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What is there about women that drives you crazy?

*Just know that this is long and has quite a few rants and various tangents usually to explain my way of viewing things (eg. I say that I respect a terrorist more than a lazy person. You really can’t just lay that out there). So if you read it, let me know what you think about some points. I didn’t want to direct my ire towards females in here so most points have a major effect on work but they all are female dominated traits based on percentage. You will also find a somewhat simple breakdown of tennis strategy. There may be some almost unacceptable things, but that’s why I like personal opinion questions. You can really get a great insight into who a person is and a basic sense of what they are like in person. Read this and know that I never stop talking. If I am quiet, I may be dead or have left the area. Lol. Hope this is an okay read and that the points are somewhat agreeable.People may not want to touch this question in our metoo reality..come to think of it, that’s quite annoying. I mean I have true sympathy for someone who was truly targeted, hunted down, attacked or drugged and then raped (all steps need not apply to still be rape just so no one thinks I made up some impossible statute to meet). This may just sound terrible (and I truly apologize to anyone who has had this happen and it has caused issues in your mental health or life in general….I know it’s impossible to know what will mess with your mind) but drunk at a party and some has sex with you while you believe you were asleep, may have been but you would wake don’t go into a drug-induced coma from alcohol. I took 75 1 mg Klonopin once (twice if you count the Xanax overdose with 62–67 2 mg bars) and was in a coma for 7 and 11+ days respectively. I still woke up enough to know that I had some responses mechanism working. That level isn’t possible with alcohol if it did happen, the act would be necrophilia not rape because you would be dead. And I’m not a victim blamer, but….you know you weren’t exactly being a saint here. I mean every time, it is stated that they were too drunk to remember. I drink 10–30 bud lights most days and maybe .5–1 bottles of scotch or whiskey. I am 30 years old now, and the last time I remember falling asleep from drinking at all was a t a college party in December of 2008. I remember because they found me 8 hours later under my corvette guess I was cold and my pockets were too technical for me to operate at the time. That night I had I guess a half liter of moonshine that was poured into a full Tropicana container since people didn’t seem to like the bite of real stump whiskey, played 21 games of beer pong probably had 8–9 beers and 5–7 shots of crown royal, 3 larger than bar amount cups of the Balvenie 21 year which is the best liquor ever made, and finished that off with 1.5 maybe 2 500 mL bottles of cough syrup. One was just the hydrocodone and the other was the oxycodone version, believe it’s prescribed under Percocet at the 15 mg but I’m not sure. I think the last two would have been the bullet in my coffin mixed with the alcohol. I still had sense to hide under my car. I mean I take care of my hair and never wanted to lose it or my eyebrows. And still to this day, no penis has ever been drawn on my face. So maybe I’m a bit of an alcoholic, but I’ll get to fixing that when I’m done working on about 5 other more pressing addictions or bouts of anxiety or rapid-cycling moods or worst of all manic depression. So if half a pack of smirnoffs is too much or that Long Island was about 100 ml too much, I do blame you for drinking. I don’t smoke weed because it has the most terrible effects on me, but I snort and smoke meth and cocaine. I’ll end that justification. But you know you were awake even if it’s a bit blurry. I know what the DA tells you to say, but please always tell the truth even if you are at fault because the poor guy or girl who is being tried has little chance and no defense and do you know the ramifications of being convicted as a sex offender? So lying about this is quite a crappy thing to do because you have no more self-respect while you’re sober to be able to make reasonable decisions about yourself and your life. I would bet my life that most (over 60%) of the women who make these claims are in a major such as art-history, general studies, communications (with no idea what you can do with it..thanks for the $25–50k mom and dad. But I need another about $150k because I thought you had time to figure out your career path during school and I’ve been in general studies for 7 and no luck yet…) or general business with no plans after getting a degree that would be worthless for a fry-cook position at McDonalds. And yes, I am basically sowing those undergrad degrees because they are worthless without continued education or a family business. Art history, gen studies and comm are all basically for athletes so they can just not do work. This was way off topic, but it just is stating my belief at how intelligent these people are. Lower intelligence usually will keep you from admitting your own faults even when evidence is shoved in your face. So they let this lie get into court and then want to back out usually but won’t because the judge and da will get mad at them. Not sure why. They are salaries and I guarantee they didn’t do much work outside of talking to the people around or at the party who’s evidence usually isn’t even admissible but it does help determine a solid timeline for the probably crazy events the “victim” made up to validate their belief. You just know in the end, the “victim” said the common drunk phrase, let’s f**k or f**k me. I almost took home a very heavy set 50+ year old once and I guess the visual finally overcame the drunk points added, or the fact that I basically had to force my passenger side door closed on my corvette. I had someone tell me to f them in another common place that act is done after getting naked in my bed then vomiting on my comforter, satin sheets and the uncovered part of my tenpurpedic and grabbing at me to have sex with her. I made sure when that started, I filmed it on my phone and kept the video going and my audio recorder until I went to sleep in the living room on my couch. And guess what? She got pregnant that night. And tried to blame me. I went directly to the da’s office and played the tapes (she hadn’t said anything yet but I didn’t even want my name to come up) and didn’t leave until he signed away my culpability. I told him the other party she was at and about my roommate who was just in love with her. He moved out maybe 3–4 weeks after this so I have my suspicions. But she kept trying to blame me. I did make the most money, had a nice house and my corvettes and bmw. So I don’t have save any area for sorrow for people when they go past their means to the point of delirium. I mean I do he’s drugs and never forget everything even if I sometimes get my orders of events incorrect by maybe a day up to 2 weeks off. I don’t believe she ever pursued the charges even after she had an abortion because I got the da to play her the tapes and she wasn’t a dumb person, that got to her that she so vehemently accused me, her friend, of being a rapist going so far as to tell some of my friends that I had raped her. We never saw each other spoke again….I did text her to tell her I didn’t hold onto that and understood her response at the time. She stopped drinking and quit bouncing around with lower-level jobs and got back into college to finish her degree. I mean Duke Lacross, the player from USC who would have been a 1–2 round selection in the NFL finally making good on all his hard work only to lose it all and spend I believe 12 years in prison but inexplicably, the bitch finally recanted and said she made the whole thing up. I mean not one person on earth would blame him for literally beating her to death with his bear hands (this is literally the only exception to never hit a woman. Somebody should freaking hit her!!). But he is just going to live the rest of his life, he said he spent years thinking of revenge and contemplating how our country and justice system had failed him so horribly. But he finally realized that some things don’t go our way, and we will be defined by how we deal with and better these situations. He’s a motivational speaker now who makes a really good living and is a great person. But his life was ruined by a liar who should be sentenced the full-term he was given with no chance at all for parole. People say that would keep victims from coming forward. Well if you don’t know if you’re a victim or it’s a “so-so” type of situation, keep it in your empty skull and don’t ruin people’s lives due to your faults and a possibly drunken mistake (same as you by the other person). I know that there are scum who would target drunk girls and follow them waiting for the right time and place (but these criminals are the exception, not the rule. They are evil, depraved, mentally ill, have low belief or respect for themselves and have a weak constitution. True rapists do their evil acts because they feel or are impotent or they believe they are far down the social, economical or work hierarchy due to other people’s higher status due to friends or groups or cronyism or an outgoing personality. But in reality, true rapists are simply just very pitiful people with low intelligence and a god-complex directed at the worth to the world. That is dangerous because they just know they are the best at whatever their work or task is (believe they should be in Arkansas on the board of directors for Walmart when they are 27 and still pushing carts for the eighth straight year because they just frankly don’t do their tasks well but they know it’s due to the managers’ or shelf stockers’ luck or shady work practices. The Stanford swimmer was not this, he used a very similar reasoning as laid out here but still got the reward of registering for life as a sex offender. There are no other possible personality types for rapists (Sandusky….still dc after all those years? And a kid’s charity to boot….well nm). They are predators who will plan and execute their crimes with an incredibly high degree of detail and precise execution. This is their skill and are DaVinci in this particular aspect. So it further ticks me off that medically, we know these things as facts. Yet we still convict drunken he-said, she-said farces with very dangerous outcomes for the defendant (try being in a state or federal prison where killing sex offenders isn’t even something they have to be asked for. They do it as someone outside of those walls would pick up a $10 bill on the sidewalk. That is what you deal with for years and through the endured beatings and constant mental breakdown through fear and hearing how abhorrent you are every day.**Note, this next paragraph really was a strange rant and tangent, not exactly on-point with the topic. If you had free-time and don’t care for frats, it’s okay. If you support frats, just disregard since I do insinuate they have similar traits as a rapist (its true).Honestly, even if a frat boy was a bit too calloused and may have slightly crossed a line knowing she was a bit too drunk or had been asleep for a while (your member would have to be quite “average” or below to not even cause someone to wake up. I would stop after a few seconds and just begin to refelect on my ex’s lies With the fake moans and that was so good. You now know it was truly akin to a hotdog in a hallway but it’s not due to the parter getting around, it’s your problem.) I mean everyone agrees with this right? I mean it’s like a hitman getting a shot point blank and whiffing. He doesn’t keep firing, he gives up. I feel confident in saying that i doubt anyone could sleep through sex with me. Just saying if the person is still not responsive, you’re a frat guy (why do you think they pay $5–7k a year and let older losers treat you like crap just to feel like they’re important or validate their high-school based beliefs that they will always be in the “in-crowd.” I guess it does help getting that entry-level position at the treasure’s dad’s marketing firm. That’s good because you barely graduated and don’t know what marketing is yet. So with this part, frat guys would be much more apt to fall within the rapist personality type. I know many of them. Some were awesome people, one is one of my best friends. Most were just crappy, entitled nothings. Barely get by in some grocery store degree program (hey business grads….all 5800+ in my graduating year out of 7210 freshman who came in with my class. 47 graduated in Chemical Engineering with 3–6 graduating a year late due to one of a few failed classes. The chem e degree (also have a chemistry degree and math minor only need 3 classes for a math major) is known as one of the hardest undergrad degrees to obtain….I don’t act like an ass. My family had a decent amount of mo yea and bought me everything I needed and most of what I wanted. New 2006 vette graduating high school (a proposition agreed upon when I was 12 or 13 years old. I asked my mom if I was valedictorian and got college paid for, could I get a corvette. The rest is history.) $200 a week spending money and more if needed. I had a house during college because I didn’t want to stay in the dorms (poor me….see now that was pretty childish to turn down free housing). I am highly athletic and continued playing most sports and still do today (no football anymore and rugby is just too much on the body to go along with my 100 hour a week work week in the oilfield) only playing baseball when I can get to enough practices to feel like a teammate with the traveling teams but tennis, golf, and basketball will continue until my knees give out or another type of injury). Point is, I had what they tried to buy with their run down “mansions” on campus and the ability to attend your own parties and to tell the other worthless ilk that you can’t get in….happened once because Me and two friends were riding with a guy who could get in (brother fraternity) but obviously, we didn’t have the breast to butt ratio needed that night. We went around the side and broke out a window and went in. Didn’t get to stay long because I guess those pricks can sense your insecurity level and ours’ must have been a bit low or it could have been the low amount of “fags” or “bro” that we used in our conversations because no lie, 15–20 mins later, they had the big (and he was a big guy) and just unnecessarily mean and rude. But in all honesty, we did disobey what he said and broke a big window (they didn’t notice that….they would have kicked our asses….or the fact that my friend peed all over one guys books and clothes. Said he didn’t like him. Not my way of dealing with things, but to each his own), I hate breaking things that belong to other people because I know how hard you have to work for each dollar, but my god, they are just such a terrible form of social hierarchy. You literally pay to have friends. I just imagine each one looking for the place to get the inside-track for the manager position and how much it will cost. I mean the show Workaholics was made based on 90% of all frat guys work expectancy (just no strange promotions in the middle).So very much hate that part of women. That would probably fall under spite (some are just hateful and use this “power” to win against people who are physically superior and mentally superior in this case (not saying women aren’t equal to men mentally, just referring to the simpletons who would use this tactic) or poor understanding of culpability, reasoning or consequence. They’ve never been “wrong” and now something happened and they just know it must be someone else’s fault but will blame anyone to make them innocent as a lamb. I’ve gone on a bit here, I hope this shows my true hatred and disdain for this act. I would go as far as to say that I don’t care for the people or see them as human anymore that would bring a case to trial with a poor memory (it could get better if they weren’t told to make vague statement and leave out spaces of time….common law tactic to coach the morons that would mess everything up. They are most likely fed the story built up through witness statements and get to enter that in and don’t have to take the stand since their “blurry memory” would be a prejudicial point that could damage jury impartiality without even realizing. The DA gets almost a guaranteed win and these are hot button topics so they are the foundation of a resume in their profession. Don’t want a couple losses on freebie, drunk rape cases due to sympathy for the person who’s life will be forever ruined. And the judge gets to look sympathetic to the big hashtag movement and get points with the younger people and women and they need that for re-election. You want to see how dangerous the simple accusation is and how these unintelligent sheep who follow this crap really see nothing but their own ideals (blindy following stupid messages gets you a one-way ticket to a grape koolaid spiked with arsenic, dang Jim, you didn’t have guns for everybody? I mean you made your best friends shoot you and they had to drink the arsenic which is a terribly painful way to die at high doses but low doses can cause extreme brain damage and mid-high levels of damage to your gastrointestinal tract. Sorry..tangent again). My point, why couldn’t these followers have ended up in South Africa and stayed away from a great country which ubfortunately contains an incredibly high amount of people who are of average intelligence but believe they are “thinking” types. Learn from China and Japan, if you’re a low-level worker, you’re just not smart. You do your job and work towards death. You don’t go and try to push social changes forward especially ones that are not even slightly based in truth, only use the anger tactic when questioned because they know it’s a surface outgrage movement with a big empty center that keeps floating because there are thankfully, for them, enough idiots or people who need some type of validation which they can’t see in their own life (staying at home from your 20’s until retiring from nothing will do that to you. I feel crappy on my days off. I try to find work to do those days along with the chores. Get over it, once you raise your kid to maybe school age 5–7 yrs old, you are no longer a noble, stay at home mom or dad. You’re (hate to say this but it’s true since you contribute nothing to our country) essentially worthless at this point and your life has no meaning. You also lose intelligence and education daily since you’re only concern is what times and channels are the rights soaps on. Oh, and to make up how long things took so when the bread-winner gets back home and says they’re tired, you can make sure to let them know that your day wasn’t so easy either (hilarious!)This is working into my second most hated part. This sounds so mean, but just believe it is true. I know people who stay home and they are re great people and some I love very much. But you have to get out and contribute to get my respect. I respect all work even a poorly run lemonade stand by the child whose parents didn’t help with the table and ended up with an illegible sign and $3,567,879 cups of lemonade (that is a real-life example. Kid two streets over from my childhood home. Me and my mom and dad went and got some poster board and got him into a competitive price range because I liked his enthusiasm but didn’t like the 3,5 or 10 year projections. Saw a loss of paper costs and lemons (think he either reused the same glass or was using powered drink mix of sorts or a combination. We paid $3 for 3 glasses, but we just didn’t want to start “yelping” him. Terrible all around( and even worse parents who set their son up for failure. Kid is still living at home as a 22 year old with no job and two arrests which is slowly catching up to his loser parents one was in my grade and was just a lazy, non-caring piece of trash. I accept hard work and failure 100 times out of 100. I will never respect you again if you display laziness in your work or actions. I have had to move 5 engineers and 3 operators in the last 6 months because I am adamant that I will quit if they keep lazy people around me. They won’t fire them, but they had best move them because I started writing them up for everything possible. Obe person with 13 write ups and another with 8 in a week, they caught my drift. Just a pet peeve of mine, but if you ever meet me, know that I put you in the same group as far as humanity and your worth as a pedofile, rapist, thief, liar and mean/rude people. May not seem proportional, but just think about it and you will see the awful problems the non-criminals I listed are responsible for. I will work with a murderer, even a terrorist (they don’t terrorize me. May eventually kill me, but if they don’t, something else will. They are offering the opportunity of an actual consequence of terrifying. Don’t judge me on this. I just would respect and think more highly of a terrorist than I do a liar, lazy person, thief, or a “dick” or “bitch”. So sue me if I believe the awful casualties from 911 pale in comparison to the damage done by people like the ones I listed. I quit my job because my manager was being an ass to me when I was a few weeks removed from getting out of the mental home due to a break probably due somewhat to stress but mostly due to a 6–7 month long bout with manic (or clinical) depression culminating in a terrible and embarrassing day that would have been my last had the firing pin in my pistol not been damaged. Thank god I haven’t shot one of my pistols since 2004 or 5. The bullet would have been okay at that point in time. Still today, I would have been okay with me killing myself that day. Don’t say things are never that bad, you weren’t there and didn’t see me call the cops, the fbi, the state troopers and finally my security system company all of which I believed had been compromised or hacked by the Colombians who were there to kill me. **I did write up the whole ordeal to make it really hit home how much one person’s actions affected me at the time. But it was tough to read and re-live and no one could accept it as truth and believe they ever let me out! Lol.So to bring that together, the traits I really hate in people seem to be ones that many women possess. You want some type of respect for living, that’s been what has been proposed for many years. You already got to vote when basically no women worked so they couldn’t make informed decisions on who to vote for at the time not having any understanding of how the world worked and continued spinning. Not their fault, but it’s the truth. Obviously now, all people have the level of political knowledge they desire. I hate the right and process and choose not to vote. You can spend time to get informed, understand the possible outcomes of their proposed policies and you just spent time wasting your day(s). Truly informed voters make up a speck of our population. You get people like the Obama voters who out of 10 or 12 interviewed, all agreed with the policies (I believe it was jon Stewart) read off to them. They believed that was the right direction for our country and Obama would get them rolling….except none were Obama’s policies. They were all in direct conflict with his proposed policies. Only 1 or 2 said his policies, which were read first, would help the average citizen. Small sample, but the average voter is so poorly versed in politics that they don’t even know the general policy direction of each party. I didn’t hate Obama, he was just terrible at his job. I didn’t love Bush but really believed Clinton did well for the most part. I won’t lie, not a chance I would have turned down a Bj from Monica, she was really hot and….you got Hilldog waiting at home. Trump is the general type of president we need, but he needs to not always call people out (I reiterate, we need the hypocrites to be called out so we can watch them backtrack and finally just get mad, right Lebron? But his personal things are getting all of the focus and very little is understood about how much he has accomplished. Not a bad plan for your term, but we will never get another true American. Only politicians who are all born to liars and cheats and brought up displacing humanity and compassion with personal interests so they can sit in one of the houses and get kickbacks to vote on a few things the rest of their job is lying to keep constituents happy knowing they won’t check their bs. If they vehemently oppose a bill or topic but never really mention it again, they are voting for it. We’ve just reestablished the parliament of the country we fought to gain our independence from. Our governments only purpose anymore is to pass these small bills that usuallly dissolve or change to the point that nothing changes and really to be a babysitter to our citizens. If the government disappeared tomorrow….did you see New Orleans after Katrina? Well that just with Gucci stores and Bentley dealerships. They act as a scarecrow of sorts. They wouldn’t stop you from stealing or ransacking cities (national guard takes a while to deploy) just like the scarecrow doesn’t mess with the crows, but they don’t want to test it. Yes, our people are on a similar plane of understanding as a crow in this realm. So you got things you didn’t need or understand and it is some great win in history. It was an act of weak pandering to the “little guy” which feel in the time period where our country started becoming the disorganized wasteland that it is today. I mean everyone can identify as a new thing everyday. I’m God today and they can’t admit me for saying this anymore!! Yay. Now I’m just waiting on the Bipolar and schizophrenic people to get extradays off as needed and no excess work and just no stress. Basically just stay home and get paid but it’s hard for us to manage life and giving us that helping gigantic stairway well beyond what we need is exactly what will help. How dumb does that sound? When I can no longer work due to my disorder, I will be dead because I will never take disability (if you get it for anxiety or depression , you should spend any average week with me and you would pray to your god thanks for not giving you this for lying about your abilities due to the disorder you have. I have both also. And they are really bad. Most depression bouts are days, weeks or maybe up to 3 months where your serotonin levels fall far enough below your baseline levels. Mine has never lasted less than 6.5 months and has persisted for up to nearly 11 and my baseline serotonin would compare to yours like an Advil compares to Ketamine, Morphine, Dilauded and Heroine….all mixed together with a bump of ice later. I understand though. You’ve never been embarrassed to have anxiety or depression or ADD or ADHD. Why? They made super expensive and highly addictive medication that would effectively supress these disorders (who knew none would be very safe? Pharmaceutical grade meth with less of the methamphetamine isomer which is either the d or s because L is the decongestant. But they just stop the process prior to methylization which adds the “meth” or methyl group to the amphetamine isomer. The methyl group allows for a much freer flow of the dopamine and serotonin and and most is revived. Meth increases dopamine levels 1000 times your baseline levels (cocaine is around 500 times but I believe closer to 400. But it costs 60–100 a gram and meth runs 20–100 depenindg on city and who you know. Also, don’t let the lies scare you, cocaine and meth do the same things. You do not lose all of your teeth or look like the villain from the second punisher movie as far as damage to your skin (basically mickey rourke). I hate to sound like I’m advocating for its use or implying it’s not the worst decision you can make, but I base all concepts and beliefs on facts and solid research. I was so scared of it and said I would never try it. Someone accidentally gave me some meth in place of cocaine and nothing bad happened. Actually I felt better for a longer time and wasn’t as jittery and my nose didn’t bleed. It is all horrible and if you want my problems, I can’t stop you and wish you luck. I’m no advocate either way, just an addict who will be recovering until I die. I love doing it because my body needs it and recovery is hard (I’ve beeb using for 12 years). It does help my disorder, but does eventually hurt me. My advice is if you do start, be invaluable to your company and the best at your job. They will ignore your obvious signs of excessive drug use even make mention of it but can’t report it because they want to keep you. They tested people after smelling a faint odor or pot around their car. I did meth at work multiple times. I needed help and it kept going until my body couldn’t handle it anymore. Do you know how much $100–200 a day is in meth? I’ll tell you it’s about twenty or more times what will keep you high all day. I bought an ounce every week for two months and that lasted for a bit over three months. I always say my use is under control, but you are never in control and never will be. But you already get the same basic respect as everyone else,the air outside is free so live your life but don’t expect any type of respect or high regard for your lazy lifestyle choice. It is phrased the “pursuit” of happiness. Meaning we all have the chance to walk our own path(s) that make us happy. It doesn’t provide for you the actual happiness or any other reward. Just the understanding that the government won’t ductate those paths for us. You can be a great parent and work a regular job. I didn’t just give up when my life fell apart and I left my job, lost my house and just became a lost soul waiting for the end. I got my crap together moved from Midland, TX to Tampa, FL for a 3 month temp job as a project manager overseeing one detail of a project. I spent all of my money I still had basically and drove many hours and had to leave a lot of my possessions. Best possible happenstance because I saw the uselessness of my things and really now find happiness in my personal goals or actions. I value my learning, knowledge and intelligence above all else and always get excited about learning any new fact or getting something I thought was true corrected. Lazy people don’t have anything like this and really just don’t care. So get out in the workforce. Screw equal pay, I have never once looked at one of my checks. Halliburton could short me 50% each check, and I wouldn’t know or care. If someone asked me about pay or pay scales (maybe aside from average salary to see if taking the job is a prudent move) and I was hiring, your resume would go into the nearest trash can. And if you complained about “equal pay,” I would cut or move people or the business structure itself to get below the diversity level and would get back to you about the position with the message being that I don’t care about what you think pay should be. I will point out the largest hypocrisy of the female….I don’t know that still what I should say? Sorry trans and cross dressers and whatever else (sorry gays and lesbians, y’all are just standard people now. I know it feels awesome. And you get to hear the female partner nag every few months about how so and so is married with kids and she is wasting away. Oh, and the expensive freaking wedding with food for people I wouldn’t even know. A ring that should cost 30% of your yearly salary (sorry DeBeers, I see what you were doing. If I owned a burger place, I would suggest 3–6 burgers a day on weekdays with a 10 double patty minimum on weekends.) Not throwing any shade on any of these genders? Or lifestyles? You’re just a guy who got boobs and cut his member off. I’m cool with that. I do believe it has some roots in mental disorders, and mine causes high power, illegal stimulants to make me feel a little better for a short time. I also have paranoid delusions sometimes. I don’t judge. I’m just calling it as I see it. Lesbians need not worry about equal pay, the timber industry and lumber yards will weed you out if you can’t hack it. Sorry, not all lesbians are lumberjacks, and if that offends you, you need to take a place in the real world again. Gays are usually indistinguishable from anyone else (lesbians tend to pronounce masculine features towards a 50’s or 60’s football coach that was deemed “tough as some sort of hard object or material usually nails.” Just picture this and then look into this). I don’t know a ton of gay guys, but I do have 3 good friends who are gay and, who knew, they’re just normal guys who do guy things and aren’t great dressers, go to barbershops and have never had a limp wrist. The flamboyant gays that you can literally see from blocks away are a bit annoying to me. It’s cool, be who you are, I don’t want to stop you. But I don’t need to like you or your general mannerisms or personality. I think they try to act feminine, but no girl I’ve ever met does the outrageous and over-the-top things this group does. I don’t care, if you’re happy, that’s all that matters. But you annoy people and normal gay guys even more. So don’t get mad when someone tells you to quiet down or to get out of their face because you wanted to yell about “that other bitch who made you mad at the party last year….they are dramatic. But you’re in a library and people need quiet (or Starbucks or a hospital general places dictating you use an inside voice) and you’ve received equal rights and are a guy….if any person ever stands in front of me in my personal space and puts a hand up or snaps at me while using a rude tone, I am going to flip on you and will work at ripping your arms out of socket after breaking your jaw. Again, that’s a promise, but I’ve seen it before and you may get someone like me. Sorry, lots I don’t like about this sect. Again, just being honest, I wouldn’t hire anyone like this. I know saying that would be illegal, but just saying I know in my head that you will need to try the next building. Maybe a little extreme example, but you wouldn’t hire someone who identifies as an adult baby, would you? Fun and different aren’t common mainstays in Fortune 500 or better businesses. Just to end this, we know you’re gay. That’s awesome. I really am happy for you and you’re ability to live as a gay person with very few stigmas. That didn’t signal a need to display your feelings or personality, whatever you want it to fall under, to everyone. How pissed would you be if every Corvette driver always ran and yelled crazy things to any passerby that was also running and they decided to throw cans and bottles into crowds where they provide the make, model and basic specs of their car to everyone who turned around. This is what you do. Your extreme volume for conversations especially in crowded areas is the can, and you get an attitude if someone turns and looks. You know it’s on purpose.With some careful reading, you can find the thief, rude/mean disposition towards others, and most highlighted which is the laziness which carries an inconceivable belief that you are also owed something for doing this. And equal pay, simple, let’s do push-ups off the knees, any sport, games of strategy or skill such as chess or even scrabble, general job duties, I won’t keep acting like an ass because if you don’t get it, you don’t want to. I have heard the response that well of course we can’t lift heavy things….well then I have to do it. And you want us as equals but only when it suits you. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve worked with some of the best and hardest working women that I’ve ever seen. I came in with a female engineer and she wouldn’t dare ask for help, not from pride but she always wanted to try and get it done or figure out a way to do it. We had to literally force our way in to help. But I have worked with or trained more who didn’t ever want to do anything extra. It’s not necessary, but it shows you care.This is a novella, not a comment or post. Lol. To summarize the main points of hate:rape case epidemicas a a whole, lots of laziness or lazy choices while expecting some type of reward. So entitlement issuesThievery from a general higher disposition towards disability or paid periods for missed time. Having a baby is a choice and choices have consequences. Others shouldn’t have to subsidize the consequences of your choices because you believe it’s fair. Don’t have a kid at that time, adopt, or step away from work or change jobs with a workable schedule. Men now get like 8 weeks of “paternity” leave due to an attempt at equality. I wouldn’t take but the day of delivery and maybe a few with any complications. Be highly ashamed if you took this extended paternity leave because you know you are taking from the company and accepting a lazy option. I didn’t leave with pneumonia, came back the days after a somewhat invasive stomach surgery, and will always move the trash can beside me and throw up as much as I need. Dehydration or being highly contagious are the only missed time illnesses. I always try to make them up on my days off though. So don’t take what you didn’t earn and if offered anyway, turn it down or make it up. Today this isn’t specific to women, it’s one of the many terminal millennial diseases. I think I fall into that group by birthdate, but I don’t need to start on them, obviously I despise everything the generation is known for. Maybe a move to the south around blue collar people who respect their job and company and believe in honesty and integrity like they have nothing else. The best lesson would be the fact that you won’t even hear good job or any feedback unless you truly do well usually exceptionally well for your expectations. But let’s make sure all of the kids are all winners and failure should be ignored since you have unlimited attempts to win and if you can’t get it still, you still win! If I ever made less than a 95 on any test, ever had a poor pitching outing, had bad games under center, lost composure on the golf course, or let anger waste points on the tennis court; my parents never hit me but they made me understand and know (not believe) that decent or good just isn’t ever acceptable. Today, I only strive for perfection and excellence. Obviously I fail (quite often) but I learn from that and grow. Just stay away from my work area with any laziness or needs basically anything but an attitude which is generally “I’m finished and don’t have anything to do, what more can I do?” I think my seriousness about this has shown in this post, I hope if you’re lazy (and you know if you are), you see this and want to have this motivation. I don’t get an extra cent or any thanks for going above and beyond, I just owe that to the place and people who give me the chance to make a decent living.Thievery also applies to the equal pay concept. Women’s tennis players make the same for major tournament finishes as men. The men play at least 3 sets. The women play at most 3 sets. On top of a huge disparity in ground-stroke pace and quality and timing of angles off of setups. Serena basically just goes one side, the other but a bit wider and then back the other way which was angled near mid court ending the bounce give or take 3–6 ft beyond the service line in the alley. She just hits so much harder than anyone else. So returns to her get shorter and shorter allowing for more angle and a variety of depths to hit at. Men’s game has extremely long single points which is why some men employ a only a serve and volley style with slight variations. Andy Roddick had to serve 135–150 mph and then had a gigantic forehand swing to produce a high amount of front spin though which kept his opponent behind the baseline and eventually got him to the shorter returns and more options for winners. Some players have much more varied strategies and some have simpler ideas but their success is predicated on their first serve percentage (and win % on it) and their volume of winners on early rally points. They aim to win the point on the serve, on the first or on the second return. After that, they will expel little energy and try to over exaggerate angles or over hit. No woman has to carry a complex strategy or really have great power or accuracy. You just have to be a capable tennis player. Don’t think I’m being fair or this is exaggerated, then you don’t really understand the game or you don’t watch basically every 1000 or better tournament and most others if possible. I can do this for most jobs but not the non-technical positions such as secretary, receptionist, assistant or general labor. These all have specific tasks with little or no autonomy possible which keeps everything even or you won’t fit here.And finally being a “dick.” Just know that if you are like this with no reasoning other than you suck as a person, I truly believe the world would be better if you were gone. I get highly upset and have blind fits of rage when I deal with rude or mean acts or general disposition. One word with a raised tone and I will ask you to stop. Another, you better hope you are my customer or a woman because I will remove you from any location I am on for that. You ruin the world around you because you’re just pissy you weren’t given what you wanted and have no desire to work hard, and these people just despise me and people like me. But I’m now the de facto leader on location along with our crews service leader. You might think it’s just a joke or over-exaggeration that rude attitude or laziness while serving as engineer or ifs operator will send you packing. We have multiple crews and places for people to go. They can learn from that and try to make me look stupid for moving them and that’s my highest hope. The truth, most have quit and moved to another company in our industry because they don’t like the support management gave me. The first two mocked me and reported me to the head of operations and tried to scare me saying guys wouldn’t work for me and that people will get angry about the rule. I told them that we’ve got 11 other crews and requested they both be moved to our traveling crew who usually had to their job sites. The head of operations actually was my main backer and wanted to fire them for complaining about getting in trouble for doing something that we should be expected to keep out of our work. And that is the basis of the poor work overall, no repercussions for bad attitudes and mediocre or acceptable work. So they were going to allow it or we would have eventually lost me and one of them for fighting on location. I’m not sure if my true disgust of this trait or action is fully highlighted. They deserve to have to spend some time with a series us mental disorder or an addiction to something with very low recovery rate or a terminal illness. Maybe the last one and just forget to return it. But they need a sense of the confusion, fear and uncertainty that plagued people with these and other disorders and illnesses. They could never be mad again, and if they still are, two bottles of Jack and a handgun with one in the chamber because your a worthless person deep-down with no ability for happiness. But this is by choice due to your perceived or apparent failures in life, at work and have no other outlet to deal with these problems through. Because again, you choose to be a crappy person because you’re not as good as other people (OMG, we aren’t all winners? If you do suck at life in general, at least don’t try to make others as miserable as you are) so keep your little hurt feelings inside since there’s no boiling point here just a made-up feeling and be somewhat decent so people who are trying to better our jobs and company can work without knowing you even exist. Soon we won’t have any or any who show it. Women literally seem to have this “catty” attitude built in (my cats are the sweetest animals in the world and should never be compared to a female) but it’s just really them being “bitches.” I mean is it really derogatory if that’s how you’re acting? I would never lay a hand on a woman, but you’re not safe from any hurtful words if they are true.Just a final thought. I have only heard this once, but it will not be said again: the new engineer started a sentence with “you do know I’m a girl right…” I stopped her there and said “now you’re a Halliburton engineer and you can try or you can leave.” She left the next day and is still with the company as far as I know. She did really well and continues to do so. She also never stopped hating me. That means I did my job. Maybe she would have done the work anyway, or maybe she was so pissed at me that she wanted to make me look dumb. I hope that is the case. I can’t even motivate the younger engineers presently coming in. Everyone knows everything now and don’t care to take direction. Most can learn the work and how to run our programs. They have poor leadership traits and no real desire to lead or encourage teamwork. I would give them a pass for being young, but that trait is part of who you have developed into through your experiences, successes and failures. And with no desire to look foolish by being overly active and highly excited or motivated to perform or learn any and every little detail on location. People feed off of that and will fake it if they don’t really care because you don’t want to be the negative Nancy in the group. Soon, you will truly begin to display genuine excitement in the work which is carried over to your confidence as a leader to speak about the work in a positive and well-understood manner as well as your ability to perform the job as well as possible. Poor attitude and no drive literally breaks down all major aspects of any job hence the reason I truly hate those traits and won’t have them poisoning my work.

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How simple it is to send out contracts and NDA's to clients to get signed so I can get to work much quicker than normally it would take

Justin Miller