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If a cure for cancer already exists, then why isn’t it talked about more?

If a cure for cancer already exists, then why isn’t it talked about more?A reasonably simple answer (to this question) exists - however, it is only simple, if you have a good background understanding of :Medical Research - what drives it, and it’s methodologyClinical Practice - the medical codeThe Health SectorI can speak with some authority on this subject; having studied this area for around 800 hours… that is; study from morning until night, every day.Not school learning, but intense learning with purpose … effectively with a gun to my head.By good fortune; studying complex documents and joining the dots, was normal to me … the fact that this was medical research, caused no major problems, as it is inherently logical (by design).My diagnosis was a very large T3 stage bladder tumourI was informed that it was incurable… the cancer cells could never be eliminated.MVAC chemotherapy was prescribed, to stop the cancer from growing and spreading.Robotic surgery was booked for later in the year … I was to have a neo -bladder.This would result in me requiring lifelong medical care, and likely need to wear adult nappies.Hahaha … nobody has ever studied harder, and with more purpose than me!I approached the problem from an engineering perspectiveThe root cause of cancer, leading to long term healthThe core problem with chemotherapy - the short term cureThe root cause, revealed itself during the course of the studies.The key imperative was to understand why chemotherapy was failing … and then determine the solution.The chemotherapy ProblemChemotherapy efficacy is short lived.Most of its work is done in a few hours - hence why infusion duration determines efficacy.After 60 - 72 hours, the cancer cells begin dividing again.Yet due to the drug toxicity, the dose cannot be repeated for 14 days, to allow the body to repair the collateral damage that has been caused.During this time, the tumour also repairs itself … so the cancer is never killed off.The moment that this is understood… the solution concept becomes self evident :Continue hitting the cancer cells, between each chemo treatmentIn this way, the tumour never recovers.Each subsequent chemo treatment, further destroys the tumour, until it, and all the cancer cells are eliminated.There is no genius level thinking required, to figure that out.The only question was :Does a molecule exist… that can continue destroying the tumour, without destroying healthy cells?Ha!The medical record is full of such molecules … some more powerful than others.The most powerful, was way too successful.It caused a significant drop in cancer associated revenues, and American doctors were banned from using it.… most other national medical administrators followed suit, though the Germans and Swiss stood tall (well done them).The doctors fought back, taking the fight as far as the national congress … but failed to overcome the commercial interests.To this day … over 60 years later … in most countries, the oncologists are unable to use, prescribe, or recommend this molecule.The Good News… is that the ban only affects doctors.The public are free to buy and use this molecule … and they do.When I told my Oncologist that this molecule would be part of my protocol, he laughed.He said that it would be like sending in the SAS against the tumour.… He was right!In just 90 days, my enormous incurable cancer tumour had vanished.(presumably pissed down the toilet).3 months later … it was the same story.My blood results had all returned to normal.Oh yes … and I didn’t take any of the vast quantity of home medicines prescribed for me … just the Granocyte injections to rebuild my white blood cells.… and the protocol eliminated almost all chemotherapy side effects.… even after Cisplatin et al. I remained alert, and worked till 2.00am in my hospital room.The ShockHa!You will never understand ‘cartoon popping eyes’ unless you have seen it in a human.You must remember that my tumour was huge, and at T3 stage.This couldn’t happen.But it did.(the before and after images are included in the protocol document)EpilogueToo much work had been invested into this project, to simply claim the benefit for myself.Therefore, the next two months were spent writing up the protocol, and then translating it into French.Before release, I quickly programmed a forum, to enable updates, molecule sources, medical reports, and discussion.Little additional work has been done on the forum.I had excluded everything, whilst writing the protocol, so much catching up had to be done.I’ve still got pressing tasks to attend to, but hopefully life will settle again, and I can turn my attention to distribution, and filling in some of the gaps that were not dealt with in the protocol … brain defence, general strength, and energy.The protocol download is available here:General Guide | MRAC-P (English)Guide Général | MRAC-P (French)To download the document, you may need to spend a minute to register with the forum … quick and easy.For Doctors (and those interested), my full chemotherapy treatment is listed here: those with a cancer ailment …You will anyway need this protocol … it’s a full adjunctive protocol that you can discuss with your oncologist.I believe that it is now the norm, for oncologists to advise their patients to research complementary medicine … even the lead scientist at the University hospital advised me so (though at the time, he didn’t realise what would be the outcome).Most of the big cancer web sites suggest this to be the case.I would be interested to know if Alex Crandon offers this general advice?(Obviously Alex, your views on the protocol, positive or negative, would be ideal, but I do understand that this is a touchy subject vis a vis the aforementioned molecule)Either way, for those cancer sufferers who are not inclined to medical research, the MRAC protocol should come as a relief.Whether you gain the desired result … you will find out.What I would suggest is that you follow the protocol closely, and modify your eating habits… and keep in touch, via the forum, in order to help yourself, and others.To answer the original Question…If a cure for cancer already exists, then why isn’t it talked about more?Liam Goldstein explains this succinctly (though I disagree with him concerning doctors … in my experience, they are our friends).Otherwise, it is fully explained in the MRAC-P document.At this point, I’d like to address some of the other Quora contributors:Ernesto Gasulla - I would suggest that this research will be of interest to you.It is not specific to brain cancer, however there are certain cancer killing molecules that do cross the blood and brain membranes.One in particular (that I used successfully) is being studied and trialled for brain injury … there is every reason to assume that it ‘may’ have success against your brain cancer (purely due to its properties).On this basis alone, I would suggest that you should take an interest in what is said above, and the linked protocol document, (we can discuss it further if you wish at the linked forum address) .Regarding your assertion that a patent would be automatically be applied for (for any cure) … this is highly unlikely, due to the nature of the protocol (as described in the protocol document).Liam Goldstein - yes … every high ranking doctor would no doubt agree with your sentiments (in private) … that is assuming that you remove the bit that wraps them up in the commerce.Doctors must abide by the code of practice, or risk being struck off.Alex Crandon - You make a reasonable point, but in so doing, you mask certain fundamental aspects of certain groups of cancer, that lays these cancer cells open to be destroyed.On being informed of my protocol design, my oncologist immediately recognised it’s likely effectiveness … he suggested that it would be like sending in the SAS.The only problem for him, was that he could not access this molecule, even though he knew of its effectiveness against most cancers.(This is discussed in the protocol document)Eddie Leong - in all my extensive research, I never fell upon ‘urine treatment’… and I thought that I’d covered everything.Personally, I am wary of single substance cure-alls.Kyrani Eade - You raise an interesting theory - mind control over the body.In current times, there is no longer any dispute against the concept of the brain managing the chemical factory (the body).However, if a chemical reaction is missing a molecule … that reaction will not produce the desired result.On this basis, it would appear that the brain must consciously organise some molecule deliveries first … and perhaps then, it can do what it needs to do.The MRAC protocol deals with the molecule delivery.Best wishes to everyone.There is much to do….

What are your political views?

MY POLITICAL VIEWSMy political views, summed up as briefly as I can. I will try to make this short and sweet. But I know I’ll fail. For that, I apologize.Labels: Generally, I would say I am a liberal, and a moderate left-libertarian. If you want to get a bit more specific, I would say my views fit well into social democracy[1] or democratic socialism[2], depending on the specific policy issue and how you define those categories.Perspective: I am writing from a global perspective, but some things are specific to the U.S. and to Colombia where I’m more familiar with the political system.By issue:ENVIRONMENTAL/SCIENTIFIC ISSUESMassive, and I mean gargantuan, investment in clean energy, and, even more importantly, in non-oil-dependent, sustainable, environmentally-friendly economic growth. It includes greatly increasing scientific research grants into green technologies and massively increasing the pace of development, implementation, and commercialization of existing green technologies. We need these jobs. And we desperately need the technology. It should be obvious that it’s past time for what Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez call a “Green New Deal.”[3] This last bit is vitally important in oil-dependent economies in the Middle East (e.g. Saudi Arabia) and Latin America (e.g. Colombia and Venezuela).Immediately deprive oil companies and coal companies of all their tax credits and all corporate giveaways. Conversely, make it really easy for them if they make the switch to renewable energies and create jobs in the research, development, and commercialization of green technologies.Carbon Tax for all Corporations. The greener the corporation, the lower the Carbon Tax.Give teeth back to the Environmental Protection Agency. I would make them a fully-funded environmental research and defense organization to be truly reckoned with. The science is clear that we need to be really aggressive if we are ever to survive the effects of Climate Change as a species.Rejoining and sticking to the Paris Climate Accord faithfully and reaching its targets. Improving upon the targets would be even better.Beginning to very slowly ban gasoline cars in favor of electric cars. Beginning to very slowly ban non-biodegradables is also a good idea.Banning offshore drilling and fracking is a must.Educating people, especially young kids, in being generally conscientious about their environmental impact and their use of resources like water and electricity. Educating everyone about the environmental consequences of cattle farming and animal consumption.Increasing funding for NASA and the European Space Agency. Humanity’s future is NOT on Earth.In general, massively funding scientific/medical research across the board.Funding nuclear energy. It could be very, very useful if we harness it properly.Allowing GMOs and educating people about what GMOs mean.Prohibiting the teaching of pseudoscience like “creationism” and “intelligent design” in public, taxpayer-funded schools. And before conservative Christians get their pitchforks ready: yes, you can teach whatever nonsense you want as long as you’re not using public money.IMMIGRATIONImmediate amnesty and permanent residency, with a path to citizenship, for all undocumented immigrants who have lived in the country for at least 5–7 years without a criminal record, who have proof of continuously working or studying at least part-time, and who have proof of always having paid their taxes.The Dreamers should get automatic citizenship in the US.Abolish ICE.End the family separation policy at the U.S. Border. Return the children that still haven’t been returned to their parents and have the federal government pay for all expenses stemming from it, including transportation, and free mental health services for the children and parents that were traumatized beyond words by the experience.[4] [5] Prosecute everyone responsible. This was a cruel, vicious, unspeakable affront to children's rights as outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Child, which the U.S. signed onto in 1995.Accept a lot more refugees and asylum seekers but keep a tough vetting system.Allowing a relatively easy immigration process for highly-skilled or highly-educated immigrants without criminal records regardless of national origin. Why wouldn’t you want these people in your country?Revoking the so-called “Muslim ban” immediately.FOR ALREADY EMPLOYED UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS IN THE U.S. Legalize the employment of already-employed undocumented immigrants, and give them a special kind of work permit to get them out of the shadows, but force companies to abide by all work laws, like the minimum wage, in order to prevent exploitation of undocumented immigrants and to deter illegal immigration in the future. How would that work, you ask?If companies now have to pay an undocumented immigrant the same living wage as a citizen, there is a very high chance that undocumented labor is much less competitive in the future.It serves as both a penalty to the company for having hired undocumented immigrants (since now they have to pay them more) and a deterrent for future illegal immigration because in that case, companies will likely now tend to hire more citizens since it wouldn’t be a net benefit anymore to hire undocumented workers. Therefore, newly-arrived undocumented workers will have fewer job opportunities.If a newly-arrived undocumented immigrant is not already employed, it should still be illegal to hire them, and it should be grounds for a penalty for the company.Deport all undocumented and temporary immigrants with a criminal record of any kind. No second chances.In terms of the massive Venezuelan immigration into Colombia, I’d also propose a Latin American summit on the Venezuelan refugee crisis, whereby an agreement can be reached amongst many Latin American nations so we can all pitch in and help.I’d also propose that Colombia should have a much tougher vetting system for Venezuelan immigrants, and help with the issuing of passports (which the Venezuelan regime makes it impossible for them to acquire), but let them in if they pass.FOREIGN POLICY AND MILITARY ISSUESDiplomacy first, always. Non-intervention whenever possible. War should be the last resort. Military intervention should always abide by international law and be consented to by the UN first.Any military intervention in the case of preventing genocide, for instance, should be international.Any declaration of war by the US should, of course, have congressional approval - which has not happened in DECADES (World War II was possibly the last time the US waged a legal war, but don’t quote me on that).I wouldn’t cut foreign aid and would increase it where the budget allows.In Colombia, I would get rid of the mandatory military service.I would issue special protections against discrimination of LGBT troops. Allow LGBT people to serve openly in the military, and protect especially trans troops from harassment, discrimination, and discriminatory discharge from service.Recognizing Palestine (which Colombia only recently did[6] ). Otherwise, staying completely out of the Israel-Palestine conflict except for sending doctors, and humanitarian aid when needed.The US and Europe should, as fast as is rationally and judiciously possible, withdraw all non-humanitarian, non-medical troops from the whole of the Middle East, end all their wars there, immediately stop all drone strikes, and sever all economic and even diplomatic ties with Saudi Arabia.I would also institute very heavy economic sanctions on Saudi Arabia. They are terrorist sponsors, vile theocrats, and vicious violators of human rights.Form a huge international coalition to send humanitarian help to Yemen, and if necessary, threaten Saudi Arabia with even heavier sanctions if they get in the way of delivery of that humanitarian help.I would reject or rescind all or most arms deals - especially in the Middle East. The easiest way to stop terrorism is - shocker - not to arm the terrorists.Reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal and try to negotiate a similar pact with North Korea.Radically decrease the military budget (the US would still have the largest and best-funded military in the world by a huge margin if its budget was a fraction of what it is today).Seriously, why aren’t so-called “fiscal conservatives” up in arms about this? The US Defense Budget is so unnecessarily bloated, it’s downright obscene. How can the U.S. have the nerve to keep building warships, waging multiple wars, bombing several countries, and maintaining upwards of 900 military bases internationally, but then in the same breath argue that “Medicare for All” would just be too expensive?Give ALL veterans free healthcare, free education, free homes (if they are homeless), free mental health services. They deserve it.Close unnecessary military bases; close Guantánamo Bay.In Colombia, I would support a similar peace deal with ELN as I did with FARC. I would be in favor of trying paramilitary leaders and para-political leaders, like former president Uribe Vélez.In general, I support a hands-off approach.POLITICAL ISSUES, CORRUPTION, AND VOTING RIGHTSPolitically impartial drawing of political districts (prohibiting political gerrymandering).Term limits for Supreme Court and Congress.Election day should be a national holiday or at the very least a Sunday.Have clean elections by law, including, but not limited to:PUBLIC FINANCING OF POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS: Small individual donations should make up the overwhelming majority if not the totality of the funds for political campaigns.Sanction big money bundling (Bundling - Ballotpedia).Prohibit corporations, unions, and nonprofits, from donating at all to political campaigns unless it’s a very, very small donation. And they can never donate twice.Make all lobbyists’ meetings with members of Congress available on video for the public to see.Require all political candidates to release their tax returns.Repeal the Citizens United decision. Money is not free speech.16-year-olds should be allowed to vote.Register every 16-year-old citizen to vote automatically. If you must require a voter ID, give out a national ID for free to every citizen once they turn 16.Get rid of the electoral college altogether.Make all primaries open primaries. Get rid of Democratic superdelegates.HEALTH SYSTEM ISSUESUniversal taxpayer-funded health care - free at the point of service - is the gold standard. The one that shows the greatest public health outcomes throughout the medical literature time and time again. We must not accept anything less. Single-payer, universal health-care, Medicare-for-All, whatever you call it. That’s what should happen.A strong healthcare system that focuses on prevention and primary care radically improves public health outcomes.Mental health services should also be universal and taxpayer-funded.Dramatically lower the price of life-saving medications.Medically-assisted suicide should be legal. Euthanasia protects the fundamental dignity and autonomy of terminally-ill, suffering people.Require all children to be vaccinated according to the latest medical guidelines. Obviously, this includes not vaccinating kids with a medical contraindication (live vaccines in kids with immunodeficiencies, etc).Opt-out organ donation programs should be instituted nationally. That is, everyone is assumed to be a donor upon their death unless they went through the process to opt-out and withdraw from the organ donor list.Increase funding for medical research across the board.ECONOMIC ISSUESTight regulation of the financial system (Wall Street). They caused the greatest economic catastrophe since the Great Depression, they engaged in illegal practices that put people’s lives at stake and left many homeless and in total economic ruin, and they are and always will be a direct threat to the survival of the middle class. All of that is grounds for keeping them in check as much as possible.Greatly raising taxes on the rich, and all billion-dollar multinational corporations, etc. The lower the income, the lower the taxes. I generally support a progressive tax system.Great additional ideas include a wealth tax, like Elizabeth Warren’s ( is a good thing. Poor people and people who can’t work should have the benefits that could help them out of poverty.Also, there is some evidence that it could probably end up cheaper to just give all the homeless people free small, simple, one-bedroom apartments rather than taking care of all the health issues and other problems that go along with having them live on the streets. And also, you know, it’s the humane thing to do.At least make the apartments free for a couple of months and then make them relatively cheap so that these people can get back on their feet and soon are able to pay a reasonable rent.Raise the minimum wage - make it a living wage and tie it to inflation so it always remains a living wage. This living wage differs by county/city, so eventually, this is the level of government that would be involved in finding out what that wage would be.Strengthen work laws and support workers’ unions and a universal right to join a union.Paid vacation time of 3 weeks/ year.Paid maternity leave of at least 24 weeks wherever it doesn’t exist. Paid paternity leave of 10 weeks would also be a good idea.On trade, I lean towards protectionism, and I would only sign trade deals that do not outsource jobs and do not condone the exploitation of workers in developing nations.I’m on the fence about Universal Basic Income, but it’s been proven to work in a few places, so who knows. Also, with robots set to replace most human jobs over the next few decades, UBI is probably going to become a necessity rather soon.DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS AND DOMESTIC ISSUESFree speech should be absolute. No one should go to jail for something they said or posted online unless it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s a direct threat of violence, or treason, or libel or slander. The problem with a government ban on speech, even hate speech, is that it requires a watchman and a watchman for the watchman and so on, which would be both impractical and self-defeating. In the end, the line between watchman and censor is nonexistent.P.S. Burning a flag and political dissent should be protected speech wherever it isn’t.This doesn’t mean freedom from consequences. That is, the government should allow almost all speech, but if your employer wants to fire you for posting hate speech, that is their prerogative and they should be allowed to do so, and social media companies should close accounts they deem nonadherent to their terms of service.Campaign finance contributions are not free speech, though, so the Citizens United decision was wrong.Freedom of the press should be heavily protected everywhere.Net neutrality should be reinstated and heavily protected.The power of private companies to obtain and use your personal information should be greatly restricted and always require your consent.Enforce the laws that prohibit the government from spying on you or getting your information without a warrant.CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM ISSUESAbolish the death penalty immediately.Get rid of private prisons/police.Police cams should be universal, as this could help cut police brutality.Racial sensitivity training for the police should be mandatory and intensive.“White-collar” criminals should not get out of jail just by posting bail.The criminal justice system should be geared a lot more towards rehabilitation than it is now.Other ideas, best put forth by Bernie Sanders in his 2020 Criminal-Justice Reform (“Justice and Safety for All”) plan, include (Bernie’s Plan Rings in a New Era of Criminal Justice Politics):End civil-asset forfeiture.End cash bail.Ban militarization of the police.Prisoner bill of rights.Diverting funds from the police to other avenues that may end up supporting the work of the police like social workers, mental health services, domestic abuse experts, etc.EDUCATION ISSUESUniversal public education including public university/college should be tuition-free. If you’re intelligent and passionate enough to pass a very rigorous university entry exam, you have earned the fundamental right to study whatever profession you want without debt - to pursue your dreams. There should be subsidies, too, for people who can’t afford the textbooks, living arrangements, etc. Everything should be done to help the smartest people succeed. Because humanity needs as many intelligent and creative and passionate and ethical and humane and flourishing professionals as it can get.School curriculums should foster critical thinking and creative problem-solving a lot more and be geared towards nurturing a genuine desire for learning in students and for developing their individual skills. It should also be flexible enough for students to choose their areas of interest.Also, there should be courses on basic adulthood, like filing taxes, cooking, civics, basic accounting, driving, and car repair.Likewise, public-school programs in the arts, drama, creative writing, and music are incredibly important and should be fully funded as much as sports programs.Greatly raise the salary for teachers and fully fund public schools. Teachers shouldn’t have to take money out of their paycheck for their students’ supplies.SOCIAL ISSUESLGBT Rights: I am pro-LGBT rights. I am for the legalization of same-sex marriage and for allowing joint adoption for same-sex couples. Strict non-discrimination laws should also be enforced everywhere, and trans people should face no barriers to changing their government documents.In general, I think the government should ideally stay out of people’s romantic and sexual lives (obvious exception: sex crimes, duh).Abortion: I am pro-choice. Women should have the full right to choose whether or not to continue their pregnancy up until the fetus is viable. No questions asked. Her body, her choice. This means until the fetus has a nervous system that’s beginning to mature, and lungs which could grant it survival outside the womb. Embryologically, this happens at around 22–24 weeks.After that point, I think women should still have the right to choose but it should be restricted. That is, it should be down to the individual medical case.I want to stress that it is important to protect women’s right to choose any time in pregnancy in cases of (1) rape/incest, (2) in cases where the fetus has a life-threatening, devastating genetic/medical condition incompatible with life which has not been diagnosed before, and (3) in cases where the woman’s life and/or health is at stake.And, anyway, in the first case (rape/incest), the woman’s decision is almost universally made way, WAY before then (before the end of the first trimester), so the second and third cases remain the most important here.So-called “late-term” abortions (abortions after 24 weeks) make up such a tiny fragment of the cases, that it’s worth only understanding that they occur rarely and that in general, after 22–24 weeks, it becomes more about the individual medical history and the individual case. That is, the reason they mostly occur is that the fetus has a life-threatening, devastating genetic/medical condition incompatible with life which has not been diagnosed before, or because the woman develops a condition where her life and/or health is gravely in danger.My general stance is that the healthcare system should ensure that if an abortion is performed, it is performed by a highly qualified gynecologist and obstetrician, in a properly equipped hospital, which ensures that these procedures have as few risks as medically possible. Clandestine abortions kill lots of women. We can’t allow that to keep happening.Sex Education and Contraception: Sex education should be universally accessible, comprehensive, medically-accurate, evidence-based, fully scientific, free of any and all taboos, accepting, tolerant, and inclusive. It should also teach and stress the vital importance and the full meaning of consent in romantic and sexual relationships, and it should leave young people with the knowledge they need to make mature and properly-informed decisions about their sexual and romantic lives. It should also begin very early but every step of the way should be totally age-appropriate.Contraception must not be banned by the government at all, but ideally, it should be prescribed by a physician. Likewise:Planned Parenthood should be fully funded.Condoms should also be given for free at sexual health clinics as requestedConferences on sexual education and sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) should be free to attend for the public. This with the aim of dramatically lowering the STI-incidence rate, and the unwanted-pregnancy/teen-pregnancy rate.Race: I think affirmative action is a good idea we can’t get rid of just yet. However, I see a lack of education as the root of many of the cultural ideas that keep discrimination and racism alive. So I’d be in favor of cultural awareness courses, to speed up the positive changes that are very slowly happening in society. Very strict non-discrimination laws should also be the goal, and voting restrictions historically based on racism should be outlawed. (Voter ID laws, for instance)I have a similar view on how to foster gender equality. It’s all about education. But, I don’t think many countries are socially ready to get rid of things like hiring quotas and quotas in parliament for women. YET.Guns: I’ve written about that extensively here (Giliana P. García Acevedo's answer to What should be done about school shootings?).Drugs: In general, ending the war on drugs is a must. Legalize marijuana, decriminalize all other drugs, and release all non-violent drug offenders immediately, striking the drug offense from their record instantly. Have controlled use facilities where addicts have access to professionals trained in addiction medicine and to clean needles - this is proven to significantly lower HIV and Hepatitis B incidence rates. Give research grants to physicians who choose to specialize in addiction medicine in order to learn more about it, and open up more specializations in addiction medicine for nurses and doctors.Religion: All countries should be completely secular. There should be, like Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1802, “a wall of separation between church and state.” And in my view, it should be a mile-high wall with snipers and cameras and electricity. No public money goes to religious schools or organizations or houses of worship, there is no state religion, religion doesn’t enter into politics AT ALL, and religious organizations CANNOT be tax-exempt.Also, remember it goes both ways: your right to privately believe whatever you want and practice whatever religion you believe in, and also to be a nonbeliever, should be absolute. The only rule should be that you don’t hurt/harm somebody else. The government also can’t tell your house of worship what it has to preach or not preach. This way, your religion doesn’t mess with politics, and politics doesn’t mess with your religion.Certain demonstrably harmful religious practices like Gay Conversion Therapy Camps, Female Genital Mutilation, and the Circumcision of Infant Males should be banned.Circumcision should be allowed only as an elective procedure performed for religious/medical/personal reasons on a consenting male adult. It should still be allowed on a male infant/child, but only if a pediatric urologist or pediatrician certifies that there is a reasonable medical indication, whether it be absolute or relative (Medical aspects of male circumcision).Footnotes[1] Social democracy - Wikipedia[2] Democratic socialism - Wikipedia[3] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Bernie Sanders Discuss Climate Change[4] How Trump's Family Separation Traumatized Children[5] Listen to children who’ve just been separated from their parents at the border[6] Colombia reconoció a Palestina como un Estado, dice Embajada | ELESPECTADOR.COM

How has Kerala changed under Ooman Chandy?

A2A;Kerala’s tradition of anti-incumbency has arguably been the result of poor performance in office by a series of governments hobbled by the state’s all-pervasive and dysfunctional politics. This time, however, the outgoing UDF government led by Oommen Chandy is campaigning on a remarkable record of achievement. No single five-year government in Kerala’s history has achieved so much in a single term. Source: UDF’s Impressive Record May Drive its Comeback in Kerala: TharoorKochi MetroKochi Metro is an under-construction metro system for the city of Kochi in Kerala, India. The first phase is being set up at an estimated cost of₹5181 crore (US$770 million)Vizhinjam International Sea PortVizhinjam International Seaport is a proposed port by the Arabian Sea at Thiruvananthapuram in India. The total project expenditure is pegged at ₹ 6595 crores over three phases and is proposed to follow the landlord port model with a view to catering to passenger, container and other clean cargo.Kannur International AirportKannur International Airport (IATA: -, ICAO: VOKN) (Malayalam: കണ്ണൂർ അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര വിമാനത്താവളം) is an upcoming International Airport under construction at Mattanur in Kannur District, 25 kilometers from the citiesKannur and Thalassery, in the state of Kerala, India. It is being built on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model by the Kannur International Airport Ltd (KIAL).Once completed it will be the fourth and largest international airport in Kerala after Calicut, Cochin and Trivandrum making it the only state in India to have four international airports. Kannur International Airport will be the second greenfield airport to be set up in Kerala. The project is spread over 2,000 acres (810 ha).Proposed Bullet Train ServiceThe first phase of study regarding the Thiruvananthapuram-Kannur high-speed rail corridor project has been completed. The study conducted by DMRC says...Read more at: TVM-Kannur high-speed rail: 430 km in 145 minutesJana Samparka programmeUnfazed by the grim political challenges awaiting the Congress-led UDF in the Lok Sabha polls, Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has been visiting several places the state with his 'Mass Contact Programme' by directly engaging with people, mostly the less privileged, and pulling crowds.The second phase of the unique outreach campaign, which won the UN award for public service in July, has already seen Mr Chandy meeting hundreds of people in four districts and the exercise is to be completed by the year-end covering the remaining 10 districts. In the three editions of Chief Minister's Mass Contact Programme, a total of 7.89 lakh petitions were resolved, out of a total of 12.5 lakh. In 2011, out of the 5.45 lakh petitions, 2.97 lakh were resolved; in 2013, out of the 3.21 lakh petitions, 3.20 lakh were resolved and in 2015, out of the 3.83 lakh petitions, 1.72 lakh were resolved. The programme received the 2013 UNPS award.CM's Distress Relief FundTill December 31, 2015, Rs 540 crore has been disbursed through the Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund and Rs 6.27 crore disbursed to people outside Kerala. It was just Rs 120.24 crore that was disbursed during the period 2006-11.Karunya lotteryRaised Rs 1,200 crore and enabled the government to provide treatment to 23 lakh patients, including free care for cancer patients, a first in India; subsidised medicines for the less well off; and proper supply of medicines to government hospitals and dispensaries. Dozens of welfare schemes abound in other areas, including 35 kilos of free rice to those living below the poverty line.Up to Rs 2 lakh is given as treatment assistance. The income from Karunya Plus was also made part of this fund. The returns from the sale of lotteries in Kerala in 2010-11 were Rs 557 crore, which touched Rs 5445 crore in 2014-15. The commission of lottery sellers has been raised to 26%.Amballoor Electronic ParkAmballoor is located about 25 km from Ernakulam city. It is located along the Ernakulam - Thalayolaparambu main road. The site for the proposed project is a marshy area full of weeds and coconut palms. Only 10 families reside in this area.First of Its Kind in StateElectronic Park will be the first of its kind facility in the state. The park is being envisaged as an electronic hub to promote the manufacture and assembly of hardware, as well as the supporting infrastructure.Trivandrum AND Kozhikode Light MetroIn 12 June 2013, the State Cabinet gave clearance for an agreement to be signed between KMCL and DMRC. The DMRC will receive 3.25% of the ₹55.81 billion (₹ 35.90 billion for Thiruvananthapuram and ₹ 19.91 billion for Kozhikode) in general consultant fees. The agreement was signed on 19 June 2013. DMRC appointed interim consultant of the Rs 6728 crore Light Metro rail projects at Kozhikode and Thiruvananthapuram. DPR submitted to Union government for approval. Kerala Rapid Transit Corporation formed for the implementation of the project.Economic growth higher than national averageBased on current price, Kerala's economic growth has been 17% compared to the national growth rate of 17.5%. In 2011-12, Kerala registered 17% (India 15%), in 2012-13 it was 13% (India 13.3%), 2013-14 it was 13.4% (India 11.5%) and in 2014-15, Kerala registered a growth rate of 12.3% compared to the national growth rate of 10.50%.PSC AppointmentsAppointments to 1,39,192 persons through PSC till October 31, 2015, which is an all time record. After a gap of five years, 1182 differently-abled were given jobs. 1950 differently-abled persons, who were in service for 179 days from 1999 to 2003 by creating 2677 supernumerary posts.16 Medical CollegesAfter 35 years, the number of medical colleges in the State has risen to 16 from 5. New medical colleges started in Manjeri, Idukki and Palakkad. Cochin Cooperative Medical College has been taken over by the government. Work progressing on medical colleges in Thiruvananthapuram, Konni, Kasaragod, Wayanad and Harippad. Steps taken for the takeover of Pariyaram Medical College and for the elevation of Parippally ESI Hospital in Kollam to medical college. New dental colleges started at Alappuzha and Thrissur. Total number of MBBS seats risen from 900 to 1250.Rs 1156 crore for providing 585 medicines free of costIncluding 69 medicines for the treatment of cancer, 585 medicines are given free of cost to all category of patients at government run hospitals. Already Rs 1156 crore has been spent for the purpose. 39 Karunya pharmacies started to check prices of medicines and medicines sold at reduced prices of 20 to 93 per cent.Comprehensive Healthcare SchemeWith an objective to bring various healthcare assistance schemes under one roof, families with annual income of less than rupees three lakhs will come under the Comprehensive Healthcare Scheme, announced in the State Budget for 2015-16. Through a smart card, beneficiary can avail of assistance up to Rs 2 lakhs and would benefit 42 lakh families.Welfare Pensions Worth Rs 15,911 croreFour types of welfare pensions from the department of social justice worth Rs 14,400 crore; eight types of pensions from the department of Labour worth Rs 1511 crore and the farmer’s pension from the department of Agriculture worth Rs 400 crore have been disbursed. Pension from Social Justice Department goes to more than 32 lakh people. Welfare pensions are disbursed by the 18th of every month. An average of Rs 240 crore is spent through local self-government bodies for the disbursal of welfare pensions and Rs 14,400 crore spent in a five-year period. Per month Rs 600 is spend on all categories of labour pensions and reaches 17.60 lakh beneficiaries. In 2013, disbursal of farmer’s pension to small and medium scale began at the rate of Rs 600 per farmer above the age of 60. Total beneficiaries in this category stand at 3.35 lakh and Rs 400 crore spent within a period of two years.Strong Social Welfare Measures2546 persons were given treatment and 1922 persons follow-up treatment under the free cancer treatment scheme for children up to 18 years. Project ‘Thalolam’, providing free treatment to seriously ill children of up to 18 years was implemented in 15 hospitals. 8146 new persons were provided free treatment and 2355 persons follow-up treatment.Persons assisting bedridden patients round-the-clock are being provided monthly financial assistance through the project – Aswasa Kiranam. There are 63,544 beneficiaries in this category. It was just 680 persons when this government assumed office. The aim is to provide assistance to 90,000 in the current financial year.Free Cancer TreatmentFree cancer treatment through the Sukritham project is now available at RCC Thiruvananthapuram, Malabar Cancer Centre, medical colleges at Thiruvananthapuram, Alalppuzha, Kottayam, Thrissur, Kozhikode and General Hospital Ernakulam. RCC secured the NABL accreditation through a Rs 117 crore expansion programme. Cancer institute and research centre is getting ready in Kochi. Mammogram unit started at General Hospital Thiruvananthapuram. Facilities for cancer treatment made available in all districts of Kerala.Mother and ChildImplemented free delivery related treatment and neonatal care up to 30 days, under the Mother and Child project. Newborn screening to detect genetic disorders and 59 neonatal care centres started at 59 hospitals. Started school health programme that provides treatment and medicines to 48 lakh students in 13,270 schools.17,000 to benefit from teachers’ packageThe new teachers’ package will benefit 17,000 recognized aided teachers serving in regular posts till March 31, 2015.Neera ProductionFarmers given permission to tap alcohol-free Neera from coconut trees after amending the 112-year-old Abkari laws. Licence issued to 173 coconut producing federations and three pilot Neera production centres sanctioned under Kerala Agriculture University. State Coconut Development Corporation is in charge of marketing. By tapping Neera, an average monthly income of Rs 2100 is expected from a coconut tree.42,225 acres of land to tribal people Project‘Aasikkum Bhoom’ (the desired land) has provided land ranging from 25 cents to one acre. 524 landless scheduled tribe families were given 184 acre of land through the project. In the TRDM rehabilitation programme of landless scheduled tribes 6814 families were given 8971 acre of land. Based on ‘Right to Forest Land Act’ 25,649 persons residing in the forests were given possession certificates and 33,070 acres of land provided.Subsidy of Rs 837.27 crore for checking price hikeGovernment was able to check rise in prices of essential commodities by distributing them at subsidized rates. Compared to Rs 344.31 crore given as subsidy to Supplyco during the period of the previous government, the subsidy amount has been Rs 538.37 crore during the period of the current government. Rice was also included in the subsidized category of items in 2014-15 and 95,188 metric tons of rice was distributed at reduced price. Rs 44.4 crore was given to Horticorp for the supply of vegetables at reduced rates.Currently, through the 20,428 outlets of Nanma Stores under the ConsumerFed, 10 essential commodities are being distributed at 20% less the rate in the open market. ConsumerFed has already been provided Rs 254.50 crore compared to the Rs 117.71 crore given by the previous government.Rs 300 crore for 15,000 Coastal Houses15,000 houses built free of cost to homeless fishermen in the State. Rs 300 crore was provided for the purpose. Flats were also provided to 450 fishermen families for which Rs 48.75 crore was spent. Financial assistance for house construction hiked from Rs 50,000 to Rs 2 lakh, which will be provided as 100% subsidy.3.86 lakh petitions resolved at revenue adaalatOf the 4.72 lakh petitions received at the revenue adalats held in all districts of the State, 3.86 lakh were resolved. Orders also issued for effecting mutation the next day itself, following the registration of land. Earlier, this was allowed only after a period of 30 days from the date of registration.2132 Arrested in 'Operation Kubera'14,155 raids were conducted and 2132 persons arrested as part of 'Operation Kubera' meant for nabbing privately run loan mafia. Rs 466 lakh was seized as part of the operation. The government also launched focused operations that included 'Operation Suraksha' for checking the activities of thugs and anti-social elements; 'Subha Yatra 2015' for creating awareness on traffic rules; 'Operation Vatsalya' for tracing missing children and 'Operation Clean Campus' for preventing use of narcotic drugs inside campuses.Land Provided to 10,271 FamiliesThree cents of land each were provided to 10,271 families, under the 'Zero Landless' scheme. Districts of Kannur, Kasaragod and Idukki became the first in the country to become 'zero landless'. Phase II of the scheme is progressing.Title Deed to 1.24 lakh PersonsTitle deeds given to 1.24 lakh persons within a period of four years, compared to Rs 84,606 title deeds during the period of the previous government.IT Exports Touch Rs 15,000 CroreIT sector in Kerala has grown to the extent of direct employment to one lakh persons and income generation of Rs 15,000 crore from IT exports. It was just Rs 3000 crores worth IT exports when the UDF government came to power in 2011. The annual income on rentals from Technopark and InfoPark is now Rs 70 crore. With the commissioning of phase 1 of SmartCity and CyberPark, IT exports from Kerala would reach Rs 18,000 crore in 2016 and two lakh direct employment.Number One in MSMEs in the CountryKerala topped the nation in terms of number of enterprises and employment generation in a national survey of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, based on population and land area. During the period 2006-11, only a total of 31,995 MSME units were registered and 2.23 lakh job opportunities and an investment of only Rs 3247.11 crore, compared to the last four financial years that saw 51,899 new MSMEs, 2.97 employment opportunities and investment of Rs 8225.05 crore.SC Medical CollegeFor the first time in the country, a medical college was started under the department of Scheduled Caste in Palakkad in 2014-15. Rs 24.33 crore was spent for project. Of the total admissions, 70% is for scheduled caste students and 2% for students belonging to the scheduled tribe.35th National GamesKerala won acclaim for organizing the 35th National Games in a commendable manner. 1.52 crore people took part in 'Run Kerala Run' a publicity campaign held at 7000 centres in Kerala, which found a place in the Limca Book of World Records. As part of the national games, nine playfields were built and 17 got modernized. For the first-time in India a green-field stadium was built through public-private partnership in Thiruvananthapuram. All medal winners of Kerala were given cash awards and jobs.Domestic Milk Production Increased by 83.08%Achieved 83.08% increase in domestic milk production. State's milk production in 2011 was 67% of the domestic demand. Stability ensured for milk price and steps taken to check price of fodder. Year-long subsidy provided to farmers for purchasing fodder. Production of milk has reached 11 lakh litres from 6.42 lakh litres five years ago. The daily import of milk by Milma from neighbouring States in 2010-11 has come down from 6.5 lakh litres to 2.2 lakh litres.Timely Interventions in NRK IssuesGovernment helped 3835 persons who were stranded in strife torn countries like Iraq, Libya and Yemen to return home safely, for which Rs 1.43 crore was spent. Provided assistance to Malayalees during floods in Jammu Kashmir, Uttarakhand and for their safe return back home.Free Power Supply to Life-Support UsersPeople on life-support systems are being provided with free-of-cost power supply. Power connection given to houses of less than 100 sq m on lands not under anyone's possession. Consumer given the choice for purchasing meters directly from the manufacturer for avoiding the meter rent to KSEB.LED Bulbs at Token RatesTwo LED bulb of nine watts, costing Rs 400 each are being given to households at a token rate of Rs 95.Four By-Passes @ Rs 1466 croreFour by-passes worth Rs 1466 crore are nearing completion. Completed the 28.1 km long, Rs 145 crore Kozhikode by-pass in 18 months. By-passes in Alappuzha (Rs 348.43 crore), Kollam (Rs 352.05 crore) and Thiruvananthapuram (Rs 621 crore) are fast progressing. Rs 1824 crore sanctioned for renovation of roads in 2016.28 More Municipalities28 panchayats that have attained urban characteristics made municipalities and Kannur municipality elevated to corporation. 15 B grade municipalities elevated to A grade and 17 C grade municipalities to B grade.1.75 crore Digital CertificatesAs part of Project e-District, 1.75 crore digital certificates issued till December 10, 2015. 24 types of certificates are issued online by the Revenue department. All the 14 districts of Kerala are included in the 50 e-Districts in India. Completed the procedure for providing 1 GB connectivity in all grama panchayats, making Kerala the first digital State in India.Emerging KeralaWork has commenced on 56 projects, worth Rs 32,137 crore that were submitted during the global investor meet - Emerging Kerala. Of these projects, 14 projects of Rs 23,334 crore are under the department of Industries. Projects like BPCL Downstream, Kochi Petrochemical Park, Poly Isobutene project, BioNutra Park, Biomedical Devices Hub are some of the projects that would add to the outlook of Kerala in future. Already, projects like the joint venture by Mercedes Benz and the department of Higher Education, Bosch and department of Higher Education, Kids Lab by BASF India and the department of Science and Technology have started.Massive Participation in Start-UpsThe Start-Up village at Kalamassery in Kochi has become a role model for rest of the country. Within a short period, student and youth entrepreneurs have come up with 7000 odd concepts and have registered at the Start-Up Village. These young entrepreneurs are provided 4% grace marks and 20 per cent relaxation in attendance. During 2014-15 the turnover of start-ups from IT and IT related ventures was Rs 7.84 crore. Basic facilities for the start-ups were provided through government IT parks and Micro, Medium and Small-Scale clusters.Rs 20 lakh Loan to Young Entrepreneurs'Young Entrepreneurship Summit' held to assist youth with innovative industrial ventures to become young entrepreneurs and 'We Mission' meet held for the first time in India for women. Angel fund was formed to create initial capital and Seed fund to give additional assistance to young entrepreneurs. Incubation Centers were formed in colleges to realize the business concepts of students. For encouraging young entrepreneurs, Kerala State Entrepreneur Development Mission was formed. Already 2,834 ventures have been selected for the Rs 20 lakh interest-free loan scheme. 5000 persons were given training. Financial assistance provided to 650 ventures, out of which 450 have become fully functional. This scheme has provided direct jobs to 3000 persons and indirectly to almost the same number.Rs 220 crore National WaterwayThe 205 km Kollam-Kottappuram National Waterway, the only one in the State is getting ready for inauguration. For commencing the transportation of goods, Rs 150 lakh has been sanctioned for the construction of permanent berths at Udyogamandal and Chavara. The whole project is of Rs 220 crore.Rs 24,000 crore for PanchayatsRs 24,000 crore from Panchayat Plan fund provided to panchayats, which is an all-time record. For its activities in decentralization of power and empowerment of democracy, at the national level, Kerala stood second in 2011-12 and 2013-14, third in 2012-13 and took the first spot in 2014-15. Kollam district panchayat bagged the national award for the comprehensive welfare and development activities. Idukki and Veliyanadu block panchayats; Nadaapuram, Kaviyur, Marangattupally, Maneedu and Iraviperur grama panchayaths also won national awards. Kerala also won the national award for digitization of grama panchayats.Rs 3000 crore Japan drinking Water ProjectThe Rs 3000 crore Japan Drinking Water Project has been implemented successfully in Thriuvananthapuram, Meenadu (Kollam), Cherthala, Kozhikode and Pattuvam (Kannur). 41 lakh people are getting the benefit.4.5 Crore TouristsState Tourism Department is placed second in terms of contribution to the State’s GDP, which is 10%. In 2011-14, the State received 4.53 crore tourists and earned an income of Rs 87,754 crore.Backward Classes Development Department, CorporationsBackward Classes Development Department, Backward Classes Development Corporation, Backward Classes Commission and Minority Commission and Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities Limited to promote the comprehensive development and welfare of the economically backward sections among the forward communities of Kerala were formed. Loans worth Rs 1003.83 crore were disbursed by Backward Classes Development Corporation to 1.40 lakh people. Converted Christian Development Commission under the Backward Classes Development Department gave loans to the tune of Rs 28.09 crore to 10,534 people.Rs 6082 crore Through AswasAswas project was launched with the objectives of reducing loan arrears due to Cooperative Societies and Banks and also to provide relief to those struggling with loan repayment. Through the project, Rs 6082.19 crore was collected in terms of arrears and benefits of Rs 935.14 crore provided to loanees.Three Flyovers Worth Rs 212 croreNearing completion are the flyovers at Palarivattom (Rs 72.60 crore) and at Edappally (Rs 108.77 crore). The Rs 30.17 crore Kanjikuzhi flyover in Kottayam town will be completed in 18 months' time.245 Bridges of Rs 1600 croreConstruction of 245 bridges in different districts has been completed for which Rs 1600 was spent. The tenure of the current government witnessed the construction of maximum number of bridges in the State.Rs 2,403 crore KSTP Phase IIReceived World Bank assistance for the Rs 2,403 crore Phase II project of KSTP. Under this project, nine roads of 363 km is being developed as per international standards. They are Kasaragod-Kanhangad, Pilathara-Pappinissery, Thalassery-Valavupara, Thiruvalla by-pass, Chengannur-Ettumannur, Ponkunnam-Thodupuzha, Punalur-Ponkunnam and Perumbilavu-Perinthalmanna. The project will be over by September 2018.Construction of Six Major Roads of Rs 3,272 croreConstruction of Ramapuram-Nalambalam Darshanam road (Rs 50.75 crore), KanjikuzhiVettathukavala-Karukachal road (Rs 45.35 crore), Karamana-Kaliyikkavila NH (Rs 263 crore), Kuttippuram-Puthuponnani road (Rs 54.22 crore), Vallarpadam-Kozhikode coastal road (Rs 117.14 crore), Airport-Seaport road (Rs 216.97 crore) roads have become an asset to Kerala's basic development.Rs 100 crore Sewerage Plant at MuttatharaA Rs 100 crore sewerage treatment plant with capacity of 107 MLD has started functioning at Muttathara in Thiruvananthapuram. Steps are being taken to start plants at Kozhikode, Kochi and Kollam. Work on the first Septage Treatment Plant in the country has been completed at Brahmapuram in Kochi.Plastic Wastes at Rs TwoClean Kerala Company has been formed for the collection and processing of wastes. Kerala is the first State in the country to collect plastic wastes and e-wastes by giving money. Steps are being taken to start the first plastic processing plant in Kochi Corporation. Clean Kerala Company is collecting plastic wastes at a rate of Rs 2 per kg and e wastes at a rate of Rs 25 per kg. So far, 150 ton e-waste and 134 ton plastic waste have been collected. Discarded CFL bulbs, CDs and tube lights are also collected.Online Payment of Electricity BillAll section offices of KSEB Ltd have been computerized. Centralized Customer Care and Call Centre started for the consumers to register complaints and to get essential information. Online payment system provided for payment of electricity bills. Provided internet based remittance of electricity bills in all section offices.Electricity reaches 1.7 lakh rural homes1.7 lakh rural houses provided electricity connection through Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Scheme. 65,659 houses that come under the BPL category were given free of cost electricity connection. Rs 201.64 crore has been spent for the project.Record Financial Assistance to Public SectorAn all-time record financial assistance of Rs 899.90 crore has been sanctioned to 44 public sector undertakings under the Industrial department. e-Tender and e-Payment facilities introduced. Procedure completed for implementing e-Auction system in public sector undertakings.Rs 6,510 crore Spent on MNREGSMarked changes affected in the rural sector by spending Rs 6,510 crore through MNREGS. Each year, an average of 17 lakh families got employment. During 2006-11, the amount spent was just Rs 1508 crore. Work-time re-scheduled from 9 am to 5 pm. and the daily wage of Rs 150 was raised to Rs 227 in 2011. Assistance for education of children and gifts during Onam season were also provided to the families of workers by the government. Electronic Fund Management System introduced in all grama panchayats to credit wages of labourers directly to their bank accounts.Three lakh New Pipe ConnectionsThree lakh new pipe connections provided. Drinking water made available through 2.07 lakh publics taps. The target is to provide 4.19 lakh new connections this year.Paddy Procurement: 1.5 lakh Farmers to BenefitAchieved good progress in paddy procurement. In 2014-15, 5.50 tons of paddy was procured from 1.25 lakh farmers. Support price of paddy became Rs 21.50. 1.25 lakh farmers got the benefit.Raw Coconut ProcurementFor the first time in the State, a record 70213.69 tons of raw coconut was procured by KERAFED. For units that undertakes processing of raw coconut to copra, apart from the price of coconut the government is giving Rs 500 as financial assistance for a quintal of copra. The procurement price of raw coconut is Rs 25.Compensation to Crops Damaged by Wild AnimalsCompensation to crops damaged by wild animals can be given four times. The maximum is Rs 75,000/- Treatment assistance to those injured in wild animal attack has been raised to Rs 75,000. Sanction has been given to kill wild boars that destroy crops, subject to certain conditions.Stamp Duty: Benefits Worth Rs 1800 croreThe Stamp duty for partition, release, gift and settlement deeds executed between family members have been reduced to Rs 1000 and registration fees reduced by 1%. This will benefit 49 lakh people by Rs 1800 crore in terms of Stamp duty and Rs 300 crore in terms of registration fees.Undervaluation: Benefit of Rs 403 croreOne-time settlement scheme was implemented to settle arrear undervaluation cases. All undervaluation cases of title deeds involving land transactions of less than five cents in panchayats have been exempted. This will benefit about two lakh people by Rs 100 crore. 1,31,111 undervaluation cases were settled through one-time settlement scheme by paying a token amount as fee, which benefited that much number of families by Rs 303 crore.Motorized Tri-Scooters to 5010 PersonsMotorized Tri-Scooters were given to 5010 persons through the State Handicapped Persons’ Welfare Corporation and LSGs. Janani and Jathik, two mobile phone applications that utilizes GIS to monitor the health of newborn babies in Attapadi was introduced.Schemes for Endosulfan VictimsThose endosulfan victims who are getting disability pension from LSGs are given Rs 1700 per month and Rs 2200 to those who are not getting pension. Other endosulfan victims, suffering health issues are given monthly financial assistance of Rs 1200. Students in families affected by endosulfan are given Rs 2000, Rs 3000 and Rs 4000 as assistance for studying up to Plus Two. A special fund has also been sanctioned by Kasaragod district collector for the treatment of these students. Rs 51.30 crore has been sanctioned to the district collector for giving compensation of up to Rs 5 lakhs to victims of endosulfan.Hearing Ability to 581Cochlear implantation surgery done on 620 children through the Sruthi Tharangam project. The inability to hear was identified in these children at a very young age and got included in the project. The government gives Rs 5.10 lakh for a cochlear implantation surgery.Classical Language Status and University for MalayalamMalayalam University started at Thunchan Parambu and achieved Classical Language Status for Malayalam. Malayalam language got this status along with Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and Sanskrit. Viswa Malayala Mahotsavam celebrated after 34 years.Technology UniversityKerala Technological University set up under the department of Technical Education. All engineering colleges in the State are members of this University. 50,000 students will get the benefit.Police UniversityNational University for Police Sciences and Security Studies started. Graduate and postgraduate courses will be conducted on subjects related to police. Facilities for research will also be provided.Sree Narayana Studies in School SyllabusSree Narayana studies have been included in Malayalam and Social Science text books of class seven. In connection with the centenary celebrations of Daiva Dasakam of Sree Narayana Guru, the prayer song was published bearing the picture of the Guru. A topical book to evaluate the visionary values of Daiva Dasakam published. Rs 4 crore has been sanctioned to Sivagiri Sreenarayana Dharmasangham Trust for the constructing of a Convention Centre.720 new busesA subsidiary corporation by the name of KURTC started and 320 buses sanctioned. Purchase order given for buying 400 buses in the next phase. Bus terminals at Thiruvananthapuram, Thiruvalla and Kozhikode were commissioned on BOT basis. 10 multi-axle Volvo buses have been rolled out for service by spending Rs 10 crore. ePayment system and courier service started.See Kuttanad Double Decker'See Kuttanad' service started by using two double-decker passenger-cum-tourist boats that can accommodate 90 persons each. 45 steel boats are currently in operation. Bio toilet facility provided on passenger boats.Zoological ParkZoological Park is turning into a reality in Thrissur. e-Auction facility introduced for auctioning of wood. 390.50 lakh saplings distributed as per Haritha Keralam project. Kutti Vanam project started. 700 posts of tribal watchmen created and appointment given.215 core for SettlementsFor the development of 436 Scheduled Caste settlements in which 50 or more families are living, Rs 215 crore has been sanctioned at the rate of Rs 1 crore each for developing 215 settlements. So far Rs 94.42 crore has been spent and development activities at 25% of the settlements completed.Rs 665 crore for Buying Land; Rs 568 crore for House ConstructionThe financial help that is being given to the landless and homeless belonging to the SC category has been increased from Rs 75,000 to Rs 3.75 lakh in rural areas, Rs 90,000 to Rs 4.50 lakh in municipal areas and Rs One lakh to Rs 6 lakh in Corporation areas. Assistance for construction of houses increased from Rs One lakh to Rs Three lakh. Installments of grants given at a lower rate to beneficiaries earlier have been given remaining installments at higher rate. Rs 664.86 crore was given to 29,465 families for buying land and Rs 568.33 crore to 24,141 families for construction of new houses.Rs 43 crore for 43 Model ColoniesThe Model Colony project for which Rs One crore is being spent for one ST colony has so far come up with 43 model colonies at a cost of Rs 43 crore.Janani Janmaraksha SchemeThe scheme provides pregnant women belonging to ST community and lactating mothers with monthly financial assistance of Rs.1000, starting from the third month of pregnancy and up to 12 months after delivery has so far benefited 11,000 persons. Debt Relief To 12,216 Persons Loans worth Rs 140 crore, taken by 12,216 persons belonging to the ST category from banks and various other institutions had been written off. These were loans of up to Rs One lakh, pending payment as on 01-04-2014.Snehaveedu to 30,308By combining the general housing project of ST Development department, housing project using HUDCO loan, Indira Awas Yojana project of Rural Development department and the housing project of panchayats, the amount for constructing 30,308 houses under the comprehensive housing project, started in 2015-16 was increased from Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 3.5 lakh.Package for Primitive TribesThe package for primitive tribes worth Rs 148 crore saw 8001 persons getting the benefit of land, house, basic facilities and livelihood. 12 New Taluks, 31 New Villages 12 taluks and 31 villages were newly formed. Manjeswaram, Vellarikundu, Iritti, Thamarassery, Kondotti, Pattambi, Chalakkudy, Idukki, Konni, Kattakada, Varkala and Punalur are the new taluks.Title Deed for Revenue LandSteps taken to amend laws for providing title deeds to people who are living in revenue land for years. This will be completed within the tenure of this government.Coastal Ship TransportationCostal ship transportation project started. Commenced merchant ship service from Kollam, Beypore, Azheekal ports to ports in other States. As part of the project, ships transporting one ton of cargo will be given an incentive of Rs 1 for a km and Rs 1 for a km for passengers. Ponnani has become the first PPP port in the State.CIAL - Total Solar Powered AirportCIAL has become the first airport in the world to totally run on solar power. Work on the new Rs 1000 crore international terminal has begun. It has registered a record increase in terms of passengers and cargo.Debt Relief ProjectsRelaxed interest rate to those who repay short term agriculture loans without default, debt relief projects to members of SC / ST who have taken loans from cooperative societies and banks and special debt relief project for fishermen implemented.Rs 300 crore Cancer Care CentreRs 300 crore cancer care centre, equipped with the most modern of facilities, coming up in Kozhikode district at the initiative of cooperative bank. Flat complex is also coming up in Thiruvananthapuram.Vegetable Farming in 90,533 HectaresArea of vegetable farming increased from 42,447 hectares in 2011-12 to 90,533 hectares in 2014-15. Production also increased from 8.25 lakh tons to 15.32 lakh tons. Vegetable farming carried out on commercial basis through 2479 clusters of farmers in 12,400 hectares of land. 22 lakh vegetable seed kits were distributed to school students and women free of cost and achieved vegetable farming in household premises.Vigilant KeralaVigilant Kerala project started with public participation to combat corruption. Welcome to Vigilant Kerala Web Portal started as part of the project. If convinced that there is conviction in a government project or work then that can be post on website. Facility in place at Vigilance and Anti Corruption Bureau for receiving complaints through social media.Jail ChapatiChapati making unit started at Thiruvananthapuram Central Prison and food processing units started at Thiruvananthapuram, Kannur, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Kollam and Kozhikode prisons for providing quality food to the public at rates lower than the market rates. The income from this was Rs 8 crore in 2014. Rs 26 crore solar projects of 1078 KW capacity implemented at different prisons. CCTV system provided at Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur, Kannur and Ernakulam prisons at a cost of Rs 4.20 crore.Water Tax: 7253 Complaints RedressedIn the adalats that were conducted in all districts of the State, 7253 complaints related to arrears in water tax were resolved.Rs 1769 crore Rural Drinking Water ProjectUnder the rural drinking water project, 209 projects, estimated at Rs 1769 crore are being implemented and that too in a manner that a person gets 70 liters of drinking water per day. Taking into account the outstanding implementation of accelerated rural drinking water projects, Kerala Water Authority received an additional amount of Rs 169.70 crore from the Central government.Pipes Worth Rs 445 croreRs 445.37 crore spent for laying quality pipes. Use of concrete and AC pipes avoided. The diameter of drinking water pipes in the city area has been fixed at 150 mm and 80 mm in rural areas. The new drinking water projects should only use MS (mild steel), DI, PVC, PE pipes. PVC pipes should not be used where the diameter exceeds 160 mm. This new pipe policy has been formulated to prevent bursting of pipes. As part of the measures to prevent pipe bursts, Mild Steel pipes were laid from Aruvikkara to Peroorkada, replacing the old ones.22 Arts and Science CollegesFor the first time in the history of Kerala, 22 Arts and Science colleges were started in the government sector. 320 courses were also sanctioned in government-aided colleges.IITIndian Institute of Technology will come up in an area of 400 acres at Kanjikode in Palakkad District.Rajiv Gandhi Knowledge Centre for Career Studies and ResearchRajiv Gandhi Knowledge Centre for Career Studies and Research formed for the education and training of fishermen children and youth in the coastal area.22,300 Students Admitted to Plus Two62 government higher secondary schools and 167 aided higher secondary schools sanctioned. 22,300 students given admission to plus two courses in the 110 newly allotted 110 batches in the government sector and 336 in the aided sector.Aided Status to Buds SchoolsAided status given to special schools that are having strength of more than 100 students including Buds schools. In-principal approval has been given for granting aided status to special schools having strength of more than 50 students.Italian Marines to Abide by Indian LawsThe two Italian marines who shot dead fishermen off the Kerala coast were eventually made to abide by Indian laws and face trial in India.Kerala Model HealthcareKerala has become the first State in India to have Allopathy, Ayurveda and Homoeo hospitals in all panchayats. Kerala has also become a totally Ayurveda State by starting Ayurvedic treatment centers in all panchayats. Department of Ayush formed by coordinating the treatment streams of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy. Permanent Ayurvedic treatment centers were started at 77 places where the treatment was not available. 343 posts were created for this and postings done. 110 Homoeo dispensaries started and 446 new posts created and postings done.Rs 61 crore for Sabarimala Master PlanWorks worth Rs 61.27 completed as part of Sabarimala Master Plan, which is meant for providing basic facilities. Rs 10 crore given for Zero Waste Sabarimala project. Waste processing plant started at Sannidhanam. Works of walkway canopy, eight queue complexes and underpass from Pamba to Sannidhanam completed. Swami Ayyappan road readied for tractors to ply. Arogyabhavan at Pamba, Rs 523 crore renovation and repair of roads to Sabarimala undertaken. Rs 7 crore new bridge at Kanamala for making travel from Erumeli to Pampa easy and Rs 8.14 crore worth roads (14 m wide) with sidewalks at Nilakkal, facility for parking more than 10,000 vehicles, water-tank of 10 lakh liter capacity and two bore wells constructed. The roads to Sabarimala were renovated by spending 518 crore in connection with the pilgrimage season. Works of major roads leading to Sabarimala (75.2km) under heavy maintenance scheme and with five years guarantee were completed. These roads were constructed under heavy maintenance project which has a guarantee of 5 years. 124 km roads were renovated with a guarantee of three years.Centres for Imparting SkillStarted, the Kerala Academy for Skills Excellence, the nodal agency for providing skill excellence to the youth. Under this, Nursing Institute for Career Enhancement and Centre for Excellence in International Security at Thiruvananthapuram and Enlightened Skills Programme in Oil and Rig stated at Angamali. Indian Institute of Infrastructure and Construction started functioning at Chavara in Kollam. IIIC would soon start to function for making labourers skilled for undertaking model construction works of high standards at Chavara.Benefit to 10 lakh WorkersMore than half a century old Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishment Law and Rules amended in a timely manner. There are norms in the law for providing experience certificate to workers / employees, appointment order and hostel facility, which are to be given by the owner. The new law ensures crèche facility for the children of women workers, retiring room, clean toilets, seating facility inside retiring rooms and facility to deposit sanitary napkins. About 10 lakh workers will benefit through this amendment.Three Welfare Projects for WorkersAbout 10 lakh plantation workers, 2.5 lakh coir workers has been included in the Aam Admi Beema Yojana, which ensures comprehensive insurance protection from accidents to the families of workers in the unorganized sector. Rs 75,000 for death due to accident and permanent disability, Rs 30,000 for natural death and Rs 37,500 for partial disability are being given. Scholarships are also given to the children of those enrolled in the project and studying from classes 9 to 12 (including ITI), the amount being Rs 1200 per month. CHIS Plus project has been implemented for giving an additional amount of Rs 70,000, apart from the Rs 30,000 given for treatment of serious illnesses. This is for members of Comprehensive Health Insurance, meant for treatment assistance. Implemented Sanjeevani scheme for giving financial assistance of Rs 2 lakh to the descendants in the event of accidental death of a family head, who is a member of the Comprehensive Health Insurance and CHIS plus schemes.Minimum Wages RevisedWages were revised on two occasions in the plantation sector and were the highest increase in the history of the State. The new rates for rubber, coffee, tea and cardamom are Rs 381, Rs 301 and Rs 330 respectively. Wages were revised in the cashew sector too. Fair wages were also revised for the motor workers. Steps are being taken at a fast pace to renew minimum wages in all labour sectors that have completed its term. Minimum wages renewed in 16 labour sectors. In addition five new labour sectors included in the list of minimum wages.Nokku Kooli abolishedNokku Kooli has been banned State-wide. Complaints can be registered by calling the call centre number 155214 or the toll-free number 180042555214.Eleven Autonomous CollegesEleven autonomous colleges started in the State. Autonomous status awarded to Thiruvananthapuram Mar Ivanios College, Kollam Fathima Matha College, Changanassery S B, Sacred Heart, Maharajas College, St Theresa's College, Rajagiri College, Farook College, MES Mambadu, St Josephs Devagiri and St Thomas Thrissur. Over a period of time, these colleges can start new courses. In future, they will become autonomous universities. They can prepare syllabus, conduct exams and can announce results independently. Autonomous colleges will get aid from UGC.Wages Protection SystemWages protection system implemented for giving wages through banks to workers employed in different private sectors. Kerala is the first state to implement such a project. The officials of Labour department can now monitor online whether the wages as prescribed by the law are reaching the workers.Five Projects for Construction of HousesKerala State Housing Board freed from the loan liability to HUDCO by paying Rs 730.67 crore inclusive of interest. Five projects Saphalyam, Santhwanam, Sayoojyam, Saubhagyam and Grihasree were formulated to provide houses to the people belonging to all sections. The Budget share for the housing sector in these five projects was Rs 2,077.65 crore during 2010-11. This was increased to RS 3,259 crore during 2014-15. 2064 persons belonging to lower income group having 2 or 3 cents of land as their own has been given assistance for construction of homes ranging from 30 sq m to 60 sq m, under the Grihasree housing project. Rs 55.59 crore given to 8,235 houses under M N Laksham Veedu reconstruction project and 218 houses reconstructed at Bangladesh colony at Rs 15 crore. 216 flats under Saphalyam project for constructing flats to those belonging to the weaker sections at Chathannur in Kollam, Chelannur in Kozhikode, Chottanikkara in Ernakulam, Puthukadu in Thrissur are under construction. 500 more flats will be constructed in the second phase.Major LawsRight to Service Act: This law ensures that the public gets the required service within a stipulated period of time.Healthcare Service Persons and Healthcare Service Institutions (Prevention of violence) Act: Intended to prevent violence against healthcare service personnel and prevention of violence and property loss of healthcare service institutions.Kerala Prohibition of Charging Exorbitant Interest Act: Law for banning exorbitant interest rates on loans and for giving rigorous punishment for taking excess interest. More effective measures for the protection of river banks and for checking sand mining.Kerala Lifts and Escalators Act: For the erection, maintenance and security of lifts and escalators in Kerala.Thunchath Ezhuthachan Malayalam University Law: For the establishment of Malayalam University to enrich the studies and research on Malayalam language, literature and culture.State Minority Commission Act: Formation of the commission for the educational progress, welfare, protection and empowerment of minorities.State Youth Commission Act: Formation of a commission for the preparation of projects for making the youth well educated, empowerment and also for the protection of the rights of youth.Kerala Anti-Social (prevention) Activities Amendment Act: Amendment to make KAPA more rigorous and flawless.Fish Seed Law: Law to check production quality, marketing and storage of of fish seeds. CESS on KSRTC tickets to provide more facilities for commuters and for the social security of employees. Law to protect the interests of investors in different financial institutions.Devaswom Recruitment Board Law: Law to form a recruitment board for making appointments to various posts.APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Law: Law pertaining to the formation of Science and Technology University to encourage scientific and technological education.Real Estate Regulation Law: Law for the formation of a regulatory authority for controlling and supporting the real estate sector.Expatriate Indians (Keralites) Commission Act: Law for the formation of a commission to protect the interests and welfare of the expatriate Keralites inside the State. Law for the formation of a State Commission for forward communities. Law that allows PSC to undertake University postings.Malayalam Language (propagation and enrichment) Bill: Law that ensures adaptation of Malayalam as the official language, its usage at all levels and its propagation, enrichment and sustenance.100-Day MagicOut of the 107 programmes announced 102 could be completed within 100 days. 24x7 Call Centre, Disclosure of Personal Assets, Whistle Blower System, Settlement of Moolampilli, Chengara struggles and Enhanced security to Padmanbha Swamy temple were implemented successfully.Seven Streams ProjectsSeven-Stream Projects were implemented following the 100-day magic of the government. Seven paths were announced to attain the aim of development and care. The Seven-Stream Projects were announced on 17 November 2011. A total of 664 projects were announced under the seven streams. 91.71% of the projects have been achieved.RecognitionsCM’s Jana Samparka Paripadi received the UN Award for Public Service in 2013. It was for the first time that a chief minister in the country was selected for this prestigious award.CM’s Website received the Web Ratna Award of the Union government in 2012. Kerala received the IBN 7 Diamond State Award for its performance in the fields of education, health, environment and poverty alleviation.India Today State of the States Award in 2013 for achieving outstanding growth in the fields of education, macro economics, agriculture, consumer market and investment.Kerala received the first prize of the Union government in 2014-15 for its performance in decentralization of power and empowerment of democracy. The responsible tourism project implemented at Kumarakom won the Ulysses Prize, known as the Oscar in tourism sector.The publicity event ‘Run Kerala Run’ a mass run for National Game witnessed the participation of 1.52 crore people and earned a place in the Limca Book of World Records. The mass run was arranged at 7000 centers across Kerala.Kerala has continuously received the Energy Award from 2012 instituted by the Ministry of Power.Kerala also received the India Power Award in 2014 and the award of the Ministry of Power in 2015 for implementing the most number of Pico hydro electricity project.Courtesy: Achievements of UDF Government in Kerala : Ready Reckoner

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