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A Guide of Editing Apartment Rental Application King S Landing Apartments on Mac

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A Guide of Editing Apartment Rental Application King S Landing Apartments on G Suite

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PDF Editor FAQ

Can a lawsuit, judgment, and attorney fees incurred by a spouse be enforced as a lien against a home that is solely owned by the non-debtor spouse?

Any illegal thing can be done. In my divorce case my husband paid the judge and my illegally appointed guardian ad litem, Virginia Fraser Able filed illegal documents with the clerk and recorder regarding our home in 1043 Cathedral Rock in Sedalia Colorado. For whatever reason she purposely made the documents visibly fake. I doubt that any title company would insure his title.Attorneys regularly steal titles for their off-shore subsidiaries. They try to hide behind confusing circumstances such as foreclosure and divorces - but they aren’t too particular. The FBI took one of them to court after 5 years of crimes. That was the last time they responded.The judge merely has to convince you that she’s following the law. But she also makes the law as she likes. If you go to appeals, the chief judge and justices have already been paid off.My husband, Harlan Leigh Stein, married me, it is my personal conviction, for the express purpose of murdering me for my estate. He may be related to a large family of judges and attorneys and works closely with our local Kapo Fixer, Rabbi Deborah Bronstein of Har Hashem in Boulder, CO. She was going to make sure the police don’t sniff around my corpse, if it occurred to them.Thankfully, my husband was sexually involved with Kapo Fixer, Rabbi Deborah Bronstein of Har Hashem in Boulder, CO throughout our marriage and possibly several decades earlier. She kept breaking us apart - so I doubt that he shared his plans with her.When it came time for me to say that I’m married to the man of my dreams and died in an accident or by suicide it didn’t really work that way. It was so out of context when, over the course of one split second, he became my dream husband complete with every detail and embellishment. I realized my life was in danger and the Christian community bore witness for me.My husband gave up on murder and went for plan two. We are in our 7th year of divorce. He refuses to divorce me while his family is trying to bully me out of the county. Its a long ordeal, but you can skip to any section. I’ve sent this to thousands and when we get the new City Council I’ll send thousands more. He can still kill me and get away with it - but everyone will know.Please Help me Get Back Into my Home!I've been bullied out of my home. I need your help to move back in! My upstairs neighbor, Dan Schubert, is related through marriage to multiple judges and attorney firms. He invaded my home and bullied me out. The City Council has a financial interest (stealing from you) and won't enforce code. I'm asking everyone to call the City Manager asking for code enforcement on 3460 Colorado Ave. B9, acting as my witness.How it ExpiredThe Wimbledon II Condominiums in Boulder, CO own a huge piece of land directly across from the Biofrontiers CU Campus. Judge Martinez, Malkinson and others have purchased 8-9 units out of 26 for a development. The City Council started peddling a new bridge near our homes.I'm unable to sell, as I'm in my 7th year of divorce. They are trying to force me to sell. In the spring of 2014, my upstairs neighbor, Dan Schubert, made alteration to our building as in the authorized engineering plans. He removed the underlayment and insulation. He gained direct access into my unit. Air flows freely between units.Sound Transmission Between Units, Thermal Transmission Between Units and Air/Odor Transmission Between Units are some the building codes that would force the Schuberts to hire an architect or an engineer to bring the building back to current code.The Schuberts have psoriasis. They exude gasses incessantly. The smell is beyond my literary capacity. I've breathed their toxic sulfurs and ammonia excretions for five years now. I can't heat my unit as hot air flows upstairs. For the first three years the Schuberts have heated up my unit to a steady and stenchy 48 degrees.Emilia Schubert, living upstairs, only leavest her unit for a few hours on high holidays dedicating 24/7 to bullying. She stomps at all hours of the day and night. She hurles furniture around. She dislocated my ceiling lights and the blower wheel on my bathroom fan. She would crouch above me to pass airs, following me around the house, vandalizing my front patio, etc.The Boulder City Building Code Enforcement Team has no written registration of complaints and no disclosure to residents as to the methods of correction.3 Builders tell me that City Inspectors take bribes. Moving buildings? Bad Eifes work? Leaky windows? Perhaps your City Inspector got wealthy.I first contacted City Inspector Jon Bergling from the City In October of 2016. He played phone-tag for three weeks. Then I mentioned that I spoke to Jen from Rental Licensing. He did call back, and did conduct "an inspection." He told me that flooring is mere cosmetics - there are no building codes for flooring. Sorry, can't help. He then created a fraudulent record of the complaint by asking the Schuberts to install a bigger furnace and lay out a single layer of carpets to keep the unit at 62 degrees, as per rental licensing requirements. He claims my complaint was resolved in January of 2017.City CouncilI spoke before the Council. They flatly ignored me.That evening they were busy with an untenable application by developer. Morzel ended up disclosing that the developer is a campaign donor. The next year the council passed a law forcing residents to pay for developers' private infrastructure expenses, compensating for insufficient infrastructure. Parking lot expenses have been discussed. Additionally, the City Council embezzles the Federal funding for affordable units, misrepresenting the number of residential units built. At the time I didn't realize it was my upstairs neighbor's relatives who were pushing an ordinance for more condensed buildings and a development at my own building - enticing the Council to ignore my plea.Meghan Pfanstiel, a BARHA advocate, said she'd speak to the Council on my behalf, postponing this campaign until January of 2018.A Second AttemptIn October 2017 an architect friend advised me that Jon Bergling was defrauding me. Boulder follows relevant international building codes. I returned.Jen Ross flagrantly refuses to enforce. She says Sound Transmission Between Units refers to loud parties, call the police.I met with a supervisor, LaDonna Eubanks. She suggested I make an open records request for my authorized engineering plans. The Pd&s Records Department searched records based on the wrong year (not based on development name) and stated that they found no building plans.Before I could get a response, I received an email from the Assistant to the City Attorney. She made illegal and out-of-jurisdiction threats to prosecute me for "harassment." I knew this was Deprivation of Civil Rights Under Color of Authority. However, I am familiar with this Cease and Desist Scam.Cease and Desist Court ScamsThe Cease and Desist Scam bypasses the checks and balances of the executive branch. I'm not an attorney and you won't find legal advice here. Here's how it works:When I first contacted Dan Schubert, back in 2015, requesting that he fix the Building Code Violations, he sent me a warning email, ordering me to cease and desist from harassing him by email.Now, it is the law that one must warn a party before commencing on a civil law suit. Additionally, anyone can electronically filter any email they receive. There are no Colorado Statutes regarding "email harassment." There is no such thing. But a motivated DA can wrestle police deputies into issuing a police ticket. Should they officer refuse, them and their sheriff could both be illegally incarcerated.The police ticket I received listed no charges. But it mentioned a court date. At court the DA offered me a plea deal. I felt that I could get repeatedly charged and perhaps end up a felon. I declined.Judge Moore warned me that she'd be looking at a maximum sentence of six months incarceration. I had no choice but to ask for a jury trial. I knew that at trials judges prevent innocent parties from being heard and can maneuver a jury any way they want.It was at this point that the judge listed the "charges" on the Register of Record of my file. Anyone can get free copies of their Register of Action to follow up on their case. To my astonishment, the "charges" had nothing to do with "email harassment." Instead, I was charged with a standard list of fraudulent misdemeanor charges matching lies and false rumors made up and propagated by the perpetrator. Previously, the Har Hashem Synagogue fired two teachers who had gotten pregnant and the same false rumors and charges were employed.Judge Moore carefully crafted the charges to appear like a mistake: innocent enough to mislead a person into believing they can clear it up with a little effort; serious enough to warrant spending money on an attorney.An attorney would immediately plead guilty to all charges. I would have no way of communicating with the judge, since only an Attorney of Record can impress the Register of Action. My attorney would enjoy three months of expensive litigation. Regardless of whether they get paid out of private or public funds, their fees include the financial incentives Judge Moore would be looking for. Dan Schubert's attorney would contribute as well.Being familiar with the courts, I had already filed several Position Statements with my case. I established myself as a forever-pro-se party; I established a not-guilty pleading; I asked the judge not to introduce other legal entities into my case who would then double up as my attorneys without my knowledge, etc. Judge Moore made several false entries into the Register of Action indicating "an Appearance" but without details for any particular attorney who would be "representing" me.I now filed a Motion to Stay Case for an Appeal. I mentioned that I was in a position to file a Motion for a Mistrial Investigation. I knew enough not to waste money on a filing fee with the Appeals Courts. They are in cahoots and the appeals get denied illegally and without an explanation unless funding comes through attorney fees. Judge Moore failed to notice that no real appeal had been filed. She responded the way judges at the lower court level typically respond to appeal notices: she "scheduled" a hearing with her.If, after filing a Motion for an Appeal, one engages with the lower court in any way, that moots their appeal. Judge Moore jotted the "order" for a hearing on my own pleading - she didn't enter it into the Register of Action. I didn't show up for my "hearing." She was in a position to issue an illegal arrest warrant for failure to show. If a clerk signs it, typically the judge's own clerk, the police usually follow through.Instead of an arrest warrant I got a letter from the DA indicating that my case had been dropped in the "interest of justice." From jail it is incredibly hard to file anything. Indigent inmates get pencil tips and two pieces of paper twice a month. But this was enough to deter Judge Moore and the DA. Dan Schubert's attorney knows me from my divorce. I had made Judge Angela Arkin retire in admission to a bribe scheme in the Triple Paid Guardian Ad Litem Court Scam. The judge is retire and not everyone is paid off, so I'm still married 6 years later....The HOAAttorneys offer a 10% kickback to HOA managers who start litigation. Following a five year Sunshine Report conducted by attorneys, the Colorado Capitol proceeded to "regulate" HOA managers. The newly regulated managers, however, are still allowed to charge the Association undisclosed fees, such as kickbacks from vendors, insurance claims, attorneys, etc.I was a member and an ambassador at the Community Association Institute for years. I followed the Sunshine Report and naively awaited the new HOA manager regulations. I remained on the Board of Directors to keep my hand on the Association's financial pulse until the new legislation passes.I let the Directors and President Dan Schubert know that there are openings for embezzlement. I urged them to take to self-management. I argued that a licensed HOA manager, a disinterested third party, would have an interest in increasing our expenses for kickbacks. They would entice the Board of Directors with offers of embezzlement. Typically, Board Member don't pay their HOA fees, the HOA pays for their private utility bills, private gardening and renovation projects, etc. Gail Black, who was on the Boulder City Water Board, once presented an $8,000 receipt for tree trimming that she got from the City. The HOA manager reimbursed the money out of HOA funds. Some of the stolen funds are recouped through insurance fraud.Dan Schubert and the Board objected to self-management. Shortly after, they lied about the use of $500. Two insurance claims were suddenly secretly filed that were previously voted against. Someone repeatedly tackled with the electric board, indicating that we were possibly paying electric bills for the board.Our buildings lie on an elevation. During the flood of 2013 the extremities sank, creating strucural fractures and altering the grading of landscape. Mold will have to be addressed by 2020. The membership supports fraudulent practices.I let the Board and Management know that the building had been altered and that I'm unable to heat up my house. I was ignored.A couple of years later Sentry Management encased our mailboxes where there was previously a beautifully designed open space. Initially the Postal Workers couldn't access the boxes. CPM came back twice more to dismantle what they built. Finally, we could get our mail again.More significantly, Sentry Management installed bright round-the-clock lights above the mailboxes. A new light, a new sprinkler, a new sump-pump - these are all signs that an Association may be paying a new utility bill for its Board. I asked Sentry Management to audit our finances. I mentioned that the Department of Regulative Agencies (staffed with attorneys) is supposed to impose a $1,000 fine if a manager refuses to disclose paperwork. Sentry Management flatly refused. Managers have free access to legal and illegal advice from an Association's attorney. They can typically also enjoy free lunches and other perks from attorney firms. All it takes is a judge who wants to cash in to make Sentry Management above the law. Self-regulation means that attorneys don't have to represent anyone's interest and judges don't have to enforce the law.Bullied out of my HomeIn the fall of 2016 Emilia Schubert had McKenna Renea Hodges come visit and bless her with butockly endowments in regular intervals. She used air fresheners liberally and discovered that they bothered me.I'm unable to process such chemicals due to spinal misalignment. My tail bone is tilted from the deniable domestic assault of 10/11/13 by my husband, Harlan Leigh Stein. He offers bribes through the same Kapo that these judges use. The tailbone drags the lymph system around, so these poisons don't get processed properly.Emilia started spraying around the clock. From my two windows, the entire parking lot was fragrant 24/7. She added cockroach spays and toilet duck. On colder days Emilia would park outside my window and have her car run for an hour or two.At first I developed a cough. Then I would convulse and throw up upon entering the unit. Then followed weeks of nausea. Then I experienced all symptoms of asthma. I have lost more than 40 pounds and my face is swollen due to allergies.I moved in with friends and family in October 2017. I removed my personal effects into storage to avoid looters and the Schuberts.An Insurance ClaimI used to flash my pipes with hot water on colder nights. With me gone, as predicted, my pipes froze. I let Sentry Management know before even one drop of water spilled. Although our water bill and pipes are shared, Sentry Management illegally refused to send a plumber.They maliciously let the water flow for at least 72 hours to ensure mold before calling the police break into the home. They had my phone number.Two more units were affected by water damage and CPM generated a handsome bill from a restoration company. Next they tried to subrogate damages against my insurance, but I had timely opted out of insurance. Two insurance companies sent me "subrogation bills" on which they can't collect. Multiple attorney firms want me to settle out of court, while admitting that they have no intention of going to court. These subrogation scams are common. In my other HOA, the Twin Lakes Condominiums, Greg Mollenkopf of Mollenkopf Property Management did the same by refusing to replace expired fire sprinkler heads and creating emergencies which he claims expand into other units.Stalking and IntimidationStalking started June of 2018. In December 2018 Dan Schubert broke into my home, only to discover I had moved valuables into storage. 98 attorneys and their children stalk me 24/7, spraying. At some point I was unable to obtain food for 4 days because I would be sprayed in all stores as well as public and private properties. As of Sept. 2019, my stalkers seem to populate 8 or 9 units in our buildings. They drive Flatiron Subaru cars.Kelly Livingston followed me to work at King Soopers. She stood as I cashiered and sprayed all day. I had to leave my job, knowing I won't be able to find another one without being sprayed out.In 2018 Gov. Hickenlooper signed a bill stating that police personnel can engage in any criminal behaviors without losing their jobs. That made it easier on the Kapo. On 4/11/19 Officer Terry Hunter gave me two mutually contradicting tickets. Both contradict the body-cam footage. Kelly Livingston and McKenna Renea Hodges filed for a protection order against me. Judge Zachary Ilia Malkinson broke every law in the book. I named him an Apellee in an appeal and asked for a Mistrial Investigation.In 2015 Judge Angela Arkin had to retire to avoid imprisonment for bribes. But with the new deregulation of the police force I'm not sure if it is possible again. Judge Zachary Ilia Malkinson put me in jail without a warrant for 4 days and then for 4 months. The Livingstones would bring sprays in, and the deputies would spray every half hour. The only record of me being arrested is my ER visits - as there is no arrest warrant or intake. Judge Zachary Ilia Malkinson still tries to get money out of me to give to Officer Terry Hunter, but I have a 7 year familiarity with the court system so he hasn't been successful so far.Deputy Bain does the illegal warrantless arrests. For his fees he is allowed to rob - the homeless and others. I can't carry valuables around as he has stolen diamond rings, cash and an Iphone from me in the past.The body cam footage proves Sound Transmission Between Units and proves the Jon Bergling fabricates records. My radio playing downstairs is audible from the Schubert Unit B9, but hardly out of my open window downstairs.How Litigation WorksYour state’s Introduction to Rules of Professional Conduct, available from your local Supreme Court Law Library. They’ll send you a copy by email for a fee. Your attorney is unregulated and doesn’t have to represent your interests. They are bound by no Rules.Your state’s Rules of Civil Procedure 15.4, available from your local Supreme Court Law Library. Your attorney is empowered to waive away all of your civil rights and legal entitlements without your consent or knowledge. No laws or Rules of Evidence apply.Your judge can “moot” a criminal investigation by admitting to the bribes and retiring. No criminal prosecution.While I was in jail attorneys from the Martinez law firm kept coming and trying to get "hired" by me to represent me. They don't need a contract or even consent.... However, pro-se litigation is my procedural constitutional right and I've been able to uphold it....Please vote NO to Judge Zachary Ilia Malkinson in 2020.Please Call/write the City for me?

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