followed when appropriate by the Reid nine steps of interrogation. According to process guidelines, individuals should be interrogated only when the information developed from the interview and investigation indicate that the subject is involved in the commission of the crime. In the Reid technique, interrogation is an accusatory process, in which the investigator tells the suspect that the results of the investigation clearly indicate that they did commit the crime in question. The interrogation is in the form of a mon 5. Data ManagementImagine if you have millions detainees who are constantly generating potentially corroborating evidence necessary to take down a whole network. Would you use names or some sort of numbers which can be easier to pivot and machine readable for use as a primary key?A primary key is essentially the lynch pin that connects all other tables and queries within a database. Since all activities and records will come in all sorts of formats (data, videos, surveillance pics, officer testimonies and accounts….) there has to be a central key that relates to them all. Making them searchable, sortable, and allow multiple intel reports to be correlated. Names, by contrasts are often unreliable, especially in developing regions where subjects are more or less illiterate, phonetic spelling may vary and or birth records spotty/missing.Notice the first columns is just arbitrarily assigned contiguous integers, instead of their detainee ID or Chinese ID number. You don't assign arbitrary file case numbers, because you can do custom sorting and conditional filter using their primary key (ID card number), this way, the enduser can quickly find the high risk color coded inmate without reading the entries and attributes.Whoever did this had limited database experience. Also, once you dive down a few pages you see that data validation was not thorough and starts forget to properly entering the data in the correct column, as wells random applications of ALT+Enter, all of which are beginner mistakes when using a very limited data set. I would imagine anyone running a million+ dossier database would use automated sorting of data and not displaying this this type of problems.No, if I had to create a fact data set for this purpose, I would've:Used a randomizer to create a list of Chinese ID number, accounting for their check sum (most ID system has a simple check sum scheme to ensure the strings are valid, such as you credit card number) and the fact that odd ending numbers are male and evens are female.Create an artificial social network based on these fake ID numbersOnly then would I start filling in the falsified individual characteristic, attributes and artifacts.Doing it my way would at least pass the initial sniff test or if I plot it in Palantir analyst notebook.Here is what Palantir Analyst Notebook looks like. It is used to correlate data and often in a counter-intelligence function. This is mapping can then be used with TMSI and IMSI to generate real time location of targets/assets.We can clearly see the faker using fake names as the basis of the worksheet, reversing the data creation order, because that is how the uninitiated would handle this fabrication.Ultimately, if you use numbers instead of names as primary key and basic framework, it would not be as salient to the average Joe, who does not understand relationship databases or data modeling.Also note how the numbers seem sequential or duplicates (indicative of manual entry and human error). If you were rounding up prisoners from all over the place, simultaneously, the odds that your neighbor and you have sequential numbers are low, unless there are sequencing schemes in the progression, which I did not observe.For example:三子:阿卜杜瓦 xxxx,维吾尔族,身份证号码:653222201306 ,幼儿园学生,现实表现好。四子:阿卜杜萨 xxxx,维吾尔族,身份证号码:653222201306 ,幼儿园学生,。Why are the ID numbers so close together. I know they are from the same locality and family, but kids born years apart should not be sequential, as other births would likely consume the available progression.Also, if they were over-quota births, would the family hide the kids and not have valid ID to begin with? Unless, the kids were found and given immediate sequence ID number.妹妹:依提拜尔· 653222198612 喀尔赛乡喀尔栋村农民,现实表现良好;妹夫:苏力塔呢· 653222198405 喀尔赛乡喀尔栋村农 民,现实表现良好;Why are the ID numbers so close together?妻子:热比罕· ,653222197405 ,玉华社区 ,在辖区;长子:阿卜杜 ,653222199206 ,疆内外出务工二子:阿卜杜 ,653222199605 ,疆内外出务工,三子:阿卜杜 ,653222200805 ,四小学生,四子:穆合 ,653222201309 ,学龄前在家,长女:热伊 ,653222199807 ,和田技师学院学生,二女:热依汉 ,653222199807 ,三中学生,长儿媳:祖合热· ,653222199507 ,疆内外出务工,Also , I would use more descriptive and specific wording than just “表现一般” or “现实表现一般”, for the end user what I need to see is compliance and in this case, such as number of time they prayed per day or attended worship at mosque. Ideally, I would lean away from verbal descriptions but go directly to numeric values, as no one has time to really read through those descriptive accounts. I would however use a link to the original intel report or dossier.As a metric, I would also like to see their progression on Mandarin proficiency. If they improved their vocabulary from 幼儿园学生 to 四小学生, then the curriculum is clearly getting through to them and or they are doing their homework.Conclusion: Whoever created this excel sheet had not thorough plotted the necessary controls and metrics it needs to capture/maintain in order to facilitate government control. I really don’t see this as a component of a large multi-million personnel management system.What it really looks like is someone who is trying to cram everything into a single Excel Worksheet to make it believable to the average joe. What professionals would do instead is use a single cheatsheet with all the relevant data represented by colors and numbers, with all the reporting accessible in a database, as to not compromise means and methods, while providing the man on the ground with as much immediately relevant data on the person in front of him/her as possible at a glance. But the pro cheatsheet would be unintelligible to the NY Times reader.PART 6. Prison Intelligence1–3 million is a lot of people. If you have them locked up, you will need your own agents to infiltrate the detainee hierarchy within the prisons. Just in case they are planning an escape or riot.Top Insurgents Escaped Prison Days After Iraq Took Over (Published 2010)Members of a violent insurgent group were among a group that broke out of a maximum security prison, raising questions about the functionality of Iraq’s security system. say you need 1 agent per 10k prisoners, that means you’re gonna need 1–300 agents for 1–3 million detainees. These agent will also need to get at least superficially tortured and raped just to gain credibility within the prison population. Its hard enough to get your own guys to stay in prison, its gonna be impossibly hard at the hiring interview when you tell them they will have to get tortured and raped, just a bit to get street creds.PAT 7. Photographic EvidenceHere are the alleged campsMapping China’s Xinjiang Internment Camps for Uyghur and Kazakh Muslims | Al BawabaChina's internment camps for the ethnic minorities in Xinjiang are being found via satellite photos. is Camp Cropper:You can tell a lot about a building by the way it is constructed. A a bird’s eye level a compound is reminiscent of a living organism, facilitating all the daily function and needs of its occupants.When you compare the alleged camps and a camp where “enhanced interrogation” were conducted, such as Camp Cropper in Baghdad, what is missing? The inter compound fencing and catwalks, and a robust ENTRY CONTROL POINT (ECP)If you have anything more than 50–100 people per block, then the aggregate security situation would be untenable if any cell decides to “FUCK IT, Inshalallah MoFo!”.Inshallah - WikipediaIf you don’t have cell segregation, then an uprising in a single prison block will quickly spread to the whole camp. Before long, you can no longer use FN 303 (pepper ball launcher) and have to Switch to FN 240 (Medium Machinegun), just so you (as the prison authority) don’t get overrun and hacked to pieces.Because you need to have a non-lethal Quick Reaction Force ready at a moment’s notice to quell those 1–300 detainees. That reaction force need to be at least 1:1 in number, and ideally 3:1 in ratio to the rioters, since non-lethal means that there are limited force multipliers (dude with a stick can only beat another dude with another stick)So you need around a battalion worth of troops on standby at all times to handle 1–300 dudes. These guys are not on the towers or mowing the grass, they are on rotational standby to be ready to be at the gates within 10 minutes or less, so they cannot be dispersed throughout the compound doing other things.You know what else is missing? An ECP, or entry control point. Ideally a prison would have a SINGLE entry point where all entrants and relases are vetted and processed. In practice, most prisons has 2 entry points, one for officer and staff and another for prisoners, visitor and supplies which need to be searched, vetted or X-rayed.What you see in the pics are giant walled compound with roundabouts, at least 4 entry points, facilities bisected by 2–4 lane paved roads. Who would build prisons like this? Are you facilitating escape or have your officers delay their shift replacement or emergency reinforcement by a local traffic accident?So, if those are indeed Uyghur facilities, then it is likely that they are not held against their will, as the structure more replicate a campus than a prison.Also, if there are advantageous overhead imagery to substantiate these stories, someone would have “leaked” it from NRO long long ago.The fact that we can’t even come up with tire tracks sort of BS imagery that Secretary Powell presented at the UN as evidence of Iraqi WMD is alarming. Where are the bus and truck deliveries overhead pics? Oh, so an entire prison population and their security staff have adjusted for low earth orbit scheduling, able to put all the prisoners indoors as the birds fly overhead?PART 8. PROPAGANDA and INDOCTRINATIONPlus, to sustain these policies, you would need to have extensive propaganda to push the superiority of Han race, to dehumanize Uyghurs. Otherwise, you risk creating insiders within the security apparatus, aiding and abetting Uyghurs. Abu Ghraib prison scandal was brought out by images prior to the proliferation of smart phones. If the stories were real, you would have both publicly air propaganda and whistle blower pictures. Prison guards are humans too, they have families and sympathies. Some will be like Amon Goth from Schindler’s List, others would turn Schindler.Also, why are there no insiders? Prison guards are not well paid. Slip them enough $$$ and you can get all the footages and photos you need. Those idiots at Abu Ghraib did it happily for FREE, I’m sure a couple bricks of cash can ease the any hesitation.Some guards will be Amon Göth:Some will be Schindler:To assume that every one of those 600k Chinese prison guards are Amon Goth clones and none of them are capable of being Schindler is borderline racist (to assume a population equal or exceed all US Army active duty population currently at 479,785 are incapable of empathy and humanity).There are 25 million inhabitants in Xinjiang, you are telling me that NONE of them are capable of helping the Uyghurs and becoming a Chinese Harriet Tubman? What about the 1.4 billion Chinese? Are they all incapable of sympathy and humanity? Must be too busy dining on bats and dogs to care about the genocide of 1–3 million fellow humans. Hmmm…. I wonder why there’s been a dramatic rise in anti-Asian racism and violence.Here is an example of what we should see on Chinese TV, but don’t.Sure, China has control on social media, but US and partner intelligence assets and tailored access cyber implants are not fucking around either………PART 9. Lastly, where are the refugee camps.So far, you’ve got only about a handful of account, all of which can be fabricated, and none of whom are cross examined. People don’t just sit around to be imprisoned and tortured, they would escape, resulting in refugee camps in neighboring states.Too boring? Check out this video and tell me if 1/3 of the people are missing from the streets and tea houses. How sustainable are those businesses and vendors if 1/3 of their patrons are gone?CONCLUSIONOverall, we need to focus not on the emotional argument but on the tangible logistics and artifacts, because stories are cheap to script, but busing, salaries, database management costs real money and are not easy to fabricate.Lastly, I want to point out that liberally incarcerating people are an easy way pissing them the fuck off. So given that Chinese government has shown tremendous strategic insight, patience and sustained comprehensive policy synergy, why would they embark on a policy that would only generate more extremists in the years to come?So, none of allegations stands up basic analysis. Uyghur genocide story is 100% FAKE.What I can perhaps accept is a small 30–50,000 personnel training program, where they were voluntarily assigned for some kind of training. Why voluntary? Because a detention facility is designed for the worst outcome and scenarios. Imagine if a riot happened in one or a few of these compounds, and the Quick Reaction Force (QRF) was unable to contain due to lack of segmentation or their barracks was cut off from the cells by a 4 lane road, the architect, warden and guard commander is going to miss a promotion or two.I would also assume that some of these alleged compounds are actually data centers, with fencing, significant HVAC/Cooling pods, and limited parking spaces. Below are some data center designs.Do me a favor, let's crowd source this and copy and paste this answer to every question related to this genocide/concentration camp bullshit, anywhere on social media.

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