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What is the difference between doing a Master of Science degree with and without a thesis in the US?

Guys I got this information in one post outside quora, hope this helps.Thesis Masters Program: -Thesis students will conduct a large research project, which will likely involve several semesters of work. These students must write a thesis, which is a large document that is likely to be published. You will work with a professor to complete your research. The thesis option is for students who wish to get a background in intense research, such as students who are going to pursue a PhD. or students who will be conducting research.There are certain points that I wish to highlight in Thesis option.It generally takes longer time (2+ years) to complete your Masters Degree.If you are interested in PhD, choosing a Thesis option would strengthen your profile for PhD.In terms of Job Search you can get it easily and you will mostly be involved in R&D.Non-Thesis Masters Program: -Non-thesis option is designed to be more flexible and is tailored for students who don’t necessarily need a great deal of research training. Non-Thesis involves classes that you need to attend and write an exam after completion of certain courses in your degree. It will have structured set of subjects that you can choose and write an exam to clear each subject. It also contains projects, but those are called mini-projects which you will encounter during your last semester. So students who are not interested in great deal of research and are interested in switching to professional career should take up Non-Thesis Masters Program.In Simple words Non-Thesis Masters program is similar to what most of the students might have done in Under-Graduation. Every semester had a certain set of subjects and by clearing the exam for each subject you complete that subject. This is Non-Thesis.There are certain points that I wish to highlight in Non-Thesis option.You can complete it in less than 2 years time.It will have a pre-defined syllabus.If you are not interested in research, go for Non-Thesis.You can finish your Masters within 2 years and start looking for jobs.

What will be the impact of the new education policy (NEP) 2020 on national level entrance tests like the NEET, JEE Main, JEE (Adv), GATE, etc.?

This NEP is created to cater the needs of India for atleast 30 yrs so it has to be little futuristic in terms of policies..So there is no net change in mode of admission but yes there will be a huge impact on these entrance exams:1.govt is planning to expand the seats in IITs and nits upto 50 percent of the current availability in 2025 for that this policy has said that govt is going to spend 6 percent of total gdp on education in upcoming budgets..HRD plans to increase seat capacity, number of IoEs as govt looks to stop brain drain2. Govt is going to give assistance to globally recognised universities to open their foreign campuses in India.3. Govt is going give focus on application based learning rather than text based learning and for that it is going to give flexible options to the students for the selection of any of the subjects of their own interest….board exams is going to have a very less impact on students life as assessment based learning is favoured by govt..4. Now a nation wide exams of all stream is conducted by a unilateral body ie NTA is going to include all ug seats of the country..5. Now the engineering degree have a good value as govt has announced that engineering college can provide a student a degree as per students wish..A. One year degree.B. Two year degree( diploma).C. Three year btech degree..D. 4th year is going to be dedicated fully on research (four year btech degree )and after that student can pursue a direct full time research means PhDE. Masters degree is going to have a very less significance in upcoming years..F. MERU (multidisciplinary education and research university) is going to be established at par with IITs so that student who will adopt flexible subjects can get into higher and reputed colleges with unique exams.. conducted by NTA body…the aim of this to develop skills in student and bring overall development in students..G. A College drop out can now pursue his haulted course by depositing its credit to ABC ( acedmic bank of credit) a kind of bank who is going to give students credits after passing every internal based assessment …H. All the universities whether it is state or central are equally treated and the syllabus is going to be taught to everyone.EDIT1I. A National research fund will be establish to fund the research projects in India so that India could be a innovation giant in the global community..J. Students can select vocational subjects from class 6 and these vocational subjects are treated equal like the other mainstream subjects and carry equal weightage..K. An ai based technology is used to provide the report cards to every students.. which includes remarks of teacher and even his friends..L. A simple motive of the NEP is to focus on critical thinking and flexibility as well as creating an asset in the students in intial days by vocational and co curricular subjects so that students can open new dimension of job creation…EDIT2M. There gonna be only one governing body to government universities in higher education..unlike aicte,ugc etc these days.N. There will be a establishment of national assessment centre (PARAKH) to asses all students on their talent in any of the field so that a student can excell in that particular field..O. Local languages will be the medium of instruction in schools at least upto 5th class to reduce the emphasis on English and to preserve the indian native language..Thanks a lot this much i have deduced from the NEP and still reading it so you can expect some edits in my answers📃New Education Policy 2020 Highlights: Key takeaways of NEP to make India a ‘global knowledge superpower’Plzz go to above link to get a summary..doing hard work for you all so plzz atleast upvote and plzz 🙏🙏follow on quora.📝Edit3. Thank you so much to love this and share your support , we have crossed 200 upvotes ….cheers🍸to the better content..

What are the advantages of joining as an assistant professor under NPIU?

Greetings!As of now, 3 months have passed since all the faculties joined the respective institutes. I am currently working in Govt Engg College, Ajmer and I think nobody can give the perfect answer for this question since this is subjective from person to person,although I can give a rough answer on this question.Now directly dropping to the point of advantages. See, till date there two broad categories of faculties which were teaching in these institutes i.e., either Permanent Faculties or Guest Faculties which were engaged for a short period of time (per year or semester). The shortage of permanent faculties led to a huge imbalance in the SFR - Student Faculty Ratio. Under this engagement made by NPIU and various state institutions, the major concern has been of fulfilling the target os TEQIP III which can be read in detail on their website.March of 2018 is on verge of ending, as of now, what advantages and disadvantages I felt after working here are as follows -DISCLAIMER — the views are purely personal and do not want to blame or bad mouth any organization or institute or any governmental body.One of the most important aspect while making a choice from both employer side and employee side is the pay grade. In this case, NPIU, MHRD made a good decision of making a contract at a handsome pay of Rs. 70,000. Personally, this was one of the attractions for me too. Earlier I was working as a Guest Faculty where I got much lower salaries and that too without any particular benefits like leaves, TA DA etc (and all the benefits enjoyed by Permanent faculties). So, to sum up first major attraction was the salary amount which attracted the best of talents from major institutes like IITs, IISc, NITs etc.Another important aspect has been getting selected by NPIU which is an arm of MHRD. The process had roughly 13000–15000+ applicants, all of them having a master’s degree from a reputed institute along with most of them being GATE qualified and that too with good ranks. So, the recognition that the faculties got was really good and will surely be helpful in future for any other recruitment after the contract gets over.Most of the faculties who got engaged were either freshers (Master’s program), PhD enrolled researchers or already working as faculties in various private and govt institutions as guest faculties. The opportunities were limited during that period and now since TEQIP and state institutions are providing complete benefits and assistance to all the faculties just as the faculties (regular) in respective institutes, the opportunities have increased many folds. TEQIP is providing assistance in the form of chance to learn new things by attending workshops, seminars, attending/presenting papers in international conferences. Also, there are multiple possibilities opened to do research oriented work which includes concepts of Mentor institutions, Twin Institutions, Research Collaborations, Research Projects from various bodies. An individual engaged under NPIU can make full use of such aspects.Another benefit is in comparison to Guest Faculties, The project engagement never had the objectives or intentions to replace the guest faculties by the NPIU faculties. There were many myths and rumors circulating among all the faculties in the concerned states. Now, since NPIU has strictly mentioned that all of the NPIU faculties are at the same level as a freshly recruited Assistant Professor, all such rumours have come to an end for now. Although, still there is a good amount of uncertainty and other rumors on future of all the guest faculties as of now. To summarize, as of now NPIU faculties are in better shape then Guest Faculties since 3 year tenure is fixed but the main thing of concern is that even the NPIU faculties are on a contract and the hardships, rumors which the present guest faculties are facing shall be faced in a similar or different fashion by the NPIU faculties in coming future as the Govt hasn’t cleared anything about future of engaged faculties. As of now, it’s purely on contractual basis.Now talking about the disadvantagesPay scale is good and in a advantageous position but there is a high uncertainty regarding the future of all NPIU faculties. As the pay scale became a major attraction by candidates in the beginning, the same pay scale turned out to be against the selected ones. I would like to convey again that all the experiences are based upon either my personal experiences or experiences of my colleagues. The reason I stated that the pay scale turned against them was because in most of these institutes, guest faculties were handling the classes mostly and the permanent faculties used to be on a much superior positions when compared in all aspects, be it the permanent job or the pay grade. But with this tag of 70,000 some of the permanent faculties got uncomfortable since theses NPIU faculties were places as equivalent to them in benefits, research prospects and also the pay grade, this became a matter of concern for some. There have been news of many permanent faculties using present guest faculties to track each and every action of NPIU faculties of that department but personally speaking, I haven’t faced any issues as of such. The guest faculties have been very supportive in understanding the syllabus, helping with course work, understanding the administrative systems about the college. I am thankful to them for their cooperation. To sum it up, I would like to convey that in the end we all are humans and generally our nature is that we don’t appreciated sudden changes in the systems we are living currently. But in the end, gradually new normal comes up and things get stable with time, so is the case in this matter too. The above mentioned points were a major problem in the beginning but as of now things have turned stable.Another disadvantage is for the faculties who haven’t enrolled in PhD programs or have to leave the PhD coursework in between due to recruitment. As of now, there hasn't been a word on educational leave for PhD research work by NPIU. So even if someone is thinking to enroll for PhD as of now and ask for education leave, It will be a very difficult scenario for both the administration and faculties since the entire project engagement period is 3 years and asking a 6 month or a year’s leave in it will be really tough.Another disadvantage which we might be facing in coming days will be with respect to vacation holidays, as told by sources, NPIU faculties won’t be getting summer vacations and instead they shall be attending college for no reason as of now. Although, the interested ones can try going for research in other institutes like IITs or NITs. The point of concern is when the NPIU faculties are said to be getting benefits equivalent to freshly recruited Assistant Professor, why do he/she needs to attend the college during vacation? Why isn’t he entitled to vacations as the permanent faculties are.To end my long answer, the changes what I have been observing and the response which we all faculties are getting from students has been really good. There was a big deficiency of faculties earlier due to which the education system and students were suffering. As of now, all the classes are being held seriously by well qualified faculties, student’s get there doubts cleared personally, overall there is a good feedback from students.For a faculty who really wants to teach and share knowledge and do some research work, it has been a great platform for which I would like thank Hon’ble Prime Minister sir and as well as the whole team of MHRD and NPIU for giving us the opportunity.6 months update:1. Opportunity to the faculties of TEQIP Institutes (Contract as well as Regular) to pursue Ph.D. at various NITs across India. This will be helpful mainly for those who haven’t enrolled for PhD anywhere else. Still, there is no surety of what will happen to all faculties post completion of TEQIP III, there have been many many rumors. In all sense, I do not wish to write them here nor do I wish to highlight because in the end all of them are “RUMORS”. Overall, this opportunity of joining a PhD program completely sponsored by TEQIP III is a good opportunity even if the contract is completed, We will be in a better academic position than as of now. Personally, I have applied for PhD program at MNIT Jaipur, the Dept of Civil Engineering, MNIT conducted it in two rounds, 1st a written exam (it consisted of all major subjects, objective pattern and a hell of a paper for me personally). 2nd round consisted of a Interview with around 8–9 Senior faculties. I have cleared the written, waiting for the results of the interview round. fingers crossed.2. What we thought of smoothing out of relationship between Regular faculties and Contractual NPIU faculties over the time hasn’t shown much of the progress. Sad state overall. At some institutes, even basic amenities like a cabin, table, chair hasn’t been provided. Most of the regular ones have made a gradual habit of loading up their entire work to the contractual faculties. (Karma answers once and for all at times.) Disclaimer:- the information provided in point number 2 of the 6 month update is solely on the rumors and info available from various faculties all over the country and has nothing to do with my current institute!3. The news from the Edu Minister of Rajasthan regarding absorbing 1/3rd of faculties every year from contractual to regular hasn’t seen much light since then.Feel free to ask any queries, Most probably I’l be providing a 12 month update after this one.Thanks for reading!

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