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How can I improve my PTE score to 79+?

A story of my IELTS and PTE nightmare:P.S. If you are short of time and impatient, then go directly to PTE 5 section to read the tips with explanation or even more impatient then go directly to “Summary" section.I took IELTS for the first time and my results were sufficient (min 6) for applying to master’s degree in Australia:IELTS 1: L7.5 R7.5 W6 S7 Overall: 7 Date: Jan 2014I took IELTS again for migration purposes, while I was still studying in Australia and I had to score minimum 8 from all sections:IELTS 2: L8 R8.5 W6.5 S8 Overall: 8 Date: July 2016Apparently, my English level had improved since I moved to Australia but improving my writing score by 1.5 would be hard. I decided to practice on my writing with a tutor to know where I fail. My friend recommended me a really good instructor (who was actually an IELTS examiner). She was giving 7.5–8 points to my essays. She also admitted that IELTS writing assessment is very competitive; when say 20 examiners in training are given the same essay for assessment, some of them give 6 points while others 8. Our writing result is 50% writing skills, 50% how examiner feels that day. This is ugly truth! Anyways, I took IELTS again after practising with a tutor:IELTS 3: L8 R9 W6.5 S8 Overall: 8 Date: October 2016I was very angry after receiving these results, because there was no room for improving my essay and even if I did it, I would score probably 7 but not 8. As I didn’t have any chance for 8 in IELTS and no hope that someone honest will review my essay, I decided to take PTE.PTE story: After my graduation, I was back home for vacation before starting my job in Australia and I thought it was a good timing for taking PTE, so I booked it in my home country. To be honest, I got sick and I couldn’t concentrate on exam preparation. I just looked through the official website of PTE to see how questions looked like and did a scored practice test two days before exam without practising enough or learning methods. Here are my Scored Practice test A scores: L58 R56 W71 S65 Overall: 63 Date: Jan 2017. After receiving these results I was shocked and thought that I should not had invested in this exam, because I scored even less than IELTS 7. This demotivated me and I even did not practice. Only the night before my exam I looked for some tips in internet and came through the videos of E2learning. I watched only some of the free videos and next day in the morning I took PTE for the first time:PTE 1: L74 R79 W77 S82 Overall: 78 Date: Jan 2017I didn’t believe that it was true and I though if I practice and learn methods then I will be able to improve my Listening and Writing. P.S. As PTE was not popular in my hometown I was the only tester in the room, so there was no distraction. Then I was back to Australia and I booked exam. If you are in Australia then you have to be quick in booking your exam because PTE enters in Australia are very busy. In January I could book my exam only for March. This time I watched all the free videos of E2language (to be honest I didn’t want to pay for membership) and I have enough time to practice. Results:PTE 2 (In Australia): L75 R70 W83 S66 Overall: 74 Date: March 2017Even though I improved my writing, other sections worsened. The worst thing about exam in Australia was that there were 13-15 people in the room and it was hard to concentrate on. Almost all of them, especially the girl sitting next to me was reading and speaking very loudly. I could barely hear what I was listening to or what I was speaking about. It is not about speaking loudly, it is about fluency, pronunciation etc. Anyways, I was very angry, but there was nothing I could do. I decided to give sometime to myself and not think about taking exam or migration. I was not happy at my workplace and as I did not have PR it was hard to get a job. So i decided to to quit my job and go back home to concentrate on getting PR. I book exam in July. This time I bought E2learning silver package. I isolated myself from my family and friends, and practised a lot to score 79+. BTW, there were only two people in the room:I and another guy, who was not actually distracting me. Results:PTE 3: L73 R81 W72 S80 Overall: 77 Date: July 2017Of course, I was sad. The problem was that I didn’t know what to improve. I applied all E2 language methods and to be honest I didn’t know what I did different in writing section compared to the previous exam. My results were completely different in all exams. If my problem was only one section as in IELTS Writing, at leat I would know what to improve. But in PTE the results for different sections were deviating. I took some time off and travelled to Europe. In September, a friend of my mine, who is also from my country, took PTE in Australia and scored 90 in two sections and 77 in other two. He took for the second time and scored 79+ in all sections. Believe me, his English is much worse than mine, he also admits it :) This encouraged me to give a try for the 4th time :( He also gave me some tips that I will share with you in the results section PTE5 exam. As there was only one girl apart from me, I can’t complain about distraction. Results:PTE 4: L87 R73 W80 S73 Overall: 76 Date: October 2017For the first time I scored 79+ and significantly improved my Listening. I was not doing anything different than previous exams, I just did not spend too much time on MCQ questions and saved enough time for the last section “Write from dictation”. I was always missing the last questions of this section in previous exams and maybe it was the reason I was scoring low in Listening. In Speaking section I missed the first task of Describe image. There was a photo and I thought that it was retell lecture and I was waiting for the recording to play, however after 3 seconds it stopped and I realised that it was actually describe image. In writing section, I used some “good” words that my friend recommended me and it seems it helped me. Reading section of PTE was always difficult one for me. IELTS Reading is much easier to me, as you can go back to any question. Fill in the blanks section (where word are given for each blank) of reading was very difficult for me. I never encountered many of the words given as options and I was guessing many of the answers. As there are no specific methods for Reading, for me to score 79+ depended on my luck and chance :D After failing this exam too, I got some psychological problems (believe me or not). Until now, I always passed all exams and interviews (at school, bachelor, master, recruitment etc.) from the first attempt. I started feeling dumb, stupid and useless. It was not even about money I was wasting, but much more about self-confidence. I hated IELTS and PTE; the fact that these tests were playing with people’s lives and stealing their money was making me very angry. Anyways, I again gave up; Then I was back to Australia for some time, tried to get a job with my graduate visa, however I was not lucky. After 4.5 months I was back home again :D and this time I decided not to go back to Australia without getting my PR :D While being in Australia I couldn’t even focus on preparing for exam and I actually did not want to take it there because the exam room is always full of 15 people and very noisy. I was back home and decided to take PTE again and if I fail I would take it again, again and again until I ran out of money.The fact that I scored 79+ in all sections but in different exams was an encouraging thing for me. I knew that I had capacity to pass it (unlike scoring 8 in IELTS writing). I knew that PTE was not English assessment test, rather psychological one. I took it for the 5th time and results are:PTE 5: L90 R84 W84 S90 Overall: 90 Date: May 2018I DID IT! The room was full this time (5 people), first I was afraid that they will distract me, however they were not speaking very loudly. What did I do differently from previous exams? -Actually, not too much. Once again I reminded myself that, my results are evaluated by algorithm. It might be artificially intelligent but it cannot feel the context the way humans do. As usual, I applied the methods of E2learning in all my exams, including the 5th one. The thing I did differently compared to previous exams:I tried not to use complex sentences in speaking (Describe image and retell lecture) and I focused on my fluency. Also, I was not stressing myself to tell correct things about graphs or lecture. The best tip for speaking section, as its name says “SPEAKING”. Just think of it this way: if you do not speak, what the computer/algorithm will assess? Of course, it is important to talk about the topic in retell lecture, otherwise everyone would memorise any text and talk. I realised that it is easier for computer/PTE algorithm to assess the fluency of your speech rather than its content. It still can assess the content, but not as well as it assesses your fluency. After my exam I thought that I did bad in re-tell lecture section because I couldn’t re-tell the core idea of the lecture. There was a lecture say about motorbike, I knew that it was about motorbike, but I failed in getting the key words. What did I do? I said that the “speaker was talking about motorbikes”; Was she?- Yes! And when computer/PTE algorithm assesses your recording against the original record, I assume that it just tries to find similar words/synonyms in both recording. What I am trying to say, if in retell lecture task you don’t get the main or whole idea of the recording (but hopefully you know at least that it is about globalisation, politics or whatever) it is not a big deal. Just try to improvise and talk fluently. I assume that your fluency affects the final results of speaking a lot. If you do umm…hmmm and stop talking because you didn’t grasp the main idea of the lecture, at least make it up and talk; this will give you high fluency score. My speaking was 90. Does it mean that I did not make any mistake or miss any word of repeat sentence section? NO! I missed many word of some “repeat sentence” tasks.Only in this exam, I clicked on next after finishing tasks. For example, in Read aloud or similar sections after finishing reading/speaking, please click on next. I do not know it affected my results or not, but I read from posts of other test takers that it affects your fluency. “Silent seconds”after finishing our speaking or reading could be taken by computer as you are not fluent/you think a lot while you talk etc. So, just click on next and do not wait until recording stops!In MCQ (choose multiple answer) sections of listening and reading, I chose only those options that I was sure about. Say, if you are convinced that A is correct, then choose A but do not temp to choose another option. It is better to score 1 than scoring nothing. In previous exams I always choosing at least two options, sometimes one that I was sure about and the second one that I guessed. DO NOT DO THAT! Just look at my Listening score which is 90. Did I answer all questions correctly? No! While I had to choose at least two options I chose one that I was sure and scored 90 out of 90. Does it mean that this exam is weird? Yes, it does :D But we shouldn’t care about it :DReading: I think this time reading section was a bit easier compared to previous. Probably, I was lucky. But I still did some things different to previous exams. As I mentioned before, in MCQ multiple options task I chose only one option in those questions where I was not sure about other options. I did not spend too much time on one task, as I was doing before. Another tip for reading section is that you should put more effort on getting “Re-order paragraph” section right compared to others. Not because it gives higher marks (to be honest, I do not know which sections give more points to overall reading section, but I guess they should be the same) but the reason is that if you usually do not get one of the sentences in the right place/order it means that you loose mark for that sentence and for some other sentences as well. Say in MCQ if you choose A instead of B, you will not get any marks for that task. But in reorder paragraphs if you miss the order of one sentence it kinda messes all the task. Say, the correct order is: 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E. If you submit 1B 2A 3C 4D 5E, then you will miss a chance of getting points for 1 and 2. It is still up to your judgement, but I would recommend spending enough time on this task to make sure that you did it right.Writing. In previous exams I was always getting 2 SWT and 1 essay. This time, I got 3 SWT and one essay. SWT: I was doing this section much better when I was practising at home compared to the way I did at exam or maybe I was actually good (or my Essay was very good that SWT could not affect me a lot, I dunno). I remember writing sentences of 40-45 words (but it is recommended 30-35 sentences as you can make more mistakes in long sentences) and I tried to use due to, which, who, although, despite, as well as to add more ideas. Essay: I think in writing section vocabulary is very important both for essay and SWT. In essay written discourse is second important factor. I came to this conclusion by carefully analysing my results of communicative and enabling skills (even though I think that enabling skill scores are weird, because when communicative skills results of my friend were higher than mine, but his enabling skill scores were much lower than my enabling scores). Look at the results of these exams:PTE1: Writing 77 Vocabulary 69 Written discourse 81PTE2: Writing 83 Vocabulary 72 Written discourse 55PTE3: Writing 72 Vocabulary 68 Written discourse 90PTE4: Writing 80 Vocabulary 73 Written discourse 63 (I used “good” vocabulary recommended by my friend)PTE5: Writing 84 Vocabulary 90 Written discourse 90 (I used “good” vocabulary recommended by my friend)Of course, there are other things that affect writing which are grammar, spelling and other sections that affect vocabulary or maybe written discourse as well, such as speaking. However, I think that firstly Vocabulary and secondly Written discourse are very important for writing. If you look carefully at my results, you will see that in those exams when my vocabulary was high despite written discourse being 55 or 63 I scored high in writing. So try to use a “good” vocabulary in some of your sentences. However, do not push yourself to add them to every sentence, if so, then you will not be able to focus on grammar, spelling and context. We all know that we should use right collocations, the words and collocations related to the topic, but let’s accept that during those 20 minutes we focus on too many things and those words do not come to our minds. What my friend recommended me the words like “indictment”, “impediment”, “ameliorate”. These words can be “intentionally” used in many topics. It is hard to explain it, that is why I will give an example:Full essay: It is an undeniable fact that computers have become an indispensable part of our lives. Although some critics argue that technologies have made us lazy and unproductive, the benefits of technologies cannot be denied. This essay will discuss the ways in which computers have advantaged our lives.Computers have benefited people’s lives by saving them too much free time to spend on extracurricular activities. People can easily avoid doing repetitive work by relying on computers’ artificial intelligence. From my own experience as an accountant, for instance, computers have facilitated our daily lives. Now, most of complex functions are automatically calculated by smart devices ameliorating the problem of clerical errors, increasing productivity at work and earning us some quality time.Computers have contributed to our knowledge in such a way that their lack is considered to be a terrible indictment of education system. They advantage students by giving them an access to a range of sources that are not available in their universities. For example, while doing my research on international accounting standards, I could read various academic papers written by students of top universities abroad. This privilege that computers brought to students makes them smarter.This essay discussed two ways in which computers privileged modern society. In my opinion, computers are essential in making people smarter and happier.P.S I always use this essay structure. Here are some more examples from my other essays:On the other hand, longevity will cause various global issues, including overpopulation. The increasing number of world population will result in food shortage and accommodation problems. In addition to that, governments of poor countries will fail to provide high-quality healthcare. Consequently, people will suffer from hunger and diseases, which is a terrible indictment of society. (you can usually add these “good” words using “which”. e.g., …, which is a terrible indictment, which could be an impediment to smh..)On the one hand, living for a long time will have positive effects on individuals’ lives. The normal lifespan has been a serious impediment to happy lives due to the numerous things people want to do in their lives. (In real life speech, the meaning of the sentence would be easily understood without using a word “impediment”, however PTE is not a real life and I “intentionally” used this “good” word)You can see that I kinda “forced” myself to use the word “indictment”. IELTS examiners do not like this and they actually do not give you high score for using “good” words if they feel that it was kinda “forced”. But as I mentioned before, computers struggle in feeling these nuances.Another thing that I did differently in my last exam was using a sentence “According to the research conducted by the professors of ??? University, blah blah….” This was recommended to me by E2Learning tutor, he told that if you are in a situation where you lack ideas and say, cannot think of any good reason claiming than smoking is actually good for our health (we all know that it is not) then just lie and the above sentence is the best tool to do it. I did it, it helped me a lot :) As in speaking section, there should be something fro the computer to assess, that is why write, write and write. Unlike in speaking section, we should be more cautious about the sentence structures and vocabulary. I was not very satisfied with the essay that I submitted in my last exam, I think there was a room for improvement, however PTE does not expect from you to write a perfect essay in 20 minutes, it is not a university assignment. It just needs to see that you can construct sentences that are grammatically correct, when needed you can construct complex sentences, you have a decent vocabulary about general topics (environment, economics, politics, daily life etc.) and of course you can write an essay which is coherent and cohesive.Summary:If your target is 79+ in all sections but you do not score higher than 60-65, then you should first work on improving your English. If you are close to 79 and even score 79+ in some sections but always fail at least one section, then you learn right methods and practice.You should have methods for all tasks. I would recommend to use E2language methods. They have a lot of free videos if you do not want to buy a membership.In Read aloud, repeat sentence, answer short question tasks of Speaking section, as soon as you finish speaking, reading or answering click on next. Recorded silence is bad for your fluency score.The point 2 is applicable for describe image and retell lecture if you cannot talk anymore, but it is recommended that you use the time (40 seconds) to maximum in these sections. JUST TALK!In describe image, do not afraid of saying wrong information. Computer does not care about it. Do not try to construct complex sentences in this section, as it will confuse you and affect your fluency. Do not force yourself to say correct numbers, years. JUST speak. If you say something incorrectly, do not correct yourself.In retell lecture try to take notes while concentrating on the context of the lecture. But if you fail to get the main idea of the lecture, then when you start speaking mention at least the topic of the lecture, not to score zero for content and then just improvise looking at your notes. I understand that 10 seconds for preparation is very short, but we cannot change it. That is why we should just speak, so computer/algorithm has something to assess.In repeat sentence if you fail to memorize many words of the sentence as in recording, but you still got the idea what he/she told then try to say a sentence that contains words. Because in this section you are scored not only on content and pronunciation, but also on you fluency. This tip will help you to keep your fluency score high even if you miss many words of the sentence (content).Remember!!! In speaking section fluency is highly important. So SPEAK, SPEAK AND SPEAK!Summarize Written Text (SWT): If you are confident in using long, complex sentences containing 4-45 words then do it. If not then limit yourself to 30-35 words. This is a word length recommended by E2 tutors. Use which, that, when, where, as well as, and, despite, although etc. to add points and make your sentence complex. Try to use the synonyms rather than borrowing words from the text. First start from writing simple sentence and then add points. In case if you run out of time, you have at least a simple correct sentence to submit. Leave some time to check for errors, grammar, spelling, punctuation, capital letter and full stop. Practice this task until you get confident in it.Essay: practice the predetermined essay structure and stick to that. Write about the topic, but do not stress yourself on bringing up perfect ideas. The focus should be on your vocabulary, coherence and cohesion (which is written discourse), correct grammar and sometimes using complex sentences. Not all of your sentences should be complex, however you should show that you can do it with at least two complex sentences. Try to “intentionally” use “good” words, example “indictment”, “alleviate”, “impediment”, “eradicate”, “mitigating factors/conditions” etc. These words, collocations can be intentionally used in many topics. I explained how to do it above. You can lie writing that “According to the research conducted by professors of ABC (add any uni) University, blah blah blah…”. Leave some time for reviewing your essay.Reading do not spend too much time on one task. Make sure you have enough time for re-order paragraph. In this task failing the order of one paragraph will mess up the order of other paragraphs as well. However, in other questions say MCQ if you fail to choose a right option, you just fail getting that mark not others.In MCQ multiple answer, choose only options that you are sure about. If you are sure about A, but you guess B also could be an option, please choose only A. Scoring 1 is better than scoring zero, as there is a negative marking for this task.However In other reading questions never leave questions unanswered, at least guess one.Listening. Make sure you leave enough time for the last section, which is Write from dictation. This task is not that difficult, however many people fail to do it well due to a lack of time. It is easier than repeat sentence, even though they look similar. Because you have time to think what you are writing. If you have short memory problem (as I do) , then first type the words partly and then correct them. For example, sometimes I memorise the sentence but by the time I type it and reach the end of the word I forget some of the articles, adjectives etc. Because I focus on correct spelling as well. For example, you memorised the sentence as it is and when you start typing you first type: “the dev in the inf tec has great changed the way ppl work and imp their pro” . Then you complete the sentence “ The development in the information technology has greatly changed the way people work and improved their productivity”. This tip is for those who have “short memory” problem and of course if you have enough time left to do this. Another tip for this task, to guess articles. Sometimes when we focus on key words, we miss to memorise articles (whether it was a, the, or even there was one). After typing just check the sentence and use your logic and knowledge of English to guess.If you took test for many times, as I did I would recommend you to analyse your results and compare them. Think what you did differently in your last exam when you scored higher say, in writing section.I hope these tips will help you. Good Luck!

As a teacher, what is the weirdest thing a student said while presenting?

I was a teacher for 50 years. I am now 75 and retired.I taught everything from preschool through being an instructor at the University of Oregon, USA.I taught English and public speaking. I was teaching a public speaking class at Tigard, Oregon, not far from Portland, Oregon.It was a pleasant spring week (much like today). The son was shining; the students were restless; everyone wanted to go outside. The principal saidDo not take the students outside. People drive by the school and think you are just goofing off. We have a school budget election coming up. We must make a good impression. If you have a good reason to take your class outside, I will have to personally approve it!Cheryl was a very quiet, polite young lady. If I had polled my class aboutWho is the least likely young lady to cheat at anything, Cheryl would probably have come in among the top five.During the class, the first speech everyone gave was a self introduction. As Cheryl was so quiet everyone else was eager to learn about her. Cheryl said:My parents and I live on a sheep farm. I take the sheep out to pasture every day, watch for wolves and coyotes, steer the sheep away from poisonous plants such as foxglove, and then with my sheepdog, herd them home at night.Cheryl made a very good impression.Later in the school year, where everyone was going crazy to go outside, Cheryl told me, I would like to go outside for my demonstration class.[Every student at that point in the curriculum was supposed to demonstrate a skill. Almost all the students could demonstrate their skill inside, no matter how much they whined and moaned. However, Cheryl made a good case for going outside.]I am a member of Future Farmers of America. I am practicing for a presentation about sheep shearing I will make at the Washington County Fair. I should explain I am not talking about Washington D.C. but a county in the USA state of Oregon. [,_Oregon ]I said to Cheryl, That sounds fine to me, but you will have to go talk to Dar Shin, and get his personal approval.We made an appointment with the principal (that was his real name). Cheryl and I went into his office. She explained about the sheep shearing. She presented Dar with a wool rug that she had made from weaving wool from one of her sheep. Dar was very impressed. He kept bees and her presented Cheryl with a jar of honey. He realized that it would not be a good idea to bring a sheep into a classroom where it was like to leave sheep shit all over the nice clean floor.On the day of the presentation, I told the class:I know you are gong crazy to go outside. As you know, Cheryl is a sheep shepherd and she is going to demonstrate how to shear a sheep to compete at the country fair. She went to Mr. Shin and convinced him it would not be a good idea for a sheep to poop all over our classroom. So everyone give Cheryl a big round of applause!By this point, everyone in the class loved Cheryl. Cheryl’s father had already driven the very very wooly sheep to school in the pack of his pickup truck and parked out on the grass behind the school.The students lined up very politely. Cheryl led the sheep down a ramp from the back of the pickup, where it gave a very timid baa and then stood there looking very sheepish.The sheep was mostly white with a little bit of black.It looked something like this.Cheryl pulled out an electric razor, which she had already plugged into an extension cord running outside from the school.She explained this was a New Zealand breed, mostly white, with bits of black.When I demonstrate at the county fair, Dolly [name of the sheep] will be evaluated against a standard of what this sheep should look like.She sheared some wool. The sheep stood very still and obedient. The students, immensely grateful to be outside for even a few minutes, stood very still and obedient.Then Cheryl shocked everyone. She said,This sheep is not quite black enough to win a prize.She pulled out a small container of lamp blacklike this, and rubbed it on the white part of the sheep where it was not quite black enough to win a prize. She then pulled a wet rag out of pack and rubbed the lamp black off so her hands were as clean as could be.There was a huge gasp of horror from all the students in the class. Keep in mind these were all high school students, most of whom cheated in every way imaginable, whether it was on tests, with boy friends and girl friends, and so on.Keep in mind that Cheryl would have been voted the least likely to cheat by all of her classmates:CHERYL! THAT IS CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!Cheryl turned her innocent baby blue eyes on everyone in the class. Smiling sweetly she saidAll’s fair in love and war!Anyway, how will anyone know? She affectionately rubbed the sheep’s head.Dolly, will never tell on me! Will you Dolly?Dolly obediently saidA fer unindicted co-conspirators shoved their way into this video.

What are important skills to have for sales?

To help you out to be even more successful in any area of your life, here are 10 sales skills which can improve your daily life.1. Be a good listenerContrary to popular opinion people with good sales skills listen very carefully. They know that we have two ears and only one mouth, so that there is a good reason to listen more than talk.When listening, be an active listener, be interested in what people have to say. When you propose an idea at your job or in your family, listen carefully what objectives people around you have. Only then, you will be able to find the right answers for them and be successful in promoting your idea.2. Find a way to connectSuccessful salespeople are masters in connecting with other people.The next time you talk to a person observe the way he or she talks. If the person speaks slowly, you should slow down your speech, too. Why? Because similarities connect people.Find out what the person likes, what hobbies they have. Does the person have a dog? If you have a dog, too then there is plenty to talk about and the connection just gets stronger.3. Think of giving value firstIf you want to empower your life with good sales skills don’t think of selling. Think of giving value first and the money or success will be a by-product. We all like people who bring value to our lives and dislike people who just want to sell.Be resourceful, make suggestions for improving the workflow at your office or your business, try to find ways to improve other people’s lives and you will become successful.4. Be passionateSales people or business owners who are passionate about their products or what they do don’t even think that much about their sales skills. They simply do it because they think it is right. When shareholders tried to press on Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO for greater profits, he simply replied:”I don’t even care about ROI (Return On Investment). We, here at Apple do it in the way we do simply because we think it is right and good!”Find your passion, find what you like to do, (think of what you would do even if you are not paid for it) and your passion will drive you through every obstacle on the way to your success.5. Picture your end resultSuccessful salespeople always see their customers being fully satisfied with the service they offer. They see how grateful people are after buying their products. They see the end results even before they start selling. They always have these images in their minds.Make a habit to picture the end result for everything you want in your life. Even when you don’t have the slightest idea how you are going to make it, visualize your end result. Picture yourself driving your new car, sipping a nice, tasty coffee on a balcony of your new apartment or signing a new contract in your office as a successful business owner. Having the image of your desired thing always in your mind will help you to find ways you can’t see right now.6. Don’t take it personallyOne of the hardest sales skills to learn is how to deal with rejections. Jean Paul DeJoria, the co-founder of Jean Mitchel Systems and founder of Patron Tequila said:“When 100 doors are slammed in your face, go to the door number 101 and be just as enthusiastic as you were at the beginning.”How to do that? Just don’t take a rejection personally and go on. If some people say “no” to your idea or proposal, they are maybe just not prepared for it, right now. But don’t allow this to doubt in yourself. Believe in yourself and find people who will support your ideas.You have to remember that successful people do things unsuccessful people try to avoid in any possible way.7. Find out what people really needEven if you have exceptional sales skills, you would have hard times selling a bottle of water someone in the nice Alpine village. But offer this same bottle of water to a thirsty group of tourists lost in the middle of a Sahara desert, you really shouldn’t have any struggle.Take time and find out what people need in your town or anywhere in the world (thanks to the Internet you can offer your solutions just anywhere). For example, if you are a yoga teacher, there are many people who have backache problems because they sit for long hours so try to think of how to offer your service in their offices, when they have a break. There are many people who want to learn marketing skills and you might already have these skills. So look around for the needs first and then figure out ways for solutions.8. Keep eye contactKeeping eye contact is one of those tiny, small but very important sales skills which show a prospect you really care about him or her. Successful people know that avoiding eye contact is a sign of insecurity or unappreciation.The next time you speak with your boss or your customer look calmly in their eyes (just don’t stare at them like you are in trance) because with natural eye contact, even when you don’t talk you are silently telling: “I listen to you and I care for you.”9. Do the best follow upOne of the most efficient sales skills for bringing referrals in is a great follow-up. How good would you feel if you enroll in a fitness program and the next day a fitness instructor calls you asking how you feel after your first workout day? People who do great follow-ups know they can win customers for life.So, if you want to be successful make sure you take great care for people around you. If you helped someone at your office with a problem a week ago, ask him how he is doing now, what his progress is. If you own a business, pick up the phone today and ask your customers how they are doing with your product.10. People buy you firstEven if you master all the selling skills in this planet if you don’t have a good, caring personality, nothing will really work. You have to remember that people buy you first and only then your products, which means that they have to trust and like you first.Work regularly on yourself, read motivational books every day, watch videos on YouTube which motivate you. In this way, you will become a strong personality which is the great foundation for your success.

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